Example #1
	std::ostringstream str;
	int viewing_side = rc.screen().viewing_side();
	const team &viewing_team = rc.teams()[viewing_side - 1];
	team_data td = rc.dc().calculate_team_data(viewing_team, viewing_side);
	char const *end = naps;
	if (viewing_side != rc.screen().playing_side()) {
		if (td.net_income < 0) {
			td.net_income = - td.net_income;
			str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOR);
			str << utils::unicode_minus;
		else {
			str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOR);
	else if (td.net_income < 0) {
		td.net_income = - td.net_income;
		str << span_color(font::BAD_COLOR);
		str << utils::unicode_minus;
	else {
		end = "";
	str << td.net_income << end;
	return text_report(str.str());
Example #2
text_box_rep::find_box_path (SI x, SI y, SI delta, bool force, bool& found) {
  (void) y;
  (void) force;
  found= true;
  STACK_NEW_ARRAY (xpos, SI, N(str)+1);
  if (is_nil (xk)) fn->get_xpositions (str, xpos);
  else {
    fn->get_xpositions (str, xpos, xk->padding);
    x += (xk->padding - xk->left);

  int prev_i, prev_x=0, i=0;
  while (i<N(str)) {
    prev_i= i;
    if (str[i]=='<')
      while ((i<N(str)) && (str[i]!='>')) i++;

    int m= (prev_x + xpos[i]) >> 1;
    if ((x<m) || ((x==m) && (delta<0))) {
      STACK_DELETE_ARRAY (xpos);
      return path (prev_i);
    prev_x= xpos[i];
  return path (i);
Example #3
static string
get_wide (string s, font fn, SI width) {
  ASSERT (N(s) >= 2 && s[0] == '<' && s[N(s)-1] == '>',
	  "invalid rubber character");
  string radical= s (0, N(s)-1) * "-";
  string first  = radical * "0>";
  metric ex;
  fn->get_extents (first, ex);
  if ((ex->x2- ex->x1) >= width) return first;

  string second = radical * "1>";
  metric ey;
  fn->get_extents (second, ey);
  SI w1= ex->x2- ex->x1;
  SI w2= ey->x2- ey->x1;
  if ((w2 <= w1) || (w2 > width)) return first;
  SI  d= w2- w1;
  int n= (width-w1) / (d+1);

  int credit= 20;
  while (true) {
    string test= radical * as_string (n+1) * ">";
    fn->get_extents (test, ey);
    if (ey->x2- ey->x1 > width || credit <= 0)
      return radical * as_string (n) * ">";
Example #4
text_box_rep::find_selection (path lbp, path rbp) {
  SI x1, y1, x2, y2;
  metric ex;
  fn->get_extents (str (0, lbp->item), ex);
  x1= ex->x2;
  fn->get_extents (str (0, rbp->item), ex);
  x2= ex->x2;
  if (!is_nil (xk) && N(str) != 0) {
    STACK_NEW_ARRAY (xpos, SI, N(str)+1);
    fn->get_xpositions (str, xpos, xk->padding);
    SI d= xk->padding - xk->left;
    x1= xpos[lbp->item] - d;
    x2= xpos[rbp->item] - d;
    if (lbp->item == 0) x1 += d;
    if (rbp->item == 0) x2 += d;
    if (lbp->item == N(str)) x1 += xk->right;
    if (rbp->item == N(str)) x2 += xk->right;
  fn->get_extents (str (lbp->item, rbp->item), ex);
  y1= ex->y1;
  y2= ex->y2;
  return selection (rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2),
		    find_tree_path (lbp), find_tree_path (rbp));
Example #5
text_box_rep::find_cursor (path bp) {
  metric ex;
  cursor cu (0, 0);
  int l= min (bp->item, N(str));
  fn->get_extents (str (0, l), ex);
  cu->ox= ex->x2;
  if (!is_nil (xk) && N(str) != 0) {
    STACK_NEW_ARRAY (xpos, SI, N(str)+1);
    fn->get_xpositions (str, xpos, xk->padding);
    SI d= xk->padding - xk->left;
    cu->ox= xpos[l] - d;
    if (l == 0) cu->ox += d;
    if (l == N(str)) cu->ox += xk->right;
  if (l != 0) {
    int k= l;
    tm_char_backwards (str, k);
    fn->get_extents (str (k, l), ex);
  cu->y1= min (ex->y1, 0);
  cu->y2= max (ex->y2, fn->yx);
  cu->slope= fn->get_right_slope (str);
  return cu;
Example #6
std::size_t font_hasher::hash(const font& v) {
    std::size_t seed(0);

    combine(seed, v.family());
    combine(seed, v.style());
    combine(seed, v.name());

    return seed;
Example #7
poor_bbb_font_rep::get_glyph (string s) {
  glyph gl= base->get_glyph (s);
  if (is_nil (gl)) return gl;
  font_metric fnm;
  font_glyphs fng;
  int c= base->index_glyph (s, fnm, fng);
  if (c < 0) return glyph ();
  return make_bbb (gl, c, wpen, hpen, fat);
Example #8
static config gray_inactive(reports::context & rc, const std::string &str)
	if ( rc.screen().viewing_side() == rc.screen().playing_side() )
			return text_report(str);

	return text_report(span_color(font::GRAY_COLOR) + str + naps);
Example #9
static config unit_abilities(const unit* u)
	if (!u) return report();
	config res;

	std::vector<bool> active;
	const std::vector<boost::tuple<t_string,t_string,t_string> > &abilities = u->ability_tooltips(&active);
	const size_t abilities_size = abilities.size();
	for ( size_t i = 0; i != abilities_size; ++i )
		// Aliases for readability:
		const std::string &base_name = abilities[i].get<0>().base_str();
		const t_string &display_name = abilities[i].get<1>();
		const t_string &description = abilities[i].get<2>();

		std::ostringstream str, tooltip;

		if ( active[i] )
			str << display_name;
			str << span_color(font::inactive_ability_color) << display_name << naps;
		if ( i + 1 != abilities_size )
			str << ", ";

		tooltip << _("Ability: ") << "<b>" << display_name << "</b>";
		if ( !active[i] )
			tooltip << "<i>" << _(" (inactive)") << "</i>";
		tooltip << '\n' << description;

		add_text(res, str.str(), tooltip.str(), "ability_" + base_name);
	return res;
Example #10
renderer_i::texture sfml2_renderer::make_text_label(const std::u32string& text,
                                                    const color& fill,
                                                    const font& font,
                                                    float point_size,
                                                    text_style style)
    const sfml2_font& tmp = dynamic_cast<const sfml2_font&>(*font);
    const sf::Font& sffont = tmp.sf_font();

    sf::String str(reinterpret_cast<const sf::Uint32*>(text.c_str()));
    sf::Text label(str, sffont, (int)point_size);
    sf::RenderTexture rt;

    auto size = label.getLocalBounds();
    if (!rt.create(size.width + 1, font->height(point_size) + 1))
        throw std::runtime_error("cannot create sf::RenderTexture");

    label.move(0, -label.getLocalBounds().top);
    return texture{new sfml2_texture{rt.getTexture()}};
Example #11
text_box_rep::get_leaf_offset (string search) {
  int pos= search_forwards (search, 0, str);
  if (pos == -1) return w();
  metric ex;
  fn->get_extents (str (0, pos), ex);
  return ex->x2- ex->x1;
Example #12
text_box_rep::adjust_kerning (int mode, double factor) {
  if (N(str) == 0) return this;
  SI pad= (SI) tm_round ((factor * fn->wfn) / 2);
  xkerning nxk (pad, 0, 0);
  if (!is_nil (xk) && (mode & PROTRUSION_MASK) == 0) {
    nxk->left = xk->left;
    nxk->right= xk->right;
  if ((mode & PROTRUSION_MASK) != 0) {
    nxk->left = -fn->get_left_protrusion  (str, mode);
    nxk->right= -fn->get_right_protrusion (str, mode);
  if ((mode & START_OF_LINE) != 0) nxk->left  -= pad;
  if ((mode & END_OF_LINE  ) != 0) nxk->right -= pad;
  return tm_new<text_box_rep> (ip, pos, str, fn, pen, nxk);
Example #13
static config unit_race(const unit* u)
	if (!u) return report();
	std::ostringstream str, tooltip;
	str << span_color(font::race_color) << u->race()->name(u->gender()) << naps;
	tooltip << _("Race: ") << "<b>" << u->race()->name(u->gender()) << "</b>";
	return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str(), "..race_" + u->race()->id());
Example #14
poor_stretched_font_rep::get_extents (string s, metric& ex) {
  base->get_extents (s, ex);
  ex->y1= (SI) floor (factor * ex->y1 + 0.5);
  ex->y2= (SI) floor (factor * ex->y2 + 0.5);
  ex->y3= (SI) floor (factor * ex->y3);
  ex->y4= (SI) ceil  (factor * ex->y4);
Example #15
poor_stretched_font_rep::index_glyph (string s, font_metric& fnm,
                                                font_glyphs& fng) {
  int c= base->index_glyph (s, fnm, fng);
  if (c < 0) return c;
  fnm= stretched (fnm, 1.0, factor);
  fng= stretched (fng, 1.0, factor);
  return c;
Example #16
poor_bbb_font_rep::index_glyph (string s, font_metric& fnm,
                                          font_glyphs& fng) {
  int c= base->index_glyph (s, fnm, fng);
  if (c < 0) return c;
  fnm= bolden   (fnm, fat, 0);
  fng= make_bbb (fng, wpen, hpen, fat);
  return c;
Example #17
static config gray_inactive(const std::string &str)
	if ( (resources::screen &&
			(resources::screen->viewing_side() == resources::screen->playing_side()) )
			|| !resources::screen )
			return text_report(str);

	return text_report(span_color(font::GRAY_COLOR) + str + naps);
Example #18
poor_distorted_font_rep::index_glyph (string s, font_metric& fnm,
                                                font_glyphs& fng) {
  int c= base->index_glyph (s, fnm, fng);
  if (c < 0) return c;
  //fnm= distorted (fnm, kind);
  fng= distorted (fng, kind, wfn);
  return c;
Example #19
static config unit_type(const unit* u)
	if (!u) return report();
	std::ostringstream str, tooltip;
	str << span_color(font::unit_type_color) << u->type_name() << naps;
	tooltip << _("Type: ") << "<b>" << u->type_name() << "</b>\n"
		<< u->unit_description();
	return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str(), "unit_" + u->type_id());
Example #20
rectangle BtStyle::get_min_size( const ustring& name, const font& mfont ) const
    unsigned long width;
    unsigned long height;
    mfont.compute_size( name, width, height );
    name_width = width;

    return rectangle( width + 2*padding, height + 2*padding );
Example #21
static config unit_moves(reports::context & rc, const unit* u)
	if (!u) return config();
	std::ostringstream str, tooltip;
	double movement_frac = 1.0;
	if (u->side() == rc.screen().playing_side()) {
		movement_frac = double(u->movement_left()) / std::max<int>(1, u->total_movement());
		if (movement_frac > 1.0)
			movement_frac = 1.0;

	std::set<t_translation::t_terrain>::const_iterator terrain_it =

	tooltip << _("Movement Costs:") << "\n";
	for (; terrain_it != preferences::encountered_terrains().end();
			++terrain_it) {
		const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = *terrain_it;
		if (terrain == t_translation::FOGGED || terrain == t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN || terrain == t_translation::OFF_MAP_USER)

		const terrain_type& info = rc.map().get_terrain_info(terrain);

		if (info.union_type().size() == 1 && info.union_type()[0] == info.number() && info.is_nonnull()) {

			const std::string& name = info.name();
			const int moves = u->movement_cost(terrain);

			tooltip << name << ": ";

			std::string color;
			//movement  -  range: 1 .. 5, movetype::UNREACHABLE=impassable
			const bool cannot_move = moves > u->total_movement();
			if (cannot_move)		// cannot move in this terrain
				color = "red";
			else if (moves > 1)
				color = "yellow";
				color = "white";
			tooltip << "<span foreground=\"" << color << "\">";
			// A 5 MP margin; if the movement costs go above
			// the unit's max moves + 5, we replace it with dashes.
			if(cannot_move && (moves > u->total_movement() + 5)) {
				tooltip << utils::unicode_figure_dash;
			} else {
				tooltip << moves;
			tooltip << naps << '\n';

	int grey = 128 + int((255 - 128) * movement_frac);
	SDL_Color c = create_color(grey, grey, grey);
	str << span_color(c) << u->movement_left() << '/' << u->total_movement() << naps;
	return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str());
Example #22
poor_bbb_font_rep::get_extents (string s, metric& ex) {
  base->get_extents (s, ex);
  if (N(s) == 0) return;
  STACK_NEW_ARRAY (xpos, SI, N(s)+1);
  get_xpositions (s, xpos);
  ex->x4 += xpos[N(s)] - ex->x2;
  ex->x2= xpos[N(s)];
Example #23
		static neogfx::size extents(const font& aFont, const_iterator aBegin, const_iterator aEnd)
			neogfx::size result;
			bool usingNormal = false;
			bool usingFallback = false;
			for (glyph_text::const_iterator i = aBegin; i != aEnd; ++i)
				result.cx += i->advance().cx;
				if (!i->use_fallback())
					usingNormal = true;
					usingFallback = true;
			if (usingNormal || !usingFallback)
				result.cy = aFont.height();
			if (usingFallback)
				result.cy = std::max(result.cy, aFont.fallback().height());
			return neogfx::size(std::ceil(result.cx), std::ceil(result.cy));
Example #24
static config unit_xp(const unit* u)
	if (!u) return report();
	std::ostringstream str, tooltip;
	str << span_color(u->xp_color()) << u->experience()
		<< '/' << u->max_experience() << naps;

	int exp_mod = unit_type::experience_accelerator::get_acceleration();
	tooltip << _("Experience Modifier: ") << exp_mod << '%';
	return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str());
Example #25
count_trace (font fn, array<int> cs) {
  array<int> a;
  for (int i= 0; i < N(cs); i++) {
    string s; s << ((char) cs[i]);
    glyph g= fn->get_glyph (s);
    if (is_nil (g)) return "";
    a << pixel_count (g);
  return array_trace (a);
Example #26
static config unit_defense(reports::context & rc, const unit* u, const map_location& displayed_unit_hex)
	if(!u) {
		return config();

	std::ostringstream str, tooltip;
	const gamemap &map = rc.map();
	if(!rc.map().on_board(displayed_unit_hex)) {
		return config();

	const t_translation::t_terrain &terrain = map[displayed_unit_hex];
	int def = 100 - u->defense_modifier(terrain);
	SDL_Color color = int_to_color(game_config::red_to_green(def));
	str << span_color(color) << def << '%' << naps;
	tooltip << _("Terrain: ") << "<b>" << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).description() << "</b>\n";

	const t_translation::t_list &underlyings = map.underlying_def_terrain(terrain);
	if (underlyings.size() != 1 || underlyings.front() != terrain)
		bool revert = false;
		for (const t_translation::t_terrain &t : underlyings)
			if (t == t_translation::MINUS) {
				revert = true;
			} else if (t == t_translation::PLUS) {
				revert = false;
			} else {
				int t_def = 100 - u->defense_modifier(t);
				SDL_Color color = int_to_color(game_config::red_to_green(t_def));
				tooltip << '\t' << map.get_terrain_info(t).description() << ": "
					<< span_color(color) << t_def << '%' << naps
					<< (revert ? _("maximum^max.") : _("minimum^min.")) << '\n';

	tooltip << "<b>" << _("Defense: ") << span_color(color)  << def << '%' << naps << "</b>";
	return text_report(str.str(), tooltip.str());
Example #27
math_font_rep::init_font (int fn_nr, font& fn) {
  tree t= font_name [fn_nr];
  if (is_tuple (t, "virtual", 3))
    fn= virtual_font (this, as_string (t[1]), as_int (t[2]),
		      (int) tm_round (as_int (t[3]) * zf));
    fn= find_magnified_font (t, zf);
  ASSERT (!is_nil (fn), "font not found");
  fn->copy_math_pars (base_fn);
  font_table [fn_nr]= fn;
Example #28
		font fallback_font(font aFont) const
			if (!use_fallback())
				return aFont;
				font fallbackFont = aFont.fallback();
				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < iFallbackIndex; ++i)
					fallbackFont = fallbackFont.fallback();
				return fallbackFont;
Example #29
rubber_stix_font_rep::get_font_sub (int nr) {
  switch (nr) {
  case 0: return base;
  case 1: return base->magnify (sqrt (2.0));
  case 2: return base->magnify (2.0);
  case 3:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsD-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsD-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 4:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsUp-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsD-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 5:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 6:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXSizeOneSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXSizeOneSym-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 7:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXSizeOneSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXSizeOneSym-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 8:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 9:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 10:
    if (reg) return unicode_font ("STIXSizeFourSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
    else return unicode_font ("STIXSizeFourSym-Bold", base->size, dpi);
  case 11: return unicode_font ("STIXSizeOneSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
  case 12: return unicode_font ("STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
  case 13: return unicode_font ("STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
  case 14: return unicode_font ("STIXSizeFourSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
  case 15: return unicode_font ("STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular", base->size, dpi);
  case 16: return rubber_assemble_font (base);
  case 17: return rubber_assemble_font (get_font (11));
  default: return base;
Example #30
	void graphics_context::draw_glyph_underline(const point& aPoint, const glyph& aGlyph, const font& aFont, const colour& aColour) const
		auto yLine = logical_coordinates()[1] > logical_coordinates()[3] ?
			(aFont.height() + aFont.descender()) - std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_position()) :
			-aFont.descender() + std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_position());
		const i_glyph_texture& glyphTexture = !aGlyph.use_fallback() ? aFont.native_font_face().glyph_texture(aGlyph) : aGlyph.fallback_font(aFont).native_font_face().glyph_texture(aGlyph);
			aPoint + point{ glyphTexture.placement().x, yLine },
			aPoint + point{ glyphTexture.placement().x + glyphTexture.extents().cx, yLine },
			pen{ aColour, std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_thickness()) });