Example #1
void idCmdSystemLocal::ArgCompletion_FolderExtension( const idCmdArgs &args, void(*callback)( const char *s ), const char *folder, bool stripFolder, ... ) {
    int i;
    idStr string;
    const char *extension;
    va_list argPtr;

    string = args.Argv( 0 );
    string += " ";
    string += args.Argv( 1 );
    common->FatalError("idCmdSystemLocal::ArgCompletion_FolderExtension TODO");
#ifdef TODO
    if ( string.Icmp( completionString ) != 0 ) {
        idStr parm, path;
        idFileList *names;

        completionString = string;

        parm = args.Argv( 1 );
        parm.ExtractFilePath( path );
        if ( stripFolder || path.Length() == 0 ) {
            path = folder + path;
        path.StripTrailing( '/' );

        // list folders
        names = fileSystem->ListFiles( path, "/", true, true );
        for ( i = 0; i < names->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
            idStr name = names->GetFile( i );
            if ( stripFolder ) {
                name.Strip( folder );
            } else {
                name.Strip( "/" );
            name = args.Argv( 0 ) + ( " " + name ) + "/";
            completionParms.Append( name );
        fileSystem->FreeFileList( names );

        // list files
        va_start( argPtr, stripFolder );
        for ( extension = va_arg( argPtr, const char * ); extension; extension = va_arg( argPtr, const char * ) ) {
            names = fileSystem->ListFiles( path, extension, true, true );
            for ( i = 0; i < names->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
                idStr name = names->GetFile( i );
                if ( stripFolder ) {
                    name.Strip( folder );
                } else {
                    name.Strip( "/" );
                name = args.Argv( 0 ) + ( " " + name );
                completionParms.Append( name );
            fileSystem->FreeFileList( names );
        va_end( argPtr );
int Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, idStrList &list ) {
	struct dirent *d;
	DIR *fdir;
	bool dironly = false;
	char search[MAX_OSPATH];
	struct stat st;
	bool debug;


	debug = cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "fs_debug" );

	if (!extension)
		extension = "";

	// passing a slash as extension will find directories
	if (extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0) {
		extension = "";
		dironly = true;

	// search
	// NOTE: case sensitivity of directory path can screw us up here
	if ((fdir = opendir(directory)) == NULL) {
		if (debug) {
			common->Printf("Sys_ListFiles: opendir %s failed\n", directory);
		return -1;

	while ((d = readdir(fdir)) != NULL) {
		idStr::snPrintf(search, sizeof(search), "%s/%s", directory, d->d_name);
		if (stat(search, &st) == -1)
		if (!dironly) {
			idStr look(search);
			idStr ext;
			if (extension[0] != '\0' && ext.Icmp(&extension[1]) != 0) {
		if ((dironly && !(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) ||
			(!dironly && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)))



	if ( debug ) {
		common->Printf( "Sys_ListFiles: %d entries in %s\n", list.Num(), directory );

	return list.Num();
Example #3
int idResourceContainer::ReadManifestFile( const char* name, idStrList& list )
	idFile* inFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( name );
	if( inFile != NULL )
		list.SetGranularity( 16384 );
		idStr str;
		int num;
		inFile->ReadBig( num );
		for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			inFile->ReadString( str );
			list.Append( str );
		delete inFile;
	return list.Num();
Example #4
void GetFileList(const char* dir, const char* ext, idStrList& list) {

	//Recurse Subdirectories
	idStrList dirList;
	Sys_ListFiles(dir, "/", dirList);
	for(int i = 0; i < dirList.Num(); i++) {
		if(dirList[i] == "." || dirList[i] == "..") {
		idStr fullName = va("%s/%s", dir, dirList[i].c_str());
		GetFileList(fullName, ext, list);

	idStrList fileList;
	Sys_ListFiles(dir, ext, fileList);
	for(int i = 0; i < fileList.Num(); i++) {
		idStr fullName = va("%s/%s", dir, fileList[i].c_str());
Example #5
void LoadGuiParmExcludeList(idStrList& list) {

	idStr fileName = "guiparm_exclude.cfg";
	const char *buffer = NULL;

	if ( fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, (void**)&buffer ) > 0 ) {
		src.LoadMemory( buffer, strlen(buffer), fileName );
		if ( src.IsLoaded() ) {
			idStr classname;
			idToken token;

			while ( src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
		fileSystem->FreeFile( (void*)buffer );
int Sys_ListFiles(const char *directory, const char *extension, idStrList &list)
	idStr		search;
	struct _finddata_t findinfo;
	int			findhandle;
	int			flag;

	if (!extension) {
		extension = "";

	// passing a slash as extension will find directories
	if (extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0) {
		extension = "";
		flag = 0;
	} else {
		flag = _A_SUBDIR;

	sprintf(search, "%s\\*%s", directory, extension);

	// search

	findhandle = _findfirst(search, &findinfo);

	if (findhandle == -1) {
		return -1;

	do {
		if (flag ^(findinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) {
	} while (_findnext(findhandle, &findinfo) != -1);


	return list.Num();
Example #7
int Sys_ListFiles( const char* directory, const char* extension, idStrList& list )
	struct dirent* d;
	DIR* fdir;
	bool dironly = false;
	char search[MAX_OSPATH];
	struct stat st;
	bool debug;
	debug = cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "fs_debug" );
	// DG: we use fnmatch for shell-style pattern matching
	// so the pattern should at least contain "*" to match everything,
	// the extension will be added behind that (if !dironly)
	idStr pattern( "*" );
	// passing a slash as extension will find directories
	if( extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0 )
		dironly = true;
		// so we have *<extension>, the same as in the windows code basically
		pattern += extension;
	// DG end
	// NOTE: case sensitivity of directory path can screw us up here
	if( ( fdir = opendir( directory ) ) == NULL )
		if( debug )
			common->Printf( "Sys_ListFiles: opendir %s failed\n", directory );
		return -1;
	// DG: use readdir_r instead of readdir for thread safety
	// the following lines are from the readdir_r manpage.. fscking ugly.
	int nameMax = pathconf( directory, _PC_NAME_MAX );
	if( nameMax == -1 )
		nameMax = 255;
	int direntLen = offsetof( struct dirent, d_name ) + nameMax + 1;
	struct dirent* entry = ( struct dirent* )Mem_Alloc( direntLen, TAG_CRAP );
	if( entry == NULL )
		common->Warning( "Sys_ListFiles: Mem_Alloc for entry failed!" );
		closedir( fdir );
		return 0;
	while( readdir_r( fdir, entry, &d ) == 0 && d != NULL )
		// DG end
		idStr::snPrintf( search, sizeof( search ), "%s/%s", directory, d->d_name );
		if( stat( search, &st ) == -1 )
		if( !dironly )
			// DG: the original code didn't work because d3 bfg abuses the extension
			// to match whole filenames and patterns in the savegame-code, not just file extensions...
			// so just use fnmatch() which supports matching shell wildcard patterns ("*.foo" etc)
			// if we should ever need case insensitivity, use FNM_CASEFOLD as third flag
			if( fnmatch( pattern.c_str(), d->d_name, 0 ) != 0 )
			// DG end
		if( ( dironly && !( st.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) ) ||
				( !dironly && ( st.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) ) )
		list.Append( d->d_name );
	closedir( fdir );
	Mem_Free( entry );
	if( debug )
		common->Printf( "Sys_ListFiles: %d entries in %s\n", list.Num(), directory );
	return list.Num();
Example #8
void idCmdSystemLocal::ArgCompletion_FolderExtension( const idCmdArgs &args, void(*callback)( const char *s ), const char *folder, bool stripFolder, ... ) {
	int i;
	idStr string;
	const char *extension;
	va_list argPtr;

	string = args.Argv( 0 );
	string += " ";
	string += args.Argv( 1 );

    // taaaki: ensure that we clear the auto-complete list for the (d)map commands in case missions are
    //         installed/uninstalled while the game is running
	if ( string.Icmp( completionString ) != 0 || string.Icmp( "map " ) == 0 || string.Icmp( "dmap " ) == 0 ) {
		idStr parm, path;
		idFileList *names;
        const char* gamedir = NULL;

        // check if a fan mission has been set and that the "map" or "dmap" command is being used
        idStr currFm = cvarSystem->GetCVarString("fs_currentfm");
        if ( currFm.Icmp( "darkmod" ) != 0 && ( string.Icmp( "map " ) == 0 || string.Icmp( "dmap " ) == 0 ) ) {
            gamedir = currFm.c_str();

		completionString = string;

		parm = args.Argv( 1 );
		parm.ExtractFilePath( path );
		if ( stripFolder || path.Length() == 0 ) {
			path = folder + path;
		path.StripTrailing( '/' );

        // taaaki: don't include folders if we are looking for the currentfm .map file
        //         this is a bit of a hack :/
        if ( !gamedir ) {
            names = fileSystem->ListFiles( path, "/", true, true, gamedir );

		    for ( i = 0; i < names->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
			    idStr name = names->GetFile( i );
			    if ( stripFolder ) {
				    name.Strip( folder );
			    } else {
				    name.Strip( "/" );
			    name = args.Argv( 0 ) + ( " " + name ) + "/";
			    completionParms.Append( name );
		    fileSystem->FreeFileList( names );

		// list files
		va_start( argPtr, stripFolder );
		for ( extension = va_arg( argPtr, const char * ); extension; extension = va_arg( argPtr, const char * ) ) {
			names = fileSystem->ListFiles( path, extension, true, true, gamedir );
			for ( i = 0; i < names->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
				idStr name = names->GetFile( i );
				if ( stripFolder ) {
					name.Strip( folder );
				} else {
					name.Strip( "/" );
				name = args.Argv( 0 ) + ( " " + name );
				completionParms.Append( name );
			fileSystem->FreeFileList( names );
		va_end( argPtr );