Example #1
void printLists (const list<int>& l1, const list<int>& l2)
    cout << "list1: ";
    copy (l1.cbegin(), l1.cend(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
    cout << endl << "list2: ";
    copy (l2.cbegin(), l2.cend(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," "));
    cout << endl << endl;
Example #2
bool ProcessList::any_of_process_is_running(const list<wstring> & processes)
	auto running_processes = get_processes();

	return any_of(processes.cbegin(), processes.cend(),
		[&](auto process) { return find(running_processes.cbegin(), running_processes.cend(), process) != running_processes.cend(); });
Example #3
File: main.cpp Project: CCJY/coliru
bool Person::isFriend(const Person &p) const
    for (auto it = following.cbegin(); it != following.cend(); ++it) {
        if (*it == p.follower)
            return true;
    return false; 
void PCAKNN::train(const list<Interval> &intervals, const bool console_output) {
    if (intervals.size() == 0) return;
    projections.clear(); n = 0;

    width = intervals.front().start->face.cols;
    height = intervals.front().start->face.rows;

    list<Interval>::const_iterator itr;
    vector<Face>::const_iterator start, end;
    //add the number of images from all intervals
    for (itr = intervals.cbegin(); itr != intervals.cend(); itr++) {
        n += itr->Length();

    Mat pca_matrix(static_cast<int>(n), width*height, data_type);
    int c = 0;
    for (itr = intervals.cbegin(); itr != intervals.cend(); itr++) {
        //for each image in the current interval
        for (start = itr->start, end = itr->end; start != end; start++, ++c) {
            if (console_output) printf("Preparing samples %d/%d\n", c + 1, n);
            //insert current image into pca_matrix
            Mat image_row = start->face.clone().reshape(1, 1);
            Mat row_i = pca_matrix.row(c);
            image_row.convertTo(row_i, data_type);//CV_64FC1 ?
            Face f; f.name = start->name;
            projections.push_back(f);//save the names for later

    if (console_output) printf("TRAINING...\n");
    //Perfrom principal component analysis on pca_matrix
    PCA pca(pca_matrix, Mat(), CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW, pca_matrix.rows);

    //extract mean/eigenvalues
    mean = pca.mean.reshape(1, 1);
    ev = pca.eigenvalues.clone();
    transpose(pca.eigenvectors, w);

    //project each face into subspace and save them with the name above for recognition
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
        if (console_output) printf("Projecting %d/%d\n", i + 1, n);//project so subspace
        projections[i].face = subspaceProject(w, mean, pca_matrix.row(i));
Example #5
void RemoveDup(list< int >& lList)
	cout << "Before : ";
	copy(lList.cbegin(), lList.cend(), ostream_iterator< int >(cout, " "));

	set< int > sSet;
	for (list< int >::iterator it = lList.begin(); it != lList.end();)
		auto rtn = sSet.insert(*it);	
		if (false == rtn.second)

	cout << endl << "After : ";
	copy(lList.cbegin(), lList.cend(), ostream_iterator< int >(cout, " "));
list<float> NRZ_L_Enc::encode(const list<bool>& in) {
	list<float> output;
	for(auto citer = in.cbegin(); citer != in.cend(); ++citer) {
		if(*citer) {
		else {

	return output;
Example #7
void ode_solver::print_trace(ostream& out,
                             string const & key,
                             int const idx,
                             list<pair<interval, IVector>> const & trajectory) const {
    out << "{" << endl;
    out << "\t" << "\"key\": \"" << key << "\"," << endl;
    out << "\t" << "\"mode\": \"" << m_mode << "\"," << endl;
    out << "\t" << "\"step\": \"" << m_step << "\"," << endl;
    out << "\t" << "\"values\": [" << endl;
    if (!trajectory.empty()) {
        auto iter = trajectory.cbegin();
        print_datapoint(out, iter->first, iter->second[idx]);
        for (++iter; iter != trajectory.cend(); iter++) {
            out << ", " << endl;
            print_datapoint(out, iter->first, iter->second[idx]);
        out << endl;
    out << "\t" << "]" << endl;
    out << "}" << endl;
Example #8
// copy of above function for list<>.
// todo: make this a templated function
bool basicEffect::bindWithShapes(list<basicShape *>& _shapes){
	if(_shapes.size()==0) return false;
	bool success = true;
	for(auto _shape=_shapes.cbegin(); _shape!=_shapes.cend();	++_shape){
		if( *_shape == NULL ){
			success = false;
		// prevent adding the same shape several times
		for(auto it=shapes.begin(); it!=shapes.end();	++it){
			if( *_shape == *it ) continue;  // already exists
		//shapes.push_back( *_shape );
		shapes.insert(shapes.end(), *_shape);
	return success;
Example #9
void WriteJson::parse(const list<double> &values, const string &&type) {
  parseContainers(values.cbegin(), values.cend(), type);
Example #10
bool lessForCollection (const list<int>& l1, const list<int>& l2)
    return lexicographical_compare
                (l1.cbegin(), l1.cend(),   // first range
                 l2.cbegin(), l2.cend());  // second range
Example #11
void print_list(const list<int>& x) {
	for (auto it = x.cbegin(); it != x.cend(); ++it)
		std::cout << *it << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;