Example #1
 *      You can use GPU for that
 * */
Transform_Cloud (    matrix <Point_XYZI> & In_Cloud,
                     matrix <Point_XYZI> & Out_Cloud,
                     Eigen::Affine3f & Transform )
    if ( & In_Cloud != & Out_Cloud )
        Out_Cloud.Set_Dimensions ( In_Cloud.Get_Dimensions() );

    // Dataset might contain NaNs and Infs, so check for them first,
    // otherwise we get errors during the multiplication (?)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < In_Cloud.Get_Num_Of_Elem (); ++i) {

        XYZI cur_point = In_Cloud.data[i];

        if (    ! isfinite (cur_point.x) || 
                ! isfinite (cur_point.y) || 
                ! isfinite (cur_point.z) )

        // FIXME - rewrite - 
        // too complex 
        // use SSE ???
        Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> pt ( cur_point.x, cur_point.y, cur_point.z );
        XYZI result;
        result.x = static_cast<float> (Transform (0, 0) * pt.coeffRef (0) + Transform (0, 1) * pt.coeffRef (1) + Transform (0, 2) * pt.coeffRef (2) + Transform (0, 3));
        result.y = static_cast<float> (Transform (1, 0) * pt.coeffRef (0) + Transform (1, 1) * pt.coeffRef (1) + Transform (1, 2) * pt.coeffRef (2) + Transform (1, 3));
        result.z = static_cast<float> (Transform (2, 0) * pt.coeffRef (0) + Transform (2, 1) * pt.coeffRef (1) + Transform (2, 2) * pt.coeffRef (2) + Transform (2, 3));
        result.w = cur_point.w;
        Out_Cloud.data[i] = result;
Example #2
convert_to_point_cloud (
                            matrix <Point_XYZI_Color> & Point_Cloud,
                            pcl::PointCloud < pcl::PointXYZ> & pcl_cloud
    for (unsigned int z = 0; z < Point_Cloud.Get_Num_Of_Elem(); z++)
        pcl::PointXYZ one_more;

        XYZI_Color cur_point = Point_Cloud.data[z];

       one_more.x = cur_point.vertex.x;
       one_more.y = cur_point.vertex.y;
       one_more.y = cur_point.vertex.z;

        pcl_cloud.push_back (one_more);
Example #3
convert_to_point_cloud (
                            matrix <Point_XYZI> & Vertex_Point_Cloud, 
                            pcl::PointCloud <pcl::PointXYZI> & pcl_cloud   
    for (unsigned int z = 0; z < Vertex_Point_Cloud.Get_Num_Of_Elem(); z++)
        pcl::PointXYZI one_more;

        XYZI cur = Vertex_Point_Cloud[z];
        one_more.x = cur.x; 
        one_more.y = cur.y; 
        one_more.z = cur.z;
        one_more.intensity = cur.w; 

        pcl_cloud.push_back (one_more);
