global func NOFF_QueryCatchBlow(object projectile, ...)
	// 100% shield if allied
	var w_controller = projectile->GetController();
	var t_controller = GetController();
	if (w_controller >= 0) // NO_OWNER is probably lost controller management (e.g. chain reactions). Always hit.
		if ((t_controller == ENEMY) == (w_controller == ENEMY)) // ENEMY can't hit ENEMY and others can't hit others.
			return true; // reject
	if (this.NOFF_backup_qcb) return this->NOFF_backup_qcb(projectile, ...);
	return false;
Example #2
global func FxHitCheckDoCheck(object target, proplist effect)
    var obj;
    // rather search in front of the projectile, since a hit might delete the effect,
    // and clonks can effectively hide in front of walls.
    var oldx = target->GetX();
    var oldy = target->GetY();
    var newx = target->GetX() + target->GetXDir() / 10;
    var newy = target->GetY() + target->GetYDir() / 10;
    var dist = Distance(oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
    var is_human = GetPlayerType(target->GetController()) == C4PT_User;

    var shooter = effect.shooter;
    var live =;

    if (live)
        shooter = target;

    if (dist <= Max(1, Max(Abs(target->GetXDir()), Abs(target->GetYDir()))) * 2)
        // We search for objects along the line on which we moved since the last check
        // and sort by distance (closer first).
        for (obj in FindObjects(Find_OnLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy),
                                Sort_Distance(oldx, oldy)))
            // Excludes
            if (!obj) continue; // hit callback of one object might have removed other objects
            if(obj == target) continue;
            if(obj == shooter) continue;
            if (is_human) {
                if (obj == g_windgen1) continue;
                if (obj == g_windgen2) continue;
                if (obj == g_windgen3) continue;
                if (obj == g_windmill) continue;

            // Unlike in hazard, there is no NOFF rule (yet)
            // CheckEnemy
            //if(!CheckEnemy(obj,target)) continue;

            // IsProjectileTarget or Alive will be hit
            if (obj->~IsProjectileTarget(target, shooter) || obj->GetOCF() & OCF_Alive)
                if (!target)
public func HitObject(object target, ...)
	// Go by controller
	var w_controller = GetController();
	var t_controller = target->GetController();
	if (w_controller >= 0) // NO_OWNER is probably lost controller management (e.g. chain reactions). Always hit.
		if ((t_controller == ENEMY) == (w_controller == ENEMY)) // ENEMY can't hit ENEMY and others can't hit others.
			return false;
	// OK, hit it
	return inherited(target, ...);