bigint::bigint (const string& that){
   auto itor = that.cbegin();
   bool isnegative = false;
   if (itor != that.cend() and *itor == '_') {
      isnegative = true;
   //cout << "bigint ctor: making bigint?" << endl;
   auto itorator = that.crbegin();
   //int newval = 0;
   digit_t temp;// = '9';
   auto end = that.crend();
   if(isnegative) --end;
   while (itorator != end){
      //cout << "bigint ctor:" << temp << "<- temp" << endl;
      temp = *itorator;/////hmmmmmmmm.............///////////
      //cout << "bigint ctor:" << temp << "<- temp" << endl;
      //temp = static_cast<digit_t>(;
      // newval = newval * 10 + *itor++ - '0';
   if(isnegative) negative = true;
   else negative = false;
   //DEBUGF ('~', this << " -> " << big_value)
CFastaDeflineReader::x_ExcessiveSeqDataInTitle(const string& title, 
    TFastaFlags fasta_flags) 
    if (fasta_flags & CFastaReader::fAssumeProt) {
        return false;

    // Check for nuc or aa sequence at the end of the title
    const TSeqPos kWarnNumNucCharsAtEnd = 20;
    const TSeqPos kWarnNumAminoAcidCharsAtEnd = 50;

    // Check for nuc sequence
    if (title.length() > kWarnNumNucCharsAtEnd) {
        TSeqPos numNucChars = 0;
        for (auto rit=title.crbegin(); rit!=title.crend(); ++rit) {
            if (!s_ASCII_IsUnAmbigNuc(*rit) && (*rit != 'N')) {
        if (numNucChars > kWarnNumNucCharsAtEnd) {
            return true;

    // Check for Aa sequence
    if (title.length() > kWarnNumAminoAcidCharsAtEnd) {
        TSeqPos numAaChars = 0;
        for (auto rit=title.crbegin(); rit!=title.crend(); ++rit) {
            const auto ch = *rit;
            if ( !(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')  &&
                 !(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ) {
        if (numAaChars > kWarnNumAminoAcidCharsAtEnd) {
            return true;
    return false;
 int lengthOfLastWord(string s) {
     string::const_reverse_iterator wordEnd = s.crbegin();
     while (wordEnd != s.crend() && *wordEnd == ' ') {
     string::const_reverse_iterator wordBegin = wordEnd;
     while (wordBegin != s.crend() && *wordBegin != ' ') {
     int len = wordBegin - wordEnd;
     return len;
Example #4
 string addBinary(string a, string b) {
     const int base = 2;//进制
     int length = max(a.length(), b.length());
     string ans;
     int c = 0;//进位
     auto ita = a.crbegin();
     auto itb = b.crbegin();
         int numa = 0, numb = 0;
         if(ita != a.crend()){
             numa = (*ita++) - '0';
         if(itb != b.crend()){
             numb = (*itb++) - '0';
         ans.push_back((numa + numb + c) % base + '0');
         c = (numa + numb + c) / base;
     reverse(ans.begin(), ans.end());
     return ans;
Example #5
decimal::decimal(const string& val)
	for (auto it = val.crbegin(); it != val.crend(); ++it) {
		char c = *it;
		if (c == ',') {
		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
			digits.push_back((digit) (c - '0'));
		} else {
			throw invalid_argument("Not a digit: " + string{c});
Example #6
// Add the string of alignment characters to the alignment in reverse order
void Alignment_t::addStringReversed(string & s) {
    string::const_reverse_iterator rit = s.crbegin();
    string::const_reverse_iterator rend = s.crend();

    char c;
    size_t n = 1;
    while (rit < rend) {
        n = 1;
        c = *rit;
        // Check for the same consecutive characters
        while ( c == *(++rit)) n++;
        this->addSymbol(c, n);
bigint::bigint (const string& that) {
    auto itor = that.cbegin();
    bool isnegative = false;
    negative = false;
    digit_t digit;//
    if (*itor == '_') {
        isnegative = true;
        negative = true;//
    int newval = 0;
    auto ritor = that.crbegin();
    while (ritor != that.crend() and *ritor != '_' and *ritor != '+') {
        digit = (*ritor - '0');//
        newval = newval * 10 + *ritor++ - '0';
        //cout << digit + '0' << endl;
    long_value = isnegative ? - newval : + newval;
    //DEBUGF ('~', this << " -> " << long_value)