Example #1
wxRegKey::StdKey wxRegKey::ExtractKeyName(wxString& strKey)
  wxString strRoot = strKey.BeforeFirst(REG_SEPARATOR);

  size_t ui;
  for ( ui = 0; ui < nStdKeys; ui++ ) {
    if ( strRoot.CmpNoCase(aStdKeys[ui].szName) == 0 ||
         strRoot.CmpNoCase(aStdKeys[ui].szShortName) == 0 ) {

  if ( ui == nStdKeys ) {
    wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("invalid key prefix in wxRegKey::ExtractKeyName."));

    ui = HKCR;
  else {
    strKey = strKey.After(REG_SEPARATOR);
    if ( !strKey.empty() && strKey.Last() == REG_SEPARATOR )
      strKey.Truncate(strKey.Len() - 1);

  return (StdKey)ui;
Example #2
void CSimplePanelBase::EllipseStringIfNeeded(wxString& s, wxWindow *win) {
    int x, y;
    int w, h;
    wxSize sz = GetSize();
    win->GetPosition(&x, &y);
    int maxWidth = sz.GetWidth() - x - SIDEMARGINS;
    win->GetTextExtent(s, &w, &h);
    // Adapted from ellipis code in wxRendererGeneric::DrawHeaderButtonContents()
    if (w > maxWidth) {
        int ellipsisWidth;
        win->GetTextExtent( wxT("..."), &ellipsisWidth, NULL);
        if (ellipsisWidth > maxWidth) {
            w = 0;
        } else {
            do {
                s.Truncate( s.length() - 1 );
                win->GetTextExtent( s, &w, &h);
            } while (((w + ellipsisWidth) > maxWidth) && s.length() );
            s.append( wxT("...") );
            w += ellipsisWidth;
Example #3
void Page::SetName(wxString& myname) {
	if(!myname.IsEmpty()) {
	       	name = myname;
	} else {
		name = file.GetFullName();
Example #4
wxString SectionFieldDescriptor::Format(wxString& value)
    if ( value.Length() > GetSize() ) {
        return value.Truncate(GetSize());
    } else {
        wxString addon(GetFiller(), GetSize() - value.Length());
        if ( GetAlignment() == FA_LEFT ) {
            return value + addon;
        } else {
            return addon + value;
Example #5
/** @brief Read a string from an input stream
 * @param in wxInputStream&
 * @param out_String wxString&
 * @return bool
static bool ReadString( wxInputStream& in, wxString& out_String )
    int len;
    if (!ReadInt(in, len))
        return false;
    if (len == 0)
        out_String = out_String.Truncate(0);
        return true;
    if (!in.CanRead())
        return false;
    char buffer[len + 1];

    in.Read( buffer, len );
    buffer[len] = '\0';

    out_String = wxString::FromUTF8(buffer);

    return true;
inline void ConfigManager::Collapse(wxString& str) const
    const wxChar *src = str.c_str();
    wxChar *dst = (wxChar*) src;
    wxChar c;
    size_t len = 0;

    while ((c = *src))

        *dst = c;

        if (c == _T('/'))
        while (*src == _T('/'))
Example #7
inline void RemoveTrailingSeparator(wxString& str)
  if ( !str.empty() && str.Last() == REG_SEPARATOR )
    str.Truncate(str.Len() - 1);
Example #8
void DebuggerTree::ParseEntry(WatchTreeEntry& entry, Watch* watch, wxString& text, long array_index)
    if (text.IsEmpty())
//    Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("DebuggerTree::ParseEntry(): %s"), text.c_str()));
    while (1)
        // trim the string from left and right

        // find position of '{', '}' and ',' ***outside*** of any quotes.
        // decide which is nearer to the start
        int braceOpenPos = FindCharOutsideQuotes(text, _T('{'));
        if (braceOpenPos == -1)    braceOpenPos = 0xFFFFFE;
        int braceClosePos = FindCharOutsideQuotes(text, _T('}'));
        if (braceClosePos == -1) braceClosePos = 0xFFFFFE;
        int commaPos = FindCommaPos(text);
        if (commaPos == -1) commaPos = 0xFFFFFE;
        int pos = std::min(commaPos, std::min(braceOpenPos, braceClosePos));

        if (pos == 0xFFFFFE)
            // no comma, opening or closing brace
            if (text.Right(3).Matches(_T(" = ")))
                text.Truncate(text.Length() - 3);
            if (!text.IsEmpty())
                entry.AddChild(text, watch);
            // display array on a single line?
            // normal (multiple lines) display is taken care below, with array indexing
            if (watch &&
                watch->is_array &&
                braceOpenPos != 0xFFFFFE &&
                braceClosePos != 0xFFFFFE)
                wxString tmp = text.Left(braceClosePos + 1);
                // if more than one opening/closing brace, then it's a complex array so
                // ignore single-line
                if (text.Freq(_T('{')) == 1 && text.Freq(_T('}')) == 1)
                    // array on single line for up to 8 (by default) elements
                    // if more elements, fall through to the multi-line display
                    int commas = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("debugger"))->ReadInt(_T("/single_line_array_elem_count"), 8);
                    if (tmp.Freq(_T(',')) < commas)
                        // array watch type
                        tmp[braceOpenPos] = _T('[');
                        tmp.Last() = _T(']');
                        entry.AddChild(tmp, watch);
                        text.Remove(0, braceClosePos + 1);

            wxString tmp = text.Left(pos);
            WatchTreeEntry* newchild = 0;

            if (tmp.Right(3).Matches(_T(" = ")))
                tmp.Truncate(tmp.Length() - 3); // remove " = " if last in string
            if (!tmp.IsEmpty())
                // take array indexing into account (if applicable)
                if (array_index != -1)
                    tmp.Prepend(wxString::Format(_T("[%ld]: "), array_index));
                    // if array element would occur multiple times, gdb adds as default "<repeated xx times> to the output
                    // so we have to look for it and increase the array_index correctly
                    // as default we increase by 1
                    long incIndex = 1;
                    if (reRepeatedElements.Matches(tmp))
                        reRepeatedElements.GetMatch(tmp, 1).ToLong(&incIndex);
                    array_index += incIndex;

                newchild = &entry.AddChild(tmp, watch);
            text.Remove(0, pos + 1);

            if (pos == braceOpenPos)
                if (!newchild)
                    newchild = &entry;

                // enable array indexing (if applicable)
                bool no_indexing = array_index == -1;
                if (watch && watch->is_array && no_indexing &&
                    text.Freq(_T('{')) == 0 && text.Freq(_T('}')) == 1) // don't index complex arrays
                    array_index = 0;

                ParseEntry(*newchild, watch, text, array_index); // proceed one level deeper

                // reset array indexing
                if (no_indexing)
                    array_index = -1;
            else if (pos == braceClosePos)
                break; // return one level up
// Returns a legal new section name, based on the input channel name.
wxString get_legal_new_channel_section( wxString string_to_convert )
    wxString buf;
    // If it was a string of nothing then set it to plkrUNNAMED_CHANNEL_NAME
    // to avoid any asserts working on NULL strings.
    if ( string_to_convert == wxT( "" ) ) 
        string_to_convert = plkrUNNAMED_CHANNEL_NAME;

    // Remove any illegal characters.
    string_to_convert = utils_string::remove_illegal_characters( string_to_convert,
    // If it was a string of nothing but illegal characters, and we now have just
    // an empty string, then set it to plkrUNNAMED_CHANNEL_NAME to avoid any 
    // asserts working on NULL strings.
    if ( string_to_convert == wxT( "" ) ) 
        string_to_convert = plkrUNNAMED_CHANNEL_NAME;
    // Strip it down to 25 letters (Mac filesystem stops at 31. That gives us 999999
    // identical section with the same base name, but a different number at the end.
    string_to_convert.Truncate( plkrMAXIMUM_BASE_SECTION_LENGTH );
    // If it is a reserved section name by now, then stick a _ after the last character
    if ( is_reserved_section( string_to_convert ) ) 
        string_to_convert += wxT( "_" );        
    // Store how long the base name is (so know where to truncate when adding on numbers.
    size_t base_section_length = string_to_convert.Length();
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Before loop to append unique number, string_to_convert=" ) + string_to_convert );
    // Can't use a section name that already exists, so if it exists, keep incrementing the
    // suffix number until get a section (aka "group") that doesn't exist already. Note that
    // sections ("groups") are not case-sensitive. This is fortunate, since can't have
    // different sections with a different case difference, since can't have 2 directories
    // on MSW with only a difference in case between them, so wouldn't be able to make
    // the new channel subdirectory.
    // The loop condition also makes sure that a directory by the new name doesn't already
    // exist in the channels subdir (it shouldn't, but may be an artifact if people
    // cleaned out their .ini file manually, but didn't erase directorys from channels
    // subdirectory. Also the MSW uninstall doesn't remove channels, for protection of 
    // user created files.     
    for ( long n = 1;    
          the_configuration->HasGroup( string_to_convert ) 
          || wxDirExists( get_plucker_directory( CHANNELS ) + wxT( "/" ) + string_to_convert );        
          n++ ) 
        // Cut off any number extensions that may have been added in a previous
        // iteration of the loop.
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Before truncate, string_to_convert=" ) + string_to_convert );
        string_to_convert.Truncate( base_section_length );
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "After truncate, string_to_convert=" ) + string_to_convert );
        // Append the new number.
        buf.Printf( wxT( "%ld" ), n );        
        string_to_convert = string_to_convert + buf;
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "After appending unique id, string_to_convert=" ) + string_to_convert );
    // All done. Ship it.
    return string_to_convert;
Example #10
void Page::SetDescription(wxString& mydescription) {
	description = mydescription;