Example #1
creates the unit type specified in the build order item
void ProductionManager::createUnit(BuildOrderItem<PRIORITY_TYPE> element)
	BWAPI::Unit* structure;
	bool addon = false;

	//check that we can afford to train the new unit
	if((Broodwar->self()->minerals() >= element.metaType.mineralPrice()) && (Broodwar->self()->gas() >= element.metaType.gasPrice()))
		for(std::map<UnitType, int>::const_iterator i = element.metaType.unitType.requiredUnits().begin(); i != element.metaType.unitType.requiredUnits().end(); i++)
			if((*i).first.isAddon() && element.metaType.whatBuilds().canBuildAddon())
				addon = true;

			structure = getBuilding(element.metaType.whatBuilds(), addon);
			structure = getBuilding(element.metaType.whatBuilds());

		if(structure != NULL && structure->isCompleted())
// get the attack priority of a type in relation to a zergling
int LurkerManager::getAttackPriority(BWAPI::Unit LurkerUnit, BWAPI::Unit target)
	BWAPI::UnitType LurkerType = LurkerUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	bool isThreat = LurkerType.isFlyer() ? targetType.airWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None : targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;

	if (target->getType().isWorker())
		isThreat = false;

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg)
		return 0;

	// if the target is building something near our base something is fishy
	BWAPI::Position ourBasePosition = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	if (target->getType().isWorker() && (target->isConstructing() || target->isRepairing()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 100;

	if (target->getType().isBuilding() && (target->isCompleted() || target->isBeingConstructed()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 90;

	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker || isThreat)
		return 11;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (targetType.isWorker())
		return 11;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 5;
	// next is buildings that cost gas
	else if (targetType.gasPrice() > 0)
		return 4;
	else if (targetType.mineralPrice() > 0)
		return 3;
	// then everything else
		return 50;
Example #3
starts the upgrade specified in the build order item
void ProductionManager::startUpgrade(BuildOrderItem<PRIORITY_TYPE> element)
	BWAPI::Unit* structure;

	structure = getBuilding(element.metaType.whatBuilds());
	if(structure != NULL && structure->isCompleted())
		Broodwar->printf("ProductionManager Error: No structure available to research '%s'", element.metaType.getName().c_str());
Example #4
bool UnitUtil::IsValidUnit(BWAPI::Unit unit)
    if (!unit)
        return false;

    if (unit->isCompleted() 
        && unit->getHitPoints() > 0 
        && unit->exists() 
        && unit->getType() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Unknown 
        && unit->getPosition().x != BWAPI::Positions::Unknown.x 
        && unit->getPosition().y != BWAPI::Positions::Unknown.y) 
        return true;
        return false;
int InterceptorManager::getPriorityDefault(BWAPI::Unit rangedUnit, BWAPI::Unit target)
	BWAPI::UnitType rangedType = rangedUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon 
	 || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony)
		return 8;
	if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Scourge)
		if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Carrier)

			return 100;

		if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Corsair)
			return 90;

	bool isThreat = rangedType.isFlyer() ? targetType.airWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None : targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;

	if (target->getType().isWorker())
		isThreat = false;

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg)
		return 0;

	if (rangedUnit->isFlying() && target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Carrier)
		return 101;

	// if the target is building something near our base something is fishy
	BWAPI::Position ourBasePosition = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	if (target->getType().isWorker() && (target->isConstructing() || target->isRepairing()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 100;

	if (target->getType().isBuilding() && (target->isCompleted() || target->isBeingConstructed()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 90;

	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker || isThreat)
		return 11;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (targetType.isWorker())
		if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Vulture)
			return 11;

		return 11;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spawning_Pool)
		return 5;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 5;
	// next is buildings that cost gas
	else if (targetType.gasPrice() > 0)
		return 4;
	else if (targetType.mineralPrice() > 0)
		return 3;
	// then everything else
		return 1;
Example #6
void ConstructionManager::update()
  std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> myPlayerUnits = SelectAll()(isCompleted)(GetAddon,(BWAPI::Unit*)NULL).not(isCarryingMinerals,isCarryingGas,isGatheringGas);

  //iterate through all the builder types
  for(std::map<BWAPI::UnitType,std::set<Building*> >::iterator i=this->buildingsNeedingBuilders.begin();i!=this->buildingsNeedingBuilders.end();i++)
    if (!i->second.empty()) //if its empty, we don't really need builders of this type
      for(std::set<BWAPI::Unit*>::iterator u = myPlayerUnits.begin(); u != myPlayerUnits.end(); u++)
        //if this unit is completed and the right type, and doesn't have an addon, and we aren't already using it
        if ((*u)->getType()==i->first && this->builders.find(*u)==this->builders.end())
          //bid value depends on distance - we like closer builders better
          double min_dist=1000000;
          for(std::set<Building*>::iterator b = i->second.begin(); b != i->second.end(); b++)
            double dist = (*u)->getPosition().getDistance((*b)->position);
            if (dist < min_dist)
              min_dist = dist;
          if (min_dist < 10)
            min_dist = 10;
          if (min_dist > 256*32 + 10)
            min_dist = 256*32 + 10;
          double bid = 80 - (min_dist - 10)/(256*32)*60;
          //if this isn't a worker, we don't care about distance
          if (!(*u)->getType().isWorker())
            arbitrator->setBid(this, *u, 80);
            arbitrator->setBid(this, *u, bid);
  std::list<Building>::iterator i_next;
  int index=0;

  //iterate through all the incomplete buildings
  for(std::list<Building>::iterator i=this->incompleteBuildings.begin();i!=this->incompleteBuildings.end();i=i_next)
    Building* b = &(*i);
    if (!b->started && b->buildingUnit!=NULL) //buildingUnit exists, so we've started actual construction
    if (b->type.isAddon()) //if the type is an addon
      if (b->builderUnit!=NULL)
        b->buildingUnit=b->builderUnit->getAddon(); //set buildingUnit to the addon (whether the addon exists or not)

      BWAPI::Unit* u = b->builderUnit;
      BWAPI::Unit* s = b->buildingUnit;
      if (s!=NULL && s->isCompleted()) //if the building exists and is completed
        if (u != NULL)
        this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition, 4,3);
        this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition+BWAPI::TilePosition(4,1), 2,2);

        //If the building is complete, we can forget about it.
      else //building either does not exist, or is incomplete
        if (BWAPI::Broodwar->canMake(NULL,b->type))
          if (u == NULL) //if we don't have a builder, ask for one and wait for it to be offered
            if (u->getAddon() == NULL) //if the addon does not exist yet
              if (u->isLifted()) //if the builder is lifted, find somehwere to land
                if (BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount()>b->lastOrderFrame+BWAPI::Broodwar->getLatency()*2)
                  if (!this->placer->canBuildHereWithSpace(b->tilePosition,b->type))
                    this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition, 4,3);
                    this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition+BWAPI::TilePosition(4,1), 2,2);
                    this->placer->reserveTiles(b->tilePosition, 4,3);
                    this->placer->reserveTiles(b->tilePosition+BWAPI::TilePosition(4,1), 2,2);
                  b->lastOrderFrame = BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount();
                if (u->isTraining()) //if the builder is training, cancel it - we have control over the builder
                  if (u->getTilePosition()!=b->tilePosition) //we may need to lift to find a build site with enough space for an add-on
                  { //b->tilePosition is set in onOffer()
                    b->lastOrderFrame = BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount();
                  else //otherwise, we may be in a good spot to make the add-on
                    //check to see if we can build here
                    bool buildable=true;
                    for(int x=b->tilePosition.x()+4;x<b->tilePosition.x()+6;x++)
                      for(int y=b->tilePosition.y()+1;y<b->tilePosition.y()+3;y++)
                        if (!this->placer->buildable(x,y) || BWAPI::Broodwar->hasCreep(x,y))
                    if (buildable) //if so, start making the add-on
                      //otherwise, lift up (once we are lifted we will look for a valid spot to land and build)
                      b->lastOrderFrame = BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount();
    else //if the type is a normal building (not an addon)
      if (b->tilePosition==BWAPI::TilePositions::None) //if we don't have a build location yet
        if ((BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount()+index)%25==0)
          //get a build location near the goal position
          b->tilePosition = this->placer->getBuildLocationNear(b->goalPosition, b->type);
          if (b->tilePosition!=BWAPI::TilePositions::None)
            b->position = BWAPI::Position(b->tilePosition.x()*32 + b->type.tileWidth()*16, b->tilePosition.y()*32 + b->type.tileHeight()*16);
            this->placer->reserveTiles(b->tilePosition, b->type.tileWidth(), b->type.tileHeight());
        //if we didn't find a build location yet, or cannot make the building, skip this building for now
        if (b->tilePosition==BWAPI::TilePositions::None)

      //if the builder dies, set it to null
      if (b->builderUnit!=NULL && !b->builderUnit->exists())

      //if the building dies, or isn't the right type, set it to null
      if (b->buildingUnit!=NULL && (!b->buildingUnit->exists() || b->buildingUnit->getType()!=b->type))

      if (b->buildingUnit == NULL) //if we don't have a building yet, look for it
        //look at the units on the tile to see if it exists yet
        std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> unitsOnTile = BWAPI::Broodwar->unitsOnTile(b->tilePosition.x(), b->tilePosition.y());
        for(std::set<BWAPI::Unit*>::iterator t = unitsOnTile.begin(); t != unitsOnTile.end(); t++)
          if ((*t)->getType() == b->type && !(*t)->isLifted())
            //we found the building
            b->buildingUnit = *t;
        //maybe the builder _is_ the building! (Zerg)
        if (b->buildingUnit == NULL && b->builderUnit!=NULL && b->builderUnit->getType().isBuilding())
          //we found the building
          b->buildingUnit = b->builderUnit;
      BWAPI::Unit* u = b->builderUnit;
      BWAPI::Unit* s = b->buildingUnit;
      if (s != NULL && s->isCompleted()) //if the building is completed, we're done
        if (u != NULL)
        this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition, b->type.tileWidth(), b->type.tileHeight());

        //If the building is complete, we can forget about it.
      else //otherwise, it doesn't exist or is incomplete
        if (s == NULL) //if the building doesn't even exist
          if (u == NULL) //ask for a builder if we don't have one yet
          else //if we have a worker
            if (!u->isConstructing()) //if the worker isn't constructing
              double distance = u->getPosition().getDistance(b->position);
              if (distance > 100) //if its too far away, tell it to go to the build site
              else //if its close enough, tell it to build
                if (BWAPI::Broodwar->canBuildHere(u, b->tilePosition, b->type)) //if we can build here, tell the worker to build
                  if (BWAPI::Broodwar->canMake(u, b->type))
                    u->build(b->tilePosition, b->type);
                else //if we cannot build here, we need to find another build site (reset the tilePosition)
                  this->placer->freeTiles(b->tilePosition, b->type.tileWidth(), b->type.tileHeight());
                  b->tilePosition = BWAPI::TilePositions::None;
                  b->position = BWAPI::Positions::None;
        else //if the building does exist
          if (b->type.getRace() != BWAPI::Races::Terran) //if its not terran, we can forget about the builder (i.e. probe is not needed to finish construction)
            if (u != NULL)
              arbitrator->removeBid(this, u);
              b->builderUnit = NULL;  
              u = b->builderUnit;
            //if the buildind is terran, the worker may have been killed
            if (u == NULL) //looks like the worker was killed, or revoked. In either case we need to ask for another worker to finish our building
              //we have a worker, so lets rightClick it on the incomplete building so it can resume construction
              if (BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount()%(4*BWAPI::Broodwar->getLatency())==0)
                if (!u->isConstructing() || !s->isBeingConstructed())
                  //right click builder on building
                  //also right click building on builder for good luck! :D