//更新右搜索(筛选)菜单 bool OnSearchRightMenuUpdate(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Combobox* cbbox = WComboBox(WEArgs(e).window); cbbox->clearAllSelections(); cbbox->resetList(); cbbox->getEditbox()->setText(""); //由索引关联商城类型 SCGData::eSCType eShopCityType = GetShopCityTypeByTabContentSelIndex(); //由索引关联商店类型,tabControl的索引0单独对应热销商品 SCGData::eSType shoptype = GetShopTypeByTabContentSelIndex(); if(shoptype == SCGData::TABTYPE_HOT)//热销没有筛选项 return true; //根据商城和商店类型获取筛选数据 SCGData* dt = GetInst(ShopCityMsgMgr).GetShopCityGoodsData(); SCGData::MapFLDTA& mapSel = dt->GetFilterList(); SCGData::MapUFLDTPA& mapUSel = mapSel[eShopCityType]; SCGData::MapStrFilDTPA& mapStrSel = mapUSel[shoptype]; SCGData::MapStrFilDTPA::iterator iter = mapStrSel.begin(); for( ; iter != mapStrSel.end() ; ++iter) { //初始化筛选菜单 string str = (*iter).first; //CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = new CEGUI::ListboxTextItem(str.c_str()); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = new CEGUI::ListboxTextItem(ToCEGUIString(str.c_str())); lbi->setSelectionBrushImage(IMAGES_FILE_NAME,BRUSH_NAME); if(iter == mapStrSel.begin() )//默认让第一个为选中项 lbi->setSelected(true); cbbox->addItem(lbi); } return true; }
_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IMPL(GUIMultiColumnList, getItem) { CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pWindow = sq_getinstance<CEGUI::MultiColumnList *>(pVM); if(!pWindow) { sq_pushbool(pVM, false); return 1; } SQInteger sqiRow; SQInteger sqiColumn; sq_getinteger(pVM, -2, &sqiRow); sq_getinteger(pVM, -1, &sqiColumn); try { CEGUI::MCLGridRef grid_ref(sqiRow, sqiColumn); CEGUI::ListboxItem* pItem = pWindow->getItemAtGridReference(grid_ref); sq_pushstring(pVM, pItem->getText().c_str(), -1); } catch(...) { sq_pushbool(pVM, false); } return 1; }
bool OpenSaleUI() { CEGUI::WindowManager& wndmgr = GetWndMgr(); //获取出售订单ID CEGUI::MultiColumnList* mcl = WMCL(wndmgr.getWindow("Auction/Tab/BuySale/BuyMCL")); if(!mcl) return false; CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = mcl->getFirstSelectedItem(); if(!lbi) { //MessageBox(g_hWnd,AppFrame::GetText("AU_100"),"ERROR",MB_OK); GetInst(MsgEventManager).PushEvent(Msg_Ok,AppFrame::GetText("AU_100"),NULL,NULL,true); return false; } CEGUI::Window* wnd = wndmgr.getWindow("Auction/SaleWnd"); wnd->setVisible(true); wnd->setAlwaysOnTop(true); CEGUI::Editbox* editbox = WEditBox(wnd->getChildRecursive("Auction/SaleWnd/saleNum"));//出售界面编辑框激活 editbox->activate(); AHdata& ah = GetInst(AHdata); uint ID = lbi->getID(); ah.SetCanSaleID(ID); return true; }
char* CGUIGridList_Impl::GetItemText ( int iRow, int hColumn ) { try { // Grab the item at the chosen row / column CEGUI::ListboxItem* pItem = reinterpret_cast < CEGUI::MultiColumnList* > ( m_pWindow ) -> getItemAtGridReference ( CEGUI::MCLGridRef ( iRow, GetColumnIndex ( hColumn ) ) ); if ( pItem ) { char *szRet = const_cast < char* > ( pItem->getText().c_str () ); if ( !m_bIgnoreTextSpacer ) { unsigned char ucSpacerSize = (unsigned char)(strlen ( CGUIGRIDLIST_SPACER )); if ( hColumn == 1 ) { // Make sure there is a spacer to skip if ( strncmp ( szRet, CGUIGRIDLIST_SPACER, strlen ( CGUIGRIDLIST_SPACER ) ) == 0 ) szRet += ucSpacerSize; } } return szRet; } } catch ( CEGUI::Exception ) { return ""; } return ""; }
void InspectWidget::addChildToList(Eris::Entity* child) { CEGUI::String name(child->getType()->getName() + " ("+ child->getId() +" : "+child->getName()+")"); CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = Gui::ColouredListItem::createColouredListItem(name); item->setUserData(child); mChildList->addItem(item); }
//更新左搜索(导购)菜单 bool OnSearchLeftMenuUpdate(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Combobox* cbbox = WComboBox(WEArgs(e).window); cbbox->clearAllSelections(); cbbox->resetList(); cbbox->getEditbox()->setText(""); //由索引关联商城类型 SCGData::eSCType eCityType = GetShopCityTypeByTabContentSelIndex(); SCGData* dt = GetInst(ShopCityMsgMgr).GetShopCityGoodsData(); SCGData::MapGuideDataA& mapGuide = dt->GetGuideList(); //根据索引获取导购数据 SCGData::MapStrGGDTPA& mapGuideDTA = mapGuide[eCityType]; CEGUI::Combobox* cbboxRight = WComboBox(GetWndMgr().getWindow(SHOPCITY_SEARCH_RIGHTWND_NAME)); if(cbboxRight) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = cbboxRight->getSelectedItem(); size_t idx = 0; if(lbi) idx = cbboxRight->getItemIndex(lbi); SCGData::MapStrGGDTPA::iterator iter = mapGuideDTA.begin(); for(; iter != mapGuideDTA.end() ; ++iter) { //添加导购菜单 string menuStr = iter->first; //CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = new CEGUI::ListboxTextItem(menuStr.c_str()); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = new CEGUI::ListboxTextItem(ToCEGUIString(menuStr.c_str())); lbi->setSelectionBrushImage(IMAGES_FILE_NAME,BRUSH_NAME); if(iter == mapGuideDTA.begin())//默认让第一个为选中 lbi->setSelected(true); cbbox->addItem(lbi); } } return true; }
bool cBonusBox::Editor_Gold_Color_Select(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event) { const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& windowEventArgs = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(event); CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox*>(windowEventArgs.window)->getSelectedItem(); Set_Goldcolor(Get_Color_Id(item->getText().c_str())); return 1; }
bool cRokko::Editor_Direction_Select(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event) { const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& windowEventArgs = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(event); CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox*>(windowEventArgs.window)->getSelectedItem(); Set_Direction(Get_Direction_Id(item->getText().c_str())); return 1; }
bool FolderSelector::OnFolderListDoubleClicked(const CEGUI::EventArgs&) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* selectedItem = static_cast<CEGUI::ListboxItem*>(mFolderList->getFirstSelectedItem()); if (selectedItem == 0) return false; ChangeFolder(mFolders[selectedItem->getID()]); UpdateFolderList(); return true; }
bool OnCountryChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Combobox* cbb = WComboBox(WEArgs(e).window); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lti = cbb->getSelectedItem(); if(lti) CREvent::SetSelectCountry(lti->getID()); else CREvent::SetSelectCountry(1);//range由Data/CountryList.xml 配置决定,这里根据配置设置默认国家ID为1 return true; }
bool InspectWidget::ChildList_MouseDoubleClick(const CEGUI::EventArgs& args) { //Inspect the child entity CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = mChildList->getFirstSelectedItem(); if (item) { startInspecting(static_cast<EmberEntity*>(item->getUserData())); } return true; }
void InspectWidget::entity_ChildRemoved(Eris::Entity* entity) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mChildList->getItemCount(); ++i) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = mChildList->getListboxItemFromIndex(i); if (item->getUserData() == entity) { mChildList->removeItem(item); break; } } }
bool OnHairColorChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Combobox* cbb = WComboBox(WEArgs(e).window); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lti = cbb->getSelectedItem(); if(lti) CREvent::SetHairColor(lti->getID()); else CREvent::SetHairColor(0); return true; }
void AreaAdapter::fillElementFromGui() { //Start by using the shape element from the polygon adapter mEditedValue = ::Atlas::Message::MapType(); CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = mLayerWindow->getSelectedItem(); if (item) { mLayer = item->getID(); } Terrain::TerrainAreaParser parser; mEditedValue = parser.createElement(mPolygonAdapter->getShape(), mLayer); }
//双击推荐列表,打开购买页面 bool OnShopCityTwitterMouseDoubleClicked(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Listbox* twitterList = WListBox(WEArgs(e).window); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = twitterList->getFirstSelectedItem(); if(lbi) { uint index = lbi->getID();//获取索引,索引关联物品索引 CEGUI::Window* buyPage = GetWindow(SHOPCITY_BUY_PAGE_NAME); buyPage->setID(index);//购买界面ID与物品索引关联 //打开购买界面 FireUIEvent(SHOPCITY_BUY_PAGE_NAME,EVENT_OPEN); } return true; }
bool cBonusBox::Editor_Force_best_item_Select(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event) { const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& windowEventArgs = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>(event); CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox*>(windowEventArgs.window)->getSelectedItem(); if (item->getText().compare(UTF8_("Enabled")) == 0) { Set_Force_Best_Item(1); } else { Set_Force_Best_Item(0); } return 1; }
bool cBonusBox :: Editor_Item_Select( const CEGUI::EventArgs &event ) { const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs &windowEventArgs = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>( event ); CEGUI::ListboxItem *item = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox *>( windowEventArgs.window )->getSelectedItem(); if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Mushroom") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_MUSHROOM_DEFAULT ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Fireplant") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_FIREPLANT ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Mushroom Blue") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_MUSHROOM_BLUE ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Mushroom Ghost") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_MUSHROOM_GHOST ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Mushroom 1-UP") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_MUSHROOM_LIVE_1 ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Star") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_STAR ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Goldpiece") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_GOLDPIECE ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Mushroom Poison") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_MUSHROOM_POISON ); } else if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Random") ) == 0 ) { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_POWERUP ); } else { Set_Bonus_Type( TYPE_UNDEFINED ); } Editor_State_Update(); return 1; }
void FolderSelector::Submit() { if (mCallback.IsSet()) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* selectedItem = static_cast<CEGUI::ListboxItem*>(mFolderList->getFirstSelectedItem()); if (selectedItem != 0) { ChangeFolder(mFolders[selectedItem->getID()]); } const string& path = GetRelativePath(mCurrentPath); const string& editboxValue = mEditbox->getText().c_str(); mCallback.Call(path, editboxValue, false, mTag); } delete this; }
bool cStaticEnemy :: Editor_Fire_Resistant_Select( const CEGUI::EventArgs &event ) { const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs &windowEventArgs = static_cast<const CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&>( event ); CEGUI::ListboxItem *item = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox *>( windowEventArgs.window )->getSelectedItem(); if( item->getText().compare( UTF8_("Enabled") ) == 0 ) { m_fire_resistant = 1; } else { m_fire_resistant = 0; } return 1; }
bool FileWindow::onSelect(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = _pFileList->getFirstSelectedItem(); if (item == NULL) { return true; } intptr_t data = reinterpret_cast< intptr_t >(item->getUserData()); if (data == 0) { //file _pSelectBox->setText(item->getText()); _pOkButton->setEnabled(true); } else if (data == 1) { //dir TCHAR* name = ::bootes::lib::util::TChar::C2T(item->getText().c_str()); tc_string dir = _cwd + _T('\\') + name; delete name; list(dir.c_str()); } return true; }
bool CComboboxImp::GetListItems( TStringVector& items ) const {GUCE_TRACE; if ( NULL != m_combobox ) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = NULL; size_t itemCount = m_combobox->getItemCount(); for ( size_t i=0; i<itemCount; ++i ) { item = m_combobox->getListboxItemFromIndex( i ); items.push_back( item->getText().c_str() ); } return true; } return false; }
bool WidgetDemo::getWidgetType(CEGUI::String &widgetName, CEGUI::String &widgetTypeString) { //Retrieving the Strings for the selections CEGUI::ListboxItem* widgetListboxItem = d_widgetSelectorListbox->getFirstSelectedItem(); CEGUI::ListboxItem* skinListboxItem = d_skinSelectionCombobox->getSelectedItem(); if(!skinListboxItem || !widgetListboxItem) return false; //Recreate the widget's type as String widgetName = widgetListboxItem->getText(); if(skinListboxItem->getText().compare("No Skin") != 0) widgetTypeString= skinListboxItem->getText() + "/"; widgetTypeString += widgetName; return true; }
/*********************************************************** add people friend ***********************************************************/ void CommunityBox::UpdateFriend(const LbaNet::FriendInfo & frd) { //RemoveFriend(frd.Name); CEGUI::Listbox * lb = static_cast<CEGUI::Listbox *> ( CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("Community/friendlist")); bool connected = false; std::string color = "FF777777"; std::map<std::string, CEGUI::ListboxItem *>::iterator iton = _onlines.find(frd.Name); if(iton != _onlines.end()) { connected = true; color = "FF33FF33"; } std::string dis = "[colour='" + color + "']"; if(frd.ToAccept) dis += "(Request) "; dis += frd.Name; if(frd.Pending) dis += " (Pending)"; //check if already exist just update the text T_friendmap::iterator it = _friends.find(frd.Id); if(it != _friends.end()) { it->second.second->setText(dis); lb->invalidate(); } else { CEGUI::ListboxItem *item = new MyComListItem(dis); item->setID((unsigned int)frd.Id); lb->addItem(item); _friends[frd.Id] = std::make_pair<LbaNet::FriendInfo, CEGUI::ListboxItem *>(frd, item); } }
//撤销委托订单事件 bool OnCancelAgentOrder(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::WindowManager& mgr = GetWndMgr(); CEGUI::MultiColumnList* mcl = WMCL(mgr.getWindow("Auction/Tab/Query/MCL")); //获得选中Item对应的订单ID CEGUI::ListboxItem* li = mcl->getFirstSelectedItem(); if(!li) { /***********************************************************************/ /* zhaohang fix 2010-9-3 /* 修改消息框形式,采用封装的MsgEventManager,以及新的字符资源加载方式Appframe /***********************************************************************/ GetInst(MsgEventManager).PushEvent(Msg_Ok,AppFrame::GetText("AU_113"),NULL,NULL,true); return false; } uint orderID = li->getID(); AHdata& ah = GetInst(AHdata); ah.Send_AH_REMOVE_AGENT(orderID); return true; }
void FontDemo::changeFontSelectorFontSelection(const CEGUI::String& font) { while(d_fontSelector->getFirstSelectedItem()) { d_fontSelector->setItemSelectState(d_fontSelector->getFirstSelectedItem(), false); } unsigned int itemCount = d_fontSelector->getItemCount(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = d_fontSelector->getListboxItemFromIndex(i); CEGUI::String itemFontName = item->getText(); if(itemFontName.compare(font) == 0) { d_fontSelector->setItemSelectState(item, true); return; } } }
bool OnSexChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::Combobox* cbb = WComboBox(WEArgs(e).window); CEGUI::ListboxItem* lti = cbb->getSelectedItem(); if(lti) { CREvent::SetSelectSex(lti->getID()); //更改性别后,修改默认Face和HairStyle,使得模型能够正常显示 CREvent::SetFace(0); CREvent::SetHairStyle(0); } else { CREvent::SetSelectSex(0); //更改性别后,修改默认Face和HairStyle,使得模型能够正常显示 CREvent::SetFace(0); CREvent::SetHairStyle(0); } ResetDataBySexSelChanged(); return true; }
bool OpenBuyUI() { CEGUI::WindowManager& wndmgr = GetWndMgr(); CEGUI::MultiColumnList* mcl = WMCL(wndmgr.getWindow("Auction/Tab/BuySale/SaleMCL")); if(!mcl) return false; CEGUI::ListboxItem* lbi = mcl->getFirstSelectedItem(); if(!lbi) { GetInst(MsgEventManager).PushEvent(Msg_Ok,AppFrame::GetText("AU_102"),NULL,NULL,true); return false; } CEGUI::Window* wnd = wndmgr.getWindow("Auction/BuyWnd"); wnd->setVisible(true); wnd->setAlwaysOnTop(true); CEGUI::Editbox* editbox = WEditBox(wnd->getChildRecursive("Auction/Buy/buyNum"));//购买界面编辑框激活 editbox->activate(); AHdata& ah = GetInst(AHdata); //界面获取购买订单ID uint ID = lbi->getID(); ah.SetCanBuyID(ID);//保存要购买的订单ID return true; }
bool CServerBrowser::OnConnectButtonClick(const CEGUI::EventArgs &eventArgs) { CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pMultiColumnList = (CEGUI::MultiColumnList *)m_GUIElements.pServerMultiColumnList; CEGUI::ListboxItem * pHostname = pMultiColumnList->getFirstSelectedItem(); CEGUI::ListboxItem * pHost = pMultiColumnList->getNextSelected(pHostname); CEGUI::ListboxItem * pPlayerCount = pMultiColumnList->getNextSelected(pHost); CEGUI::ListboxItem * pMaxPlayers = pMultiColumnList->getNextSelected(pPlayerCount); CEGUI::ListboxItem * pPing = pMultiColumnList->getNextSelected(pMaxPlayers); CEGUI::ListboxItem * pPassworded = pMultiColumnList->getNextSelected(pPing); // Get the host and port String strHost; unsigned short usPort; if(!CMainMenu::GetHostAndPort(pHost->getText().c_str(), strHost, usPort)) { g_pClient->GetGUI()->ShowMessageBox("You must enter a valid host and port!", "Error!"); return false; } // Hide the server browser window SetVisible(false); // Does this server require a password? if(pPassworded->getText() == "yes") { // TODO: Show password entry window } else { // Call the connect function CMainMenu::GetSingleton()->OnConnect(strHost, usPort, ""); } return true; }
bool CFileSystemDialogImp::OnItemDblClicked( const CEGUI::EventArgs& e ) {GUCE_TRACE; // Test if this was a left mouse click const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs& eData = static_cast< const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs& >( e ); if ( eData.button == CEGUI::LeftButton ) { // Get some easy access to data CGridViewImp* fsView = static_cast< CGridViewImp* >( GetFileSystemGridView() ); CEGUI::MultiColumnList* fsViewWidget = fsView->GetImplementationWidget(); UInt32 columnIndex = 0; UInt32 rowIndex = 0; if ( fsView->TestForItemHit( eData.position.d_x , eData.position.d_y , columnIndex , rowIndex ) ) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* listItem = fsViewWidget->getItemAtGridReference( CEGUI::MCLGridRef( rowIndex, columnIndex ) ); if ( NULL != listItem ) { if ( listItem->getText() == ".." ) { // ".." means go up one dir m_currentPath = GUCEF::CORE::StripLastSubDir( m_currentPath ); RefreshView(); } else if ( IsItemADirectory( listItem->getText().c_str() ) ) { GUCEF::CORE::AppendToPath( m_currentPath, listItem->getText().c_str() ); RefreshView(); } else if ( IsItemAnArchive( listItem->getText().c_str() ) ) { CString itemName( listItem->getText().c_str() ); CString realName = itemName.CutChars( 3, true ); GUCEF::CORE::AppendToPath( m_currentPath, realName ); RefreshView(); } } } } return true; }
void CServerBrowser::ServerQueryHandler(String strHost, unsigned short usPort, String strQuery, CBitStream * pReply) { // Read the query type char cQueryType; if(!pReply->Read(cQueryType)) return; // Get the server host and port String strHostAndPort("%s:%d", strHost.Get(), usPort); if(cQueryType == 'p') // Ping { // Get the start time from the ping map unsigned long ulStartTime = serverPingStartMap[strHostAndPort]; // Do we have a valid start time? if(ulStartTime > 0) { // Calculate the round trip time unsigned long ulPing = (SharedUtility::GetTime() - ulStartTime); // Set the server ping in the multi column list CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pMultiColumnList = (CEGUI::MultiColumnList *)CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_GUIElements.pServerMultiColumnList; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pMultiColumnList->getRowCount(); i++) { CEGUI::ListboxItem * pHost = pMultiColumnList->getItemAtGridReference(CEGUI::MCLGridRef(i, 1)); if(!strHostAndPort.Compare(pHost->getText().c_str())) { CEGUI::ListboxItem * pPing = pMultiColumnList->getItemAtGridReference(CEGUI::MCLGridRef(i, 3)); if(pPing) { char szTempBuf[64]; pPing->setText(itoa(ulPing, szTempBuf, 10)); pMultiColumnList->invalidate(); break; } } } } } else { // Check if we have a valid stream if(!pReply || cQueryType != 'i') return; // Read the host name String strHostName; int iPlayerCount; int iMaxPlayers; bool bPassworded; pReply->Read(strHostName); pReply->Read(iPlayerCount); pReply->Read(iMaxPlayers); pReply->Read(bPassworded); // Add the server to the multi column list CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pMultiColumnList = (CEGUI::MultiColumnList *)CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_GUIElements.pServerMultiColumnList; unsigned int iRowIndex = pMultiColumnList->addRow(); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(strHostName.Get()), 0, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(strHostAndPort.Get()), 1, iRowIndex); char szPlayerCount[9]; sprintf(szPlayerCount, "%s/%s", iPlayerCount, iMaxPlayers); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(szPlayerCount), 2, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem("9999"), 3, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(bPassworded ? "Yes" : "No"), 4, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->invalidate(); // Save the current time to the ping map serverPingStartMap[strHostAndPort] = SharedUtility::GetTime(); // Send a ping query to the server CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_pServerQuery->Query(strHost, usPort, "p"); } }