void mitk::ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilterNew::ItkSliceExtraction(const itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> *inputImage)
  typedef itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension> InputImageType;
  typedef itk::Image<TPixel, VImageDimension - 1> SliceImageType;

  typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<SliceImageType> SliceIterator;

  // Creating an itk::Image that represents the sampled slice
  typename SliceImageType::Pointer resultSlice = SliceImageType::New();

  typename SliceImageType::IndexType start;

  start[0] = 0;
  start[1] = 0;

  Point3D origin = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->GetOrigin();
  Vector3D right = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->GetAxisVector(0);
  Vector3D bottom = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->GetAxisVector(1);

  // Calculation the sample-spacing, i.e the half of the smallest spacing existing in the original image
  Vector3D newPixelSpacing = m_ImageGeometry->GetSpacing();
  float minSpacing = newPixelSpacing[0];
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < newPixelSpacing.Size(); i++)
    if (newPixelSpacing[i] < minSpacing)
      minSpacing = newPixelSpacing[i];

  newPixelSpacing[0] = 0.5 * minSpacing;
  newPixelSpacing[1] = 0.5 * minSpacing;
  newPixelSpacing[2] = 0.5 * minSpacing;

  float pixelSpacing[2];
  pixelSpacing[0] = newPixelSpacing[0];
  pixelSpacing[1] = newPixelSpacing[1];

  // Calculating the size of the sampled slice
  typename SliceImageType::SizeType size;
  Vector2D extentInMM;
  extentInMM[0] = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->GetExtentInMM(0);
  extentInMM[1] = m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->GetExtentInMM(1);

  // The maximum extent is the lenght of the diagonal of the considered plane
  double maxExtent = sqrt(extentInMM[0] * extentInMM[0] + extentInMM[1] * extentInMM[1]);
  unsigned int xTranlation = (maxExtent - extentInMM[0]);
  unsigned int yTranlation = (maxExtent - extentInMM[1]);
  size[0] = (maxExtent + xTranlation) / newPixelSpacing[0];
  size[1] = (maxExtent + yTranlation) / newPixelSpacing[1];

  // Creating an ImageRegion Object
  typename SliceImageType::RegionType region;


  // Defining the image`s extent and origin by passing the region to it and allocating memory for it

  * Here we create an new geometry so that the transformations are calculated correctly (our resulting slice has a
  * different bounding box and spacing)
  * The original current worldgeometry must be cloned because we have to keep the directions of the axis vector which
  * represents the rotation
  // Here we translate the origin to adapt the new geometry to the previous calculated extent
  origin[0] -= xTranlation * right[0] + yTranlation * bottom[0];
  origin[1] -= xTranlation * right[1] + yTranlation * bottom[1];
  origin[2] -= xTranlation * right[2] + yTranlation * bottom[2];

  // Putting it together for the new geometry
  mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer newSliceGeometryTest =
    dynamic_cast<BaseGeometry *>(m_CurrentWorldPlaneGeometry->Clone().GetPointer());

  // Workaround because of BUG (#6505)
  // Workaround end

  ScalarType bounds[6] = {0, static_cast<ScalarType>(size[0]), 0, static_cast<ScalarType>(size[1]), 0, 1};

  // Workaround because of BUG (#6505)
  itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase<mitk::ScalarType, 3, 3>::MatrixType tempTransform =
  // Workaround end

  * Now we iterate over the recently created slice.
  * For each slice - pixel we check whether there is an according
  * pixel in the input - image which can be set in the slice.
  * In this way a slice is sampled out of the input - image regrading to the given PlaneGeometry
  Point3D currentSliceIndexPointIn2D;
  Point3D currentImageWorldPointIn3D;
  typename InputImageType::IndexType inputIndex;

  SliceIterator sliceIterator(resultSlice, resultSlice->GetLargestPossibleRegion());

  while (!sliceIterator.IsAtEnd())
    * Here we add 0.5 to to assure that the indices are correctly transformed.
    * (Because of the 0.5er Bug)
    currentSliceIndexPointIn2D[0] = sliceIterator.GetIndex()[0] + 0.5;
    currentSliceIndexPointIn2D[1] = sliceIterator.GetIndex()[1] + 0.5;
    currentSliceIndexPointIn2D[2] = 0;

    newSliceGeometryTest->IndexToWorld(currentSliceIndexPointIn2D, currentImageWorldPointIn3D);

    m_ImageGeometry->WorldToIndex(currentImageWorldPointIn3D, inputIndex);

    if (m_ImageGeometry->IsIndexInside(inputIndex))
      resultSlice->SetPixel(sliceIterator.GetIndex(), inputImage->GetPixel(inputIndex));
      resultSlice->SetPixel(sliceIterator.GetIndex(), 0);


  Image::Pointer resultImage = ImageToImageFilter::GetOutput();
  GrabItkImageMemory(resultSlice, resultImage, nullptr, false);
  // Workaround because of BUG (#6505)
  // Workaround end