Example #1
main(int32_t argc, char** argv)
  if (argc <= 1)
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] <path_to_log_1/Data.lsf[.gz]> ... <path_to_log_n/Data.lsf[.gz]>"
              << std::endl
              << "Options:" << std::endl
              << "-i    Process idles. Idle logs are ignored by default."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  std::ofstream csv("AllData.csv");
  csv << "timestamp (s), latitude (deg), longitude (deg), conductivity (S/m), temperature (ÂșC), depth (m)" << std::endl;

  for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    std::istream* is = 0;
    Compression::Methods method = Compression::Factory::detect(argv[i]);
    if (method == METHOD_UNKNOWN)
      is = new std::ifstream(argv[i], std::ios::binary);
      is = new Compression::FileInput(argv[i], method);

    IMC::Message* msg = NULL;

    bool got_name = false;
    std::string log_name = "unknown";

    bool got_ent = false;
    unsigned ctd_ent = 0;

    bool ignore = false;

    RData rdata;
    std::stringstream ss_data;

      while ((msg = IMC::Packet::deserialize(*is)) != 0)
        if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_LOGGINGCONTROL)
          IMC::LoggingControl* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::LoggingControl*>(msg);

          if (ptr->op == IMC::LoggingControl::COP_STARTED)
            log_name = ptr->name;
            got_name = true;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ENTITYINFO)
          IMC::EntityInfo *ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::EntityInfo*>(msg);

          if (ptr->label.compare(c_ctd_label) == 0)
            ctd_ent = ptr->id;
            got_ent = true;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ESTIMATEDSTATE)
          IMC::EstimatedState* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::EstimatedState*>(msg);

          Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, rdata.lat, rdata.lon);
          rdata.timestamp = ptr->getTimeStamp();

          rdata.cnt |= GOT_STATE;
        else if (rdata.gotState() && got_ent)
          if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_CONDUCTIVITY)
            IMC::Conductivity* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::Conductivity*>(msg);
            if (ptr->getSourceEntity() == ctd_ent)
              rdata.cond = ptr->value;
              rdata.cnt |= GOT_COND;
          else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_TEMPERATURE)
            IMC::Temperature* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::Temperature*>(msg);
            if (ptr->getSourceEntity() == ctd_ent)
              rdata.temp = ptr->value;
              rdata.cnt |= GOT_TEMP;
          else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_DEPTH)
            IMC::Depth* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::Depth*>(msg);
            if (ptr->getSourceEntity() == ctd_ent)
              rdata.depth = ptr->value;
              rdata.cnt |= GOT_DEPTH;

          if (rdata.gotAll())

        delete msg;

        // ignore idles
        // either has the string _idle or has only 
        if (got_name &&
            (log_name.find("_idle") != std::string::npos ||
             log_name.size() == 15))
          ignore = true;
          std::cerr << "this is an idle log";
    catch (std::runtime_error& e)
      std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;


    delete is;

    if (ignore)
      std::cerr << "... ignoring " << log_name << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Processed " << log_name << std::endl;


  return 0;
Example #2
main(int32_t argc, char** argv)
  if (argc <= 1)
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <path_to_log/Data.lsf[.gz]>"
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  std::istream* is = 0;
  Compression::Methods method = Compression::Factory::detect(argv[1]);
  if (method == METHOD_UNKNOWN)
    is = new std::ifstream(argv[1], std::ios::binary);
    is = new Compression::FileInput(argv[1], method);

  IMC::Message* msg = NULL;

  std::ofstream lsf("Data.lsf", std::ios::binary);

  DUNE::Utils::ByteBuffer buffer;

  float bottom_follow_depth = -1.0;
  float vertical_ref = -1.0;

  // Control parcel for debug
  IMC::ControlParcel parcel;

  // Last EstimatedState
  IMC::EstimatedState last_state;
  bool got_state = false;

  // Coarse altitude control
  DUNE::Control::CoarseAltitude::Arguments args;
  DUNE::Control::CoarseAltitude ca(&args);

    while ((msg = IMC::Packet::deserialize(*is)) != 0)
      if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ESTIMATEDSTATE)
        IMC::EstimatedState* state = dynamic_cast<IMC::EstimatedState*>(msg);

        if (!got_state)
          last_state = *state;
          got_state = true;
          IMC::Packet::serialize(state, buffer);
          lsf.write(buffer.getBufferSigned(), buffer.getSize());

          if (bottom_follow_depth > 0.0)
            bottom_follow_depth = state->depth + (state->alt - vertical_ref);
            parcel.p = bottom_follow_depth;
            parcel.i = ca.update(state->getTimeStamp() - last_state.getTimeStamp(),
                                 state->depth, bottom_follow_depth);
            parcel.d = state->depth - bottom_follow_depth;
            // parcel.a = state->depth - parcel.i;
            parcel.a = ca.getCorridor();


            IMC::Packet::serialize(&parcel, buffer);
            lsf.write(buffer.getBufferSigned(), buffer.getSize());

          last_state = *state;
      else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_DESIREDZ)
        IMC::DesiredZ* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::DesiredZ*>(msg);

        if (ptr->z_units == IMC::Z_ALTITUDE)
          vertical_ref = ptr->value;
          bottom_follow_depth = last_state.depth;

        IMC::Packet::serialize(ptr, buffer);
        lsf.write(buffer.getBufferSigned(), buffer.getSize());
      else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_LOGGINGCONTROL)
        IMC::LoggingControl* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::LoggingControl*>(msg);
        IMC::Packet::serialize(ptr, buffer);
        lsf.write(buffer.getBufferSigned(), buffer.getSize());

      delete msg;
  catch (std::runtime_error& e)
    std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;


  delete is;

  return 0;
Example #3
main(int32_t argc, char** argv)
  if (argc <= 1)
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <path_to_log_1/Data.lsf[.gz]> ... <path_to_log_n/Data.lsf[.gz]>"
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  std::map<std::string, Vehicle> vehicles;

  for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    std::istream* is = 0;
    Compression::Methods method = Compression::Factory::detect(argv[i]);
    if (method == METHOD_UNKNOWN)
      is = new std::ifstream(argv[i], std::ios::binary);
      is = new Compression::FileInput(argv[i], method);

    IMC::Message* msg = NULL;

    uint16_t curr_rpm = 0;

    bool got_state = false;
    IMC::EstimatedState estate;
    double last_lat;
    double last_lon;

    // Accumulated travelled distance
    double distance = 0.0;
    // Accumulated travelled time
    double duration = 0.0;

    bool got_name = false;
    std::string log_name = "unknown";

    bool ignore = false;
    uint16_t sys_id = 0xffff;
    std::string sys_name;

      while ((msg = IMC::Packet::deserialize(*is)) != 0)
        if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ANNOUNCE)
          IMC::Announce* ptr = static_cast<IMC::Announce*>(msg);
          if (sys_id == ptr->getSource())
            sys_name = ptr->sys_name;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_LOGGINGCONTROL)
          if (!got_name)
            IMC::LoggingControl* ptr = static_cast<IMC::LoggingControl*>(msg);

            if (ptr->op == IMC::LoggingControl::COP_STARTED)
              sys_id = ptr->getSource();
              log_name = ptr->name;
              got_name = true;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ESTIMATEDSTATE)
          if (msg->getTimeStamp() - estate.getTimeStamp() > c_timestep)
            IMC::EstimatedState* ptr = static_cast<IMC::EstimatedState*>(msg);

            if (!got_state)
              estate = *ptr;
              Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, last_lat, last_lon);

              got_state = true;
            else if (curr_rpm > c_min_rpm)
              double lat, lon;
              Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, lat, lon);

              double dist = Coordinates::WGS84::distance(last_lat, last_lon, 0.0,
                                                         lat, lon, 0.0);

              // Not faster than maximum considered speed
              if (dist / (ptr->getTimeStamp() - estate.getTimeStamp()) < c_max_speed)
                distance += dist;
                duration += msg->getTimeStamp() - estate.getTimeStamp();

              estate = *ptr;
              last_lat = lat;
              last_lon = lon;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_RPM)
          IMC::Rpm* ptr = static_cast<IMC::Rpm*>(msg);
          curr_rpm = ptr->value;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_SIMULATEDSTATE)
          // since it has simulated state let us ignore this log
          ignore = true;
          delete msg;
          std::cerr << "this is a simulated log";

        delete msg;

        // ignore idles
        // either has the string _idle or has only the time.
        if (log_name.find("_idle") != std::string::npos ||
            log_name.size() == 15)
          ignore = true;
          std::cerr << "this is an idle log";
    catch (std::runtime_error& e)
      std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    delete is;

    if (ignore)
      std::cerr << "... ignoring" << std::endl;

    if (distance > 0)
      vehicles[sys_name].duration += duration;
      vehicles[sys_name].distance += distance;
      vehicles[sys_name].logs.push_back(Log(log_name, distance, duration));

  double total_distance = 0;
  double total_duration = 0;

  std::map<std::string, Vehicle>::const_iterator itr = vehicles.begin();
  for (; itr != vehicles.end(); ++itr)
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "## " << itr->first << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << "* Distance travelled per plan (m):" << std::endl;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < itr->second.logs.size(); ++i)
      std::cout << " - "
                << itr->second.logs[i].distance
                << " in " << String::replace(itr->second.logs[i].name, '_', "\\_")
                << "." << std::endl;

    total_distance += itr->second.distance;
    total_duration += itr->second.duration;

    std::cout << std::endl
              << "* Total travelled distance:" << std::endl
              << " - "
              << std::setprecision(4)
              << std::fixed
              << itr->second.distance / 1000.0 << " km / "
              << (unsigned)itr->second.duration / 60 / 60 << " h "
              << (unsigned)(itr->second.duration / 60) % 60 << " m "
              << (unsigned)itr->second.duration % 60 << " s" << "." << std::endl;

  if (vehicles.size() > 1)
    std::cout << std::endl
              << "## Summary" << std::endl
              << " - Total distance: "
              << std::setprecision(2)
              << std::fixed
              << total_distance / 1000.0 << " km" << std::endl
              << " - Total duration: "
              << (unsigned)total_duration / 60 / 60 << " h "
              << (unsigned)(total_duration / 60) % 60 << " m "
              << (unsigned)total_duration % 60 << " s" << std::endl;

  return 0;
Example #4
main(int32_t argc, char** argv)
  if (argc <= 1)
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <path_to_log_1/Data.lsf[.gz]> ... <path_to_log_n/Data.lsf[.gz]>"
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  double total_accum = 0;

  for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    std::istream* is = 0;
    Compression::Methods method = Compression::Factory::detect(argv[i]);
    if (method == METHOD_UNKNOWN)
      is = new std::ifstream(argv[i], std::ios::binary);
      is = new Compression::FileInput(argv[i], method);

    IMC::Message* msg = NULL;

    uint16_t curr_rpm = 0;

    bool got_state = false;
    IMC::EstimatedState estate;
    double last_lat;
    double last_lon;

    // Accumulated travelled distance
    double accum = 0;

    bool got_name = false;
    std::string log_name = "unknown";

    bool ignore = false;

      while ((msg = IMC::Packet::deserialize(*is)) != 0)

        if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_LOGGINGCONTROL)
          if (!got_name)
            IMC::LoggingControl* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::LoggingControl*>(msg);

            if (ptr->op == IMC::LoggingControl::COP_STARTED)
              log_name = ptr->name;
              got_name = true;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_ESTIMATEDSTATE)
          if (msg->getTimeStamp() - estate.getTimeStamp() > c_timestep)
            IMC::EstimatedState* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::EstimatedState*>(msg);

            if (!got_state)
              estate = *ptr;
              Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, last_lat, last_lon);

              got_state = true;
            else if (curr_rpm > c_min_rpm)
              double lat, lon;
              Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, lat, lon);

              double dist = Coordinates::WGS84::distance(last_lat, last_lon, 0.0,
                                                         lat, lon, 0.0);

              // Not faster than maximum considered speed
              if (dist / (ptr->getTimeStamp() - estate.getTimeStamp()) < c_max_speed)
                accum += dist;

              estate = *ptr;
              Coordinates::toWGS84(*ptr, last_lat, last_lon);
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_RPM)
          IMC::Rpm* ptr = dynamic_cast<IMC::Rpm*>(msg);
          curr_rpm = ptr->value;
        else if (msg->getId() == DUNE_IMC_SIMULATEDSTATE)
          // since it has simulated state let us ignore this log
          ignore = true;
          delete msg;
          std::cerr << "this is a simulated log";

        delete msg;

        // ignore idles
        // either has the string _idle or has only 
        if (log_name.find("_idle") != std::string::npos ||
            log_name.size() == 15)
          ignore = true;
          std::cerr << "this is an idle log";
    catch (std::runtime_error& e)
      std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    delete is;

    if (ignore)
      std::cerr << "... ignoring" << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "Travelled " << accum << " in " << log_name << "." << std::endl;

    total_accum += accum;

  std::cerr << "Total travelled distance is " << total_accum << "m" << std::endl
            << " or " << total_accum / 1000.0 << " km." << std::endl;

  return 0;