Example #1
MSLCM_DK2004::informBlocker(MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager& msgPass,
                            int& blocked,
                            int dir,
                            const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighLead,
                            const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighFollow) {
    if ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_FOLLOWER) != 0) {
        assert(neighFollow.first != 0);
        MSVehicle* nv = neighFollow.first;
        SUMOReal decelGap =
            + SPEED2DIST(myVehicle.getSpeed()) * (SUMOReal) 2.0
            - MAX2(nv->getSpeed() - (SUMOReal) ACCEL2DIST(nv->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()) * (SUMOReal) 2.0, (SUMOReal) 0);
        if (neighFollow.second > 0 && decelGap > 0 && decelGap >= nv->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(nv->getSpeed(), myVehicle.getSpeed(), myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) {
            SUMOReal vsafe = myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighFollow.second, neighFollow.first->getSpeed(), neighFollow.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
            msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(vsafe, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
        } else {
            SUMOReal vsafe = neighFollow.second <= 0 ? 0 : myCarFollowModel.followSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), neighFollow.second, neighFollow.first->getSpeed(), neighFollow.first->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
            msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(vsafe, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE), &myVehicle);
    if ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_LEADER) != 0) {
        if (neighLead.first != 0 && neighLead.second > 0) {
            msgPass.informNeighLeader(new Info(0, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER), &myVehicle);
Example #2
MSLCM_LC2013::informFollower(MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager& msgPass,
                             int blocked,
                             int dir,
                             const std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal>& neighFollow,
                             SUMOReal remainingSeconds,
                             SUMOReal plannedSpeed) {
    if ((blocked & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_FOLLOWER) != 0) {
        assert(neighFollow.first != 0);
        MSVehicle* nv = neighFollow.first;

        // are we fast enough to cut in without any help?
        if (plannedSpeed - nv->getSpeed() >= HELP_OVERTAKE) {
            const SUMOReal neededGap = nv->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(nv->getSpeed(), plannedSpeed, myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
            if ((neededGap - neighFollow.second) / remainingSeconds < (plannedSpeed - nv->getSpeed())) {
                // follower might even accelerate but not to much
                msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(plannedSpeed - HELP_OVERTAKE, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
        // decide whether we will request help to cut in before the follower or allow to be overtaken

        // PARAMETERS
        // assume other vehicle will assume the equivalent of 1 second of
        // maximum deceleration to help us (will probably be spread over
        // multiple seconds)
        // -----------
        const SUMOReal helpDecel = nv->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() * HELP_DECEL_FACTOR ;

        // change in the gap between ego and blocker over 1 second (not STEP!)
        const SUMOReal neighNewSpeed = MAX2((SUMOReal)0, nv->getSpeed() - ACCEL2SPEED(helpDecel));
        const SUMOReal neighNewSpeed1s = MAX2((SUMOReal)0, nv->getSpeed() - helpDecel);
        const SUMOReal dv = plannedSpeed - neighNewSpeed1s;
        // new gap between follower and self in case the follower does brake for 1s
        const SUMOReal decelGap = neighFollow.second + dv;
        const SUMOReal secureGap = nv->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(neighNewSpeed1s, plannedSpeed, myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
        if (decelGap > 0 && decelGap >= secureGap) {
            // if the blocking neighbor brakes it could actually help
            // how hard does it actually need to be?
            const SUMOReal vsafe = MAX2(neighNewSpeed, nv->getCarFollowModel().followSpeed(
                                            nv, nv->getSpeed(), neighFollow.second, plannedSpeed, myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
            msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(vsafe, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
        } else if (dv > 0 && dv * remainingSeconds > (secureGap - decelGap + POSITION_EPS)) {
            // decelerating once is sufficient to open up a large enough gap in time
            msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(neighNewSpeed, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
        } else {
            SUMOReal vhelp = MAX2(nv->getSpeed(), myVehicle.getSpeed() + HELP_OVERTAKE);
            //if (dir == LCA_MRIGHT && myVehicle.getWaitingSeconds() > LCA_RIGHT_IMPATIENCE &&
            //        nv->getSpeed() > myVehicle.getSpeed()) {
            if (nv->getSpeed() > myVehicle.getSpeed() &&
                    ((dir == LCA_MRIGHT && myVehicle.getWaitingSeconds() > LCA_RIGHT_IMPATIENCE)
                     || (dir == LCA_MLEFT && plannedSpeed > CUT_IN_LEFT_SPEED_THRESHOLD) // VARIANT_22 (slowDownLeft)
                    )) {
                // let the follower slow down to increase the likelyhood that later vehicles will be slow enough to help
                // follower should still be fast enough to open a gap
                vhelp = MAX2(neighNewSpeed, myVehicle.getSpeed() + HELP_OVERTAKE);
                if ((nv->getSpeed() - myVehicle.getSpeed()) / helpDecel < remainingSeconds) {
                    msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(vhelp, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
            msgPass.informNeighFollower(new Info(vhelp, dir | LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER), &myVehicle);
            // this follower is supposed to overtake us. slow down smoothly to allow this
            const SUMOReal overtakeDist = (neighFollow.second // follower reaches ego back
                                           + myVehicle.getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() // follower reaches ego front
                                           + nv->getVehicleType().getLength() // follower back at ego front
                                           + myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap( // follower has safe dist to ego
                                               plannedSpeed, vhelp, nv->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel()));
            // speed difference to create a sufficiently large gap
            const SUMOReal needDV = overtakeDist / remainingSeconds;
            // make sure the deceleration is not to strong
            myVSafes.push_back(MAX2(vhelp - needDV, myVehicle.getSpeed() - ACCEL2SPEED(myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())));