void ConsoleBuffer::GetRow(Rocket::Core::StringList& row, const Rocket::Core::String& table, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& columns) { if (table == "console" && row_index < messages.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (columns[i] == "message") { eventMessage* em = &(messages[row_index]); Rocket::Core::String msg(em->message.c_str()); row.push_back(msg); } else if (columns[i] == "color") { eventMessage* em = &(messages[row_index]); switch (em->type) { case SYSTEM_MSG: row.push_back(systemMsgColorString); break; case MOVE_MSG: row.push_back(moveMsgColorString); break; case ATTACK_MSG: row.push_back(attackMsgColorString); break; default: assert(0); } } } } }
void HighScores::GetRow(Rocket::Core::StringList& row, const Rocket::Core::String& table, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& columns) { if (table == "scores") { for (size_t i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (columns[i] == "name") { row.push_back(scores[row_index].name); } else if (columns[i] == "name_required") { row.push_back(Rocket::Core::String(4, "%d", scores[row_index].name_required)); } else if (columns[i] == "score") { row.push_back(Rocket::Core::String(32, "%d", scores[row_index].score)); } else if (columns[i] == "colour") { Rocket::Core::String colour_string; Rocket::Core::TypeConverter< Rocket::Core::Colourb, Rocket::Core::String >::Convert(scores[row_index].colour, colour_string); row.push_back(colour_string); } else if (columns[i] == "wave") { row.push_back(Rocket::Core::String(8, "%d", scores[row_index].wave)); } } } }
void Phobos::Game::Gui::LevelFileDataSource::GetRow(Rocket::Core::StringList& row, const Rocket::Core::String& table, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& columns) { if(table == "files") { row.push_back(vecFiles[row_index].c_str()); } }
/// Fetches the contents of one row of a table within the data source. /// @param[out] row The list of values in the table. /// @param[in] table The name of the table to query. /// @param[in] row_index The index of the desired row. /// @param[in] columns The list of desired columns within the row. void LuaDataSource::GetRow(Rocket::Core::StringList& row, const Rocket::Core::String& table, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& columns) { if(getRowRef == LUA_NOREF || getRowRef == LUA_REFNIL) return; //setup the call Interpreter::BeginCall(getRowRef); lua_State* L = Interpreter::GetLuaState(); lua_pushstring(L,table.CString()); lua_pushinteger(L,row_index); lua_newtable(L); int index = 0; for(Rocket::Core::StringList::const_iterator itr = columns.begin(); itr != columns.end(); ++itr) { lua_pushstring(L,itr->CString()); lua_rawseti(L,-2,index++); } Interpreter::ExecuteCall(3,1); //3 parameters, 1 return. After here, the top of the stack contains the return value int res = lua_gettop(L); if(lua_type(L,res) == LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L,res) != 0) { //key at -2, value at -1 row.push_back(luaL_checkstring(L,-1)); lua_pop(L,1); //pops value, leaves key for next iteration } lua_pop(L,1); //pop key } else Log::Message(Log::LT_WARNING, "Lua: DataSource.GetRow must return a table, the function it called returned a %s", lua_typename(L,res)); Interpreter::EndCall(1); }
void GameTypesDataSource::GetRow( Rocket::Core::StringList &row, const Rocket::Core::String&, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& cols ) { if( row_index < 0 || (size_t)row_index >= gameTypes.size() ) { return; } for( Rocket::Core::StringList::const_iterator it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it ) { if( *it == "name" ) { row.push_back( gameTypes[row_index].name.c_str() ); } else if( *it == "title" ) { row.push_back( gameTypes[row_index].title.c_str() ); } else if( *it == "description" ) { row.push_back( gameTypes[row_index].description.c_str() ); } else { row.push_back( "" ); } } }
void ItemViewModel::GetRow(Rocket::Core::StringList& row, const Rocket::Core::String& table, int row_index, const Rocket::Core::StringList& columns) { if (table == "items") { const ItemList& itemList = m_playerData.getInventory()->getItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i) { const UsableId usableId = itemList[row_index].first; const int itemQuantity = itemList[row_index].second; const Item* rowItem = m_metadata.getItem(usableId); if (columns[i] == "name") { if(rowItem == nullptr) { row.emplace_back(13, "Unknown %d", usableId); } else { row.emplace_back(rowItem->getName().c_str()); } } else if (columns[i] == "quantity") { row.emplace_back(5, "%d", itemQuantity); } else if (columns[i] == "icon") { if(rowItem == nullptr) { row.push_back(ItemViewModel::UnknownItemIconPath); } else { row.emplace_back(rowItem->getIconPath().c_str()); } } } } }
// Builds the option list from the data source. void ElementFormControlDataSelect::BuildOptions() { widget->ClearOptions(); if (data_source == NULL) return; // Store the old selection value and index. These will be used to restore the selection to the // most appropriate option after the options have been rebuilt. Rocket::Core::String old_value = GetValue(); int old_selection = GetSelection(); Rocket::Core::String fields_attribute = GetAttribute<Rocket::Core::String>("fields", ""); Rocket::Core::String valuefield_attribute = GetAttribute<Rocket::Core::String>("valuefield", ""); Rocket::Core::String data_formatter_attribute = GetAttribute<Rocket::Core::String>("formatter", ""); DataFormatter* data_formatter = NULL; // Process the attributes. if (fields_attribute.Empty()) { Core::Log::Message(Rocket::Core::Log::LT_ERROR, "DataQuery failed, no fields specified for %s.", GetTagName().CString()); return; } if (valuefield_attribute.Empty()) { valuefield_attribute = fields_attribute.Substring(0, fields_attribute.Find(",")); } if (!data_formatter_attribute.Empty()) { data_formatter = DataFormatter::GetDataFormatter(data_formatter_attribute); if (!data_formatter) Core::Log::Message(Rocket::Core::Log::LT_WARNING, "Unable to find data formatter named '%s', formatting skipped.", data_formatter_attribute.CString()); } // Build a list of attributes Rocket::Core::String fields(valuefield_attribute); fields += ","; fields += fields_attribute; DataQuery query(data_source, data_table, fields); while (query.NextRow()) { Rocket::Core::StringList fields; Rocket::Core::String value = query.Get<Rocket::Core::String>(0, ""); for (size_t i = 1; i < query.GetNumFields(); ++i) fields.push_back(query.Get< Rocket::Core::String>(i, "")); Rocket::Core::String formatted(""); if (fields.size() > 0) formatted = fields[0]; if (data_formatter) data_formatter->FormatData(formatted, fields); // Add the data as an option. widget->AddOption(formatted, value, -1, false); } // If an option was selected before, attempt to restore the selection to it. if (old_selection > -1) { // Try to find a selection with the same value as the previous one. for (int i = 0; i < GetNumOptions(); ++i) { SelectOption* option = GetOption(i); if (option->GetValue() == old_value) { widget->SetSelection(i, true); return; } } // Failed to find an option with the same value. Attempt to at least set the same index. int new_selection = Rocket::Core::Math::Clamp(old_selection, 0, GetNumOptions() - 1); if (GetNumOptions() == 0) new_selection = -1; widget->SetSelection(new_selection, true); } }