 * Load shape levels recursively
 * \param ppFileData Pointer to the data (usualy read from a file)
 * \param FileDataEnd ???
 * \param nlevels Number of levels to load
 * \return pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error)
 * \pre ppFileData loaded
 * \post s allocated
static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(const QString &filename, const char **ppFileData, const char *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int pieVersion, int level)
	const char *pFileData = *ppFileData;
	char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'};
	int cnt = 0, n = 0, i;
	iIMDShape *s = nullptr;
	float dummy;

	if (nlevels == 0)
		return nullptr;

	i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %n", buffer, &cnt);
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(nullptr, i == 1, "Bad directive following LEVEL");

	s = new iIMDShape;

	// Optionally load and ignore deprecated MATERIALS directive
	if (strcmp(buffer, "MATERIALS") == 0)
		i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f%n", buffer, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy,
		           &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &cnt);
		ASSERT_OR_RETURN(nullptr, i == 11, "Bad MATERIALS directive");
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "MATERIALS directive no longer supported!");
		pFileData += cnt;
	else if (strcmp(buffer, "SHADERS") == 0)
		char vertex[PATH_MAX], fragment[PATH_MAX];

		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %255s %255s%n", buffer, vertex, fragment, &cnt) != 3)
			debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s shader corrupt: %s", filename.toUtf8().constData(), buffer);
			return nullptr;
		std::vector<std::string> uniform_names { "colour", "teamcolour", "stretch", "tcmask", "fogEnabled", "normalmap",
		                                         "specularmap", "ecmEffect", "alphaTest", "graphicsCycle", "ModelViewProjectionMatrix" };
		s->shaderProgram = pie_LoadShader(filename.toUtf8().constData(), vertex, fragment, uniform_names);
		pFileData += cnt;

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npoints, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt");
		return nullptr;
	pFileData += cnt;

	// load points

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(nullptr, strcmp(buffer, "POINTS") == 0, "Expecting 'POINTS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_points(&pFileData, s);

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npolys, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt");
		return nullptr;
	pFileData += cnt;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(nullptr, strcmp(buffer, "POLYGONS") == 0, "Expecting 'POLYGONS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_polys(filename, &pFileData, s, pieVersion);

	// optional stuff : levels, object animations, connectors
	s->objanimframes = 0;
	while (!AtEndOfFile(pFileData, FileDataEnd)) // check for end of file (give or take white space)
		// Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit
		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &n, &cnt) != 2)
		pFileData += cnt;

		if (strcmp(buffer, "LEVEL") == 0)	// check for next level
			debug(LOG_3D, "imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d", s->npoints, s->npolys);
			s->next = _imd_load_level(filename, &pFileData, FileDataEnd, nlevels - 1, pieVersion, level + 1);
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "CONNECTORS") == 0)
			//load connector stuff
			s->nconnectors = n;
			_imd_load_connectors(&pFileData, s);
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "ANIMOBJECT") == 0)
			s->objanimtime = n;
			if (sscanf(pFileData, "%d %d%n", &s->objanimcycles, &s->objanimframes, &cnt) != 2)
				debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s bad ANIMOBJ: %s", filename.toUtf8().constData(), pFileData);
				return nullptr;
			pFileData += cnt;
			for (int i = 0; i < s->objanimframes; i++)
				int frame;
				Vector3i pos, rot;

				if (sscanf(pFileData, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f%n",
				           &frame, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z, &rot.x, &rot.y, &rot.z,
				           &s->objanimdata[i].scale.x, &s->objanimdata[i].scale.y, &s->objanimdata[i].scale.z, &cnt) != 10)
					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid object animation level %d, line %d, frame %d", filename.toUtf8().constData(), level, i, frame);
				ASSERT(frame == i, "%s: Invalid frame enumeration object animation (level %d) %d: %d", filename.toUtf8().constData(), level, i, frame);
				s->objanimdata[i].pos.x = pos.x / INT_SCALE;
				s->objanimdata[i].pos.y = pos.z / INT_SCALE;
				s->objanimdata[i].pos.z = pos.y / INT_SCALE;
				s->objanimdata[i].rot.pitch = -(rot.x * DEG_1 / INT_SCALE);
				s->objanimdata[i].rot.direction = -(rot.z * DEG_1 / INT_SCALE);
				s->objanimdata[i].rot.roll = -(rot.y * DEG_1 / INT_SCALE);
				pFileData += cnt;
			debug(LOG_ERROR, "(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d", buffer, n);

	// FINALLY, massage the data into what can stream directly to OpenGL
	glGenBuffers(VBO_COUNT, s->buffers);
	vertexCount = 0;
	for (int k = 0; k < MAX(1, s->numFrames); k++)
		// Go through all polygons for each frame
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->npolys; i++)
			const iIMDPoly *pPolys = &s->polys[i];

			// Do we already have the vertex data for this polygon?
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 0, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 1, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 2, pPolys, k));
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_VERTEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), vertices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_NORMAL]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, normals.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), normals.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_INDEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.size() * sizeof(uint16_t), indices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_TEXCOORD]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoords.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), texcoords.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // unbind


	*ppFileData = pFileData;

	return s;
Exemple #2
 * Load shape levels recursively
 * \param ppFileData Pointer to the data (usualy read from a file)
 * \param FileDataEnd ???
 * \param nlevels Number of levels to load
 * \return pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error)
 * \pre ppFileData loaded
 * \post s allocated
static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(const char **ppFileData, const char *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int pieVersion)
	const char *pFileName = GetLastResourceFilename(); // Last loaded filename
	const char *pFileData = *ppFileData;
	char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'};
	int cnt = 0, n = 0, i;
	iIMDShape *s = NULL;
	float dummy;

	if (nlevels == 0)
		return NULL;

	i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %n", buffer, &cnt);
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 1, "Bad directive following LEVEL");

	s = new iIMDShape;

	// Optionally load and ignore deprecated MATERIALS directive
	if (strcmp(buffer, "MATERIALS") == 0)
		i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f%n", buffer, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy,
		           &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &cnt);
		ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 11, "Bad MATERIALS directive");
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "MATERIALS directive no longer supported!");
		pFileData += cnt;
	else if (strcmp(buffer, "SHADERS") == 0)
		char vertex[PATH_MAX], fragment[PATH_MAX];

		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %255s %255s%n", buffer, vertex, fragment, &cnt) != 3)
			debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s shader corrupt: %s", pFileName, buffer);
			return NULL;
		s->shaderProgram = pie_LoadShader(pFileName, vertex, fragment);
		pFileData += cnt;

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npoints, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	// load points

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POINTS") == 0, "Expecting 'POINTS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_points(&pFileData, s);

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npolys, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POLYGONS") == 0, "Expecting 'POLYGONS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_polys(&pFileData, s, pieVersion);

	// NOW load optional stuff
	while (!AtEndOfFile(pFileData, FileDataEnd)) // check for end of file (give or take white space)
		// Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit
		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &n, &cnt) != 2)
		pFileData += cnt;

		if (strcmp(buffer, "LEVEL") == 0)	// check for next level
			debug(LOG_3D, "imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d", s->npoints, s->npolys);
			s->next = _imd_load_level(&pFileData, FileDataEnd, nlevels - 1, pieVersion);
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "CONNECTORS") == 0)
			//load connector stuff
			s->nconnectors = n;
			_imd_load_connectors(&pFileData, s);
			debug(LOG_ERROR, "(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d", buffer, n);

	// FINALLY, massage the data into what can stream directly to OpenGL
	glGenBuffers(VBO_COUNT, s->buffers);
	vertexCount = 0;
	for (int k = 0; k < MAX(1, s->numFrames); k++)
		// Go through all polygons for each frame
		for (int i = 0; i < s->npolys; i++)
			const iIMDPoly *pPolys = &s->polys[i];

			// Do we already have the vertex data for this polygon?
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 0, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 1, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 2, pPolys, k));
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_VERTEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), vertices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_NORMAL]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, normals.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), normals.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_INDEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.size() * sizeof(uint16_t), indices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_TEXCOORD]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoords.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), texcoords.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // unbind


	*ppFileData = pFileData;

	return s;
Exemple #3
 * Load shape levels recursively
 * \param ppFileData Pointer to the data (usualy read from a file)
 * \param FileDataEnd ???
 * \param nlevels Number of levels to load
 * \return pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error)
 * \pre ppFileData loaded
 * \post s allocated
static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(const char **ppFileData, const char *FileDataEnd, int nlevels)
	const char *pFileData = *ppFileData;
	char buffer[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
	int cnt = 0, n = 0;
	iIMDShape *s = NULL;

	if (nlevels == 0)
		return NULL;

	s = (iIMDShape*)malloc(sizeof(iIMDShape));
	if (s == NULL)
		/* Failed to allocate memory for s */
		fprintf(stderr, "_imd_load_level: Memory allocation error\n");
		return NULL;

	s->nconnectors = 0; // Default number of connectors must be 0
	s->npoints = 0;
	s->npolys = 0;

	s->points = NULL;
	s->polys = NULL;
	s->connectors = NULL;
	s->next = NULL;

	s->shadowEdgeList = NULL;
	s->nShadowEdges = 0;
	s->texpage = iV_TEX_INVALID;

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d%n", buffer, &s->npoints, &cnt) != 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt\n");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	// load points
	if (strcmp(buffer, "POINTS") != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "_imd_load_level: expecting 'POINTS' directive, got: %s", buffer);
		return NULL;

	if (s->npoints > iV_IMD_MAX_POINTS)
		fprintf(stderr, "_imd_load_level: too many points in IMD\n");
		return NULL;

	_imd_load_points( &pFileData, s );

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d%n", buffer, &s->npolys, &cnt) != 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt\n");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	if (strcmp(buffer, "POLYGONS") != 0)
		fprintf(stderr,"_imd_load_level: expecting 'POLYGONS' directive\n");
		return NULL;

	_imd_load_polys( &pFileData, s );

	// NOW load optional stuff
	while (!AtEndOfFile(pFileData, FileDataEnd)) // check for end of file (give or take white space)
		// Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit
		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d%n", buffer, &n, &cnt) != 2)
		pFileData += cnt;

		// check for next level ... or might be a BSP - This should handle an imd if it has a BSP tree attached to it
		// might be "BSP" or "LEVEL"
		if (strcmp(buffer, "LEVEL") == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d\n", s->npoints, s->npolys);
			s->next = _imd_load_level(&pFileData, FileDataEnd, nlevels - 1);
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "CONNECTORS") == 0)
			//load connector stuff
			s->nconnectors = n;
			_imd_load_connectors( &pFileData, s );
			fprintf(stderr, "(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d", buffer, n);

	*ppFileData = pFileData;

	return s;
Exemple #4
 * Load shape levels recursively
 * \param ppFileData Pointer to the data (usualy read from a file)
 * \param FileDataEnd ???
 * \param nlevels Number of levels to load
 * \return pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error)
 * \pre ppFileData loaded
 * \post s allocated
static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(const char **ppFileData, const char *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int pieVersion)
	const char *pTmp, *pFileData = *ppFileData;
	char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'};
	int cnt = 0, n = 0, i;
	iIMDShape *s = NULL;

	if (nlevels == 0)
		return NULL;

	// Load optional MATERIALS directive
	pTmp = pFileData;	// remember position
	i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %n", buffer, &cnt);
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 1, "Bad directive following LEVEL");

	s = new iIMDShape;

	if (strcmp(buffer, "MATERIALS") == 0)
		i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f%n", buffer,
		           &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][0], &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][1], &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][2],
		           &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][0], &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][1], &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][2],
	                   &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][0], &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][1], &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][2],
		           &s->shininess, &cnt);
		ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 11, "Bad MATERIALS directive");
		pFileData += cnt;
	else // use defaults
		pFileData = pTmp;

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npoints, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	// load points

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POINTS") == 0, "Expecting 'POINTS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_points( &pFileData, s );

	if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npolys, &cnt) != 2)
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt");
		return NULL;
	pFileData += cnt;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POLYGONS") == 0, "Expecting 'POLYGONS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

	_imd_load_polys( &pFileData, s, pieVersion);

	// NOW load optional stuff
	while (!AtEndOfFile(pFileData, FileDataEnd)) // check for end of file (give or take white space)
		// Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit
		if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &n, &cnt) != 2)
		pFileData += cnt;

		// check for next level ... or might be a BSP - This should handle an imd if it has a BSP tree attached to it
		// might be "BSP" or "LEVEL"
		if (strcmp(buffer, "LEVEL") == 0)
			debug(LOG_3D, "imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d", s->npoints, s->npolys);
			s->next = _imd_load_level(&pFileData, FileDataEnd, nlevels - 1, pieVersion);
		else if (strcmp(buffer, "CONNECTORS") == 0)
			//load connector stuff
			s->nconnectors = n;
			_imd_load_connectors( &pFileData, s );
			debug(LOG_ERROR, "(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d", buffer, n);

	// FINALLY, massage the data into what can stream directly to OpenGL
	glGenBuffers(VBO_COUNT, s->buffers);
	vertexCount = 0;
	for (int k = 0; k < MAX(1, s->numFrames); k++)
		// Go through all polygons for each frame
		for (int i = 0; i < s->npolys; i++)
			const iIMDPoly *pPolys = &s->polys[i];

			// Do we already have the vertex data for this polygon?
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 0, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 1, pPolys, k));
			indices.append(addVertex(s, 2, pPolys, k));
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_VERTEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), vertices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_NORMAL]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, normals.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), normals.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_INDEX]);
	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.size() * sizeof(uint16_t), indices.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->buffers[VBO_TEXCOORD]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoords.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), texcoords.constData(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // unbind


	*ppFileData = pFileData;

	return s;
Exemple #5
 * Load shape levels recursively
 * \param ppFileData Pointer to the data (usualy read from a file)
 * \param FileDataEnd ???
 * \param nlevels Number of levels to load
 * \return pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error)
 * \pre ppFileData loaded
 * \post s allocated
static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(const char **ppFileData, const char *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int pieVersion)
    const char *pTmp, *pFileData = *ppFileData;
    char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'};
    int cnt = 0, n = 0, i;
    iIMDShape *s = NULL;

    if (nlevels == 0)
        return NULL;

    // Load optional MATERIALS directive
    pTmp = pFileData;	// remember position
    i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %n", buffer, &cnt);
    ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 1, "Bad directive following LEVEL");

    s = (iIMDShape*)malloc(sizeof(iIMDShape));
    if (s == NULL)
        /* Failed to allocate memory for s */
        debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: Memory allocation error");
        return NULL;
    s->flags = 0;
    s->nconnectors = 0; // Default number of connectors must be 0
    s->npoints = 0;
    s->npolys = 0;
    s->points = NULL;
    s->polys = NULL;
    s->connectors = NULL;
    s->next = NULL;
    s->shadowEdgeList = NULL;
    s->nShadowEdges = 0;
    s->texpage = iV_TEX_INVALID;
    s->tcmaskpage = iV_TEX_INVALID;
    s->normalpage = iV_TEX_INVALID;
    memset(s->material, 0, sizeof(s->material));
    s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][3] = 1.0f;
    s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][3] = 1.0f;
    s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][3] = 1.0f;
    if (strcmp(buffer, "MATERIALS") == 0)
        i = sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f%n", buffer,
                   &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][0], &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][1], &s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][2],
                   &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][0], &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][1], &s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][2],
                   &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][0], &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][1], &s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][2],
                   &s->shininess, &cnt);
        ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, i == 11, "Bad MATERIALS directive");
        pFileData += cnt;
        // Set default values
        s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][0] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][1] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_AMBIENT][2] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][0] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][1] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_DIFFUSE][2] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][0] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][1] = 1.0f;
        s->material[LIGHT_SPECULAR][2] = 1.0f;
        s->shininess = 10;
        pFileData = pTmp;

    if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npoints, &cnt) != 2)
        debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt");
        return NULL;
    pFileData += cnt;

    // load points

    ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POINTS") == 0, "Expecting 'POINTS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

    _imd_load_points( &pFileData, s );

    if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &s->npolys, &cnt) != 2)
        debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt");
        return NULL;
    pFileData += cnt;

    ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, strcmp(buffer, "POLYGONS") == 0, "Expecting 'POLYGONS' directive, got: %s", buffer);

    _imd_load_polys( &pFileData, s, pieVersion);

    // NOW load optional stuff
    while (!AtEndOfFile(pFileData, FileDataEnd)) // check for end of file (give or take white space)
        // Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit
        if (sscanf(pFileData, "%255s %d%n", buffer, &n, &cnt) != 2)
        pFileData += cnt;

        // check for next level ... or might be a BSP - This should handle an imd if it has a BSP tree attached to it
        // might be "BSP" or "LEVEL"
        if (strcmp(buffer, "LEVEL") == 0)
            debug(LOG_3D, "imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d", s->npoints, s->npolys);
            s->next = _imd_load_level(&pFileData, FileDataEnd, nlevels - 1, pieVersion);
        else if (strcmp(buffer, "CONNECTORS") == 0)
            //load connector stuff
            s->nconnectors = n;
            _imd_load_connectors( &pFileData, s );
            debug(LOG_ERROR, "(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d", buffer, n);

    *ppFileData = pFileData;

    return s;