Exemple #1
CMap :: CMap( CGHost *nGHost )
	CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] using hardcoded Emerald Gardens map data for Warcraft 3 version 1.24 & 1.24b" );
	m_GHost = nGHost;
	m_Valid = true;
	m_MapPath = "Maps\\FrozenThrone\\(12)EmeraldGardens.w3x";
	m_MapSize = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "174 221 4 0", 4 );
	m_MapInfo = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "251 57 68 98", 4 );
	m_MapCRC = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "108 250 204 59", 4 );
	m_MapSHA1 = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "35 81 104 182 223 63 204 215 1 17 87 234 220 66 3 185 82 99 6 13", 20 );
	m_MapSpeed = MAPSPEED_FAST;
	m_MapVisibility = MAPVIS_DEFAULT;
	m_MapObservers = MAPOBS_NONE;
	m_MapOptions = MAPOPT_MELEE;
	m_MapWidth = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "172 0", 2 );
	m_MapHeight = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "172 0", 2 );
	m_MapLoadInGame = false;
	m_MapNumPlayers = 12;
	m_MapNumTeams = 12;
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 0, 0, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 1, 1, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 2, 2, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 3, 3, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 4, 4, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 5, 5, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 6, 6, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 7, 7, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 8, 8, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 9, 9, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 10, 10, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 11, 11, SLOTRACE_RANDOM | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE ) );
void CSaveGame :: ParseSaveGame( )
	m_MapPath.clear( );
	m_GameName.clear( );
	m_NumSlots = 0;
	m_Slots.clear( );
	m_RandomSeed = 0;
	m_MagicNumber.clear( );

	if( m_Flags != 0 )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] invalid replay (flags mismatch)" );
		m_Valid = false;

	istringstream ISS( m_Decompressed );

	// savegame format figured out by Varlock:
	// string		-> map path
	// 0 (string?)	-> ??? (no idea what this is)
	// string		-> game name
	// 0 (string?)	-> ??? (maybe original game password)
	// string		-> stat string
	// 4 bytes		-> ??? (seems to be # of slots)
	// 4 bytes		-> ??? (seems to be 0x01 0x28 0x49 0x00 on both of the savegames examined)
	// 2 bytes		-> ??? (no idea what this is)
	// slot structure
	// 4 bytes		-> magic number

	unsigned char Garbage1;
	uint16_t Garbage2;
	uint32_t Garbage4;
	string GarbageString;
	string idString;
	uint32_t MagicNumber;

	READSTR( ISS, m_MapPath );				// map path
	READSTR( ISS, idString );				// ??? , mark for custom save game file
	READSTR( ISS, m_GameName );				// game name
	READSTR( ISS, GarbageString );			// ???
	READSTR( ISS, GarbageString );			// stat string
	READB( ISS, &Garbage4, 4 );				// ???
	READB( ISS, &Garbage4, 4 );				// ???
	READB( ISS, &Garbage2, 2 );				// ???
	READB( ISS, &m_NumSlots, 1 );			// number of slots

	if( m_NumSlots > 12 )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] invalid savegame (too many slots)" );
		m_Valid = false;

	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < m_NumSlots; i++ )
		unsigned char SlotData[9];
		READB( ISS, SlotData, 9 );			// slot data
		m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( SlotData[0], SlotData[1], SlotData[2], SlotData[3], SlotData[4], SlotData[5], SlotData[6], SlotData[7], SlotData[8] ) );

	READB( ISS, &m_RandomSeed, 4 );			// random seed
	READB( ISS, &Garbage1, 1 );				// GameType
	READB( ISS, &Garbage1, 1 );				// number of player slots (non observer)
	READB( ISS, &MagicNumber, 4 );			// magic number

	if( ISS.eof( ) || ISS.fail( ) )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] failed to parse savegame header" );
		m_Valid = false;

	m_MagicNumber = UTIL_CreateByteArray( MagicNumber, false );

	if (idString == customMarkFileType)
		unsigned char nPIDsize;

		READB( ISS, &nPIDsize, 1 );
		m_EnforcePlayers.resize( nPIDsize );

		for ( unsigned char i = 0; i < nPIDsize; ++i)
			unsigned char PID;
			string playerName;

			READB( ISS, &PID, 1 );
			READSTR( ISS, playerName );

			m_EnforcePlayers[i] = PIDPlayer(PID, playerName);


	m_Valid = true;
Exemple #3
CMap :: CMap( CGHost *nGHost )
	CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] using hardcoded Emerald Gardens map data for Warcraft 3 version 1.24 & 1.24b" );
	m_GHost = nGHost;
	m_Valid = true;
	m_MapPath = "Maps\\FrozenThrone\\(12)EmeraldGardens.w3x";
	m_MapSize = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "174 221 4 0", 4 );
	m_MapInfo = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "251 57 68 98", 4 );
	m_MapCRC = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "108 250 204 59", 4 );
	m_MapSHA1 = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "35 81 104 182 223 63 204 215 1 17 87 234 220 66 3 185 82 99 6 13", 20 );
	if (m_GHost->m_LANWar3Version == 23)
		m_MapCRC = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "112 185 65 97", 4 );
		m_MapSHA1 = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "187 28 143 4 97 223 210 52 218 28 95 52 217 203 121 202 24 120 59 213", 20 );
	m_MapSpeed = MAPSPEED_FAST;
	m_MapVisibility = MAPVIS_DEFAULT;
	m_MapObservers = MAPOBS_NONE;
	m_MapGameType = 9;
	m_MapWidth = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "172 0", 2 );
	m_MapHeight = UTIL_ExtractNumbers( "172 0", 2 );
	m_MapLoadInGame = false;
	m_MapNumPlayers = 12;
	m_MapNumTeams = 12;
	m_MapOnlyAutoWarnIfMoreThanXPlayers = 0;
	m_AutoWarnMarks.push_back( 0 );
	m_LogAll = false;
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 0, 0, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 1, 1, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 2, 2, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 3, 3, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 4, 4, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 5, 5, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 6, 6, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 7, 7, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 8, 8, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 9, 9, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 10, 10, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );
	m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 11, 11, SLOTRACE_RANDOM ) );