void CRandomItems::AddItems (SItemAddCtx &Ctx)

//	AddItems
//	Add items

	int i, j;
	int iRoll = mathRandom(1, 1000);
	bool bAllAtOnce = (m_iDamaged == 0 && m_Enhanced.GetChance() == 0);

	for (i = 0; i < m_iCount; i++)
		iRoll -= m_Table[i].iProbability;

		if (iRoll <= 0)
			CItemType *pType = m_Table[i].pType;
			int iCount = pType->GetNumberAppearing().Roll();

			//	If we don't have a chance of enhancement or damage, just optimize the
			//	result by adding a group of items.

			if (bAllAtOnce)
				Ctx.ItemList.AddItem(CItem(m_Table[i].pType, iCount));

			//	If this is armor, then treat them as a block

			else if (pType->GetCategory() == itemcatArmor)
				CItem Item(m_Table[i].pType, iCount);

				if (mathRandom(1, 100) <= m_iDamaged)


			//	Otherwise, enhance/damage each item individually

				for (j = 0; j < iCount; j++)
					CItem Item(m_Table[i].pType, 1);

					if (mathRandom(1, 100) <= m_iDamaged)

void CDanceGroupFairlyLandProcessor::SendAllStorageBoxReward()
    SharedPtr<std::list<FairlyLandReward> > shareLstReward(new std::list<FairlyLandReward>);
    for (GroupPersonalMapIt GPit = m_mapGroupIndexPcInfo.begin(); GPit != m_mapGroupIndexPcInfo.end(); ++GPit)
        for (PersonalInfoMapIt Pit = GPit->second.begin(); Pit != GPit->second.end(); ++Pit)
            FairlyLandReward reward;
            reward.nRoleID = Pit->first;
            std::list<RewardItem> listReward;
            for (std::list<RewardItem>::iterator RIt = listReward.begin();
                RIt != listReward.end(); ++RIt)
                reward.bonus.m_listItems.push_back(CItem(RIt->m_nItemId, RIt->m_nCount, RIt->m_nDuration, false));

            if (!reward.bonus.m_listItems.empty())

    g_pQueryMgr->AddQuery(QUERY_DanceGroupFairlyLandClearAllStorageBoxReward, shareLstReward);
Exemple #3
CItem GetItemFromArg (CCodeChain &CC, ICCItem *pArg)

//	GetItemFromArg
//	Arg can be an UNID or an item

	if (pArg->IsList())
		return CreateItemFromList(CC, pArg);
	else if (pArg->IsInteger())
		CItemType *pType = g_pUniverse->FindItemType(pArg->GetIntegerValue());
		if (pType == NULL)
			return CItem();

		return CItem(pType, 1);
		return CItem();
void CDanceGroupFairlyLandProcessor::SendAllPassedReward()
    // 清理内存,并且把数据打包出去
    std::list<FairlyLandReward> *lstRewards = new std::list<FairlyLandReward>;

    for (GroupPersonalMapIt GPit = m_mapGroupIndexPcInfo.begin(); GPit != m_mapGroupIndexPcInfo.end(); ++GPit)
        GroupInfoMapIt Git = m_mapGroupInfo.find(GPit->first);
        if (m_mapGroupInfo.end() == Git)
            continue; // 下一个舞团

        for (PersonalInfoMapIt Pit = GPit->second.begin(); Pit != GPit->second.end(); ++Pit)
            FairlyLandReward reward;
            reward.nRoleID = Pit->first;
            FairlyLandChapterReward passReward;
            for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = Pit->second.m_setPassRewardFalg.begin(); iter != Pit->second.m_setPassRewardFalg.end(); ++iter)
                if (*iter >= Git->second.GetCurChapterLvl()) // 当前关卡,还没有通

                FairlyLandChapterReward tempReward;
                GetChapterPassReward(tempReward, *iter, Pit->second.m_nSex);
                passReward += tempReward;

            for (std::list<RewardItem>::iterator RIt = passReward.m_listItems.begin(); RIt != passReward.m_listItems.end(); ++RIt)
                reward.bonus.m_listItems.push_back(CItem(RIt->m_nItemId, (unsigned short)RIt->m_nCount, RIt->m_nDuration, false));

            reward.bonus.m_nMoney = passReward.m_nMoney;
            reward.bonus.m_nBindMCoin = passReward.m_nBindMB;

//             Pit->second.ClearPassedChapterReward(); // 清除掉这些数据

            if (!reward.bonus.m_listItems.empty() || reward.bonus.m_nMoney != 0 || reward.bonus.m_nBindMCoin != 0)

    SharedPtr<std::list<FairlyLandReward> > sharedLstReward(lstRewards);
    g_pQueryMgr->AddQuery(QUERY_DanceGroupFairlyLandClearAllPassedReward, sharedLstReward);

void CUIHelper::CreateClassInfoArmor (CShipClass *pClass, int x, int y, int cxWidth, DWORD dwOptions, int *retcyHeight, IAnimatron **retpInfo) const

//	CreateClassInfoArmor
//	Creates info about the ship class' armor

	//	Edge condition

	if (pClass->GetHullSectionCount() == 0)
		if (retcyHeight)
			*retcyHeight = 0;

		CAniSequencer::Create(CVector(x, y), (CAniSequencer **)retpInfo);

	//	Get the armor used

	CArmorClass *pArmor = pClass->GetHullSection(0)->pArmor;

	//	Compute the max armor limit

	CString sMaxArmor;
	if ((pClass->GetMaxArmorMass() % 1000) == 0)
		sMaxArmor = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d"), pClass->GetMaxArmorMass() / 1000);
		sMaxArmor = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d.%d"), pClass->GetMaxArmorMass() / 1000, ((pClass->GetMaxArmorMass() % 1000) + 50) / 100);

	//	Info

	CreateClassInfoItem(CItem(pArmor->GetItemType(), 1), 
			strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("\noptional upgrade up to %s ton segments"), sMaxArmor),
int CArmorClass::CalcBalance (void)

//	CalcBalance
//	Determines whether the given item is balanced for its level. Negative numbers
//	mean the item is underpowered. Positive numbers mean the item is overpowered.

	int i;
	int iBalance = 0;
	int iLevel = m_pItemType->GetLevel();

	//	Regeneration

	if (!m_Regen.IsEmpty())
		if (m_fPhotoRepair)
			iBalance += m_Regen.GetHPPerEra();
			iBalance += 5 * m_Regen.GetHPPerEra();

	//	Stealth

	if (m_iStealth >= 12)
		iBalance += 4;
	else if (m_iStealth >= 10)
		iBalance += 3;
	else if (m_iStealth >= 8)
		iBalance += 2;
	else if (m_iStealth >= 6)
		iBalance += 1;

	//	Immunities

	if (m_fDisintegrationImmune)
		if (iLevel <= 10)
			iBalance += 3;

	if (m_iBlindingDamageAdj <= 20 && iLevel < BLIND_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance += 1;
	else if (m_iBlindingDamageAdj > 0 && iLevel >= BLIND_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance -= 1;

	if (m_fRadiationImmune && iLevel < RADIATION_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance += 2;
	else if (!m_fRadiationImmune && iLevel >= RADIATION_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance -= 2;

	if (m_iEMPDamageAdj <= 20 && iLevel < EMP_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance += 2;
	else if (m_iEMPDamageAdj > 0 && iLevel >= EMP_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance -= 2;

	if (m_iDeviceDamageAdj <= 20 && iLevel < DEVICE_DAMAGE_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance += 2;
	else if (m_iDeviceDamageAdj > 0 && iLevel >= DEVICE_DAMAGE_IMMUNE_LEVEL)
		iBalance -= 2;

	if (m_iBlindingDamageAdj > 20 || m_iEMPDamageAdj > 20 || m_iDeviceDamageAdj > 20)
		if (m_iBlindingDamageAdj <= 33 || m_iEMPDamageAdj <= 33 || m_iDeviceDamageAdj <= 33)
			iBalance += 2;
		else if (m_iBlindingDamageAdj <= 50 || m_iEMPDamageAdj <= 50 || m_iDeviceDamageAdj <= 50)
			iBalance += 1;

	if (m_fPhotoRecharge)
		iBalance += 2;

	//	Matched sets

	if (m_iArmorCompleteBonus)
		int iPercent = m_iArmorCompleteBonus * 100 / m_iHitPoints;
		iBalance += (iPercent + 5) / 10;

	//	Damage Adjustment

	int iBalanceAdj = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++)
		int iStdAdj;
		int iDamageAdj;
		m_DamageAdj.GetAdjAndDefault((DamageTypes)i, &iDamageAdj, &iStdAdj);

		if (iStdAdj != iDamageAdj)
			if (iDamageAdj > 0)
				int iBonus = (int)((100.0 * (iStdAdj - iDamageAdj) / iDamageAdj) + 0.5);

				if (iBonus > 0)
					iBalanceAdj += iBonus / 4;
					iBalanceAdj -= ((int)((100.0 * iDamageAdj / iStdAdj) + 0.5) - 100) / 4;
			else if (iStdAdj > 0)
				iBalanceAdj += iStdAdj;

	iBalance += (Max(Min(iBalanceAdj, 100), -100)) / 5;

	//	Reflection

	for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++)
		if (m_Reflective.InSet((DamageTypes)i))
			iBalance += 8;

	//	Hit Points

	if (m_iHitPoints > 0)
		int iDiff = (m_iHitPoints - STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iHP);
		if (iDiff > 0)
			iBalance += iDiff * 20 / STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iHP;
		else if (m_iHitPoints > 0)
			iBalance -= (STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iHP * 20 / m_iHitPoints) - 20;
			iBalance -= 40;

	//	Mass

	int iMass = CItem(m_pItemType, 1).GetMassKg();
	if (iMass > 0)
		int iDiff = (iMass - STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iMass);

		//	Armor twice as massive can have double the hit points

		if (iDiff > 0)
			iBalance -= iDiff * 20 / STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iMass;

		//	Armor half as massive can have 3/4 hit points

		else if (iMass > 0)
			iBalance += (STD_STATS[iLevel - 1].iMass * 10 / iMass) - 10;
			iBalance += 100;

	//	Repair tech

	int iRepair = iLevel - m_iRepairTech;
	if (iRepair < 0)
		iBalance += 2 * iRepair;
	else if (iRepair > 0)
		iBalance += iRepair;

	//	Repair cost

	int iStdRepairCost = STD_STATS[m_iRepairTech - 1].iRepairCost;
	int iDiff = iStdRepairCost - m_iRepairCost;
	if (iDiff < 0)
		iBalance += Max(-8, 2 * iDiff / iStdRepairCost);
	else if (iDiff > 0)
		iBalance += 5 * iDiff / iStdRepairCost;

	//	Power consumption

	if (m_iPowerUse)
		int iPercent = m_iPowerUse * 100 / CShieldClass::GetStdPower(iLevel);
		iBalance -= iPercent;

	//	Meteorsteel

	if (m_fShieldInterference)
		iBalance -= 12;

	//	Decay

	if (!m_Decay.IsEmpty())
		iBalance -= 4 * m_Decay.GetHPPerEra();

	return 5 * iBalance;
void CSingleDevice::AddDevices (SDeviceGenerateCtx &Ctx)

//	AddDevices
//	Add devices to list

	int i;

	if (m_pItemType == NULL)

	int iCount = m_Count.Roll();
	for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		//	Initialize the desc

		SDeviceDesc Desc;
		Desc.Item = CItem(m_pItemType, 1);
		if (mathRandom(1, 100) <= m_iDamaged)

		//	Find the default settings for the device slot for this device

		SDeviceDesc SlotDesc;
		bool bUseSlotDesc = (Ctx.pRoot ? Ctx.pRoot->FindDefaultDesc(Desc.Item, &SlotDesc) : false);

		//	Set the device position appropriately, either from the <Device> element,
		//	from the slot descriptor at the root, or from defaults.

		if (!m_bDefaultPos)
			Desc.iPosAngle = m_iPosAngle;
			Desc.iPosRadius = m_iPosRadius;
			Desc.iPosZ = m_iPosZ;
			Desc.b3DPosition = m_b3DPosition;
		else if (bUseSlotDesc)
			Desc.iPosAngle = SlotDesc.iPosAngle;
			Desc.iPosRadius = SlotDesc.iPosRadius;
			Desc.iPosZ = SlotDesc.iPosZ;
			Desc.b3DPosition = SlotDesc.b3DPosition;

		//	Set the device fire arc appropriately.

		if (!m_bDefaultFireArc)
			Desc.bOmnidirectional = m_bOmnidirectional;
			Desc.iMinFireArc = m_iMinFireArc;
			Desc.iMaxFireArc = m_iMaxFireArc;
		else if (bUseSlotDesc)
			Desc.bOmnidirectional = SlotDesc.bOmnidirectional;
			Desc.iMinFireArc = SlotDesc.iMinFireArc;
			Desc.iMaxFireArc = SlotDesc.iMaxFireArc;

		//	Set linked fire

		if (!m_bDefaultLinkedFire)
			Desc.dwLinkedFireOptions = m_dwLinkedFireOptions;
		else if (bUseSlotDesc)
			Desc.dwLinkedFireOptions = SlotDesc.dwLinkedFireOptions;
			Desc.dwLinkedFireOptions = 0;

		Desc.bSecondary = m_bSecondary;

		//	Slot bonus

		if (!m_bDefaultSlotBonus)
			Desc.iSlotBonus = m_iSlotBonus;
		else if (bUseSlotDesc)
			Desc.iSlotBonus = SlotDesc.iSlotBonus;
			Desc.iSlotBonus = 0;

		//	Add extra items

		if (m_pExtraItems)
			CItemListManipulator ItemList(Desc.ExtraItems);
			SItemAddCtx ItemCtx(ItemList);
			ItemCtx.iLevel = Ctx.iLevel;


		//	Done
void CNewGameSession::SetShipClass (CShipClass *pClass, int x, int y, int cxWidth)

//	SetShipClass
//	Sets the ship class

	int i;

	const CPlayerSettings *pPlayerSettings = pClass->GetPlayerSettings();

	const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals();
	const CG16bitFont &MediumBoldFont = VI.GetFont(fontMediumBold);
	const CG16bitFont &SubTitleFont = VI.GetFont(fontSubTitle);

	//	Ship class name

	SetShipClassName(pClass->GetName(), x, y, cxWidth);
	SetShipClassDesc(pPlayerSettings->GetDesc(), x, y, cxWidth);

	//	Offset

	int yOffset = SMALL_BUTTON_HEIGHT + SMALL_SPACING_VERT + MediumBoldFont.GetHeight() + 2 * SubTitleFont.GetHeight();

	//	Ship class image

	SetShipClassImage(pClass, x, y + yOffset, cxWidth);

	//	Delete previous info


	//	Create a sequencer for all class info components

	CAniSequencer *pClassInfo;
	CAniSequencer::Create(CVector(x, y + yOffset + SubTitleFont.GetHeight()), &pClassInfo);

	//	Generate default devices for the ship class

	CDeviceDescList Devices;
	pClass->GenerateDevices(1, Devices);

	//	Generate list of all weapons, sorted by level and name

	TSortMap<CString, CItem> RightSide;
	for (i = 0; i < Devices.GetCount(); i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = Devices.GetDeviceClass(i);
		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatWeapon ||
				pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatLauncher)
			RightSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 1, pDevice->GetLevel(), pDevice->GetName()), CItem(pDevice->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add shields

	TSortMap<CString, CItem> LeftSide;
	CDeviceClass *pShields = Devices.GetNamedDevice(devShields);
	if (pShields)
		RightSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 2, pShields->GetLevel(), pShields->GetName()), CItem(pShields->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add armor

	RightSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("03"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_ARMOR));

	//	Add reactor

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("01"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_REACTOR));

	//	Add engines

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("02"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_DRIVE));

	//	Add cargo

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("03"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_CARGO));

	//	Add misc devices

	for (i = 0; i < Devices.GetCount(); i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = Devices.GetDeviceClass(i);
		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatMiscDevice)
			LeftSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 4, pDevice->GetLevel(), pDevice->GetName()), CItem(pDevice->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add device slots

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("05"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_DEVICE_SLOTS));

	//	Set the ship class info. All weapons go to the right of the ship image

	int xPos = (cxWidth / 2) + (SHIP_IMAGE_RECT_WIDTH / 2);
	int yPos = 0;
	int cxInfo = (cxWidth - xPos);

	for (i = 0; i < RightSide.GetCount(); i++)
		int cyInfo;
		IAnimatron *pInfo;
		AddClassInfo(pClass, Devices, RightSide[i], xPos, yPos, cxInfo, 0, &cyInfo, &pInfo);

		pClassInfo->AddTrack(pInfo, 0);
		yPos += cyInfo + ITEM_INFO_PADDING_VERT;

	//	Misc devices go on the left

	xPos = (cxWidth / 2) - (SHIP_IMAGE_RECT_WIDTH / 2);
	yPos = 0;
	cxInfo = xPos;

	for (i = 0; i < LeftSide.GetCount(); i++)
		int cyInfo;
		IAnimatron *pInfo;
		AddClassInfo(pClass, Devices, LeftSide[i], xPos, yPos, cxInfo, CUIHelper::OPTION_ITEM_RIGHT_ALIGN, &cyInfo, &pInfo);

		pClassInfo->AddTrack(pInfo, 0);
		yPos += cyInfo + ITEM_INFO_PADDING_VERT;
