Exemple #1
void CControlState::Save( CEditX *pCtrl )
   if ( !pCtrl )
   BOOL bSaveState = pCtrl->m_bRequiresSave;

   HWND hWnd = pCtrl->m_hWnd;
   ASSERT( IsWindow( hWnd ) );
      pCtrl->put_Text( m_bstrText );
   CM_EnableColorSyntax( hWnd, m_bColorSyntax );
   CM_EnableSplitter( hWnd, TRUE, m_bAllowHSplit );
   CM_EnableSplitter( hWnd, FALSE, m_bAllowVSplit );
   CM_ShowScrollBar( hWnd, TRUE, m_bHScroll );
   CM_ShowScrollBar( hWnd, FALSE, m_bVScroll );
   CM_EnableSmoothScrolling( hWnd, m_bSmoothScroll );
   CM_EnableLineToolTips( hWnd, m_bLineToolTips );
   CM_EnableLeftMargin( hWnd, m_bShowLeftMargin );
   CM_EnableColumnSel( hWnd, m_bAllowColumnSel );
   CM_EnableDragDrop( hWnd, m_bAllowDragDrop );
   CM_EnableTabExpand( hWnd, m_bExpandTabs );
   CM_SetSplitterPos( hWnd, TRUE, m_xPosHSplitter );
   CM_SetSplitterPos( hWnd, FALSE, m_yPosVSplitter );
   CM_SetAutoIndentMode( hWnd, m_eIndentStyle );
   CM_SetTabSize( hWnd, m_nTabSize );
   CM_EnableWhitespaceDisplay( hWnd, m_bDisplayWhitespace );
   CM_EnableCRLF( hWnd, m_bWantCarriageReturn );
   EnableWindow( hWnd, m_bEnabled );
   CM_EnableGlobalProps( hWnd, m_bGlobalProps );
    CM_SetModified( hWnd, m_bModified );
    CM_EnableOvertype( hWnd, m_bOverType );
    CM_SetReadOnly( hWnd, m_bReadOnly );
    CM_EnablePreserveCase( hWnd, m_bPreserveCase );
    CM_EnableCaseSensitive( hWnd, m_bCaseSensitiveSearch );
    CM_EnableWholeWord( hWnd, m_bWholeWordOnly );
    CM_EnableRegExp( hWnd, m_bRegExp );
    CM_SetUndoLimit( hWnd, m_nMaxUndo );
   CM_SetColors( hWnd, &m_Colors );
   CM_EnableSelBounds( hWnd, m_bSelBounds );
   CM_EnableHideSel( hWnd, m_bHideSel );
   CM_EnableNormalizeCase( hWnd, m_bNormalizeCase );
   CM_EnableOvertypeCaret( hWnd, m_bOvertypeCaret );
   SendMessage( hWnd, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM ) CreateFontIndirect( &m_lf ), 0 );
   CM_SetFontOwnership( hWnd, TRUE );
   CM_SetFontStyles( hWnd, &m_FontStyles );
   CM_SetLineNumbering( hWnd, &m_LineNum );
      pCtrl->put_Language( m_bstrLang );
   CM_SetHighlightedLine( hWnd, m_nHighlightedLine );
   CM_SetBorderStyle( hWnd, m_dwBorderStyle );
   pCtrl->m_bStealKeys = m_bStealKeys;
   pCtrl->m_bRequiresSave = bSaveState;
// this function exists only in the debug build and exists solely to catch compile errors in the CM_xxx macros
void MacroVerify()
	HWND hWnd = NULL;
		LPCTSTR pszName = 0; 
		CM_SetLanguage( hWnd, pszName );
		LPCTSTR pszName = 0; 
		CM_GetLanguage( hWnd, pszName );
		BOOL bEnable = 0; 
		CM_EnableColorSyntax( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsColorSyntaxEnabled( hWnd );
		LPCTSTR pszFileName = 0;
		CM_OpenFile( hWnd, pszFileName );
		LPCTSTR pszFileName = 0;
		CM_POSITION *pPos = 0;
		CM_InsertFile( hWnd, pszFileName, pPos );
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_POSITION *pPos = 0;
		CM_InsertText( hWnd, pszText, pPos );
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_SetText( hWnd, pszText );
		CM_COLORS *pColors = 0;
		CM_SetColors( hWnd, pColors );
		CM_COLORS *pColors = 0;
		CM_GetColors( hWnd, pColors );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableWhitespaceDisplay( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsWhitespaceDisplayEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableTabExpand( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsTabExpandEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableSmoothScrolling( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsSmoothScrollingEnabled( hWnd );
		int nTabSize = 0;
		CM_SetTabSize( hWnd, nTabSize );
		CM_GetTabSize( hWnd );
		BOOL bReadOnly = 0;
		CM_SetReadOnly( hWnd, bReadOnly );
		CM_IsReadOnly( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableLineToolTips( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsLineToolTipsEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableLeftMargin( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsLeftMarginEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bClearUndo = 0;
		LPCTSTR pszFileName = 0;
		CM_SaveFile( hWnd, bClearUndo, pszFileName );
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		CM_ReplaceText( hWnd, pszText, pRange );
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		BOOL bLogical = FALSE;
		CM_GetTextLength( hWnd, pRange, bLogical );
		LPCTSTR pszBuff = 0;
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		CM_GetText( hWnd, pszBuff, pRange );
		int nLine = 0;
		LPCTSTR pszBuff = 0;
		CM_GetLine( hWnd, nLine, pszBuff );
		int nLine = 0;
		BOOL bLogical = FALSE;
		CM_GetLineLength( hWnd, nLine, bLogical );
		LPCTSTR pszBuff = 0;
		CM_POSITION *pPos = 0;
		CM_GetWord( hWnd, pszBuff, pPos );
		CM_POSITION *pPos = 0;
		BOOL bLogical = FALSE;
		CM_GetWordLength( hWnd, pPos, bLogical );
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_AddText( hWnd, pszText );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_DeleteLine( hWnd, nLine );
		int nLine = 0;
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_InsertLine( hWnd, nLine, pszText );
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		BOOL bNormalized = 0;
		CM_GetSel( hWnd, pRange, bNormalized );
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		BOOL bMakeVisible = 0;
		CM_SetSel( hWnd, pRange, bMakeVisible );
		CM_DeleteSel( hWnd );
		LPCTSTR pszText = 0;
		CM_ReplaceSel( hWnd, pszText );
		WORD wCmd = 0;
		DWORD dwCmdData = 0;
		CM_ExecuteCmd( hWnd, wCmd, dwCmdData );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		int nPos = 0;
		CM_SetSplitterPos( hWnd, bHorz, nPos );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		CM_GetSplitterPos( hWnd, bHorz );
		int nMode = 0;
		CM_SetAutoIndentMode( hWnd, nMode );
		CM_GetAutoIndentMode( hWnd );
		CM_CanUndo( hWnd );
		CM_CanRedo( hWnd );
		CM_Redo( hWnd );
		CM_Undo( hWnd );
		CM_ClearUndoBuffer( hWnd );
		int nLimit = 0;
		CM_SetUndoLimit( hWnd, nLimit );
		CM_GetUndoLimit( hWnd );
		CM_IsModified( hWnd );
		BOOL bModified = 0;
		CM_SetModified( hWnd, bModified );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableOvertype( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsOvertypeEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableCaseSensitive( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsCaseSensitiveEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnablePreserveCase( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsPreserveCaseEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableWholeWord( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsWholeWordEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableRegExp( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsRegExpEnabled( hWnd );
		int nView = 0;
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_SetTopIndex( hWnd, nView, nLine );
		int nView = 0;
		CM_GetTopIndex( hWnd, nView );
		int nView = 0;
		BOOL bFullyVisible = 0;
		CM_GetVisibleLineCount( hWnd, nView, bFullyVisible );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableCRLF( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsCRLFEnabled( hWnd );
		CM_GetCurrentView( hWnd );
		CM_GetViewCount( hWnd );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		BOOL bShow = 0;
		CM_ShowScrollBar( hWnd, bHorz, bShow );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		CM_HasScrollBar( hWnd, bHorz );
		int xClient = 0;
		int yClient = 0;
		CM_RANGE *pRange = 0;
		CM_GetSelFromPoint( hWnd, xClient, yClient, pRange );
		int nLine = 0;
		BOOL bMakeVisible = 0;
		CM_SelectLine( hWnd, nLine, bMakeVisible );
		int xClient = 0;
		int yClient = 0;
		CM_HitTest( hWnd, xClient, yClient );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableDragDrop( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsDragDropEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableSplitter( hWnd, bHorz, bEnable );
		BOOL bHorz = 0;
		CM_IsSplitterEnabled( hWnd, bHorz );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableColumnSel( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsColumnSelEnabled( hWnd );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableGlobalProps( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsGlobalPropsEnabled( hWnd );
		CM_IsRecordingMacro( hWnd );
		CM_IsPlayingMacro( hWnd );
		HWND hWndParent = 0;
		CM_SetDlgParent( hWnd, hWndParent );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableSelBounds( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsSelBoundsEnabled( hWnd );
		CM_FONTSTYLES *pFontStyles = NULL;
		CM_SetFontStyles( hWnd, pFontStyles );
		CM_FONTSTYLES *pFontStyles = NULL;
		CM_GetFontStyles( hWnd, pFontStyles );
		LPARAM lParam = 0;
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_SetItemData( hWnd, nLine, lParam );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_GetItemData( hWnd, nLine );
		int nLine = 0;
		DWORD dwStyle = 0;
		CM_SetLineStyle( hWnd, nLine, dwStyle );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_GetLineStyle( hWnd, nLine );
		int nLine = 0;
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_SetBookmark( hWnd, nLine, bEnable );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_GetBookmark( hWnd, nLine );
		int nCount = 0;
		LPDWORD pdwLines = NULL;
		CM_SetAllBookmarks( hWnd, nCount, pdwLines );
		LPDWORD pdwLines = NULL;
		CM_GetAllBookmarks( hWnd, pdwLines );
		CM_SetLineNumbering( hWnd, pNumbering );
		CM_GetLineNumbering( hWnd, pNumbering );
		LPRECT pRect = NULL;
		CM_PosFromChar( hWnd, pPos, pRect );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableHideSel( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsHideSelEnabled( hWnd );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_SetHighlightedLine( hWnd, nLine );
		CM_GetHighlightedLine( hWnd );
		int nLine = 0;
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_SetDivider( hWnd, nLine, bEnable );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_GetDivider( hWnd, nLine );
		BOOL bEnable = 0;
		CM_EnableOvertypeCaret( hWnd, bEnable );
		CM_IsOvertypeCaretEnabled( hWnd );
		LPCTSTR pszText = NULL;
		CM_SetFindText( hWnd, pszText );
		LPCTSTR pszText = NULL;
		CM_GetFindText( hWnd, pszText );
		LPCTSTR pszText = NULL;
		CM_SetReplaceText( hWnd, pszText );
		LPCTSTR pszText = NULL;
		CM_GetReplaceText( hWnd, pszText );
		CM_SetImageList( hWnd, hImageList );
		CM_GetImageList( hWnd );
		int nLine = 0;
		BYTE byImages = 0;
		CM_SetMarginImages( hWnd, nLine, byImages );
		int nLine = 0;
		CM_GetMarginImages( hWnd, nLine );
		CM_AboutBox( hWnd );
		WORD wFlags = 0;
		CM_Print( hWnd, hDC, wFlags );
		int nLine = 0;
		int nCol = 0;
		CM_SetCaretPos( hWnd, nLine, nCol );
		int nLine = 0;
		int nCol = 0;
		CM_ViewColToBufferCol( hWnd, nLine, nCol );
		int nLine = 0;
		int nCol = 0;
		CM_BufferColToViewCol( hWnd, nLine, nCol );