Exemple #1
bool OrientationMatches(FaceVertices* fv, Volume* v)
//	find the matching face desc and compare
	FaceDescriptor fd;
	for(size_t iface = 0; iface < v->num_faces(); ++iface){
		v->face_desc(iface, fd);
		if(CompareVertices(fv, &fd)){
		//	check if their orientation matches
		//	find the first vertex of fv in f
			size_t i;
			for(i = 0; i < fd.num_vertices(); ++i)
				if(fd.vertex(i) == fv->vertex(0))

			if(i < fd.num_vertices())
			//	the first one has been found.
			//	check whether the second vertex of ed is the
			//	same as the next vertex of f
				if(fv->vertex(1) == fd.vertex((i+1) % fd.num_vertices()))
					return true;//	the orientation is the same

		//	the orientation is not the same.
			return false;

//	the orientation is not the same.
	return false;
void OutlineTriangulator_Impl::create_ordered_vertex_list(std::vector<OutlineTriangulator_Vertex *> &vertices)
	std::vector<OutlineTriangulator_Polygon>::size_type index_polygons, num_polygons;
	num_polygons = polygons.size();
	for (index_polygons = 0; index_polygons < num_polygons; index_polygons++)
		OutlineTriangulator_Polygon &cur_poly = polygons[index_polygons];
		std::vector<OutlineTriangulator_Contour>::size_type index_contours, num_contours;
		num_contours = cur_poly.contours.size();
		for (index_contours = 0; index_contours < num_contours; index_contours++)
			OutlineTriangulator_Contour &cur_contour = cur_poly.contours[index_contours];
			std::vector<OutlineTriangulator_Vertex>::size_type index_vertices, num_vertices;
			num_vertices = cur_contour.vertices.size();
			for (index_vertices = 0; index_vertices < num_vertices; index_vertices++)

	// Sort list:
	std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), CompareVertices());

	// Remove duplicates:
	auto it = vertices.begin();
	if (it == vertices.end()) return;
	float last_x = (*it)->x;
	float last_y = (*it)->y;
	while (it != vertices.end())
		if (last_x == (*it)->x && last_y == (*it)->y)
			it = vertices.erase(it);
			last_x = (*it)->x;
			last_y = (*it)->y;
Exemple #3
 static int qsort_CompareVertices_minus( const void *pvVertex0, const void *pvVertex1)
   BSPVertex<Type, iDimensions> &vx0 = *(BSPVertex<Type, iDimensions> *)pvVertex0;
   BSPVertex<Type, iDimensions> &vx1 = *(BSPVertex<Type, iDimensions> *)pvVertex1;
   return -CompareVertices(vx0, vx1, qsort_iCompareAxis);
void GetVerticesIntoModel(Model3D& Model)
	// Search for redundant vertices -- if there are any vertices to look for
	if (FullVertexList.empty()) return;
	// First, index-sort them
	// Set up for index sorting by finding the position range
	// (this code is a bit smarter than BG's 3DMF Mapper code for doing that);
	// this is unnecessary for the other vertex data
	GLfloat PosMin[3], PosMax[3];
	for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
		PosMin[c] = PosMax[c] = FullVertexList[0].Data[FullVertexData::POS_BASE+c];
	int OldNumVertices = FullVertexList.size();
	for (int k=0; k<OldNumVertices; k++)
		GLfloat *Pos = FullVertexList[0].Data + FullVertexData::POS_BASE;
		for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
			GLfloat PC = Pos[c];
			PosMin[c] = MIN(PosMin[c],PC);
			PosMax[c] = MAX(PosMax[c],PC);
	const GLfloat ThresholdConstant = 0.001;
	for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
		Thresholds[FullVertexData::POS_BASE+c] = ThresholdConstant*(PosMax[c]-PosMin[c]);
	for (int c=0; c<2; c++)
		Thresholds[FullVertexData::TC_BASE+c] = ThresholdConstant;
	for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
		Thresholds[FullVertexData::NORM_BASE+c] = ThresholdConstant;
	for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
		Thresholds[FullVertexData::COLOR_BASE+c] = ThresholdConstant;

	// Now the actual sorting
	vector<int> Indices(OldNumVertices);
	for (int k=0; k<Indices.size(); k++)
		Indices[k] = k;
	// STL sort may be slow
	// Set up vertex ranks in place; count the distinct vertices.
	// Also, use the first one of a non-distinct set in sorted order
	// as the new vertex
	vector<int> VertexSelect;
	int TopRank = 0;
	int PrevIndex = Indices[0];
	VertexSelect[TopRank] = PrevIndex;
	Model.VertIndices[PrevIndex] = TopRank;
	for (int k=1; k<OldNumVertices; k++)
		int CurrIndex = Indices[k];
		if (CompareVertices(&PrevIndex,&CurrIndex) != 0)
			VertexSelect[TopRank] = CurrIndex;
		Model.VertIndices[CurrIndex] = TopRank;
		PrevIndex = CurrIndex;
	int NewNumVertices = TopRank + 1;
	// Fill up the rest of model arrays
	GLfloat *PosPtr = &Model.Positions[0];
	GLfloat *TCPtr = NULL;
	if (TxtrCoordsPresent)
		TCPtr = &Model.TxtrCoords[0];
	GLfloat *NormPtr = NULL;
	if (NormalsPresent)
		NormPtr = &Model.Normals[0];
	GLfloat *ColorPtr = NULL;
	if (ColorsPresent)
		ColorPtr = &Model.Colors[0];
	for (int k=0; k<NewNumVertices; k++)
		FullVertexData& FullVertex = FullVertexList[VertexSelect[k]];
		GLfloat *Pos = FullVertex.Data + FullVertexData::POS_BASE;
		for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
			*(PosPtr++) = *(Pos++);
		if (TxtrCoordsPresent)
			GLfloat *TC = FullVertex.Data + FullVertexData::TC_BASE;
			for (int c=0; c<2; c++)
				*(TCPtr++) = *(TC++);	
		if (NormalsPresent)
			GLfloat *Norm = FullVertex.Data + FullVertexData::NORM_BASE;
			for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
				*(NormPtr++) = *(Norm++);	
		if (ColorsPresent)
			GLfloat *Color = FullVertex.Data + FullVertexData::COLOR_BASE;
			for (int c=0; c<3; c++)
				*(ColorPtr++) = *(Color++);	
	// All done!