Exemple #1
void CEColorDlg::SetColorPicker(int nColorPicker)
	if (m_nColorPicker != nColorPicker)
		CComPtr<IUIDlg> colorDlg = CreateColorPicker(nColorPicker);

		if (colorDlg)
		// Remove previous color picker
			if (m_colorDlg)

			m_colorDlg = colorDlg;
			m_nColorPicker = nColorPicker;


			MessageBox("Failed to create color picker", "LXMLEditor", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
FReply FColorStructCustomization::OnOpenFullColorPickerClicked()
	CreateColorPicker( /*bUseAlpha*/ true, /*bRefreshOnlyOnOk*/ false );

	bIsInlineColorPickerVisible = false;

	return FReply::Handled();
Exemple #3
LRESULT CEColorDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
	GetDlgControl(IDC_COLOR_ALPHASLIDER, IID_IUISlider, (void**)&m_alphaSlider);
	IDispEventImpl<1, CEColorDlg, &DIID__IUISliderEvents, &LIBID_UILib, 1, 0>::DispEventAdvise(m_alphaSlider);


	if (FALSE)
#if 0
		CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnknown;
		::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LHTMLActiveDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&spUnknown);

		m_htmlActiveDoc = spUnknown;
		if (m_htmlActiveDoc)
			CComQIPtr<IOleDocument> oleDocument = m_htmlActiveDoc;
			CComPtr<IOleDocumentView> oleView;
			oleDocument->CreateView(NULL,// *pIPSite,
				NULL,///* [unique][in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstm,
				0,///* [in] */ DWORD dwReserved,
			m_htmlView = oleView;

	m_fillrc = CRect(6, 6, 6+18, 6+18);
	m_strokerc = CRect(6+9, 6+9, 6+18+9, 6+18+9);

	m_colorDlg = CreateColorPicker(m_nColorPicker);

//	CComQIPtr<IUIActiveManager> uiActiveManager = m_app;
//	uiActiveManager->AddEventHandler(this);
#if 0
		IDispEventImpl<7, CEColorDlg, &DIID__IEXMLViewGroupEvents, &LIBID_LXMLEDITORLib, 1, 0>::DispEventAdvise(m_viewGroup);

		CComPtr<ILCSSStyleDeclaration> style;


//		IDispEventImpl<2, CSVGFiltersDlg, &DIID__IWebXMLDocumentEvents, &LIBID_WEBEDITORLib, 1, 0>::DispEventAdvise(m_document);


	return 0;
FReply FReplaceVectorWithLinearColorBuilder::OnMouseButtonDownColorBlock(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent, TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> StructHandle)
	if (MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() != EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		return FReply::Unhandled();

	return FReply::Handled();
FReply FColorStructCustomization::OnMouseButtonDownColorBlock(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	if ( MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() != EKeys::LeftMouseButton )
		return FReply::Unhandled();
	CreateColorPicker( /*bUseAlpha*/ true, /*bRefreshOnlyOnOk*/ false );

	//bIsInlineColorPickerVisible = !bIsInlineColorPickerVisible;

	return FReply::Handled();
Exemple #6
bool CheckForHexColor(const HWND h_scintilla, const int start, const int end){
	int len = end - start;

	// break - wrong length: fc6 ffcc66
	if (len != 3 && len != 6)
		return false;

	char prev_char = (char)::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETCHARAT, start - 1, 0);
	// break - no # mark
	if (prev_char == 0 || prev_char != '#')
		return false;

	char next_char = (char)::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETCHARAT, end, 0);

	// break - next char is still hex char
	if (next_char != 0 && strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", next_char) != NULL)
		return false;

	// passed -

	// create the color picker if not created
	if (!_pColorPicker)

	// get hex text - scintilla only accept char
	char hex_str[10];
    ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETSELTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&hex_str);

	wchar_t hex_color[20];

	::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, hex_str, -1, hex_color, sizeof(hex_str));

	// put current color to picker
	if (!_pColorPicker->SetHexColor(hex_color)) {
		// not a valid hex color string
		return false;

	return true;

Exemple #7
bool CheckForRgbColor(const HWND h_scintilla, const int start, const int end){
	int len = end - start;

	// break - wrong length: rgb rgba
	if (len != 3 && len != 4)
		return false;

	char next_char = (char)::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETCHARAT, end, 0);

	// break - next char should be the open bracket
	if (next_char != '(')
		return false;

	int line = ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, end, 0);
	int line_end = ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, line, 0);

	// get first close bracket position
	char close_bracket[] = ")";
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETTARGETSTART, end, 0);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETTARGETEND, line_end, 0);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, 0, 0);
    ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SEARCHANCHOR, 0, 0);
	int close_pos = ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, strlen(close_bracket), (LPARAM)close_bracket);

	// no close bracket
	if(close_pos == -1)
		return false;

	// only match the first 3 values
	char regexp[] = "(?i:rgb\\(|rgba\\()([0-9]{1,3})(?:[ ]*,[ ]*)([0-9]{1,3})(?:[ ]*,[ ]*)([0-9]{1,3})(?:[ ]*)";
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETTARGETSTART, start, 0);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETTARGETEND, close_pos+1, 0);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, SCFIND_REGEXP, 0);
    ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SEARCHANCHOR, 0, 0);
	int target_pos = ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, strlen(regexp), (LPARAM)regexp);

	// no match
	if(target_pos == -1)
		return false;

	char r[6], g[6], b[6];
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETTAG, 1, (LPARAM)&r);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETTAG, 2, (LPARAM)&g);
	::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETTAG, 3, (LPARAM)&b);

	int ir = strtol(r, NULL, 10);
	int ig = strtol(g, NULL, 10);
	int ib = strtol(b, NULL, 10);

	// invalid color value
	if(ir>255 || ig>255 || ib>255)
		return false;

	// passed -
	COLORREF color = RGB(ir, ig, ib);

	// prepare seletion range for replacement
	_rgb_start = end + 1;
	_rgb_end = ::SendMessage(h_scintilla, SCI_GETTARGETEND, 0, 0);

	// create the color picker if not created
	if (!_pColorPicker)

	// put current color to picker

	return true;
