Exemple #1
void L4Axisymm :: drawDeformedGeometry(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep, UnknownType type)
    WCRec p [ 4 ];
    GraphicObj *go;
    double defScale = gc.getDefScale();

    if ( !gc.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    EASValsSetColor( gc.getDeformedElementColor() );
    EASValsSetEdgeColor( gc.getElementEdgeColor() );
    p [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 0 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 1 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(2)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 1 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(2)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 1 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 2 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(3)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 2 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(3)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 2 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 3 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(4)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 3 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(4)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
    p [ 3 ].z = 0.;

    go =  CreateQuad3D(p);
    EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), go);
Exemple #2
void L4Axisymm :: drawRawGeometry(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep)
    WCRec p [ 4 ];
    GraphicObj *go;

    if ( !gc.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    EASValsSetColor( gc.getElementColor() );
    EASValsSetEdgeColor( gc.getElementEdgeColor() );
    p [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinate(1);
    p [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinate(2);
    p [ 0 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 1 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(2)->giveCoordinate(1);
    p [ 1 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(2)->giveCoordinate(2);
    p [ 1 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 2 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(3)->giveCoordinate(1);
    p [ 2 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(3)->giveCoordinate(2);
    p [ 2 ].z = 0.;
    p [ 3 ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(4)->giveCoordinate(1);
    p [ 3 ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(4)->giveCoordinate(2);
    p [ 3 ].z = 0.;

    go =  CreateQuad3D(p);
    EGAttachObject(go, ( EObjectP ) this);
    EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), go);
Exemple #3
void Truss1d :: drawScalar(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, indx, result = 0;
    WCRec p [ 2 ];
    GraphicObj *tr;
    FloatArray v1, v2;
    double s [ 2 ], defScale;

    if ( !gc.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    if ( gc.giveIntVarMode() == ISM_recovered ) {
        result += this->giveInternalStateAtNode(v1, gc.giveIntVarType(), gc.giveIntVarMode(), 1, tStep);
        result += this->giveInternalStateAtNode(v2, gc.giveIntVarType(), gc.giveIntVarMode(), 2, tStep);
    } else if ( gc.giveIntVarMode() == ISM_local ) {
        GaussPoint *gp = integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->getIntegrationPoint(0);
        result += giveIPValue(v1, gp, gc.giveIntVarType(), tStep);
        v2 = v1;
        result *= 2;

    if ( result != 2 ) {

    indx = gc.giveIntVarIndx();

    s [ 0 ] = v1.at(indx);
    s [ 1 ] = v2.at(indx);


    if ( ( gc.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ISO_SURF ) || ( gc.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ISO_LINE ) ) {
        for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            if ( gc.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                // use deformed geometry
                defScale = gc.getDefScale();
                p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                p [ i ].y = 0.;
                p [ i ].z = 0.;
            } else {
                p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                p [ i ].y = 0.;
                p [ i ].z = 0.;

        tr =  CreateLine3D(p);
        EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK, tr);
        EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
    } else if ( ( gc.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ZPROFILE ) || ( gc.getScalarAlgo() == SA_COLORZPROFILE ) ) {
        double landScale = gc.getLandScale();

        for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            if ( gc.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                // use deformed geometry
                defScale = gc.getDefScale();
                p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                p [ i ].y = 0.0;
                p [ i ].z = s [ i ] * landScale;
            } else {
                p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                p [ i ].y = 0.0;
                p [ i ].z = s [ i ] * landScale;

        if ( gc.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ZPROFILE ) {
             * EASValsSetColor(gc.getDeformedElementColor());
             * EASValsSetLineWidth(OOFEG_DEFORMED_GEOMETRY_WIDTH);
             * tr =  CreateLine3D(p);
             * EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
            WCRec pp [ 4 ];
            pp [ 0 ].x = p [ 0 ].x;
            pp [ 0 ].y = 0.0;
            pp [ 0 ].z = 0.0;
            pp [ 1 ].x = p [ 0 ].x;
            pp [ 1 ].y = 0.0;
            pp [ 1 ].z = p [ 0 ].z;
            pp [ 2 ].x = p [ 1 ].x;
            pp [ 2 ].y = 0.0;
            pp [ 2 ].z = p [ 1 ].z;
            pp [ 3 ].x = p [ 1 ].x;
            pp [ 3 ].y = 0.0;
            pp [ 3 ].z = 0.0;
            tr = CreateQuad3D(pp);
            EASValsSetColor( gc.getDeformedElementColor() );
            EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | FILL_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
            EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
        } else {
            //tr =  CreateTriangleWD3D(p, s[0], s[1], s[2]);
            EASValsSetColor( gc.getDeformedElementColor() );
            tr =  CreateLine3D(p);
            EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
            EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
void QPlaneStress2d :: drawScalar(oofegGraphicContext &context)
    int i, indx,  n [ 4 ], result = 0;
    WCRec p [ 4 ], pp [ 9 ];
    GraphicObj *tr;
    TimeStep *tStep = this->giveDomain()->giveEngngModel()->giveCurrentStep();
    FloatArray v [ 8 ];
    double s [ 9 ], ss [ 4 ], defScale;
    int ip;
    GaussPoint *gp;

    if ( !context.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    if ( context.giveIntVarMode() == ISM_recovered ) {
        // ============ plot the recovered values (smoothed data) ===============
        for ( i = 1; i <= 8; i++ ) {
            result += this->giveInternalStateAtNode(v [ i - 1 ], context.giveIntVarType(), context.giveIntVarMode(), i, tStep);

        if ( result != 8 ) {

        indx = context.giveIntVarIndx();

        for ( i = 1; i <= 8; i++ ) {
            s [ i - 1 ] = v [ i - 1 ].at(indx);

        // auxiliary value at an added central node
        // computed as average of the values at all Gauss points

        s [ 8 ] = 0.;
        for ( ip = 1; ip <= integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); ip++ ) {
            gp = integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->getIntegrationPoint(ip - 1);
            if ( giveIPValue(v [ 0 ], gp, context.giveIntVarType(), tStep) == 0 ) {

            s [ 8 ] +=  v [ 0 ].at(indx);

        s [ 8 ] /= integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();
        //s[8] = (s[4]+s[5]+s[6]+s[7])/4.;

        for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
            if ( context.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                // use deformed geometry
                defScale = context.getDefScale();
                pp [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                pp [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
                pp [ i ].z = 0.;
            } else {
                // use initial geometry
                pp [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                pp [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(2);
                pp [ i ].z = 0.;

        pp [ 8 ].x = ( pp [ 4 ].x + pp [ 5 ].x + pp [ 6 ].x + pp [ 7 ].x ) / 4.;
        pp [ 8 ].y = ( pp [ 4 ].y + pp [ 5 ].y + pp [ 6 ].y + pp [ 7 ].y ) / 4.;
        pp [ 8 ].z = 0.;

        for ( int t = 1; t <= 4; t++ ) {
            if ( t == 1 ) {
                n [ 0 ] = 0;
                n [ 1 ] = 4;
                n [ 2 ] = 8;
                n [ 3 ] = 7;
            } else if ( t == 2 ) {
                n [ 0 ] = 4;
                n [ 1 ] = 1;
                n [ 2 ] = 5;
                n [ 3 ] = 8;
            } else if ( t == 3 ) {
                n [ 0 ] = 5;
                n [ 1 ] = 2;
                n [ 2 ] = 6;
                n [ 3 ] = 8;
            } else {
                n [ 0 ] = 6;
                n [ 1 ] = 3;
                n [ 2 ] = 7;
                n [ 3 ] = 8;

            ss [ 0 ] = s [ n [ 0 ] ];
            ss [ 1 ] = s [ n [ 1 ] ];
            ss [ 2 ] = s [ n [ 2 ] ];
            ss [ 3 ] = s [ n [ 3 ] ];

            for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                p [ i ].x = pp [ n [ i ] ].x;
                p [ i ].y = pp [ n [ i ] ].y;
                p [ i ].z = 0.;

            if ( context.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ISO_SURF ) {
                 * for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                 *    if ( context.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                 *        // use deformed geometry
                 *        defScale = context.getDefScale();
                 *        p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(n[i] + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                 *        p [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(n[i] + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
                 *        p [ i ].z = 0.;
                 *    } else {
                 *        // use initial geometry
                 *        p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(n[i] + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                 *        p [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(n[i] + 1)->giveCoordinate(2);
                 *        p [ i ].z = 0.;
                 *    }
                 * }
                context.updateFringeTableMinMax(ss, 4);
                tr =  CreateQuadWD3D(p, ss [ 0 ], ss [ 1 ], ss [ 2 ], ss [ 3 ]);
                EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK, tr);
                EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
            } else if ( ( context.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ZPROFILE ) || ( context.getScalarAlgo() == SA_COLORZPROFILE ) ) {
                //double landScale = context.getLandScale();

                for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                     * if ( context.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                     *    // use deformed geometry
                     *    defScale = context.getDefScale();
                     *    p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                     *    p [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
                     *    p [ i ].z = ss [ i ] * landScale;
                     * } else {
                     *    // use initial geometry
                     *    p [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                     *    p [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(2);
                     *    p [ i ].z = ss [ i ] * landScale;
                     * }

                    // this fixes a bug in ELIXIR
                    if ( fabs(ss [ i ]) < 1.0e-6 ) {
                        ss [ i ] = 1.0e-6;

                if ( context.getScalarAlgo() == SA_ZPROFILE ) {
                    EASValsSetColor( context.getDeformedElementColor() );
                    tr =  CreateQuad3D(p);
                    EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
                } else {
                    context.updateFringeTableMinMax(s, 4);
                    tr =  CreateQuadWD3D(p, ss [ 0 ], ss [ 1 ], ss [ 2 ], ss [ 3 ]);
                    EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK, tr);

                EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
    } else if ( context.giveIntVarMode() == ISM_local ) {
        // ========== plot the local values (raw data) =====================
        if ( numberOfGaussPoints != 4 ) {

        IntArray ind(4);
        FloatArray *gpCoords;
        WCRec pp [ 9 ];

        for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
            if ( context.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                // use deformed geometry
                defScale = context.getDefScale();
                pp [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                pp [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
                pp [ i ].z = 0.;
            } else {
                pp [ i ].x = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                pp [ i ].y = ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(2);
                pp [ i ].z = 0.;

        pp [ 8 ].x = 0.25 * ( pp [ 0 ].x + pp [ 1 ].x + pp [ 2 ].x + pp [ 3 ].x );
        pp [ 8 ].y = 0.25 * ( pp [ 0 ].y + pp [ 1 ].y + pp [ 2 ].y + pp [ 3 ].y );
        pp [ 8 ].z = 0.;

        for ( ip = 1; ip <= integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); ip++ ) {
            gp = integrationRulesArray [ 0 ]->getIntegrationPoint(ip - 1);
            gpCoords = gp->giveCoordinates();
            if ( ( gpCoords->at(1) > 0. ) && ( gpCoords->at(2) > 0. ) ) {
                ind.at(1) = 0;
                ind.at(2) = 4;
                ind.at(3) = 8;
                ind.at(4) = 7;
            } else if ( ( gpCoords->at(1) < 0. ) && ( gpCoords->at(2) > 0. ) ) {
                ind.at(1) = 4;
                ind.at(2) = 1;
                ind.at(3) = 5;
                ind.at(4) = 8;
            } else if ( ( gpCoords->at(1) < 0. ) && ( gpCoords->at(2) < 0. ) ) {
                ind.at(1) = 5;
                ind.at(2) = 2;
                ind.at(3) = 6;
                ind.at(4) = 8;
            } else {
                ind.at(1) = 6;
                ind.at(2) = 3;
                ind.at(3) = 7;
                ind.at(4) = 8;

            if ( giveIPValue(v [ 0 ], gp, context.giveIntVarType(), tStep) == 0 ) {

            indx = context.giveIntVarIndx();

            for ( i = 1; i <= 4; i++ ) {
                s [ i - 1 ] = v [ 0 ].at(indx);

            for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                p [ i ].x = pp [ ind.at(i + 1) ].x;
                p [ i ].y = pp [ ind.at(i + 1) ].y;
                p [ i ].z = pp [ ind.at(i + 1) ].z;

            context.updateFringeTableMinMax(s, 4);
            tr =  CreateQuadWD3D(p, s [ 0 ], s [ 1 ], s [ 2 ], s [ 3 ]);
            EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK, tr);
            EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
Exemple #5
LTRSpace :: drawSpecial(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, j, k;
    WCRec q [ 4 ];
    GraphicObj *tr;
    double defScale = gc.getDefScale();
    FloatArray crackStatuses, cf;

    if ( !gc.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    if ( gc.giveIntVarType() == IST_CrackState ) {
        int crackStatus;
        double xc, yc, zc, length;
        FloatArray crackDir;

        if ( numberOfGaussPoints != 1 ) {

        //   for (GaussPoint *gp: *integrationRulesArray [ 0 ] ) {
            IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ 0 ];
            GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
            if ( this->giveIPValue(cf, gp, IST_CrackedFlag, tStep) == 0 ) {

            if ( ( int ) cf.at(1) == 0 ) {

            // obtain gp global coordinates - here only one exists
            // it is in centre of gravity.
            xc = yc = zc = 0.;
            for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                if ( gc.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
                    // use deformed geometry
                    xc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, defScale);
                    yc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, defScale);
                    zc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(3, tStep, defScale);
                } else {
                    xc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(1);
                    yc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(2);
                    zc += ( FPNum ) this->giveNode(i + 1)->giveCoordinate(3);

            xc = xc / 4.;
            yc = yc / 4.;
            zc = zc / 4.;
            length = TR_LENGHT_REDUCT * pow(this->computeVolumeAround(gp), 1. / 3.) / 2.0;
            if ( this->giveIPValue(crackDir, gp, IST_CrackDirs, tStep) ) {
                this->giveIPValue(crackStatuses, gp, IST_CrackStatuses, tStep);

                for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
                    crackStatus = ( int ) crackStatuses.at(i);
                    if ( ( crackStatus != pscm_NONE ) && ( crackStatus != pscm_CLOSED ) ) {
                        // draw a crack
                        // this element is 3d element

                        if ( i == 1 ) {
                            j = 2;
                            k = 3;
                        } else if ( i == 2 ) {
                            j = 3;
                            k = 1;
                        } else {
                            j = 1;
                            k = 2;

                        q [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum ) xc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum ) yc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 0 ].z = ( FPNum ) zc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].x = ( FPNum ) xc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].y = ( FPNum ) yc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].z = ( FPNum ) zc + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].x = ( FPNum ) xc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].y = ( FPNum ) yc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].z = ( FPNum ) zc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].x = ( FPNum ) xc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].y = ( FPNum ) yc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].z = ( FPNum ) zc - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;

                        if ( ( crackStatus == pscm_SOFTENING ) || ( crackStatus == pscm_OPEN ) ) {
                            EASValsSetColor( gc.getActiveCrackColor() );
                        } else {
                            EASValsSetColor( gc.getCrackPatternColor() );

                        //      EASValsSetFillStyle (FILL_HOLLOW);
                        tr = CreateQuad3D(q);
                        EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
                        EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
Exemple #6
LSpace :: drawSpecial(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, j, k;
    WCRec q [ 4 ];
    GraphicObj *tr;
    FloatArray crackStatuses, cf;

    if ( !gc.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    if ( gc.giveIntVarType() == IST_CrackState ) {
        int crackStatus;
        FloatArray gpc;
        double length;
        FloatArray crackDir;

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *this->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
            if ( this->giveIPValue(cf, gp, IST_CrackedFlag, tStep) == 0 ) {

            if ( ( int ) cf.at(1) == 0 ) {

            // obtain gp global coordinates
            this->computeGlobalCoordinates( gpc, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() );
            length = 0.3333 * cbrt(this->computeVolumeAround(gp));
            if ( this->giveIPValue(crackDir, gp, IST_CrackDirs, tStep) ) {
                this->giveIPValue(crackStatuses, gp, IST_CrackStatuses, tStep);

                for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
                    crackStatus = ( int ) crackStatuses.at(i);
                    if ( ( crackStatus != pscm_NONE ) && ( crackStatus != pscm_CLOSED ) ) {
                        // draw a crack
                        // this element is 3d element

                        if ( i == 1 ) {
                            j = 2;
                            k = 3;
                        } else if ( i == 2 ) {
                            j = 3;
                            k = 1;
                        } else {
                            j = 1;
                            k = 2;

                        q [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(1) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(2) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 0 ].z = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(3) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].x = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(1) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].y = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(2) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 1 ].z = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(3) + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].x = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(1) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].y = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(2) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 2 ].z = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(3) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].x = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(1) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(0 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].y = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(2) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(3 + k) * length;
                        q [ 3 ].z = ( FPNum ) gpc.at(3) - 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + j) * length + 0.5 * crackDir.at(6 + k) * length;

                        if ( ( crackStatus == pscm_SOFTENING ) || ( crackStatus == pscm_OPEN ) ) {
                            EASValsSetColor( gc.getActiveCrackColor() );
                        } else {
                            EASValsSetColor( gc.getCrackPatternColor() );

                        //      EASValsSetFillStyle (FILL_HOLLOW);
                        tr = CreateQuad3D(q);
                        EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(WIDTH_MASK | COLOR_MASK | LAYER_MASK, tr);
                        EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), tr);
        } // end loop over gp