Exemple #1
static Read *diff_readings(EdStruct *xx,
			   Read *r1, int seq1, int off1,
			   Read *r2, int seq2, int off2,
			   int *startp, int *start1p) {
    int start1, end1, start2, end2, start, end;
    Read *r;
    tracediff_t td;

    /* One consensus trace works well, but not two. */
    if (!seq1 && !seq2)
	return NULL;

    /* Sequences must be in the same orientation */
    if (DB_Comp(xx, seq1) != DB_Comp(xx, seq2))
	return NULL;

    if (r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL)
	return NULL;

     * Compute start and end of the overlap point in each reading. This is
     * done using the non cutoff data only. We take 1 off the end position
     * to ensure that we always have a next base to find the position of.

    /* This sets start and end to be positions in the consensus */
    if (xx->diff_trace_size) {
	start = positionInContig(xx, xx->cursorSeq, xx->cursorPos)
	    - xx->diff_trace_size;
	start1 = MAX(start, DB_RelPos(xx, seq1) - DB_Start(xx, seq1)-1);
	start2 = MAX(start, DB_RelPos(xx, seq2) - DB_Start(xx, seq2)-1);
	end = positionInContig(xx, xx->cursorSeq, xx->cursorPos)
	    + xx->diff_trace_size;
	end1 = MIN(end, DB_RelPos(xx, seq1) - DB_Start(xx, seq1)-1
		   + DB_Length2(xx, seq1) - 1);
	end2 = MIN(end, DB_RelPos(xx, seq2) - DB_Start(xx, seq2)-1
		   + DB_Length2(xx, seq2) - 1);
    } else {
	if (xx->reveal_cutoffs) {
	    start1 = DB_RelPos(xx, seq1) - DB_Start(xx, seq1)-1;
	    start2 = DB_RelPos(xx, seq2) - DB_Start(xx, seq2)-1;
	    end1   = DB_RelPos(xx, seq1) - DB_Start(xx, seq1)-1
		+ DB_Length2(xx, seq1) - 1;
	    end2   = DB_RelPos(xx, seq2) - DB_Start(xx, seq2)-1
		+ DB_Length2(xx, seq2) - 1;
	} else {
	    start1 = DB_RelPos(xx, seq1);
	    start2 = DB_RelPos(xx, seq2);
	    end1   = DB_RelPos(xx, seq1) + DB_Length(xx, seq1) - 1;
	    end2   = DB_RelPos(xx, seq2) + DB_Length(xx, seq2) - 1;
    start  = MAX(start1, start2);
    end    = MIN(end1, end2);
    start = MAX(start, 1);
    end   = MAX(end, 1);
    start = MIN(start, DB_Length(xx, 0));
    end   = MIN(end, DB_Length(xx, 0));
    if (end <= start)
	return NULL;

    /* Now we convert these to positions in the full-length editor sequences */
    start1 = start - (DB_RelPos(xx, seq1)-1) + DB_Start(xx, seq1);
    start2 = start - (DB_RelPos(xx, seq2)-1) + DB_Start(xx, seq2);
    end1   = end   - (DB_RelPos(xx, seq1)-1) + DB_Start(xx, seq1);
    end2   = end   - (DB_RelPos(xx, seq2)-1) + DB_Start(xx, seq2);

    /* Change from first/last used base to last/first clipped base */

     * And now we convert these to positions in the trace (orig orientation)
     * When comparing against a consensus trace we just use the entire lot
     * as this is how it's been generated in the first place (we hope).
    if (seq1) {
	start1 = origpos(xx, seq1, start1);
	end1   = origpos(xx, seq1, end1);
    } else {
	end1  -= start1;
	start1 = 0;
    if (seq2) {
	start2 = origpos(xx, seq2, start2);
	end2   = origpos(xx, seq2, end2);
    } else {
	end2  -= start2;
	start2 = 0;

     * If complemented, change the start and end positions so that they map
     * on to a trace counting with base 1 at the left, as the tracediff
     * library does not have access to the trace display widget details (which
     * contains the real numbering order).
    if (start1 > end1) {
	start1 = r1->NBases - start1 + 1;
	end1 = r1->NBases - end1 + 1;
    if (start2 > end2) {
	start2 = r2->NBases - start2 + 1;
	end2 = r2->NBases - end2 + 1;

    *startp = start;

    /* Initialise Mark's trace diff code */
    if( xx->compare_trace_yscale )
    	TraceDiffSetParameter( &td, TRACEDIFF_PARAMETER_YSCALE, 1.0 );
    TraceDiffSetReference(&td, r2, MUTLIB_STRAND_FORWARD, start2, end2);
    TraceDiffSetInput(&td, r1, MUTLIB_STRAND_FORWARD, start1, end1);

    /* Do the difference without analysis of the results */
    if (TraceDiffGetResultCode(&td)) {
	verror(ERR_WARN, "diff_readings", "%s", TraceDiffGetResultString(&td));
	return NULL;

    /* Get a copy of the result and then destroy the TraceDiff instance */
    r = TraceDiffGetDifference(&td,start1p, NULL);

    if (!seq1) {
	*start1p += start2-1;

    if (r) {
	r = read_dup(r, NULL);
	/* set baseline and maxTraceVal */
	/* diff_reset_zero(r); */

    return r;
Exemple #2
/* FDB_tp_as_mapping.mp_length */
static Py_ssize_t
FDB_Length(FDB *self)
    return DB_Length(tcfdbrnum(self->fdb));
Exemple #3
static int do_cons_base(EdStruct *xx, char *cons, int pos, int start,
			int count, int *seqList, diff_cons_seq *rlist,
			Read *r, int off, int match, int *max_points) {
    int i, j, istart;
    int width;
    static diff_cons_trace *tr = NULL;
    static int diff_count = 0;
    int used_count;
    double avg_back, avg_wid;

    if (count == 0)
	return do_empty_cons_base(xx, cons, pos, start, r, off, max_points);

    if (count > diff_count) {
	tr = xrealloc(tr, count * 2 * sizeof(*tr));
	if (NULL == tr)
	    return -1;
	diff_count = count * 2;

    /* printf("--- At position %3d ---", pos); */
    width = 0;
    used_count = 0;
    avg_back = 0;
    avg_wid = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	int seq = seqList[i];
	int p = pos-DB_RelPos(xx, seq);

	if (match && cons_matches(xx, cons, start, seq, pos) == 0) {
	    tr[i].opos = -1;

	 * printf(" %d:%c",
	 *        DB_Number(xx, seq),
	 *        rlist[i].seq[p]);

	tr[i].opos = rlist[i].opos[p];
	if (p > 0)
	    tr[i].back = (double)(rlist[i].opos[p-1] + rlist[i].opos[p])/2.0;
	    tr[i].back = tr[i].opos;
	if (p + 1 < DB_Length(xx, seq))
	    tr[i].forw  = (double)(rlist[i].opos[p] + rlist[i].opos[p+1])/2.0;
	    tr[i].forw = tr[i].opos;
	width += tr[i].forw - tr[i].back;
	avg_back += tr[i].opos - tr[i].back;
	avg_wid += tr[i].forw - tr[i].back;
    /* putchar('\n'); */

    if (used_count == 0)
	return do_empty_cons_base(xx, cons, pos, start, r, off, max_points);

    /* width = ABS((int)((double)width / used_count + 0.5)); */
    /* width = 2 * (int)((double)width / used_count / 2 + 0.5); */

     * We have to set the width to a fixed amount to get the consensus trace
     * to be smooth. I'm certain that variable widths will work provided that
     * we iron out the rounding problems involved with this.
    width = TWIDTH;

    if (-1 == cons_realloc_trace(r, max_points, off + width/2 + 1))
	return -1;

    if (off-width/2 < 0)
	istart = -(off-width/2);
	istart = 0;
    for (i = istart; i < width; i++) {
	double scale_a = 0.0, scale_c = 0.0, scale_g = 0.0, scale_t = 0.0;
	double ratio;
	double posd, posm;
	int posi;
	int i1, i2;

	for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
	    if (tr[j].opos == -1)

	    if (DB_Comp(xx, seqList[j]) == UNCOMPLEMENTED) {
		ratio = (double)(tr[j].forw - tr[j].back) / width;
		posd = (double)i * ratio;
		posi = (signed int)posd;
		posm = posd - posi;

		i1 = (int)(tr[j].back+0.5) + posi;
		i2 = i1+1;
		scale_a += (rlist[j].r->traceA[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceA[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceA[i1];

		scale_c += (rlist[j].r->traceC[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceC[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceC[i1];

		scale_g += (rlist[j].r->traceG[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceG[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceG[i1];

		scale_t += (rlist[j].r->traceT[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceT[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceT[i1];
	    } else {
		ratio = (double)(tr[j].forw - tr[j].back) / width;
		posd = (double)i * ratio;
		posi = (signed int)posd;
		posm = posi - posd;

		i1 = (int)(tr[j].back+0.5) + posi;
		i2 = i1-1;
		scale_t += (rlist[j].r->traceA[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceA[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceA[i1];

		scale_g += (rlist[j].r->traceC[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceC[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceC[i1];

		scale_c += (rlist[j].r->traceG[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceG[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceG[i1];

		scale_a += (rlist[j].r->traceT[i2] - rlist[j].r->traceT[i1])
		    * posm + rlist[j].r->traceT[i1];

	/* printf("i=%d a=%f c=%f g=%f t=%f\n",
	 *      i, scale_a, scale_c, scale_g, scale_t);

	r->traceA[off+i-width/2] = (TRACE)(scale_a / used_count);
	r->traceC[off+i-width/2] = (TRACE)(scale_c / used_count);
	r->traceG[off+i-width/2] = (TRACE)(scale_g / used_count);
	r->traceT[off+i-width/2] = (TRACE)(scale_t / used_count);

     * Reposition base positions to the centre of peaks. This is vitally
     * important when combined with the trace_diff code.
	signed int tmp;
	if (avg_wid)
	    if (avg_back)
		tmp = off-width/2 + avg_back / avg_wid * width + 0.5;
		tmp = off;
	    tmp = off-width/2 + 0.5;
	if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
	r->base[pos-start] = cons[pos-start];
	r->basePos[pos-start] = tmp;
	r->prob_A[pos-start] = 0;
	r->prob_C[pos-start] = 0;
	r->prob_G[pos-start] = 0;
	r->prob_T[pos-start] = 0;

    return width;
Exemple #4
 * Produce a consensus trace from a specific region of this contig.
Read *cons_trace(EdStruct *xx, int start, int end, int strand,
		 int match, int exception) {
    int *seqList, i, j, count, next;
    Read *r;
    int max_points = 10000;
    char *con = NULL;
    diff_cons_seq *rlist = NULL;
    char fileName[256];
    char t_type[5];
    int form;
    int offset = 0, w;

    /* Get the consensus sequence */
    if (NULL == (con = (char *)xmalloc(end - start + 2)))
	goto error;
    DBcalcConsensus(xx, start, end - start + 1, con, NULL, BOTH_STRANDS);

    /* Allocate a list of read pointers and positions */
    if (NULL == (rlist = (diff_cons_seq *)xcalloc(DBI_gelCount(xx),
	goto error;

    /* Allocate a read structure */
    if (NULL == (r = read_allocate(max_points, end - start + 1)))
	goto error;

    /* Derive the initial list of sequences covering the start point */
    count = 0;
    seqList = DBI_list(xx);
    for (i = 1;
	 i <= DBI_gelCount(xx) && DB_RelPos(xx, DBI_order(xx)[i]) <= start;
	 i++) {
	int seq = DBI_order(xx)[i];
	DBgetSeq(DBI(xx), seq);
	if (DB_RelPos(xx, seq) + DB_Length(xx, seq) > start &&
	    strand_matches(xx, seq, strand) &&
	    seq != exception) {
	    if (get_trace_path(xx, seq, fileName, t_type) == 0) {
		form = trace_type_str2int(t_type);
		rlist[count].r = read_reading(fileName, form);
		if (rlist[count].r) {
		    rlist[count].seq = DBgetSeq(DBI(xx), seq);
		    rlist[count].opos =
			get_trace_pos(rlist[count].r, xx, seq, 0,
				      DB_Start(xx, seq),
				      DB_Start(xx, seq) + DB_Length(xx, seq),
				      DB_Seq(xx, seq), 0);

		    seqList[count++] = seq;
    if (i <= DBI_gelCount(xx))
	next = i;
	next = 0;

     * Loop along the sequence updating seqList as we go.
     * At each point we know how many sequences there are so we can
     * produce the consensus from these sequences.
    for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
	w = do_cons_base(xx, con, i, start, count, seqList, rlist, r, offset,
			 match, &max_points);
	if (w == -1)
	    goto error;
	offset += w;

	/* Update seqList for the next position */
	if (i < end) {
	    /* Remove sequences */
	    for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
		int seq = seqList[j];
		if (DB_RelPos(xx, seq) + DB_Length(xx, seq) - 1 <= i) {
		    memmove(&seqList[j], &seqList[j+1],
			    (count-1-j) * sizeof(*seqList));
		    memmove(&rlist[j], &rlist[j+1],
			    (count-1-j) * sizeof(*rlist));

	    /* Add sequences */
	    while (next && DB_RelPos(xx, next) <= i+1) {
		/* printf("next=%d %d %d\n",
		       next, DB_RelPos(xx, next), i+1); */
		DBgetSeq(DBI(xx), next);
		if (strand_matches(xx, next, strand) &&
		    get_trace_path(xx, next, fileName, t_type) == 0) {
		    form = trace_type_str2int(t_type);
		    rlist[count].r = read_reading(fileName, form);
		    if (rlist[count].r) {
			rlist[count].seq = DBgetSeq(DBI(xx), next);
			rlist[count].opos =
			    get_trace_pos(rlist[count].r, xx, next, 0,
					  DB_Start(xx, next),
					  DB_Seq(xx, next), 0);

			seqList[count++] = next;
		if (++next > DBI_gelCount(xx))
		    next = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    tidy_up(r, end-start + 1, offset);

    return r;

    if (con) xfree(con);
    if (rlist) xfree(rlist);
    return NULL;
Exemple #5
 * Align the two contig editor windows
 * Returns:
 *	0 - aligned ok
 *	1 - not ok
int alignOverlap(EdStruct *xx[2])
    int left0,right0;
    int left1/*,right1*/;
    int length0,length1;
    int offset = editorLockedPos(xx, 1/*force recalculation*/);
    int overlapLength;
    int len0,len1;
    int ret;
    int xx0_dp, xx1_dp;

    if (! inJoinMode(xx[0])) return 1;

    /* Compute overlap position and sizes */
    if (offset < 0) {
	left0 = 1-offset;
	left1 = 1;
    } else {
	left0 = 1;
	left1 = 1+offset;
    length0 = DB_Length(xx[0],0);
    length1 = DB_Length(xx[1],0);
    if (offset+length0 < length1) {
	right0 = length0;
    } else {
	right0 = length1-offset;
    overlapLength = right0 - left0+1;
    if (overlapLength <= 0) return 1;

    len0 = len1 = overlapLength;

    /* Add on extra data either end to allow for padding */
#define XTRA_PERC 0.30
    left0 -= (int)(overlapLength * XTRA_PERC);
    left1 -= (int)(overlapLength * XTRA_PERC);
    len0  += (int)(overlapLength * XTRA_PERC * 2);
    len1  += (int)(overlapLength * XTRA_PERC * 2);

    xx0_dp = xx[0]->displayPos;
    xx1_dp = xx[1]->displayPos;

    if (left0 < 1 && left1 < 1) {
	xx[0]->displayPos += MAX(left0, left1)-1;
	xx[1]->displayPos += MAX(left0, left1)-1;
    if (left0 < 1) {
	len0 -= 1-left0;
	xx[0]->displayPos += 1-left0;
	left0 = 1;

    if (left1 < 1) {
	len1 -= 1-left1;
	xx[1]->displayPos += 1-left1;
	left1 = 1;

    if (len0 > length0 - left0 + 1) {
	len0 = length0 - left0 + 1;
    if (len1 > length1 - left1 + 1) {
	len1 = length1 - left1 + 1;

    xx[0]->link->lockOffset = xx[1]->displayPos - xx[0]->displayPos;


    /* Do the actual alignment */
    ret = align(xx[0], left0, len0, xx[1], left1, len1);

    if (ret) {
	/* Alignment failed - put back display positions before returning */
	xx[0]->displayPos = xx0_dp;
	xx[1]->displayPos = xx1_dp;
    } else {
	 * If displayPos has changed, put it back to the original position and
	 * adjust it once more using U_adjust_display. This will cause the undo
	 * information to be stored correctly.
	if (xx0_dp != xx[0]->displayPos) {
	    int tmp = xx[0]->displayPos - xx0_dp;
	    xx[0]->displayPos = xx0_dp;
	    U_adjust_display(xx[0], tmp);

	if (xx1_dp != xx[1]->displayPos) {
	    int tmp = xx[1]->displayPos - xx1_dp;
	    xx[1]->displayPos = xx1_dp;
	    U_adjust_display(xx[1], tmp);

    closeUndo(xx[1], DBI(xx[1]));
    closeUndo(xx[0], DBI(xx[0]));

    return ret;
