Exemple #1
static DerivedMesh *cloth_to_triangles(DerivedMesh *dm)
	DerivedMesh *result = NULL;
	unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
	unsigned int quads = 0, numfaces = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
	MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	MFace *mface2 = NULL;

	/* calc faces */
	for (i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
		if (mface[i].v4) {
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, dm->getNumVerts(dm), 0, numfaces + quads, 0, 0);

	DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, dm->getNumVerts(dm));
	DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, result, 0, 0, numfaces);

	mface2 = result->getTessFaceArray(result);

	for (i = 0, j = numfaces; i < numfaces; i++) {
		// DG TODO: is this necessary?
		mface2[i].v1 = mface[i].v1;
		mface2[i].v2 = mface[i].v2;
		mface2[i].v3 = mface[i].v3;

		mface2[i].v4 = 0;
		//test_index_face(&mface2[i], &result->faceData, i, 3);

		if (mface[i].v4) {
			DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, result, i, j, 1);

			mface2[j].v1 = mface[i].v1;
			mface2[j].v2 = mface[i].v3;
			mface2[j].v3 = mface[i].v4;
			mface2[j].v4 = 0;
			//test_index_face(&mface2[j], &result->faceData, j, 3);


	CDDM_tessfaces_to_faces(result); /* builds ngon faces from tess (mface) faces */

	return result;
static MFace *get_dface(DerivedMesh *dm, DerivedMesh *split, int cur, int i, MFace *mf)
	MFace *df = CDDM_get_tessface(split, cur);
	DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, split, i, cur, 1);
	*df = *mf;
	return df;
static DerivedMesh *explodeMesh(ExplodeModifierData *emd,
                                ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd, Scene *scene, Object *ob,
                                DerivedMesh *to_explode)
	DerivedMesh *explode, *dm = to_explode;
	MFace *mf = NULL, *mface;
	/* ParticleSettings *part=psmd->psys->part; */ /* UNUSED */
	ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL};
	ParticleData *pa = NULL, *pars = psmd->psys->particles;
	ParticleKey state, birth;
	EdgeHash *vertpahash;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	float *vertco = NULL, imat[4][4];
	float rot[4];
	float cfra;
	/* float timestep; */
	const int *facepa = emd->facepa;
	int totdup = 0, totvert = 0, totface = 0, totpart = 0, delface = 0;
	int i, v, u;
	unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2, mindex = 0;
	MTFace *mtface = NULL, *mtf;

	totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	totpart = psmd->psys->totpart;

	sim.scene = scene;
	sim.ob = ob;
	sim.psys = psmd->psys;
	sim.psmd = psmd;

	/* timestep = psys_get_timestep(&sim); */

	cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);

	/* hash table for vertice <-> particle relations */
	vertpahash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__);

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if ((pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0))

		/* do mindex + totvert to ensure the vertex index to be the first
		 * with BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey */
		if (facepa[i] == totpart || cfra < (pars + facepa[i])->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		mf = &mface[i];

		/* set face vertices to exist in particle group */
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v1, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v2, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v3, mindex, NULL);
		if (mf->v4)
			BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v4, mindex, NULL);

	/* make new vertice indexes & count total vertices after duplication */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totdup));

	/* the final duplicated vertices */
	explode = CDDM_from_template_ex(dm, totdup, 0, totface - delface, 0, 0, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH | CD_MASK_FACECORNERS);
	mtface = CustomData_get_layer_named(&explode->faceData, CD_MTFACE, emd->uvname);
	/*dupvert = CDDM_get_verts(explode);*/

	/* getting back to object space */
	invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat);

	psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

	/* duplicate & displace vertices */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		MVert source;
		MVert *dest;

		/* get particle + vertex from hash */
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2);
		ed_v2 -= totvert;
		v = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi));

		dm->getVert(dm, ed_v1, &source);
		dest = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v);

		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, explode, ed_v1, v, 1);
		*dest = source;

		if (ed_v2 != totpart) {
			/* get particle */
			pa = pars + ed_v2;

			psys_get_birth_coords(&sim, pa, &birth, 0, 0);

			state.time = cfra;
			psys_get_particle_state(&sim, ed_v2, &state, 1);

			vertco = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v)->co;
			mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, vertco);

			sub_v3_v3(vertco, birth.co);

			/* apply rotation, size & location */
			sub_qt_qtqt(rot, state.rot, birth.rot);
			mul_qt_v3(rot, vertco);

			if (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_PaSize)
				mul_v3_fl(vertco, pa->size);

			add_v3_v3(vertco, state.co);

			mul_m4_v3(imat, vertco);

	/*map new vertices to faces*/
	for (i = 0, u = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		MFace source;
		int orig_v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if (pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0) continue;

		dm->getTessFace(dm, i, &source);
		mf = CDDM_get_tessface(explode, u);
		orig_v4 = source.v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart && cfra < pa->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		source.v1 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v1, mindex);
		source.v2 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v2, mindex);
		source.v3 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v3, mindex);
		if (source.v4)
			source.v4 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v4, mindex);

		DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, explode, i, u, 1);

		*mf = source;

		/* override uv channel for particle age */
		if (mtface) {
			float age = (cfra - pa->time) / pa->lifetime;
			/* Clamp to this range to avoid flipping to the other side of the coordinates. */
			CLAMP(age, 0.001f, 0.999f);

			mtf = mtface + u;

			mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = age;
			mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.5f;

		test_index_face(mf, &explode->faceData, u, (orig_v4 ? 4 : 3));

	/* cleanup */
	BLI_edgehash_free(vertpahash, NULL);

	/* finalization */
	explode->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	if (psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;

	return explode;