int handle_hotplug_event() { printf("\n\033[34m<<<<handle_hotplug_event, hotplug_fd:%d\033[0m\n", hotplug_fd); int ret = 0; char buf[PIPE_BUF]; int nread; nread = read(hotplug_fd, buf, PIPE_BUF); if (nread == -1) { D_ERROR("handle_hotplug_event: Error reading from FIFO.\n"); return -1; } else if (nread == 0) { D_WARN("handle_hotplug_event: No more writers?\n"); return -1; } /* parse the message */ if (strncmp(buf, MSG_HEADER, strlen(MSG_HEADER))) /* check the header */ { D_ERROR("handle_hotplug_event: Invalid message header %s\n", buf); ret = -1; } else if (strncmp(buf + strlen(MSG_HEADER), MSG_ADDED, strlen(MSG_ADDED)) == 0) /* device was added & mounted */ { D_INFO("handle_hotplug_event: USB storage added\n"); if(read_dev_properties(EXT_STOR, &prop_e_stor) == 0) s_status |= ESTORAGE_ADDED; else D_WARN("Could not read properties of %s. Storage is disabled.", EXT_STOR); } else if (strncmp(buf + strlen(MSG_HEADER), MSG_REMOVED, strlen(MSG_REMOVED)) == 0) /* device was removed */ { D_INFO("handle_hotplug_event: USB storage removed\n"); s_status &= ~ESTORAGE_ADDED; } else { D_ERROR("handle_hotplug_event: Invalid message: %s", buf); ret = -1; } printf("\n\033[34m<<<<[TR]handle_hotplug_event, hotplug_fd:%d\033[0m\n", hotplug_fd); printf("\n\033[34m<<<<[TR]handle_hotplug_event, hotplug_fd:%d\033[0m\n", hotplug_fd); return ret; }
static int open_fifo() { printf("\n\033[34m<<<<open_fifo\033[0m\n"); if (mkfifo(FIFO_NAME, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) == -1) { if (errno == EEXIST) { D_WARN("open_fifo: FIFO already exists.\n"); } else { D_ERROR("open_fifo: Could not create FIFO.\n"); return -1; } } hotplug_fd = open(FIFO_NAME, O_RDWR); if (hotplug_fd == -1) { unlink(FIFO_NAME); D_ERROR("open_fifo: Could not open fifo.\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
DFBResult dfb_state_set_source_mask( CardState *state, CoreSurface *source_mask ) { D_MAGIC_ASSERT( state, CardState ); dfb_state_lock( state ); if (state->source_mask != source_mask) { if (source_mask && dfb_surface_ref( source_mask )) { D_WARN( "could not ref() source mask" ); dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_DEAD; } if (state->source_mask) { D_ASSERT( D_FLAGS_IS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE_MASK ) ); dfb_surface_unref( state->source_mask ); } state->source_mask = source_mask; state->modified |= SMF_SOURCE_MASK; if (source_mask) { direct_serial_copy( &state->src_mask_serial, &source_mask->serial ); D_FLAGS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE_MASK ); } else D_FLAGS_CLEAR( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE_MASK ); } dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_OK; }
DirectResult direct_signal_handler_add( int num, DirectSignalHandlerFunc func, void *ctx, DirectSignalHandler **ret_handler ) { DirectSignalHandler *handler; D_ASSERT( func != NULL ); D_ASSERT( ret_handler != NULL ); D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Signals, "Adding handler %p for signal %d with context %p...\n", func, num, ctx ); handler = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(DirectSignalHandler) ); if (!handler) { D_WARN( "out of memory" ); return DR_NOLOCALMEMORY; } handler->num = num; handler->func = func; handler->ctx = ctx; D_MAGIC_SET( handler, DirectSignalHandler ); direct_mutex_lock( &handlers_lock ); direct_list_append( &handlers, &handler->link ); direct_mutex_unlock( &handlers_lock ); *ret_handler = handler; return DR_OK; }
DirectThreadInitHandler * direct_thread_add_init_handler( DirectThreadInitFunc func, void *arg ) { DirectThreadInitHandler *handler; handler = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(DirectThreadInitHandler) ); if (!handler) { D_WARN( "out of memory" ); return NULL; } handler->func = func; handler->arg = arg; D_MAGIC_SET( handler, DirectThreadInitHandler ); pthread_mutex_lock( &handler_lock ); direct_list_append( &handlers, &handler->link ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &handler_lock ); return handler; }
DFBResult dfb_state_set_source2( CardState *state, CoreSurface *source2 ) { D_MAGIC_ASSERT( state, CardState ); dfb_state_lock( state ); if (state->source2 != source2) { if (source2 && dfb_surface_ref( source2 )) { D_WARN( "could not ref() source2" ); dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_DEAD; } if (state->source2) { D_ASSERT( D_FLAGS_IS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE2 ) ); dfb_surface_unref( state->source2 ); } state->source2 = source2; state->modified |= SMF_SOURCE2; if (source2) { direct_serial_copy( &state->src2_serial, &source2->serial ); D_FLAGS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE2 ); } else D_FLAGS_CLEAR( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE2 ); } dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_OK; }
DirectResult fusion_call_execute (FusionCall *call, FusionCallExecFlags flags, int call_arg, void *call_ptr, int *ret_val) { D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( %p, 0x%x, %d, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, call, flags, call_arg, call_ptr ); D_ASSERT( call != NULL ); if (!call->handler) return DR_DESTROYED; D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, " -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call->handler ) ); if (!(flags & FCEF_NODIRECT) && call->fusion_id == _fusion_id( call->shared )) { int ret; FusionCallHandlerResult result; result = call->handler( _fusion_id( call->shared ), call_arg, call_ptr, call->ctx, 0, &ret ); if (result != FCHR_RETURN) D_WARN( "local call handler returned FCHR_RETAIN, need FCEF_NODIRECT" ); if (ret_val) *ret_val = ret; } else { FusionCallExecute execute; execute.call_id = call->call_id; execute.call_arg = call_arg; execute.call_ptr = call_ptr; execute.flags = flags; while (ioctl( _fusion_fd( call->shared ), FUSION_CALL_EXECUTE, &execute )) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: continue; case EINVAL: // D_ERROR ("Fusion/Call: invalid call\n"); return DR_INVARG; case EIDRM: return DR_DESTROYED; default: break; } D_PERROR ("FUSION_CALL_EXECUTE"); return DR_FAILURE; } if (ret_val) *ret_val = execute.ret_val; } return DR_OK; }
DirectResult direct_hash_remove( DirectHash *hash, unsigned long key ) { int pos; D_MAGIC_ASSERT( hash, DirectHash ); if (!hash->Elements) return DR_BUFFEREMPTY; pos = locate_key( hash, key ); if (pos == -1) { D_WARN( "key not found" ); return DR_ITEMNOTFOUND; } hash->Elements[pos].value = DIRECT_HASH_ELEMENT_REMOVED; hash->count--; hash->removed++; D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Hash, "Removed key 0x%08lx at %d, new count = %d, removed = %d, size = %d.\n", key, pos, hash->count, hash->removed, hash->size ); // direct_futex_wake( &hash->count, INT_MAX ); // FIXME: only wake if waiting return DR_OK; }
static int pool_iv_ent_refresh(d_sg_list_t *dst, d_sg_list_t *src, int ref_rc, void **priv) { struct pool_iv_entry *dst_iv = dst->sg_iovs[0].iov_buf; struct pool_iv_entry *src_iv = src->sg_iovs[0].iov_buf; struct ds_pool *pool; int rc; D_ASSERT(src_iv != NULL); D_ASSERT(dst_iv != NULL); rc = pool_iv_ent_copy(dst, src); if (rc) return rc; /* Update pool map version or pool map */ pool = ds_pool_lookup(src_iv->piv_pool_uuid); if (pool == NULL) { D_WARN("No pool "DF_UUID"\n", DP_UUID(src_iv->piv_pool_uuid)); return 0; } rc = ds_pool_tgt_map_update(pool, src_iv->piv_pool_buf.pb_nr > 0 ? &src_iv->piv_pool_buf : NULL, src_iv->piv_pool_map_ver); ds_pool_put(pool); return rc; }
DirectResult direct_map_remove( DirectMap *map, const void *key ) { unsigned int hash; int pos; D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Map, "%s( key %p )\n", __func__, key ); DIRECT_MAP_ASSERT( map ); D_ASSERT( key != NULL ); hash = map->hash( map, key, map->ctx ); pos = locate_entry( map, hash, key ); if (pos == -1) { D_WARN( "object to remove not found" ); return DR_ITEMNOTFOUND; } map->entries[pos].object = REMOVED; map->count--; map->removed++; D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Map, " -> new count = %d, removed = %d, size = %d\n", map->count, map->removed, map->size ); return DR_OK; }
DFBResult dfb_surfacemanager_deallocate( SurfaceManager *manager, SurfaceBuffer *buffer ) { int loops = 0; Chunk *chunk = buffer->video.chunk; D_ASSERT( buffer->surface ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, SurfaceManager ); if (buffer-> == CSH_INVALID) return DFB_OK; buffer-> = CSH_INVALID; buffer->video.chunk = NULL; dfb_surface_notify_listeners( buffer->surface, CSNF_VIDEO ); while (buffer->video.locked) { if (++loops > 1000) break; sched_yield(); } if (buffer->video.locked) D_WARN( "Freeing chunk with a non-zero lock counter" ); if (chunk) free_chunk( manager, chunk ); return DFB_OK; }
bool Genefx_ABacc_prepare( GenefxState *gfxs, int width ) { int size; if (!gfxs->need_accumulator) return true; size = (width + 31) & ~31; if (gfxs->ABsize < size) { void *ABstart = D_MALLOC( size * sizeof(GenefxAccumulator) * 3 + 31 ); if (!ABstart) { D_WARN( "out of memory" ); return false; } if (gfxs->ABstart) D_FREE( gfxs->ABstart ); gfxs->ABstart = ABstart; gfxs->ABsize = size; gfxs->Aacc = (GenefxAccumulator*) (((unsigned long)ABstart+31) & ~31); gfxs->Bacc = gfxs->Aacc + size; gfxs->Tacc = gfxs->Aacc + size + size; } gfxs->Sacc = gfxs->Dacc = gfxs->Aacc; return true; }
static inline void tdfx_waitfifo( TDFXDriverData *tdrv, TDFXDeviceData *tdev, unsigned int space ) { int timeout = 1000000; tdev->waitfifo_calls++; tdev->waitfifo_sum += space; if (tdev->fifo_space < space) { while (timeout--) { tdev->fifo_waitcycles++; tdev->fifo_space = (tdrv->voodoo2D->status & 0x3f); if (tdev->fifo_space >= space) break; } } else { tdev->fifo_cache_hits++; } tdev->fifo_space -= space; if (!timeout) D_WARN( "timeout during waitfifo!" ); }
DirectResult fusion_shm_deinit( FusionWorld *world ) { int i; DirectResult ret; FusionSHM *shm; FusionSHMShared *shared; D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld ); shm = &world->shm; D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shm, FusionSHM ); shared = shm->shared; D_MAGIC_ASSERT( shared, FusionSHMShared ); ret = fusion_skirmish_prevail( &shared->lock ); if (ret) return ret; /* Deinitialize shared data. */ if (fusion_master( world )) { D_ASSUME( shared->num_pools == 0 ); for (i=0; i<FUSION_SHM_MAX_POOLS; i++) { if (shared->pools[i].active) { D_MAGIC_ASSERT( &shared->pools[i], FusionSHMPoolShared ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( &shm->pools[i], FusionSHMPool ); D_WARN( "destroying remaining '%s'", shared->pools[i].name ); fusion_shm_pool_destroy( world, &shared->pools[i] ); } } /* Destroy shared lock. */ fusion_skirmish_destroy( &shared->lock ); D_MAGIC_CLEAR( shared ); } else { for (i=0; i<FUSION_SHM_MAX_POOLS; i++) { if (shared->pools[i].active) { D_MAGIC_ASSERT( &shared->pools[i], FusionSHMPoolShared ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( &shm->pools[i], FusionSHMPool ); fusion_shm_pool_detach( shm, &shared->pools[i] ); } } fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &shared->lock ); } D_MAGIC_CLEAR( shm ); return DR_OK; }
static void dfb_core_deinit_check( void *ctx ) { if (core_dfb && core_dfb->refs) { D_WARN( "Application exited without deinitialization of DirectFB!" ); dfb_core_destroy( core_dfb, true ); } }
static inline bool check_depth( int frame ) { if (frame >= STRET_ITERATION_MAX_DEPTH) { D_WARN( "refusing to exceed depth limit of %d", STRET_ITERATION_MAX_DEPTH ); return false; } return true; }
static DFBResult IDirectFBDisplayLayer_GetSurface( IDirectFBDisplayLayer *thiz, IDirectFBSurface **interface ) { DFBResult ret; CoreLayerRegion *region; IDirectFBSurface *surface; D_DEBUG_AT( Layer, "%s( %p )\n", __FUNCTION__, thiz ); DIRECT_INTERFACE_GET_DATA(IDirectFBDisplayLayer) if (!interface) return DFB_INVARG; if (data->level == DLSCL_SHARED) { D_WARN( "letting unprivileged IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetSurface() " "call pass until cooperative level handling is finished" ); } ret = CoreLayerContext_GetPrimaryRegion( data->context, true, ®ion ); if (ret) return ret; DIRECT_ALLOCATE_INTERFACE( surface, IDirectFBSurface ); ret = IDirectFBSurface_Layer_Construct( surface, NULL, NULL, NULL, region, DSCAPS_NONE, data->core, data->idirectfb ); // Fix to only perform single buffered clearing using a background when // configured to do so AND the display layer region is frozen. Also // added support for this behavior when the cooperative level is // DLSCL_ADMINISTRATIVE. if (region->config.buffermode == DLBM_FRONTONLY && data->level != DLSCL_SHARED && D_FLAGS_IS_SET( region->state, CLRSF_FROZEN )) { // If a window stack is available, give it the opportunity to // render the background (optionally based on configuration) and // flip the display layer so it is visible. Otherwise, just // directly flip the display layer and make it visible. if (data->stack) { CoreWindowStack_RepaintAll( data->stack ); } else { CoreLayerRegion_FlipUpdate2( region, NULL, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE, -1 ); } } *interface = ret ? NULL : surface; dfb_layer_region_unref( region ); return ret; }
DFBResult dfb_layer_region_set_surface( CoreLayerRegion *region, CoreSurface *surface ) { DFBResult ret; D_ASSERT( region != NULL ); D_ASSERT( surface != NULL ); /* Lock the region. */ if (dfb_layer_region_lock( region )) return DFB_FUSION; if (region->surface != surface) { /* Setup hardware for the new surface if the region is realized. */ if (D_FLAGS_IS_SET( region->state, CLRSF_REALIZED )) { ret = set_region( region, ®ion->config, CLRCF_SURFACE | CLRCF_PALETTE, surface ); if (ret) { dfb_layer_region_unlock( region ); return ret; } } /* Throw away the old surface. */ if (region->surface) { /* Detach the global listener. */ dfb_surface_detach_global( region->surface, ®ion->surface_reaction ); /* Unlink surface from structure. */ dfb_surface_unlink( ®ion->surface ); } /* Take the new surface. */ if (surface) { /* Link surface into structure. */ if (dfb_surface_link( ®ion->surface, surface )) { D_WARN( "region lost it's surface" ); dfb_layer_region_unlock( region ); return DFB_FUSION; } /* Attach the global listener. */ dfb_surface_attach_global( region->surface, DFB_LAYER_REGION_SURFACE_LISTENER, region, ®ion->surface_reaction ); } } /* Unlock the region. */ dfb_layer_region_unlock( region ); return DFB_OK; }
void _fusion_call_process( FusionWorld *world, int call_id, FusionCallMessage *msg ) { FusionCallHandler call_handler; FusionCallReturn call_ret; FusionCallHandlerResult result; D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( world, FusionWorld ); D_ASSERT( msg != NULL ); call_handler = msg->handler; D_ASSERT( call_handler != NULL ); D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, " -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call_handler ) ); call_ret.val = 0; result = call_handler( msg->caller, msg->call_arg, msg->call_ptr, msg->ctx, msg->serial, &call_ret.val ); switch (result) { case FCHR_RETURN: if (msg->serial) { call_ret.serial = msg->serial; call_ret.call_id = call_id; while (ioctl (world->fusion_fd, FUSION_CALL_RETURN, &call_ret)) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: continue; case EIDRM: D_WARN( "caller withdrawn (signal?)" ); return; case EINVAL: D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" ); return; default: D_PERROR( "FUSION_CALL_RETURN" ); return; } } } break; case FCHR_RETAIN: break; default: D_BUG( "unknown result %d from call handler", result ); } }
DFBResult dfb_surfacemanager_adjust_heap_offset( SurfaceManager *manager, int offset ) { D_ASSERT( offset >= 0 ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, SurfaceManager ); dfb_surfacemanager_lock( manager ); if (manager->byteoffset_align > 1) { offset += manager->byteoffset_align - 1; offset -= offset % manager->byteoffset_align; } if (manager->chunks->buffer == NULL) { /* first chunk is free */ if (offset <= manager->chunks->offset + manager->chunks->length) { /* ok, just recalculate offset and length */ manager->chunks->length = manager->chunks->offset + manager->chunks->length - offset; manager->chunks->offset = offset; } else { D_WARN("unable to adjust heap offset"); /* more space needed than free at the beginning */ /* TODO: move/destroy instances */ } } else { D_WARN("unable to adjust heap offset"); /* very rare case that the first chunk is occupied */ /* TODO: move/destroy instances */ } manager->heap_offset = offset; dfb_surfacemanager_unlock( manager ); return DFB_OK; }
DirectResult voodoo_manager_register_local( VoodooManager *manager, bool super, void *dispatcher, void *real, VoodooDispatch dispatch, VoodooInstanceID *ret_instance ) { DirectResult ret; VoodooInstance *instance; VoodooInstanceID instance_id; D_MAGIC_ASSERT( manager, VoodooManager ); D_ASSERT( dispatcher != NULL ); D_ASSERT( real != NULL ); D_ASSERT( dispatch != NULL ); D_ASSERT( ret_instance != NULL ); instance = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(VoodooInstance) ); if (!instance) { D_WARN( "out of memory" ); return DR_NOLOCALMEMORY; } instance->super = super; instance->proxy = dispatcher; instance->real = real; instance->dispatch = dispatch; pthread_mutex_lock( &manager->instances.lock ); instance_id = ++manager->instances.last; ret = direct_hash_insert( manager->instances.local, instance_id, instance ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &manager->instances.lock ); if (ret) { D_ERROR( "Voodoo/Manager: Adding a new instance to the dispatcher hash table failed!\n" ); D_FREE( instance ); return ret; } D_DEBUG( "Voodoo/Manager: " "Added instance %u, dispatcher %p, real %p.\n", instance_id, dispatcher, real ); *ret_instance = instance_id; return DR_OK; }
VoodooPacket * VoodooConnectionLink::GetPacket( size_t length ) { D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Connection, "VoodooConnectionLink::%s( %p, length "_ZU" )\n", __func__, this, length ); D_MAGIC_ASSERT( this, VoodooConnection ); D_ASSERT( length >= (int) sizeof(VoodooMessageHeader) ); D_ASSUME( length <= MAX_MSG_SIZE ); if (length > MAX_MSG_SIZE) { D_WARN( _ZU" exceeds maximum message size of %d", length, MAX_MSG_SIZE ); return NULL; } size_t aligned = VOODOO_MSG_ALIGN( length ); Packets *packets = (Packets*) direct_tls_get( output.tls ); if (!packets) { packets = new Packets( this ); direct_tls_set( output.tls, packets ); } VoodooPacket *packet = packets->active; if (packet) { if (packet->append( aligned )) return packet; Flush( packet ); } packet = packets->Get(); if (packet) { if (packet->sending) { direct_mutex_lock( &output.lock ); while (packet->sending) direct_waitqueue_wait( &output.wait, &output.lock ); direct_mutex_unlock( &output.lock ); } packet->reset( aligned ); } return packet; }
int init_hotplug() { printf("\n\033[34m<<<<init_hotplug\033[0m\n"); /* check if the internal, i.e. non-removable storage was mounted */ if ((check_mnt_point(INT_STOR) == 0) && (read_dev_properties(INT_STOR, &prop_i_stor) == 0)) s_status |= ISTORAGE_PRESENT; /* check if an external, i.e. removable storage was already mounted */ if ((check_mnt_point(EXT_STOR) == 0) && (read_dev_properties(EXT_STOR, &prop_e_stor) == 0)) s_status |= ESTORAGE_ADDED; if (s_status == STORAGE_NONE) D_WARN("init_hotplug: No internal OR external storage mounted.\n"); if (open_fifo() == -1) { D_WARN("init_hotplug: open_fifo() failed. Hotplug messages will not be received.\n"); return -1; } D_INFO("Hotplug handler initialized.\n"); return 0; }
static void InputHub_EventDispatch( void *ctx, DFBInputDeviceID device_id, const DFBInputEvent *event ) { InputHubDeviceNode *node; D_DEBUG_AT( Input_Hub, "%s( ID %u, %s )\n", __FUNCTION__, device_id, dfb_input_event_type_name(event->type) ); node = direct_hash_lookup( m_nodes, device_id ); if (node) { if (node->device) { DFBInputEvent event_copy = *event; D_DEBUG_AT( Input_Hub, " -> found device %p (ID %u)\n", node->device, dfb_input_device_id(node->device) ); dfb_input_dispatch( node->device, &event_copy ); } else D_WARN( "inactive device (ID %u)", device_id ); } else D_WARN( "unknown device (ID %u)", device_id ); }
long long direct_clock_get_time( DirectClockType type ) { long long micros; struct timespec spec; clockid_t clock_id; switch (type) { case DIRECT_CLOCK_REALTIME: clock_id = CLOCK_REALTIME; break; case DIRECT_CLOCK_SESSION: case DIRECT_CLOCK_MONOTONIC: clock_id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; break; case DIRECT_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: clock_id = CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID; break; case DIRECT_CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: clock_id = CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID; break; default: D_BUG( "invalid clock type %d", type ); return DR_INVARG; } if (clock_gettime( clock_id, &spec ) < 0) { if (clock_id != CLOCK_REALTIME) { D_WARN( "clock with id %d not supported by system", clock_id ); return direct_clock_get_time( DIRECT_CLOCK_REALTIME ); } D_PERROR( "Direct/Clock: Could not get even real time clock!\n" ); return 0; } micros = spec.tv_sec * 1000000LL + spec.tv_nsec / 1000LL; if (type == DIRECT_CLOCK_SESSION) micros -= session_clock_offset; return micros; }
DirectResult fusion_call_return3( FusionCall *call, unsigned int serial, void *ptr, unsigned int length ) { FusionCallReturn3 call_ret; D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, "%s( %p, serial %u, ptr %p, length %u )\n", __FUNCTION__, call, serial, ptr, length ); D_ASSERT( call != NULL ); if (direct_log_domain_check( &Fusion_Call )) // avoid call to direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at D_DEBUG_AT( Fusion_Call, " -> %s\n", direct_trace_lookup_symbol_at( call->handler ) ); D_ASSUME( serial != 0 ); if (!serial) return DR_UNSUPPORTED; call_ret.call_id = call->call_id; call_ret.serial = serial; call_ret.ptr = ptr; call_ret.length = length; fusion_world_flush_calls( _fusion_world( call->shared ), 1 ); while (ioctl (_fusion_fd( call->shared ), FUSION_CALL_RETURN3, &call_ret)) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: continue; case EIDRM: D_WARN( "caller withdrawn (signal?)" ); return DR_NOCONTEXT; case EINVAL: D_ERROR( "Fusion/Call: invalid call\n" ); return DR_DESTROYED; default: break; } D_PERROR ("FUSION_CALL_RETURN3"); return DR_FAILURE; } return DR_OK; }
void set_status_estorage_invalid() { printf("\n\033[34m<<<<set_status_estorage_invalid\033[0m\n"); char *penv; penv = getenv("PERSISTFS"); if (penv == NULL) D_WARN("set_status_estorage_invalid: PERSISTFS is not set."); else if (strcmp(penv, EXT_STOR) == 0) { unsetenv("PERSISTFS"); unsetenv("PERSISTFSSIZE"); unsetenv("PERSISTFSSPEED"); } s_status &= ~ESTORAGE_VALID; }
static DFBResult preallocStartTransfer( CoreSurfacePoolBridge *bridge, void *bridge_data, void *bridge_local, CoreSurfacePoolTransfer *transfer, void *transfer_data ) { DFBResult ret = DFB_BUG; preallocPoolBridgeData *data = bridge_data; CoreSurfaceAllocation *from = transfer->from; CoreSurfaceAllocation *to = transfer->to; CoreSurface *surface; CoreSlave *slave; D_DEBUG_AT( PreAlloc_Bridge, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ ); D_ASSERT( bridge_data != NULL ); D_ASSERT( transfer != NULL ); CORE_SURFACE_BUFFER_ASSERT( transfer->buffer ); surface = transfer->buffer->surface; CORE_SURFACE_ASSERT( surface ); slave = Core_Resource_GetSlave( surface->object.identity ); if (!slave) { D_WARN( "no slave object for id %lu", surface->object.identity ); return DFB_NOIMPL; } if (from->pool == data->prealloc_pool) { if (to->pool->desc.access[CSAID_CPU] & CSAF_WRITE) ret = prealloc_transfer_locked( surface, transfer, to, CSAF_WRITE, slave ); else ret = prealloc_transfer_readwrite( surface, transfer, to, CSAF_WRITE, slave ); } else if (to->pool == data->prealloc_pool) { if (from->pool->desc.access[CSAID_CPU] & CSAF_READ) ret = prealloc_transfer_locked( surface, transfer, from, CSAF_READ, slave ); else ret = prealloc_transfer_readwrite( surface, transfer, from, CSAF_READ, slave ); } return ret; }
DFBResult dfb_state_set_source_2( CardState *state, CoreSurface *source, u32 flip_count ) { D_MAGIC_ASSERT( state, CardState ); dfb_state_lock( state ); if (state->source != source || state->source_flip_count != flip_count || !state->source_flip_count_used) { bool ref = true;//!fusion_config->secure_fusion || dfb_core_is_master( core_dfb ); if (source && ref && dfb_surface_ref( source )) { D_WARN( "could not ref() source" ); dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_DEAD; } if (state->source) { D_ASSERT( D_FLAGS_IS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE ) ); if (ref) dfb_surface_unref( state->source ); } state->source = source; state->modified |= SMF_SOURCE; state->source_flip_count = flip_count; state->source_flip_count_used = true; if (source) { direct_serial_copy( &state->src_serial, &source->serial ); D_FLAGS_SET( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE ); } else D_FLAGS_CLEAR( state->flags, CSF_SOURCE ); } dfb_state_unlock( state ); return DFB_OK; }
void direct_dbg_free( const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *what, void *mem ) { unsigned long *val; MemDesc *desc; if (!mem) { D_WARN( "%s (NULL) called", __FUNCTION__ ); return; } val = (unsigned long*)((char*) mem - DISABLED_OFFSET); if (val[0] == ~0) { D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Mem, " - number of bytes of %s [%s:%d in %s()] -> %p\n", what, file, line, func, mem ); val[0] = 0; direct_free( val ); return; } /* Debug only. */ direct_mutex_lock( &alloc_lock ); desc = (MemDesc*)((char*) mem - sizeof(MemDesc)); D_ASSERT( desc->mem == mem ); if (direct_hash_remove( &alloc_hash, (unsigned long) mem )) { D_ERROR( "Direct/Mem: Not freeing unknown %p (%s) from [%s:%d in %s()] - corrupt/incomplete list?\n", mem, what, file, line, func ); } else { D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Mem, " -"_ZUn(6)" bytes [%s:%d in %s()] -> %p '%s'\n", desc->bytes, file, line, func, mem, what ); if (desc->trace) direct_trace_free_buffer( desc->trace ); direct_free( desc ); } direct_mutex_unlock( &alloc_lock ); }