Exemple #1
Decoder::Decoder(RasterImage* aImage)
  : mImageData(nullptr)
  , mImageDataLength(0)
  , mColormap(nullptr)
  , mColormapSize(0)
  , mImage(aImage)
  , mProgress(NoProgress)
  , mFrameCount(0)
  , mFailCode(NS_OK)
  , mChunkCount(0)
  , mDecoderFlags(DefaultDecoderFlags())
  , mSurfaceFlags(DefaultSurfaceFlags())
  , mBytesDecoded(0)
  , mInitialized(false)
  , mMetadataDecode(false)
  , mInFrame(false)
  , mDataDone(false)
  , mDecodeDone(false)
  , mDataError(false)
  , mDecodeAborted(false)
  , mShouldReportError(false)
{ }
RasterImage::Decode(const IntSize& aSize,
                    uint32_t aFlags,
                    PlaybackType aPlaybackType)

  if (mError) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // If we don't have a size yet, we can't do any other decoding.
  if (!mHasSize) {
    mWantFullDecode = true;
    return NS_OK;

  // We're about to decode again, which may mean that some of the previous sizes
  // we've decoded at aren't useful anymore. We can allow them to expire from
  // the cache by unlocking them here. When the decode finishes, it will send an
  // invalidation that will cause all instances of this image to redraw. If this
  // image is locked, any surfaces that are still useful will become locked
  // again when LookupFrame touches them, and the remainder will eventually
  // expire.

  // Determine which flags we need to decode this image with.
  DecoderFlags decoderFlags = DefaultDecoderFlags();
  if (aFlags & FLAG_ASYNC_NOTIFY) {
    decoderFlags |= DecoderFlags::ASYNC_NOTIFY;
  if (mTransient) {
    decoderFlags |= DecoderFlags::IMAGE_IS_TRANSIENT;
  if (mHasBeenDecoded) {
    decoderFlags |= DecoderFlags::IS_REDECODE;

  SurfaceFlags surfaceFlags = ToSurfaceFlags(aFlags);
  if (IsOpaque()) {
    // If there's no transparency, it doesn't matter whether we premultiply
    // alpha or not.
    surfaceFlags &= ~SurfaceFlags::NO_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA;

  // Create a decoder.
  RefPtr<IDecodingTask> task;
  if (mAnimationState && aPlaybackType == PlaybackType::eAnimated) {
    task = DecoderFactory::CreateAnimationDecoder(mDecoderType, WrapNotNull(this),
                                                  mSourceBuffer, mSize,
                                                  decoderFlags, surfaceFlags);
  } else {
    task = DecoderFactory::CreateDecoder(mDecoderType, WrapNotNull(this),
                                         mSourceBuffer, mSize, aSize,
                                         decoderFlags, surfaceFlags,

  // Make sure DecoderFactory was able to create a decoder successfully.
  if (!task) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  // We're ready to decode; start the decoder.
  LaunchDecodingTask(task, this, aFlags, mHasSourceData);
  return NS_OK;