Exemple #1
    If we're running on OS/2 2.x and it's an LX style file, spawn off the
    OS/2 2.x sampler to collect things
bool VersionCheck( void )
    USHORT          env_sel;
    USHORT          cmd_off;
    RESULTCODES     res;

    DosGetVersion( &OSVer );
    if( OSVer >= 0x1400 && IsLX() ) {
        if( DosSearchPath( 0x0003, "PATH", OS22SAMPLER, (unsigned char *)UtilBuff, sizeof( UtilBuff ) ) ) {
            InternalError( MsgArray[MSG_SAMPLE_8 - ERR_FIRST_MESSAGE] );
        DosGetEnv( &env_sel, &cmd_off );
        if( DosExecPgm( NULL, 0, EXEC_ASYNC, MK_FP( env_sel, cmd_off ), NULL, &res, UtilBuff ) != 0 ) {
            InternalError( MsgArray[MSG_SAMPLE_9 - ERR_FIRST_MESSAGE] );
        _exit( 0 );
    return( OSVer >= 0x0a14 );
Exemple #2
    static char _WCFAR *OS_GET_CMD_LINE( void )
        unsigned short      envseg, cmdoff;
        char _WCFAR         *cmd;

        if( DosGetEnv( &envseg, &cmdoff) )
            return( NULL );

        cmd = MK_FP( envseg, 0 );
        if( !*cmd ) ++cmd;      /* adjust if null environment space */
        while( *cmd ) {         /* skip over environment space */
            while( *cmd ) ++cmd;
        while( *cmd ) ++cmd;    /* skip over first copy of program name */

        while( *cmd ) ++cmd;    /* skip over second copy of program name */

        return( cmd );