Exemple #1
void SCR_DrawStats (void)
	int		mins, secs, tens;
	int		y;
	char    str[100];

	if (!scr_showstats.value)

	y = scr_showfps.value ? 8 : 0;

	mins = cl.time / 60;
	secs = cl.time - 60 * mins;
	tens = (int)(cl.time * 10) % 10;

	sprintf (str,"%i:%i%i:%i", mins, secs/10, secs%10, tens);
	Draw_String (vid.width - (strlen(str)<<3), y, str);

	if (scr_showstats.value > 1)
		sprintf (str,"s: %3i/%3i", cl.stats[STAT_SECRETS], cl.stats[STAT_TOTALSECRETS]);
		Draw_String (vid.width - (strlen(str)<<3), y + 8, str);

		sprintf (str,"m: %3i/%3i", cl.stats[STAT_MONSTERS], cl.stats[STAT_TOTALMONSTERS]);
		Draw_String (vid.width - (strlen(str)<<3), y + 16, str);
Exemple #2
void SCR_DrawFPS(void) {
	extern CVar show_fps;
	static double lastframetime;
	double t;
	extern int fps_count;
	static int lastfps;
	static int totalfps;
	static int lastsecond;
	int x, y;
	char st[80];

	if (!show_fps.getBool())

	t = Sys_FloatTime();
	lastfps = 1 / (t - lastframetime);
	if (((int) (t) % 100) > ((int) (lastframetime) % 100)) {
		lastsecond = totalfps;
		totalfps = 0;
	lastframetime = t;
	totalfps += 1;

	sprintf(st, "%3d FPS", lastfps);

	x = vid.conwidth - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 0;
	Draw_String(x, y, st);

	sprintf(st, "%3d Last second", lastsecond);
	x = vid.conwidth - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 8;
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
void SCR_DrawBAT (void)
	extern cvar_t show_bat;
	int x, y, i;
	char stA[80],stB[80];

	if (!show_bat.value)

	if (!scePowerIsBatteryExist())
		// Don't report anything.

	const int	level		= scePowerGetBatteryLifePercent();
    const bool	charging	= scePowerGetBatteryChargingStatus();

	// Is the level not sensible?
	if ((level < 0) || (level > 100))
		// Hopefully it will be sensible soon.

    sprintf(stA, "Battery %d%%\n",level);
    sprintf(stB, "Battery %d%% (charging)\n",level);

	   x = vid.width - strlen(stA) * 16 - 70;
       x = vid.width - strlen(stB) * 16 - 70;

	y = 2 ; //vid.height - (sb_lines * (vid.height/240) )- 16;

	if(show_bat.value == 2)
	    Draw_String(x, y, stA);
    	Draw_String(x, y, stB);
   	    Draw_Fill (240, y, level, 5, 12+((int)(realtime*8)&120));
	    Draw_Fill (240, y, level, 5, level);

Exemple #4
draws demo name, status and progress
int SCR_DrawDemoStatus(void)
    extern cvar_t demo_statustime;
    char st[128];
    int x, y;
    int w, i;
    int mins, secs;

    if (cls.timedemo  ||  !cls.demoplayback)
        return 0;

    if (!cls.demopaused  &&  (realtime - cls.demobartime > demo_statustime.value  ||  cls.demobartime < 0))
        return 0;

    w = min(((vid.width / 2) / 16) * 2, 40);
    //w = 20;

    x = vid.width / 2 - (w*8/2);
    y = vid.height - sb_lines - 8;

    // status
    if (cls.demopaused)
        Draw_String(vid.width/2-4*6, y-16, "paused");

    // speed
    snprintf (st, sizeof (st), "%d%%", cls.demospeed);
    Draw_String(x+8, y-16, st);

    // status - time
    mins = ((int)(hosttime-cls.demostarttime)) / 60;
    secs = ((int)(hosttime-cls.demostarttime)) % 60;
    snprintf (st, sizeof (st), "%d:%02d", mins, secs);
    Draw_String(x+8*(w-strlen(st)-1), y-16, st);

    // progress bar
    memset(st, '\x81', w);
    st[0] = '\x80';
    st[w-1] = '\x82';
    st[w] = 0;
    Draw_String(x, y-24, st);
    Draw_Character((int)(x + 8*((cls.demopos / cls.demolength)*(w-3)+1)), y-24, '\x83');

    // demo name
    strlcpy (st, cls.demoname, sizeof (st));
    st[vid.width/8] = 0;
    Draw_Alt_String(vid.width/2 - 4*strlen(st), y-4, st);

    return 1;
Exemple #5
//muff - hacked out of SourceForge implementation + modified
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	static double lastframetime;
	double t;
	static int lastfps;
	int x, y;
	char st[80];

	if (!cl_showfps->value)

	t = Sys_FloatTime ();
	if ((t - lastframetime) >= 1.0) {
		lastfps = fps_count;
		fps_count = 0;
		lastframetime = t;

	sprintf(st, "%3d FPS", lastfps);

	x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 16 - 16;
	y = 0 ; //vid.height - (sb_lines * (vid.height/240) )- 16;
//	Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st)*16, 16);
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
Exemple #6
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	static double	oldtime = 0, fps = 0;
	static int		oldframecount = 0;
	double			time;
	int				frames;
	char			str[12];

	if (!scr_showfps.value)

	time = realtime - oldtime;
	frames = r_framecount - oldframecount;

	if (time < 0 || frames < 0)
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = r_framecount;

	if (time > 0.75) //update value every 3/4 second
		fps = frames / time;
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = r_framecount;

	sprintf (str, "%4.0f fps", fps);
	Draw_String (vid.width - (strlen(str)<<3), 0, str);
Exemple #7
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	extern cvar_t show_fps;
	static double lastframetime;
	double t;
	extern int fps_count;
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MACOSX)
        static int lastfps;
	static lastfps;
#endif /* APPLE || MACOSX */
	int x, y;
	char st[80];

	if (!show_fps.value)

	t = Sys_DoubleTime();
	if ((t - lastframetime) >= 1.0) {
		lastfps = fps_count;
		fps_count = 0;
		lastframetime = t;

#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
	snprintf(st, 80, "%3d FPS", lastfps);
	sprintf(st, "%3d FPS", lastfps);
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
	x = vid.width - ((int) strlen(st)) * 8 - 8;
	y = vid.height - sb_lines - 8;
//	Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st) * 8, 8);
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
Exemple #8
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	extern cvar_t show_fps;
	static double lastframetime;
	double t;
	extern int fps_count;
	static lastfps;
	int x, y;
	char st[80];

	if (!show_fps.value)

	t = Sys_DoubleTime();
	if ((t - lastframetime) >= 1.0) {
		lastfps = fps_count;
		fps_count = 0;
		lastframetime = t;

	sprintf(st, "%3d FPS", lastfps);
	x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 8 - 8;
	y = vid.height - sb_lines - 8;
//	Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st) * 8, 8);
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
Exemple #9
void MS_Draw_Content_Editbox (struct menu_ct *content){
	int		py = 8;
	int		i;
	char	buf[512];
	i = (content->rx - content->lx) / 8;

	// if we are the selected editbox draw a black background

	if (selected_editbox == content)
		Draw_AlphaRectangleRealRGB(content->lx, content->ly, content->width * 8, 8, 1, 1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1);

	if (content->subtype == 1)

	if (content->subtype == 2)
		if (content->iptr != NULL)
		if (content->fptr != NULL)
		if (content->dptr != NULL)

	if (ssc){
		if (selected_editbox == content)

	content->ry = content->ly + py;
	content->rx = content->lx + 8 * content->width;

Exemple #10
void SCR_DrawStats (void)
	int		mins, secs, tens;

	if (!show_stats.value || (show_stats.value == 3 || show_stats.value == 4))

	mins = cl.time / 60;
	secs = cl.time - 60 * mins;
	tens = (int)(cl.time * 10) % 10;

	Draw_String (vid.width - 72, 32, va("%2i:%02i:%i", mins, secs, tens));
	if (show_stats.value == 2 || show_stats.value == 4)
		Draw_String (vid.width - 32, 40, va("%2i", cl.stats[STAT_SECRETS]));
		Draw_String (vid.width - 40, 48, va("%3i", cl.stats[STAT_MONSTERS]));
void SCR_DrawClock (void)
	char	str[9];

	if (scr_clock.value == 1)
		int minutes, seconds;

		minutes = cl.time / 60;
		seconds = ((int)cl.time)%60;

		sprintf (str,"%i:%i%i", minutes, seconds/10, seconds%10);
#ifdef _WIN32
	else if (scr_clock.value == 2)
		int hours, minutes, seconds;
		SYSTEMTIME systime;
		char m[3] = "AM";

		hours	= systime.wHour;
		minutes = systime.wMinute;
		seconds = systime.wSecond;

		if (hours > 12)
			strcpy(m, "PM");
		hours = hours%12;
		if (hours == 0)
			hours = 12;

		sprintf (str,"%i:%i%i:%i%i %s", hours, minutes/10, minutes%10, seconds/10, seconds%10, m);
	else if (scr_clock.value == 3)
		int hours, minutes, seconds;
		SYSTEMTIME systime;


		hours	= systime.wHour;
		minutes = systime.wMinute;
		seconds = systime.wSecond;

		sprintf (str,"%i:%i%i:%i%i", hours%12, minutes/10, minutes%10, seconds/10, seconds%10);

	//draw it
	Draw_String(320 - (strlen(str) << 3), 200 - 8, str);

	scr_tileclear_updates = 0;
Exemple #12
/* QMB
//muff - hacked out of SourceForge implementation + modified
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	extern cvar_t show_fps;
	static double lastframetime;
	double t;
	extern int fps_count;
	static float lastfps;
	static int totalfps;
	static int lastsecond;
	int x, y;
	char st[60];

	if (!show_fps.value)

	t = Sys_FloatTime ();
	lastfps= 1/(t - lastframetime);
	if (((int)(t)%100) > ((int)(lastframetime)%100))
		lastsecond = totalfps;
		totalfps = 0;
	lastframetime = t;
	totalfps += 1;

	if (lastfps < 1 && lastfps > 0)
		sprintf(st, "%4.2f SPF", 1/(float)lastfps);
		sprintf(st, "%4.2f FPS", lastfps);
	x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 0;
	if (r_speeds.value)
		y += 360;
	Draw_String(x, y, st);

	sprintf(st, "%i Last second", lastsecond);
	x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 8;
	if (r_speeds.value)
		y += 360;
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
void Screen_DrawFPS(void)
	static double	oldtime = 0,fps = 0;
	static int		oldframecount = 0;
	double			time;
	char			str[128];
	int				x,y,frames;

	time = realtime-oldtime;
	frames = Video.iFrameCount - oldframecount;

	if(time < 0 || frames < 0)
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = Video.iFrameCount;

	// Allow us to set our own update rate.
	if(time > scr_fps_rate.value)
		fps = frames / time;
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = Video.iFrameCount;

	if(scr_showfps.value) //draw it
		// Set the highest and lowest counts we get.
		if(fps > dHighestFPS)
			dHighestFPS = fps;

		if((fps < dLowestFPS) && fps >= 1)
			dLowestFPS = fps;

		sprintf(str,"%4.0f FPS (%1.0f/%1.0f)",

		x = 320-(strlen(str)<<3);
		if (scr_con_current && (cls.state != ca_connected))
			y = 200 - 16;
			y = 200 - 8;

		if (scr_clock.value)
			y -= 8; //make room for clock


		Draw_String(x, y, str);

		scr_tileclear_updates = 0;
Exemple #14
void MS_Draw_Content_Text(struct menu_ct *content){

	if (content->subtype == 1)
		//Test_Draw(content->lx, content->ly, content->text);
		content->rx = content->lx + strlen(content->text)*8;
	else if (content->subtype == 2)
		if (content->text_function)
			Draw_String(content->lx, content->ly, content->text_function());
			//Test_Draw(content->lx, content->ly, content->text_function());
			content->rx = content->lx + strlen(content->text_function());

	content->ry = content->ly + content->pixel_height;
Exemple #15
inline void Clear_Screen(void)
// this function clears the screen

// set color to white on black

// clear the screen
for (int index=0; index<=25; index++)
    Draw_String(0, SCROLL_POS,"\n");

} // end Clear_Screen
void SCR_DrawAutoID (void)
	int	i, x, y;

	if (!scr_autoid.value || cls.state != ca_connected || !cls.demoplayback)

	for (i = 0 ; i < autoid_count ; i++)
		x = autoids[i].x * vid.width / glwidth;
		y = (glheight - autoids[i].y) * vid.height / glheight;
		Draw_String (x - strlen(autoids[i].player->name) * 4, y - 8, autoids[i].player->name);
void SCR_DrawDevStats (void)
	Colour_t	colour_dark = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5f };
	char		str[40];
	int			y = 25-9; //9=number of lines to print
	int			x = 0; //margin

	if (!devstats.value)


	Draw_Rectangle(x,y*8,152,72, colour_dark); //dark rectangle

	sprintf (str, "devstats |Curr Peak");
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "---------+---------");
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Edicts   |%4i %4i", dev_stats.edicts, dev_peakstats.edicts);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Packet   |%4i %4i", dev_stats.packetsize, dev_peakstats.packetsize);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Visedicts|%4i %4i", dev_stats.visedicts, dev_peakstats.visedicts);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Efrags   |%4i %4i", dev_stats.efrags, dev_peakstats.efrags);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Dlights  |%4i %4i", dev_stats.dlights, dev_peakstats.dlights);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Beams    |%4i %4i", dev_stats.beams, dev_peakstats.beams);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);

	sprintf (str, "Tempents |%4i %4i", dev_stats.tempents, dev_peakstats.tempents);
	Draw_String(x, (y++) * 8 - x, str);
Exemple #18
void MS_Draw_Content_Button(struct menu_ct *content){
	int py = 8;

	content->rx = content->lx + strlen(content->text) * 8;
	if ((content->color))
	content->rx = content->lx + strlen(content->text)*8;
	content->ry = content->ly + py;
Exemple #19
void Scr_ShowNumP(void) {
	extern CVar show_fps;
	int x, y;
	char st[80];
	extern int numParticles;

	if (!show_fps.getBool())

	sprintf(st, "%i Particles in world", numParticles);

	x = vid.conwidth - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 16; //vid.conheight - (sb_lines * (vid.conheight/240) )- 16;
	//Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st)*16, 16);
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
Exemple #20
void CEditBox_Draw(CEditBox *e, int x, int y, qbool active)
	while (e->pos > e->disp + e->width - 1)
		e->disp ++;
	if (e->disp  >  e->pos)
		e->disp = e->pos;
	if (e->disp  >  strlen(e->text) - e->width + 1)
		e->disp = strlen(e->text) - e->width + 1;
//	if (e->disp  <  0)
//		e->disp = 0;

	snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%-*.*s", e->width, e->width, active ? e->text+e->disp : e->text);
	Draw_String(x, y, buf);

	if (active)
		Draw_Character(x+8*(e->pos-e->disp), y, 10+((int)(cls.realtime*4)&1));
Exemple #21
static void MS_Draw_Tooltip(int x, int y, char *string, float r, float g, float b,float alpha) 
	int len = strlen(string) * 8;

	// Make sure we're drawing within the screen.
	if (x + len > vid.width)
		x -= len;

	if (y + 9 > vid.height)
		y -= 9;

	Draw_AlphaRectangleRealRGB(x, y, len, 8, 1, 1, r, g, b,alpha);
	Draw_String(x, y, string);
Exemple #22
void Scr_ShowNumP (void)
	extern cvar_t show_fps;
	int x, y;
	char st[80];
	extern int numParticles;

	if (!show_fps.value)

	sprintf(st, "%i Particles in world", numParticles);

	x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 8 - 16;
	y = 16 ; //vid.height - (sb_lines * (vid.height/240) )- 16;
	//Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st)*16, 16);
	if (r_speeds.value)
		y += 360;
	Draw_String(x, y, st);
Exemple #23
SCR_DrawFPS -- johnfitz
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
	static double	oldtime = 0;
	static double	lastfps = 0;
	static int	oldframecount = 0;
	double	elapsed_time;
	int	frames;

	elapsed_time = realtime - oldtime;
	frames = r_framecount - oldframecount;

	if (elapsed_time < 0 || frames < 0)
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = r_framecount;
	// update value every 3/4 second
	if (elapsed_time > 0.75)
		lastfps = frames / elapsed_time;
		oldtime = realtime;
		oldframecount = r_framecount;

	if (scr_showfps.value)
		char	st[16];
		int	x, y;
		sprintf (st, "%4.0f fps", lastfps);
		x = 320 - (strlen(st)<<3);
		y = 200 - 8;
		if (scr_clock.value) y -= 8; //make room for clock
		Draw_String (x, y, st);
		scr_tileclear_updates = 0;

Exemple #24
SCR_DrawClock -- johnfitz
void SCR_DrawClock (void)
	char	str[12];

	if (scr_clock.value == 1)
		int minutes, seconds;

		minutes = cl.time / 60;
		seconds = ((int)cl.time)%60;

		sprintf (str,"%i:%i%i", minutes, seconds/10, seconds%10);

	//draw it
	Draw_String (320 - (strlen(str)<<3), 200 - 8, str);

	scr_tileclear_updates = 0;
Exemple #25

frags name
frags team name
displayed to right of status bar if there's room
    int i, k;
    int top, bottom;
    int x, y, f;
    char num[12];
    player_info_t *s;
    int teamplay;
    char team[5];
    int numlines;
    char name[16 + 1];
    team_t *tm;

    if (vid.width < 512 || !sb_lines)
	return;			// not enuff room

    teamplay = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay"));

    scr_copyeverything = 1;
    scr_fullupdate = 0;

// scores
    if (vid.width >= 640)

    if (!scoreboardlines)
	return;			// no one there?

// draw the text
    y = vid.height - sb_lines - 1;
    numlines = sb_lines / 8;
    if (numlines < 3)
	return;			// not enough room

    // find us
    for (i = 0; i < scoreboardlines; i++)
	if (fragsort[i] == cl.playernum)

    if (i == scoreboardlines)	// we're not there, we are probably a spectator, just display top
	i = 0;
    else			// figure out start
	i = i - numlines / 2;

    if (i > scoreboardlines - numlines)
	i = scoreboardlines - numlines;
    if (i < 0)
	i = 0;

    x = 324;

    for ( /* */ ; i < scoreboardlines && y < vid.height - 8 + 1; i++) {
	k = fragsort[i];
	s = &cl.players[k];
	if (!s->name[0])

	// draw ping
	top = Sbar_ColorForMap(s->topcolor);
	bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap(s->bottomcolor);

	Draw_Fill(x, y + 1, 40, 3, top);
	Draw_Fill(x, y + 4, 40, 4, bottom);

	// draw number
	f = s->frags;
	sprintf(num, "%3i", f);

	Draw_Character(x + 8, y, num[0]);
	Draw_Character(x + 16, y, num[1]);
	Draw_Character(x + 24, y, num[2]);

	if (k == cl.playernum) {
	    Draw_Character(x, y, 16);
	    Draw_Character(x + 32, y, 17);
	// team
	if (teamplay) {
	    team[4] = 0;
	    strncpy(team, Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), 4);
	    Draw_String(x + 48, y, team);
	// draw name
	name[16] = 0;
	strncpy(name, s->name, 16);
	if (teamplay)
	    Draw_String(x + 48 + 40, y, name);
	    Draw_String(x + 48, y, name);
	y += 8;

    // draw teams if room
    if (vid.width < 640 || !teamplay)

    // draw seperator
    x += 208;
    for (y = vid.height - sb_lines; y < vid.height - 6; y += 2)
	Draw_Character(x, y, 14);

    x += 16;

    y = vid.height - sb_lines;
    for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams && y <= vid.height; i++) {
	k = teamsort[i];
	tm = teams + k;

	// draw pings
	team[4] = 0;
	strncpy(team, tm->team, 4);
	Draw_String(x, y, team);

	// draw total
	sprintf(num, "%5i", tm->frags);
	Draw_String(x + 40, y, num);

	if (!strncmp(Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum].userinfo,
				      "team"), tm->team, 16)) {
	    Draw_Character(x - 8, y, 16);
	    Draw_Character(x + 32, y, 17);

	y += 8;

Exemple #26
void MS_Mouse(void)
	struct menu_s	*mm = NULL;

	static double remaining_x;
	static double remaining_y;

	int type = 0;
	int lx,ly,rx,ry;
	int x,y;

	menu_mouse_x *= new_menu_sensitivity.value;
	menu_mouse_y *= new_menu_sensitivity.value;

	menu_mouse_x += remaining_x;
	menu_mouse_y += remaining_y;

	remaining_x = menu_mouse_x - floor(menu_mouse_x);
	remaining_y = menu_mouse_y - floor(menu_mouse_y);
	menu_mouse_x = floor(menu_mouse_x);
	menu_mouse_y = floor(menu_mouse_y);

	1- moving
	2- resize
	3- minimize
	4- close

	if (!menu_active)
		lx = -1;
		ly = -1;
		rx = -1;
		ry = -1;
		type = -1;
		type = 0;

		mm = menu_active;
		lx = mm->lx;
		ly = mm->ly;
		rx = mm->rx;
		ry = mm->ry;

		if (mm->minimized)
			rx = strlen(mm->name)*8+22 +lx;
			ry = ly + 22;

	// we always draw the cursor
	Draw_String(mscx-4, mscy-4, "x");
	if (popup_active)
		if (mscx + menu_mouse_x > 0 && mscx + menu_mouse_x < vid.width)
			mscx	+=	menu_mouse_x;
		if (mscy + menu_mouse_y > 0 && mscy + menu_mouse_y < vid.height)
			mscy	+=	menu_mouse_y;
	// check if we are in the activemenu
	if ( mscx >= lx && mscx <= rx && mscy >= ly && mscy <= ry)

	if (mm == NULL)

	// check if we are in the moving area
	if (mscx >= lx && mscx <= rx - 18 && mscy >= ly && mscy <= ly + 10)
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("%s moving",mm->name,lx,ly,rx,ry),0.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 1;

	// check if we are in the resize area
	if (mscx >= rx - 10 && mscx <= rx && mscy >= ry - 10 && mscy <= ry)
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("%s resizing",mm->name),.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 2;
	// minimize
	if (mscx >= rx - 17 && mscx <= rx - 8 && mscy >= ly + 1  && mscy <= ly + 10)
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("%s minimizing",mm->name),.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 3;

	// close
	if (mscx >= rx - 9 && mscx <= rx && mscy >= ly + 1 && mscy <= ly + 9)
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("close %s",mm->name),.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 4;

	// scroll x
	if (mm->content_width > rx - lx - 10)
	if (mscx >= lx  && mscx <= rx - 9 && mscy >= ry - 8 && mscy <= ry )
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("scroll %s", mm->name),.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 5;
	// scroll y
	if (mm->content_height > ry - ly - 22)
	if (mscx >= rx -9  && mscx <= rx && mscy >= ly - 8 && mscy <= ry - 9 )
		MS_Draw_Tooltip(mscx,mscy,va("scroll %s", mm->name),.5,0.5,0.5,0.9);
		type = 6;

	if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] && type == 4)
		menu_active	= NULL;

		if (mscx + menu_mouse_x > 0 && mscx + menu_mouse_x < vid.width)
			mscx	+=	menu_mouse_x;
		if (mscy + menu_mouse_y > 0 && mscy + menu_mouse_y < vid.height)
			mscy	+=	menu_mouse_y;


	if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] && 	!kdmb1)
			kdmb1 = 1;

	if (!keydown[K_MOUSE1] && 	kdmb1)
			slider_active = 0;
			kdmb1 = 0;

	if (!keydown[K_MOUSE1])
			resizing = 0;
			moving = 0;
			scrolling = 0;

	if (keydown[K_MOUSE1])
		if (type == 1)
			moving = 1;
		if (type == 2)
			resizing = 1;
		if (type == 5 || type == 6)
			scrolling = 1;

	if (type != -1)
		if (mm->rx < strlen(mm->name)*8)
			mm->rx = strlen(mm->name)*8 + 40;
		if (mm->ry < mm->ly + 20)
			mm->ry = mm->ly + 20;

	if (keydown[K_MOUSE1] && type != -1){
		if (type == 1){
			if (mm->rx + menu_mouse_x > vid.width || mm->ry + menu_mouse_y > vid.height || mm->lx + menu_mouse_x < 0 || mm->ly + menu_mouse_y < 0)
			moving = 1;
			mm->lx += menu_mouse_x;
			mm->rx += menu_mouse_x;
			mm->ly += menu_mouse_y;
			mm->ry += menu_mouse_y;
			mscx = mm->lx + 2;
			mscy = mm->ly + 2;
		if (type == 2){

			if (mm->rx + menu_mouse_x > vid.width || mm->ry + menu_mouse_y > vid.height || mm->ry +menu_mouse_y< mm->ly + 20 || mm->rx +menu_mouse_x <= mm->lx + strlen(mm->name)*8 + 22)
			mm->rx += menu_mouse_x;
			mm->ry += menu_mouse_y;
			resizing = 1;
			mscx = mm->rx - 5;
			mscy = mm->ry - 5;
		if (type == 3)
			mm->minimized = !mm->minimized;

		if (type == 5)
			mm->slider_offset_x += menu_mouse_x;
			if (mm->slider_offset_x < 0)
				mm->slider_offset_x = 0;
			if (mm->slider_offset_x > 100)
				mm->slider_offset_x = 100;

			x = mm->rx - mm->lx - 11; //100
			x = x *  (float)(x/(float)(mm->content_width));
			y = mm->rx - mm->lx - 11;
			y = y - x;
			y = y * (float)(mm->slider_offset_x/100.0f);

			y = y + x/2;
			mscx = mm->lx + y;
			mscy = mm->ry - 5;


		if (type == 6)
			mm->slider_offset_y += menu_mouse_y;
			if (mm->slider_offset_y < 0)
				mm->slider_offset_y = 0;
			if (mm->slider_offset_y > 100)
				mm->slider_offset_y = 100;

			y = mm->ry - mm->ly - 22;
			y = y * (float)(y/(float)(mm->content_height));

			x = mm->ry - mm->ly - 22;
			x = x -y;
			x = x * (float)(mm->slider_offset_y/100.0f);

			x = x + y/2;

			mscy = mm->ly + 11 + x;
			mscx = mm->rx - 5;

Exemple #27

ping time frags name
Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(int start)
    const qpic_t *pic;
    int i, k, l;
    int top, bottom;
    int x, y, f;
    char num[12];
    player_info_t *s;
    int total;
    int minutes;
    int p;
    int teamplay;
    char team[5];
    int skip = 10;

    if (largegame)
	skip = 8;

// request new ping times every two second
    if (realtime - cl.last_ping_request > 2) {
	cl.last_ping_request = realtime;
	MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
	MSG_WriteString(&cls.netchan.message, "pings");

    teamplay = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay"));

    scr_copyeverything = 1;
    scr_fullupdate = 0;

    if (!start) {
	pic = Draw_CachePic("gfx/ranking.lmp");
	Draw_Pic(160 - pic->width / 2, 0, pic);
// scores

// draw the text
    l = scoreboardlines;

    if (start)
	y = start;
	y = 24;
    if (teamplay) {
	x = 4;
//                            0    40 64   104   152  192
	Draw_String(x, y, "ping pl time frags team name");
	y += 8;
//              Draw_String ( x , y, "---- -- ---- ----- ---- ----------------");
	Draw_String(x, y,
		    "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f");
	y += 8;
    } else {
	x = 16;
//                            0    40 64   104   152
	Draw_String(x, y, "ping pl time frags name");
	y += 8;
//              Draw_String ( x , y, "---- -- ---- ----- ----------------");
	Draw_String(x, y,
		    "\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f");
	y += 8;

    for (i = 0; i < l && y <= vid.height - 10; i++) {
	k = fragsort[i];
	s = &cl.players[k];
	if (!s->name[0])

	// draw ping
	p = s->ping;
	if (p < 0 || p > 999)
	    p = 999;
	sprintf(num, "%4i", p);
	Draw_String(x, y, num);

	// draw pl
	p = s->pl;
	sprintf(num, "%3i", p);
	if (p > 25)
	    Draw_Alt_String(x + 32, y, num);
	    Draw_String(x + 32, y, num);

	if (s->spectator) {
	    Draw_String(x + 40, y, "(spectator)");
	    // draw name
	    if (teamplay)
		Draw_String(x + 152 + 40, y, s->name);
		Draw_String(x + 152, y, s->name);
	    y += skip;
	// draw time
	if (cl.intermission)
	    total = cl.completed_time - s->entertime;
	    total = realtime - s->entertime;
	minutes = (int)total / 60;
	sprintf(num, "%4i", minutes);
	Draw_String(x + 64, y, num);

	// draw background
	top = Sbar_ColorForMap(s->topcolor);
	bottom = Sbar_ColorForMap(s->bottomcolor);

	if (largegame)
	    Draw_Fill(x + 104, y + 1, 40, 3, top);
	    Draw_Fill(x + 104, y, 40, 4, top);
	Draw_Fill(x + 104, y + 4, 40, 4, bottom);

	// draw number
	f = s->frags;
	sprintf(num, "%3i", f);

	Draw_Character(x + 112, y, num[0]);
	Draw_Character(x + 120, y, num[1]);
	Draw_Character(x + 128, y, num[2]);

	if (k == cl.playernum) {
	    Draw_Character(x + 104, y, 16);
	    Draw_Character(x + 136, y, 17);
	// team
	if (teamplay) {
	    team[4] = 0;
	    strncpy(team, Info_ValueForKey(s->userinfo, "team"), 4);
	    Draw_String(x + 152, y, team);
	// draw name
	if (teamplay)
	    Draw_String(x + 152 + 40, y, s->name);
	    Draw_String(x + 152, y, s->name);

	y += skip;

    if (y >= vid.height - 10)	// we ran over the screen size, squish
	largegame = true;
Exemple #28

team frags
added by Zoid
    const qpic_t *pic;
    int i, k;
    int x, y;
    char num[12];
    int teamplay;
    char team[5];
    team_t *tm;
    int plow, phigh, pavg;

// request new ping times every two second
    teamplay = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cl.serverinfo, "teamplay"));

    if (!teamplay) {

    scr_copyeverything = 1;
    scr_fullupdate = 0;

    pic = Draw_CachePic("gfx/ranking.lmp");
    Draw_Pic(160 - pic->width / 2, 0, pic);

    y = 24;
    x = 36;
    Draw_String(x, y, "low/avg/high team total players");
    y += 8;
//      Draw_String(x, y, "------------ ---- ----- -------");
    Draw_String(x, y,
		"\x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f \x1d\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1e\x1f");
    y += 8;

// sort the teams

// draw the text
    for (i = 0; i < scoreboardteams && y <= vid.height - 10; i++) {
	k = teamsort[i];
	tm = teams + k;

	// draw pings
	plow = tm->plow;
	if (plow < 0 || plow > 999)
	    plow = 999;
	phigh = tm->phigh;
	if (phigh < 0 || phigh > 999)
	    phigh = 999;
	if (!tm->players)
	    pavg = 999;
	    pavg = tm->ptotal / tm->players;
	if (pavg < 0 || pavg > 999)
	    pavg = 999;

	sprintf(num, "%3i/%3i/%3i", plow, pavg, phigh);
	Draw_String(x, y, num);

	// draw team
	team[4] = 0;
	strncpy(team, tm->team, 4);
	Draw_String(x + 104, y, team);

	// draw total
	sprintf(num, "%5i", tm->frags);
	Draw_String(x + 104 + 40, y, num);

	// draw players
	sprintf(num, "%5i", tm->players);
	Draw_String(x + 104 + 88, y, num);

	if (!strncmp(Info_ValueForKey(cl.players[cl.playernum].userinfo,
				      "team"), tm->team, 16)) {
	    Draw_Character(x + 104 - 8, y, 16);
	    Draw_Character(x + 104 + 32, y, 17);

	y += 8;
    y += 8;
Exemple #29
static void Con_DrawTextLines(unsigned int y, unsigned int maxlinestodraw, unsigned int lastlinetodraw)
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int j;
	unsigned int nextline;
	unsigned int linelength;

	if (firstline == ((lastline + 1) % maxlines))

	if (maxlinestodraw == 0)

	if (!con_parsecolors.value)

	y += maxlinestodraw * 8;

	j = lastlinetodraw;

	if (firstline > lastlinetodraw)
		j += maxlines;

	if (firstline + maxlinestodraw - 1 <= j)
		i = j - maxlinestodraw + 1;
		i = firstline;
		maxlinestodraw = j - firstline + 1;

	i %= maxlines;

	y -= maxlinestodraw * 8;

	while(i != ((lastline + 1) % maxlines) && maxlinestodraw)
		if (maxlinestodraw == 1 && i != lastline)
			Draw_String(8, y, scrollupmarker);

		nextline = (i + 1) % maxlines;
		linelength = Con_BufferStringLength(lines[i]);
		if (nextline != ((lastline + 1) % maxlines))
			if (lines[nextline] < lines[i])
				j = consize - lines[i] + lines[nextline];
				j = lines[nextline] - lines[i];

			if (j < linelength)
				linelength = j;

		if (lines[i] + linelength > consize)
			if (stitchbuffer)
				if (con_parsecolors.value)
					Draw_ColoredString_Length(8, y, stitchbuffer, 0, linelength, linestartcolours[i]);
					Draw_String_Length(8, y, stitchbuffer, linelength);
			if (con_parsecolors.value)
				Draw_ColoredString_Length(8, y, conbuf + lines[i], 0, linelength, linestartcolours[i]);
				Draw_String_Length(8, y, conbuf + lines[i], linelength);

		y += 8;
		i = nextline;

	if (!con_parsecolors.value)
Exemple #30
static void
Sbar_DrawString(int x, int y, const char *str)
    Draw_String(x /*+ ((vid.width - 320)>>1) */ ,
		y + vid.height - SBAR_HEIGHT, str);