Exemple #1
// create from square-root Nyquist prototype
//  _type   : filter type (e.g. LIQUID_RNYQUIST_RRC)
//  _k      : nominal samples/symbol, _k > 1
//  _m      : filter delay [symbols], _m > 0
//  _beta   : rolloff factor, 0 < beta <= 1
//  _mu     : fractional sample offset,-0.5 < _mu < 0.5
FIRFILT() FIRFILT(_create_rnyquist)(int          _type,
                                    unsigned int _k,
                                    unsigned int _m,
                                    float        _beta,
                                    float        _mu)
    // validate input
    if (_k < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create_rnyquist(), filter samples/symbol must be greater than 1\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_m == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create_rnyquist(), filter delay must be greater than 0\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_beta < 0.0f || _beta > 1.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create_rnyquist(), filter excess bandwidth factor must be in [0,1]\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // generate square-root Nyquist filter
    unsigned int h_len = 2*_k*_m + 1;
    float hf[h_len];

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array (e.g. float complex)
    unsigned int i;
    TC hc[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        hc[i] = hf[i];

    // return filterbank object
    return FIRFILT(_create)(hc, h_len);
Exemple #2
// create firfilt object
//  _h      :   coefficients (filter taps) [size: _n x 1]
//  _n      :   filter length
FIRFILT() FIRFILT(_create)(TC * _h,
                           unsigned int _n)
    // validate input
    if (_n == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create(), filter length must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // create filter object and initialize
    FIRFILT() q = (FIRFILT()) malloc(sizeof(struct FIRFILT(_s)));
    q->h_len = _n;
    q->h = (TC *) malloc((q->h_len)*sizeof(TC));

    // create window (internal buffer)
    q->w = WINDOW(_create)(q->h_len);
    // initialize array for buffering
    q->w_len   = 1<<liquid_msb_index(q->h_len); // effectively 2^{floor(log2(len))+1}
    q->w_mask  = q->w_len - 1;
    q->w       = (TI *) malloc((q->w_len + q->h_len + 1)*sizeof(TI));
    q->w_index = 0;

    // load filter in reverse order
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=_n; i>0; i--)
        q->h[i-1] = _h[_n-i];

    // create dot product object
    q->dp = DOTPROD(_create)(q->h, q->h_len);

    // set default scaling
    q->scale = 1;

    // reset filter state (clear buffer)

    return q;
Exemple #3
// create rectangular filter prototype
FIRFILT() FIRFILT(_create_rect)(unsigned int _n)
    // validate input
    if (_n == 0 || _n > 1024) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create_rect(), filter length must be in [1,1024]\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // create float array coefficients
    float hf[_n];
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++)
        hf[i] = 1.0f;

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array
    TC h[_n];
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++)
        h[i] = (TC) hf[i];

    // return filter object and return
    return FIRFILT(_create)(h, _n);
Exemple #4
// create filter using Kaiser-Bessel windowed sinc method
//  _n      : filter length, _n > 0
//  _fc     : cutoff frequency, 0 < _fc < 0.5
//  _As     : stop-band attenuation [dB], _As > 0
//  _mu     : fractional sample offset, -0.5 < _mu < 0.5
FIRFILT() FIRFILT(_create_kaiser)(unsigned int _n,
                                  float        _fc,
                                  float        _As,
                                  float        _mu)
    // validate input
    if (_n == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: firfilt_%s_create_kaiser(), filter length must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // compute temporary array for holding coefficients
    float hf[_n];
    liquid_firdes_kaiser(_n, _fc, _As, _mu, hf);

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array
    TC h[_n];
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++)
        h[i] = (TC) hf[i];

    return FIRFILT(_create)(h, _n);
Exemple #5
    // copy coefficients to type-specific array (e.g. float complex)
    unsigned int i;
    TC hc[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        hc[i] = hf[i];

    // return filterbank object
    return FIRFILT(_create)(hc, h_len);

// re-create firfilt object
//  _q      :   original firfilt object
//  _h      :   new coefficients [size: _n x 1]
//  _n      :   new filter length
FIRFILT() FIRFILT(_recreate)(FIRFILT() _q,
                             TC * _h,
                             unsigned int _n)
    unsigned int i;

    // reallocate memory array if filter length has changed
    if (_n != _q->h_len) {
        // reallocate memory
        _q->h_len = _n;
        _q->h = (TC*) realloc(_q->h, (_q->h_len)*sizeof(TC));

        // recreate window object, preserving internal state
        _q->w = WINDOW(_recreate)(_q->w, _q->h_len);