void QStorageInfoPrivate::retrieveLabel()
#if !defined(Q_OS_IOS)
	// deprecated since 10.8
	FSRef ref;
	FSPathMakeRef(reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(QFile::encodeName(rootPath).constData()),
	// deprecated since 10.8
	FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
	OSErr error;
	error = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR);

	if (error != noErr)

	// deprecated (use CFURLCopyResourcePropertiesForKeys for 10.7 and higher)
	HFSUniStr255 volumeName;
	error = FSGetVolumeInfo(catalogInfo.volume,

	if (error == noErr)
		name = QCFString(FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStr(Q_NULLPTR, &volumeName));

Exemple #2
void *updatethreadproc(void*)
	char tempDir[PATH_MAX] = "";		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	FSRef tempDirRef;
	char temp[PATH_MAX] = "";	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	// *NOTE: This buffer length is used in a scanf() below.
	char deviceNode[1024] = "";	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	LLFILE *downloadFile = NULL;
	OSStatus err;
	ProcessSerialNumber psn;
	char target[PATH_MAX] = "";		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	FSRef targetRef;
	FSRef targetParentRef;
	FSVolumeRefNum targetVol;
	FSRef trashFolderRef;
	Boolean replacingTarget = false;

	memset(&tempDirRef, 0, sizeof(tempDirRef));
	memset(&targetRef, 0, sizeof(targetRef));
	memset(&targetParentRef, 0, sizeof(targetParentRef));
		// Attempt to get a reference to the Second Life application bundle containing this updater.
		// Any failures during this process will cause us to default to updating /Applications/Second Life.app
			FSRef myBundle;

			err = GetCurrentProcess(&psn);
			if(err == noErr)
				err = GetProcessBundleLocation(&psn, &myBundle);

			if(err == noErr)
				// Sanity check:  Make sure the name of the item referenced by targetRef is "Second Life.app".
				FSRefMakePath(&myBundle, (UInt8*)target, sizeof(target));
				llinfos << "Updater bundle location: " << target << llendl;
			// Our bundle should be in Second Life.app/Contents/Resources/AutoUpdater.app
			// so we need to go up 3 levels to get the path to the main application bundle.
			if(err == noErr)
				err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&myBundle, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, NULL, &targetRef);
			if(err == noErr)
				err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&targetRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, NULL, &targetRef);
			if(err == noErr)
				err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&targetRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, NULL, &targetRef);
			// And once more to get the parent of the target
			if(err == noErr)
				err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&targetRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, NULL, &targetParentRef);
			if(err == noErr)
				FSRefMakePath(&targetRef, (UInt8*)target, sizeof(target));
				llinfos << "Path to target: " << target << llendl;
			// Sanity check: make sure the target is a bundle with the right identifier
			if(err == noErr)
				// Assume the worst...
				err = -1;

					// This is the bundle we're looking for.
					err = noErr;
					replacingTarget = true;
			// Make sure the target's parent directory is writable.
			if(err == noErr)
					// Parent directory isn't writable.
					llinfos << "Target parent directory not writable." << llendl;
					err = -1;
					replacingTarget = false;

			if(err != noErr)
				Boolean isDirectory;
				llinfos << "Target search failed, defaulting to /Applications/" << gProductName << ".app." << llendl;
				// Set up the parent directory
				err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)"/Applications", &targetParentRef, &isDirectory);
				if((err != noErr) || (!isDirectory))
					// We're so hosed.
					llinfos << "Applications directory not found, giving up." << llendl;
					throw 0;
				snprintf(target, sizeof(target), "/Applications/%s.app", gProductName);		

				memset(&targetRef, 0, sizeof(targetRef));
				err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)target, &targetRef, NULL);
				if(err == fnfErr)
					// This is fine, just means we're not replacing anything.
					err = noErr;
					replacingTarget = false;
					replacingTarget = true;

				// Make sure the target's parent directory is writable.
				if(err == noErr)
						// Parent directory isn't writable.
						llinfos << "Target parent directory not writable." << llendl;
						err = -1;
						replacingTarget = false;

			// If we haven't fixed all problems by this point, just bail.
			if(err != noErr)
				llinfos << "Unable to pick a target, giving up." << llendl;
				throw 0;
		// Find the volID of the volume the target resides on
			FSCatalogInfo info;
			err = FSGetCatalogInfo(
			if(err != noErr)
				throw 0;
			targetVol = info.volume;

		// Find the temporary items and trash folders on that volume.
		err = FSFindFolder(

		if(err != noErr)
			throw 0;

#if 0 // *HACK for DEV-11935 see below for details.

		FSRef tempFolderRef;

		err = FSFindFolder(
		if(err != noErr)
			throw 0;
		err = FSRefMakePath(&tempFolderRef, (UInt8*)temp, sizeof(temp));

		if(err != noErr)
			throw 0;


		// *HACK for DEV-11935  the above kTemporaryFolderType query was giving
		// back results with path names that seem to be too long to be used as
		// mount points.  I suspect this incompatibility was introduced in the
		// Leopard 10.5.2 update, but I have not verified this. 
		char const HARDCODED_TMP[] = "/tmp";
		strncpy(temp, HARDCODED_TMP, sizeof(HARDCODED_TMP));

#endif // 0 *HACK for DEV-11935
		// Skip downloading the file if the dmg was passed on the command line.
		std::string dmgName;
		if(gDmgFile != NULL) {
			dmgName = basename((char *)gDmgFile);
			char * dmgDir = dirname((char *)gDmgFile);
			strncpy(tempDir, dmgDir, sizeof(tempDir));
			err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)tempDir, &tempDirRef, NULL);
			if(err != noErr) throw 0;
			goto begin_install;
		} else {
			// Continue on to download file.
			dmgName = "SecondLife.dmg";

		strncat(temp, "/SecondLifeUpdate_XXXXXX", (sizeof(temp) - strlen(temp)) - 1);
		if(mkdtemp(temp) == NULL)
			throw 0;
		strncpy(tempDir, temp, sizeof(tempDir));
		temp[sizeof(tempDir) - 1] = '\0';
		llinfos << "tempDir is " << tempDir << llendl;

		err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)tempDir, &tempDirRef, NULL);

		if(err != noErr)
			throw 0;
		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "SecondLife.dmg");		
		downloadFile = LLFile::fopen(temp, "wb");		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		if(downloadFile == NULL)
			throw 0;

			CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();

			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
	//		curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &curl_download_callback);
			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FILE, downloadFile);
			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, &curl_progress_callback_func);
			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL,	gUpdateURL);
			curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
			sendProgress(0, 1, CFSTR("Downloading..."));
			CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(curl);
				llinfos << "User cancel, bailing out."<< llendl;
				throw 0;
			if(result != CURLE_OK)
				llinfos << "Error " << result << " while downloading disk image."<< llendl;
				throw 0;
			downloadFile = NULL;

		sendProgress(0, 0, CFSTR("Mounting image..."));
		LLFile::mkdir("mnt", 0700);
		// NOTE: we could add -private at the end of this command line to keep the image from showing up in the Finder,
		//		but if our cleanup fails, this makes it much harder for the user to unmount the image.
		std::string mountOutput;
		boost::format cmdFormat("hdiutil attach %s -mountpoint mnt");
		cmdFormat % dmgName;
		FILE* mounter = popen(cmdFormat.str().c_str(), "r");		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		if(mounter == NULL)
			llinfos << "Failed to mount disk image, exiting."<< llendl;
			throw 0;
		// We need to scan the output from hdiutil to find the device node it uses to attach the disk image.
		// If we don't have this information, we can't detach it later.
		while(mounter != NULL)
			size_t len = fread(temp, 1, sizeof(temp)-1, mounter);
			temp[len] = 0;
			if(len < sizeof(temp)-1)
				// End of file or error.
				int result = pclose(mounter);
				if(result != 0)
					// NOTE: We used to abort here, but pclose() started returning 
					// -1, possibly when the size of the DMG passed a certain point 
					llinfos << "Unexpected result closing pipe: " << result << llendl; 
				mounter = NULL;
			const char *s = mountOutput.c_str();
			const char *prefix = "/dev/";
			char *sub = strstr(s, prefix);
			if(sub != NULL)
				sub += strlen(prefix);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
				sscanf(sub, "%1023s", deviceNode);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		if(deviceNode[0] != 0)
			llinfos << "Disk image attached on /dev/" << deviceNode << llendl;
			llinfos << "Disk image device node not found!" << llendl;
			throw 0; 
		// Get an FSRef to the new application on the disk image
		FSRef sourceRef;
		FSRef mountRef;
		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/mnt", tempDir);		

		llinfos << "Disk image mount point is: " << temp << llendl;

		err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8 *)temp, &mountRef, NULL);
		if(err != noErr)
			llinfos << "Couldn't make FSRef to disk image mount point." << llendl;
			throw 0;

		sendProgress(0, 0, CFSTR("Searching for the app bundle..."));
		err = findAppBundleOnDiskImage(&mountRef, &sourceRef);
		if(err != noErr)
			llinfos << "Couldn't find application bundle on mounted disk image." << llendl;
			throw 0;
			llinfos << "found the bundle." << llendl;

		sendProgress(0, 0, CFSTR("Preparing to copy files..."));
		FSRef asideRef;
		char aside[MAX_PATH];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		// this will hold the name of the destination target
		CFStringRef appNameRef;

			// Get the name of the target we're replacing
			HFSUniStr255 appNameUniStr;
			err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&targetRef, 0, NULL, &appNameUniStr, NULL, NULL);
			if(err != noErr)
				throw 0;
			appNameRef = FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStr(NULL, &appNameUniStr);
			// Move aside old version (into work directory)
			err = FSMoveObject(&targetRef, &tempDirRef, &asideRef);
			if(err != noErr)
				llwarns << "failed to move aside old version (error code " << 
					err << ")" << llendl;
				throw 0;

			// Grab the path for later use.
			err = FSRefMakePath(&asideRef, (UInt8*)aside, sizeof(aside));
			// Construct the name of the target based on the product name
			char appName[MAX_PATH];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
			snprintf(appName, sizeof(appName), "%s.app", gProductName);		
			appNameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, appName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
		sendProgress(0, 0, CFSTR("Copying files..."));
		llinfos << "Starting copy..." << llendl;

		// Copy the new version from the disk image to the target location.
		err = FSCopyObjectSync(
		// Grab the path for later use.
		err = FSRefMakePath(&targetRef, (UInt8*)target, sizeof(target));
		if(err != noErr)
			throw 0;

		llinfos << "Copy complete. Target = " << target << llendl;

		if(err != noErr)
			// Something went wrong during the copy.  Attempt to put the old version back and bail.
				(void)FSMoveObject(&asideRef, &targetParentRef, NULL);
			throw 0;
			// The update has succeeded.  Clear the cache directory.

			sendProgress(0, 0, CFSTR("Clearing cache..."));
			llinfos << "Clearing cache..." << llendl;
			char mask[LL_MAX_PATH];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
			snprintf(mask, LL_MAX_PATH, "%s*.*", gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter().c_str());		
			llinfos << "Clear complete." << llendl;

			if(gFailure == noErr)
				gFailure = -1;

	// Failures from here on out are all non-fatal and not reported.
	sendProgress(0, 3, CFSTR("Cleaning up..."));

	// Close disk image file if necessary
	if(downloadFile != NULL)
		llinfos << "Closing download file." << llendl;

		downloadFile = NULL;

	sendProgress(1, 3);
	// Unmount image
	if(deviceNode[0] != 0)
		llinfos << "Detaching disk image." << llendl;

		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "hdiutil detach '%s'", deviceNode);		
		system(temp);		/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	sendProgress(2, 3);

	// Move work directory to the trash
	if(tempDir[0] != 0)
//		chdir("/");
//		FSDeleteObjects(tempDirRef);

		llinfos << "Moving work directory to the trash." << llendl;

		err = FSMoveObject(&tempDirRef, &trashFolderRef, NULL);
		if(err != noErr) {
			llwarns << "failed to move files to trash, (error code " <<
				err << ")" << llendl;

//		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "rm -rf '%s'", tempDir);
//		printf("%s\n", temp);
//		system(temp);
	if(!gCancelled  && !gFailure && (target[0] != 0))
		llinfos << "Touching application bundle." << llendl;

		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "touch '%s'", target);		
		system(temp);		/* Flawfinder: ignore */

		llinfos << "Launching updated application." << llendl;

		snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "open '%s'", target);		
		system(temp);		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
