Exemple #1
  FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( FT_Outline*  outline,
                         FT_Pos       xstrength,
                         FT_Pos       ystrength )
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Int      c, first, last;
    FT_Int      orientation;

    if ( !outline )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Outline );

    xstrength /= 2;
    ystrength /= 2;
    if ( xstrength == 0 && ystrength == 0 )
      return FT_Err_Ok;

    orientation = FT_Outline_Get_Orientation( outline );
    if ( orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_NONE )
      if ( outline->n_contours )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
        return FT_Err_Ok;

    points = outline->points;

    first = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < outline->n_contours; c++ )
      FT_Vector  in, out, anchor, shift;
      FT_Fixed   l_in, l_out, l_anchor = 0, l, q, d;
      FT_Int     i, j, k;

      l_in = 0;
      last = outline->contours[c];

      /* pacify compiler */
      in.x = in.y = anchor.x = anchor.y = 0;

      /* Counter j cycles though the points; counter i advances only  */
      /* when points are moved; anchor k marks the first moved point. */
      for ( i = last, j = first, k = -1;
            j != i && i != k;
            j = j < last ? j + 1 : first )
        if ( j != k )
          out.x = points[j].x - points[i].x;
          out.y = points[j].y - points[i].y;
          l_out = (FT_Fixed)FT_Vector_NormLen( &out );

          if ( l_out == 0 )
          out   = anchor;
          l_out = l_anchor;

        if ( l_in != 0 )
          if ( k < 0 )
            k        = i;
            anchor   = in;
            l_anchor = l_in;

          d = FT_MulFix( in.x, out.x ) + FT_MulFix( in.y, out.y );

          /* shift only if turn is less than ~160 degrees */
          if ( d > -0xF000L )
            d = d + 0x10000L;

            /* shift components along lateral bisector in proper orientation */
            shift.x = in.y + out.y;
            shift.y = in.x + out.x;

            if ( orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE )
              shift.x = -shift.x;
              shift.y = -shift.y;

            /* restrict shift magnitude to better handle collapsing segments */
            q = FT_MulFix( out.x, in.y ) - FT_MulFix( out.y, in.x );
            if ( orientation == FT_ORIENTATION_TRUETYPE )
              q = -q;

            l = FT_MIN( l_in, l_out );

            /* non-strict inequalities avoid divide-by-zero when q == l == 0 */
            if ( FT_MulFix( xstrength, q ) <= FT_MulFix( l, d ) )
              shift.x = FT_MulDiv( shift.x, xstrength, d );
              shift.x = FT_MulDiv( shift.x, l, q );

            if ( FT_MulFix( ystrength, q ) <= FT_MulFix( l, d ) )
              shift.y = FT_MulDiv( shift.y, ystrength, d );
              shift.y = FT_MulDiv( shift.y, l, q );
            shift.x = shift.y = 0;

          for ( ;
                i != j;
                i = i < last ? i + 1 : first )
            points[i].x += xstrength + shift.x;
            points[i].y += ystrength + shift.y;
          i = j;

        in   = out;
        l_in = l_out;

      first = last + 1;

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Exemple #2
  FT_Stream_Open( FT_Stream    stream,
                  const char*  filepathname )
    int          file;
    struct stat  stat_buf;

    if ( !stream )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Handle );

    /* open the file */
    file = open( filepathname, O_RDONLY );
    if ( file < 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
      FT_ERROR(( " could not open `%s'\n", filepathname ));
      return FT_THROW( Cannot_Open_Resource );

    /* Here we ensure that a "fork" will _not_ duplicate   */
    /* our opened input streams on Unix.  This is critical */
    /* since it avoids some (possible) access control      */
    /* issues and cleans up the kernel file table a bit.   */
    /*                                                     */
#ifdef F_SETFD
    (void)fcntl( file, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
    (void)fcntl( file, F_SETFD, 1 );
#endif /* FD_CLOEXEC */
#endif /* F_SETFD */

    if ( fstat( file, &stat_buf ) < 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
      FT_ERROR(( " could not `fstat' file `%s'\n", filepathname ));
      goto Fail_Map;

    /* XXX: TODO -- real 64bit platform support                        */
    /*                                                                 */
    /* `stream->size' is typedef'd to unsigned long (in `ftsystem.h'); */
    /* `stat_buf.st_size', however, is usually typedef'd to off_t      */
    /* (in sys/stat.h).                                                */
    /* On some platforms, the former is 32bit and the latter is 64bit. */
    /* To avoid overflow caused by fonts in huge files larger than     */
    /* 2GB, do a test.  Temporary fix proposed by Sean McBride.        */
    /*                                                                 */
    if ( stat_buf.st_size > LONG_MAX )
      FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open: file is too big\n" ));
      goto Fail_Map;
    else if ( stat_buf.st_size == 0 )
      FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open: zero-length file\n" ));
      goto Fail_Map;

    /* This cast potentially truncates a 64bit to 32bit! */
    stream->size = (unsigned long)stat_buf.st_size;
    stream->pos  = 0;
    stream->base = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL,
                                          MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE,
                                          0 );

    /* on some RTOS, mmap might return 0 */
    if ( (long)stream->base != -1 && stream->base != NULL )
      stream->close = ft_close_stream_by_munmap;
      ssize_t  total_read_count;

      FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
      FT_ERROR(( " could not `mmap' file `%s'\n", filepathname ));

      stream->base = (unsigned char*)ft_alloc( NULL, stream->size );

      if ( !stream->base )
        FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
        FT_ERROR(( " could not `alloc' memory\n" ));
        goto Fail_Map;

      total_read_count = 0;
        ssize_t  read_count;

        read_count = read( file,
                           stream->base + total_read_count,
                           stream->size - total_read_count );

        if ( read_count <= 0 )
          if ( read_count == -1 && errno == EINTR )

          FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
          FT_ERROR(( " error while `read'ing file `%s'\n", filepathname ));
          goto Fail_Read;

        total_read_count += read_count;

      } while ( (unsigned long)total_read_count != stream->size );

      stream->close = ft_close_stream_by_free;

    close( file );

    stream->descriptor.pointer = stream->base;
    stream->pathname.pointer   = (char*)filepathname;

    stream->read = 0;

    FT_TRACE1(( "FT_Stream_Open:" ));
    FT_TRACE1(( " opened `%s' (%d bytes) successfully\n",
                filepathname, stream->size ));

    return FT_Err_Ok;

    ft_free( NULL, stream->base );

    close( file );

    stream->base = NULL;
    stream->size = 0;
    stream->pos  = 0;

    return FT_THROW( Cannot_Open_Stream );
Exemple #3
  FT_Get_Glyph( FT_GlyphSlot  slot,
                FT_Glyph     *aglyph )
    FT_Library  library;
    FT_Error    error;
    FT_Glyph    glyph;

    const FT_Glyph_Class*  clazz = NULL;

    if ( !slot )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Slot_Handle );

    library = slot->library;

    if ( !aglyph )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    /* if it is a bitmap, that's easy :-) */
    if ( slot->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP )

    /* if it is an outline */
    else if ( slot->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE )

      /* try to find a renderer that supports the glyph image format */
      FT_Renderer  render = FT_Lookup_Renderer( library, slot->format, 0 );

      if ( render )
        clazz = &render->glyph_class;

    if ( !clazz )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* create FT_Glyph object */
    error = ft_new_glyph( library, clazz, &glyph );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* copy advance while converting 26.6 to 16.16 format */
    glyph->advance.x = slot->advance.x * 1024;
    glyph->advance.y = slot->advance.y * 1024;

    /* now import the image from the glyph slot */
    error = clazz->glyph_init( glyph, slot );

    /* if an error occurred, destroy the glyph */
    if ( error )
      FT_Done_Glyph( glyph );
      *aglyph = glyph;

    return error;
Exemple #4
  /* check and skip .gz header - we don't support `transparent' compression */
  static FT_Error
  ft_gzip_check_header( FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_Byte   head[4];

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 )       ||
         FT_STREAM_READ( head, 4 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* head[0] && head[1] are the magic numbers;    */
    /* head[2] is the method, and head[3] the flags */
    if ( head[0] != 0x1f              ||
         head[1] != 0x8b              ||
         head[2] != Z_DEFLATED        ||
        (head[3] & FT_GZIP_RESERVED)  )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* skip time, xflags and os code */
    (void)FT_STREAM_SKIP( 6 );

    /* skip the extra field */
    if ( head[3] & FT_GZIP_EXTRA_FIELD )
      FT_UInt  len;

      if ( FT_READ_USHORT_LE( len ) ||
           FT_STREAM_SKIP( len )    )
        goto Exit;

    /* skip original file name */
    if ( head[3] & FT_GZIP_ORIG_NAME )
      for (;;)
        FT_UInt  c;

        if ( FT_READ_BYTE( c ) )
          goto Exit;

        if ( c == 0 )

    /* skip .gz comment */
    if ( head[3] & FT_GZIP_COMMENT )
      for (;;)
        FT_UInt  c;

        if ( FT_READ_BYTE( c ) )
          goto Exit;

        if ( c == 0 )

    /* skip CRC */
    if ( head[3] & FT_GZIP_HEAD_CRC )
      if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( 2 ) )
        goto Exit;

    return error;
  FT_Stream_ReadFields( FT_Stream              stream,
                        const FT_Frame_Field*  fields,
                        void*                  structure )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_Bool   frame_accessed = 0;
    FT_Byte*  cursor;

    if ( !fields )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    if ( !stream )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Handle );

    cursor = stream->cursor;

    error = FT_Err_Ok;
      FT_ULong  value;
      FT_Int    sign_shift;
      FT_Byte*  p;

      switch ( fields->value )
      case ft_frame_start:  /* access a new frame */
        error = FT_Stream_EnterFrame( stream, fields->offset );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        frame_accessed = 1;
        cursor         = stream->cursor;
        continue;  /* loop! */

      case ft_frame_bytes:  /* read a byte sequence */
      case ft_frame_skip:   /* skip some bytes      */
          FT_UInt  len = fields->size;

          if ( cursor + len > stream->limit )
            error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Operation );
            goto Exit;

          if ( fields->value == ft_frame_bytes )
            p = (FT_Byte*)structure + fields->offset;
            FT_MEM_COPY( p, cursor, len );
          cursor += len;

      case ft_frame_byte:
      case ft_frame_schar:  /* read a single byte */
        value = FT_NEXT_BYTE( cursor );
        sign_shift = 24;

      case ft_frame_short_be:
      case ft_frame_ushort_be:  /* read a 2-byte big-endian short */
        value = FT_NEXT_USHORT( cursor) ;
        sign_shift = 16;

      case ft_frame_short_le:
      case ft_frame_ushort_le:  /* read a 2-byte little-endian short */
        value = FT_NEXT_USHORT_LE( cursor );
        sign_shift = 16;

      case ft_frame_long_be:
      case ft_frame_ulong_be:  /* read a 4-byte big-endian long */
        value = FT_NEXT_ULONG( cursor );
        sign_shift = 0;

      case ft_frame_long_le:
      case ft_frame_ulong_le:  /* read a 4-byte little-endian long */
        value = FT_NEXT_ULONG_LE( cursor );
        sign_shift = 0;

      case ft_frame_off3_be:
      case ft_frame_uoff3_be:  /* read a 3-byte big-endian long */
        value = FT_NEXT_UOFF3( cursor );
        sign_shift = 8;

      case ft_frame_off3_le:
      case ft_frame_uoff3_le:  /* read a 3-byte little-endian long */
        value = FT_NEXT_UOFF3_LE( cursor );
        sign_shift = 8;

        /* otherwise, exit the loop */
        stream->cursor = cursor;
        goto Exit;

      /* now, compute the signed value is necessary */
      if ( fields->value & FT_FRAME_OP_SIGNED )
        value = (FT_ULong)( (FT_Int32)( value << sign_shift ) >> sign_shift );

      /* finally, store the value in the object */

      p = (FT_Byte*)structure + fields->offset;
      switch ( fields->size )
      case ( 8 / FT_CHAR_BIT ):
        *(FT_Byte*)p = (FT_Byte)value;

      case ( 16 / FT_CHAR_BIT ):
        *(FT_UShort*)p = (FT_UShort)value;

      case ( 32 / FT_CHAR_BIT ):
        *(FT_UInt32*)p = (FT_UInt32)value;

      default:  /* for 64-bit systems */
        *(FT_ULong*)p = (FT_ULong)value;

      /* go to next field */
    while ( 1 );

    /* close the frame if it was opened by this read */
    if ( frame_accessed )
      FT_Stream_ExitFrame( stream );

    return error;
Exemple #6
   * This function tries to load a small bitmap within a given FTC_SNode.
   * Note that it returns a non-zero error code _only_ in the case of
   * out-of-memory condition.  For all other errors (e.g., corresponding
   * to a bad font file), this function will mark the sbit as `unavailable'
   * and return a value of 0.
   * You should also read the comment within the @ftc_snode_compare
   * function below to see how out-of-memory is handled during a lookup.
  static FT_Error
  ftc_snode_load( FTC_SNode    snode,
                  FTC_Manager  manager,
                  FT_UInt      gindex,
                  FT_ULong    *asize )
    FT_Error          error;
    FTC_GNode         gnode  = FTC_GNODE( snode );
    FTC_Family        family = gnode->family;
    FT_Memory         memory = manager->memory;
    FT_Face           face;
    FTC_SBit          sbit;
    FTC_SFamilyClass  clazz;

    if ( (FT_UInt)(gindex - gnode->gindex) >= snode->count )
      FT_ERROR(( "ftc_snode_load: invalid glyph index" ));
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    sbit  = snode->sbits + ( gindex - gnode->gindex );
    clazz = (FTC_SFamilyClass)family->clazz;

    sbit->buffer = 0;

    error = clazz->family_load_glyph( family, gindex, manager, &face );
    if ( error )
      goto BadGlyph;

      FT_Int        temp;
      FT_GlyphSlot  slot   = face->glyph;
      FT_Bitmap*    bitmap = &slot->bitmap;
      FT_Pos        xadvance, yadvance; /* FT_GlyphSlot->advance.{x|y} */

      if ( slot->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP )
        FT_TRACE0(( "ftc_snode_load:"
                    " glyph loaded didn't return a bitmap\n" ));
        goto BadGlyph;

      /* Check whether our values fit into 8-bit containers!    */
      /* If this is not the case, our bitmap is too large       */
      /* and we will leave it as `missing' with sbit.buffer = 0 */

#define CHECK_CHAR( d )  ( temp = (FT_Char)d, (FT_Int) temp == (FT_Int) d )
#define CHECK_BYTE( d )  ( temp = (FT_Byte)d, (FT_UInt)temp == (FT_UInt)d )

      /* horizontal advance in pixels */
      xadvance = ( slot->advance.x + 32 ) >> 6;
      yadvance = ( slot->advance.y + 32 ) >> 6;

      if ( !CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->rows  )     ||
           !CHECK_BYTE( bitmap->width )     ||
           !CHECK_CHAR( bitmap->pitch )     ||
           !CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_left ) ||
           !CHECK_CHAR( slot->bitmap_top  ) ||
           !CHECK_CHAR( xadvance )          ||
           !CHECK_CHAR( yadvance )          )
        FT_TRACE2(( "ftc_snode_load:"
                    " glyph too large for small bitmap cache\n"));
        goto BadGlyph;

      sbit->width     = (FT_Byte)bitmap->width;
      sbit->height    = (FT_Byte)bitmap->rows;
      sbit->pitch     = (FT_Char)bitmap->pitch;
      sbit->left      = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_left;
      sbit->top       = (FT_Char)slot->bitmap_top;
      sbit->xadvance  = (FT_Char)xadvance;
      sbit->yadvance  = (FT_Char)yadvance;
      sbit->format    = (FT_Byte)bitmap->pixel_mode;
      sbit->max_grays = (FT_Byte)(bitmap->num_grays - 1);

      /* copy the bitmap into a new buffer -- ignore error */
      error = ftc_sbit_copy_bitmap( sbit, bitmap, memory );

      /* now, compute size */
      if ( asize )
        *asize = (FT_ULong)FT_ABS( sbit->pitch ) * sbit->height;

    } /* glyph loading successful */

    /* ignore the errors that might have occurred --   */
    /* we mark unloaded glyphs with `sbit.buffer == 0' */
    /* and `width == 255', `height == 0'               */
    /*                                                 */
    if ( error && FT_ERR_NEQ( error, Out_Of_Memory ) )
      sbit->width  = 255;
      sbit->height = 0;
      sbit->buffer = NULL;
      error        = FT_Err_Ok;
      if ( asize )
        *asize = 0;

    return error;
Exemple #7
  /* Create a new FT_Face from an SFNT resource, specified by res ID. */
  static FT_Error
  FT_New_Face_From_SFNT( FT_Library  library,
                         ResID       sfnt_id,
                         FT_Long     face_index,
                         FT_Face*    aface )
    Handle     sfnt = NULL;
    FT_Byte*   sfnt_data;
    size_t     sfnt_size;
    FT_Error   error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_Memory  memory = library->memory;
    int        is_cff, is_sfnt_ps;

    sfnt = GetResource( TTAG_sfnt, sfnt_id );
    if ( sfnt == NULL )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Handle );

    sfnt_size = (FT_ULong)GetHandleSize( sfnt );
    if ( FT_ALLOC( sfnt_data, (FT_Long)sfnt_size ) )
      ReleaseResource( sfnt );
      return error;

    ft_memcpy( sfnt_data, *sfnt, sfnt_size );
    ReleaseResource( sfnt );

    is_cff     = sfnt_size > 4 && !ft_memcmp( sfnt_data, "OTTO", 4 );
    is_sfnt_ps = sfnt_size > 4 && !ft_memcmp( sfnt_data, "typ1", 4 );

    if ( is_sfnt_ps )
      FT_Stream  stream;

      if ( FT_NEW( stream ) )
        goto Try_OpenType;

      FT_Stream_OpenMemory( stream, sfnt_data, sfnt_size );
      if ( !open_face_PS_from_sfnt_stream( library,
                                           0, NULL,
                                           aface ) )
        FT_Stream_Close( stream );
        FT_FREE( stream );
        FT_FREE( sfnt_data );
        goto Exit;

      FT_FREE( stream );
    error = open_face_from_buffer( library,
                                   is_cff ? "cff" : "truetype",
                                   aface );
    return error;
Exemple #8
  static FT_Error
  load_format_25( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error   error;

    FT_Int     num_glyphs;
    FT_Char*   offset_table = NULL;

    FT_UNUSED( post_limit );

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  This value appears only in the Apple TT specs. */
    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check the number of glyphs */
    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs || num_glyphs > 258 )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( offset_table, num_glyphs )   ||
         FT_STREAM_READ( offset_table, num_glyphs ) )
      goto Fail;

    /* now check the offset table */
      FT_Int  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Long  idx = (FT_Long)n + offset_table[n];

        if ( idx < 0 || idx > num_glyphs )
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Fail;

    /* OK, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_25  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_25;

      table->num_glyphs = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->offsets    = offset_table;

    return FT_Err_Ok;

    FT_FREE( offset_table );

    return error;
Exemple #9
  tt_face_get_ps_name( TT_Face      face,
                       FT_UInt      idx,
                       FT_String**  PSname )
    FT_Error       error;
    TT_Post_Names  names;
    FT_Fixed       format;

    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;

    if ( !face )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Face_Handle );

    if ( idx >= (FT_UInt)face->max_profile.numGlyphs )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Index );

    psnames = (FT_Service_PsCMaps)face->psnames;
    if ( !psnames )
      return FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature );

    names = &face->postscript_names;

    /* `.notdef' by default */
    *PSname = MAC_NAME( 0 );

    format = face->postscript.FormatType;

    if ( format == 0x00010000L )
      if ( idx < 258 )                    /* paranoid checking */
        *PSname = MAC_NAME( idx );
    else if ( format == 0x00020000L )
      TT_Post_20  table = &names->names.format_20;

      if ( !names->loaded )
        error = load_post_names( face );
        if ( error )
          goto End;

      if ( idx < (FT_UInt)table->num_glyphs )
        FT_UShort  name_index = table->glyph_indices[idx];

        if ( name_index < 258 )
          *PSname = MAC_NAME( name_index );
          *PSname = (FT_String*)table->glyph_names[name_index - 258];
    else if ( format == 0x00028000L )
      TT_Post_25  table = &names->names.format_25;

      if ( !names->loaded )
        error = load_post_names( face );
        if ( error )
          goto End;

      if ( idx < (FT_UInt)table->num_glyphs )    /* paranoid checking */
        *PSname = MAC_NAME( (FT_Int)idx + table->offsets[idx] );

    /* nothing to do for format == 0x00030000L */

    return FT_Err_Ok;
  pfr_phy_font_load( PFR_PhyFont  phy_font,
                     FT_Stream    stream,
                     FT_UInt32    offset,
                     FT_UInt32    size )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
    FT_UInt    flags;
    FT_ULong   num_aux;
    FT_Byte*   p;
    FT_Byte*   limit;

    phy_font->memory = memory;
    phy_font->offset = offset;

    phy_font->kern_items      = NULL;
    phy_font->kern_items_tail = &phy_font->kern_items;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) ||
         FT_FRAME_ENTER( size )   )
      goto Exit;

    phy_font->cursor = stream->cursor;

    p     = stream->cursor;
    limit = p + size;

    PFR_CHECK( 15 );
    phy_font->font_ref_number    = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->outline_resolution = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->metrics_resolution = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.xMin          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.yMin          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.xMax          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->bbox.yMax          = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    phy_font->flags      = flags = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    /* get the standard advance for non-proportional fonts */
    if ( !(flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL) )
      PFR_CHECK( 2 );
      phy_font->standard_advance = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    /* load the extra items when present */
    if ( flags & PFR_PHY_EXTRA_ITEMS )
      error = pfr_extra_items_parse( &p, limit,
                                     pfr_phy_font_extra_items, phy_font );

      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    /* In certain fonts, the auxiliary bytes contain interesting   */
    /* information.  These are not in the specification but can be */
    /* guessed by looking at the content of a few PFR0 fonts.      */
    PFR_CHECK( 3 );
    num_aux = PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p );

    if ( num_aux > 0 )
      FT_Byte*  q = p;
      FT_Byte*  q2;

      PFR_CHECK_SIZE( num_aux );
      p += num_aux;

      while ( num_aux > 0 )
        FT_UInt  length, type;

        if ( q + 4 > p )

        length = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );
        if ( length < 4 || length > num_aux )

        q2   = q + length - 2;
        type = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );

        switch ( type )
        case 1:
          /* this seems to correspond to the font's family name, padded to */
          /* an even number of bytes with a zero byte appended if needed   */
          error = pfr_aux_name_load( q, length - 4U, memory,
                                     &phy_font->family_name );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;

        case 2:
          if ( q + 32 > q2 )

          q += 10;
          phy_font->ascent  = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );
          phy_font->descent = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );
          phy_font->leading = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( q );

        case 3:
          /* this seems to correspond to the font's style name, padded to */
          /* an even number of bytes with a zero byte appended if needed  */
          error = pfr_aux_name_load( q, length - 4U, memory,
                                     &phy_font->style_name );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;


        q        = q2;
        num_aux -= length;

    /* read the blue values */
      FT_UInt  n, count;

      PFR_CHECK( 1 );
      phy_font->num_blue_values = count = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      PFR_CHECK( count * 2 );

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( phy_font->blue_values, count ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        phy_font->blue_values[n] = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    PFR_CHECK( 8 );
    phy_font->blue_fuzz  = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    phy_font->blue_scale = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    phy_font->vertical.standard   = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    phy_font->horizontal.standard = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    /* read the character descriptors */
      FT_UInt  n, count, Size;

      phy_font->num_chars    = count = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
      phy_font->chars_offset = offset + (FT_Offset)( p - stream->cursor );

      Size = 1 + 1 + 2;
      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_CHARCODE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL )
        Size += 2;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_GPS_SIZE )
        Size += 1;

      if ( flags & PFR_PHY_3BYTE_GPS_OFFSET )
        Size += 1;

      PFR_CHECK_SIZE( count * Size );

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( phy_font->chars, count ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        PFR_Char  cur = &phy_font->chars[n];

        cur->char_code = ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_CHARCODE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                         : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        cur->advance   = ( flags & PFR_PHY_PROPORTIONAL )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                         : phy_font->standard_advance;

#if 0
        cur->ascii     = ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p )
                         : 0;
        if ( flags & PFR_PHY_ASCII_CODE )
          p += 1;
        cur->gps_size  = ( flags & PFR_PHY_2BYTE_GPS_SIZE )
                         ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                         : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        cur->gps_offset = ( flags & PFR_PHY_3BYTE_GPS_OFFSET )
                          ? PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p )
                          : PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    /* that's it! */


    /* save position of bitmap info */
    phy_font->bct_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
    phy_font->cursor     = NULL;

    return error;

    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_phy_font_load: invalid physical font table\n" ));
    goto Fail;
Exemple #11
  static FT_Error
  load_format_20( TT_Face    face,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_ULong   post_limit )
    FT_Memory   memory = stream->memory;
    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int      num_glyphs;
    FT_UShort   num_names;

    FT_UShort*  glyph_indices = NULL;
    FT_Char**   name_strings  = NULL;

    if ( FT_READ_USHORT( num_glyphs ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* UNDOCUMENTED!  The number of glyphs in this table can be smaller */
    /* than the value in the maxp table (cf. cyberbit.ttf).             */

    /* There already exist fonts which have more than 32768 glyph names */
    /* in this table, so the test for this threshold has been dropped.  */

    if ( num_glyphs > face->max_profile.numGlyphs )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto Exit;

    /* load the indices */
      FT_Int  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY ( glyph_indices, num_glyphs ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( num_glyphs * 2L )          )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        glyph_indices[n] = FT_GET_USHORT();


    /* compute number of names stored in table */
      FT_Int  n;

      num_names = 0;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++ )
        FT_Int  idx;

        idx = glyph_indices[n];
        if ( idx >= 258 )
          idx -= 257;
          if ( idx > num_names )
            num_names = (FT_UShort)idx;

    /* now load the name strings */
      FT_UShort  n;

      if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings, num_names ) )
        goto Fail;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_UInt  len;

        if ( FT_STREAM_POS() >= post_limit )
          FT_TRACE6(( "load_format_20: %d byte left in post table\n",
                      post_limit - FT_STREAM_POS() ));

          if ( FT_READ_BYTE( len ) )
            goto Fail1;

        if ( len > post_limit                   ||
             FT_STREAM_POS() > post_limit - len )
          FT_Int  d = (FT_Int)post_limit - (FT_Int)FT_STREAM_POS();

          FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                     " exceeding string length (%d),"
                     " truncating at end of post table (%d byte left)\n",
                     len, d ));
          len = (FT_UInt)FT_MAX( 0, d );

        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], len + 1 ) ||
             FT_STREAM_READ( name_strings[n], len   ) )
          goto Fail1;

        name_strings[n][len] = '\0';

      if ( n < num_names )
        FT_ERROR(( "load_format_20:"
                   " all entries in post table are already parsed,"
                   " using NULL names for gid %d - %d\n",
                    n, num_names - 1 ));
        for ( ; n < num_names; n++ )
          if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( name_strings[n], 1 ) )
            goto Fail1;
            name_strings[n][0] = '\0';

    /* all right, set table fields and exit successfully */
      TT_Post_20  table = &face->postscript_names.names.format_20;

      table->num_glyphs    = (FT_UShort)num_glyphs;
      table->num_names     = (FT_UShort)num_names;
      table->glyph_indices = glyph_indices;
      table->glyph_names   = name_strings;
    return FT_Err_Ok;

      FT_UShort  n;

      for ( n = 0; n < num_names; n++ )
        FT_FREE( name_strings[n] );

    FT_FREE( name_strings );
    FT_FREE( glyph_indices );

    return error;
  pfr_extra_item_load_kerning_pairs( FT_Byte*     p,
                                     FT_Byte*     limit,
                                     PFR_PhyFont  phy_font )
    PFR_KernItem  item   = NULL;
    FT_Error      error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_Memory     memory = phy_font->memory;

    if ( FT_NEW( item ) )
      goto Exit;

    PFR_CHECK( 4 );

    item->pair_count = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    item->base_adj   = PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p );
    item->flags      = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    item->offset     = phy_font->offset +
                       (FT_Offset)( p - phy_font->cursor );

    item->pair_size = 3;

    if ( item->flags & PFR_KERN_2BYTE_CHAR )
      item->pair_size += 2;

    if ( item->flags & PFR_KERN_2BYTE_ADJ )
      item->pair_size += 1;

    PFR_CHECK( item->pair_count * item->pair_size );

    /* load first and last pairs into the item to speed up */
    /* lookup later...                                     */
    if ( item->pair_count > 0 )
      FT_UInt   char1, char2;
      FT_Byte*  q;

      if ( item->flags & PFR_KERN_2BYTE_CHAR )
        q     = p;
        char1 = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );
        char2 = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );

        item->pair1 = PFR_KERN_INDEX( char1, char2 );

        q = p + item->pair_size * ( item->pair_count - 1 );
        char1 = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );
        char2 = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( q );

        item->pair2 = PFR_KERN_INDEX( char1, char2 );
        q     = p;
        char1 = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( q );
        char2 = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( q );

        item->pair1 = PFR_KERN_INDEX( char1, char2 );

        q = p + item->pair_size * ( item->pair_count - 1 );
        char1 = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( q );
        char2 = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( q );

        item->pair2 = PFR_KERN_INDEX( char1, char2 );

      /* add new item to the current list */
      item->next                 = NULL;
      *phy_font->kern_items_tail = item;
      phy_font->kern_items_tail  = &item->next;
      phy_font->num_kern_pairs  += item->pair_count;
      /* empty item! */
      FT_FREE( item );

    return error;

    FT_FREE( item );

    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_extra_item_load_kerning_pairs:"
               " invalid kerning pairs table\n" ));
    goto Exit;
  pfr_extra_item_load_bitmap_info( FT_Byte*     p,
                                   FT_Byte*     limit,
                                   PFR_PhyFont  phy_font )
    FT_Memory   memory = phy_font->memory;
    PFR_Strike  strike;
    FT_UInt     flags0;
    FT_UInt     n, count, size1;
    FT_Error    error = FT_Err_Ok;

    PFR_CHECK( 5 );

    p     += 3;  /* skip bctSize */
    flags0 = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    count  = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    /* re-allocate when needed */
    if ( phy_font->num_strikes + count > phy_font->max_strikes )
      FT_UInt  new_max = FT_PAD_CEIL( phy_font->num_strikes + count, 4 );

      if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( phy_font->strikes,
                           new_max ) )
        goto Exit;

      phy_font->max_strikes = new_max;

    size1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1;
    if ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_XPPM )

    if ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_YPPM )

    if ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_3BYTE_SIZE )

    if ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_3BYTE_OFFSET )

    if ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_COUNT )

    strike = phy_font->strikes + phy_font->num_strikes;

    PFR_CHECK( count * size1 );

    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++, strike++ )
      strike->x_ppm       = ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_XPPM )
                            ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                            : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      strike->y_ppm       = ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_YPPM )
                            ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                            : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      strike->flags       = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      strike->bct_size    = ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_3BYTE_SIZE )
                            ? PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p )
                            : PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      strike->bct_offset  = ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_3BYTE_OFFSET )
                            ? PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p )
                            : PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      strike->num_bitmaps = ( flags0 & PFR_STRIKE_2BYTE_COUNT )
                            ? PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p )
                            : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    phy_font->num_strikes += count;

    return error;

    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_extra_item_load_bitmap_info:"
               " invalid bitmap info table\n" ));
    goto Exit;
  pfr_log_font_load( PFR_LogFont  log_font,
                     FT_Stream    stream,
                     FT_UInt      idx,
                     FT_UInt32    section_offset,
                     FT_Bool      size_increment )
    FT_UInt    num_log_fonts;
    FT_UInt    flags;
    FT_UInt32  offset;
    FT_UInt32  size;
    FT_Error   error;

    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( section_offset ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( num_log_fonts )  )
      goto Exit;

    if ( idx >= num_log_fonts )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    if ( FT_STREAM_SKIP( idx * 5 ) ||
         FT_READ_USHORT( size )    ||
         FT_READ_UOFF3 ( offset )  )
      goto Exit;

    /* save logical font size and offset */
    log_font->size   = size;
    log_font->offset = offset;

    /* now, check the rest of the table before loading it */
      FT_Byte*  p;
      FT_Byte*  limit;
      FT_UInt   local;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( size )   )
        goto Exit;

      p     = stream->cursor;
      limit = p + size;

      PFR_CHECK( 13 );

      log_font->matrix[0] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[1] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[2] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );
      log_font->matrix[3] = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );

      flags = PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      local = 0;
      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_STROKE )
        if ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_STROKE )

        if ( ( flags & PFR_LINE_JOIN_MASK ) == PFR_LINE_JOIN_MITER )
          local += 3;
      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_BOLD )
        if ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_BOLD )

      PFR_CHECK( local );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_STROKE )
        log_font->stroke_thickness = ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_STROKE )
                                     ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                                     : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

        if ( ( flags & PFR_LINE_JOIN_MASK ) == PFR_LINE_JOIN_MITER )
          log_font->miter_limit = PFR_NEXT_LONG( p );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_BOLD )
        log_font->bold_thickness = ( flags & PFR_LOG_2BYTE_BOLD )
                                   ? PFR_NEXT_SHORT( p )
                                   : PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p );

      if ( flags & PFR_LOG_EXTRA_ITEMS )
        error = pfr_extra_items_skip( &p, limit );
        if ( error )
          goto Fail;

      PFR_CHECK( 5 );
      log_font->phys_size   = PFR_NEXT_USHORT( p );
      log_font->phys_offset = PFR_NEXT_ULONG( p );
      if ( size_increment )
        PFR_CHECK( 1 );
        log_font->phys_size += (FT_UInt32)PFR_NEXT_BYTE( p ) << 16;


    return error;

    FT_ERROR(( "pfr_log_font_load: invalid logical font table\n" ));
    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );
    goto Fail;
Exemple #15
  cid_load_glyph( T1_Decoder  decoder,
                  FT_UInt     glyph_index )
    CID_Face       face = (CID_Face)decoder->builder.face;
    CID_FaceInfo   cid  = &face->cid;
    FT_Byte*       p;
    FT_ULong       fd_select;
    FT_Stream      stream       = face->cid_stream;
    FT_Error       error        = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_Byte*       charstring   = NULL;
    FT_Memory      memory       = face->root.memory;
    FT_ULong       glyph_length = 0;
    PSAux_Service  psaux        = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;

    FT_Incremental_InterfaceRec *inc =

    FT_TRACE1(( "cid_load_glyph: glyph index %d\n", glyph_index ));


    /* For incremental fonts get the character data using */
    /* the callback function.                             */
    if ( inc )
      FT_Data  glyph_data;

      error = inc->funcs->get_glyph_data( inc->object,
                                          glyph_index, &glyph_data );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      p         = (FT_Byte*)glyph_data.pointer;
      fd_select = cid_get_offset( &p, (FT_Byte)cid->fd_bytes );

      if ( glyph_data.length != 0 )
        glyph_length = (FT_ULong)( glyph_data.length - cid->fd_bytes );
        (void)FT_ALLOC( charstring, glyph_length );
        if ( !error )
          ft_memcpy( charstring, glyph_data.pointer + cid->fd_bytes,
                     glyph_length );

      inc->funcs->free_glyph_data( inc->object, &glyph_data );

      if ( error )
        goto Exit;



    /* For ordinary fonts read the CID font dictionary index */
    /* and charstring offset from the CIDMap.                */
      FT_UInt   entry_len = (FT_UInt)( cid->fd_bytes + cid->gd_bytes );
      FT_ULong  off1;

      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( cid->data_offset + cid->cidmap_offset +
                           glyph_index * entry_len )               ||
           FT_FRAME_ENTER( 2 * entry_len )                         )
        goto Exit;

      p            = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor;
      fd_select    = cid_get_offset( &p, (FT_Byte)cid->fd_bytes );
      off1         = cid_get_offset( &p, (FT_Byte)cid->gd_bytes );
      p           += cid->fd_bytes;
      glyph_length = cid_get_offset( &p, (FT_Byte)cid->gd_bytes ) - off1;

      if ( fd_select >= (FT_ULong)cid->num_dicts )
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Offset );
        goto Exit;
      if ( glyph_length == 0 )
        goto Exit;
      if ( FT_ALLOC( charstring, glyph_length ) )
        goto Exit;
      if ( FT_STREAM_READ_AT( cid->data_offset + off1,
                              charstring, glyph_length ) )
        goto Exit;

    /* Now set up the subrs array and parse the charstrings. */
      CID_FaceDict  dict;
      CID_Subrs     cid_subrs = face->subrs + fd_select;
      FT_UInt       cs_offset;

      /* Set up subrs */
      decoder->num_subrs = cid_subrs->num_subrs;
      decoder->subrs     = cid_subrs->code;
      decoder->subrs_len = 0;

      /* Set up font matrix */
      dict                 = cid->font_dicts + fd_select;

      decoder->font_matrix = dict->font_matrix;
      decoder->font_offset = dict->font_offset;
      decoder->lenIV       = dict->private_dict.lenIV;

      /* Decode the charstring. */

      /* Adjustment for seed bytes. */
      cs_offset = decoder->lenIV >= 0 ? (FT_UInt)decoder->lenIV : 0;

      /* Decrypt only if lenIV >= 0. */
      if ( decoder->lenIV >= 0 )
        psaux->t1_decrypt( charstring, glyph_length, 4330 );

      error = decoder->funcs.parse_charstrings(
                decoder, charstring + cs_offset,
                glyph_length - cs_offset );

    FT_FREE( charstring );


    /* Incremental fonts can optionally override the metrics. */
    if ( !error && inc && inc->funcs->get_glyph_metrics )
      FT_Incremental_MetricsRec  metrics;

      metrics.bearing_x = FIXED_TO_INT( decoder->builder.left_bearing.x );
      metrics.bearing_y = 0;
      metrics.advance   = FIXED_TO_INT( decoder->builder.advance.x );
      metrics.advance_v = FIXED_TO_INT( decoder->builder.advance.y );

      error = inc->funcs->get_glyph_metrics( inc->object,
                                             glyph_index, FALSE, &metrics );

      decoder->builder.left_bearing.x = INT_TO_FIXED( metrics.bearing_x );
      decoder->builder.advance.x      = INT_TO_FIXED( metrics.advance );
      decoder->builder.advance.y      = INT_TO_FIXED( metrics.advance_v );


    return error;
Exemple #16
  cid_parser_new( CID_Parser*    parser,
                  FT_Stream      stream,
                  FT_Memory      memory,
                  PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   *cur, *limit;
    FT_Byte   *arg1, *arg2;

    FT_MEM_ZERO( parser, sizeof ( *parser ) );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
      FT_TRACE2(( "  not a CID-keyed font\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file until we find */
    /* `StartData' or `/sfnts'                      */
      FT_Byte   buffer[256 + 10];
      FT_Long   read_len = 256 + 10; /* same as signed FT_Stream->size */
      FT_Byte*  p        = buffer;

      for ( offset = FT_STREAM_POS(); ; offset += 256 )
        FT_Long  stream_len; /* same as signed FT_Stream->size */

        stream_len = stream->size - FT_STREAM_POS();
        if ( stream_len == 0 )
          FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: no `StartData' keyword found\n" ));
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Exit;

        read_len = FT_MIN( read_len, stream_len );
        if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, read_len ) )
          goto Exit;

        if ( read_len < 256 )
          p[read_len]  = '\0';

        limit = p + read_len - 10;

        for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
          if ( p[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
            /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
            offset += p - buffer + 10;
            goto Found;
          else if ( p[1] == 's' && ft_strncmp( (char*)p, "/sfnts", 6 ) == 0 )
            offset += p - buffer + 7;
            goto Found;

        FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer, p, 10 );
        read_len = 256;
        p = buffer + 10;

    /* We have found the start of the binary data or the `/sfnts' token. */
    /* Now rewind and extract the frame corresponding to this PostScript */
    /* section.                                                          */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                  ||
         FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
      goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    /* Finally, we check whether `StartData' or `/sfnts' was real --  */
    /* it could be in a comment or string.  We also get the arguments */
    /* of `StartData' to find out whether the data is represented in  */
    /* binary or hex format.                                          */

    arg1 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
    arg2 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );

    limit = parser->root.limit;
    cur   = parser->root.cursor;

    while ( cur < limit )
      if ( parser->root.error )
        error = parser->root.error;
        goto Exit;

      if ( cur[0] == 'S' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "StartData", 9 ) == 0 )
        if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)arg1, "(Hex)", 5 ) == 0 )
          parser->binary_length = ft_atol( (const char *)arg2 );

        limit = parser->root.limit;
        cur   = parser->root.cursor;
        goto Exit;
      else if ( cur[1] == 's' && ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, "/sfnts", 6 ) == 0 )
        FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: cannot handle Type 11 fonts\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
      cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
      arg1 = arg2;
      arg2 = cur;
      cur  = parser->root.cursor;

    /* we haven't found the correct `StartData'; go back and continue */
    /* searching                                                      */
    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( parser->postscript );
    if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) )
      goto Again;

    return error;
Exemple #17
  Load_SBit_Png( FT_GlyphSlot     slot,
                 FT_Int           x_offset,
                 FT_Int           y_offset,
                 FT_Int           pix_bits,
                 TT_SBit_Metrics  metrics,
                 FT_Memory        memory,
                 FT_Byte*         data,
                 FT_UInt          png_len,
                 FT_Bool          populate_map_and_metrics )
    FT_Bitmap    *map   = &slot->bitmap;
    FT_Error      error = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_StreamRec  stream;

    png_structp  png;
    png_infop    info;
    png_uint_32  imgWidth, imgHeight;

    int         bitdepth, color_type, interlace;
    FT_Int      i;
    png_byte*  *rows = NULL; /* pacify compiler */

    if ( x_offset < 0 ||
         y_offset < 0 )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    if ( !populate_map_and_metrics                            &&
         ( (FT_UInt)x_offset + metrics->width  > map->width ||
           (FT_UInt)y_offset + metrics->height > map->rows  ||
           pix_bits != 32                                   ||
           map->pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA            ) )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    FT_Stream_OpenMemory( &stream, data, png_len );

    png = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
                                  warning_callback );
    if ( !png )
      error = FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );
      goto Exit;

    info = png_create_info_struct( png );
    if ( !info )
      error = FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );
      png_destroy_read_struct( &png, NULL, NULL );
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_setjmp( png_jmpbuf( png ) ) )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto DestroyExit;

    png_set_read_fn( png, &stream, read_data_from_FT_Stream );

    png_read_info( png, info );
    png_get_IHDR( png, info,
                  &imgWidth, &imgHeight,
                  &bitdepth, &color_type, &interlace,
                  NULL, NULL );

    if ( error                                        ||
         ( !populate_map_and_metrics                &&
           ( (FT_Int)imgWidth  != metrics->width  ||
             (FT_Int)imgHeight != metrics->height ) ) )
      goto DestroyExit;

    if ( populate_map_and_metrics )
      FT_ULong  size;

      metrics->width  = (FT_UShort)imgWidth;
      metrics->height = (FT_UShort)imgHeight;

      map->width      = metrics->width;
      map->rows       = metrics->height;
      map->pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA;
      map->pitch      = (int)( map->width * 4 );
      map->num_grays  = 256;

      /* reject too large bitmaps similarly to the rasterizer */
      if ( map->rows > 0x7FFF || map->width > 0x7FFF )
        error = FT_THROW( Array_Too_Large );
        goto DestroyExit;

      /* this doesn't overflow: 0x7FFF * 0x7FFF * 4 < 2^32 */
      size = map->rows * (FT_ULong)map->pitch;

      error = ft_glyphslot_alloc_bitmap( slot, size );
      if ( error )
        goto DestroyExit;

    /* convert palette/gray image to rgb */
    if ( color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE )
      png_set_palette_to_rgb( png );

    /* expand gray bit depth if needed */
    if ( color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY )
#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER >= 10209
      png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8( png );
      png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8( png );

    /* transform transparency to alpha */
    if ( png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS ) )
      png_set_tRNS_to_alpha( png );

    if ( bitdepth == 16 )
      png_set_strip_16( png );

    if ( bitdepth < 8 )
      png_set_packing( png );

    /* convert grayscale to RGB */
    if ( color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY       ||
         color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA )
      png_set_gray_to_rgb( png );

    if ( interlace != PNG_INTERLACE_NONE )
      png_set_interlace_handling( png );

    png_set_filler( png, 0xFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER );

    /* recheck header after setting EXPAND options */
    png_read_update_info(png, info );
    png_get_IHDR( png, info,
                  &imgWidth, &imgHeight,
                  &bitdepth, &color_type, &interlace,
                  NULL, NULL );

    if ( bitdepth != 8                              ||
        !( color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB       ||
           color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA ) )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
      goto DestroyExit;

    switch ( color_type )
      /* Shouldn't happen, but fall through. */

      png_set_read_user_transform_fn( png, premultiply_data );

      /* Humm, this smells.  Carry on though. */
      png_set_read_user_transform_fn( png, convert_bytes_to_data );

    if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( rows, imgHeight ) )
      error = FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );
      goto DestroyExit;

    for ( i = 0; i < (FT_Int)imgHeight; i++ )
      rows[i] = map->buffer + ( y_offset + i ) * map->pitch + x_offset * 4;

    png_read_image( png, rows );

    FT_FREE( rows );

    png_read_end( png, info );

    png_destroy_read_struct( &png, &info, NULL );
    FT_Stream_Close( &stream );

    return error;
Exemple #18
  af_face_globals_get_metrics( AF_FaceGlobals    globals,
                               FT_UInt           gindex,
                               FT_UInt           options,
                               AF_StyleMetrics  *ametrics )
    AF_StyleMetrics  metrics = NULL;

    AF_Style               style = (AF_Style)options;
    AF_WritingSystemClass  writing_system_class;
    AF_StyleClass          style_class;

    FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;

    if ( gindex >= (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    /* if we have a forced style (via `options'), use it, */
    /* otherwise look into `glyph_styles' array           */
    if ( style == AF_STYLE_NONE_DFLT || style + 1 >= AF_STYLE_MAX )
      style = (AF_Style)( globals->glyph_styles[gindex] &
                          AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED           );

    style_class          = AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[style];
    writing_system_class = AF_WRITING_SYSTEM_CLASSES_GET

    metrics = globals->metrics[style];
    if ( metrics == NULL )
      /* create the global metrics object if necessary */
      FT_Memory  memory = globals->face->memory;

      if ( FT_ALLOC( metrics, writing_system_class->style_metrics_size ) )
        goto Exit;

      metrics->style_class = style_class;
      metrics->globals     = globals;

      if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_init )
        error = writing_system_class->style_metrics_init( metrics,
                                                          globals->face );
        if ( error )
          if ( writing_system_class->style_metrics_done )
            writing_system_class->style_metrics_done( metrics );

          FT_FREE( metrics );
          goto Exit;

      globals->metrics[style] = metrics;

    *ametrics = metrics;

    return error;
Exemple #19
  /* Read Type 1 data from the POST resources inside the LWFN file,
     return a PFB buffer.  This is somewhat convoluted because the FT2
     PFB parser wants the ASCII header as one chunk, and the LWFN
     chunks are often not organized that way, so we glue chunks
     of the same type together. */
  static FT_Error
  read_lwfn( FT_Memory      memory,
             ResFileRefNum  res,
             FT_Byte**      pfb_data,
             FT_ULong*      size )
    FT_Error       error = FT_Err_Ok;
    ResID          res_id;
    unsigned char  *buffer, *p, *size_p = NULL;
    FT_ULong       total_size = 0;
    FT_ULong       old_total_size = 0;
    FT_ULong       post_size, pfb_chunk_size;
    Handle         post_data;
    char           code, last_code;

    UseResFile( res );

    /* First pass: load all POST resources, and determine the size of */
    /* the output buffer.                                             */
    res_id    = 501;
    last_code = -1;

    for (;;)
      post_data = Get1Resource( TTAG_POST, res_id++ );
      if ( post_data == NULL )
        break;  /* we are done */

      code = (*post_data)[0];

      if ( code != last_code )
        if ( code == 5 )
          total_size += 2; /* just the end code */
          total_size += 6; /* code + 4 bytes chunk length */

      total_size += GetHandleSize( post_data ) - 2;
      last_code = code;

      /* detect integer overflows */
      if ( total_size < old_total_size )
        error = FT_THROW( Array_Too_Large );
        goto Error;

      old_total_size = total_size;

    if ( FT_ALLOC( buffer, (FT_Long)total_size ) )
      goto Error;

    /* Second pass: append all POST data to the buffer, add PFB fields. */
    /* Glue all consecutive chunks of the same type together.           */
    p              = buffer;
    res_id         = 501;
    last_code      = -1;
    pfb_chunk_size = 0;

    for (;;)
      post_data = Get1Resource( TTAG_POST, res_id++ );
      if ( post_data == NULL )
        break;  /* we are done */

      post_size = (FT_ULong)GetHandleSize( post_data ) - 2;
      code = (*post_data)[0];

      if ( code != last_code )
        if ( last_code != -1 )
          /* we are done adding a chunk, fill in the size field */
          if ( size_p != NULL )
            *size_p++ = (FT_Byte)(   pfb_chunk_size         & 0xFF );
            *size_p++ = (FT_Byte)( ( pfb_chunk_size >> 8  ) & 0xFF );
            *size_p++ = (FT_Byte)( ( pfb_chunk_size >> 16 ) & 0xFF );
            *size_p++ = (FT_Byte)( ( pfb_chunk_size >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
          pfb_chunk_size = 0;

        *p++ = 0x80;
        if ( code == 5 )
          *p++ = 0x03;  /* the end */
        else if ( code == 2 )
          *p++ = 0x02;  /* binary segment */
          *p++ = 0x01;  /* ASCII segment */

        if ( code != 5 )
          size_p = p;   /* save for later */
          p += 4;       /* make space for size field */

      ft_memcpy( p, *post_data + 2, post_size );
      pfb_chunk_size += post_size;
      p += post_size;
      last_code = code;
Exemple #20
  af_shaper_get_coverage( AF_FaceGlobals  globals,
                          AF_StyleClass   style_class,
                          FT_UShort*      gstyles,
                          FT_Bool         default_script )
    hb_face_t*  face;

    hb_set_t*  gsub_lookups = NULL; /* GSUB lookups for a given script */
    hb_set_t*  gsub_glyphs  = NULL; /* glyphs covered by GSUB lookups  */
    hb_set_t*  gpos_lookups = NULL; /* GPOS lookups for a given script */
    hb_set_t*  gpos_glyphs  = NULL; /* glyphs covered by GPOS lookups  */

    hb_script_t      script;
    const hb_tag_t*  coverage_tags;
    hb_tag_t         script_tags[] = { HB_TAG_NONE,
                                       HB_TAG_NONE };

    hb_codepoint_t  idx;
    int             count;

    if ( !globals || !style_class || !gstyles )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    face = hb_font_get_face( globals->hb_font );

    coverage_tags = coverages[style_class->coverage];
    script        = scripts[style_class->script];

    /* Convert a HarfBuzz script tag into the corresponding OpenType */
    /* tag or tags -- some Indic scripts like Devanagari have an old */
    /* and a new set of features.                                    */
    hb_ot_tags_from_script( script,
                            &script_tags[1] );

    /* `hb_ot_tags_from_script' usually returns HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT */
    /* as the second tag.  We change that to HB_TAG_NONE except for the  */
    /* default script.                                                   */
    if ( default_script )
      if ( script_tags[0] == HB_TAG_NONE )
        script_tags[0] = HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT;
        if ( script_tags[1] == HB_TAG_NONE )
          script_tags[1] = HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT;
        else if ( script_tags[1] != HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT )
          script_tags[2] = HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT;
      /* we use non-standard tags like `khms' for special purposes;       */
      /* HarfBuzz maps them to `DFLT', which we don't want to handle here */
      if ( script_tags[0] == HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT )
        goto Exit;

      if ( script_tags[1] == HB_OT_TAG_DEFAULT_SCRIPT )
        script_tags[1] = HB_TAG_NONE;

    gsub_lookups = hb_set_create();
    hb_ot_layout_collect_lookups( face,
                                  gsub_lookups );

    if ( hb_set_is_empty( gsub_lookups ) )
      goto Exit; /* nothing to do */

    FT_TRACE4(( "GSUB lookups (style `%s'):\n"
                " ",
                af_style_names[style_class->style] ));

    count = 0;

    gsub_glyphs = hb_set_create();
    for ( idx = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; hb_set_next( gsub_lookups, &idx ); )
      FT_TRACE4(( " %d", idx ));

      /* get output coverage of GSUB feature */
      hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs( face,
                                          gsub_glyphs );

    if ( !count )
      FT_TRACE4(( " (none)" ));
    FT_TRACE4(( "\n\n" ));

    FT_TRACE4(( "GPOS lookups (style `%s'):\n"
                " ",
                af_style_names[style_class->style] ));

    gpos_lookups = hb_set_create();
    hb_ot_layout_collect_lookups( face,
                                  gpos_lookups );

    count = 0;

    gpos_glyphs = hb_set_create();
    for ( idx = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; hb_set_next( gpos_lookups, &idx ); )
      FT_TRACE4(( " %d", idx ));

      /* get input coverage of GPOS feature */
      hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs( face,
                                          NULL );

    if ( !count )
      FT_TRACE4(( " (none)" ));
    FT_TRACE4(( "\n\n" ));

     * We now check whether we can construct blue zones, using glyphs
     * covered by the feature only.  In case there is not a single zone
     * (this is, not a single character is covered), we skip this coverage.
    if ( style_class->coverage != AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT )
      AF_Blue_Stringset         bss = style_class->blue_stringset;
      const AF_Blue_StringRec*  bs  = &af_blue_stringsets[bss];

      FT_Bool  found = 0;

      for ( ; bs->string != AF_BLUE_STRING_MAX; bs++ )
        const char*  p = &af_blue_strings[bs->string];

        while ( *p )
          hb_codepoint_t  ch;

          GET_UTF8_CHAR( ch, p );

          for ( idx = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; hb_set_next( gsub_lookups,
                                                         &idx ); )
            hb_codepoint_t  gidx = FT_Get_Char_Index( globals->face, ch );

            if ( hb_ot_layout_lookup_would_substitute( face, idx,
                                                       &gidx, 1, 1 ) )
              found = 1;

      if ( !found )
        FT_TRACE4(( "  no blue characters found; style skipped\n" ));
        goto Exit;

     * Various OpenType features might use the same glyphs at different
     * vertical positions; for example, superscript and subscript glyphs
     * could be the same.  However, the auto-hinter is completely
     * agnostic of OpenType features after the feature analysis has been
     * completed: The engine then simply receives a glyph index and returns a
     * hinted and usually rendered glyph.
     * Consider the superscript feature of font `pala.ttf': Some of the
     * glyphs are `real', this is, they have a zero vertical offset, but
     * most of them are small caps glyphs shifted up to the superscript
     * position (this is, the `sups' feature is present in both the GSUB and
     * GPOS tables).  The code for blue zones computation actually uses a
     * feature's y offset so that the `real' glyphs get correct hints.  But
     * later on it is impossible to decide whether a glyph index belongs to,
     * say, the small caps or superscript feature.
     * For this reason, we don't assign a style to a glyph if the current
     * feature covers the glyph in both the GSUB and the GPOS tables.  This
     * is quite a broad condition, assuming that
     *   (a) glyphs that get used in multiple features are present in a
     *       feature without vertical shift,
     * and
     *   (b) a feature's GPOS data really moves the glyph vertically.
     * Not fulfilling condition (a) makes a font larger; it would also
     * reduce the number of glyphs that could be addressed directly without
     * using OpenType features, so this assumption is rather strong.
     * Condition (b) is much weaker, and there might be glyphs which get
     * missed.  However, the OpenType features we are going to handle are
     * primarily located in GSUB, and HarfBuzz doesn't provide an API to
     * directly get the necessary information from the GPOS table.  A
     * possible solution might be to directly parse the GPOS table to find
     * out whether a glyph gets shifted vertically, but this is something I
     * would like to avoid if not really necessary.
     * Note that we don't follow this logic for the default coverage.
     * Complex scripts like Devanagari have mandatory GPOS features to
     * position many glyph elements, using mark-to-base or mark-to-ligature
     * tables; the number of glyphs missed due to condition (b) would be far
     * too large.
    if ( style_class->coverage != AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT )
      hb_set_subtract( gsub_glyphs, gpos_glyphs );

    FT_TRACE4(( "  glyphs without GPOS data (`*' means already assigned)" ));
    count = 0;

    for ( idx = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; hb_set_next( gsub_glyphs, &idx ); )
      if ( !( count % 10 ) )
        FT_TRACE4(( "\n"
                    "   " ));

      FT_TRACE4(( " %d", idx ));

      /* glyph indices returned by `hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs' */
      /* can be arbitrary: some fonts use fake indices for processing   */
      /* internal to GSUB or GPOS, which is fully valid                 */
      if ( idx >= (hb_codepoint_t)globals->glyph_count )

      if ( gstyles[idx] == AF_STYLE_UNASSIGNED )
        gstyles[idx] = (FT_UShort)style_class->style;
        FT_TRACE4(( "*" ));

    if ( !count )
      FT_TRACE4(( "\n"
                  "    (none)" ));
    FT_TRACE4(( "\n\n" ));

    hb_set_destroy( gsub_lookups );
    hb_set_destroy( gsub_glyphs  );
    hb_set_destroy( gpos_lookups );
    hb_set_destroy( gpos_glyphs  );

    return FT_Err_Ok;
Exemple #21
  FT_New_Face_From_FOND( FT_Library  library,
                         Handle      fond,
                         FT_Long     face_index,
                         FT_Face*    aface )
    short     have_sfnt, have_lwfn = 0;
    ResID     sfnt_id, fond_id;
    OSType    fond_type;
    Str255    fond_name;
    Str255    lwfn_file_name;
    UInt8     path_lwfn[PATH_MAX];
    OSErr     err;
    FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;

    GetResInfo( fond, &fond_id, &fond_type, fond_name );
    if ( ResError() != noErr || fond_type != TTAG_FOND )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    parse_fond( *fond, &have_sfnt, &sfnt_id, lwfn_file_name, face_index );

    if ( lwfn_file_name[0] )
      ResFileRefNum  res;

      res = HomeResFile( fond );
      if ( noErr != ResError() )
        goto found_no_lwfn_file;

        UInt8  path_fond[PATH_MAX];
        FSRef  ref;

        err = FSGetForkCBInfo( res, kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum,
                               NULL, NULL, NULL, &ref, NULL );
        if ( noErr != err )
          goto found_no_lwfn_file;

        err = FSRefMakePath( &ref, path_fond, sizeof ( path_fond ) );
        if ( noErr != err )
          goto found_no_lwfn_file;

        error = lookup_lwfn_by_fond( path_fond, lwfn_file_name,
                                     path_lwfn, sizeof ( path_lwfn ) );
        if ( !error )
          have_lwfn = 1;

    if ( have_lwfn && ( !have_sfnt || PREFER_LWFN ) )
      error = FT_New_Face_From_LWFN( library,
                                     aface );
      error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    if ( have_sfnt && error )
      error = FT_New_Face_From_SFNT( library,
                                     aface );

    return error;
Exemple #22
  static FT_Error
  af_loader_load_g( AF_Loader  loader,
                    AF_Scaler  scaler,
                    FT_UInt    glyph_index,
                    FT_Int32   load_flags,
                    FT_UInt    depth )
    FT_Error          error;
    FT_Face           face     = loader->face;
    FT_GlyphLoader    gloader  = loader->gloader;
    AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics  = loader->metrics;
    AF_GlyphHints     hints    = &loader->hints;
    FT_GlyphSlot      slot     = face->glyph;
    FT_Slot_Internal  internal = slot->internal;
    FT_Int32          flags;

    flags = load_flags | FT_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN;
    error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, glyph_index, flags );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    loader->transformed = internal->glyph_transformed;
    if ( loader->transformed )
      FT_Matrix  inverse;

      loader->trans_matrix = internal->glyph_matrix;
      loader->trans_delta  = internal->glyph_delta;

      inverse = loader->trans_matrix;
      FT_Matrix_Invert( &inverse );
      FT_Vector_Transform( &loader->trans_delta, &inverse );

    switch ( slot->format )
      /* translate the loaded glyph when an internal transform is needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &slot->outline,
                              loader->trans_delta.y );

      /* copy the outline points in the loader's current                */
      /* extra points which are used to keep original glyph coordinates */
      error = FT_GLYPHLOADER_CHECK_POINTS( gloader,
                                           slot->outline.n_points + 4,
                                           slot->outline.n_contours );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      FT_ARRAY_COPY( gloader->current.outline.points,
                     slot->outline.n_points );

      FT_ARRAY_COPY( gloader->current.outline.contours,
                     slot->outline.n_contours );

      FT_ARRAY_COPY( gloader->current.outline.tags,
                     slot->outline.n_points );

      gloader->current.outline.n_points   = slot->outline.n_points;
      gloader->current.outline.n_contours = slot->outline.n_contours;

      /* compute original horizontal phantom points (and ignore */
      /* vertical ones)                                         */
      loader->pp1.x = hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp1.y = hints->y_delta;
      loader->pp2.x = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                 hints->x_scale ) + hints->x_delta;
      loader->pp2.y = hints->y_delta;

      /* be sure to check for spacing glyphs */
      if ( slot->outline.n_points == 0 )
        goto Hint_Metrics;

      /* now load the slot image into the auto-outline and run the */
      /* automatic hinting process                                 */
      if ( metrics->clazz->script_hints_apply )
        metrics->clazz->script_hints_apply( hints,
                                            metrics );

      /* we now need to adjust the metrics according to the change in */
      /* width/positioning that occurred during the hinting process   */
      if ( scaler->render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT )
        FT_Pos        old_rsb, old_lsb, new_lsb;
        FT_Pos        pp1x_uh, pp2x_uh;
        AF_AxisHints  axis  = &hints->axis[AF_DIMENSION_HORZ];
        AF_Edge       edge1 = axis->edges;         /* leftmost edge  */
        AF_Edge       edge2 = edge1 +
                              axis->num_edges - 1; /* rightmost edge */

        if ( axis->num_edges > 1 && AF_HINTS_DO_ADVANCE( hints ) )
          old_rsb = loader->pp2.x - edge2->opos;
          old_lsb = edge1->opos;
          new_lsb = edge1->pos;

          /* remember unhinted values to later account */
          /* for rounding errors                       */

          pp1x_uh = new_lsb    - old_lsb;
          pp2x_uh = edge2->pos + old_rsb;

          /* prefer too much space over too little space */
          /* for very small sizes                        */

          if ( old_lsb < 24 )
            pp1x_uh -= 8;

          if ( old_rsb < 24 )
            pp2x_uh += 8;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x_uh );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x_uh );

          if ( loader->pp1.x >= new_lsb && old_lsb > 0 )
            loader->pp1.x -= 64;

          if ( loader->pp2.x <= edge2->pos && old_rsb > 0 )
            loader->pp2.x += 64;

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x_uh;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x_uh;
          FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
          FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

          loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x );
          loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x );

          slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
          slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;
        FT_Pos  pp1x = loader->pp1.x;
        FT_Pos  pp2x = loader->pp2.x;

        loader->pp1.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp1x + hints->xmin_delta );
        loader->pp2.x = FT_PIX_ROUND( pp2x + hints->xmax_delta );

        slot->lsb_delta = loader->pp1.x - pp1x;
        slot->rsb_delta = loader->pp2.x - pp2x;

      /* good, we simply add the glyph to our loader's base */
      FT_GlyphLoader_Add( gloader );

        FT_UInt      nn, num_subglyphs = slot->num_subglyphs;
        FT_UInt      num_base_subgs, start_point;
        FT_SubGlyph  subglyph;

        start_point = gloader->base.outline.n_points;

        /* first of all, copy the subglyph descriptors in the glyph loader */
        error = FT_GlyphLoader_CheckSubGlyphs( gloader, num_subglyphs );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

        FT_ARRAY_COPY( gloader->current.subglyphs,
                       num_subglyphs );

        gloader->current.num_subglyphs = num_subglyphs;
        num_base_subgs                 = gloader->base.num_subglyphs;

        /* now read each subglyph independently */
        for ( nn = 0; nn < num_subglyphs; nn++ )
          FT_Vector  pp1, pp2;
          FT_Pos     x, y;
          FT_UInt    num_points, num_new_points, num_base_points;

          /* gloader.current.subglyphs can change during glyph loading due */
          /* to re-allocation -- we must recompute the current subglyph on */
          /* each iteration                                                */
          subglyph = gloader->base.subglyphs + num_base_subgs + nn;

          pp1 = loader->pp1;
          pp2 = loader->pp2;

          num_base_points = gloader->base.outline.n_points;

          error = af_loader_load_g( loader, scaler, subglyph->index,
                                    load_flags, depth + 1 );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;

          /* recompute subglyph pointer */
          subglyph = gloader->base.subglyphs + num_base_subgs + nn;

          if ( subglyph->flags & FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_USE_MY_METRICS )
            pp1 = loader->pp1;
            pp2 = loader->pp2;
            loader->pp1 = pp1;
            loader->pp2 = pp2;

          num_points     = gloader->base.outline.n_points;
          num_new_points = num_points - num_base_points;

          /* now perform the transformation required for this subglyph */

          if ( subglyph->flags & ( FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_SCALE    |
                                   FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_XY_SCALE |
                                   FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_2X2      ) )
            FT_Vector*  cur   = gloader->base.outline.points +
            FT_Vector*  limit = cur + num_new_points;

            for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
              FT_Vector_Transform( cur, &subglyph->transform );

          /* apply offset */

          if ( !( subglyph->flags & FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES ) )
            FT_Int      k = subglyph->arg1;
            FT_UInt     l = subglyph->arg2;
            FT_Vector*  p1;
            FT_Vector*  p2;

            if ( start_point + k >= num_base_points         ||
                               l >= (FT_UInt)num_new_points )
              error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Composite );
              goto Exit;

            l += num_base_points;

            /* for now, only use the current point coordinates; */
            /* we eventually may consider another approach      */
            p1 = gloader->base.outline.points + start_point + k;
            p2 = gloader->base.outline.points + start_point + l;

            x = p1->x - p2->x;
            y = p1->y - p2->y;
            x = FT_MulFix( subglyph->arg1, hints->x_scale ) + hints->x_delta;
            y = FT_MulFix( subglyph->arg2, hints->y_scale ) + hints->y_delta;

            x = FT_PIX_ROUND( x );
            y = FT_PIX_ROUND( y );

            FT_Outline  dummy = gloader->base.outline;

            dummy.points  += num_base_points;
            dummy.n_points = (short)num_new_points;

            FT_Outline_Translate( &dummy, x, y );

      /* we don't support other formats (yet?) */
      error = FT_THROW( Unimplemented_Feature );

    if ( depth == 0 )
      FT_BBox    bbox;
      FT_Vector  vvector;

      vvector.x = slot->metrics.vertBearingX - slot->metrics.horiBearingX;
      vvector.y = slot->metrics.vertBearingY - slot->metrics.horiBearingY;
      vvector.x = FT_MulFix( vvector.x, metrics->scaler.x_scale );
      vvector.y = FT_MulFix( vvector.y, metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      /* transform the hinted outline if needed */
      if ( loader->transformed )
        FT_Outline_Transform( &gloader->base.outline, &loader->trans_matrix );
        FT_Vector_Transform( &vvector, &loader->trans_matrix );
#if 1
      /* we must translate our final outline by -pp1.x and compute */
      /* the new metrics                                           */
      if ( loader->pp1.x )
        FT_Outline_Translate( &gloader->base.outline, -loader->pp1.x, 0 );
      FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &gloader->base.outline, &bbox );

      bbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin );
      bbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMin );
      bbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.xMax );
      bbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL(  bbox.yMax );

      slot->metrics.width        = bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.height       = bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingX = bbox.xMin;
      slot->metrics.horiBearingY = bbox.yMax;

      slot->metrics.vertBearingX = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.xMin + vvector.x );
      slot->metrics.vertBearingY = FT_PIX_FLOOR( bbox.yMax + vvector.y );

      /* for mono-width fonts (like Andale, Courier, etc.) we need */
      /* to keep the original rounded advance width; ditto for     */
      /* digits if all have the same advance width                 */
#if 0
      if ( !FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face ) )
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = loader->pp2.x - loader->pp1.x;
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                               x_scale );
      if ( scaler->render_mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT                      &&
           ( FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face )                              ||
             ( af_face_globals_is_digit( loader->globals, glyph_index ) &&
               metrics->digits_have_same_width                          ) ) )
        slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.horiAdvance,
                                               metrics->scaler.x_scale );

        /* Set delta values to 0.  Otherwise code that uses them is */
        /* going to ruin the fixed advance width.                   */
        slot->lsb_delta = 0;
        slot->rsb_delta = 0;
        /* non-spacing glyphs must stay as-is */
        if ( slot->metrics.horiAdvance )
          slot->metrics.horiAdvance = loader->pp2.x - loader->pp1.x;

      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_MulFix( slot->metrics.vertAdvance,
                                             metrics->scaler.y_scale );

      slot->metrics.horiAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.horiAdvance );
      slot->metrics.vertAdvance = FT_PIX_ROUND( slot->metrics.vertAdvance );

      /* now copy outline into glyph slot */
      FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind( internal->loader );
      error = FT_GlyphLoader_CopyPoints( internal->loader, gloader );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      /* reassign all outline fields except flags to protect them */
      slot->outline.n_contours = internal->loader->base.outline.n_contours;
      slot->outline.n_points   = internal->loader->base.outline.n_points;
      slot->outline.points     = internal->loader->base.outline.points;
      slot->outline.tags       = internal->loader->base.outline.tags;
      slot->outline.contours   = internal->loader->base.outline.contours;

      slot->format  = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE;

    return error;
Exemple #23
  FT_Stream_EnterFrame( FT_Stream  stream,
                        FT_ULong   count )
    FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;
    FT_ULong  read_bytes;

    /* check for nested frame access */
    FT_ASSERT( stream && stream->cursor == 0 );

    if ( stream->read )
      /* allocate the frame in memory */
      FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;

      /* simple sanity check */
      if ( count > stream->size )
        FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_EnterFrame:"
                   " frame size (%lu) larger than stream size (%lu)\n",
                   count, stream->size ));

        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Operation );
        goto Exit;

      /* assume _ft_debug_file and _ft_debug_lineno are already set */
      stream->base = (unsigned char*)ft_mem_qalloc( memory, count, &error );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      if ( FT_QALLOC( stream->base, count ) )
        goto Exit;
      /* read it */
      read_bytes = stream->read( stream, stream->pos,
                                 stream->base, count );
      if ( read_bytes < count )
        FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_EnterFrame:"
                   " invalid read; expected %lu bytes, got %lu\n",
                   count, read_bytes ));

        FT_FREE( stream->base );
        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Operation );
      stream->cursor = stream->base;
      stream->limit  = stream->cursor + count;
      stream->pos   += read_bytes;
      /* check current and new position */
      if ( stream->pos >= stream->size        ||
           stream->size - stream->pos < count )
        FT_ERROR(( "FT_Stream_EnterFrame:"
                   " invalid i/o; pos = 0x%lx, count = %lu, size = 0x%lx\n",
                   stream->pos, count, stream->size ));

        error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Stream_Operation );
        goto Exit;

      /* set cursor */
      stream->cursor = stream->base + stream->pos;
      stream->limit  = stream->cursor + count;
      stream->pos   += count;

    return error;
Exemple #24
  af_loader_load_glyph( AF_Module  module,
                        FT_Face    face,
                        FT_UInt    gindex,
                        FT_Int32   load_flags )
    FT_Error      error;
    FT_Size       size   = face->size;
    AF_Loader     loader = module->loader;
    AF_ScalerRec  scaler;

    if ( !size )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    FT_ZERO( &scaler );

    scaler.face    = face;
    scaler.x_scale = size->metrics.x_scale;
    scaler.x_delta = 0;  /* XXX: TODO: add support for sub-pixel hinting */
    scaler.y_scale = size->metrics.y_scale;
    scaler.y_delta = 0;  /* XXX: TODO: add support for sub-pixel hinting */

    scaler.render_mode = FT_LOAD_TARGET_MODE( load_flags );
    scaler.flags       = 0;  /* XXX: fix this */

    error = af_loader_reset( module, face );
    if ( !error )
      AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics;
      FT_UInt           options = 0;

      /* XXX: undocumented hook to activate the latin2 hinter */
      if ( load_flags & ( 1UL << 20 ) )
        options = 2;

      error = af_face_globals_get_metrics( loader->globals, gindex,
                                           options, &metrics );
      if ( !error )
        loader->metrics = metrics;

        if ( metrics->clazz->script_metrics_scale )
          metrics->clazz->script_metrics_scale( metrics, &scaler );
          metrics->scaler = scaler;

        load_flags &= ~FT_LOAD_RENDER;

        if ( metrics->clazz->script_hints_init )
          error = metrics->clazz->script_hints_init( &loader->hints,
                                                     metrics );
          if ( error )
            goto Exit;

        error = af_loader_load_g( loader, &scaler, gindex, load_flags, 0 );
    return error;
Exemple #25
  cff_face_init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FT_Face        cffface,        /* CFF_Face */
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    CFF_Face            face        = (CFF_Face)cffface;
    FT_Error            error;
    SFNT_Service        sfnt;
    FT_Service_PsCMaps  psnames;
    PSHinter_Service    pshinter;
    FT_Bool             pure_cff    = 1;
    FT_Bool             sfnt_format = 0;
    FT_Library          library     = cffface->driver->root.library;

    sfnt = (SFNT_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
             library, "sfnt" );
    if ( !sfnt )
      FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init: cannot access `sfnt' module\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
      goto Exit;


    pshinter = (PSHinter_Service)FT_Get_Module_Interface(
                 library, "pshinter" );

    FT_TRACE2(( "CFF driver\n" ));

    /* create input stream from resource */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
      goto Exit;

    /* check whether we have a valid OpenType file */
    error = sfnt->init_face( stream, face, face_index, num_params, params );
    if ( !error )
      if ( face->format_tag != TTAG_OTTO )  /* `OTTO'; OpenType/CFF font */
        FT_TRACE2(( "  not an OpenType/CFF font\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        return FT_Err_Ok;

      sfnt_format = 1;

      /* now, the font can be either an OpenType/CFF font, or an SVG CEF */
      /* font; in the latter case it doesn't have a `head' table         */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_head, stream, 0 );
      if ( !error )
        pure_cff = 0;

        /* load font directory */
        error = sfnt->load_face( stream, face, face_index,
                                 num_params, params );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;
        /* load the `cmap' table explicitly */
        error = sfnt->load_cmap( face, stream );
        if ( error )
          goto Exit;

      /* now load the CFF part of the file */
      error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_CFF, stream, 0 );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;
      /* rewind to start of file; we are going to load a pure-CFF font */
      if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 ) )
        goto Exit;
      error = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* now load and parse the CFF table in the file */
      CFF_Font         cff = NULL;
      CFF_FontRecDict  dict;
      FT_Memory        memory = cffface->memory;
      FT_Int32         flags;
      FT_UInt          i;

      if ( FT_NEW( cff ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->extra.data = cff;
      error = cff_font_load( library, stream, face_index, cff, pure_cff );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      /* if we are performing a simple font format check, exit immediately */
      /* (this is here for pure CFF)                                       */
      if ( face_index < 0 )
        cffface->num_faces = (FT_Long)cff->num_faces;
        return FT_Err_Ok;

      cff->pshinter = pshinter;
      cff->psnames  = psnames;

      cffface->face_index = face_index & 0xFFFF;

      /* Complement the root flags with some interesting information. */
      /* Note that this is only necessary for pure CFF and CEF fonts; */
      /* SFNT based fonts use the `name' table instead.               */

      cffface->num_glyphs = (FT_Long)cff->num_glyphs;

      dict = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

      /* we need the `PSNames' module for CFF and CEF formats */
      /* which aren't CID-keyed                               */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU && !psnames )
        FT_ERROR(( "cff_face_init:"
                   " cannot open CFF & CEF fonts\n"
                   "              "
                   " without the `PSNames' module\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Missing_Module );
        goto Exit;

        FT_UInt     idx;
        FT_String*  s;

        FT_TRACE4(( "SIDs\n" ));

        /* dump string index, including default strings for convenience */
        for ( idx = 0; idx < cff->num_strings + 390; idx++ )
          s = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff, idx );
          if ( s )
            FT_TRACE4(("  %5d %s\n", idx, s ));

      if ( !dict->has_font_matrix )
        dict->units_per_em = pure_cff ? 1000 : face->root.units_per_EM;

      /* Normalize the font matrix so that `matrix->yy' is 1; the */
      /* scaling is done with `units_per_em' then (at this point, */
      /* it already contains the scaling factor, but without      */
      /* normalization of the matrix).                            */
      /*                                                          */
      /* Note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font  */
      /* units.                                                   */

        FT_Matrix*  matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset = &dict->font_offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm    = &dict->units_per_em;
        FT_Fixed    temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = (FT_ULong)FT_DivFix( (FT_Long)*upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      for ( i = cff->num_subfonts; i > 0; i-- )
        CFF_FontRecDict  sub = &cff->subfonts[i - 1]->font_dict;
        CFF_FontRecDict  top = &cff->top_font.font_dict;

        FT_Matrix*  matrix;
        FT_Vector*  offset;
        FT_ULong*   upm;
        FT_Fixed    temp;

        if ( sub->has_font_matrix )
          FT_Long  scaling;

          /* if we have a top-level matrix, */
          /* concatenate the subfont matrix */

          if ( top->has_font_matrix )
            if ( top->units_per_em > 1 && sub->units_per_em > 1 )
              scaling = (FT_Long)FT_MIN( top->units_per_em,
                                         sub->units_per_em );
              scaling = 1;

            FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled( &top->font_matrix,
                                       scaling );
            FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled( &sub->font_offset,
                                        scaling );

            sub->units_per_em = (FT_ULong)
                                  FT_MulDiv( (FT_Long)sub->units_per_em,
                                             scaling );
          sub->font_matrix = top->font_matrix;
          sub->font_offset = top->font_offset;

          sub->units_per_em = top->units_per_em;

        matrix = &sub->font_matrix;
        offset = &sub->font_offset;
        upm    = &sub->units_per_em;
        temp   = FT_ABS( matrix->yy );

        if ( temp != 0x10000L )
          *upm = (FT_ULong)FT_DivFix( (FT_Long)*upm, temp );

          matrix->xx = FT_DivFix( matrix->xx, temp );
          matrix->yx = FT_DivFix( matrix->yx, temp );
          matrix->xy = FT_DivFix( matrix->xy, temp );
          matrix->yy = FT_DivFix( matrix->yy, temp );
          offset->x  = FT_DivFix( offset->x,  temp );
          offset->y  = FT_DivFix( offset->y,  temp );

        offset->x >>= 16;
        offset->y >>= 16;

      if ( pure_cff )
        char*  style_name = NULL;

        /* set up num_faces */
        cffface->num_faces = (FT_Long)cff->num_faces;

        /* compute number of glyphs */
        if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          cffface->num_glyphs = (FT_Long)( cff->charset.max_cid + 1 );
          cffface->num_glyphs = (FT_Long)cff->charstrings_index.count;

        /* set global bbox, as well as EM size */
        cffface->bbox.xMin =   dict->font_bbox.xMin            >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMin =   dict->font_bbox.yMin            >> 16;
        /* no `U' suffix here to 0xFFFF! */
        cffface->bbox.xMax = ( dict->font_bbox.xMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;
        cffface->bbox.yMax = ( dict->font_bbox.yMax + 0xFFFF ) >> 16;

        cffface->units_per_EM = (FT_UShort)( dict->units_per_em );

        cffface->ascender  = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMax );
        cffface->descender = (FT_Short)( cffface->bbox.yMin );

        cffface->height = (FT_Short)( ( cffface->units_per_EM * 12 ) / 10 );
        if ( cffface->height < cffface->ascender - cffface->descender )
          cffface->height = (FT_Short)( cffface->ascender - cffface->descender );

        cffface->underline_position  =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_position >> 16 );
        cffface->underline_thickness =
          (FT_Short)( dict->underline_thickness >> 16 );

        /* retrieve font family & style name */
        cffface->family_name = cff_index_get_name(
                                 (FT_UInt)( face_index & 0xFFFF ) );
        if ( cffface->family_name )
          char*  full   = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->full_name );
          char*  fullp  = full;
          char*  family = cffface->family_name;
          char*  family_name = NULL;

          remove_subset_prefix( cffface->family_name );

          if ( dict->family_name )
            family_name = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->family_name );
            if ( family_name )
              family = family_name;

          /* We try to extract the style name from the full name.   */
          /* We need to ignore spaces and dashes during the search. */
          if ( full && family )
            while ( *fullp )
              /* skip common characters at the start of both strings */
              if ( *fullp == *family )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in full name during comparison */
              if ( *fullp == ' ' || *fullp == '-' )

              /* ignore spaces and dashes in family name during comparison */
              if ( *family == ' ' || *family == '-' )

              if ( !*family && *fullp )
                /* The full name begins with the same characters as the  */
                /* family name, with spaces and dashes removed.  In this */
                /* case, the remaining string in `fullp' will be used as */
                /* the style name.                                       */
                style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, fullp );

                /* remove the style part from the family name (if present) */
                remove_style( cffface->family_name, style_name );
          char  *cid_font_name =
                   cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                             dict->cid_font_name );

          /* do we have a `/FontName' for a CID-keyed font? */
          if ( cid_font_name )
            cffface->family_name = cff_strcpy( memory, cid_font_name );

        if ( style_name )
          cffface->style_name = style_name;
          /* assume "Regular" style if we don't know better */
          cffface->style_name = cff_strcpy( memory, (char *)"Regular" );

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute face flags.                                             */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE   | /* scalable outlines */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL | /* horizontal data   */
                FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER;      /* has native hinter */

        if ( sfnt_format )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;

        /* fixed width font? */
        if ( dict->is_fixed_pitch )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

#if 0
        /* kerning available? */
        if ( face->kern_pairs )
          flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_KERNING;

        cffface->face_flags |= flags;

        /*                                                                 */
        /* Compute style flags.                                            */
        /*                                                                 */
        flags = 0;

        if ( dict->italic_angle )
          flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

          char  *weight = cff_index_get_sid_string( cff,
                                                    dict->weight );

          if ( weight )
            if ( !ft_strcmp( weight, "Bold"  ) ||
                 !ft_strcmp( weight, "Black" ) )
              flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        /* double check */
        if ( !(flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) && cffface->style_name )
          if ( !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Bold", 4 )  ||
               !ft_strncmp( cffface->style_name, "Black", 5 ) )
            flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        cffface->style_flags = flags;

      /* CID-keyed CFF fonts don't have glyph names -- the SFNT loader */
      /* has unset this flag because of the 3.0 `post' table.          */
      if ( dict->cid_registry == 0xFFFFU )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES;

      if ( dict->cid_registry != 0xFFFFU && pure_cff )
        cffface->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED;

      /*                                                                 */
      /* Compute char maps.                                              */
      /*                                                                 */

      /* Try to synthesize a Unicode charmap if there is none available */
      /* already.  If an OpenType font contains a Unicode "cmap", we    */
      /* will use it, whatever be in the CFF part of the file.          */
        FT_CharMapRec  cmaprec;
        FT_CharMap     cmap;
        FT_UInt        nn;
        CFF_Encoding   encoding = &cff->encoding;

        for ( nn = 0; nn < (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps; nn++ )
          cmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

          /* Windows Unicode? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT &&
               cmap->encoding_id == TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS   )
            goto Skip_Unicode;

          /* Apple Unicode platform id? */
          if ( cmap->platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_APPLE_UNICODE )
            goto Skip_Unicode; /* Apple Unicode */

        /* since CID-keyed fonts don't contain glyph names, we can't */
        /* construct a cmap                                          */
        if ( pure_cff && cff->top_font.font_dict.cid_registry != 0xFFFFU )
          goto Exit;

        /* we didn't find a Unicode charmap -- synthesize one */
        cmaprec.face        = cffface;
        cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT;
        cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_MS_ID_UNICODE_CS;
        cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;

        nn = (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps;

                             &cmaprec, NULL );
        if ( error                                      &&
             FT_ERR_NEQ( error, No_Unicode_Glyph_Name ) )
          goto Exit;
        error = FT_Err_Ok;

        /* if no Unicode charmap was previously selected, select this one */
        if ( cffface->charmap == NULL && nn != (FT_UInt)cffface->num_charmaps )
          cffface->charmap = cffface->charmaps[nn];

        if ( encoding->count > 0 )
          FT_CMap_Class  clazz;

          cmaprec.face        = cffface;
          cmaprec.platform_id = TT_PLATFORM_ADOBE;  /* Adobe platform id */

          if ( encoding->offset == 0 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_STANDARD;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_STANDARD;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
          else if ( encoding->offset == 1 )
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_EXPERT;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_EXPERT;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;
            cmaprec.encoding_id = TT_ADOBE_ID_CUSTOM;
            cmaprec.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_CUSTOM;
            clazz               = &CFF_CMAP_ENCODING_CLASS_REC_GET;

          error = FT_CMap_New( clazz, NULL, &cmaprec, NULL );

    return error;
Exemple #26
  cf2_interpT2CharString( CF2_Font              font,
                          CF2_Buffer            buf,
                          CF2_OutlineCallbacks  callbacks,
                          const FT_Vector*      translation,
                          FT_Bool               doingSeac,
                          CF2_Fixed             curX,
                          CF2_Fixed             curY,
                          CF2_Fixed*            width )
    /* lastError is used for errors that are immediately tested */
    FT_Error  lastError = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* pointer to parsed font object */
    CFF_Decoder*  decoder = font->decoder;

    FT_Error*  error  = &font->error;
    FT_Memory  memory = font->memory;

    CF2_Fixed  scaleY        = font->innerTransform.d;
    CF2_Fixed  nominalWidthX = cf2_getNominalWidthX( decoder );

    /* save this for hinting seac accents */
    CF2_Fixed  hintOriginY = curY;

    CF2_Stack  opStack = NULL;
    FT_Byte    op1;                       /* first opcode byte */

    /* instruction limit; 20,000,000 matches Avalon */
    FT_UInt32  instructionLimit = 20000000UL;

    CF2_ArrStackRec  subrStack;

    FT_Bool     haveWidth;
    CF2_Buffer  charstring = NULL;

    CF2_Int  charstringIndex = -1;       /* initialize to empty */

    /* TODO: placeholders for hint structures */

    /* objects used for hinting */
    CF2_ArrStackRec  hStemHintArray;
    CF2_ArrStackRec  vStemHintArray;

    CF2_HintMaskRec   hintMask;
    CF2_GlyphPathRec  glyphPath;

    /* initialize the remaining objects */
    cf2_arrstack_init( &subrStack,
                       sizeof ( CF2_BufferRec ) );
    cf2_arrstack_init( &hStemHintArray,
                       sizeof ( CF2_StemHintRec ) );
    cf2_arrstack_init( &vStemHintArray,
                       sizeof ( CF2_StemHintRec ) );

    /* initialize CF2_StemHint arrays */
    cf2_hintmask_init( &hintMask, error );

    /* initialize path map to manage drawing operations */

    /* Note: last 4 params are used to handle `MoveToPermissive', which */
    /*       may need to call `hintMap.Build'                           */
    /* TODO: MoveToPermissive is gone; are these still needed?          */
    cf2_glyphpath_init( &glyphPath,
                        /* hShift, */
                        translation );

     * Initialize state for width parsing.  From the CFF Spec:
     *   The first stack-clearing operator, which must be one of hstem,
     *   hstemhm, vstem, vstemhm, cntrmask, hintmask, hmoveto, vmoveto,
     *   rmoveto, or endchar, takes an additional argument - the width (as
     *   described earlier), which may be expressed as zero or one numeric
     *   argument.
     * What we implement here uses the first validly specified width, but
     * does not detect errors for specifying more than one width.
     * If one of the above operators occurs without explicitly specifying
     * a width, we assume the default width.
    haveWidth = FALSE;
    *width    = cf2_getDefaultWidthX( decoder );

     * Note: at this point, all pointers to resources must be NULL
     * and all local objects must be initialized.
     * There must be no branches to exit: above this point.

    /* allocate an operand stack */
    opStack = cf2_stack_init( memory, error );
    if ( !opStack )
      lastError = FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );
      goto exit;

    /* initialize subroutine stack by placing top level charstring as */
    /* first element (max depth plus one for the charstring)          */
    /* Note: Caller owns and must finalize the first charstring.      */
    /*       Our copy of it does not change that requirement.         */
    cf2_arrstack_setCount( &subrStack, CF2_MAX_SUBR + 1 );

    charstring  = (CF2_Buffer)cf2_arrstack_getBuffer( &subrStack );
    *charstring = *buf;    /* structure copy */

    charstringIndex = 0;       /* entry is valid now */

    /* catch errors so far */
    if ( *error )
      goto exit;

    /* main interpreter loop */
    while ( 1 )
      if ( cf2_buf_isEnd( charstring ) )
        /* If we've reached the end of the charstring, simulate a */
        /* cf2_cmdRETURN or cf2_cmdENDCHAR.                       */
        if ( charstringIndex )
          op1 = cf2_cmdRETURN;  /* end of buffer for subroutine */
          op1 = cf2_cmdENDCHAR; /* end of buffer for top level charstring */
        op1 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

      /* check for errors once per loop */
      if ( *error )
        goto exit;

      if ( instructionLimit == 0 )
        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
        goto exit;

      switch( op1 )
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_0:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_2:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_9:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_13:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_15:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_16:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_17:
        /* we may get here if we have a prior error */
        FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (%d)\n", op1 ));

      case cf2_cmdHSTEMHM:
      case cf2_cmdHSTEM:
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdHSTEMHM ? " hstemhm\n" : " hstem\n" ));

        /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
        if ( cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
          FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                      " invalid horizontal hint mask\n" ));

        cf2_doStems( font,
                     0 );

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;


      case cf2_cmdVSTEMHM:
      case cf2_cmdVSTEM:
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdVSTEMHM ? " vstemhm\n" : " vstem\n" ));

        /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
        if ( cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
          FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                      " invalid vertical hint mask\n" ));

        cf2_doStems( font,
                     0 );

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;


      case cf2_cmdVMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " vmoveto\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 && !haveWidth )
          *width = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ) + nominalWidthX;

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;

        curY += cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

        cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdRLINETO:
          CF2_UInt  index;
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );

          FT_TRACE4(( " rlineto\n" ));

          for ( index = 0; index < count; index += 2 )
            curX += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 );
            curY += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdHLINETO:
      case cf2_cmdVLINETO:
          CF2_UInt  index;
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );

          FT_Bool  isX = op1 == cf2_cmdHLINETO;

          FT_TRACE4(( isX ? " hlineto\n" : " vlineto\n" ));

          for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            CF2_Fixed  v = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index );

            if ( isX )
              curX += v;
              curY += v;

            isX = !isX;

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

      case cf2_cmdRCURVELINE:
      case cf2_cmdRRCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  index = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdRCURVELINE ? " rcurveline\n"
                                               : " rrcurveto\n" ));

          while ( index + 6 <= count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curX;
            CF2_Fixed  y1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + curY;
            CF2_Fixed  x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + x1;
            CF2_Fixed  y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + y1;
            CF2_Fixed  x3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 4 ) + x2;
            CF2_Fixed  y3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 5 ) + y2;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX   = x3;
            curY   = y3;
            index += 6;

          if ( op1 == cf2_cmdRCURVELINE )
            curX += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 );
            curY += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR:
      case cf2_cmdCALLSUBR:
          CF2_UInt  subrIndex;

          FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR ? " callgsubr"
                                              : " callsubr" ));

          if ( charstringIndex > CF2_MAX_SUBR )
            /* max subr plus one for charstring */
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;                      /* overflow of stack */

          /* push our current CFF charstring region on subrStack */
          charstring = (CF2_Buffer)
                         cf2_arrstack_getPointer( &subrStack,
                                                  charstringIndex + 1 );

          /* set up the new CFF region and pointer */
          subrIndex = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

          switch ( op1 )
          case cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR:
            FT_TRACE4(( "(%d)\n", subrIndex + decoder->globals_bias ));

            if ( cf2_initGlobalRegionBuffer( decoder,
                                             charstring ) )
              lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
              goto exit;  /* subroutine lookup or stream error */

            /* cf2_cmdCALLSUBR */
            FT_TRACE4(( "(%d)\n", subrIndex + decoder->locals_bias ));

            if ( cf2_initLocalRegionBuffer( decoder,
                                            charstring ) )
              lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
              goto exit;  /* subroutine lookup or stream error */

          charstringIndex += 1;       /* entry is valid now */
        continue; /* do not clear the stack */

      case cf2_cmdRETURN:
        FT_TRACE4(( " return\n" ));

        if ( charstringIndex < 1 )
          /* Note: cannot return from top charstring */
          lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
          goto exit;                      /* underflow of stack */

        /* restore position in previous charstring */
        charstring = (CF2_Buffer)
                       cf2_arrstack_getPointer( &subrStack,
                                                --charstringIndex );
        continue;     /* do not clear the stack */

      case cf2_cmdESC:
          FT_Byte  op2 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

          switch ( op2 )
          case cf2_escDOTSECTION:
            /* something about `flip type of locking' -- ignore it */
            FT_TRACE4(( " dotsection\n" ));


          /* TODO: should these operators be supported? */
          case cf2_escAND: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " and\n" ));


          case cf2_escOR: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " or\n" ));


          case cf2_escNOT: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " not\n" ));


          case cf2_escABS: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " abs\n" ));


          case cf2_escADD: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " add\n" ));


          case cf2_escSUB: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " sub\n" ));


          case cf2_escDIV: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " div\n" ));


          case cf2_escNEG: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " neg\n" ));


          case cf2_escEQ: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " eq\n" ));


          case cf2_escDROP: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " drop\n" ));


          case cf2_escPUT: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " put\n" ));


          case cf2_escGET: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " get\n" ));


          case cf2_escIFELSE: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " ifelse\n" ));


          case cf2_escRANDOM: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " random\n" ));


          case cf2_escMUL: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " mul\n" ));


          case cf2_escSQRT: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " sqrt\n" ));


          case cf2_escDUP: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " dup\n" ));


          case cf2_escEXCH: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " exch\n" ));


          case cf2_escINDEX: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " index\n" ));


          case cf2_escROLL: /* in spec */
            FT_TRACE4(( " roll\n" ));


          case cf2_escHFLEX:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, FALSE /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, FALSE /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " hflex\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          case cf2_escFLEX:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, TRUE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " flex\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
            break;      /* TODO: why is this not a continue? */

          case cf2_escHFLEX1:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE  /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE  /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " hflex1\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          case cf2_escFLEX1:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE  /* dx1 */, TRUE  /* dy1 */,
                TRUE  /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE  /* dx3 */, TRUE  /* dy3 */,
                TRUE  /* dx4 */, TRUE  /* dy4 */,
                TRUE  /* dx5 */, TRUE  /* dy5 */,
                FALSE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " flex1\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          TRUE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          case cf2_escRESERVED_1:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_2:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_6:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_7:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_8:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_13:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_16:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_17:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_19:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_25:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_31:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_32:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_33:
            FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));

          }; /* end of switch statement checking `op2' */

        } /* case cf2_cmdESC */

      case cf2_cmdENDCHAR:
        FT_TRACE4(( " endchar\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) == 1 ||
             cf2_stack_count( opStack ) == 5 )
          if ( !haveWidth )
            *width = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ) + nominalWidthX;

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;

        /* close path if still open */
        cf2_glyphpath_closeOpenPath( &glyphPath );

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 )
          /* must be either 4 or 5 --                       */
          /* this is a (deprecated) implied `seac' operator */

          CF2_UInt       achar;
          CF2_UInt       bchar;
          CF2_BufferRec  component;
          CF2_Fixed      dummyWidth;   /* ignore component width */
          FT_Error       error2;

          if ( doingSeac )
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;      /* nested seac */

          achar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
          bchar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

          curY = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
          curX = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

          error2 = cf2_getSeacComponent( decoder, achar, &component );
          if ( error2 )
             lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
             goto exit;
          cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                  &dummyWidth );
          cf2_freeSeacComponent( decoder, &component );

          error2 = cf2_getSeacComponent( decoder, bchar, &component );
          if ( error2 )
            lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
            goto exit;
          cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                  &dummyWidth );
          cf2_freeSeacComponent( decoder, &component );
        goto exit;

      case cf2_cmdCNTRMASK:
      case cf2_cmdHINTMASK:
        /* the final \n in the tracing message gets added in      */
        /* `cf2_hintmask_read' (which also traces the mask bytes) */
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdCNTRMASK ? " cntrmask" : " hintmask" ));

        /* if there are arguments on the stack, there this is an */
        /* implied cf2_cmdVSTEMHM                                */
        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) != 0 )
          /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
          if ( cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
            FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString: invalid hint mask\n" ));

        cf2_doStems( font,
                     0 );

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;

        if ( op1 == cf2_cmdHINTMASK )
          /* consume the hint mask bytes which follow the operator */
          cf2_hintmask_read( &hintMask,
                             cf2_arrstack_size( &hStemHintArray ) +
                               cf2_arrstack_size( &vStemHintArray ) );
           * Consume the counter mask bytes which follow the operator:
           * Build a temporary hint map, just to place and lock those
           * stems participating in the counter mask.  These are most
           * likely the dominant hstems, and are grouped together in a
           * few counter groups, not necessarily in correspondence
           * with the hint groups.  This reduces the chances of
           * conflicts between hstems that are initially placed in
           * separate hint groups and then brought together.  The
           * positions are copied back to `hStemHintArray', so we can
           * discard `counterMask' and `counterHintMap'.
          CF2_HintMapRec   counterHintMap;
          CF2_HintMaskRec  counterMask;

          cf2_hintmap_init( &counterHintMap,
                            scaleY );
          cf2_hintmask_init( &counterMask, error );

          cf2_hintmask_read( &counterMask,
                             cf2_arrstack_size( &hStemHintArray ) +
                               cf2_arrstack_size( &vStemHintArray ) );
          cf2_hintmap_build( &counterHintMap,
                             FALSE );

      case cf2_cmdRMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " rmoveto\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 2 && !haveWidth )
          *width = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ) + nominalWidthX;

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;

        curY += cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
        curX += cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

        cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdHMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " hmoveto\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 && !haveWidth )
          *width = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ) + nominalWidthX;

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( font->decoder->width_only )
            goto exit;

        curX += cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

        cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdRLINECURVE:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  index = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( " rlinecurve\n" ));

          while ( index + 6 < count )
            curX += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 );
            curY += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );
            index += 2;

          while ( index < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curX;
            CF2_Fixed  y1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + curY;
            CF2_Fixed  x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + x1;
            CF2_Fixed  y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + y1;
            CF2_Fixed  x3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 4 ) + x2;
            CF2_Fixed  y3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 5 ) + y2;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX   = x3;
            curY   = y3;
            index += 6;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdVVCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  index = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( " vvcurveto\n" ));

          while ( index < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            if ( ( count - index ) & 1 )
              x1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index ) + curX;

              x1 = curX;

            y1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curY;
            x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + x1;
            y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + y1;
            x3 = x2;
            y3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + y2;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX   = x3;
            curY   = y3;
            index += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdHHCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  index = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( " hhcurveto\n" ));

          while ( index < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            if ( ( count - index ) & 1 )
              y1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index ) + curY;

              y1 = curY;

            x1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curX;
            x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + x1;
            y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + y1;
            x3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + x2;
            y3 = y2;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX   = x3;
            curY   = y3;
            index += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdVHCURVETO:
      case cf2_cmdHVCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  index = 0;

          FT_Bool  alternate = op1 == cf2_cmdHVCURVETO;

          FT_TRACE4(( alternate ? " hvcurveto\n" : " vhcurveto\n" ));

          while ( index < count )
            CF2_Fixed x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;

            if ( alternate )
              x1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curX;
              y1 = curY;
              x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + x1;
              y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + y1;
              y3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + y2;

              if ( count - index == 5 )
                x3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 4 ) + x2;

                x3 = x2;

              alternate = FALSE;
              x1 = curX;
              y1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 0 ) + curY;
              x2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 1 ) + x1;
              y2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 2 ) + y1;
              x3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 3 ) + x2;

              if ( count - index == 5 )
                y3 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index + 4 ) + y2;

                y3 = y2;

              alternate = TRUE;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX   = x3;
            curY   = y3;
            index += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue;     /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdEXTENDEDNMBR:
          CF2_Int  v;

          v = (FT_Short)( ( cf2_buf_readByte( charstring ) << 8 ) |
                            cf2_buf_readByte( charstring )        );

          FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

          cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

        /* numbers */
          if ( /* op1 >= 32 && */ op1 <= 246 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v = op1 - 139;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* -107 .. 107 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else if ( /* op1 >= 247 && */ op1 <= 250 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v  = op1;
            v -= 247;
            v *= 256;
            v += cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            v += 108;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* 108 .. 1131 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else if ( /* op1 >= 251 && */ op1 <= 254 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v  = op1;
            v -= 251;
            v *= 256;
            v += cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            v  = -v - 108;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* -1131 .. -108 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else /* op1 == 255 */
            CF2_Fixed  v;

            v = (CF2_Fixed)
                  ( ( (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring ) << 24 ) |
                    ( (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring ) << 16 ) |
                    ( (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring ) <<  8 ) |
                      (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring )         );

            FT_TRACE4(( " %.2f", v / 65536.0 ));

            cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, v );
        continue;   /* don't clear stack */

      } /* end of switch statement checking `op1' */

      cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

    } /* end of main interpreter loop */

    /* we get here if the charstring ends without cf2_cmdENDCHAR */
    FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                "  charstring ends without ENDCHAR\n" ));

    /* check whether last error seen is also the first one */
    cf2_setError( error, lastError );

    /* free resources from objects we've used */
    cf2_glyphpath_finalize( &glyphPath );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &vStemHintArray );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &hStemHintArray );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &subrStack );
    cf2_stack_free( opStack );

    FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));

Exemple #27
  af_face_globals_get_metrics( AF_FaceGlobals     globals,
                               FT_UInt            gindex,
                               FT_UInt            options,
                               AF_ScriptMetrics  *ametrics )
    AF_ScriptMetrics  metrics = NULL;
    FT_UInt           gidx;
    AF_ScriptClass    clazz;
    FT_UInt           script     = options & 15;
    const FT_Offset   script_max = sizeof ( AF_SCRIPT_CLASSES_GET ) /
                                     sizeof ( AF_SCRIPT_CLASSES_GET[0] );
    FT_Error          error      = FT_Err_Ok;

    if ( gindex >= (FT_ULong)globals->glyph_count )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    gidx = script;
    if ( gidx == 0 || gidx + 1 >= script_max )
      gidx = globals->glyph_scripts[gindex] & AF_SCRIPT_NONE;

    clazz = AF_SCRIPT_CLASSES_GET[gidx];
    if ( script == 0 )
      script = clazz->script;

    metrics = globals->metrics[clazz->script];
    if ( metrics == NULL )
      /* create the global metrics object if necessary */
      FT_Memory  memory = globals->face->memory;

      if ( FT_ALLOC( metrics, clazz->script_metrics_size ) )
        goto Exit;

      metrics->clazz   = clazz;
      metrics->globals = globals;

      if ( clazz->script_metrics_init )
        error = clazz->script_metrics_init( metrics, globals->face );
        if ( error )
          if ( clazz->script_metrics_done )
            clazz->script_metrics_done( metrics );

          FT_FREE( metrics );
          goto Exit;

      globals->metrics[clazz->script] = metrics;

    *ametrics = metrics;

    return error;
Exemple #28
  cid_slot_load_glyph( FT_GlyphSlot  cidglyph,      /* CID_GlyphSlot */
                       FT_Size       cidsize,       /* CID_Size      */
                       FT_UInt       glyph_index,
                       FT_Int32      load_flags )
    CID_GlyphSlot  glyph = (CID_GlyphSlot)cidglyph;
    FT_Error       error;
    T1_DecoderRec  decoder;
    CID_Face       face = (CID_Face)cidglyph->face;
    FT_Bool        hinting;

    PSAux_Service  psaux = (PSAux_Service)face->psaux;
    FT_Matrix      font_matrix;
    FT_Vector      font_offset;

    if ( glyph_index >= (FT_UInt)face->root.num_glyphs )
      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
      goto Exit;

    if ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE )
      load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;

    glyph->x_scale = cidsize->metrics.x_scale;
    glyph->y_scale = cidsize->metrics.y_scale;

    cidglyph->outline.n_points   = 0;
    cidglyph->outline.n_contours = 0;

    hinting = FT_BOOL( ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE   ) == 0 &&
                       ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING ) == 0 );

    cidglyph->format = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE;

    error = psaux->t1_decoder_funcs->init( &decoder,
                                           0, /* glyph names -- XXX */
                                           0, /* blend == 0 */
                                           FT_LOAD_TARGET_MODE( load_flags ),
                                           cid_load_glyph );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* TODO: initialize decoder.len_buildchar and decoder.buildchar */
    /*       if we ever support CID-keyed multiple master fonts     */

    /* set up the decoder */
    decoder.builder.no_recurse = FT_BOOL(
      ( ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE ) != 0 ) );

    error = cid_load_glyph( &decoder, glyph_index );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    font_matrix = decoder.font_matrix;
    font_offset = decoder.font_offset;

    /* save new glyph tables */
    psaux->t1_decoder_funcs->done( &decoder );

    /* now set the metrics -- this is rather simple, as    */
    /* the left side bearing is the xMin, and the top side */
    /* bearing the yMax                                    */
    cidglyph->outline.flags &= FT_OUTLINE_OWNER;
    cidglyph->outline.flags |= FT_OUTLINE_REVERSE_FILL;

    /* for composite glyphs, return only left side bearing and */
    /* advance width                                           */
    if ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE )
      FT_Slot_Internal  internal = cidglyph->internal;

      cidglyph->metrics.horiBearingX =
        FIXED_TO_INT( decoder.builder.left_bearing.x );
      cidglyph->metrics.horiAdvance =
        FIXED_TO_INT( decoder.builder.advance.x );

      internal->glyph_matrix      = font_matrix;
      internal->glyph_delta       = font_offset;
      internal->glyph_transformed = 1;
      FT_BBox            cbox;
      FT_Glyph_Metrics*  metrics = &cidglyph->metrics;
      FT_Vector          advance;

      /* copy the _unscaled_ advance width */
      metrics->horiAdvance =
        FIXED_TO_INT( decoder.builder.advance.x );
      cidglyph->linearHoriAdvance =
        FIXED_TO_INT( decoder.builder.advance.x );
      cidglyph->internal->glyph_transformed = 0;

      /* make up vertical ones */
      metrics->vertAdvance        = ( face->cid.font_bbox.yMax -
                                      face->cid.font_bbox.yMin ) >> 16;
      cidglyph->linearVertAdvance = metrics->vertAdvance;

      cidglyph->format            = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE;

      if ( cidsize->metrics.y_ppem < 24 )
        cidglyph->outline.flags |= FT_OUTLINE_HIGH_PRECISION;

      /* apply the font matrix */
      FT_Outline_Transform( &cidglyph->outline, &font_matrix );

      FT_Outline_Translate( &cidglyph->outline,
                            font_offset.y );

      advance.x = metrics->horiAdvance;
      advance.y = 0;
      FT_Vector_Transform( &advance, &font_matrix );
      metrics->horiAdvance = advance.x + font_offset.x;

      advance.x = 0;
      advance.y = metrics->vertAdvance;
      FT_Vector_Transform( &advance, &font_matrix );
      metrics->vertAdvance = advance.y + font_offset.y;

      if ( ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE ) == 0 )
        /* scale the outline and the metrics */
        FT_Int       n;
        FT_Outline*  cur = decoder.builder.base;
        FT_Vector*   vec = cur->points;
        FT_Fixed     x_scale = glyph->x_scale;
        FT_Fixed     y_scale = glyph->y_scale;

        /* First of all, scale the points */
        if ( !hinting || !decoder.builder.hints_funcs )
          for ( n = cur->n_points; n > 0; n--, vec++ )
            vec->x = FT_MulFix( vec->x, x_scale );
            vec->y = FT_MulFix( vec->y, y_scale );

        /* Then scale the metrics */
        metrics->horiAdvance = FT_MulFix( metrics->horiAdvance, x_scale );
        metrics->vertAdvance = FT_MulFix( metrics->vertAdvance, y_scale );

      /* compute the other metrics */
      FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &cidglyph->outline, &cbox );

      metrics->width  = cbox.xMax - cbox.xMin;
      metrics->height = cbox.yMax - cbox.yMin;

      metrics->horiBearingX = cbox.xMin;
      metrics->horiBearingY = cbox.yMax;

      if ( load_flags & FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT )
        /* make up vertical ones */
        ft_synthesize_vertical_metrics( metrics,
                                        metrics->vertAdvance );

    return error;
Exemple #29
  static FT_Error
  af_property_set( FT_Module    ft_module,
                   const char*  property_name,
                   const void*  value,
                   FT_Bool      value_is_string )
    FT_Error   error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    AF_Module  module = (AF_Module)ft_module;

    FT_UNUSED( value_is_string );

    if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "fallback-script" ) )
      FT_UInt*  fallback_script;
      FT_UInt   ss;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      fallback_script = (FT_UInt*)value;

      /* We translate the fallback script to a fallback style that uses */
      /* `fallback-script' as its script and `AF_COVERAGE_NONE' as its  */
      /* coverage value.                                                */
      for ( ss = 0; AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss]; ss++ )
        AF_StyleClass  style_class = AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss];

        if ( (FT_UInt)style_class->script == *fallback_script &&
             style_class->coverage == AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT     )
          module->fallback_style = ss;

      if ( !AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss] )
        FT_TRACE0(( "af_property_set: Invalid value %d for property `%s'\n",
                    fallback_script, property_name ));
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "default-script" ) )
      FT_UInt*  default_script;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      default_script = (FT_UInt*)value;

      module->default_script = *default_script;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "increase-x-height" ) )
      FT_Prop_IncreaseXHeight*  prop;
      AF_FaceGlobals            globals;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      prop = (FT_Prop_IncreaseXHeight*)value;

      error = af_property_get_face_globals( prop->face, &globals, module );
      if ( !error )
        globals->increase_x_height = prop->limit;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "warping" ) )
      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s = (const char*)value;
        long         w = ft_strtol( s, NULL, 10 );

        if ( w == 0 )
          module->warping = 0;
        else if ( w == 1 )
          module->warping = 1;
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
        FT_Bool*  warping = (FT_Bool*)value;

        module->warping = *warping;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "darkening-parameters" ) )
      FT_Int*  darken_params;
      FT_Int   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

      FT_Int   dp[8];

      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s = (const char*)value;
        char*        ep;
        int          i;

        /* eight comma-separated numbers */
        for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          dp[i] = (FT_Int)ft_strtol( s, &ep, 10 );
          if ( *ep != ',' || s == ep )
            return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

          s = ep + 1;

        dp[7] = (FT_Int)ft_strtol( s, &ep, 10 );
        if ( !( *ep == '\0' || *ep == ' ' ) || s == ep )
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

        darken_params = dp;
        darken_params = (FT_Int*)value;

      x1 = darken_params[0];
      y1 = darken_params[1];
      x2 = darken_params[2];
      y2 = darken_params[3];
      x3 = darken_params[4];
      y3 = darken_params[5];
      x4 = darken_params[6];
      y4 = darken_params[7];

      if ( x1 < 0   || x2 < 0   || x3 < 0   || x4 < 0   ||
           y1 < 0   || y2 < 0   || y3 < 0   || y4 < 0   ||
           x1 > x2  || x2 > x3  || x3 > x4              ||
           y1 > 500 || y2 > 500 || y3 > 500 || y4 > 500 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      module->darken_params[0] = x1;
      module->darken_params[1] = y1;
      module->darken_params[2] = x2;
      module->darken_params[3] = y2;
      module->darken_params[4] = x3;
      module->darken_params[5] = y3;
      module->darken_params[6] = x4;
      module->darken_params[7] = y4;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "no-stem-darkening" ) )
      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s   = (const char*)value;
        long         nsd = ft_strtol( s, NULL, 10 );

        if ( nsd == 0 )
          module->no_stem_darkening = 0;
        else if ( nsd == 1 )
          module->no_stem_darkening = 1;
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
        FT_Bool*  no_stem_darkening = (FT_Bool*)value;

        module->no_stem_darkening = *no_stem_darkening;

      return error;

    FT_TRACE0(( "af_property_set: missing property `%s'\n",
                property_name ));
    return FT_THROW( Missing_Property );
Exemple #30
  FT_Outline_Decompose( FT_Outline*              outline,
                        const FT_Outline_Funcs*  func_interface,
                        void*                    user )
#undef  SCALED
#define SCALED( x )  ( ( (x) < 0 ? -( -(x) << shift )             \
                                 :  (  (x) << shift ) ) - delta )

    FT_Vector   v_last;
    FT_Vector   v_control;
    FT_Vector   v_start;

    FT_Vector*  point;
    FT_Vector*  limit;
    char*       tags;

    FT_Error    error;

    FT_Int   n;         /* index of contour in outline     */
    FT_UInt  first;     /* index of first point in contour */
    FT_Int   tag;       /* current point's state           */

    FT_Int   shift;
    FT_Pos   delta;

    if ( !outline )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Outline );

    if ( !func_interface )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

    shift = func_interface->shift;
    delta = func_interface->delta;
    first = 0;

    for ( n = 0; n < outline->n_contours; n++ )
      FT_Int  last;  /* index of last point in contour */

      FT_TRACE5(( "FT_Outline_Decompose: Outline %d\n", n ));

      last = outline->contours[n];
      if ( last < 0 )
        goto Invalid_Outline;
      limit = outline->points + last;

      v_start   = outline->points[first];
      v_start.x = SCALED( v_start.x );
      v_start.y = SCALED( v_start.y );

      v_last   = outline->points[last];
      v_last.x = SCALED( v_last.x );
      v_last.y = SCALED( v_last.y );

      v_control = v_start;

      point = outline->points + first;
      tags  = outline->tags   + first;
      tag   = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );

      /* A contour cannot start with a cubic control point! */
      if ( tag == FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC )
        goto Invalid_Outline;

      /* check first point to determine origin */
      if ( tag == FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC )
        /* first point is conic control.  Yes, this happens. */
        if ( FT_CURVE_TAG( outline->tags[last] ) == FT_CURVE_TAG_ON )
          /* start at last point if it is on the curve */
          v_start = v_last;
          /* if both first and last points are conic,         */
          /* start at their middle and record its position    */
          /* for closure                                      */
          v_start.x = ( v_start.x + v_last.x ) / 2;
          v_start.y = ( v_start.y + v_last.y ) / 2;

       /* v_last = v_start; */

      FT_TRACE5(( "  move to (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                  v_start.x / 64.0, v_start.y / 64.0 ));
      error = func_interface->move_to( &v_start, user );
      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      while ( point < limit )

        tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );
        switch ( tag )
        case FT_CURVE_TAG_ON:  /* emit a single line_to */
            FT_Vector  vec;

            vec.x = SCALED( point->x );
            vec.y = SCALED( point->y );

            FT_TRACE5(( "  line to (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                        vec.x / 64.0, vec.y / 64.0 ));
            error = func_interface->line_to( &vec, user );
            if ( error )
              goto Exit;

        case FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC:  /* consume conic arcs */
          v_control.x = SCALED( point->x );
          v_control.y = SCALED( point->y );

          if ( point < limit )
            FT_Vector  vec;
            FT_Vector  v_middle;

            tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );

            vec.x = SCALED( point->x );
            vec.y = SCALED( point->y );

            if ( tag == FT_CURVE_TAG_ON )
              FT_TRACE5(( "  conic to (%.2f, %.2f)"
                          " with control (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                          vec.x / 64.0, vec.y / 64.0,
                          v_control.x / 64.0, v_control.y / 64.0 ));
              error = func_interface->conic_to( &v_control, &vec, user );
              if ( error )
                goto Exit;

            if ( tag != FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC )
              goto Invalid_Outline;

            v_middle.x = ( v_control.x + vec.x ) / 2;
            v_middle.y = ( v_control.y + vec.y ) / 2;

            FT_TRACE5(( "  conic to (%.2f, %.2f)"
                        " with control (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                        v_middle.x / 64.0, v_middle.y / 64.0,
                        v_control.x / 64.0, v_control.y / 64.0 ));
            error = func_interface->conic_to( &v_control, &v_middle, user );
            if ( error )
              goto Exit;

            v_control = vec;
            goto Do_Conic;

          FT_TRACE5(( "  conic to (%.2f, %.2f)"
                      " with control (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                      v_start.x / 64.0, v_start.y / 64.0,
                      v_control.x / 64.0, v_control.y / 64.0 ));
          error = func_interface->conic_to( &v_control, &v_start, user );
          goto Close;

        default:  /* FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC */
            FT_Vector  vec1, vec2;

            if ( point + 1 > limit                             ||
                 FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[1] ) != FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC )
              goto Invalid_Outline;

            point += 2;
            tags  += 2;

            vec1.x = SCALED( point[-2].x );
            vec1.y = SCALED( point[-2].y );

            vec2.x = SCALED( point[-1].x );
            vec2.y = SCALED( point[-1].y );

            if ( point <= limit )
              FT_Vector  vec;

              vec.x = SCALED( point->x );
              vec.y = SCALED( point->y );

              FT_TRACE5(( "  cubic to (%.2f, %.2f)"
                          " with controls (%.2f, %.2f) and (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                          vec.x / 64.0, vec.y / 64.0,
                          vec1.x / 64.0, vec1.y / 64.0,
                          vec2.x / 64.0, vec2.y / 64.0 ));
              error = func_interface->cubic_to( &vec1, &vec2, &vec, user );
              if ( error )
                goto Exit;

            FT_TRACE5(( "  cubic to (%.2f, %.2f)"
                        " with controls (%.2f, %.2f) and (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                        v_start.x / 64.0, v_start.y / 64.0,
                        vec1.x / 64.0, vec1.y / 64.0,
                        vec2.x / 64.0, vec2.y / 64.0 ));
            error = func_interface->cubic_to( &vec1, &vec2, &v_start, user );
            goto Close;

      /* close the contour with a line segment */
      FT_TRACE5(( "  line to (%.2f, %.2f)\n",
                  v_start.x / 64.0, v_start.y / 64.0 ));
      error = func_interface->line_to( &v_start, user );

      if ( error )
        goto Exit;

      first = (FT_UInt)last + 1;

    FT_TRACE5(( "FT_Outline_Decompose: Done\n", n ));
    return FT_Err_Ok;

    FT_TRACE5(( "FT_Outline_Decompose: Error 0x%x\n", error ));
    return error;

    return FT_THROW( Invalid_Outline );