// Returns the argument after the one specified, or the default if not found
const char *CCommandLine::ParmValue( const char *psz, const char *pDefaultVal ) const
	int nIndex = FindParm( psz );
	if (( nIndex == 0 ) || (nIndex == m_nParmCount - 1))
		return pDefaultVal;

	// Probably another cmdline parameter instead of a valid arg if it starts with '+' or '-'
	if ( m_ppParms[nIndex + 1][0] == '-' || m_ppParms[nIndex + 1][0] == '+' )
		return pDefaultVal;

	return m_ppParms[nIndex + 1];
Parm* ParmLinkMgr::FindParm( vector< Geom* > & gVec, int ptrID, Stringc& group_name, Stringc& parm_name )
	Parm* pPtr = NULL;
	Geom* gPtr = NULL;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)gVec.size() ; i++ )
		if ( gVec[i]->getPtrID() == ptrID )
			gPtr = gVec[i];
	//==== Check for User Geom ====//
	if ( gPtr == NULL )
		if ( group_name == Stringc("User") )
			gPtr = aircraftPtr->getUserGeom();

	pPtr = FindParm( gPtr, group_name, parm_name );

	return pPtr;
// Purpose: Search for the parameter in the current commandline
// Input  : *psz - 
//			**ppszValue - 
// Output : char
const char *CCommandLine::CheckParm( const char *psz, const char **ppszValue ) const
	if ( ppszValue )
		*ppszValue = NULL;
	int i = FindParm( psz );
	if ( i == 0 )
		return NULL;
	if ( ppszValue )
		if ( (i+1) >= m_nParmCount )
			*ppszValue = NULL;
			*ppszValue = m_ppParms[i+1];
	return m_ppParms[i];