Exemple #1
*/	REBVAL *Find_Error_Info(ERROR_OBJ *error, REBINT *num)
**		Return the error message needed to print an error.
**		Must scan the error catalog and its error lists.
**		Note that the error type and id words no longer need
**		to be bound to the error catalog context.
**		If the message is not found, return null.
	REBSER *frame;
	REBVAL *obj1;
	REBVAL *obj2;

	if (!IS_WORD(&error->type) || !IS_WORD(&error->id)) return 0;

	// Find the correct error type object in the catalog:
	obj1 = Find_Word_Value(frame, VAL_WORD_SYM(&error->type));
	if (!obj1) return 0;

	// Now find the correct error message for that type:
	frame = VAL_OBJ_FRAME(obj1);
	obj2 = Find_Word_Value(frame, VAL_WORD_SYM(&error->id));
	if (!obj2) return 0;

	if (num) {
		obj1 = Find_Word_Value(frame, SYM_CODE);
		*num = VAL_INT32(obj1)
			+ Find_Word_Index(frame, VAL_WORD_SYM(&error->id), FALSE)
			- Find_Word_Index(frame, SYM_TYPE, FALSE) - 1;

	return obj2;
Exemple #2
*/  REBVAL *Find_In_Contexts(REBCNT sym, REBVAL *where)
**      Search a block of objects for a given word symbol and
**      return the value for the word. NULL if not found.
	REBVAL *val;

	for (; NOT_END(where); where++) {
		if (IS_WORD(where)) {
			val = Get_Var(where);
		else if (IS_PATH(where)) {
			Do_Path(&where, 0);
			val = DS_TOP; // only safe for short time!
			val = where;

		if (IS_OBJECT(val)) {
			val = Find_Word_Value(VAL_OBJ_FRAME(val), sym);
			if (val) return val;
	return 0;
Exemple #3
STOID Form_Block_Series(REBSER *blk, REBCNT index, REB_MOLD *mold, REBSER *frame)
	// Form a series (part_mold means mold non-string values):
	REBINT len = SERIES_TAIL(blk) - index;
	REBVAL *val;
	REBVAL *wval;

	if (len < 0) len = 0;

	for (n = 0; n < len;) {
		val = BLK_SKIP(blk, index+n);
		wval = 0;
		if (frame && (IS_WORD(val) || IS_GET_WORD(val))) {
			wval = Find_Word_Value(frame, VAL_WORD_SYM(val));
			if (wval) val = wval;
		Mold_Value(mold, val, wval != 0);
		if (GET_MOPT(mold, MOPT_LINES)) {
			Append_Byte(mold->series, LF);
		else {
			// Add a space if needed:
			if (n < len && mold->series->tail
				&& *UNI_LAST(mold->series) != LF
				&& !GET_MOPT(mold, MOPT_TIGHT)
				Append_Byte(mold->series, ' ');
Exemple #4
x*/ REBRXT Do_Callback(REBSER *obj, u32 name, RXIARG *rxis, RXIARG *result)
**      Given an object and a word id, call a REBOL function.
**      The arguments are converted from extension format directly
**      to the data stack. The result is passed back in ext format,
**      with the datatype returned or zero if there was a problem.
    REBVAL *val;
    struct Reb_Call *call;
    REBCNT len;
    REBCNT n;
    REBVAL label;
    REBVAL out;

    // Find word in object, verify it is a function.
    if (!(val = Find_Word_Value(obj, name))) {
        SET_EXT_ERROR(result, RXE_NO_WORD);
        return 0;
    if (!ANY_FUNC(val)) {
        SET_EXT_ERROR(result, RXE_NOT_FUNC);
        return 0;

    // Create stack frame (use prior stack frame for location info):
    SET_TRASH_SAFE(&out); // OUT slot for function eval result
    Val_Init_Word_Unbound(&label, REB_WORD, name);
    call = Make_Call(
    obj = VAL_FUNC_PARAMLIST(val);  // func words
    len = SERIES_TAIL(obj)-1;   // number of args (may include locals)

    // Push args. Too short or too long arg frames are handled W/O error.
    // Note that refinements args can be set to anything.
    for (n = 1; n <= len; n++) {
        REBVAL *arg = DSF_ARG(call, n);

        if (n <= RXI_COUNT(rxis))
            RXI_To_Value(arg, rxis[n], RXI_TYPE(rxis, n));

        // Check type for word at the given offset:
        if (!TYPE_CHECK(BLK_SKIP(obj, n), VAL_TYPE(arg))) {
            result->i2.int32b = n;
            SET_EXT_ERROR(result, RXE_BAD_ARGS);
            return 0;

    // Evaluate the function:
    if (Dispatch_Call_Throws(call)) {
        // !!! Does this need handling such that there is a way for the thrown
        // value to "bubble up" out of the callback, or is an error sufficient?
        fail (Error_No_Catch_For_Throw(DSF_OUT(call)));

    // Return resulting value from output
    *result = Value_To_RXI(&out);
    return Reb_To_RXT[VAL_TYPE(&out)];
Exemple #5
x*/	int Do_Callback(REBSER *obj, u32 name, RXIARG *args, RXIARG *result)
**		Given an object and a word id, call a REBOL function.
**		The arguments are converted from extension format directly
**		to the data stack. The result is passed back in ext format,
**		with the datatype returned or zero if there was a problem.
	REBVAL *val;
	REBCNT dsf;
	REBCNT len;
	REBCNT dsp = DSP; // to restore stack on errors

	// Find word in object, verify it is a function.
	if (!(val = Find_Word_Value(obj, name))) {
		return 0;
	if (!ANY_FUNC(val)) {
		return 0;

	// Get block and index from prior function stack frame:
	dsf = PRIOR_DSF(DSF);

	// Create stack frame (use prior stack frame for location info):
	dsf = Push_Func(0, VAL_SERIES(DSF_BACK(dsf)), VAL_INDEX(DSF_BACK(dsf)), name, val);
	val = DSF_FUNC(dsf);        // for safety from GC
	obj = VAL_FUNC_WORDS(val);  // func words
	len = SERIES_TAIL(obj)-1;	// number of args (may include locals)

	// Push args. Too short or too long arg frames are handled W/O error.
	// Note that refinements args can be set to anything.
	for (n = 1; n <= len && n <= RXI_COUNT(args); n++) {
		RXI_To_Value(DS_TOP, args[n], RXI_TYPE(args, n));
		// Check type for word at the given offset:
		if (!TYPE_CHECK(BLK_SKIP(obj, n), VAL_TYPE(DS_TOP))) {
			result->int32b = n;
			DSP = dsp;
			return 0;
	// Fill with NONE if necessary:
	for (; n <= len; n++) {
		if (!TYPE_CHECK(BLK_SKIP(obj, n), VAL_TYPE(DS_TOP))) {
			result->int32b = n;
			DSP = dsp;
			return 0;

	// Evaluate the function:
	DSF = dsf;
	Func_Dispatch[VAL_TYPE(val) - REB_NATIVE](val);
	DSF = PRIOR_DSF(dsf);
	DSP = dsf-1;

	// Return resulting value from TOS1 (volatile location):
	*result = Value_To_RXI(DS_VALUE(dsf));
	return Reb_To_RXT[VAL_TYPE(DS_VALUE(dsf))];
Exemple #6
*/	REBYTE *Security_Policy(REBCNT sym, REBVAL *name)
**	Given a security symbol (like FILE) and a value (like the file
**	path) returns the security policy (RWX) allowed for it.
**	Args:
**		sym:  word that represents the type ['file 'net]
**		name: file or path value
**	Returns BTYE array of flags for the policy class:
**		flags: [rrrr wwww xxxx ----]
**		Where each byte is:
**			0: SEC_ALLOW
**			1: SEC_ASK
**			2: SEC_THROW
**			3: SEC_QUIT
**	The secuity is defined by the system/state/policies object, that
**	is of the form:
**		[
**			file:  [%file1 tuple-flags %file2 ... default tuple-flags]
**			net:   [...]
**			call:  tuple-flags
**			stack: tuple-flags
**			eval:  integer (limit)
**		]
	REBYTE *flags;
	REBCNT len;

	if (!IS_OBJECT(policy)) goto error;

	// Find the security class in the block: (file net call...)
	policy = Find_Word_Value(VAL_OBJ_FRAME(policy), sym);
	if (!policy) goto error;

	// Obtain the policies for it:
	// Check for a master tuple: [file rrrr.wwww.xxxx]
	if (IS_TUPLE(policy)) return VAL_TUPLE(policy); // non-aligned
	// removed A90: if (IS_INTEGER(policy)) return (REBYTE*)VAL_INT64(policy); // probably not used

	// Only other form is detailed block:
	if (!IS_BLOCK(policy)) goto error;

	// Scan block of policies for the class: [file [allow read quit write]]
	len = 0;	// file or url length
	flags = 0;	// policy flags
	for (policy = VAL_BLK(policy); NOT_END(policy); policy += 2) {

		// Must be a policy tuple:
		if (!IS_TUPLE(policy+1)) goto error;

		// Is it a policy word:
		if (IS_WORD(policy)) { // any word works here
			// If no strings found, use the default:
			if (len == 0) flags = VAL_TUPLE(policy+1); // non-aligned

		// Is it a string (file or URL):
		else if (ANY_BINSTR(policy) && name) {
			//Debug_Fmt("sec: %r %r", policy, name);
			if (Match_Sub_Path(VAL_SERIES(policy), VAL_SERIES(name))) {
				// Is the match adequate?
				if (VAL_TAIL(name) >= len) {
					len = VAL_TAIL(name);
					flags = VAL_TUPLE(policy+1); // non-aligned
		else goto error;

	if (!flags) {
		errcode = RE_SECURITY;
		policy = name ? name : 0;
		if (!policy) {
			Init_Word(DS_TOP, sym);
			policy = DS_TOP;
		Trap1(errcode, policy);

	return flags;