Exemple #1
int cyclic(unsigned char **sec) {
    int grid_template, nx, ny, res, scan, flag_3_3, no_dx, basic_ang, sub_ang;
    unsigned int npnts;
    unsigned char *gds;
    double dlon, units, lon1, lon2;

    get_nxny(sec, &nx, &ny, &npnts, &res, &scan);
    if (GDS_Scan_staggered(scan)) return 0;
    if (nx <= 1 || ny <= 0) return 0;

    grid_template = code_table_3_1(sec);
    gds = sec[3];

    flag_3_3 = flag_table_3_3(sec);
    no_dx =  0;
    if (flag_3_3 != -1) {
        if ((flag_3_3 & 0x20) == 0) no_dx = 1;
    if (no_dx) return 0;

    if (grid_template == 0) {

        basic_ang = GDS_LatLon_basic_ang(gds);
        sub_ang = GDS_LatLon_sub_ang(gds);
        units = basic_ang == 0 ?  0.000001 : (double) basic_ang / (double) sub_ang;

	/* dlon has to be defined */
        dlon = units * GDS_LatLon_dlon(gds);
	return (fabs(nx*dlon-360.0) < ERROR);
    if (grid_template == 10) {
	if (output_order != wesn) return 0;		// only works with we:sn order
	lon1 = GDS_Mercator_lon1(gds);
	lon2 = GDS_Mercator_lon2(gds);
	if (lon2 < lon1) lon2 += 360.0;
	dlon = (lon2-lon1)*nx/(nx-1.0);
        return (fabs(dlon-360.0) < ERROR);

    if (grid_template == 40) {

        basic_ang = GDS_Gaussian_basic_ang(gds);
        sub_ang = GDS_Gaussian_sub_ang(gds);
        units = basic_ang == 0 ?  0.000001 : (double) basic_ang / (double) sub_ang;

	/* dlon has to be defined */
        dlon = units * GDS_Gaussian_dlon(gds);
        return (fabs(nx*dlon-360.0) < ERROR);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
int small_grib(unsigned char **sec, int mode, float *data, double *lon, double *lat, unsigned int ndata,
               int ix0, int ix1, int iy0, int iy1, FILE *out) {

    int can_subset, grid_template;
    int nx, ny, res, scan, new_nx, new_ny, i, j;
    unsigned int sec3_len, new_ndata, k, npnts;
    unsigned char *sec3, *new_sec[9];
    double units;
    int basic_ang, sub_ang, cyclic_grid;
    float *new_data;

    get_nxny(sec, &nx, &ny, &npnts, &res, &scan);        /* get nx, ny, and scan mode of grid */
    grid_template = code_table_3_1(sec);

    // make a copy of the gds (sec3)
    sec3_len = GB2_Sec3_size(sec);
    sec3 = (unsigned char *) malloc(sec3_len);
    for (k = 0; k < sec3_len; k++) sec3[k] = sec[3][k];

    // make a copy of the sec[] with new sec3
    new_sec[0] = sec[0];
    new_sec[1] = sec[1];
    new_sec[2] = sec[2];
    new_sec[3] = sec3;
    new_sec[4] = sec[4];
    new_sec[5] = sec[5];
    new_sec[6] = sec[6];
    new_sec[7] = sec[7];
//    new_sec[8] = sec[8];  not needed by writing routines

    can_subset = 1;
    if (lat == NULL || lon == NULL) can_subset = 0;
    new_nx = ix1-ix0+1;
    new_ny = iy1-iy0+1;
    if (new_nx <= 0) fatal_error("small_grib, new_nx is <= 0","");
    if (new_ny <= 0) fatal_error("small_grib, new_ny is <= 0","");
    new_ndata = new_nx * new_ny;
    cyclic_grid = 0;

    if (can_subset) {
        cyclic_grid = cyclic(sec);

        // lat-lon grid - no thinning
        if ((grid_template == 0 && sec3_len == 72) || (grid_template == 1 && sec3_len == 04)) {
            uint_char(new_nx,sec3+30);		// nx
            uint_char(new_ny,sec3+34);		// ny

            basic_ang = GDS_LatLon_basic_ang(sec3);
            sub_ang = GDS_LatLon_sub_ang(sec3);
            if (basic_ang != 0) {
                units = (double) basic_ang / (double) sub_ang;
            else {
                units = 0.000001;
            i = lat[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lat1
            i = lon[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lon1
            i = lat[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lat2
            i = lon[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lon2

        else if ((grid_template == 40 && sec3_len == 72)) { // full Gaussian grid
            uint_char(new_nx,sec3+30);		// nx
            uint_char(new_ny,sec3+34);		// ny

            basic_ang = GDS_Gaussian_basic_ang(sec3);
            sub_ang = GDS_Gaussian_sub_ang(sec3);
            if (basic_ang != 0) {
                units = (double) basic_ang / (double) sub_ang;
            else {
                units = 0.000001;

            i = lat[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;          // lat1
            i = lon[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;          // lon1
            i = lat[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;          // lat2
            i = lon[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;          // lon2

        // polar-stereo graphic, lambert conformal , no thinning
        else if ((grid_template == 20 && sec3_len == 65) || 		// polar stereographic
                 (grid_template == 30 && sec3_len == 81)) {	// lambert conformal
            uint_char(new_nx,sec3+30);		// nx
            uint_char(new_ny,sec3+34);		// ny

            i = (int) (lat[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] * 1000000.0);		// lat1
            i = (int) (lon[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] * 1000000.0);		// lon1

        // mercator, no thinning
        else if (grid_template == 10 && sec3_len == 72) { 		// mercator

            uint_char(new_nx,sec3+30);		// nx
            uint_char(new_ny,sec3+34);		// ny

            units = 0.000001;
            i = lat[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lat1
            i = lon[ idx(ix0,iy0,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lon1
            i = lat[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lat2
            i = lon[ idx(ix1,iy1,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ] / units;		// lon2

        else {
            can_subset = 0;

    // copy data to a new array

    if (can_subset) {
        uint_char(new_ndata, sec3+6);
        new_data = (float *) malloc(new_ndata * sizeof(float));

        #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k)
        for(j = iy0; j <= iy1; j++) {
            k = (j-iy0)*(ix1-ix0+1);
            for(i = ix0; i <= ix1; i++) {
                new_data[(i-ix0) + k ] = data[ idx(i,j,nx,ny,cyclic_grid) ];
    else {
        new_ndata = ndata;
        new_data = (float *) malloc(new_ndata * sizeof(float));
        for (k = 0; k < ndata; k++) new_data[k] = data[k];
        new_nx = nx;
        new_ny = ny;

    set_order(new_sec, output_order);

    grib_wrt(new_sec, new_data, new_ndata, new_nx, new_ny, use_scale, dec_scale,
             bin_scale, wanted_bits, max_bits, grib_type, out);

    if (flush_mode) fflush(out);

    return 0;
Exemple #3
int gauss2ll(unsigned char **sec, double **llat, double **llon) {
    int nlat; /* in grib, number of latitudes must be even! */
    double dx, e, w, south, north, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, *ylat;
    int isouth, inorth;
    double units;
    double *lat, *lon;
    int basic_ang, sub_ang;
    int i,j, n;
    unsigned int k;
    unsigned char *gds;

    int nnx, nny, nres, nscan;
    unsigned int nnpnts;

    get_nxny(sec, &nnx, &nny, &nnpnts, &nres, &nscan);

    gds = sec[3];
    nlat = 2 * GDS_Gaussian_nlat(gds);

    /* figure out angle units */

    basic_ang = GDS_Gaussian_basic_ang(gds);
    sub_ang = GDS_Gaussian_sub_ang(gds);
    units = basic_ang == 0 ? 0.000001 : (double) basic_ang / (double) sub_ang;

    lat1 = GDS_Gaussian_lat1(gds) * units;
    lat2 = GDS_Gaussian_lat2(gds) * units;
    lon1 = GDS_Gaussian_lon1(gds) * units;
    lon2 = GDS_Gaussian_lon2(gds) * units;

    if (lon1 < 0.0 || lon2 < 0.0 || lon1 > 360.0 || lon2 > 360.0) fatal_error("BAD GDS lon","");
    if (lat1 < -90.0 || lat2 < -90.0 || lat1 > 90.0 || lat2 > 90.0) fatal_error("BAD GDS lat","");

    /* find S latitude and dy */
    if (GDS_Scan_y(nscan)) {
        south = lat1;
        north = lat2;
    else {
        south = lat2;
        north = lat1;
    if (south > north) fatal_error("gaussian grid: lat1 and lat2 inconsistent with scan order","");

    if (nny == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Sorry code does not handle variable ny yet\n");
        return 0;

    if (nny > nlat || nny < 0) fatal_error_i("gauss2ll: bad ny %d",nny);

    if ((*llat = (double *) malloc(nnpnts * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
        fatal_error("gauss2ll memory allocation failed","");
    if ((*llon = (double *) malloc(nnpnts * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
        fatal_error("gauss2ll memory allocation failed","");
    lat = *llat;
    lon = *llon;

    /* do latitudes first */
    ylat = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * nlat);

    /* calculate Gaussian latitudes */
    gauss2lats(nlat, ylat);

    /* find index of south and north */
    isouth = inorth = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < nlat; i++) {
	if (fabs(south - ylat[i]) < LATERR) {
	    isouth = i;
    for (i = 0; i < nlat; i++) {
	if (fabs(north - ylat[i]) < LATERR) {
	    inorth = i;

    if (isouth < 0 || inorth < 0) fatal_error("gauss2ll: lat1/lat2 not a Gaussian latitude","");
    if (inorth - isouth + 1 != nny) fatal_error("gauss2ll: lat1/lat2 not consistent with ny","");

    n = 0;
    if (nnx >= 0) {        /* regular grid */

#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
	for (j = 0; j < nny; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < nnx; i++) {
                lat[i+j*nnx] = ylat[j+isouth];
    else {                /* quasi regular grid */
        for (j = 0; j < nny; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < variable_dim[j];  i++) {
                lat[n++] = ylat[j+isouth];


    /* now for the longitudes */
    if (GDS_Scan_x(nscan)) {
        e = lon1;
        w = lon2;
    else {
        e = lon2;
        w = lon1;
    if (e > w) w += 360.0;
    if (e < 0.0) {
        e += 360.0;
        w += 360.0;
    if (e >= 360.0) {
        e -= 360.0;
        w -= 360.0;

    if (nnx >= 0) {
        dx = (w-e) / (nnx-1);

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for private(i)
	for (i = 0; i < nnx; i++) {
            lon[i] = e + (dx * i) >= 360.0 ?  e + (dx * i) - 360.0 : e + (dx * i);  
#pragma omp for private(i,j)
	for (j = 1; j < nny; j++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < nnx; i++) {
		lon[i+j*nnx] = lon[i];
    else {
        n = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < nny; j++) {
            dx = (w-e) / (variable_dim[j]-1);
            for (i = 0; i < variable_dim[j]; i++) {
                lon[n++] = e + (dx * i) >= 360.0 ?  e + (dx * i) - 360.0 : e + (dx * i);
    return 0;
} /* end gauss2ll() */