Exemple #1
process(char *name, char *mapset, int change_null, RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type)
    struct Colors colr;
    struct History hist;
    struct Categories cats;
    struct Quant quant;
    int colr_ok;
    int hist_ok;
    int cats_ok;
    int quant_ok;

    colr_ok = G_read_colors(name, mapset, &colr) > 0;
    hist_ok = G_read_history(name, mapset, &hist) >= 0;
    cats_ok = G_read_raster_cats(name, mapset, &cats) >= 0;

    if (map_type != CELL_TYPE) {
	quant_ok = G_read_quant(name, mapset, &quant);

    if (doit(name, mapset, change_null, map_type))
	return 1;

    if (colr_ok) {
	G_write_colors(name, mapset, &colr);
    if (hist_ok)
	G_write_history(name, &hist);
    if (cats_ok) {
	cats.num = G_number_of_cats(name, mapset);
	G_write_raster_cats(name, &cats);
    if (map_type != CELL_TYPE && quant_ok)
	G_write_quant(name, mapset, &quant);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
void do_calculations_rast (Shypothesis **samples, char **groups, int norm,
						  char* basename, char **outvals, char *hypspec, int quiet_flag,
						  char *logfile, xmlDocPtr doc, Sfp_struct* file_pointers) {
	long y,x;
	int i, j, k, l, m;
	long ymax,xmax;
	double woc;
	struct Categories cats, icats;
	DCELL cmin, cmax;
	Sresult_struct *result_row; /* one result_struct for each DST value */
	BOOL **garbage;
	int no_hyps;
	char* val_names[NUMVALS]={"bel","pl","doubt","common","bint","woc","maxbpa","minbpa",
	int error;
	char **outhyps;
	int no_sets;
	/* for keeping min and max statistics */
	Uint nsets;
	double *min_backup, *max_backup;
	int *minev_backup, *maxev_backup;
	woc = 0;

	/* check for output options */
	if ( G_legal_filename(basename) != 1 ) {
		G_fatal_error ("Please provide a legal filename as basename for output maps(s).\n");
	if ( hypspec != NULL ) { 
		/* user specified hyps, let's see if they're valid */		
		/* create an outhyps array that has as each of its elements the name
			of one of the hypotheses specified on the command line */
		outhyps = parse_hyps (hypspec, &no_hyps);
		check_hyps ( outhyps, no_hyps, doc );				
	} else {
		/* just process all hypotheses */
		outhyps = get_hyp_names_XML ( &no_hyps, doc );

	if ( logfile != NULL ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Writing output RASTER maps for: \n");
	/* create raster rows to store results */
	result_row = G_malloc ( NUMVALS * sizeof (Sresult_struct) );	
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS; i++) {
		result_row[i].use = NO;
		strcpy (result_row[i].valname,val_names[i]);
		/* individual raster rows will be alloc'd later */
		result_row[i].row = (DCELL **) G_malloc ( no_hyps * sizeof (DCELL*) ); 
		result_row[i].crow = (CELL **) G_malloc ( no_hyps * sizeof (CELL*) );
		result_row[i].filename = NULL;
	j = 0;
	while ( outvals[j] != NULL ) {
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"bel") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'bel' (Believe) values\n");
			make_result_row ( BEL, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[BEL], doc );			
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"pl") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'pl' (Plausibility) values\n");
			make_result_row ( PL, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[PL], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"doubt") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'doubt' (Doubt) values\n");
			make_result_row ( DOUBT, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[DOUBT], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"common") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'common' (Commonality) values\n");
			make_result_row ( COMMON, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[COMMON], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"bint") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'bint' (Believe interval) values\n");
			make_result_row ( BINT, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[BINT], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"woc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'woc' (Weight of conflict) values\n");
			make_result_row ( WOC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[WOC], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"maxbpa") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'maxbpa' (Maximum BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MAXBPA, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MAXBPA], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"minbpa") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'minbpa' (Minimum BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MINBPA, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MINBPA], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"maxsrc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'maxsrc' (source of highest BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MAXSRC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MAXSRC], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"minsrc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'minsrc' (source of lowest BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MINSRC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MINSRC], doc );
		j ++;
	/* open output maps to store results */
	if ( logfile != NULL ) 
		fprintf (lp,"Opening output maps:\n");
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				if ( logfile != NULL ) 
					fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",result_row[i].filename[0]);
				result_row[i].fd[0] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[0],DCELL_TYPE);
			} else {
				for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
					if ( logfile != NULL ) 
						fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
					if ((i == MAXSRC) || (i == MINSRC)) {
						result_row[i].fd[j] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[j],CELL_TYPE);
					} else {
						result_row[i].fd[j] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[j],DCELL_TYPE);
					/* check fd for errors */
					if ( result_row[i].fd[j] < 0 ) {
						G_fatal_error ("Could not create output map for %s\n",
	if ( logfile != NULL ) {
		fprintf (lp, "Evidence will be combined for these groups:\n");
		for ( i=0; i < N; i++) {
			fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",groups[i]);
		fprintf (lp, "Output will be stored in mapset '%s'.\n", G_mapset());
		fprintf (lp,"\nRead output below carefully to detect potential problems:\n");
	/* set start coordinates for reading from raster maps */
    	ReadX = 0;
	ReadY = 0;
	ymax = G_window_rows ();
	xmax = G_window_cols ();	
	if ( !quiet_flag ) {
		fprintf	(stdout,"Combining RAST evidence: \n");
		fflush (stdout);
	/* allocate all file pointers */
	/* open raster maps for this group */
	/* 0 is the NULL hypothesis, so we start at 1 */
	no_sets = (Uint) pow((float) 2, (float) NO_SINGLETONS);
	for (l=0; l<N; l++) {
		for ( m = 1; m < no_sets; m ++ ) {
			file_pointers[l].fp[m] = G_open_cell_old ( file_pointers[l].filename[m], G_find_cell ( file_pointers[l].filename[m],"") );
			if ( file_pointers[l].fp[m] < 0 ) {
				G_fatal_error ("Could not open raster map '%s' for reading.\n", file_pointers[l].filename[m] );
	for (y=0; y<ymax; y++) {
		for (x=0; x<xmax; x++) {
			garbage = garbage_init ();
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				samples[i] = get_rast_samples_XML (groups[i],i, norm, &nsets, garbage, doc, file_pointers );	

			/* get min and max values */
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				if (NULL_SIGNAL == 0) {
					for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
						samples[i][k].minbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
						samples[i][k].maxbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
						samples[i][k].minbpnev = i + 1;
						samples[i][k].maxbpnev = i + 1;
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				if (NULL_SIGNAL == 0) {								
					for (j=0; j < N; j++) {
						for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
							if (samples[i][k].bpa < samples[j][k].minbpn) {
								samples[j][k].minbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
								samples[j][k].minbpnev = i + 1;
							if (samples[i][k].bpa > samples[j][k].maxbpn) {
								samples[j][k].maxbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
								samples[j][k].maxbpnev = i + 1;
			/* initialise: */
			/* set belief and plausibility before first combination of evidence */
				if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
			/* combine evidence and set bel and pl again */
			/* so we must save min and max values for later use */
			min_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(double)));			
			max_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(double)));			
			minev_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(int)));			
			maxev_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(int)));
			for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
				min_backup[k] = samples[0][k].minbpn;
				max_backup[k] = samples[0][k].maxbpn;
				minev_backup[k] = samples[0][k].minbpnev;
				maxev_backup[k] = samples[0][k].maxbpnev;

			/* now, do the combination! */
				if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
					woc = combine_bpn(samples[0], samples[i+1], garbage, RAST_MODE );					
			/* restore min and max values */
			for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
				samples[0][k].minbpn = min_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].maxbpn = max_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].minbpnev = minev_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].maxbpnev = maxev_backup[k];
			G_free (min_backup);
			G_free (max_backup);
			G_free (minev_backup);
			G_free (maxev_backup);
			/* all other metrics can be derived from bel and pl, no need */
			/* to combine evidence again! */
			if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
			if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 1 ) {
				for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
					if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
						if ( i == WOC) {
								write_row_null (result_row[i].row[0], ReadX);							
						} else {
							if ((i == MAXSRC)||(i == MINSRC)) {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_crow_null (result_row[i].crow[j], ReadX);
							} else {							
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_row_null (result_row[i].row[j], ReadX);							
			} else {
				for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
					if (result_row[i].use == YES) {			
						if ( i == WOC ) {
							write_row_val (result_row[i].row[0], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[0], i, woc);
						} else {
							if (( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC )) {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_crow_val (result_row[i].crow[j], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[j], i);
							} else {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_row_val (result_row[i].row[j], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[j], i, woc);							
			ReadX ++;
			garbage_free ( garbage );									
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				free_sample (samples[i]);				
		ReadY ++; /* go to next row */
		ReadX = 0;				
		/* save this row to the result file */
		for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
			if (result_row[i].use == YES) {			
				if ( i == WOC ) {
					write_row_file ( result_row[i].row[0],result_row[i].fd[0]);
				} else {
					if ( ( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC ) ) {
						for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
							write_crow_file ( result_row[i].crow[j],result_row[i].fd[j]);
					} else {
						for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
							write_row_file ( result_row[i].row[j],result_row[i].fd[j]);
		if ( !quiet_flag ) {
			G_percent (ReadY,ymax,1);
			fflush (stdout);		
	if ( !quiet_flag ) {
		fprintf (stdout,"\n");
		fflush (stdout);
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				G_close_cell (result_row[i].fd[0]);
			} else {				
				for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {				
					G_close_cell (result_row[i].fd[j]);
	/* close raster maps */
	/* 0 is the NULL hypothesis, so we start at 1 */
	for (l=0; l<N; l++) {
		for ( m = 1; m < no_sets; m ++ ) {
			G_close_cell (file_pointers[l].fp[m]);
	/* create a categories structure for output maps */
	/* DCELL maps */
	G_init_cats (3, "Value ranges", &cats);
	cmin = 0;
	cmax = 0.333333;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "low", &cats);
	cmin = 0.333334;
	cmax = 0.666666;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "medium", &cats);
	cmin = 0.666667;
	cmax = 1;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "high", &cats);	

	/* CELL maps */
	G_init_cats (N+1, "Source of evidence", &icats);
	G_set_cat (0,"no data",&icats);
	for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
		G_set_cat (i,groups[i-1],&icats);

	/* write all color tables, categories information and history metadata */
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				error = G_write_colors (result_row[i].filename[0], G_mapset(), result_row[i].colors[0]);
				if (error == -1) {
					G_warning ("Could not create color table for map '%s'.\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
			} else {
				if (( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC )) {					
					for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
						G_write_cats (result_row[i].filename[j], &icats);
				} else {				
					for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
						error = G_write_colors (result_row[i].filename[j], G_mapset(), result_row[i].colors[j]);
						if (error == -1) {
							G_warning ("Could not create color table for map '%s'.\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
						G_write_raster_cats (result_row[i].filename[j], &cats);
	G_free (samples);
	for ( i=0; i < no_hyps; i ++ ) {
		G_free ( outhyps[i]);
	G_free (outhyps);