Exemple #1
void CCmdCtl_i::UpdateMarginWidth(VOID)
  if (!m_bLinenumbers)
  //int nWidth = GetLinenumberWidth() + 4;
  int nWidth = GetLinenumberWidth();
	SendMessage(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, nWidth);
Exemple #2
// Set the display of line numbers on or off.
// Scintilla uses 3 "Margin" at the left of the edit window. The Margin (0)
// is used to display the linenumbers. If set to 0 no numbers are displayed. If
// set to a width > 0 - linenumbers are displayed. We use a helper function to 
// calculate the size of this margin.
// int | number of pixels for the margin width of margin (0) 
void CCmdCtl_i::SetDisplayLinenumbers(bool bFlag) // flag if we shuld display line numbers
  // if display is turned off we set margin 0 to 0
  if (!bFlag)
    SendMessage(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, 0);
  // if display is turned o we set margin 0 to the calculated width
    int nWidth = GetLinenumberWidth(); // + 4;
    SendMessage(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, nWidth);
  m_bLinenumbers = bFlag;
Exemple #3
// @mfunc Set the display of line numbers on or off.
// Scintilla uses 3 "Margin" at the left of the edit window. The Margin (0)
// is used to display the linenumbers. If set to 0 no numbers are displayed. If
// set to a width > 0 - linenumbers are displayed. We use a helper function to
// calculate the size of this margin.
// @rvalue int | number of pixels for the margin width of margin (0)
void CScintillaWnd::SetDisplayLinenumbers(bool bFlag) { //@parm flag if we shuld display line numbers
    // if nothing changes just return
    if (GetDisplayLinenumbers() == bFlag) {
    // if display is turned off we set margin 0 to 0
    if (!bFlag) {
        SendMessage(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, 0);
    // if display is turned o we set margin 0 to the calculated width
    else {
        int nWidth = GetLinenumberWidth() + 4;
        SendMessage(SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 0, nWidth);
    m_bLinenumbers = bFlag;