Exemple #1
vector<Frame> HexDiff::computeScore() {
	vector<Frame> frameSet;
	DNA tmpSet;
	DNAseq tmpSeq;
	vector<HexValue> hexValue;
	list<HexValue>::iterator it;
	vector<DNAseq>::iterator it2;
	double occ = 0.0;
	for (it2 = posSet.chain.begin(); it2 != posSet.chain.end(); it2++) {
		for (it = Hd.begin(); it != Hd.end(); ++it) {
			occ = computeOccurencies((*it2), it->getHex());
			hexValue.push_back(HexValue(it->getHex(),(occ * it->getValue())));

	for (it2 = negSet.chain.begin(); it2 != negSet.chain.end(); it2++) {
		for (it = Hd.begin(); it != Hd.end(); ++it) {
			occ = computeOccurencies((*it2), it->getHex());
			hexValue.push_back(HexValue(it->getHex(),(occ * it->getValue())));

	return frameSet;
Exemple #2
static BYTE GetByte(CString message, int index) 
	if (index*2+1 > message.GetLength() )
		throw CPException();

	TCHAR c1 = toupper(message.GetAt(index*2));
	TCHAR c2 = toupper(message.GetAt(index*2+1));
	return (HexValue(c1)*16) + HexValue(c2);
Exemple #3
int HexValue(char c0, char c1)
	int nResult = -1;

	int n0 = HexValue(c0);

	if (n0 >= 0)
		int n1 = HexValue(c0);

		if (n1 >= 0)
			nResult = (n0<<4)+n1;

	return nResult;
Exemple #4
static int ValidateType (StrBuf* Type)
/* Check if the given type is valid and if so, return a string id for it. If
** the type isn't valid, return -1. Type is overwritten when checking.
    unsigned        I;
    const char*     A;
    char*           B;

    /* The length must not be zero and divideable by two */
    unsigned Length = SB_GetLen (Type);
    if (Length < 2 || (Length & 0x01) != 0) {
        ErrorSkip ("Type value has invalid length");
        return -1;

    /* The string must consist completely of hex digit chars */
    A = SB_GetConstBuf (Type);
    for (I = 0; I < Length; ++I) {
        if (!IsXDigit (A[I])) {
            ErrorSkip ("Type value contains invalid characters");
            return -1;

    /* Convert the type to binary */
    B = SB_GetBuf (Type);
    while (A < SB_GetConstBuf (Type) + Length) {
        /* Since we know, there are only hex digits, there can't be any errors */
        *B++ = (HexValue (A[0]) << 4) | HexValue (A[1]);
        A += 2;
    Type->Len = (Length /= 2);

    /* Allocate the type and return it */
    return GetStrBufId (Type);
Exemple #5
NMEA0183_BOOLEAN SENTENCE::IsChecksumBad( int checksum_field_number ) const
//   ASSERT_VALID( this );

   ** Checksums are optional, return TRUE if an existing checksum is known to be bad

   wxString checksum_in_sentence = Field( checksum_field_number );

   if ( checksum_in_sentence == _T("") )
      return( Unknown0183 );

   if ( ComputeChecksum() != HexValue( checksum_in_sentence ) )
      return( NTrue );

   return( NFalse );
Exemple #6
/// <summary>
/// After having read a \ character in the input, decode the escape code following it.
/// We recognize the following special C-style forms:
///    \a				- 7
///    \b				- 8
///    \t				- 9
///    \n				- 10
///    \v				- 11
///    \f				- 12
///    \r				- 13
///    \e				- 27
///    \x** or \X**		- Hex-encoded value, exactly one byte (one or two hex chars).
///    \u** or \U**		- Unicode value, multiple hex bytes, variable length (mod 2^32).  If followed by a ';' the ';' will also be consumed.
///    \###				- Decimal-encoded value (and NOT octal-encoded), exactly one byte (at most three digits).
///    \\ or \' or \" or \...	- Special escape codes
/// Among the "special" escape codes, you may potentially escape any character, if 'allowUnknowns'
/// is enabled; however, under no circumstances may you escape control codes in the range of 0-31,
/// and a backslash before a high-valued character escapes the full UTF-8 code point (potentially
/// up to four bytes).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">A pointer to a pointer to the current source bytes.</param>
/// <param name="end">A pointer to the end of the input (one past the last valid character).</param>
/// <param name="allowUnknowns">Whether to allow unknown escape characters as legitimate input that
/// yield themselves (True), or whether to reject unknown escape codes as garbage (False).</param>
/// <returns>Returns a decoded character.</returns>
SMILE_API_FUNC Int Lexer_DecodeEscapeCode(const Byte **input, const Byte *end, Bool allowUnknowns)
	const Byte *src = *input;
	Byte ch;
	Int b1, b2;
	UInt value;

	// If there's no input, give up.
	if (src >= end)
		return -1;

	switch (ch = *src++) {

		// Handle the common named escapes:  a, b, t, n, v, f, r, and e.
		case 'a':
			*input = src;
			return '\x07';
		case 'b':
			*input = src;
			return '\x08';
		case 't':
			*input = src;
			return '\x09';
		case 'n':
			*input = src;
			return '\x0A';
		case 'v':
			*input = src;
			return '\x0B';
		case 'f':
			*input = src;
			return '\x0C';
		case 'r':
			*input = src;
			return '\x0D';
		case 'e':
			*input = src;
			return '\x1E';

		// Handle the special escapes:  ', ", and \, among others.
		case '\'': case '\"': case '\\':
			*input = src;
			return ch;

		// Handle hex forms, which start with \x or \X followed by one or two hexadecimal characters.
		case 'x': case 'X':
			// At least one hex digit is required.
			if (src >= end || (b1 = HexValue(*src)) == -1) {
				*input = src;
				return -1;

			// One more digit is optional.
			if (src < end && (b2 = HexValue(*src)) >= 0) {
				value = (UInt)((b1 << 4) | b2);
			else {
				value = (UInt)b1;

			*input = src;
			return value;

		// Handle Unicode forms, which start with \u or \U followed by one or more hexadecimal
		// characters.  If the hex characters are followed by ';', it will also be consumed, allowing
		// the character to be safely separated from any succeeding characters.  Any value larger
		// than 2^32 will be treated as mod 2^32.  Any resulting value larger than 0x110000 (the largest
		// representable Unicode character) will be returned as -1.
		case 'u': case 'U':
			// At least one hex digit is required.
			if (src >= end || (b1 = HexValue(*src)) == -1) {
				*input = src;
				return -1;

			// Consume hex digits until we run out of them.
			value = b1;
			while (src < end && (b2 = HexValue(*src)) >= 0) {
				value <<= 4;
				value |= b2;

			// If there is a trailing ';', consume that too.
			if (src < end && *src == ';') {

			*input = src;

			// Obey mod-2^32 semantics, as per the formal defintion.
			value &= 0xFFFFFFFF;

			// Disallow anything above 0x110000, as per the formal definition.
			return value < 0x110000 ? (Int)(UInt)value : (Int)-1;

		// Handle decimal forms, which start with any decimal digit followed by at most two more decimal digits.
		// Values greater than 255 will be discarded (returned as -1).
		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
			UInt value;

			// Consume the first digit.
			value = ch - '0';

			// Consume an optional second digit.
			if (src < end && (ch = *src) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
				value *= 10;
				value += (ch - '0');

			// Consume an optional third digit.
			if (src < end && (ch = *src) >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
				value *= 10;
				value += (ch - '0');

			*input = src;
			return value <= 255 ? (Int)value : (Int)-1;

		// Everything else is (maybe) illegal, depending on the caller's opinion.
			if (!allowUnknowns || ch < 32) return -1;

			if (ch < 128) {
				// Escaped character in the ASCII range.
				*input = src;
				return ch;
			else {
				// Escaped character in the Unicode higher-than-ASCII range.
				value = String_ExtractUnicodeCharacterInternal(&src, end);
				*input = src;
				return ch;
Exemple #7
    PBUFOBJ pBufObj,
    PSTR    pTo


Routine Description:

    Copy string out of a buffer object and treat its contents
    as a mix of normal characters and hex-decimal digits.


    pBufObj - pointer to buffer object
    pTo - pointer to destination character buffer

Return Value:

    PPDERR_NONE - string was successfully copied
    PPDERR_SYNTAX - invalid hex-decimal string


    Since we use the null character to as a string terminator,
    it cannot appear as embedded hex string. Otherwise, the
    string will be terminated prematurely.


    PSTR    pFrom = pBufObj->pBuffer;
    char    ch;
    BOOL    bHexMode = FALSE;

    // Go through the source string one character at a time

    while ((ch = *pFrom++) != '\0') {

        if (bHexMode) {

            // Currently in hex mode

            if (ch == HEXEND_CHAR) {

                // Get out of hex mode when we see a '>'

                bHexMode = FALSE;

            } else if (IsHexChar(ch) && IsHexChar(*pFrom)) {

                // Convert two hex digits into a single byte

                ASSERT(ch != '0' || *pFrom != '0');
                *pTo++ = (HexValue(ch) << 4) | HexValue(*pFrom);
            } else {

                // illegal hex-decimal digits

                DBGMSG(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid hex digits.\n");
                return PPDERR_SYNTAX;
        } else {

            // Currently not in hex mode

            if (ch == HEXBEGIN_CHAR) {

                // Get into hex mode when we see a '<'

                bHexMode = TRUE;
            } else {

                // Copy normal character

                *pTo++ = ch;

    // Null-terminate the destination buffer

    *pTo = '\0';

    // Return success status code

    return PPDERR_NONE;
WCHAR CLexer::ScanUnicodeEscape (PCWSTR &p, __out PWCH pchSurrogate, BOOL fPeek)
	*pchSurrogate = 0;

    PCWSTR  pszStart = p - 1; // Back-up to the '\'
    ASSERT(*pszStart == '\\');

    WCHAR   ch = *p++;
    if (ch == 'U') {
        unsigned int     uChar = 0;

        if (!IsHexDigit (*p))
            if (!fPeek)
                ErrorAtPosition (m_iCurLine, (long)(pszStart - m_pszCurLine), (long)(p - pszStart), ERR_IllegalEscape);
            for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
                if (!IsHexDigit (*p))
                    if (!fPeek)
                        ErrorAtPosition (m_iCurLine, (long)(pszStart - m_pszCurLine), (long)(p - pszStart), ERR_IllegalEscape);
                uChar = (uChar << 4) + HexValue (*p++);

            if (uChar < 0x00010000)
                ch = (WCHAR)uChar;
                *pchSurrogate = L'\0';
            else if (uChar > 0x0010FFFF)
                if (!fPeek)
                    ErrorAtPosition (m_iCurLine, (long)(pszStart - m_pszCurLine), (long)(p - pszStart), ERR_IllegalEscape);
                ASSERT(uChar > 0x0000FFFF && uChar <= 0x0010FFFF);
                ch = (WCHAR)((uChar - 0x00010000) / 0x0400 + 0xD800);
                *pchSurrogate = (WCHAR)((uChar - 0x00010000) % 0x0400 + 0xDC00);
    } else {
        ASSERT(ch == L'u' || ch == L'x');
        int     iChar = 0;

        if (!IsHexDigit (*p))
            if (!fPeek)
                ErrorAtPosition (m_iCurLine, (long)(pszStart - m_pszCurLine), (long)(p - pszStart), ERR_IllegalEscape);
            for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
                if (!IsHexDigit (*p))
                    if (ch == 'u' && !fPeek)
                        ErrorAtPosition (m_iCurLine, (long)(pszStart - m_pszCurLine), (long)(p - pszStart), ERR_IllegalEscape);
                iChar = (iChar << 4) + HexValue (*p++);

            ch = (WCHAR)iChar;

    return ch;
Exemple #9
BOOL CMlsPropertyString::AsColor(int nIndex, COLORREF& clColor, COLORREF clDefault /*=RGB(0,0,0)*/)
	BOOL fResult = FALSE;

	clColor = clDefault;

	CString csColor;
	int i;

		if ((nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < Count()))
			// default is black

			csColor = m_PropertyStrings[nIndex];

			if (!csColor.IsEmpty())

				// check for specific color: $RRGGBB

				if (csColor[0] == '$')
					if (csColor.GetLength() == 7)
						int nRed   = HexValue(csColor[1], csColor[2]);
						int nGreen = HexValue(csColor[3], csColor[4]);
						int nBlue  = HexValue(csColor[5], csColor[6]);

						if ((nRed >= 0) && (nGreen >= 0) && (nBlue >= 0))
							clColor = RGB(nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
							fResult = TRUE;

					// check for named color

					typedef struct
						LPCSTR pszName;
						COLORREF clColor;
					} NamedColor;

					static NamedColor NamedColors[] =
						{ "Black",		RGB(  0,  0,  0) },
						{ "Maroon",		RGB(128,  0,  0) },
						{ "Green",		RGB(  0,128,  0) },
						{ "Olive",		RGB(128,  0,  0) },
						{ "Navy",		RGB(  0,  0,128) },
						{ "Purple",		RGB(128,  0,128) },
						{ "Teal",		RGB(  0,128,128) },
						{ "Gray",		RGB(128,128,128) },
						{ "Silver",		RGB(192,192,192) },
						{ "Red",			RGB(255,  0,  0) },
						{ "Lime",		RGB(  0,255,  0) },
						{ "Yellow",		RGB(255,255,  0) },
						{ "Blue",		RGB(  0,  0,255) },
						{ "Fuchsia",	RGB(255,  0,255) },
						{ "Aqua",		RGB(  0,255,255) },
						{ "LtGray",		RGB(192,192,192) },
						{ "DkGray",		RGB(128,128,128) },
						{ "White",		RGB(255,255,255) }

					for (i = 0; i < sizeof(NamedColors)/sizeof(NamedColors[0]); i++)
						if (stricmp(NamedColors[i].pszName, csColor) == 0)
							clColor = NamedColors[i].clColor;
							fResult = TRUE;

					if (!fResult)
						// check for system color
						typedef struct
							LPCSTR pszName;
							int nColor;
						} SystemColor;

						static SystemColor SystemColors[] =
							{ "ScrollBar",					COLOR_SCROLLBAR				},
							{ "Background",				COLOR_BACKGROUND				},
							{ "ActiveCaption",			COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION			},
							{ "InactiveCaption",			COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION		},
							{ "Menu",						COLOR_MENU						},
							{ "Window",						COLOR_WINDOW					},
							{ "WindowFrame",				COLOR_WINDOWFRAME				},
							{ "MenuText",					COLOR_MENUTEXT					},
							{ "WindowText",				COLOR_WINDOWTEXT				},
							{ "CaptionText",				COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT				},
							{ "ActiveBorder",				COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER			},
							{ "InactiveBorder",			COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER			},
							{ "AppWorkSpace",				COLOR_APPWORKSPACE			},
							{ "Highlight",					COLOR_HIGHLIGHT				},
							{ "HighlightText",			COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT			},
							{ "BtnFace",					COLOR_BTNFACE					},
							{ "BtnShadow",					COLOR_BTNSHADOW				},
							{ "GrayText",					COLOR_GRAYTEXT					},
							{ "BtnText",					COLOR_BTNTEXT					},
							{ "InactiveCaptionText",	COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT	},
							{ "BtnHighlight",				COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT			}

						for (i = 0; i < sizeof(SystemColors)/sizeof(SystemColors[0]); i++)
							if (stricmp(SystemColors[i].pszName, csColor) == 0)
								clColor = GetSysColor(SystemColors[i].nColor);
								fResult = TRUE;
		clColor = clDefault;
		fResult = FALSE;

	return fResult;
// Similar to wcstoul, but returns a 64-bit number, and always assumes base is 0 
// static
ULONGLONG ConsoleArgs::wcstoul64( LPCWSTR nptr, LPCWSTR * endptr)
    unsigned __int64 val = 0; // accumulator
    unsigned __int64 maxval, maxdigval; // some limits
    const WCHAR *p = nptr;  // scanning/peek pointer
    unsigned ibase;
    unsigned digval;
    WCHAR c;                // current char
    bool fNegated = false;
    bool fHadDigits = false;
    bool fOverflow = false;

    if (endptr != NULL)
        *endptr = (WCHAR*)nptr;
	errno = 0;

    c = *p++;
        c = *p++;

    if (c == L'+')
        c = *p++;
    else if (*nptr == L'-') {
        fNegated = true;
        c = *p++;

    if (c == L'0') {
        if (*p == L'x' || *p == L'X') {
            // Hex
            c = *p++;
            ibase = 16;
            maxval = UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) / 16;
        else {
            // Octal
            ibase = 8;
            maxval = UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) / 8;
    else {
        // Decimal
        ibase = 10;

    maxval = UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) / ibase;
    maxdigval = UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) % ibase;

    for (;;) {
        if (c > 0xFF || !isxdigit((char)c) || (digval = HexValue(c)) >= ibase)

        fHadDigits = true;

        if (!fOverflow && (val < maxval || (val == maxval && digval <= maxdigval)))
            val = val * ibase + digval;
        else {
            fOverflow = true;
            if (endptr == NULL) {
                /* no need to keep on parsing if we
                   don't have to return the endptr. */

        c = *p++;

    --p;                /* point to place that stopped scan */

    if (!fHadDigits) {
        /* no number there; return 0 and point to beginning of
           string */
        if (endptr)
            /* store beginning of string in endptr later on */
            p = nptr;
        ASSERT(val == 0);
    else if ( fOverflow )
        /* overflow occurred */
        errno = ERANGE;
        val = UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

    if (endptr != NULL)
        /* store pointer to char that stopped the scan */
        *endptr = (WCHAR*)p;

    if (fNegated)
        /* negate result if there was a neg sign */
        val = (unsigned __int64)(-(__int64)val);

    return val;