Exemple #1
CPLErr ZMapRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
                                  void * pImage )

    int i;
    ZMapDataset *poGDS = (ZMapDataset *) poDS;

    if (poGDS->fp == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;

    if (nBlockXOff < poGDS->nColNum + 1)
        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, poGDS->nDataStartOff, SEEK_SET);
        poGDS->nColNum = -1;

    if (nBlockXOff > poGDS->nColNum + 1)
        for(i=poGDS->nColNum + 1;i<nBlockXOff;i++)
            if (IReadBlock(i,0,pImage) != CE_None)
                return CE_Failure;

    char* pszLine;
    i = 0;
    double dfExp = pow(10.0, poGDS->nDecimalCount);
        pszLine = (char*)CPLReadLineL(poGDS->fp);
        if (pszLine == NULL)
            return CE_Failure;
        int nExpected = nRasterYSize - i;
        if (nExpected > poGDS->nValuesPerLine)
            nExpected = poGDS->nValuesPerLine;
        if ((int)strlen(pszLine) != nExpected * poGDS->nFieldSize)
            return CE_Failure;

        for(int j=0;j<nExpected;j++)
            char* pszValue = pszLine + j * poGDS->nFieldSize;
            char chSaved = pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize];
            pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize] = 0;
            if (strchr(pszValue, '.') != NULL)
                ((double*)pImage)[i+j] = CPLAtofM(pszValue);
                ((double*)pImage)[i+j] = atoi(pszValue) * dfExp;
            pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize] = chSaved;

        i += nExpected;

    poGDS->nColNum ++;

    return CE_None;
Exemple #2
CPLErr ZMapRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff,
                                   CPL_UNUSED int nBlockYOff,
                                   void * pImage )
    ZMapDataset *poGDS = reinterpret_cast<ZMapDataset *>( poDS );

    if (poGDS->fp == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;

    if (nBlockXOff < poGDS->nColNum + 1)
        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, poGDS->nDataStartOff, SEEK_SET);
        poGDS->nColNum = -1;

    if (nBlockXOff > poGDS->nColNum + 1)
        for( int i = poGDS->nColNum + 1; i < nBlockXOff; i++ )
            if (IReadBlock(i,0,pImage) != CE_None)
                return CE_Failure;

    int i = 0;
    const double dfExp = std::pow(10.0, poGDS->nDecimalCount);
        char* pszLine = const_cast<char *>( CPLReadLineL(poGDS->fp) );
        if (pszLine == NULL)
            return CE_Failure;
        int nExpected = nRasterYSize - i;
        if (nExpected > poGDS->nValuesPerLine)
            nExpected = poGDS->nValuesPerLine;
        if( static_cast<int>( strlen(pszLine) )
            != nExpected * poGDS->nFieldSize )
            return CE_Failure;

        for( int j = 0; j < nExpected; j++ )
            char* pszValue = pszLine + j * poGDS->nFieldSize;
            const char chSaved = pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize];
            pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize] = 0;
            if (strchr(pszValue, '.') != NULL)
                reinterpret_cast<double *>( pImage )[i+j] = CPLAtofM(pszValue);
                reinterpret_cast<double *>( pImage )[i+j]
                    = atoi(pszValue) * dfExp;
            pszValue[poGDS->nFieldSize] = chSaved;

        i += nExpected;

    poGDS->nColNum ++;

    return CE_None;
Exemple #3
CPLErr AAIGRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
                                   void *pImage )

    AAIGDataset *poODS = static_cast<AAIGDataset *>(poDS);

    if( nBlockYOff < 0 || nBlockYOff > poODS->nRasterYSize - 1 ||
        nBlockXOff != 0 || panLineOffset == nullptr || poODS->fp == nullptr )
        return CE_Failure;

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] == 0 )
        for( int iPrevLine = 1; iPrevLine <= nBlockYOff; iPrevLine++ )
            if( panLineOffset[iPrevLine] == 0 )
                IReadBlock(nBlockXOff, iPrevLine - 1, nullptr);

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] == 0 )
        return CE_Failure;

    if( poODS->Seek(panLineOffset[nBlockYOff]) != 0 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                 "Can't seek to offset %lu in input file to read data.",
                 static_cast<long unsigned int>(panLineOffset[nBlockYOff]));
        return CE_Failure;

    for( int iPixel = 0; iPixel < poODS->nRasterXSize; )
        // Suck up any pre-white space.
        char chNext = '\0';
        do {
            chNext = poODS->Getc();
        } while( isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(chNext)) );

        char szToken[500] = { '\0' };
        int iTokenChar = 0;
        while( chNext != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)chNext) )
            if( iTokenChar == sizeof(szToken) - 2 )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                         "Token too long at scanline %d.", nBlockYOff);
                return CE_Failure;

            szToken[iTokenChar++] = chNext;
            chNext = poODS->Getc();

        if( chNext == '\0' &&
            (iPixel != poODS->nRasterXSize - 1 ||
            nBlockYOff != poODS->nRasterYSize - 1) )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "File short, can't read line %d.",
            return CE_Failure;

        szToken[iTokenChar] = '\0';

        if( pImage != nullptr )
            if( eDataType == GDT_Float64 )
                reinterpret_cast<double *>(pImage)[iPixel] = CPLAtofM(szToken);
            else if( eDataType == GDT_Float32 )
                reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[iPixel] =
                reinterpret_cast<GInt32 *>(pImage)[iPixel] =


    if( nBlockYOff < poODS->nRasterYSize - 1 )
        panLineOffset[nBlockYOff + 1] = poODS->Tell();

    return CE_None;
Exemple #4
CPLErr E00GRIDRasterBand::IReadBlock( CPL_UNUSED int nBlockXOff,
                                      int nBlockYOff,
                                      void * pImage )
    E00GRIDDataset *poGDS = (E00GRIDDataset *) poDS;

    char szVal[E00_FLOAT_SIZE+1];
    szVal[E00_FLOAT_SIZE] = 0;

    float* pafImage = (float*)pImage;
    int* panImage = (int*)pImage;
    const float fNoData = static_cast<float>(poGDS->dfNoData);

    /* A new data line begins on a new text line. So if the xsize */
    /* is not a multiple of VALS_PER_LINE, there are padding values */
    /* that must be ignored */
    const int nRoundedBlockXSize = ((nBlockXSize + VALS_PER_LINE - 1) /
                                            VALS_PER_LINE) * VALS_PER_LINE;

    if (poGDS->e00ReadPtr)
        if (poGDS->nLastYOff < 0)
            for(int i=0;i<6;i++)

        if (nBlockYOff == poGDS->nLastYOff + 1)
        else if (nBlockYOff <= poGDS->nMaxYOffset)
            //CPLDebug("E00GRID", "Skip to %d from %d", nBlockYOff, poGDS->nLastYOff);
            VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, poGDS->panOffsets[nBlockYOff], SEEK_SET);
            poGDS->nPosBeforeReadLine = poGDS->panOffsets[nBlockYOff];
            poGDS->e00ReadPtr->iInBufPtr = 0;
            poGDS->e00ReadPtr->szInBuf[0] = '\0';
        else if (nBlockYOff > poGDS->nLastYOff + 1)
            //CPLDebug("E00GRID", "Forward skip to %d from %d", nBlockYOff, poGDS->nLastYOff);
            for(int i=poGDS->nLastYOff + 1; i < nBlockYOff;i++)
                IReadBlock(0, i, pImage);

        if (nBlockYOff > poGDS->nMaxYOffset)
            poGDS->panOffsets[nBlockYOff] = poGDS->nPosBeforeReadLine +
            poGDS->nMaxYOffset = nBlockYOff;

        const char* pszLine = NULL;
        for(int i=0;i<nBlockXSize;i++)
            if ((i % VALS_PER_LINE) == 0)
                pszLine = E00ReadNextLine(poGDS->e00ReadPtr);
                if (pszLine == NULL || strlen(pszLine) < 5 * E00_FLOAT_SIZE)
                    return CE_Failure;
            if (eDataType == GDT_Float32)
                pafImage[i] = (float) CPLAtof(pszLine + (i%VALS_PER_LINE) * E00_FLOAT_SIZE);
                /* Workaround single vs double precision problems */
                if (fNoData != 0 && fabs((pafImage[i] - fNoData)/fNoData) < 1e-6)
                    pafImage[i] = fNoData;
                panImage[i] = atoi(pszLine + (i%VALS_PER_LINE) * E00_FLOAT_SIZE);

        poGDS->nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;

        return CE_None;

    vsi_l_offset nValsToSkip = (vsi_l_offset)nBlockYOff * nRoundedBlockXSize;
    vsi_l_offset nLinesToSkip = nValsToSkip / VALS_PER_LINE;
    int nBytesPerLine = VALS_PER_LINE * E00_FLOAT_SIZE + poGDS->nBytesEOL;
    vsi_l_offset nPos = poGDS->nDataStart + nLinesToSkip * nBytesPerLine;
    VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, nPos, SEEK_SET);

    for(int i=0;i<nBlockXSize;i++)
        if (VSIFReadL(szVal, E00_FLOAT_SIZE, 1, poGDS->fp) != 1)
            return CE_Failure;

        if (eDataType == GDT_Float32)
            pafImage[i] = (float) CPLAtof(szVal);
            /* Workaround single vs double precision problems */
            if (fNoData != 0 && fabs((pafImage[i] - fNoData)/fNoData) < 1e-6)
                pafImage[i] = fNoData;
            panImage[i] = atoi(szVal);

        if (((i+1) % VALS_PER_LINE) == 0)
            VSIFReadL(szVal, poGDS->nBytesEOL, 1, poGDS->fp);

    return CE_None;
Exemple #5
CPLErr GS7BGRasterBand::ScanForMinMaxZ()

    GS7BGDataset* poGDS = reinterpret_cast<GS7BGDataset*>(poDS);
    double *pafRowVals = (double *)VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE( nRasterXSize, sizeof(double));

    if( pafRowVals == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;

    double dfNewMinZ = DBL_MAX;
    double dfNewMaxZ = -DBL_MAX;
    int nNewMinZRow = 0;
    int nNewMaxZRow = 0;

    /* Since we have to scan, lets calc. statistics too */
    double dfSum = 0.0;
    double dfSum2 = 0.0;
    unsigned long nValuesRead = 0;
    for( int iRow=0; iRow<nRasterYSize; iRow++ )
        CPLErr eErr = IReadBlock( 0, iRow, pafRowVals );
        if( eErr != CE_None )
            VSIFree( pafRowVals );
            return CE_Failure;

        pafRowMinZ[iRow] = FLT_MAX;
        pafRowMaxZ[iRow] = -FLT_MAX;
        for( int iCol=0; iCol<nRasterXSize; iCol++ )
            if( pafRowVals[iCol] == poGDS->dfNoData_Value )

            if( pafRowVals[iCol] < pafRowMinZ[iRow] )
                pafRowMinZ[iRow] = pafRowVals[iCol];

            if( pafRowVals[iCol] > pafRowMinZ[iRow] )
                pafRowMaxZ[iRow] = pafRowVals[iCol];

            dfSum += pafRowVals[iCol];
            dfSum2 += pafRowVals[iCol] * pafRowVals[iCol];

        if( pafRowMinZ[iRow] < dfNewMinZ )
            dfNewMinZ = pafRowMinZ[iRow];
            nNewMinZRow = iRow;

        if( pafRowMaxZ[iRow] > dfNewMaxZ )
            dfNewMaxZ = pafRowMaxZ[iRow];
            nNewMaxZRow = iRow;

    VSIFree( pafRowVals );

    if( nValuesRead == 0 )
        dfMinZ = 0.0;
        dfMaxZ = 0.0;
        nMinZRow = 0;
        nMaxZRow = 0;
        return CE_None;

    dfMinZ = dfNewMinZ;
    dfMaxZ = dfNewMaxZ;
    nMinZRow = nNewMinZRow;
    nMaxZRow = nNewMaxZRow;

    double dfMean = dfSum / nValuesRead;
    double dfStdDev = sqrt((dfSum2 / nValuesRead) - (dfMean * dfMean));
    SetStatistics( dfMinZ, dfMaxZ, dfMean, dfStdDev );

    return CE_None;
Exemple #6
CPLErr XYZRasterBand::IReadBlock( CPL_UNUSED int nBlockXOff,
                                  int nBlockYOff,
                                  void * pImage )
    XYZDataset *poGDS = (XYZDataset *) poDS;

    if (poGDS->fp == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;

    if( pImage )
        int bSuccess = FALSE;
        double dfNoDataValue = GetNoDataValue(&bSuccess);
        if( !bSuccess )
            dfNoDataValue = 0.0;
        GDALCopyWords(&dfNoDataValue, GDT_Float64, 0,
                      pImage, eDataType, GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType) / 8,

    int nLineInFile = nBlockYOff * nBlockXSize; // only valid if bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine
    if ( (poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine && poGDS->nDataLineNum > nLineInFile) ||
         (!poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine && (nLastYOff == -1 || nBlockYOff == 0)) )
        poGDS->nDataLineNum = 0;
        poGDS->nLineNum = 0;
        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

        for(int i=0;i<poGDS->nCommentLineCount;i++)
            CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, NULL);
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

        if (poGDS->bHasHeaderLine)
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, 0);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                return CE_Failure;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

    if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine && nBlockYOff != nLastYOff + 1 )
        int iY;
        if( nBlockYOff < nLastYOff )
            nLastYOff = -1;
            for(iY = 0; iY < nBlockYOff; iY++)
                if( IReadBlock(0, iY, NULL) != CE_None )
                    return CE_Failure;
            for(iY = nLastYOff + 1; iY < nBlockYOff; iY++)
                if( IReadBlock(0, iY, NULL) != CE_None )
                    return CE_Failure;
    else if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
        while(poGDS->nDataLineNum < nLineInFile)
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, 0);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                return CE_Failure;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

            const char* pszPtr = pszLine;
            char ch;
            int nCol = 0;
            int bLastWasSep = TRUE;
            while((ch = *pszPtr) != '\0')
                if (ch == ' ')
                    if (!bLastWasSep)
                        nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = TRUE;
                else if ((ch == ',' && poGDS->chDecimalSep != ',') || ch == '\t' || ch == ';')
                    nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = TRUE;
                    bLastWasSep = FALSE;
                pszPtr ++;

            /* Skip empty line */
            if (nCol == 0 && bLastWasSep)

            poGDS->nDataLineNum ++;

    double dfExpectedY = poGDS->adfGeoTransform[3] + (0.5 + nBlockYOff) * poGDS->adfGeoTransform[5];
    int idx = -1;
        int nCol;
        int bLastWasSep;
            vsi_l_offset nOffsetBefore = VSIFTellL(poGDS->fp);
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, 0);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot read line %d", poGDS->nLineNum + 1);
                    return CE_Failure;
                    nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;
                    return CE_None;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

            const char* pszPtr = pszLine;
            char ch;
            nCol = 0;
            bLastWasSep = TRUE;
            double dfX = 0.0, dfY = 0.0, dfZ = 0.0;
            int bUsefulColsFound = 0;
            while((ch = *pszPtr) != '\0')
                if (ch == ' ')
                    if (!bLastWasSep)
                        nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = TRUE;
                else if ((ch == ',' && poGDS->chDecimalSep != ',') || ch == '\t' || ch == ';')
                    nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = TRUE;
                    if (bLastWasSep)
                        if (nCol == poGDS->nXIndex)
                            bUsefulColsFound ++;
                            if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                                dfX = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                        else if (nCol == poGDS->nYIndex)
                            bUsefulColsFound ++;
                            if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                                dfY = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                        else if( nCol == poGDS->nZIndex)
                            bUsefulColsFound ++;
                            dfZ = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                    bLastWasSep = FALSE;
                pszPtr ++;
            nCol ++;

            if( bUsefulColsFound == 3 )
                if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                    idx ++;
                    if( fabs(dfY - dfExpectedY) > 1e-8 )
                        if( idx < 0 )
                            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "At line %d, found %f instead of %f for nBlockYOff = %d",
                                    poGDS->nLineNum, dfY, dfExpectedY, nBlockYOff);
                            return CE_Failure;
                        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, nOffsetBefore, SEEK_SET);
                        nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;
                        poGDS->nLineNum --;
                        return CE_None;

                    idx = (int)((dfX - 0.5 * poGDS->adfGeoTransform[1] - poGDS->adfGeoTransform[0]) / poGDS->adfGeoTransform[1] + 0.5);
                CPLAssert(idx >= 0 && idx < nRasterXSize);

                if( pImage )
                    if (eDataType == GDT_Float32)
                        ((float*)pImage)[idx] = (float)dfZ;
                    else if (eDataType == GDT_Int32)
                        ((GInt32*)pImage)[idx] = (GInt32)dfZ;
                    else if (eDataType == GDT_Int16)
                        ((GInt16*)pImage)[idx] = (GInt16)dfZ;
                        ((GByte*)pImage)[idx] = (GByte)dfZ;
            /* Skip empty line */
        while (nCol == 1 && bLastWasSep);

        poGDS->nDataLineNum ++;
        if (nCol < poGDS->nMinTokens)
            return CE_Failure;

        if( idx + 1 == nRasterXSize )

    if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine ) {
        CPLAssert(poGDS->nDataLineNum == (nBlockYOff + 1) * nBlockXSize);

    nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;

    return CE_None;
Exemple #7
CPLErr GSAGRasterBand::IWriteBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
				    void * pImage )

    if( eAccess == GA_ReadOnly )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess,
		  "Unable to write block, dataset opened read only.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    if( nBlockYOff < 0 || nBlockYOff > nRasterYSize - 1 || nBlockXOff != 0 )
	return CE_Failure;

    GSAGDataset *poGDS = (GSAGDataset *)poDS;
    assert( poGDS != NULL );

    if( padfRowMinZ == NULL || padfRowMaxZ == NULL
	|| nMinZRow < 0 || nMaxZRow < 0 )
	padfRowMinZ = (double *)VSIMalloc2( nRasterYSize,sizeof(double) );
	if( padfRowMinZ == NULL )
	    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
		      "Unable to allocate space for row minimums array.\n" );
	    return CE_Failure;

	padfRowMaxZ = (double *)VSIMalloc2( nRasterYSize,sizeof(double) );
	if( padfRowMaxZ == NULL )
	    VSIFree( padfRowMinZ );
	    padfRowMinZ = NULL;
	    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
		      "Unable to allocate space for row maximums array.\n" );
	    return CE_Failure;

	CPLErr eErr = ScanForMinMaxZ();
	if( eErr != CE_None )
	    return eErr;

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff+1] == 0 )
	IReadBlock( nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff, NULL );

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff+1] == 0 || panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] == 0 )
	return CE_Failure;

    std::ostringstream ssOutBuf;
    ssOutBuf.precision( GSAGDataset::nFIELD_PRECISION );
    ssOutBuf.setf( std::ios::uppercase );

    double *pdfImage = (double *)pImage;
    padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] = DBL_MAX;
    padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] = -DBL_MAX;
    for( int iCell=0; iCell<nBlockXSize; )
	for( int iCol=0; iCol<10 && iCell<nBlockXSize; iCol++, iCell++ )
	    if( AlmostEqual( pdfImage[iCell], GSAGDataset::dfNODATA_VALUE ) )
		if( pdfImage[iCell] < padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] )
		    padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] = pdfImage[iCell];

		if( pdfImage[iCell] > padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] )
		    padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] = pdfImage[iCell];

	    ssOutBuf << pdfImage[iCell] << " ";
	ssOutBuf << poGDS->szEOL;
    ssOutBuf << poGDS->szEOL;

    CPLString sOut = ssOutBuf.str();
    if( sOut.length() != panLineOffset[nBlockYOff+1]-panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] )
	int nShiftSize = (int) (sOut.length() - (panLineOffset[nBlockYOff+1]
                                                 - panLineOffset[nBlockYOff]));
	if( nBlockYOff != poGDS->nRasterYSize
	    && GSAGDataset::ShiftFileContents( poGDS->fp,
					       poGDS->szEOL ) != CE_None )
	    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
		      "Failure writing block, "
		      "unable to shift file contents.\n" );
	    return CE_Failure;

	for( size_t iLine=nBlockYOff+1;
	     iLine < static_cast<unsigned>(poGDS->nRasterYSize+1)
		&& panLineOffset[iLine] != 0; iLine++ )
	    panLineOffset[iLine] += nShiftSize;

    if( VSIFSeekL( poGDS->fp, panLineOffset[nBlockYOff], SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Unable to seek to grid line.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    if( VSIFWriteL( sOut.c_str(), 1, sOut.length(),
		    poGDS->fp ) != sOut.length() )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Unable to write grid block.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    /* Update header as needed */
    bool bHeaderNeedsUpdate = false;
    if( nMinZRow == nBlockYOff && padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] > dfMinZ )
	double dfNewMinZ = -DBL_MAX;
	for( int iRow=0; iRow<nRasterYSize; iRow++ )
	    if( padfRowMinZ[iRow] < dfNewMinZ )
		dfNewMinZ = padfRowMinZ[iRow];
		nMinZRow = iRow;

	if( dfNewMinZ != dfMinZ )
	    dfMinZ = dfNewMinZ;
	    bHeaderNeedsUpdate = true;

    if( nMaxZRow == nBlockYOff && padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] < dfMaxZ )
	double dfNewMaxZ = -DBL_MAX;
	for( int iRow=0; iRow<nRasterYSize; iRow++ )
	    if( padfRowMaxZ[iRow] > dfNewMaxZ )
		dfNewMaxZ = padfRowMaxZ[iRow];
		nMaxZRow = iRow;

	if( dfNewMaxZ != dfMaxZ )
	    dfMaxZ = dfNewMaxZ;
	    bHeaderNeedsUpdate = true;

    if( padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] < dfMinZ || padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] > dfMaxZ )
	if( padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff] < dfMinZ )
	    dfMinZ = padfRowMinZ[nBlockYOff];
	    nMinZRow = nBlockYOff;

	if( padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff] > dfMaxZ )
	    dfMaxZ = padfRowMaxZ[nBlockYOff];
	    nMaxZRow = nBlockYOff;

	bHeaderNeedsUpdate = true;

    if( bHeaderNeedsUpdate && dfMaxZ > dfMinZ )
	CPLErr eErr = poGDS->UpdateHeader();
	return eErr;

    return CE_None;
Exemple #8
CPLErr GSAGRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
				   void * pImage )
    static size_t nMaxLineSize = 128;
    double *pdfImage = (double *)pImage;
    GSAGDataset *poGDS = (GSAGDataset *)poDS;

    assert( poGDS != NULL );

    if( nBlockYOff < 0 || nBlockYOff > nRasterYSize - 1 || nBlockXOff != 0 )
        return CE_Failure;

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] == 0 )
        // Discover the last read block
        for ( int iFoundLine = nLastReadLine - 1; iFoundLine > nBlockYOff; iFoundLine--)
            IReadBlock( nBlockXOff, iFoundLine, NULL);

    if( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] == 0 )
        return CE_Failure;
    if( VSIFSeekL( poGDS->fp, panLineOffset[nBlockYOff], SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                  "Can't seek to offset %ld to read grid row %d.",
                  (long) panLineOffset[nBlockYOff], nBlockYOff );
        return CE_Failure;

    size_t nLineBufSize;
    char *szLineBuf = NULL;
    size_t nCharsRead;
    size_t nCharsExamined = 0;
    /* If we know the offsets, we can just read line directly */
    if( (nBlockYOff > 0) && ( panLineOffset[nBlockYOff-1] != 0 ) )
	assert(panLineOffset[nBlockYOff-1] > panLineOffset[nBlockYOff]);
	nLineBufSize = (size_t) (panLineOffset[nBlockYOff-1]
                                 - panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] + 1);
	nLineBufSize = nMaxLineSize;

    szLineBuf = (char *)VSIMalloc( nLineBufSize );
    if( szLineBuf == NULL )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
		  "Unable to read block, unable to allocate line buffer.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    nCharsRead = VSIFReadL( szLineBuf, 1, nLineBufSize - 1, poGDS->fp );
    if( nCharsRead == 0 )
	VSIFree( szLineBuf );
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
		  "Can't read grid row %d at offset %ld.\n",
		  nBlockYOff, (long) panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] );
	return CE_Failure;
    szLineBuf[nCharsRead] = '\0';

    char *szStart = szLineBuf;
    char *szEnd = szStart;
    for( int iCell=0; iCell<nBlockXSize; szStart = szEnd )
	double dfValue = CPLStrtod( szStart, &szEnd );
	if( szStart == szEnd )
	    /* No number found */

	    /* Check if this was an expected failure */
	    while( isspace( (unsigned char)*szStart ) )

	    /* Found sign at end of input, seek back to re-read it */
	    if ( (*szStart == '-' || *szStart == '+') && *(szStart+1) == '\0' )
	    	if( VSIFSeekL( poGDS->fp, 
                               VSIFTellL( poGDS->fp)-1, 
                               SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
		    VSIFree( szLineBuf );
		    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
			      "Unable to seek in grid row %d "
			      "(offset %ld, seek %d).\n",
                              (long) VSIFTellL(poGDS->fp),
			      -1 );

		    return CE_Failure;
	    else if( *szStart != '\0' )
		szEnd = szStart;
		while( !isspace( (unsigned char)*szEnd ) && *szEnd != '\0' )
		char cOldEnd = *szEnd;
		*szEnd = '\0';

		CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Unexpected value in grid row %d (expected floating "
			  "point value, found \"%s\").\n",
			  nBlockYOff, szStart );

		*szEnd = cOldEnd;

		szEnd = szStart;
		while( !isdigit( *szEnd ) && *szEnd != '.' && *szEnd != '\0' )

	    else if( static_cast<size_t>(szStart - szLineBuf) != nCharsRead )
		CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Unexpected ASCII null-character in grid row %d at "
			  "offset %ld.\n", 
                          (long) (szStart - szLineBuf) );

		while( *szStart == '\0' &&
                       static_cast<size_t>(szStart - szLineBuf) < nCharsRead )

		szEnd = szStart;

	    nCharsExamined += szStart - szLineBuf;
	    nCharsRead = VSIFReadL( szLineBuf, 1, nLineBufSize - 1, poGDS->fp );
	    if( nCharsRead == 0 )
		VSIFree( szLineBuf );
		CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Can't read portion of grid row %d at offset %ld.",
			  nBlockYOff, (long) panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] );
		return CE_Failure;
	    szLineBuf[nCharsRead] = '\0';
	    szStart = szEnd = szLineBuf;
	else if( *szEnd == '\0'
                 || (*szEnd == '.' && *(szEnd+1) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == '-' && *(szEnd+1) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == '+' && *(szEnd+1) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'E' && *(szEnd+1) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'E' && *(szEnd+1) == '-' && *(szEnd+2) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'E' && *(szEnd+1) == '+' && *(szEnd+2) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'e' && *(szEnd+1) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'e' && *(szEnd+1) == '-' && *(szEnd+2) == '\0')
                 || (*szEnd == 'e' && *(szEnd+1) == '+' && *(szEnd+2) == '\0'))
	    /* Number was interrupted by a nul character */
	    while( *szEnd != '\0' )

	    if( static_cast<size_t>(szEnd - szLineBuf) != nCharsRead )
		CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Unexpected ASCII null-character in grid row %d at "
			  "offset %ld.\n", 
                          (long) (szStart - szLineBuf) );

		while( *szEnd == '\0' &&
		       static_cast<size_t>(szStart - szLineBuf) < nCharsRead )


	    /* End of buffer, could be interrupting a number */
	    if( VSIFSeekL( poGDS->fp, szStart - szEnd, SEEK_CUR ) != 0 )
		VSIFree( szLineBuf );
		CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Unable to seek in grid row %d (offset %ld, seek %d)"
			  ".\n", nBlockYOff, 
                          (long) VSIFTellL(poGDS->fp),
			  (int) (szStart - szEnd) );

		return CE_Failure;
	    nCharsExamined += szStart - szLineBuf;
	    nCharsRead = VSIFReadL( szLineBuf, 1, nLineBufSize - 1, poGDS->fp );
	    szLineBuf[nCharsRead] = '\0';

	    if( nCharsRead == 0 )
		VSIFree( szLineBuf );
		CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
			  "Can't read portion of grid row %d at offset %ld.",
			  nBlockYOff, (long) panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] );
		return CE_Failure;
	    else if( nCharsRead > static_cast<size_t>(szEnd - szStart) )
		/* Read new data, this was not really the end */
		szEnd = szStart = szLineBuf;

	    /* This is really the last value and has no tailing newline */
	    szStart = szLineBuf;
	    szEnd = szLineBuf + nCharsRead;

	if( pdfImage != NULL )
	    *(pdfImage+iCell) = dfValue;


    while( *szEnd == ' ' )

    if( *szEnd != '\0' && *szEnd != poGDS->szEOL[0] )
	CPLDebug( "GSAG", "Grid row %d does not end with a newline.  "
                  "Possible skew.\n", nBlockYOff );

    while( isspace( (unsigned char)*szEnd ) )

    nCharsExamined += szEnd - szLineBuf;

    if( nCharsExamined >= nMaxLineSize )
	nMaxLineSize = nCharsExamined + 1;

    if( nBlockYOff > 0 )
        panLineOffset[nBlockYOff - 1] = 
            panLineOffset[nBlockYOff] + nCharsExamined;

    nLastReadLine = nBlockYOff;

    VSIFree( szLineBuf );

    return CE_None;
Exemple #9
CPLErr GSAGRasterBand::ScanForMinMaxZ()

    double *padfRowValues = (double *)VSIMalloc2( nBlockXSize, sizeof(double) );
    if( padfRowValues == NULL )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
		  "Unable to allocate memory for grid row values.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    double dfNewMinZ = DBL_MAX;
    double dfNewMaxZ = -DBL_MAX;
    int nNewMinZRow = 0;
    int nNewMaxZRow = 0;

    /* Since we have to scan, lets calc. statistics too */
    double dfSum = 0.0;
    double dfSum2 = 0.0;
    unsigned long nValuesRead = 0;
    for( int iRow=0; iRow<nRasterYSize; iRow++ )
	CPLErr eErr = IReadBlock( 0, iRow, padfRowValues );
	if( eErr != CE_None )
	    VSIFree( padfRowValues );
	    return eErr;

	padfRowMinZ[iRow] = DBL_MAX;
	padfRowMaxZ[iRow] = -DBL_MAX;
	for( int iCell=0; iCell<nRasterXSize; iCell++ )
	    if( AlmostEqual(padfRowValues[iCell], GSAGDataset::dfNODATA_VALUE) )

	    if( padfRowValues[iCell] < padfRowMinZ[iRow] )
		padfRowMinZ[iRow] = padfRowValues[iCell];

	    if( padfRowValues[iCell] > padfRowMaxZ[iRow] )
		padfRowMaxZ[iRow] = padfRowValues[iCell];

	    dfSum += padfRowValues[iCell];
	    dfSum2 += padfRowValues[iCell] * padfRowValues[iCell];

	if( padfRowMinZ[iRow] < dfNewMinZ )
	    dfNewMinZ = padfRowMinZ[iRow];
	    nNewMinZRow = iRow;

	if( padfRowMaxZ[iRow] > dfNewMaxZ )
	    dfNewMaxZ = padfRowMaxZ[iRow];
	    nNewMaxZRow = iRow;

    VSIFree( padfRowValues );

    if( nValuesRead == 0 )
	dfMinZ = 0.0;
	dfMaxZ = 0.0;
	nMinZRow = 0;
	nMaxZRow = 0;
	return CE_None;

    dfMinZ = dfNewMinZ;
    dfMaxZ = dfNewMaxZ;
    nMinZRow = nNewMinZRow;
    nMaxZRow = nNewMaxZRow;

    double dfMean = dfSum / nValuesRead;
    double dfStdDev = sqrt((dfSum2 / nValuesRead) - (dfMean * dfMean));
    SetStatistics( dfMinZ, dfMaxZ, dfMean, dfStdDev );

    return CE_None;
CPLErr GSBGRasterBand::ScanForMinMaxZ()

    float *pafRowVals = (float *)VSIMalloc2( nRasterXSize, 4 );

    if( pafRowVals == NULL )
	CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
		  "Unable to allocate row buffer to scan grid file.\n" );
	return CE_Failure;

    double dfNewMinZ = DBL_MAX;
    double dfNewMaxZ = -DBL_MAX;
    int nNewMinZRow = 0;
    int nNewMaxZRow = 0;

    /* Since we have to scan, lets calc. statistics too */
    double dfSum = 0.0;
    double dfSum2 = 0.0;
    unsigned long nValuesRead = 0;
    for( int iRow=0; iRow<nRasterYSize; iRow++ )
	CPLErr eErr = IReadBlock( 0, iRow, pafRowVals );
	if( eErr != CE_None )
	    VSIFree( pafRowVals );
	    return CE_Failure;

	pafRowMinZ[iRow] = FLT_MAX;
	pafRowMaxZ[iRow] = -FLT_MAX;
	for( int iCol=0; iCol<nRasterXSize; iCol++ )
	    if( pafRowVals[iCol] == GSBGDataset::fNODATA_VALUE )

	    if( pafRowVals[iCol] < pafRowMinZ[iRow] )
		pafRowMinZ[iRow] = pafRowVals[iCol];

	    if( pafRowVals[iCol] > pafRowMinZ[iRow] )
		pafRowMaxZ[iRow] = pafRowVals[iCol];

	    dfSum += pafRowVals[iCol];
	    dfSum2 += pafRowVals[iCol] * pafRowVals[iCol];

	if( pafRowMinZ[iRow] < dfNewMinZ )
	    dfNewMinZ = pafRowMinZ[iRow];
	    nNewMinZRow = iRow;

	if( pafRowMaxZ[iRow] > dfNewMaxZ )
	    dfNewMaxZ = pafRowMaxZ[iRow];
	    nNewMaxZRow = iRow;

    VSIFree( pafRowVals );

    if( nValuesRead == 0 )
	dfMinZ = 0.0;
	dfMaxZ = 0.0;
	nMinZRow = 0;
	nMaxZRow = 0;
	return CE_None;

    dfMinZ = dfNewMinZ;
    dfMaxZ = dfNewMaxZ;
    nMinZRow = nNewMinZRow;
    nMaxZRow = nNewMaxZRow;

    double dfMean = dfSum / nValuesRead;
    double dfStdDev = sqrt((dfSum2 / nValuesRead) - (dfMean * dfMean));
    SetStatistics( dfMinZ, dfMaxZ, dfMean, dfStdDev );

    return CE_None;
Exemple #11
CPLErr XYZRasterBand::IReadBlock( CPL_UNUSED int nBlockXOff,
                                  int nBlockYOff,
                                  void * pImage )
    XYZDataset *poGDS = reinterpret_cast<XYZDataset *>( poDS );

    if (poGDS->fp == NULL)
        return CE_Failure;

    if( pImage )
        int bSuccess = FALSE;
        double dfNoDataValue = GetNoDataValue(&bSuccess);
        if( !bSuccess )
            dfNoDataValue = 0.0;
        GDALCopyWords(&dfNoDataValue, GDT_Float64, 0,
                      pImage, eDataType, GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType) / 8,

    // Only valid if bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine.
    const GIntBig nLineInFile = static_cast<GIntBig>(nBlockYOff) * nBlockXSize;
    if ( (poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine && poGDS->nDataLineNum > nLineInFile) ||
         (!poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine && (nLastYOff == -1 || nBlockYOff == 0)) )
        poGDS->nDataLineNum = 0;
        poGDS->nLineNum = 0;
        poGDS->bEOF = false;
        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

        for(int i=0;i<poGDS->nCommentLineCount;i++)
            if( CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, NULL) == NULL )
                poGDS->bEOF = true;
                return CE_Failure;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

        if (poGDS->bHasHeaderLine)
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, NULL);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                poGDS->bEOF = true;
                return CE_Failure;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

    if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
        if( nBlockYOff < nLastYOff )
            nLastYOff = -1;
            for( int iY = 0; iY < nBlockYOff; iY++ )
                if( IReadBlock(0, iY, NULL) != CE_None )
                    return CE_Failure;
            if( poGDS->bEOF )
                return CE_Failure;
            for( int iY = nLastYOff + 1; iY < nBlockYOff; iY++ )
                if( IReadBlock(0, iY, NULL) != CE_None )
                    return CE_Failure;
        if( poGDS->bEOF )
            return CE_Failure;
        while(poGDS->nDataLineNum < nLineInFile)
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, NULL);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                poGDS->bEOF = true;
                return CE_Failure;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

            const char* pszPtr = pszLine;
            char ch;
            int nCol = 0;
            bool bLastWasSep = true;
            while((ch = *pszPtr) != '\0')
                if (ch == ' ')
                    if (!bLastWasSep)
                        nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = true;
                else if ((ch == ',' && poGDS->chDecimalSep != ',') || ch == '\t' || ch == ';')
                    nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = true;
                    bLastWasSep = false;
                pszPtr ++;

            /* Skip empty line */
            if (nCol == 0 && bLastWasSep)

            poGDS->nDataLineNum ++;

    const double dfExpectedY
        = poGDS->adfGeoTransform[3] +
        (0.5 + nBlockYOff) * poGDS->adfGeoTransform[5];

    int idx = -1;
        int nCol;
        bool bLastWasSep;
            const vsi_l_offset nOffsetBefore = VSIFTellL(poGDS->fp);
            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(poGDS->fp, 100, NULL);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
                poGDS->bEOF = true;
                if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "Cannot read line " CPL_FRMT_GIB, poGDS->nLineNum + 1);
                    return CE_Failure;
                    nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;
                    return CE_None;
            poGDS->nLineNum ++;

            const char* pszPtr = pszLine;
            char ch;
            nCol = 0;
            bLastWasSep = true;
            double dfX = 0.0;
            double dfY = 0.0;
            double dfZ = 0.0;
            int nUsefulColsFound = 0;
            while((ch = *pszPtr) != '\0')
                if (ch == ' ')
                    if (!bLastWasSep)
                        nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = true;
                else if ( ( ch == ',' && poGDS->chDecimalSep != ',' )
                          || ch == '\t' || ch == ';' )
                    nCol ++;
                    bLastWasSep = true;
                    if (bLastWasSep)
                        if (nCol == poGDS->nXIndex)
                            nUsefulColsFound ++;
                            if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                                dfX = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                        else if (nCol == poGDS->nYIndex)
                            nUsefulColsFound ++;
                            if( !poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                                dfY = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                        else if( nCol == poGDS->nZIndex)
                            nUsefulColsFound ++;
                            dfZ = CPLAtofDelim(pszPtr, poGDS->chDecimalSep);
                    bLastWasSep = false;
                pszPtr ++;
            nCol ++;

            if( nUsefulColsFound == 3 )
                if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine )
                    idx ++;
                    if( fabs( (dfY - dfExpectedY) / poGDS->adfGeoTransform[5] ) > RELATIVE_ERROR )
                        if( idx < 0 )
                            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                                      "At line " CPL_FRMT_GIB", found %f instead of %f "
                                      "for nBlockYOff = %d",
                                      poGDS->nLineNum, dfY, dfExpectedY,
                            return CE_Failure;
                        VSIFSeekL(poGDS->fp, nOffsetBefore, SEEK_SET);
                        nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;
                        poGDS->nLineNum --;
                        return CE_None;

                    idx = static_cast<int>(
                        ( dfX - 0.5 * poGDS->adfGeoTransform[1]
                          - poGDS->adfGeoTransform[0] )
                        / poGDS->adfGeoTransform[1] + 0.5 );
                CPLAssert(idx >= 0 && idx < nRasterXSize);

                if( pImage )
                    if (eDataType == GDT_Float32)
                        reinterpret_cast<float *>( pImage )[idx]
                            = static_cast<float>(dfZ);
                    else if (eDataType == GDT_Int32)
                        reinterpret_cast<GInt32 *>( pImage )[idx]
                            = static_cast<GInt32>( dfZ );
                    else if (eDataType == GDT_Int16)
                        reinterpret_cast<GInt16 *>( pImage )[idx]
                            = static_cast<GInt16>( dfZ );
                        reinterpret_cast<GByte *>( pImage )[idx]
                            = static_cast<GByte>( dfZ );
            /* Skip empty line */
        while (nCol == 1 && bLastWasSep);

        poGDS->nDataLineNum ++;
        if (nCol < poGDS->nMinTokens)
            return CE_Failure;

        if( idx + 1 == nRasterXSize )

    if( poGDS->bSameNumberOfValuesPerLine ) {
        if( poGDS->nDataLineNum != static_cast<GIntBig>(nBlockYOff + 1) * nBlockXSize )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AssertionFailed,
                     "The file has not the same number of values per "
                     "line as initialy thought. It must be somehow corrupted");
            return CE_Failure;

    nLastYOff = nBlockYOff;

    return CE_None;