std::string DynamicHLSL::generateAttributeConversionHLSL(
    gl::VertexFormatType vertexFormatType,
    const sh::ShaderVariable &shaderAttrib) const
    const gl::VertexFormat &vertexFormat = gl::GetVertexFormatFromType(vertexFormatType);
    std::string attribString             = "input." + decorateVariable(;

    // Matrix
    if (IsMatrixType(shaderAttrib.type))
        return "transpose(" + attribString + ")";

    GLenum shaderComponentType = VariableComponentType(shaderAttrib.type);
    int shaderComponentCount   = VariableComponentCount(shaderAttrib.type);

    // Perform integer to float conversion (if necessary)
    bool requiresTypeConversion =
        (shaderComponentType == GL_FLOAT && vertexFormat.type != GL_FLOAT);

    if (requiresTypeConversion)
        // TODO: normalization for 32-bit integer formats
        ASSERT(!vertexFormat.normalized && !vertexFormat.pureInteger);
        return "float" + Str(shaderComponentCount) + "(" + attribString + ")";

    // No conversion necessary
    return attribString;
std::string DynamicHLSL::generateVertexShaderForInputLayout(
    const std::string &sourceShader,
    const InputLayout &inputLayout,
    const std::vector<sh::Attribute> &shaderAttributes) const
    std::stringstream structStream;
    std::stringstream initStream;

    structStream << "struct VS_INPUT\n"
                 << "{\n";

    int semanticIndex       = 0;
    unsigned int inputIndex = 0;

    // If gl_PointSize is used in the shader then pointsprites rendering is expected.
    // If the renderer does not support Geometry shaders then Instanced PointSprite emulation
    // must be used.
    bool usesPointSize = sourceShader.find("GL_USES_POINT_SIZE") != std::string::npos;
    bool useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation =
        usesPointSize && mRenderer->getWorkarounds().useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation;

    // Instanced PointSprite emulation requires additional entries in the
    // VS_INPUT structure to support the vertices that make up the quad vertices.
    // These values must be in sync with the cooresponding values added during inputlayout creation
    // in InputLayoutCache::applyVertexBuffers().
    // The additional entries must appear first in the VS_INPUT layout because
    // Windows Phone 8 era devices require per vertex data to physically come
    // before per instance data in the shader.
    if (useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation)
        structStream << "    float3 spriteVertexPos : SPRITEPOSITION0;\n"
                     << "    float2 spriteTexCoord : SPRITETEXCOORD0;\n";

    for (size_t attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < shaderAttributes.size(); ++attributeIndex)
        const sh::Attribute &shaderAttribute = shaderAttributes[attributeIndex];
        if (!
            ASSERT(inputIndex < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
            VertexFormatType vertexFormatType =
                inputIndex < inputLayout.size() ? inputLayout[inputIndex] : VERTEX_FORMAT_INVALID;

            // HLSL code for input structure
            if (IsMatrixType(shaderAttribute.type))
                // Matrix types are always transposed
                structStream << "    "
                             << HLSLMatrixTypeString(TransposeMatrixType(shaderAttribute.type));
                GLenum componentType = mRenderer->getVertexComponentType(vertexFormatType);

                if ( == "gl_InstanceID" ||
           == "gl_VertexID")
                    // The input types of the instance ID and vertex ID in HLSL (uint) differs from
                    // the ones in ESSL (int).
                    structStream << " uint";
                    structStream << "    " << HLSLComponentTypeString(

            structStream << " " << decorateVariable( << " : ";

            if ( == "gl_InstanceID")
                structStream << "SV_InstanceID";
            else if ( == "gl_VertexID")
                structStream << "SV_VertexID";
                structStream << "TEXCOORD" << semanticIndex;
                semanticIndex += VariableRegisterCount(shaderAttribute.type);

            structStream << ";\n";

            // HLSL code for initialization
            initStream << "    " << decorateVariable( << " = ";

            // Mismatched vertex attribute to vertex input may result in an undefined
            // data reinterpretation (eg for pure integer->float, float->pure integer)
            // TODO: issue warning with gl debug info extension, when supported
            if (IsMatrixType(shaderAttribute.type) ||
                (mRenderer->getVertexConversionType(vertexFormatType) & VERTEX_CONVERT_GPU) != 0)
                initStream << generateAttributeConversionHLSL(vertexFormatType, shaderAttribute);
                initStream << "input." << decorateVariable(;

            initStream << ";\n";

            inputIndex += VariableRowCount(TransposeMatrixType(shaderAttribute.type));

    structStream << "};\n"
                    "void initAttributes(VS_INPUT input)\n"
                 << initStream.str() << "}\n";

    std::string vertexHLSL(sourceShader);

    size_t copyInsertionPos = vertexHLSL.find(VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_STUB_STRING);
    vertexHLSL.replace(copyInsertionPos, VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_STUB_STRING.length(), structStream.str());

    return vertexHLSL;
Exemple #3
int VariableRegisterCount(GLenum type)
    return IsMatrixType(type) ? VariableColumnCount(type) : 1;
Exemple #4
int MatrixComponentCount(GLenum type, bool isRowMajorMatrix)
    return isRowMajorMatrix ? VariableColumnCount(type) : VariableRowCount(type);