Exemple #1
 *           WOWTHUNK_Init
    /* allocate the code selector for CallTo16 routines */
    LDT_ENTRY entry;
    WORD codesel = wine_ldt_alloc_entries(1);

    if (!codesel) return FALSE;
    wine_ldt_set_base( &entry, __wine_call16_start );
    wine_ldt_set_limit( &entry, (BYTE *)(&CallTo16_TebSelector + 1) - __wine_call16_start - 1 );
    wine_ldt_set_flags( &entry, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_CODE | WINE_LDT_FLAGS_32BIT );
    wine_ldt_set_entry( codesel, &entry );

      /* Patch the return addresses for CallTo16 routines */

    CallTo16_DataSelector = wine_get_ds();
    call16_ret_addr = MAKESEGPTR( codesel, (BYTE *)__wine_call_to_16_ret - __wine_call16_start );
    CALL32_CBClient_RetAddr =
        MAKESEGPTR( codesel, (BYTE *)CALL32_CBClient_Ret - __wine_call16_start );
    CALL32_CBClientEx_RetAddr =
        MAKESEGPTR( codesel, (BYTE *)CALL32_CBClientEx_Ret - __wine_call16_start );

    /* Prepare selector and offsets for DPMI event checking. */
    dpmi_checker_selector = codesel;
    dpmi_checker_offset_call = (BYTE *)DPMI_PendingEventCheck - __wine_call16_start;
    dpmi_checker_offset_cleanup = (BYTE *)DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Cleanup - __wine_call16_start;
    dpmi_checker_offset_return = (BYTE *)DPMI_PendingEventCheck_Return - __wine_call16_start;

    if (TRACE_ON(relay) || TRACE_ON(snoop)) RELAY16_InitDebugLists();

    return TRUE;
static SEGPTR alloc_segptr_frame(struct frame_wrapper16 *wrapper, void *ptr, DWORD size)
    int i;

    if (wrapper->sel)
        if (wrapper->ptr == ptr && wrapper->size == size)
            return MAKESEGPTR(wrapper->sel, 0);

    wrapper->ptr    = ptr;
    wrapper->size   = size;
    wrapper->count  = (size + 0xffff) / 0x10000;
    wrapper->sel    = AllocSelectorArray16(wrapper->count);
    if (!wrapper->sel)
        return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < wrapper->count; i++)
        SetSelectorBase(wrapper->sel + (i << __AHSHIFT), (DWORD)ptr + i * 0x10000);
        SetSelectorLimit16(wrapper->sel + (i << __AHSHIFT), size - 1);
        size -= 0x10000;

    return MAKESEGPTR(wrapper->sel, 0);
Exemple #3
 *	    DPMI_CallRMCBProc
 * This routine does the hard work of calling a callback procedure.
static void DPMI_CallRMCBProc( CONTEXT86 *context, RMCB *rmcb, WORD flag )
    DWORD old_vif = NtCurrentTeb()->dpmi_vif;

    /* Disable virtual interrupts. */
    NtCurrentTeb()->dpmi_vif = 0;

    if (wine_ldt_is_system( rmcb->proc_sel )) {
        /* Wine-internal RMCB, call directly */
    } else __TRY {
#ifdef __i386__
        UINT16 ss,es;
        DWORD esp,edi;

        INT_SetRealModeContext(MapSL(MAKESEGPTR( rmcb->regs_sel, rmcb->regs_ofs )), context);
        ss = alloc_pm_selector( context->SegSs, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_DATA );
        esp = context->Esp;


        /* The called proc ends with an IRET, and takes these parameters:
         * DS:ESI = pointer to real-mode SS:SP
         * ES:EDI = pointer to real-mode call structure
         * It returns:
         * ES:EDI = pointer to real-mode call structure (may be a copy)
         * It is the proc's responsibility to change the return CS:IP in the
         * real-mode call structure. */
        if (flag & 1) {
            /* 32-bit DPMI client */
            DPMI_CallRMCB32(rmcb, ss, esp, &es, &edi);
        } else {
            /* 16-bit DPMI client */
            CONTEXT86 ctx = *context;
            ctx.SegCs = rmcb->proc_sel;
            ctx.Eip   = rmcb->proc_ofs;
            ctx.SegDs = ss;
            ctx.Esi   = esp;
            ctx.SegEs = rmcb->regs_sel;
            ctx.Edi   = rmcb->regs_ofs;
            /* FIXME: I'm pretty sure this isn't right - should push flags first */
            WOWCallback16Ex( 0, WCB16_REGS, 0, NULL, (DWORD *)&ctx );
            es = ctx.SegEs;
            edi = ctx.Edi;
        wine_ldt_free_entries( ss, 1 );
        INT_GetRealModeContext( MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( es, edi )), context);
        ERR("RMCBs only implemented for i386\n");
    } __EXCEPT(dpmi_exception_handler) { } __ENDTRY
    /* Restore virtual interrupt flag. */
    NtCurrentTeb()->dpmi_vif = old_vif;                                 
Exemple #4
 *           NE_LoadAllSegments
BOOL NE_LoadAllSegments( NE_MODULE *pModule )
    int i;

    if (pModule->flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD)
        HANDLE hf;
        HFILE16 hFile16;
        HGLOBAL16 sel;
        /* Handle self-loading modules */
        SELFLOADHEADER *selfloadheader;
        HMODULE16 mod = GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL");
        DWORD oldstack;

        TRACE_(module)("%.*s is a self-loading module!\n",
		     *((BYTE*)pModule + pModule->name_table),
		     (char *)pModule + pModule->name_table + 1);
        if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, 1 )) return FALSE;
        selfloadheader = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(SEL(pSegTable->hSeg), 0) );
        selfloadheader->EntryAddrProc = GetProcAddress16(mod,"EntryAddrProc");
        selfloadheader->MyAlloc       = GetProcAddress16(mod,"MyAlloc");
        selfloadheader->SetOwner      = GetProcAddress16(mod,"FarSetOwner");
        sel = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_ZEROINIT, 0xFF00 );
        pModule->self_loading_sel = SEL(sel);
        FarSetOwner16( sel, pModule->self );
        oldstack = NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved;
        NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = MAKESEGPTR(pModule->self_loading_sel,
                                               0xff00 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME) );

        DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), NE_OpenFile(pModule),
                         GetCurrentProcess(), &hf, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
        hFile16 = Win32HandleToDosFileHandle( hf );
        NE_CallTo16_word_ww(selfloadheader->BootApp, pModule->self,hFile16);
	TRACE_(dll)("Return from CallBootAppProc\n");
        NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = oldstack;

        for (i = 2; i <= pModule->seg_count; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
        for (i = 1; i <= pModule->seg_count; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #5
 *           NE_LoadAllSegments
BOOL NE_LoadAllSegments( NE_MODULE *pModule )
    int i;
    SEGTABLEENTRY * pSegTable = NE_SEG_TABLE(pModule);

    if (pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD)
        HFILE16 hFile16;
        HGLOBAL16 sel;
        /* Handle self-loading modules */
        SELFLOADHEADER *selfloadheader;
        HMODULE16 mod = GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL");
        void *oldstack;
        WORD args[2];

        TRACE_(module)("%.*s is a self-loading module!\n",
                       *((BYTE*)pModule + pModule->ne_restab),
                       (char *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab + 1);
        if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, 1 )) return FALSE;
        selfloadheader = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(SEL(pSegTable->hSeg), 0) );
        selfloadheader->EntryAddrProc = GetProcAddress16(mod,"EntryAddrProc");
        selfloadheader->MyAlloc       = GetProcAddress16(mod,"MyAlloc");
        selfloadheader->SetOwner      = GetProcAddress16(mod,"FarSetOwner");
        sel = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_ZEROINIT, 0xFF00 );
        pModule->self_loading_sel = SEL(sel);
        FarSetOwner16( sel, pModule->self );
		oldstack = getWOW32Reserved();
        setWOW32Reserved((void *)MAKESEGPTR(pModule->self_loading_sel,
                                                           0xff00 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME) ));

        hFile16 = NE_OpenFile(pModule);
        args[1] = pModule->self;
        args[0] = hFile16;
        WOWCallback16Ex( (DWORD)selfloadheader->BootApp, WCB16_PASCAL, sizeof(args), args, NULL );
	TRACE_(dll)("Return from CallBootAppProc\n");

        for (i = 2; i <= pModule->ne_cseg; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
        for (i = 1; i <= pModule->ne_cseg; i++)
            if (!NE_LoadSegment( pModule, i )) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #6
 *           DOSMEM_FillIsrTable
 * Fill the interrupt table with fake BIOS calls to BIOSSEG (0xf000).
 * Linux normally only traps INTs performed from or destined to BIOSSEG
 * for us to handle, if the int_revectored table is empty. Filling the
 * interrupt table with calls to INT stubs in BIOSSEG allows DOS programs
 * to hook interrupts, as well as use their familiar retf tricks to call
 * them, AND let Wine handle any unhooked interrupts transparently.
static void DOSMEM_FillIsrTable(void)
    SEGPTR *isr = (SEGPTR*)DOSMEM_sysmem;
    int x;

    for (x=0; x<256; x++) isr[x]=MAKESEGPTR(VM_STUB_SEGMENT,x*4);
Exemple #7
 *           TaskNext   (TOOLHELP.64)
BOOL16 WINAPI TaskNext16( TASKENTRY *lpte )
    TDB *pTask;
    INSTANCEDATA *pInstData;

    TRACE_(toolhelp)("(%p): task=%04x\n", lpte, lpte->hNext );
    if (!lpte->hNext) return FALSE;

    /* make sure that task and hInstance are valid (skip initial Wine task !) */
    while (1) {
        pTask = TASK_GetPtr( lpte->hNext );
        if (!pTask || pTask->magic != TDB_MAGIC) return FALSE;
        if (pTask->hInstance)
        lpte->hNext = pTask->hNext;
    pInstData = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( GlobalHandleToSel16(pTask->hInstance), 0 ) );
    lpte->hTask         = lpte->hNext;
    lpte->hTaskParent   = pTask->hParent;
    lpte->hInst         = pTask->hInstance;
    lpte->hModule       = pTask->hModule;
    lpte->wSS           = SELECTOROF( pTask->teb->WOW32Reserved );
    lpte->wSP           = OFFSETOF( pTask->teb->WOW32Reserved );
    lpte->wStackTop     = pInstData->stacktop;
    lpte->wStackMinimum = pInstData->stackmin;
    lpte->wStackBottom  = pInstData->stackbottom;
    lpte->wcEvents      = pTask->nEvents;
    lpte->hQueue        = pTask->hQueue;
    lstrcpynA( lpte->szModule, pTask->module_name, sizeof(lpte->szModule) );
    lpte->wPSPOffset    = 0x100;  /*??*/
    lpte->hNext         = pTask->hNext;
    return TRUE;
Exemple #8
static DWORD MZ_Launch( LPCSTR cmdtail, int length )
  TDB *pTask = GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() );
  BYTE *psp_start = PTR_REAL_TO_LIN( DOSVM_psp, 0 );
  DWORD rv;
  SYSLEVEL *lock;
  MSG msg;

  MZ_FillPSP(psp_start, cmdtail, length);
  pTask->flags |= TDBF_WINOLDAP;

  /* DTA is set to PSP:0080h when a program is started. */
  pTask->dta = MAKESEGPTR( DOSVM_psp, 0x80 );

  GetpWin16Lock( &lock );
  _LeaveSysLevel( lock );

  /* force the message queue to be created */
  PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);

  rv = DOSVM_Loop(dosvm_thread);

  dosvm_thread = 0; dosvm_tid = 0;
  loop_thread = 0; loop_tid = 0;
  if (rv) return rv;

Exemple #9
static void WINAPI SNOOP16_Return(FARPROC proc, LPBYTE args, CONTEXT *context) {
	SNOOP16_RETURNENTRY	*ret = (SNOOP16_RETURNENTRY*)((char *) MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(context->SegCs,LOWORD(context->Eip)) )-5);

	/* We haven't found out the nrofargs yet. If we called a cdecl
	 * function it is too late anyway and we can just set '0' (which
	 * will be the difference between orig and current SP
	 * If pascal -> everything ok.
	if (ret->dll->funs[ret->ordinal].nrofargs<0) {
	context->Eip = LOWORD(ret->origreturn);
	context->SegCs  = HIWORD(ret->origreturn);
        TRACE("\1RET  %s.%d: %s(", ret->dll->name, ret->ordinal, ret->dll->funs[ret->ordinal].name);
	if (ret->args) {
		int	i,max;

		max = ret->dll->funs[ret->ordinal].nrofargs;
		if (max>16)
		if (max<0)

		for (i=max;i--;)
		if (max!=ret->dll->funs[ret->ordinal].nrofargs)
			TRACE(" ...");
		ret->args = NULL;
        TRACE(") retval = %04x:%04x ret=%04x:%04x\n",
	ret->origreturn = NULL; /* mark as empty */
Exemple #10
 *           TASK_AllocThunk
 * Allocate a thunk for MakeProcInstance().
static SEGPTR TASK_AllocThunk(void)
    TDB *pTask;
    THUNKS *pThunk;
    WORD sel, base;

    if (!(pTask = TASK_GetCurrent())) return 0;
    sel = pTask->hCSAlias;
    pThunk = (THUNKS *)pTask->thunks;
    base = (char *)pThunk - (char *)pTask;
    while (!pThunk->free)
        sel = pThunk->next;
        if (!sel)  /* Allocate a new segment */
            sel = GLOBAL_Alloc( GMEM_FIXED, FIELD_OFFSET( THUNKS, thunks[MIN_THUNKS] ),
                                pTask->hPDB, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_CODE );
            if (!sel) return 0;
            TASK_CreateThunks( sel, 0, MIN_THUNKS );
            pThunk->next = sel;
        pThunk = GlobalLock16( sel );
        base = 0;
    base += pThunk->free;
    pThunk->free = *(WORD *)((BYTE *)pThunk + pThunk->free);
    return MAKESEGPTR( sel, base );
Exemple #11
static void MZ_Launch( LPCSTR cmdtail, int length )
  TDB *pTask = GlobalLock16( GetCurrentTask() );
  BYTE *psp_start = PTR_REAL_TO_LIN( DOSVM_psp, 0 );
  DWORD rv;
  SYSLEVEL *lock;

  MZ_FillPSP(psp_start, cmdtail, length);
  pTask->flags |= TDBF_WINOLDAP;

  /* DTA is set to PSP:0080h when a program is started. */
  pTask->dta = MAKESEGPTR( DOSVM_psp, 0x80 );

  GetpWin16Lock( &lock );
  _LeaveSysLevel( lock );

  rv = DOSVM_Loop(dosvm_thread);

  dosvm_thread = 0; dosvm_tid = 0;
  loop_thread = 0; loop_tid = 0;

Exemple #12
 *           DOSVM_Int5cHandler
 * Called from NetBIOSCall16.
static void WINAPI DOSVM_Int5cHandler( CONTEXT86 *context )
    BYTE* ptr;
    ptr = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(context->SegEs,BX_reg(context)) );
    FIXME("(%p): command code %02x (ignored)\n",context, *ptr);
    *(ptr+0x01) = 0xFB; /* NetBIOS emulator not found */
    SET_AL( context, 0xFB );
Exemple #13
 *            call16_handler
 * Handler for exceptions occurring in 16-bit code.
                             CONTEXT *context, EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD **pdispatcher )
    if (record->ExceptionFlags & (EH_UNWINDING | EH_EXIT_UNWIND))
        /* unwinding: restore the stack pointer in the TEB, and leave the Win16 mutex */
        STACK32FRAME *frame32 = (STACK32FRAME *)((char *)frame - offsetof(STACK32FRAME,frame));
        NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = (void *)frame32->frame16;
    else if (record->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ||
             record->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION)
        if (wine_ldt_is_system(context->SegCs))
            if (fix_selector( context )) return ExceptionContinueExecution;
            SEGPTR gpHandler;
            DWORD ret = INSTR_EmulateInstruction( record, context );

             * Insert check for pending DPMI events. Note that this 
             * check must be inserted after instructions have been 
             * emulated because the instruction emulation requires
             * original CS:IP and the emulation may change TEB.dpmi_vif.
                insert_event_check( context );

            if (ret != ExceptionContinueSearch) return ret;

            /* check for Win16 __GP handler */
            if ((gpHandler = HasGPHandler16( MAKESEGPTR( context->SegCs, context->Eip ) )))
                WORD *stack = wine_ldt_get_ptr( context->SegSs, context->Esp );
                *--stack = context->SegCs;
                *--stack = context->Eip;

                if (!IS_SELECTOR_32BIT(context->SegSs))
                    context->Esp = MAKELONG( LOWORD(context->Esp - 2*sizeof(WORD)),
                                             HIWORD(context->Esp) );
                    context->Esp -= 2*sizeof(WORD);

                context->SegCs = SELECTOROF( gpHandler );
                context->Eip   = OFFSETOF( gpHandler );
                return ExceptionContinueExecution;
    else if (record->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_VM86_STI)
        insert_event_check( context );
    return ExceptionContinueSearch;
Exemple #14
 *           KERNEL thread initialisation routine
static void thread_attach(void)
    /* allocate the 16-bit stack (FIXME: should be done lazily) */
    HGLOBAL16 hstack = WOWGlobalAlloc16( GMEM_FIXED, 0x10000 );
    kernel_get_thread_data()->stack_sel = GlobalHandleToSel16( hstack );
    NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = (void *)MAKESEGPTR( kernel_get_thread_data()->stack_sel,
                                                        0x10000 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME) );
    memset( (char *)GlobalLock16(hstack) + 0x10000 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME), 0, sizeof(STACK16FRAME) );
Exemple #15
 *           InitTask  (KERNEL.91)
 * Called by the application startup code.
void WINAPI InitTask16( CONTEXT *context )
    TDB *pTask;
    INSTANCEDATA *pinstance;
    SEGPTR ptr;

    context->Eax = 0;
    if (!(pTask = TASK_GetCurrent())) return;

    /* Note: we need to trust that BX/CX contain the stack/heap sizes,
       as some apps, notably Visual Basic apps, *modify* the heap/stack
       size of the instance data segment before calling InitTask() */

    /* Initialize the INSTANCEDATA structure */
    pinstance = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(CURRENT_DS, 0) );
    pinstance->stackmin    = OFFSETOF(NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved) + sizeof( STACK16FRAME );
    pinstance->stackbottom = pinstance->stackmin; /* yup, that's right. Confused me too. */
    pinstance->stacktop    = ( pinstance->stackmin > LOWORD(context->Ebx) ?
                               pinstance->stackmin - LOWORD(context->Ebx) : 0 ) + 150;

    /* Initialize the local heap */
    if (LOWORD(context->Ecx))
        LocalInit16( GlobalHandleToSel16(pTask->hInstance), 0, LOWORD(context->Ecx) );

    /* Initialize implicitly loaded DLLs */
    NE_InitializeDLLs( pTask->hModule );
    NE_DllProcessAttach( pTask->hModule );

    /* Registers on return are:
     * ax     1 if OK, 0 on error
     * cx     stack limit in bytes
     * dx     cmdShow parameter
     * si     instance handle of the previous instance
     * di     instance handle of the new task
     * es:bx  pointer to command line inside PSP
     * 0 (=%bp) is pushed on the stack
    ptr = stack16_push( sizeof(WORD) );
    *(WORD *)MapSL(ptr) = 0;
    context->Esp -= 2;

    context->Eax = 1;

    if (!pTask->pdb.cmdLine[0]) context->Ebx = 0x80;
        LPBYTE p = &pTask->pdb.cmdLine[1];
        while ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t')) p++;
        context->Ebx = 0x80 + (p - pTask->pdb.cmdLine);
    context->Ecx   = pinstance->stacktop;
    context->Edx   = pTask->nCmdShow;
    context->Esi   = (DWORD)pTask->hPrevInstance;
    context->Edi   = (DWORD)pTask->hInstance;
    context->SegEs = (WORD)pTask->hPDB;
Exemple #16
 *           get_entry_point
 * Return the ordinal, name, and type info corresponding to a CS:IP address.
static const CALLFROM16 *get_entry_point( STACK16FRAME *frame, LPSTR module, LPSTR func, WORD *pOrd )
    WORD i, max_offset;
    register BYTE *p;
    NE_MODULE *pModule;
    ET_BUNDLE *bundle;
    ET_ENTRY *entry;

    *pOrd = 0;
    if (!(pModule = NE_GetPtr( FarGetOwner16( GlobalHandle16( frame->module_cs ) ))))
        return NULL;

    max_offset = 0;
    bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_enttab);
        entry = (ET_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)bundle+6);
	for (i = bundle->first + 1; i <= bundle->last; i++)
	    if ((entry->offs < frame->entry_ip)
	    && (entry->segnum == 1) /* code segment ? */
	    && (entry->offs >= max_offset))
		max_offset = entry->offs;
		*pOrd = i;
    } while ( (bundle->next)
	   && (bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)((BYTE *)pModule+bundle->next)));

    /* Search for the name in the resident names table */
    /* (built-in modules have no non-resident table)   */

    p = (BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab;
    memcpy( module, p + 1, *p );
    module[*p] = 0;

    while (*p)
        p += *p + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
        if (*(WORD *)(p + *p + 1) == *pOrd) break;
    memcpy( func, p + 1, *p );
    func[*p] = 0;

    /* Retrieve entry point call structure */
    p = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( frame->module_cs, frame->callfrom_ip ) );
    /* p now points to lret, get the start of CALLFROM16 structure */
    return (CALLFROM16 *)(p - FIELD_OFFSET( CALLFROM16, ret ));
Exemple #17
 *           SwitchStackTo   (KERNEL.108)
void WINAPI SwitchStackTo16( WORD seg, WORD ptr, WORD top )
    STACK16FRAME *oldFrame, *newFrame;
    UINT16 copySize;

    if (!(pData = GlobalLock16( seg ))) return;
    TRACE("old=%04x:%04x new=%04x:%04x\n",
          SELECTOROF( NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved ),
          OFFSETOF( NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved ), seg, ptr );

    /* Save the old stack */

    oldFrame = CURRENT_STACK16;
    /* pop frame + args and push bp */
    pData->old_ss_sp   = (SEGPTR)NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved + sizeof(STACK16FRAME)
                           + 2 * sizeof(WORD);
    *(WORD *)MapSL(pData->old_ss_sp) = oldFrame->bp;
    pData->stacktop    = top;
    pData->stackmin    = ptr;
    pData->stackbottom = ptr;

    /* Switch to the new stack */

    /* Note: we need to take the 3 arguments into account; otherwise,
     * the stack will underflow upon return from this function.
    copySize = oldFrame->bp - OFFSETOF(pData->old_ss_sp);
    copySize += 3 * sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(STACK16FRAME);
    NtCurrentTeb()->WOW32Reserved = (void *)MAKESEGPTR( seg, ptr - copySize );
    newFrame = CURRENT_STACK16;

    /* Copy the stack frame and the local variables to the new stack */

    memmove( newFrame, oldFrame, copySize );
    newFrame->bp = ptr;
    *(WORD *)MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( seg, ptr ) ) = 0;  /* clear previous bp */
Exemple #18
*	K327 (KERNEL.327)
void WINAPI HandleParamError( CONTEXT *context )
	UINT16 uErr = LOWORD(context->Ebx);
        FARPROC16 lpfn = (FARPROC16)MAKESEGPTR( context->SegCs, context->Eip );
        LPVOID lpvParam = (LPVOID)MAKELONG( LOWORD(context->Eax), LOWORD(context->Ecx) );

	LogParamError16( uErr, lpfn, lpvParam );

	if (!(uErr & ERR_WARNING))
		/* Abort current procedure: Unwind stack frame and jump
		   to error handler (location at [bp-2]) */

		WORD *stack = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( context->SegSs, LOWORD(context->Ebp) ));
		context->Esp = LOWORD(context->Ebp) - 2;
		context->Ebp = stack[0] & 0xfffe;

		context->Eip = stack[-1];

		context->Eax = context->Ecx = context->Edx = 0;
		context->SegEs = 0;
Exemple #19
void DOSDEV_InstallDOSDevices(void)
  DOS_DATASEG *dataseg;
  WORD seg;
  WORD selector;
  unsigned int n;

  /* allocate DOS data segment or something */
  dataseg = DOSVM_AllocDataUMB( sizeof(DOS_DATASEG), &seg, &selector );

  DOS_LOLSeg = MAKESEGPTR( seg, 0 );
  DOSMEM_LOL()->wine_rm_lol = 
  DOSMEM_LOL()->wine_pm_lol = 

  /* initialize the magnificent List Of Lists */

  /* Set up first device (NUL) */
  dataseg->last_dev = NULL;
  DOSDEV_SetupDevice( &devs[0],
		      DOS_DATASEG_OFF(thunk[0]) );

  /* Set up the remaining devices */
  for (n = 1; n < NR_DEVS; n++)
    DOSDEV_SetupDevice( &devs[n],
			DOS_DATASEG_OFF(thunk[n]) );

  /* CON is device 1 */
  dataseg->lol.ptr_CON_dev_hdr = MAKESEGPTR(seg, DOS_DATASEG_OFF(dev[0]));
Exemple #20
 *          DOSVM_GetPMHandler16
 * Return the protected mode interrupt vector for a given interrupt.
FARPROC16 DOSVM_GetPMHandler16( BYTE intnum )
    TDB *pTask;
    FARPROC16 proc = 0;

    pTask = GlobalLock16(GetCurrentTask());
    if (pTask)
        switch( intnum )
        case 0x00:
            proc = pTask->int0;
        case 0x02:
            proc = pTask->int2;
        case 0x04:
            proc = pTask->int4;
        case 0x06:
            proc = pTask->int6;
        case 0x07:
            proc = pTask->int7;
        case 0x3e:
            proc = pTask->int3e;
        case 0x75:
            proc = pTask->int75;
        if( proc )
            return proc;
    if (!DOSVM_Vectors16[intnum])
        proc = (FARPROC16)MAKESEGPTR( DOSVM_dpmi_segments->int16_sel,
                                                DOSVM_STUB_PM16 * intnum );
        DOSVM_Vectors16[intnum] = proc;
    return DOSVM_Vectors16[intnum];
Exemple #21
void DOSDEV_SetupDevice(const WINEDEV * devinfo,
			WORD seg, WORD off_dev, WORD off_thunk)
  DOS_DEVICE_HEADER *dev = PTR_REAL_TO_LIN(seg, off_dev);
  WINEDEV_THUNK *thunk = PTR_REAL_TO_LIN(seg, off_thunk);

  dev->attr = devinfo->attr;
  dev->strategy  = off_thunk + FIELD_OFFSET(WINEDEV_THUNK, ljmp1);
  dev->interrupt = off_thunk + FIELD_OFFSET(WINEDEV_THUNK, ljmp2);
  memcpy(dev->name, devinfo->name, 8);

  thunk->ljmp1     = LJMP;
  thunk->strategy  = DPMI_AllocInternalRMCB(devinfo->strategy);
  thunk->ljmp2     = LJMP;
  thunk->interrupt = DPMI_AllocInternalRMCB(devinfo->interrupt);

  dev->next_dev = NONEXT;
  if (dataseg->last_dev)
      dataseg->last_dev->next_dev = MAKESEGPTR(seg, off_dev);
  dataseg->last_dev = dev;
Exemple #22
 *           VXD_VXDLoader (WPROCS.439)
void WINAPI VXD_VXDLoader( CONTEXT86 *context )
    unsigned service = AX_reg(context);

    TRACE("[%04x] VXDLoader\n", (UINT16)service);

    switch (service)
    case 0x0000: /* get version */
	TRACE("returning version\n");
	AX_reg(context) = 0x0000;
	DX_reg(context) = VXD_WinVersion();

    case 0x0001: /* load device */
	FIXME("load device %04lx:%04x (%s)\n",
	      context->SegDs, DX_reg(context),
	      debugstr_a(MapSL(MAKESEGPTR(context->SegDs, DX_reg(context)))));
	AX_reg(context) = 0x0000;
	context->SegEs = 0x0000;
	DI_reg(context) = 0x0000;

    case 0x0002: /* unload device */
	FIXME("unload device (%08lx)\n", context->Ebx);
	AX_reg(context) = 0x0000;

	VXD_BARF( context, "VXDLDR" );
	AX_reg(context) = 0x000B; /* invalid function number */
Exemple #23
 *	    CallRMProc   (WINEDOS.@)
void WINAPI DOSVM_CallRMProc( CONTEXT86 *context, int iret )
                                          context->Edi );
    CONTEXT86 context16;

    TRACE("RealModeCall: EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx\n",
          p->eax, p->ebx, p->ecx, p->edx);
    TRACE("              ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx ES=%04x DS=%04x CS:IP=%04x:%04x, %d WORD arguments, %s\n",
          p->esi, p->edi, p->es, p->ds, p->cs, p->ip, CX_reg(context), iret?"IRET":"FAR" );

    if (!(p->cs) && !(p->ip)) { /* remove this check
                                   if Int21/6501 case map function
                                   has been implemented */
    INT_GetRealModeContext(p, &context16);
    DPMI_CallRMProc( &context16, ((LPWORD)MapSL(MAKESEGPTR(context->SegSs, LOWORD(context->Esp))))+3,
                     CX_reg(context), iret );
    INT_SetRealModeContext(p, &context16);
Exemple #24
DWORD DOSDEV_FindCharDevice(char*name)
  char dname[8];
  int cnt;

  /* get first 8 characters */
  /* if less than 8 characters, pad with spaces */
  for (cnt=0; name[cnt] && cnt<8; cnt++)

  while(cnt<8) dname[cnt++] = ' ';

  /* search for char devices with the right name */
  while (cur &&
	 ((!(cur->attr & ATTR_CHAR)) ||
	  memcmp(cur->name,dname,8))) {
    cur_ptr = cur->next_dev;
    if (cur_ptr == NONEXT) cur=NULL;
    else cur = PTR_REAL_TO_LIN(SELECTOROF(cur_ptr),OFFSETOF(cur_ptr));
  return cur_ptr;
Exemple #25
 *         INT10_FillControllerInformation
 * Fill 256-byte (VBE1.x) or 512-byte buffer (VBE2.0+) with
 * capabilities of the video controller.
static void INT10_FillControllerInformation( BYTE *buffer )
    INT10_HEAP *heap = INT10_GetHeap();

    /* 00 - BYTE[4]: signature */
    memmove( buffer, "VESA", 4 );

    /* 04 - WORD: version number */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 4) = 0x0300; /* version 3.0 */
    /* 06 - DWORD: pointer to OEM name */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 6) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                  VesaOEMName) );

     * 10 - DWORD: capabilities flags 
     * Bits:
     *    0 - DAC can be switched into 8-bit mode
     *    1 - non-VGA controller
     *    2 - programmed DAC with blank bit
     *    3 - controller supports hardware stereoscopic signalling
     *    4 - =0 stereo signalling via external VESA stereo connector
     *        =1 stereo signalling via VESA EVC connector
     *    5 - controller supports hardware mouse cursor
     *    6 - controller supports hardware clipping
     *    7 - controller supports transparent BitBLT
     * 8-31 - reserved (0)
    *(DWORD*)(buffer + 10) = 0; /* FIXME */
    /* 14 - DWORD: pointer to list of supported VESA and OEM video modes */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 14) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                   VesaModeList) );

    /* 18 - WORD: total amount of video memory in 64K blocks */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 18) = 16; /* FIXME */

    /* 20 - WORD: OEM software version (BCD, high byte = major) */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 20) = 0x0100; /* version 1.0 */

    /* 22 - DWORD: pointer to vendor name */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 22) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                   VesaVendorName) );

    /* 26 - DWORD: pointer to product name */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 26) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                   VesaProductName) );

    /* 30 - DWORD: pointer to product revision string */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 30) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                   VesaProductRev) );

    /* 34 - WORD: VBE/AF version (if capabilities bit 3 set) */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 34) = 0;

     * 36 - DWORD: pointer to list of accelerated modes 
     *             (if capabilities bit 3 set) 
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 36) = 0;

    /* 40 - BYTE[216]: reserved for VBE implementation, set to zero */
    memset( buffer + 40, 0, 216 );

     * 256 - BYTE[256]: reserved for VBE3.0 implementation, 
     *                  ignored in order to support older programs
Exemple #26
 *           TASK_Create
 * NOTE: This routine might be called by a Win32 thread. Thus, we need
 *       to be careful to protect global data structures. We do this
 *       by entering the Win16Lock while linking the task into the
 *       global task list.
static TDB *TASK_Create( NE_MODULE *pModule, UINT16 cmdShow, LPCSTR cmdline, BYTE len )
    HTASK16 hTask;
    TDB *pTask;
    FARPROC16 proc;
    char curdir[MAX_PATH];
    HMODULE16 hModule = pModule ? pModule->self : 0;

      /* Allocate the task structure */

    hTask = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TDB) );
    if (!hTask) return NULL;
    pTask = TASK_GetPtr( hTask );
    FarSetOwner16( hTask, hModule );

    /* Fill the task structure */

    pTask->hSelf = hTask;

    pTask->version       = pModule ? pModule->ne_expver : 0x0400;
    pTask->hModule       = hModule;
    pTask->hParent       = GetCurrentTask();
    pTask->magic         = TDB_MAGIC;
    pTask->nCmdShow      = cmdShow;

    GetCurrentDirectoryA( sizeof(curdir), curdir );
    GetShortPathNameA( curdir, curdir, sizeof(curdir) );
    pTask->curdrive = (curdir[0] - 'A') | 0x80;
    lstrcpynA( pTask->curdir, curdir + 2, sizeof(pTask->curdir) );

      /* Create the thunks block */

    TASK_CreateThunks( hTask, (char *)pTask->thunks - (char *)pTask, 7 );

      /* Copy the module name */

    if (hModule)
        char name[sizeof(pTask->module_name)+1];
        size_t len;
        GetModuleName16( hModule, name, sizeof(name) );
        len = strlen(name) + 1;
        memcpy(pTask->module_name, name, min(len,sizeof(pTask->module_name)));
        pTask->compat_flags = GetProfileIntA( "Compatibility", name, 0 );

      /* Allocate a selector for the PDB */

    pTask->hPDB = GLOBAL_CreateBlock( GMEM_FIXED, &pTask->pdb, sizeof(PDB16),
                                      hModule, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_DATA );

      /* Fill the PDB */

    pTask->pdb.int20 = 0x20cd;
    pTask->pdb.dispatcher[0] = 0x9a;  /* ljmp */
    proc = GetProcAddress16( GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL"), "DOS3Call" );
    memcpy( &pTask->pdb.dispatcher[1], &proc, sizeof(proc) );
    pTask->pdb.savedint22 = 0;
    pTask->pdb.savedint23 = 0;
    pTask->pdb.savedint24 = 0;
    pTask->pdb.fileHandlesPtr =
        MAKESEGPTR( GlobalHandleToSel16(pTask->hPDB), FIELD_OFFSET( PDB16, fileHandles ));
    pTask->pdb.hFileHandles = 0;
    memset( pTask->pdb.fileHandles, 0xff, sizeof(pTask->pdb.fileHandles) );
    /* FIXME: should we make a copy of the environment? */
    pTask->pdb.environment    = SELECTOROF(GetDOSEnvironment16());
    pTask->pdb.nbFiles        = 20;

    /* Fill the command line */

    if (!cmdline)
        cmdline = GetCommandLineA();
        /* remove the first word (program name) */
        if (*cmdline == '"')
            if (!(cmdline = strchr( cmdline+1, '"' ))) cmdline = GetCommandLineA();
        while (*cmdline && (*cmdline != ' ') && (*cmdline != '\t')) cmdline++;
        while ((*cmdline == ' ') || (*cmdline == '\t')) cmdline++;
        len = strlen(cmdline);
    if (len >= sizeof(pTask->pdb.cmdLine)) len = sizeof(pTask->pdb.cmdLine)-1;
    pTask->pdb.cmdLine[0] = len;
    memcpy( pTask->pdb.cmdLine + 1, cmdline, len );
    /* pTask->pdb.cmdLine[len+1] = 0; */

    TRACE("cmdline='%.*s' task=%04x\n", len, cmdline, hTask );

      /* Allocate a code segment alias for the TDB */

    pTask->hCSAlias = GLOBAL_CreateBlock( GMEM_FIXED, pTask, sizeof(TDB),
                                          pTask->hPDB, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_CODE );

      /* Default DTA overwrites command line */

    pTask->dta = MAKESEGPTR( pTask->hPDB, FIELD_OFFSET( PDB16, cmdLine ));

    /* Create scheduler event for 16-bit tasks */

    if ( !(pTask->flags & TDBF_WIN32) )
        NtCreateEvent( &pTask->hEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );

    if (!initial_task) initial_task = hTask;

    return pTask;
Exemple #27
 *           NE_FixupSegmentPrologs
 * Fixup exported functions prologs of one segment
static void NE_FixupSegmentPrologs(NE_MODULE *pModule, WORD segnum)
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSegTable = NE_SEG_TABLE( pModule );
    ET_BUNDLE *bundle;
    ET_ENTRY *entry;
    WORD dgroup, num_entries, sel = SEL(pSegTable[segnum-1].hSeg);
    BYTE *pSeg, *pFunc;

    TRACE("(%d);\n", segnum);

    if (pSegTable[segnum-1].flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA)
	pSegTable[segnum-1].flags |= NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED;

    if (!pModule->ne_autodata) return;

    if (!pSegTable[pModule->ne_autodata-1].hSeg) return;
    dgroup = SEL(pSegTable[pModule->ne_autodata-1].hSeg);

    pSeg = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(sel, 0) );

    bundle = (ET_BUNDLE *)((BYTE *)pModule+pModule->ne_enttab);

    do {
        TRACE("num_entries: %d, bundle: %p, next: %04x, pSeg: %p\n", bundle->last - bundle->first, bundle, bundle->next, pSeg);
        if (!(num_entries = bundle->last - bundle->first))
        entry = (ET_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)bundle+6);
        while (num_entries--)
            /*TRACE("entry: %p, entry->segnum: %d, entry->offs: %04x\n", entry, entry->segnum, entry->offs);*/
            if (entry->segnum == segnum)
                pFunc = pSeg+entry->offs;
                TRACE("pFunc: %p, *(DWORD *)pFunc: %08x, num_entries: %d\n", pFunc, *(DWORD *)pFunc, num_entries);
                if (*(pFunc+2) == 0x90)
                    if (*(WORD *)pFunc == 0x581e) /* push ds, pop ax */
                        TRACE("patch %04x:%04x -> mov ax, ds\n", sel, entry->offs);
                        *(WORD *)pFunc = 0xd88c; /* mov ax, ds */

                    if (*(WORD *)pFunc == 0xd88c)
                        if ((entry->flags & 2)) /* public data ? */
                            TRACE("patch %04x:%04x -> mov ax, dgroup [%04x]\n", sel, entry->offs, dgroup);
                            *pFunc = 0xb8; /* mov ax, */
                            *(WORD *)(pFunc+1) = dgroup;
                        else if ((pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_MULTIPLEDATA)
                                 && (entry->flags & 1)) /* exported ? */
                            TRACE("patch %04x:%04x -> nop, nop\n", sel, entry->offs);
                            *(WORD *)pFunc = 0x9090; /* nop, nop */
    } while ( (bundle->next) && (bundle = ((ET_BUNDLE *)((BYTE *)pModule + bundle->next))) );
Exemple #28
 *           NE_LoadSegment
BOOL NE_LoadSegment( NE_MODULE *pModule, WORD segnum )
    WORD count;
    DWORD pos;
    const struct relocation_entry_s *rep;
    int size;
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSegTable = NE_SEG_TABLE( pModule );
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSeg = pSegTable + segnum - 1;

    if (pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED)
	/* self-loader ? -> already loaded it */
	if (pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD)
	    return TRUE;

	/* leave, except for DGROUP, as this may be the second instance */
	if (segnum != pModule->ne_autodata)
            return TRUE;

    if (!pSeg->filepos) return TRUE;  /* No file image, just return */

    TRACE_(module)("Loading segment %d, hSeg=%04x, flags=%04x\n",
                    segnum, pSeg->hSeg, pSeg->flags );
    pos = pSeg->filepos << pModule->ne_align;
    if (pSeg->size) size = pSeg->size;
    else size = pSeg->minsize ? pSeg->minsize : 0x10000;

    if (pModule->ne_flags & NE_FFLAGS_SELFLOAD && segnum > 1)
 	/* Implement self-loading segments */
 	SELFLOADHEADER *selfloadheader;
        void *oldstack;
        HFILE16 hFile16;
        WORD args[3];
        DWORD ret;

 	selfloadheader = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR(SEL(pSegTable->hSeg),0) );
        oldstack = getWOW32Reserved();
		setWOW32Reserved((void *)MAKESEGPTR(pModule->self_loading_sel,
                                                           0xff00 - sizeof(STACK16FRAME)));

        hFile16 = NE_OpenFile( pModule );
        TRACE_(dll)("Call LoadAppSegProc(hmodule=0x%04x,hf=%x,segnum=%d)\n",
                    pModule->self,hFile16,segnum );
        args[2] = pModule->self;
        args[1] = hFile16;
        args[0] = segnum;
        WOWCallback16Ex( (DWORD)selfloadheader->LoadAppSeg, WCB16_PASCAL, sizeof(args), args, &ret );
        pSeg->hSeg = LOWORD(ret);
        TRACE_(dll)("Ret LoadAppSegProc: hSeg=0x%04x\n", pSeg->hSeg);
        _lclose16( hFile16 );

        pSeg->flags |= NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED;
        return TRUE;
    else if (!(pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_ITERATED))
        void *mem = GlobalLock16(pSeg->hSeg);
        if (!NE_READ_DATA( pModule, mem, pos, size ))
            return FALSE;
        pos += size;
          The following bit of code for "iterated segments" was written without
          any documentation on the format of these segments. It seems to work,
          but may be missing something.
        const char *buff = NE_GET_DATA( pModule, pos, size );
        const char* curr = buff;
        char *mem = GlobalLock16(pSeg->hSeg);

        pos += size;
        if (buff == NULL) return FALSE;

        while(curr < buff + size) {
            unsigned int rept = ((const short *)curr)[0];
            unsigned int len =  ((const short *)curr)[1];

            curr += 2*sizeof(short);
            while (rept--)
                memcpy( mem, curr, len );
                mem += len;
            curr += len;

    pSeg->flags |= NE_SEGFLAGS_LOADED;

    /* Perform exported function prolog fixups */
    NE_FixupSegmentPrologs( pModule, segnum );

    if (!(pSeg->flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_RELOC_DATA))
        return TRUE;  /* No relocation data, we are done */

    if (!NE_READ_DATA( pModule, &count, pos, sizeof(count) ) || !count) return TRUE;
    pos += sizeof(count);

    TRACE("Fixups for %.*s, segment %d, hSeg %04x\n",
          *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab),
          (char *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab + 1,
          segnum, pSeg->hSeg );

    if (!(rep = NE_GET_DATA( pModule, pos, count * sizeof(struct relocation_entry_s) )))
        return FALSE;

    return apply_relocations( pModule, rep, count, segnum );
Exemple #29
 *           apply_relocations
 * Apply relocations to a segment. Helper for NE_LoadSegment.
static inline BOOL apply_relocations( NE_MODULE *pModule, const struct relocation_entry_s *rep,
                                      int count, int segnum )
    BYTE *func_name;
    char buffer[256];
    int i, ordinal;
    WORD offset, *sp;
    HMODULE16 module;
    FARPROC16 address = 0;
    HMODULE16 *pModuleTable = (HMODULE16 *)((char *)pModule + pModule->ne_modtab);
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSegTable = NE_SEG_TABLE( pModule );
    SEGTABLEENTRY *pSeg = pSegTable + segnum - 1;

     * Go through the relocation table one entry at a time.
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++, rep++)
         * Get the target address corresponding to this entry.

        /* If additive, there is no target chain list. Instead, add source
           and target */
        int additive = rep->relocation_type & NE_RELFLAG_ADDITIVE;
        switch (rep->relocation_type & 3)
        case NE_RELTYPE_ORDINAL:
            module = pModuleTable[rep->target1-1];
            ordinal = rep->target2;
            address = NE_GetEntryPoint( module, ordinal );
            if (!address)
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                if (!pTarget)
                    WARN_(module)("Module not found: %04x, reference %d of module %*.*s\n",
                             module, rep->target1,
                             *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab),
                             *((BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab),
                             (char *)pModule + pModule->ne_restab + 1 );
                    ERR("No implementation for %.*s.%d, setting to 0xdeadbeef\n",
                            *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab),
                            (char *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab + 1,
                            ordinal );
                    address = (FARPROC16)0xdeadbeef;
            if (TRACE_ON(fixup))
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                TRACE("%d: %.*s.%d=%04x:%04x %s\n", i + 1,
                       *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab),
                       (char *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab + 1,
                       ordinal, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                       NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

        case NE_RELTYPE_NAME:
            module = pModuleTable[rep->target1-1];
            func_name = (BYTE *)pModule + pModule->ne_imptab + rep->target2;
            memcpy( buffer, func_name+1, *func_name );
            buffer[*func_name] = '\0';
            ordinal = NE_GetOrdinal( module, buffer );
            address = NE_GetEntryPoint( module, ordinal );

            if (ERR_ON(fixup) && !address)
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                ERR("No implementation for %.*s.%s, setting to 0xdeadbeef\n",
                    *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab),
                    (char *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab + 1, buffer );
            if (!address) address = (FARPROC16) 0xdeadbeef;
            if (TRACE_ON(fixup))
                NE_MODULE *pTarget = NE_GetPtr( module );
                TRACE("%d: %.*s.%s=%04x:%04x %s\n", i + 1,
                       *((BYTE *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab),
                       (char *)pTarget + pTarget->ne_restab + 1,
                       buffer, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                       NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

            if ((rep->target1 & 0xff) == 0xff)
                address  = NE_GetEntryPoint( pModule->self, rep->target2 );
                address = (FARPROC16)MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSegTable[rep->target1-1].hSeg), rep->target2 );

            TRACE("%d: %04x:%04x %s\n",
                  i + 1, HIWORD(address), LOWORD(address),
                  NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

        case NE_RELTYPE_OSFIXUP:
            /* Relocation type 7:
             *    These appear to be used as fixups for the Windows
             * floating point emulator.  Let's just ignore them and
             * try to use the hardware floating point.  Linux should
             * successfully emulate the coprocessor if it doesn't
             * exist.
            TRACE("%d: TYPE %d, OFFSET %04x, TARGET %04x %04x %s\n",
                  i + 1, rep->relocation_type, rep->offset,
                  rep->target1, rep->target2,
                  NE_GetRelocAddrName( rep->address_type, additive ) );

        offset  = rep->offset;

        /* Apparently, high bit of address_type is sometimes set; */
        /* we ignore it for now */
        if (rep->address_type > NE_RADDR_OFFSET32)
            char module[10];
            GetModuleName16( pModule->self, module, sizeof(module) );
            ERR("WARNING: module %s: unknown reloc addr type = 0x%02x. Please report.\n",
                 module, rep->address_type );

        if (additive)
            sp = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSeg->hSeg), offset ) );
            TRACE("    %04x:%04x\n", offset, *sp );
            switch (rep->address_type & 0x7f)
            case NE_RADDR_LOWBYTE:
                *(BYTE *)sp += LOBYTE((int)address);
            case NE_RADDR_OFFSET16:
                *sp += LOWORD(address);
            case NE_RADDR_POINTER32:
                *sp += LOWORD(address);
                *(sp+1) = HIWORD(address);
            case NE_RADDR_SELECTOR:
                /* Borland creates additive records with offset zero. Strange, but OK */
                if (*sp)
                    ERR("Additive selector to %04x.Please report\n",*sp);
                    *sp = HIWORD(address);
                goto unknown;
        else  /* non-additive fixup */
                WORD next_offset;

                sp = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( SEL(pSeg->hSeg), offset ) );
                next_offset = *sp;
                TRACE("    %04x:%04x\n", offset, *sp );
                switch (rep->address_type & 0x7f)
                case NE_RADDR_LOWBYTE:
                    *(BYTE *)sp = LOBYTE((int)address);
                case NE_RADDR_OFFSET16:
                    *sp = LOWORD(address);
                case NE_RADDR_POINTER32:
                    *(FARPROC16 *)sp = address;
                case NE_RADDR_SELECTOR:
                    *sp = SELECTOROF(address);
                    goto unknown;
                if (next_offset == offset) break;  /* avoid infinite loop */
                if (next_offset >= GlobalSize16(pSeg->hSeg)) break;
                offset = next_offset;
            } while (offset != 0xffff);
    return TRUE;

    WARN("WARNING: %d: unknown ADDR TYPE %d,  "
         "TYPE %d,  OFFSET %04x,  TARGET %04x %04x\n",
         i + 1, rep->address_type, rep->relocation_type,
         rep->offset, rep->target1, rep->target2);
    return FALSE;
Exemple #30
 *         INT10_FillStateInformation
 * Fill 64-byte buffer with VGA state and functionality information.
static void INT10_FillStateInformation( BYTE *buffer, BIOSDATA *data )
    INT10_HEAP *heap = INT10_GetHeap();

    /* 00 - DWORD: address of static functionality table */
    *(SEGPTR*)(buffer + 0) = MAKESEGPTR( heap->WineHeapSegment,
                                                  StaticModeSupport) );

    /* 04 - BYTE[30]: copy of BIOS data starting from 0x49 (VideoMode) */
    memmove( buffer + 4, &data->VideoMode, 30 );

    /* 34 - BYTE: number of rows - 1 */
    buffer[34] = data->RowsOnScreenMinus1;

    /* 35 - WORD: bytes/character */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 35) = data->BytesPerChar;

    /* 37 - BYTE: display combination code of active display */
    buffer[37] = INT10_DCC;

    /* 38 - BYTE: DCC of alternate display */
    buffer[38] = 0; /* no secondary display */

    /* 39 - WORD: number of colors supported in current mode (0000h = mono) */
    *(WORD*)(buffer + 39) = 16; /* FIXME */

    /* 41 - BYTE: number of pages supported in current mode */
    buffer[41] = 1; /* FIXME */

     * 42 - BYTE: number of scan lines active
     * Values (hex):
     * 00 = 200
     * 01 = 350
     * 02 = 400
     * 03 = 480
    buffer[42] = 3; /* FIXME */

    /* 43 - BYTE: primary character block */
    buffer[43] = 0; /* FIXME */

    /* 44 - BYTE: secondary character block */
    buffer[44] = 0; /* FIXME */

     * 45 - BYTE: miscellaneous flags
     * Bits:
     * 0 - all modes on all displays on
     * 1 - gray summing on
     * 2 - monochrome display attached
     * 3 - default palette loading disabled
     * 4 - cursor emulation enabled
     * 5 - 0 = intensity; 1 = blinking
     * 6 - flat-panel display is active
     * 7 - unused (0)
    /* FIXME: Correct value? */
    buffer[45] =
        (data->VGASettings & 0x0f) |
        ((data->ModeOptions & 1) << 4); /* cursor emulation */

     * 46 - BYTE: non-VGA mode support 
     * Bits:
     *   0 - BIOS supports information return for adapter interface
     *   1 - adapter interface driver required
     *   2 - 16-bit VGA graphics present
     *   3 - =1 MFI attributes enabled
     *       =0 VGA attributes enabled
     *   4 - 132-column mode supported
     * 5-7 - reserved
     buffer[46] = 0; /* FIXME: correct value? */

     /* 47 - BYTE[2]: reserved, set to zero */
     memset( buffer + 47, 0, 2 );

      * 49 - BYTE: video memory available
      * Values (hex):
      * 00 - 64K
      * 01 - 128K
      * 02 - 192K
      * 03 - 256K
     buffer[49] = (data->ModeOptions & 0x60) >> 5; /* FIXME */

      * 50 - BYTE: save pointer state flags
      * Bits:
      *   0 - 512 character set active
      *   1 - dynamic save area present
      *   2 - alpha font override active
      *   3 - graphics font override active
      *   4 - palette override active
      *   5 - DCC override active
      * 6-7 - unused (0)
     buffer[50] = heap->StaticSavePointerFlags;

      * 51 - BYTE: display information and status 
      * Bits:
      *   0 - flat-panel display attached
      *   1 - flat-panel display active
      *   2 - color display
      * 3-6 - reserved
      *   7 - 640x480 flat-panel can be used simultaneously with CRT
     buffer[51] = 4; /* FIXME: correct value? */

     /* 52 - BYTE[12]: reserved, set to zero */
     memset( buffer + 52, 0, 12 );