void map_update_cspace_changed(const int x, const int y, const int state, const double max_occ_dist, map_t *map)
   int i, j;
   int ni, nj;
   int s;
   double d;
   map_cell_t *cell, *ncell;

   map->max_occ_dist = max_occ_dist;
   s = (int) ceil(map->max_occ_dist / map->scale);

   // Reset the distance values in the ratios (x, y) +- 2.0m / map_scale
   for (j = y-s; j < y+s; j++)
     for (i = x-s; i < x+s; i++)
        if(MAP_VALID(map, i, j)) {
           cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
           cell->occ_dist = map->max_occ_dist;

   // Find all the occupied cells and update their neighbours
   for (j = y-s; j < y+s; j++)
      for (i = x-s; i < y+s; i++)
         cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
         if (cell->occ_state != +1)
         cell->occ_dist = 0;

         // Update adjacent cells
         for (nj = -s; nj <= +s; nj++)
            for (ni = -s; ni <= +s; ni++)
               if (!MAP_VALID(map, i + ni, j + nj))
               ncell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i + ni, j + nj);
               d = map->scale * sqrt(ni * ni + nj * nj);
               if (d < ncell->occ_dist)
                  ncell->occ_dist = d;
pf_vector_t AMCLocalizer::uniformPoseGenerator(void* arg) {
    map_t* map = (map_t*)arg;
    unsigned int rand_index = drand48() * free_space_indices.size();
    std::pair<int,int> free_point = free_space_indices[rand_index];
    pf_vector_t p;
    p.v[0] = MAP_WXGX(map, free_point.first);
    p.v[1] = MAP_WYGY(map, free_point.second);
    p.v[2] = drand48() * 2 * M_PI - M_PI;
    double min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;

    min_x = (map->size_x * map->scale)/2.0 - map->origin_x;
    max_x = (map->size_x * map->scale)/2.0 + map->origin_x;
    min_y = (map->size_y * map->scale)/2.0 - map->origin_y;
    max_y = (map->size_y * map->scale)/2.0 + map->origin_y;

    pf_vector_t p;

    ROS_DEBUG("Generating new uniform sample");
        p.v[0] = min_x + drand48() * (max_x - min_x);
        p.v[1] = min_y + drand48() * (max_y - min_y);
        p.v[2] = drand48() * 2 * M_PI - M_PI;
        // Check that it's a free cell
        int i,j;
        i = MAP_GXWX(map, p.v[0]);
        j = MAP_GYWY(map, p.v[1]);
        if(MAP_VALID(map,i,j) && (map->cells[MAP_INDEX(map,i,j)].occ_state == -1))
    return p;
Exemple #3
 int coordIndex(double x, double y) const {
   int xi = MAP_GXWX(map_, x);
   int yi = MAP_GYWY(map_, y);
   if (!MAP_VALID(map_, xi, yi)) {
     return -1;
   } else {
     return MAP_INDEX(map_, xi, yi);
Exemple #4
// Update the cspace distance values
void map_update_cspace(map_t *map, double max_occ_dist)
  int i, j;
  int ni, nj;
  int s;
  double d;
  map_cell_t *cell, *ncell;

  map->max_occ_dist = max_occ_dist;
  s = (int) ceil(map->max_occ_dist / map->scale);

  // Reset the distance values
  for (j = 0; j < map->size_y; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < map->size_x; i++)
      cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
      cell->occ_dist = map->max_occ_dist;

  // Find all the occupied cells and update their neighbours
  for (j = 0; j < map->size_y; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < map->size_x; i++)
      cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
      if (cell->occ_state != +1)
      cell->occ_dist = 0;

      // Update adjacent cells
      for (nj = -s; nj <= +s; nj++)
        for (ni = -s; ni <= +s; ni++)
          if (!MAP_VALID(map, i + ni, j + nj))

          ncell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i + ni, j + nj);
          d = map->scale * sqrt(ni * ni + nj * nj);

          if (d < ncell->occ_dist)
            ncell->occ_dist = d;
Exemple #5
void OccupancyMap::initializeSearch(double startx, double starty) {
  starti_ = MAP_GXWX(map_, startx);
  startj_ = MAP_GYWY(map_, starty);

  if (!MAP_VALID(map_, starti_, startj_)) {
    ROS_ERROR("OccupancyMap::initializeSearch() Invalid starting position");

  int ncells = map_->size_x * map_->size_y;
  if (ncells_ != ncells) {
    ncells_ = ncells;
    costs_.reset(new float[ncells]);
    prev_i_.reset(new int[ncells]);
    prev_j_.reset(new int[ncells]);

  // TODO: Return to more efficient lazy-initialization
  // // Map is large and initializing costs_ takes a while.  To speedup,
  // // partially initialize costs_ in a rectangle surrounding start and stop
  // // positions + margin.  If you run up against boundary, initialize the rest.
  // int margin = 120;
  // init_ul_ = make_pair(max(0, min(starti_, stopi) - margin),
  //                      max(0, min(startj_, stopj) - margin));
  // init_lr_ = make_pair(min(map_->size_x, max(starti_, stopi) + margin),
  //                      min(map_->size_y, max(startj_, stopj) + margin));
  // for (int j = init_ul.second; j < init_lr.second; ++j) {
  //   for (int i = init_ul.first; i < init_lr.first; ++i) {
  //     int ind = MAP_INDEX(map_, i, j);
  //     costs_[ind] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
  //   }
  // }
  // full_init_ = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < ncells_; ++i) {
    costs_[i] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
    prev_i_[i] = -1;
    prev_j_[i] = -1;

  int start_ind = MAP_INDEX(map_, starti_, startj_);
  costs_[start_ind] = 0.0;
  prev_i_[starti_] = starti_;
  prev_j_[startj_] = startj_;

  Q_.reset(new set<Node, NodeCompare>());
  Q_->insert(Node(make_pair(starti_, startj_), 0.0, 0.0));

  stopi_ = -1;
  stopj_ = -1;
Exemple #6
// Get the cell at the given point
map_cell_t *map_get_cell(map_t *map, double ox, double oy, double oa)
  int i, j;
  map_cell_t *cell;

  i = (int) MAP_GXWX(map, ox);
  j = (int) MAP_GYWY(map, oy);
  if (!MAP_VALID(map, i, j))
    return NULL;

  cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
  return cell;
Exemple #7
Path OccupancyMap::astar(double startx, double starty,
                                double stopx, double stopy,
                                double max_occ_dist /* = 0.0 */,
                                bool allow_unknown /* = false */) {
  Path path;

  if (map_ == NULL) {
    ROS_WARN("OccupancyMap::astar() Map not set");
    return path;

  int stopi = MAP_GXWX(map_, stopx), stopj = MAP_GYWY(map_, stopy);
  if (!MAP_VALID(map_, stopi ,stopj)) {
    ROS_ERROR("OccupancyMap::astar() Invalid stopping position");
  if (map_->max_occ_dist < max_occ_dist) {
    ROS_ERROR("OccupancyMap::astar() CSpace has been calculated up to %f, "
              "but max_occ_dist=%.2f",
              map_->max_occ_dist, max_occ_dist);

  initializeSearch(startx, starty);
  // Set stop to use heuristic
  stopi_ = stopi;
  stopj_ = stopj;

  bool found = false;
  Node curr_node;
  while (nextNode(max_occ_dist, &curr_node, allow_unknown)) {
    if (curr_node.coord.first == stopi && curr_node.coord.second == stopj) {
      found = true;

  // Recreate path
  if (found) {
    buildPath(stopi, stopj, &path);
  return Path(path.rbegin(), path.rend());
Exemple #8
Path OccupancyMap::shortestPath(double stopx, double stopy) {
  Path path;

  if (map_ == NULL) {
    ROS_WARN("OccupancyMap::shortestPath() Map not set");
    return path;

  int i = MAP_GXWX(map_, stopx);
  int j = MAP_GYWY(map_, stopy);
  int ind = MAP_INDEX(map_, i, j);

  if (!MAP_VALID(map_, i, j)) {
    ROS_ERROR("OccMap::shortestPath() Invalid destination: x=%f y=%f",
              stopx, stopy);
    return path; // return to prevent compiler warning
  } else if ( prev_i_[ind] == -1 || prev_j_[ind] == -1) {
    return path;
  } else {
    buildPath(i, j, &path);
    return Path(path.rbegin(), path.rend());
// Load an occupancy grid
int map_load_occ(map_t *map, const char *filename, double scale, int negate)
  FILE *file;
  char magic[3];
  int i, j;
  int ch, occ;
  int width, height, depth;
  map_cell_t *cell;

  // Open file
  file = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (file == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", strerror(errno), filename);
    return -1;

  // Read ppm header
  if ((fscanf(file, "%2s \n", magic) != 1) || (strcmp(magic, "P5") != 0))
    fprintf(stderr, "incorrect image format; must be PGM/binary");
    return -1;

  // Ignore comments
  while ((ch = fgetc(file)) == '#')
    while (fgetc(file) != '\n');
  ungetc(ch, file);

  // Read image dimensions
  if(fscanf(file, " %d %d \n %d \n", &width, &height, &depth) != 3)
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed ot read image dimensions");
    return -1;

  // Allocate space in the map
  if (map->cells == NULL)
    map->scale = scale;
    map->size_x = width;
    map->size_y = height;
    map->cells = calloc(width * height, sizeof(map->cells[0]));
    if (width != map->size_x || height != map->size_y)
      //PLAYER_ERROR("map dimensions are inconsistent with prior map dimensions");
      return -1;

  // Read in the image
  for (j = height - 1; j >= 0; j--)
    for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
      ch = fgetc(file);

      // Black-on-white images
      if (!negate)
        if (ch < depth / 4)
          occ = +1;
        else if (ch > 3 * depth / 4)
          occ = -1;
          occ = 0;

      // White-on-black images
        if (ch < depth / 4)
          occ = -1;
        else if (ch > 3 * depth / 4)
          occ = +1;
          occ = 0;

      if (!MAP_VALID(map, i, j))
      cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
      cell->occ_state = occ;
  return 0;
Exemple #10
  const unsigned int vecsize = in.size();
  if (vecsize == 0)  return;

  for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vecsize; ++a) {
    // get tf to map of laser input
    fawkes::tf::StampedTransform transform;
      tf_listener_->lookup_transform(frame_map_.c_str(), in[a]->frame, *(in[a]->timestamp), transform);
    } catch(fawkes::tf::TransformException &e) {
        tf_listener_->lookup_transform(frame_map_.c_str(), in[a]->frame, fawkes::Time(0, 0), transform);
        logger_->log_debug("map_filter", "Can't transform laser-data using newest tf\n(%s\t%s\t\%lf)",
            frame_map_.c_str(), in[a]->frame.c_str(), in[a]->timestamp->in_sec());
      } catch(fawkes::tf::TransformException &e) {
        logger_->log_debug("map_filter", "Can't transform laser-data at all (%s -> %s)",
                           frame_map_.c_str(), in[a]->frame.c_str());
    // set out meta info
    out[a]->frame = in[a]->frame;
    out[a]->timestamp = in[a]->timestamp;
    // for each point
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < out_data_size; ++i) {
      bool add = true;
      // check nan
      if ( std::isfinite(in[a]->values[i]) ) {
        // transform to cartesian
        double angle = M_PI * (360.f / out_data_size * i ) / 180;

        float x, y;
        fawkes::polar2cart2d(angle, in[a]->values[i], &x, &y);

        // transform into map
        fawkes::tf::Point p;
        p.setValue(x, y, 0.);
        p = transform * p;

        // transform to map cells
        int cell_x = (int)MAP_GXWX(map_, p.getX());
        int cell_y = (int)MAP_GYWY(map_, p.getY());

        // search in 8-neighborhood and itself for occupied pixels in map
        for (int ox = -2; add && ox <= 2; ++ox) {
          for (int oy = -2; oy <= 2; ++oy) {
            int x = cell_x + ox;
            int y = cell_y + oy;
            if (MAP_VALID(map_, x, y)) {
              if (map_->cells[MAP_INDEX(map_, x, y)].occ_state > 0) {
                add = false;
      if (add) {
        out[a]->values[i] = in[a]->values[i];
      } else {
        out[a]->values[i] = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
Exemple #11
// Load a wifi signal strength map
int map_load_wifi(map_t *map, const char *filename, int index)
  FILE *file;
  char magic[3];
  int i, j;
  int ch, level;
  int width, height, depth;
  map_cell_t *cell;

  // Open file
  file = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (file == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", strerror(errno), filename);
    return -1;

  // Read ppm header
  fscanf(file, "%10s \n", magic);
  if (strcmp(magic, "P5") != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "incorrect image format; must be PGM/binary");
    return -1;

  // Ignore comments
  while ((ch = fgetc(file)) == '#')
    while (fgetc(file) != '\n');
  ungetc(ch, file);

  // Read image dimensions
  fscanf(file, " %d %d \n %d \n", &width, &height, &depth);

  // Allocate space in the map
  if (map->cells == NULL)
    map->size_x = width;
    map->size_y = height;
    map->cells = calloc(width * height, sizeof(map->cells[0]));
    if (width != map->size_x || height != map->size_y)
      PLAYER_ERROR("map dimensions are inconsistent with prior map dimensions");
      return -1;

  // Read in the image
  for (j = height - 1; j >= 0; j--)
    for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
      ch = fgetc(file);

      if (!MAP_VALID(map, i, j))

      if (ch == 0)
        level = 0;
        level = ch * 100 / 255 - 100;

      cell = map->cells + MAP_INDEX(map, i, j);
      cell->wifi_levels[index] = level;

  return 0;
Exemple #12
void OccupancyMap::addNeighbors(const Node &node, double max_occ_dist, bool allow_unknown) {
  // TODO: Return to more efficient lazy-initialization
  // // Check if we're neighboring nodes whose costs_ are uninitialized.
  // // if (!full_init &&
  // //     ((ci + 1 >= init_lr.first) || (ci - 1 <= init_ul.first) ||
  // //      (cj + 1 >= init_lr.second) || (cj - 1 <= init_ul.second))) {
  // //   full_init = true;
  // //   for (int j = 0; j < map_->size_y; ++j) {
  // //     for (int i = 0; i < map_->size_x; ++i) {
  // //       // Only initialize costs_ that are outside original rectangle
  // //       if (!(init_ul.first <= i && i < init_lr.first &&
  // //             init_ul.second <= j && j < init_lr.second)) {
  // //         int ind = MAP_INDEX(map_, i, j);
  // //         costs_[ind] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
  // //       }
  // //     }
  // //   }
  // // }

  int ci = node.coord.first;
  int cj = node.coord.second;

  // Iterate over neighbors
  for (int newj = cj - 1; newj <= cj + 1; ++newj) {
    for (int newi = ci - 1; newi <= ci + 1; ++newi) {
      // Skip self edges
      if ((newi == ci && newj == cj) || !MAP_VALID(map_, newi, newj)) {
      // fprintf(stderr, "  Examining %i %i ", newi, newj);
      int index = MAP_INDEX(map_, newi, newj);
      map_cell_t *cell = map_->cells + index;
      // If cell is occupied or too close to occupied cell, continue

      if (isinff(cell->cost) ||
          (!allow_unknown && cell->occ_state == map_cell_t::UNKNOWN)) {
        // fprintf(stderr, "occupado\n");
      // fprintf(stderr, "free\n");
      double edge_cost = ci == newi || cj == newj ? 1 : sqrt(2);
      double heur_cost = 0.0;
      if (stopi_ != -1 && stopj_ != -1) {
        heur_cost = hypot(newi - stopi_, newj - stopj_);
      double total_cost = node.true_cost + edge_cost + cell->cost + heur_cost;
      if (total_cost < costs_[index]) {
        // fprintf(stderr, "    Better path: new cost= % 6.2f\n", ttl_cost);
        // If node has finite cost, it's in queue and needs to be removed
        if (!isinf(costs_[index])) {
          Q_->erase(Node(make_pair(newi, newj), costs_[index], 0.0));
        costs_[index] = total_cost;
        prev_i_[index] = ci;
        prev_j_[index] = cj;
        Q_->insert(Node(make_pair(newi, newj),
                        node.true_cost + edge_cost + cell->cost,