Exemple #1
check_one (mpz_srcptr want, int fail, int base, const char *str)
  mpz_t   got;

  mp_trace_base = (base == 0 ? 16 : base);

  mpz_init (got);

  if (mpz_set_str (got, str, base) != fail)
      printf ("mpz_set_str unexpectedly failed\n");
      printf ("  base %d\n", base);
      printf ("  str  \"%s\"\n", str);
      abort ();

  if (fail == 0 && mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_set_str wrong\n");
      printf ("  base %d\n", base);
      printf ("  str  \"%s\"\n", str);
      mpz_trace ("got ", got);
      mpz_trace ("want", want);
      abort ();

  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #2
check_all (mpz_ptr w, mpz_ptr x, mpz_ptr y)
  int    swap, wneg, xneg, yneg;


  for (swap = 0; swap < 2; swap++)
      for (wneg = 0; wneg < 2; wneg++)
          for (xneg = 0; xneg < 2; xneg++)
              for (yneg = 0; yneg < 2; yneg++)
                  check_one (w, x, y);

                  if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (y))
                    check_one_ui (w, x, mpz_get_ui (y));

                  mpz_neg (y, y);
              mpz_neg (x, x);
          mpz_neg (w, w);
      mpz_swap (x, y);
Exemple #3
check_random (int argc, char *argv[])
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;
  mpz_t   a, c, d, ra, rc;
  int     i;
  int     want;
  int     reps = 50000;

  if (argc >= 2)
    reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (a);
  mpz_init (c);
  mpz_init (d);
  mpz_init (ra);
  mpz_init (rc);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_errandomb (a, rands, 8*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
      mpz_errandomb (c, rands, 8*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
      mpz_errandomb_nonzero (d, rands, 8*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);

      mpz_negrandom (a, rands);
      mpz_negrandom (c, rands);
      mpz_negrandom (d, rands);

      mpz_fdiv_r (ra, a, d);
      mpz_fdiv_r (rc, c, d);

      want = (mpz_cmp (ra, rc) == 0);
      check_one (a, c, d, want);

      mpz_sub (ra, ra, rc);
      mpz_sub (a, a, ra);
      check_one (a, c, d, 1);

      if (! mpz_pow2abs_p (d))
          refmpz_combit (a, urandom() % (8*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB));
          check_one (a, c, d, 0);

  mpz_clear (a);
  mpz_clear (c);
  mpz_clear (d);
  mpz_clear (ra);
  mpz_clear (rc);
Exemple #4
check_sequence (int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long  n;
  unsigned long  limit = 100 * BITS_PER_MP_LIMB;
  mpz_t          want_ln, want_ln1, got_ln, got_ln1;

  if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == 'x')
    limit = ULONG_MAX;
  else if (argc > 1)
    limit = atoi (argv[1]);

  /* start at n==0 */
  mpz_init_set_si (want_ln1, -1); /* L[-1] */
  mpz_init_set_ui (want_ln,  2);  /* L[0]   */
  mpz_init (got_ln);
  mpz_init (got_ln1);

  for (n = 0; n < limit; n++)
      mpz_lucnum2_ui (got_ln, got_ln1, n);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got_ln);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got_ln1);
      if (mpz_cmp (got_ln, want_ln) != 0 || mpz_cmp (got_ln1, want_ln1) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_lucnum2_ui(%lu) wrong\n", n);
          mpz_trace ("want ln ", want_ln);
          mpz_trace ("got  ln ",  got_ln);
          mpz_trace ("want ln1", want_ln1);
          mpz_trace ("got  ln1",  got_ln1);
          abort ();

      mpz_lucnum_ui (got_ln, n);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got_ln);
      if (mpz_cmp (got_ln, want_ln) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_lucnum_ui(%lu) wrong\n", n);
          mpz_trace ("want ln", want_ln);
          mpz_trace ("got  ln", got_ln);
          abort ();

      mpz_add (want_ln1, want_ln1, want_ln);  /* L[n+1] = L[n] + L[n-1] */
      mpz_swap (want_ln1, want_ln);

  mpz_clear (want_ln);
  mpz_clear (want_ln1);
  mpz_clear (got_ln);
  mpz_clear (got_ln1);
Exemple #5
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    double     d;
    mp_size_t  want_size;
    mp_limb_t  want_data[2];
  } data[] = {

    {  0.0,  0 },
    {  1.0,  1, { 1 } },
    { -1.0, -1, { 1 } },

    {  123.0,  1, { 123 } },
    { -123.0, -1, { 123 } },

  mpz_t  z;
  int    i;

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpz_init (z);
      mpz_set_d (z, data[i].d);
      if (z->_mp_size != data[i].want_size
          || refmpn_cmp_allowzero (z->_mp_d, data[i].want_data,
                                   ABS (data[i].want_size)) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_set_d wrong on data[%d]\n", i);
          d_trace   ("  d  ", data[i].d);
          printf    ("  got  size %ld\n", (long) z->_mp_size);
          printf    ("  want size %ld\n", (long) data[i].want_size);
          mpn_trace ("  got  z", z->_mp_d, z->_mp_size);
          mpn_trace ("  want z", data[i].want_data, data[i].want_size);
      mpz_clear (z);

      mpz_init_set_d (z, data[i].d);
      if (z->_mp_size != data[i].want_size
          || refmpn_cmp_allowzero (z->_mp_d, data[i].want_data,
                                   ABS (data[i].want_size)) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_init_set_d wrong on data[%d]\n", i);
          goto bad;
      mpz_clear (z);
Exemple #6
check_single (void)
  mpz_t  x;
  int    limb, offset, initial;
  unsigned long  bit;

  mpz_init (x);

  for (limb = 0; limb < 4; limb++)
      for (offset = (limb==0 ? 0 : -2); offset <= 2; offset++)
          for (initial = 0; initial >= -1; initial--)
              mpz_set_si (x, (long) initial);

              bit = (unsigned long) limb*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + offset;

              mpz_clrbit (x, bit);
              MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x);
              if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 0)
                  printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n");
                  abort ();
              mpz_setbit (x, bit);
              MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x);
              if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 1)
                  printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n");
                  abort ();
              mpz_clrbit (x, bit);
              MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x);
              if (mpz_tstbit (x, bit) != 0)
                  printf ("check_single(): expected 0\n");
                  abort ();

  mpz_clear (x);
Exemple #7
check_one_ui (mpz_ptr w, mpz_ptr x, unsigned long y)
  mpz_t  want, got;

  mpz_init (want);
  mpz_init (got);

  mpz_mul_ui (want, x, (unsigned long) y);
  mpz_add (want, w, want);
  mpz_set (got, w);
  mpz_addmul_ui (got, x, (unsigned long) y);
  if (mpz_cmp (want, got) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_addmul_ui fail\n");
      mpz_trace ("w", w);
      mpz_trace ("x", x);
      printf    ("y=0x%lX   %lu\n", y, y);
      mpz_trace ("want", want);
      mpz_trace ("got ", got);
      abort ();

  mpz_mul_ui (want, x, y);
  mpz_sub (want, w, want);
  mpz_set (got, w);
  mpz_submul_ui (got, x, y);
  if (mpz_cmp (want, got) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_submul_ui fail\n");
      goto fail;

  mpz_clear (want);
  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #8
check_all_inplace (mpz_ptr w, mpz_ptr y)
  int  wneg, yneg;


  for (wneg = 0; wneg < 2; wneg++)
      for (yneg = 0; yneg < 2; yneg++)
          check_one_inplace (w, y);

          if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (y))
            check_one_ui_inplace (w, mpz_get_ui (y));

          mpz_neg (y, y);
      mpz_neg (w, w);
Exemple #9
check_one (mpz_srcptr w, mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr y)
  mpz_t  want, got;

  mpz_init (want);
  mpz_init (got);

  mpz_mul (want, x, y);
  mpz_add (want, w, want);
  mpz_set (got, w);
  mpz_addmul (got, x, y);
  if (mpz_cmp (want, got) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_addmul fail\n");
      mpz_trace ("w", w);
      mpz_trace ("x", x);
      mpz_trace ("y", y);
      mpz_trace ("want", want);
      mpz_trace ("got ", got);
      abort ();

  mpz_mul (want, x, y);
  mpz_sub (want, w, want);
  mpz_set (got, w);
  mpz_submul (got, x, y);
  if (mpz_cmp (want, got) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_submul fail\n");
      goto fail;

  mpz_clear (want);
  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #10
/* exercise the case where mpz_clrbit or mpz_combit ends up extending a
   value like -2^(k*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1) when clearing bit k*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1.  */
check_clr_extend (void)
  mpz_t          got, want;
  unsigned long  i;
  int            f;

  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
      for (f = 0; f <= 1; f++)
	  /* lots of 1 bits in _mp_d */
	  mpz_set_ui (got, 1L);
	  mpz_mul_2exp (got, got, 10*GMP_NUMB_BITS);
	  mpz_sub_ui (got, got, 1L);

	  /* value -2^(n-1) representing ..11100..00 */
	  mpz_set_si (got, -1L);
	  mpz_mul_2exp (got, got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1);

	  /* complement bit n, giving ..11000..00 which is -2^n */
	  if (f == 0)
	    mpz_clrbit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1);
	    mpz_combit (got, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS-1);

	  mpz_set_si (want, -1L);
	  mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, i*GMP_NUMB_BITS);

	  if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
	      if (f == 0)
		printf ("mpz_clrbit: ");
		printf ("mpz_combit: ");
	      printf ("wrong after extension\n");
	      mpz_trace ("got ", got);
	      mpz_trace ("want", want);
	      abort ();

  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
Exemple #11
check_one (mpz_srcptr want, mpz_srcptr base, unsigned long exp)
  mpz_t  got;

  mpz_init (got);


  mpz_pow_ui (got, base, exp);
  if (mpz_cmp (got, want))
      printf ("mpz_pow_ui wrong\n");
      mpz_trace ("  base", base);
      printf    ("  exp = %lu (0x%lX)\n", exp, exp);
      mpz_trace ("  got ", got);
      mpz_trace ("  want", want);
      abort ();

  mpz_set (got, base);
  mpz_pow_ui (got, got, exp);
  if (mpz_cmp (got, want))
      printf ("mpz_pow_ui wrong\n");
      mpz_trace ("  base", base);
      printf    ("  exp = %lu (0x%lX)\n", exp, exp);
      mpz_trace ("  got ", got);
      mpz_trace ("  want", want);
      abort ();

  if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (base))
      unsigned long  base_u = mpz_get_ui (base);
      mpz_ui_pow_ui (got, base_u, exp);
      if (mpz_cmp (got, want))
	  printf    ("mpz_ui_pow_ui wrong\n");
	  printf    ("  base=%lu (0x%lX)\n", base_u, base_u);
	  printf    ("  exp = %lu (0x%lX)\n", exp, exp);
	  mpz_trace ("  got ", got);
	  mpz_trace ("  want", want);
	  abort ();

  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #12
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned long  n;
    unsigned long  limit = 2222;
    mpz_t          f, r;

    tests_start ();

    if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == 'x')
        limit = ULONG_MAX;
    else if (argc > 1)
        limit = atoi (argv[1]);

    /* for small limb testing */
    limit = MIN (limit, MP_LIMB_T_MAX);

    mpz_init_set_ui (f, 1);  /* 0# = 1 */
    mpz_init (r);

    for (n = 0; n < limit; n++)
        mpz_primorial_ui (r, n);
        MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (r);

        if (mpz_cmp (f, r) != 0)
            printf ("mpz_primorial_ui(%lu) wrong\n", n);
            printf ("  got  ");
            mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, r);
            printf ("  want ");
            mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, f);
            abort ();

        if (isprime (n+1))
            mpz_mul_ui (f, f, n+1);  /* p# = (p-1)# * (p) */

    mpz_clear (f);
    mpz_clear (r);

    tests_end ();

    exit (0);
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    const char *a;
    const char *b;
    const char *want;
  } data[] = {
    /* This tickled a bug in gmp 4.1.2 mpn/x86/k6/gcd_finda.asm. */
    { "0x3FFC000007FFFFFFFFFF00000000003F83FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80000000000000001",
      "5" }

  mpz_t  a, b, got, want;
  int    i;

  mpz_init (a);
  mpz_init (b);
  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpz_set_str_or_abort (a, data[i].a, 0);
      mpz_set_str_or_abort (b, data[i].b, 0);
      mpz_set_str_or_abort (want, data[i].want, 0);
      mpz_gcd (got, a, b);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);
      if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
          printf    ("mpz_gcd wrong on data[%d]\n", i);
          printf    (" a  %s\n", data[i].a);
          printf    (" b  %s\n", data[i].b);
          mpz_trace (" a", a);
          mpz_trace (" b", b);
          mpz_trace (" want", want);
          mpz_trace (" got ", got);
          abort ();

  mpz_clear (a);
  mpz_clear (b);
  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
check_random (int argc, char *argv[])
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;
  int    reps = 5000;
  mpz_t  a, q, got;
  int    i, qneg;
  unsigned long  d;

  if (argc == 2)
    reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (a);
  mpz_init (q);
  mpz_init (got);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      d = (unsigned long) urandom();
      mpz_erandomb (q, rands, 512);
      mpz_mul_ui (a, q, d);

      for (qneg = 0; qneg <= 1; qneg++)
          mpz_divexact_ui (got, a, d);
          MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);
          if (mpz_cmp (got, q) != 0)
              printf    ("mpz_divexact_ui wrong\n");
              mpz_trace ("    a", a);
              printf    ("    d=%lu\n", d);
              mpz_trace ("    q", q);
              mpz_trace ("  got", got);
              abort ();

          mpz_neg (q, q);
          mpz_neg (a, a);


  mpz_clear (a);
  mpz_clear (q);
  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #15
/* Try mpz_set_d on values 2^i+1, while such a value fits a double. */
check_2n_plus_1 (void)
  volatile double  p, d, diff;
  mpz_t  want, got;
  int    i;

  mpz_init (want);
  mpz_init (got);

  p = 1.0;
  mpz_set_ui (want, 2L);  /* gives 3 on first step */

  for (i = 1; i < 500; i++)
      mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, 1L);
      mpz_sub_ui (want, want, 1L);   /* want = 2^i+1 */

      p *= 2.0;  /* p = 2^i */
      d = p + 1.0;
      diff = d - p;
      if (diff != 1.0)
        break;   /* rounding occurred, stop now */

      mpz_set_d (got, d);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);
      if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_set_d wrong on 2^%d+1\n", i);
          d_trace   ("  d ", d);
          mpz_trace ("  got  ", got);
          mpz_trace ("  want ", want);
          abort ();

  mpz_clear (want);
  mpz_clear (got);
Exemple #16
check_one (mpz_srcptr z)
  static const int shift[] = {

  int    sh, shneg, neg;
  mpf_t  f;
  mpz_t  got, want;

  mpf_init2 (f, mpz_sizeinbase(z,2));
  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (sh = 0; sh < numberof(shift); sh++)
      for (shneg = 0; shneg <= 1; shneg++)
          for (neg = 0; neg <= 1; neg++)
              mpf_set_z (f, z);
              mpz_set (want, z);
              if (neg)
                  mpf_neg (f, f);
                  mpz_neg (want, want);

              if (shneg)
                  mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (want, want, shift[sh]);
                  mpf_div_2exp (f, f, shift[sh]);
                  mpz_mul_2exp (want, want, shift[sh]);
                  mpf_mul_2exp (f, f, shift[sh]);

              mpz_set_f (got, f);
              MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);

              if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
                  printf ("wrong result\n");
                  printf ("  shift  %d\n", shneg ? -shift[sh] : shift[sh]);
                  printf ("  neg    %d\n", neg);
                  mpf_trace ("     f", f);
                  mpz_trace ("   got", got);
                  mpz_trace ("  want", want);
                  abort ();

  mpf_clear (f);
  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
Exemple #17
check_one (mpz_t root1, mpz_t x2, unsigned long nth, int i)
  mpz_t temp, temp2;
  mpz_t root2, rem2;

  mpz_init (root2);
  mpz_init (rem2);
  mpz_init (temp);
  mpz_init (temp2);


  mpz_rootrem (root2, rem2, x2, nth);

  mpz_pow_ui (temp, root1, nth);

  mpz_add (temp2, temp, rem2);

  /* Is power of result > argument?  */
  if (mpz_cmp (root1, root2) != 0 || mpz_cmp (x2, temp2) != 0 || mpz_cmpabs (temp, x2) > 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR after test %d\n", i);
      debug_mp (x2, 10);
      debug_mp (root1, 10);
      debug_mp (root2, 10);
      fprintf (stderr, "nth: %lu\n", nth);
      abort ();

  if (nth > 1 && mpz_cmp_ui (temp, 1L) > 0 && ! mpz_perfect_power_p (temp))
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in mpz_perfect_power_p after test %d\n", i);
      debug_mp (temp, 10);
      debug_mp (root1, 10);
      fprintf (stderr, "nth: %lu\n", nth);
      abort ();

  if (nth <= 10000 && mpz_sgn(x2) > 0)		/* skip too expensive test */
      mpz_add_ui (temp2, root1, 1L);
      mpz_pow_ui (temp2, temp2, nth);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (temp2);

      /* Is square of (result + 1) <= argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp2, x2) <= 0)
	  fprintf (stderr, "ERROR after test %d\n", i);
	  debug_mp (x2, 10);
	  debug_mp (root1, 10);
	  fprintf (stderr, "nth: %lu\n", nth);
	  abort ();

  mpz_clear (root2);
  mpz_clear (rem2);
  mpz_clear (temp);
  mpz_clear (temp2);
Exemple #18
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    const char  *want;
    size_t      count;
    int         order;
    size_t      size;
    int         endian;
    int         nail;
    char        src[64];

  } data[] = {

    { "0", 0,1, 1,1, 0 },
    { "0", 1,1, 0,1, 0 },

    { "0x12345678", 4,1,  1,1, 0, { '\22', '\64', '\126', '\170' } },
    { "0x12345678", 1,1,  4,1, 0, { '\22', '\64', '\126', '\170' } },
    { "0x12345678", 1,-1, 4,1, 0, { '\22', '\64', '\126', '\170' } },

    { "0x12345678", 4,-1, 1,-1, 0, { '\170', '\126', '\064', '\22' } },
    { "0x12345678", 1,1,  4,-1, 0, { '\170', '\126', '\064', '\22' } },
    { "0x12345678", 1,-1, 4,-1, 0, { '\170', '\126', '\064', '\22' } },

    { "0",    5,1,  1,1, 7, { '\376', '\376', '\376', '\376', '\376' } },
    { "0",    5,-1, 1,1, 7, { '\376', '\376', '\376', '\376', '\376' } },
    { "0x15", 5,1,  1,1, 7, { '\377', '\376', '\377', '\376', '\377' } },

    { "0",    3,1,  2,1,   1, { '\200','\000', '\200','\000', '\200','\000' }},
    { "0",    3,1,  2,-1,  1, { '\000','\200', '\000','\200', '\000','\200' }},
    { "0",    3,1,  2,1,  15, { '\377','\376', '\377','\376', '\377','\376' }},

    { "0x2A", 3,1,  2,1, 14, { '\377','\376', '\377','\376', '\377','\376' } },
    { "0x06", 3,1,  2,1, 14, { '\377','\374', '\377','\375', '\377','\376' } },
    { "0x24", 3,-1, 2,1, 14, { '\377','\374', '\377','\375', '\377','\376' } },

    { "0x123456789ABC", 3,1,  2,1,  0, {
        '\022','\064', '\126','\170', '\232','\274' } },
    { "0x123456789ABC", 3,-1, 2,1,  0, {
        '\232','\274', '\126','\170', '\022','\064' } },
    { "0x123456789ABC", 3,1,  2,-1, 0, {
        '\064','\022', '\170','\126', '\274','\232' } },
    { "0x123456789ABC", 3,-1, 2,-1, 0, {
        '\274','\232', '\170','\126', '\064','\022' } },

    { "0x112233445566778899AABBCC", 3,1,  4,1,  0,
      { '\021','\042','\063','\104',
        '\231','\252','\273','\314' } },
    { "0x112233445566778899AABBCC", 3,-1, 4,1,  0,
      { '\231','\252','\273','\314',
        '\021','\042','\063','\104' } },
    { "0x112233445566778899AABBCC", 3,1,  4,-1, 0,
      { '\104','\063','\042','\021',
        '\314','\273','\252','\231' } },
    { "0x112233445566778899AABBCC", 3,-1, 4,-1, 0,
      { '\314','\273','\252','\231',
        '\104','\063','\042','\021' } },

    { "0x100120023003400450056006700780089009A00AB00BC00C", 3,1,  8,1,  0,
      { '\020','\001','\040','\002','\060','\003','\100','\004',
        '\220','\011','\240','\012','\260','\013','\300','\014' } },
    { "0x100120023003400450056006700780089009A00AB00BC00C", 3,-1, 8,1,  0,
      { '\220','\011','\240','\012','\260','\013','\300','\014',
        '\020','\001','\040','\002','\060','\003','\100','\004' } },
    { "0x100120023003400450056006700780089009A00AB00BC00C", 3,1,  8,-1, 0,
      { '\004','\100','\003','\060','\002','\040','\001','\020',
        '\014','\300','\013','\260','\012','\240','\011','\220' } },
    { "0x100120023003400450056006700780089009A00AB00BC00C", 3,-1, 8,-1, 0,
      { '\014','\300','\013','\260','\012','\240','\011','\220',
        '\004','\100','\003','\060','\002','\040','\001','\020' } },

    { "0x155555555555555555555555", 3,1,  4,1,  1,
      { '\325','\125','\125','\125',
        '\325','\125','\125','\125' } },
    { "0x155555555555555555555555", 3,-1,  4,1,  1,
      { '\325','\125','\125','\125',
        '\325','\125','\125','\125' } },
    { "0x155555555555555555555555", 3,1,  4,-1,  1,
      { '\125','\125','\125','\325',
        '\125','\125','\125','\325' } },
    { "0x155555555555555555555555", 3,-1,  4,-1,  1,
      { '\125','\125','\125','\325',
        '\125','\125','\125','\325' } },

  char    buf[sizeof(data[0].src) + sizeof (mp_limb_t)];
  char    *src;
  size_t  align;
  int     i;
  mpz_t   got, want;

  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      for (align = 0; align < sizeof (mp_limb_t); align++)
          mpz_set_str_or_abort (want, data[i].want, 0);
          src = buf + align;
          memcpy (src, data[i].src, data[i].count * data[i].size);

          mpz_set_ui (got, 0L);
          mpz_import (got, data[i].count, data[i].order,
                      data[i].size, data[i].endian, data[i].nail, src);

          MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);
          if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
              printf ("wrong at data[%d]\n", i);
              printf ("    count=%lu order=%d  size=%lu endian=%d nail=%u  align=%lu\n",
                      (unsigned long) data[i].count, data[i].order,
                      (unsigned long) data[i].size, data[i].endian, data[i].nail,
                      (unsigned long) align);
              mpz_trace ("    got ", got);
              mpz_trace ("    want", want);
              abort ();
  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
Exemple #19
check_random (int argc, char *argv[])
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;
  mpz_t   a, c, d, ra, rc;
  int     i;
  int     want;
  int     reps = 10000;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long size_range, size;

  if (argc >= 2)
    reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (bs);

  mpz_init (a);
  mpz_init (c);
  mpz_init (d);
  mpz_init (ra);
  mpz_init (rc);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 16 + 1; /* 0..65536 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (a, rands, size);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 16 + 1; /* 0..65536 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (c, rands, size);

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
	  size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 16 + 1; /* 0..65536 bit operands */

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
	  size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (d, rands, size);
      while (SIZ(d) == 0);

      mpz_negrandom (a, rands);
      mpz_negrandom (c, rands);
      mpz_negrandom (d, rands);

      mpz_fdiv_r (ra, a, d);
      mpz_fdiv_r (rc, c, d);

      want = (mpz_cmp (ra, rc) == 0);
      check_one (a, c, d, want);

      mpz_sub (ra, ra, rc);
      mpz_sub (a, a, ra);
      check_one (a, c, d, 1);

      if (! mpz_pow2abs_p (d))
	  refmpz_combit (a, urandom() % (8*GMP_LIMB_BITS));
	  check_one (a, c, d, 0);

  mpz_clear (bs);

  mpz_clear (a);
  mpz_clear (c);
  mpz_clear (d);
  mpz_clear (ra);
  mpz_clear (rc);
Exemple #20
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t base, exp, mod;
  mpz_t r1, r2, base2;
  mp_size_t base_size, exp_size, mod_size;
  unsigned long int exp2;
  int i;
  int reps = 100;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
     reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (base);
  mpz_init (exp);
  mpz_init (mod);
  mpz_init (r1);
  mpz_init (r2);
  mpz_init (base2);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 18 + 2;

      do  /* Loop until mathematically well-defined.  */
	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
	  base_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (base, rands, base_size);

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 6L);
	  exp_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (exp, rands, exp_size);
	  exp2 = mpz_getlimbn (exp, (mp_size_t) 0);
      while (mpz_cmp_ui (base, 0) == 0 && exp2 == 0);

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
	  mod_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (mod, rands, mod_size);
      while (mpz_cmp_ui (mod, 0) == 0);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (base, base);

      /* printf ("%ld %ld\n", SIZ (base), SIZ (mod)); */

#if 0
      putc ('\n', stderr);
      debug_mp (base, -16);
      debug_mp (mod, -16);

      mpz_powm_ui (r1, base, exp2, mod);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (r1);

      mpz_set_ui (r2, 1);
      mpz_set (base2, base);

      mpz_mod (r2, r2, mod);	/* needed when exp==0 and mod==1 */
      while (exp2 != 0)
	  if (exp2 % 2 != 0)
	      mpz_mul (r2, r2, base2);
	      mpz_mod (r2, r2, mod);
	  mpz_mul (base2, base2, base2);
	  mpz_mod (base2, base2, mod);
	  exp2 = exp2 / 2;

#if 0
      debug_mp (r1, -16);
      debug_mp (r2, -16);

      if (mpz_cmp (r1, r2) != 0)
	  fprintf (stderr, "\ntest %d: Incorrect results for operands:\n", i);
	  debug_mp (base, -16);
	  debug_mp (exp, -16);
	  debug_mp (mod, -16);
	  fprintf (stderr, "mpz_powm_ui result:\n");
	  debug_mp (r1, -16);
	  fprintf (stderr, "reference result:\n");
	  debug_mp (r2, -16);
	  abort ();

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (base);
  mpz_clear (exp);
  mpz_clear (mod);
  mpz_clear (r1);
  mpz_clear (r2);
  mpz_clear (base2);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #21
one_test (mpz_t op1, mpz_t op2, mpz_t ref, int i)
  printf ("%d %d %d\n", SIZ (op1), SIZ (op2), ref != NULL ? SIZ (ref) : 0);
  fflush (stdout);

  fprintf (stderr, "op1=");  debug_mp (op1, -16);
  fprintf (stderr, "op2=");  debug_mp (op2, -16);

  mpz_gcdext (gcd1, s, NULL, op1, op2);

  if (ref && mpz_cmp (ref, gcd1) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returned incorrect result\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (op1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (op2, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "expected result:\n");   debug_mp (ref, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returns:\n");debug_mp (gcd1, -16);
      abort ();

  if (!gcdext_valid_p(op1, op2, gcd1, s))
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returned invalid result\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (op1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (op2, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returns:\n");debug_mp (gcd1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "s=");                   debug_mp (s, -16);
      abort ();

  mpz_gcd (gcd2, op1, op2);

  if (mpz_cmp (gcd2, gcd1) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcd returned incorrect result\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (op1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (op2, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "expected result:\n");   debug_mp (gcd1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcd returns:\n");   debug_mp (gcd2, -16);
      abort ();

  /* This should probably move to t-gcd_ui.c */
  if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (op1) || mpz_fits_ulong_p (op2))
      if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (op1))
	mpz_gcd_ui (gcd2, op2, mpz_get_ui (op1));
	mpz_gcd_ui (gcd2, op1, mpz_get_ui (op2));
      if (mpz_cmp (gcd2, gcd1))
	  fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
	  fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcd_ui returned incorrect result\n");
	  fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (op1, -16);
	  fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (op2, -16);
	  fprintf (stderr, "expected result:\n");   debug_mp (gcd1, -16);
	  fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcd_ui returns:\n");   debug_mp (gcd2, -16);
	  abort ();

  mpz_gcdext (gcd2, temp1, temp2, op1, op2);

  mpz_mul (temp1, temp1, op1);
  mpz_mul (temp2, temp2, op2);
  mpz_add (temp1, temp1, temp2);

  if (mpz_cmp (gcd1, gcd2) != 0
      || mpz_cmp (gcd2, temp1) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returned incorrect result\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (op1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (op2, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "expected result:\n");   debug_mp (gcd1, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpz_gcdext returns:\n");debug_mp (gcd2, -16);
      abort ();
check_n (void)
    int  n = -1;
    check_one ("blah", "%nblah", &n);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (n == 0);

    int  n = -1;
    check_one ("hello ", "hello %n", &n);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (n == 6);

    int  n = -1;
    check_one ("hello  world", "hello %n world", &n);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (n == 6);

#define CHECK_N(type, string)                           \
  do {                                                  \
    type  x[2];                                         \
    char  fmt[128];                                     \
    x[0] = ~ (type) 0;                                  \
    x[1] = ~ (type) 0;                                  \
    sprintf (fmt, "%%d%%%sn%%d", string);               \
    check_one ("123456", fmt, 123, &x[0], 456);         \
    /* should write whole of x[0] and none of x[1] */   \
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (x[0] == 3);                          \
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (x[1] == (type) ~ (type) 0);		\
  } while (0)

  CHECK_N (mp_limb_t, "M");
  CHECK_N (char,      "hh");
  CHECK_N (long,      "l");
  CHECK_N (long long, "L");
  CHECK_N (intmax_t,  "j");
  CHECK_N (ptrdiff_t, "t");
  CHECK_N (short,     "h");
  CHECK_N (size_t,    "z");

    mpz_t  x[2];
    mpz_init_set_si (x[0], -987L);
    mpz_init_set_si (x[1],  654L);
    check_one ("123456", "%d%Zn%d", 123, x[0], 456);
    MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_cmp_ui (x[1], 654L) == 0);
    mpz_clear (x[0]);
    mpz_clear (x[1]);

    mpq_t  x[2];
    mpq_init (x[0]);
    mpq_init (x[1]);
    mpq_set_ui (x[0], -987L, 654L);
    mpq_set_ui (x[1], 4115L, 226L);
    check_one ("123456", "%d%Qn%d", 123, x[0], 456);
    MPQ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPQ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpq_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L, 1L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpq_cmp_ui (x[1], 4115L, 226L) == 0);
    mpq_clear (x[0]);
    mpq_clear (x[1]);

    mpf_t  x[2];
    mpf_init (x[0]);
    mpf_init (x[1]);
    mpf_set_ui (x[0], -987L);
    mpf_set_ui (x[1],  654L);
    check_one ("123456", "%d%Fn%d", 123, x[0], 456);
    MPF_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPF_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpf_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpf_cmp_ui (x[1], 654L) == 0);
    mpf_clear (x[0]);
    mpf_clear (x[1]);

    mp_limb_t  a[5];
    mp_limb_t  a_want[numberof(a)];
    mp_size_t  i;

    a[0] = 123;
    check_one ("blah", "bl%Nnah", a, (mp_size_t) 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (a[0] == 123);

    MPN_ZERO (a_want, numberof (a_want));
    for (i = 1; i < numberof (a); i++)
	check_one ("blah", "bl%Nnah", a, i);
	a_want[0] = 2;
	ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpn_cmp (a, a_want, i) == 0);
check_q (void)
  static const struct {
    const char  *fmt;
    const char  *input;
    const char  *want;
    int         ret;
    long        ftell;

  } data[] = {

    { "%Qd",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",    "1",    "1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",  "123",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "+1",    "1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd", "+123",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "-1",   "-1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd", "-123", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qo",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo",  "173",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo", "+173",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo", "-173", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qx",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",    "1",    "1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "123",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+1",    "1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "+123",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-1",   "-1", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "-123", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "00",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "0173",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+00",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "+0173",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-00",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "-0173", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "0x0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0x7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0x7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+0x0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0x7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0x7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-0x0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0x7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0x7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",    "0X0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0X7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0X7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+0X0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0X7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0X7b",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-0X0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0X7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0X7b", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",    "0x0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0x7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0x7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+0x0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0x7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0x7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-0x0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0x7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0x7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",    "0X0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0X7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "0X7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+0X0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0X7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+0X7B",  "123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-0X0",   "-0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0X7B", "-123", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-0X7B", "-123", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qd",    " 0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "  0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",  "   0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   "\t0",    "0", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd", "\t\t0",    "0", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qd",  "3/2",   "3/2", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd", "+3/2",   "3/2", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qd", "-3/2",  "-3/2", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qx",  "f/10", "15/16", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qx",  "F/10", "15/16", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "f/10", "15/16", 1, -1 },
    { "%QX",  "F/10", "15/16", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qo",  "20/21",  "16/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qo", "-20/21", "-16/17", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "10/11",  "10/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+10/11",  "10/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-10/11", "-10/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "010/11",   "8/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+010/11",   "8/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-010/11",  "-8/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "0x10/11",  "16/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "+0x10/11",  "16/11", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "-0x10/11", "-16/11", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "10/011",  "10/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+10/011",  "10/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-10/011", "-10/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "010/011",   "8/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+010/011",   "8/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-010/011",  "-8/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "0x10/011",  "16/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "+0x10/011",  "16/9", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "-0x10/011", "-16/9", 1, -1 },

    { "%Qi",    "10/0x11",  "10/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "+10/0x11",  "10/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "-10/0x11", "-10/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",   "010/0x11",   "8/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "+010/0x11",   "8/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "-010/0x11",  "-8/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi",  "0x10/0x11",  "16/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "+0x10/0x11",  "16/17", 1, -1 },
    { "%Qi", "-0x10/0x11", "-16/17", 1, -1 },

    { "hello%Qd",      "hello0",         "0", 1, -1 },
    { "hello%Qd",      "hello 0",        "0", 1, -1 },
    { "hello%Qd",      "hello \t0",      "0", 1, -1 },
    { "hello%Qdworld", "hello 0world",   "0", 1, -1 },
    { "hello%Qd",      "hello3/2",     "3/2", 1, -1 },

    { "hello%*Qd",      "hello0",        "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "hello%*Qd",      "hello 0",       "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "hello%*Qd",      "hello \t0",     "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "hello%*Qdworld", "hello 0world",  "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "hello%*Qdworld", "hello3/2world", "-999/121", 0, -1 },

    { "%Qd",    "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },
    { "%Qd",   " ",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },
    { " %Qd",   "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },
    { "xyz%Qd", "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },

    { "%*Qd",    "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },
    { " %*Qd",   "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },
    { "xyz%*Qd", "",     "-999/121", -1, -1 },

    /* match something, but invalid */
    { "%Qd",    "-",     "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "+",     "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "/-",    "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "/+",    "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "-/",    "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "+/",    "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "-/-",   "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "-/+",   "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "+/+",   "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "/123",  "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "-/123", "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "+/123", "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "123/",  "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "123/-", "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "%Qd",    "123/+", "-999/121",  0, 1 },
    { "xyz%Qd", "xyz-",  "-999/121",  0, 4 },
    { "xyz%Qd", "xyz+",  "-999/121",  0, 4 },

    { "%1Qi",  "12/57", "1",        1, 1 },
    { "%2Qi",  "12/57", "12",       1, 2 },
    { "%3Qi",  "12/57", "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "%4Qi",  "12/57", "12/5",     1, 4 },
    { "%5Qi",  "12/57", "12/57",    1, 5 },
    { "%6Qi",  "12/57", "12/57",    1, 5 },
    { "%7Qi",  "12/57", "12/57",    1, 5 },

    { "%1Qi",  "012/057", "0",        1, 1 },
    { "%2Qi",  "012/057", "01",       1, 2 },
    { "%3Qi",  "012/057", "012",      1, 3 },
    { "%4Qi",  "012/057", "-999/121", 0, -1 },
    { "%5Qi",  "012/057", "012/0",    1, 5 },
    { "%6Qi",  "012/057", "012/5",    1, 6 },
    { "%7Qi",  "012/057", "012/057",  1, 7 },
    { "%8Qi",  "012/057", "012/057",  1, 7 },
    { "%9Qi",  "012/057", "012/057",  1, 7 },

    { "%1Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0",         1, 1 },
    { "%2Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "-999",      0, 2 },
    { "%3Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0x1",       1, 3 },
    { "%4Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0x12",      1, 4 },
    { "%5Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "-999/121",  0, 5 },
    { "%6Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0x12/0",    1, 6 },
    { "%7Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "-999/121",  0, 7 },
    { "%8Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0x12/0x5",  1, 8 },
    { "%9Qi",  "0x12/0x57", "0x12/0x57", 1, 9 },
    { "%10Qi", "0x12/0x57", "0x12/0x57", 1, 9 },
    { "%11Qi", "0x12/0x57", "0x12/0x57", 1, 9 },

    { "%Qd",  "xyz", "0", 0, 0 },

  int         i, j, ignore, got_ret, want_ret, got_upto, want_upto;
  mpq_t       got, want;
  long        got_l, want_ftell;
  int         error = 0;
  fun_t       fun;
  const char  *name;
  char        fmt[128];

  mpq_init (got);
  mpq_init (want);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpq_set_str_or_abort (want, data[i].want, 0);

      ASSERT_ALWAYS (strlen (data[i].fmt) + 2 < sizeof (fmt));
      strcpy (fmt, data[i].fmt);
      strcat (fmt, "%n");

      ignore = (strchr (fmt, '*') != NULL);

      for (j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
          want_ret = data[i].ret;

          want_ftell = data[i].ftell;
          if (want_ftell == -1)
            want_ftell = strlen (data[i].input);
          want_upto = want_ftell;

          if (want_ret == -1 || (want_ret == 0 && ! ignore))
              want_ftell = -1;
              want_upto = -555;

          switch (j) {
          case 0:
            name = "gmp_sscanf";
            fun = fun_gmp_sscanf;
          case 1:
            name = "gmp_fscanf";
            fun = fun_gmp_fscanf;
          case 2:
            if (strchr (data[i].input, '/') != NULL)
            if (! libc_scanf_convert (fmt))
            name = "standard sscanf";
            fun = fun_sscanf;
          case 3:
            if (strchr (data[i].input, '/') != NULL)
            if (! libc_scanf_convert (fmt))
            name = "standard fscanf";
            fun = fun_fscanf;
            ASSERT_ALWAYS (0);

          got_upto = -555;
          got_ftell = -1;

          switch (j) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
            mpq_set_si (got, -999L, 121L);
            if (ignore)
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_upto, NULL);
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, got, &got_upto);
          case 2:
          case 3:
            got_l = -999L;
            if (ignore)
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_upto, NULL);
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_l, &got_upto);
            mpq_set_si (got, got_l, (got_l == -999L ? 121L : 1L));
            ASSERT_ALWAYS (0);

          MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (mpq_numref (got));
          MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (mpq_denref (got));

          if (got_ret != want_ret)
              printf ("%s wrong return value\n", name);
              error = 1;
          /* use direct mpz compares, since some of the test data is
             non-canonical and can trip ASSERTs in mpq_equal */
          if (want_ret == 1
              && ! (mpz_cmp (mpq_numref(want), mpq_numref(got)) == 0
                    && mpz_cmp (mpq_denref(want), mpq_denref(got)) == 0))
              printf ("%s wrong result\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (got_upto != want_upto)
              printf ("%s wrong upto\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (got_ftell != -1 && want_ftell != -1 && got_ftell != want_ftell)
              printf ("%s wrong ftell\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (error)
              printf    ("  fmt   \"%s\"\n", data[i].fmt);
              printf    ("  input \"%s\"\n", data[i].input);
              printf    ("  ret   want=%d\n", want_ret);
              printf    ("        got =%d\n", got_ret);
              mpq_trace ("  value want", want);
              mpq_trace ("        got ", got);
              printf    ("  upto  want=%d\n", want_upto);
              printf    ("        got =%d\n", got_upto);
              if (got_ftell != -1)
                  printf    ("  ftell want =%ld\n", want_ftell);
                  printf    ("        got  =%ld\n", got_ftell);
              abort ();

  mpq_clear (got);
  mpq_clear (want);
check_n (void)
  int    ret;

  /* %n suppressed */
    int n = 123;
    gmp_sscanf ("   ", " %*n", &n);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (n == 123);
    int n = 123;
    fromstring_gmp_fscanf ("   ", " %*n", &n);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (n == 123);

#define CHECK_N(type, string)                           \
  do {                                                  \
    type  x[2];                                         \
    char  fmt[128];                                     \
    int   ret;                                          \
    x[0] = ~ (type) 0;                                  \
    x[1] = ~ (type) 0;                                  \
    sprintf (fmt, "abc%%%sn", string);                  \
    ret = gmp_sscanf ("abc", fmt, &x[0]);               \
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);                           \
    /* should write whole of x[0] and none of x[1] */   \
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (x[0] == 3);                          \
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (x[1] == (type) ~ (type) 0);		\
  } while (0)

  CHECK_N (char,      "hh");
  CHECK_N (long,      "l");
  CHECK_N (long long, "L");
  CHECK_N (intmax_t,  "j");
  CHECK_N (ptrdiff_t, "t");
  CHECK_N (short,     "h");
  CHECK_N (size_t,    "z");

  /* %Zn */
    mpz_t  x[2];
    mpz_init_set_si (x[0], -987L);
    mpz_init_set_si (x[1],  654L);
    ret = gmp_sscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Zn", x[0]);
    MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_cmp_ui (x[1], 654L) == 0);
    mpz_clear (x[0]);
    mpz_clear (x[1]);
    mpz_t  x;
    mpz_init (x);
    ret = fromstring_gmp_fscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Zn", x);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_cmp_ui (x, 3L) == 0);
    mpz_clear (x);

  /* %Qn */
    mpq_t  x[2];
    mpq_init (x[0]);
    mpq_init (x[1]);
    mpq_set_ui (x[0], -987L, 654L);
    mpq_set_ui (x[1], 4115L, 226L);
    ret = gmp_sscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Qn", x[0]);
    MPQ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPQ_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpq_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L, 1L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpq_cmp_ui (x[1], 4115L, 226L) == 0);
    mpq_clear (x[0]);
    mpq_clear (x[1]);
    mpq_t  x;
    mpq_init (x);
    ret = fromstring_gmp_fscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Qn", x);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpq_cmp_ui (x, 3L, 1L) == 0);
    mpq_clear (x);

  /* %Fn */
    mpf_t  x[2];
    mpf_init (x[0]);
    mpf_init (x[1]);
    mpf_set_ui (x[0], -987L);
    mpf_set_ui (x[1],  654L);
    ret = gmp_sscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Fn", x[0]);
    MPF_CHECK_FORMAT (x[0]);
    MPF_CHECK_FORMAT (x[1]);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpf_cmp_ui (x[0], 3L) == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpf_cmp_ui (x[1], 654L) == 0);
    mpf_clear (x[0]);
    mpf_clear (x[1]);
    mpf_t  x;
    mpf_init (x);
    ret = fromstring_gmp_fscanf ("xyz   ", "xyz%Fn", x);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (ret == 0);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpf_cmp_ui (x, 3L) == 0);
    mpf_clear (x);
Exemple #25
check_data (void)
  static const struct {
    const char  *inp;
    int         base;
    const char  *want;
    int         want_nread;

  } data[] = {

    { "0",   10, "0", 1 },

    { "abc", 10, "0", 0 },
    { "0xf", 10, "0", 1 },
    { "ghi", 16, "0", 0 },
    { "100", 90, "0", 0 },

    {  "ff", 16,  "255", 2 },
    { "-ff", 16, "-255", 3 },
    {  "FF", 16,  "255", 2 },
    { "-FF", 16, "-255", 3 },

    {  "z", 36, "35", 1 },
    {  "Z", 36, "35", 1 },
    { "1B", 59, "70", 2 },
    {  "a", 60, "36", 1 },
    {  "A", 61, "10", 1 },

    {  "0x0",    0,   "0", 3 },
    {  "0X10",   0,  "16", 4 },
    { "-0X0",    0,   "0", 4 },
    { "-0x10",   0, "-16", 5 },

    {  "0b0",    0,  "0", 3 },
    {  "0B10",   0,  "2", 4 },
    { "-0B0",    0,  "0", 4 },
    { "-0b10",   0, "-2", 5 },

    {  "00",   0,  "0", 2 },
    {  "010",  0,  "8", 3 },
    { "-00",   0,  "0", 3 },
    { "-010",  0, "-8", 4 },

    {  "0x",     0,   "0", 2 },
    {  "0",      0,   "0", 1 },
    { " 030",   10,  "30", 4 },

  mpz_t  got, want;
  long   ftell_nread;
  int    i, pre, post, j, got_nread, want_nread;
  FILE   *fp;

  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      for (pre = 0; pre <= 3; pre++)
	  for (post = 0; post <= 2; post++)
	      mpz_set_str_or_abort (want, data[i].want, 0);
	      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (want);

	      /* create the file new each time to ensure its length is what
		 we want */
	      fp = fopen (FILENAME, "w+");
	      ASSERT_ALWAYS (fp != NULL);
	      for (j = 0; j < pre; j++)
		putc (' ', fp);
	      fputs (data[i].inp, fp);
	      for (j = 0; j < post; j++)
		putc (' ', fp);
	      fflush (fp);
	      ASSERT_ALWAYS (! ferror(fp));

	      rewind (fp);
	      got_nread = mpz_inp_str (got, fp, data[i].base);

	      if (got_nread != 0)
		  ftell_nread = ftell (fp);
		  if (got_nread != ftell_nread)
		      printf ("mpz_inp_str nread wrong\n");
		      printf ("  inp          \"%s\"\n", data[i].inp);
		      printf ("  base         %d\n", data[i].base);
		      printf ("  pre          %d\n", pre);
		      printf ("  post         %d\n", post);
		      printf ("  got_nread    %d\n", got_nread);
		      printf ("  ftell_nread  %ld\n", ftell_nread);
		      abort ();

	      /* if data[i].inp is a whole string to read and there's no post
		 whitespace then expect to have EOF */
	      if (post == 0 && data[i].want_nread == strlen(data[i].inp))
		  int  c = getc(fp);
		  if (c != EOF)
		      printf ("mpz_inp_str didn't read to EOF\n");
		      printf ("  inp   \"%s\"\n", data[i].inp);
		      printf ("  base  %d\n", data[i].base);
		      printf ("  pre   %d\n", pre);
		      printf ("  post  %d\n", post);
		      printf ("  c     '%c' %#x\n", c, c);
		      abort ();

	      /* only expect "pre" included in the count when non-zero */
	      want_nread = data[i].want_nread;
	      if (want_nread != 0)
		want_nread += pre;

	      if (got_nread != want_nread)
		  printf ("mpz_inp_str nread wrong\n");
		  printf ("  inp         \"%s\"\n", data[i].inp);
		  printf ("  base        %d\n", data[i].base);
		  printf ("  pre         %d\n", pre);
		  printf ("  post        %d\n", post);
		  printf ("  got_nread   %d\n", got_nread);
		  printf ("  want_nread  %d\n", want_nread);
		  abort ();

	      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);

	      if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
		  printf ("mpz_inp_str wrong result\n");
		  printf ("  inp   \"%s\"\n", data[i].inp);
		  printf ("  base  %d\n", data[i].base);
		  mpz_trace ("  got ",  got);
		  mpz_trace ("  want", want);
		  abort ();

	      ASSERT_ALWAYS (fclose (fp) == 0);

  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
Exemple #26
check_all (mpz_ptr want, mpz_srcptr x_orig, mpz_srcptr y_orig)
  mpz_t  got, x, y;
  int    negx, negy, swap, inplace;

  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init_set (x, x_orig);
  mpz_init_set (y, y_orig);

  for (swap = 0; swap < 2; swap++)
      mpz_swap (x, y);

      for (negx = 0; negx < 2; negx++)
	  mpz_neg (x, x);

	  for (negy = 0; negy < 2; negy++)
	      mpz_neg (y, y);

	      for (inplace = 0; inplace <= 1; inplace++)
		  if (inplace)
		    { mpz_set (got, x); mpz_lcm (got, got, y); }
		    mpz_lcm (got, x, y);

		  if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
		      printf ("mpz_lcm wrong, inplace=%d\n", inplace);
		      mpz_trace ("x", x);
		      mpz_trace ("y", y);
		      mpz_trace ("got", got);
		      mpz_trace ("want", want);
		      abort ();

		  if (mpz_fits_ulong_p (y))
		      unsigned long  yu = mpz_get_ui (y);
		      if (inplace)
			{ mpz_set (got, x); mpz_lcm_ui (got, got, yu); }
			mpz_lcm_ui (got, x, yu);

		      if (mpz_cmp (got, want) != 0)
			  printf ("mpz_lcm_ui wrong, inplace=%d\n", inplace);
			  printf    ("yu=%lu\n", yu);
			  goto fail;

  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (x);
  mpz_clear (y);
check_z (void)
  static const struct {
    const char  *fmt;
    const char  *input;
    const char  *want;
    int         want_ret;
    long        want_ftell;
    int         want_upto;
    int         not_glibc;

  } data[] = {

    { "%Zd",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",    "1",    "1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",  "123",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "+1",    "1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd", "+123",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "-1",   "-1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd", "-123", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zo",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zo",  "173",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zo",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zo", "+173",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zo",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zo", "-173", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zx",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "+7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "-7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zx",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "+7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",   "-0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%ZX",  "-7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zi",    "0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",    "1",    "1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "123",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+1",    "1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi", "+123",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-1",   "-1", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi", "-123", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zi",    "00",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "0173",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+00",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi", "+0173",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-00",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi", "-0173", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zi",    "0x0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0x7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0x7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+0x0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0x7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0x7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-0x0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0x7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0x7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",    "0X0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0X7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0X7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+0X0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0X7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0X7b",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-0X0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0X7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0X7b", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",    "0x0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0x7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0x7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+0x0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0x7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0x7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-0x0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0x7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0x7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",    "0X0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0X7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "0X7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "+0X0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0X7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "+0X7B",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",   "-0X0",   "-0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0X7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zi",  "-0X7B", "-123", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zd",    " 0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "  0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",  "   0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd",   "\t0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%Zd", "\t\t0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "hello%Zd",      "hello0",       "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%Zd",      "hello 0",      "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%Zd",      "hello \t0",    "0", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%Zdworld", "hello 0world", "0", 1, -1, -1 },

    { "hello%*Zd",      "hello0",       "-999", 0, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%*Zd",      "hello 0",      "-999", 0, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%*Zd",      "hello \t0",    "-999", 0, -1, -1 },
    { "hello%*Zdworld", "hello 0world", "-999", 0, -1, -1 },

    { "%Zd",    "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },
    { "%Zd",    " ",    "-999", -1, -1, -555 },
    { " %Zd",   "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },
    { "xyz%Zd", "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },

    { "%*Zd",    "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },
    { " %*Zd",   "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },
    { "xyz%*Zd", "",     "-999", -1, -1, -555 },

    { "%Zd",    "xyz",  "0",     0, 0, -555 },

    /* match something, but invalid */
    { "%Zd",    "-",    "-999",  0, 1, -555 },
    { "%Zd",    "+",    "-999",  0, 1, -555 },
    { "xyz%Zd", "xyz-", "-999",  0, 4, -555 },
    { "xyz%Zd", "xyz+", "-999",  0, 4, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "0x",   "-999",  0, 2, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "0X",   "-999",  0, 2, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "0x-",  "-999",  0, 2, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "0X+",  "-999",  0, 2, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "-0x",  "-999",  0, 3, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "-0X",  "-999",  0, 3, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "+0x",  "-999",  0, 3, -555 },
    { "%Zi",    "+0X",  "-999",  0, 3, -555 },

    { "%1Zi",  "1234", "1",    1, 1, 1 },
    { "%2Zi",  "1234", "12",   1, 2, 2 },
    { "%3Zi",  "1234", "123",  1, 3, 3 },
    { "%4Zi",  "1234", "1234", 1, 4, 4 },
    { "%5Zi",  "1234", "1234", 1, 4, 4 },
    { "%6Zi",  "1234", "1234", 1, 4, 4 },

    { "%1Zi",  "01234", "0",     1, 1, 1 },
    { "%2Zi",  "01234", "01",    1, 2, 2 },
    { "%3Zi",  "01234", "012",   1, 3, 3 },
    { "%4Zi",  "01234", "0123",  1, 4, 4 },
    { "%5Zi",  "01234", "01234", 1, 5, 5 },
    { "%6Zi",  "01234", "01234", 1, 5, 5 },
    { "%7Zi",  "01234", "01234", 1, 5, 5 },

    { "%1Zi",  "0x1234", "0",      1, 1, 1 },
    { "%2Zi",  "0x1234", "-999",   0, 2, -555 },
    { "%3Zi",  "0x1234", "0x1",    1, 3, 3 },
    { "%4Zi",  "0x1234", "0x12",   1, 4, 4 },
    { "%5Zi",  "0x1234", "0x123",  1, 5, 5 },
    { "%6Zi",  "0x1234", "0x1234", 1, 6, 6 },
    { "%7Zi",  "0x1234", "0x1234", 1, 6, 6 },
    { "%8Zi",  "0x1234", "0x1234", 1, 6, 6 },

    { "%%xyz%Zd",  "%xyz123",  "123", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "12%%34%Zd", "12%34567", "567", 1, -1, -1 },
    { "%%%%%Zd",   "%%123",    "123", 1, -1, -1 },

    /* various subtle EOF cases */
    { "x",       "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { " x",      "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { "xyz",     "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { " ",       "",    "-999",   0, 0,    0 },
    { " ",       " ",   "-999",   0, 1,    1 },
    { "%*Zd%Zd", "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { "%*Zd%Zd", "123", "-999", EOF, 3, -555 },
    { "x",       "x",   "-999",   0, 1,    1 },
    { "xyz",     "x",   "-999", EOF, 1, -555 },
    { "xyz",     "xy",  "-999", EOF, 2, -555 },
    { "xyz",     "xyz", "-999",   0, 3,    3 },
    { "%Zn",     "",    "0",      0, 0,    0 },
    { " %Zn",    "",    "0",      0, 0,    0 },
    { " x%Zn",   "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { "xyz%Zn",  "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { " x%Zn",   "",    "-999", EOF, 0, -555 },
    { " %Zn x",  " ",   "-999", EOF, 1, -555 },

    /* these seem to tickle a bug in glibc 2.2.4 */
    { " x",      " ",   "-999", EOF, 1, -555, 1 },
    { " xyz",    " ",   "-999", EOF, 1, -555, 1 },
    { " x%Zn",   " ",   "-999", EOF, 1, -555, 1 },

  int         i, j, ignore;
  int         got_ret, want_ret, got_upto, want_upto;
  mpz_t       got, want;
  long        got_l, want_ftell;
  int         error = 0;
  fun_t       fun;
  const char  *name;
  char        fmt[128];

  mpz_init (got);
  mpz_init (want);

  for (i = 0; i < numberof (data); i++)
      mpz_set_str_or_abort (want, data[i].want, 0);

      ASSERT_ALWAYS (strlen (data[i].fmt) + 2 < sizeof (fmt));
      strcpy (fmt, data[i].fmt);
      strcat (fmt, "%n");

      ignore = fmt_allignore (fmt);

      for (j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
          want_ret = data[i].want_ret;

          want_ftell = data[i].want_ftell;
          if (want_ftell == -1)
            want_ftell = strlen (data[i].input);

          want_upto = data[i].want_upto;
          if (want_upto == -1)
            want_upto = strlen (data[i].input);

          switch (j) {
          case 0:
            name = "gmp_sscanf";
            fun = fun_gmp_sscanf;
          case 1:
            name = "gmp_fscanf";
            fun = fun_gmp_fscanf;
          case 2:
#ifdef __GLIBC__
            if (data[i].not_glibc)
            if (! libc_scanf_convert (fmt))
            name = "standard sscanf";
            fun = fun_sscanf;
          case 3:
#ifdef __GLIBC__
            if (data[i].not_glibc)
            if (! libc_scanf_convert (fmt))
            name = "standard fscanf";
            fun = fun_fscanf;
            ASSERT_ALWAYS (0);

          got_upto = -555;
          got_ftell = -1L;

          switch (j) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
            mpz_set_si (got, -999L);
            if (ignore)
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_upto, NULL);
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, got, &got_upto);
          case 2:
          case 3:
            got_l = -999L;
            if (ignore)
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_upto, NULL);
              got_ret = (*fun) (data[i].input, fmt, &got_l, &got_upto);
            mpz_set_si (got, got_l);
            ASSERT_ALWAYS (0);

          MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (got);

          if (got_ret != want_ret)
              printf ("%s wrong return value\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (want_ret == 1 && mpz_cmp (want, got) != 0)
              printf ("%s wrong result\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (got_upto != want_upto)
              printf ("%s wrong upto\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (got_ftell != -1 && want_ftell != -1 && got_ftell != want_ftell)
              printf ("%s wrong ftell\n", name);
              error = 1;
          if (error)
              printf    ("  fmt   \"%s\"\n", data[i].fmt);
              printf    ("  input \"%s\"\n", data[i].input);
              printf    ("  ignore %d\n", ignore);
              printf    ("  ret   want=%d\n", want_ret);
              printf    ("        got =%d\n", got_ret);
              mpz_trace ("  value want", want);
              mpz_trace ("        got ", got);
              printf    ("  upto  want =%d\n", want_upto);
              printf    ("        got  =%d\n", got_upto);
              if (got_ftell != -1)
                  printf    ("  ftell want =%ld\n", want_ftell);
                  printf    ("        got  =%ld\n", got_ftell);
              abort ();

  mpz_clear (got);
  mpz_clear (want);
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t op1, op2;
  mpz_t prod, quot;
  mp_size_t size;
  int i;
  int reps = 20000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long bsi, size_range;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  mp_trace_base = -16;

  mpz_init (bs);

  if (argc == 2)
     reps = atoi (argv[1]);

  mpz_init (op1);
  mpz_init (op2);
  mpz_init (prod);
  mpz_init (quot);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 10 + 2; /* 0..2047 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (op1, rands, size);

	  mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
	  size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
	  mpz_rrandomb (op2, rands, size);
      while (mpz_sgn (op2) == 0);

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2);
      bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      if ((bsi & 1) != 0)
	mpz_neg (op1, op1);
      if ((bsi & 2) != 0)
	mpz_neg (op2, op2);

      mpz_mul (prod, op1, op2);

      mpz_divexact (quot, prod, op2);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (quot);

      if (mpz_cmp (quot, op1) != 0)
          printf ("Wrong results:\n");
          mpz_trace ("  got     ", quot);
          mpz_trace ("  want    ", op1);
          mpz_trace ("  dividend", prod);
          mpz_trace ("  divisor ", op2);
          abort ();

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (op1);
  mpz_clear (op2);
  mpz_clear (prod);
  mpz_clear (quot);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);
Exemple #29
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  mpz_t ref[MULTIFAC_WHEEL], ref2[MULTIFAC_WHEEL2], res;
  unsigned long n, j, m, m2;
  unsigned long limit = 2222, step = 1;

  tests_start ();

  if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == 'x')
    limit = ULONG_MAX;
  else if (argc > 1)
    limit = atoi (argv[1]);

  /* for small limb testing */
  limit = MIN (limit, MP_LIMB_T_MAX);

  for (m = 0; m < MULTIFAC_WHEEL; m++)
    mpz_init_set_ui(ref [m],1);
  for (m2 = 0; m2 < MULTIFAC_WHEEL2; m2++)
    mpz_init_set_ui(ref2 [m2],1);

  mpz_init (res);

  m = 0;
  m2 = 0;
  for (n = 0; n <= limit;)
      mpz_mfac_uiui (res, n, MULTIFAC_WHEEL);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (res);
      if (mpz_cmp (ref[m], res) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_mfac_uiui(%lu,%d) wrong\n", n, MULTIFAC_WHEEL);
          printf ("  got  "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, res); printf("\n");
          printf ("  want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, ref[m]); printf("\n");
          abort ();
      mpz_mfac_uiui (res, n, MULTIFAC_WHEEL2);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (res);
      if (mpz_cmp (ref2[m2], res) != 0)
          printf ("mpz_mfac_uiui(%lu,%d) wrong\n", n, MULTIFAC_WHEEL2);
          printf ("  got  "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, res); printf("\n");
          printf ("  want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, ref2[m2]); printf("\n");
          abort ();
      if (n + step <= limit)
	for (j = 0; j < step; j++) {
	  n++; m++; m2++;
	  if (m2 >= MULTIFAC_WHEEL2) m2 -= MULTIFAC_WHEEL2;
	  mpz_mul_ui (ref[m], ref[m], n); /* Compute a reference, with current library */
	  mpz_mul_ui (ref2[m2], ref2[m2], n); /* Compute a reference, with current library */
      else n += step;
  mpz_fac_ui (ref[0], n);
  mpz_mfac_uiui (res, n, 1);
  if (mpz_cmp (ref[0], res) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_mfac_uiui(%lu,1) wrong\n", n);
      printf ("  got  "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, res); printf("\n");
      printf ("  want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, ref[0]); printf("\n");
      abort ();

  mpz_2fac_ui (ref[0], n);
  mpz_mfac_uiui (res, n, 2);
  if (mpz_cmp (ref[0], res) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_mfac_uiui(%lu,1) wrong\n", n);
      printf ("  got  "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, res); printf("\n");
      printf ("  want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, ref[0]); printf("\n");
      abort ();

  mpz_2fac_ui (ref[0], n);
  mpz_mfac_uiui (res, n, 2);
  if (mpz_cmp (ref[0], res) != 0)
      printf ("mpz_mfac_uiui(%lu,2) wrong\n", n);
      printf ("  got  "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, res); printf("\n");
      printf ("  want "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, ref[0]); printf("\n");
      abort ();

  for (m = 0; m < MULTIFAC_WHEEL; m++)
    mpz_clear (ref[m]);
  for (m2 = 0; m2 < MULTIFAC_WHEEL2; m2++)
    mpz_clear (ref2[m2]);
  mpz_clear (res);

  tests_end ();

  exit (0);
Exemple #30
main (int argc, char **argv)
  mpz_t x2;
  mpz_t x, rem;
  mpz_t temp, temp2;
  mp_size_t x2_size;
  int i;
  int reps = 1000;
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;
  mpz_t bs;
  unsigned long size_range;

  tests_start ();
  TESTS_REPS (reps, argv, argc);

  rands = RANDS;

  mpz_init (bs);

  mpz_init (x2);
  mpz_init (x);
  mpz_init (rem);
  mpz_init (temp);
  mpz_init (temp2);

  for (i = 0; i < reps; i++)
      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32);
      size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 17 + 2; /* 0..262144 bit operands */

      mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range);
      x2_size = mpz_get_ui (bs);
      mpz_rrandomb (x2, rands, x2_size);

      /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (x2)); */

      mpz_sqrtrem (x, rem, x2);
      MPZ_CHECK_FORMAT (rem);

      mpz_mul (temp, x, x);

      /* Is square of result > argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp, x2) > 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add_ui (temp2, x, 1);
      mpz_mul (temp2, temp2, temp2);

      /* Is square of (result + 1) <= argument?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (temp2, x2) <= 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

      mpz_add (temp2, temp, rem);

      /* Is the remainder wrong?  */
      if (mpz_cmp (x2, temp2) != 0)
	dump_abort (x2, x, rem);

  mpz_clear (bs);
  mpz_clear (x2);
  mpz_clear (x);
  mpz_clear (rem);
  mpz_clear (temp);
  mpz_clear (temp2);

  tests_end ();
  exit (0);