Exemple #1
static Res MVFFAlloc(Addr *aReturn, Pool pool, Size size,
                     Bool withReservoirPermit, DebugInfo info)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  AVER(aReturn != NULL);
  AVER(size > 0);

  size = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(pool));

  foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    Seg seg;

    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);

    /* We know that the found range must intersect the new segment. */
    /* In particular, it doesn't necessarily lie entirely within it. */
    /* The next three AVERs test for intersection of two intervals. */
    AVER(base >= SegBase(seg) || limit <= SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(base < SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(SegBase(seg) < limit);

    /* We also know that the found range is no larger than the segment. */
    AVER(SegSize(seg) >= AddrOffset(base, limit));
  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) == size);

  *aReturn = base;

  return ResOK;
Exemple #2
/* MVFFBufferFill -- Fill the buffer
 * Fill it with the largest block we can find.
static Res MVFFBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size,
                          Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;
  Seg seg = NULL;

  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  /* Hoping the largest is big enough, delete it and return if small. */
  foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
  if (foundBlock && AddrOffset(base, limit) < size) {
    foundBlock = FALSE;
    res = CBSInsert(CBSOfMVFF(mvff), base, limit);
    AVER(res == ResOK);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
    AVER(foundBlock); /* We will find the new segment. */

  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) >= size);
  mvff->free -= AddrOffset(base, limit);

  *baseReturn = base;
  *limitReturn = limit;
  return ResOK;
Exemple #3
/* MVFFBufferFill -- Fill the buffer
 * Fill it with the largest block we can find.
static Res MVFFBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size,
                          Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  RangeStruct range, oldRange;
  Bool found;
  Seg seg = NULL;
  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  found = MVFFFindLargest(&range, &oldRange, mvff, size, FindDeleteENTIRE);
  if (!found) {
    /* Add a new segment to the free list and try again. */
    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    found = MVFFFindLargest(&range, &oldRange, mvff, size, FindDeleteENTIRE);

  AVER(RangeSize(&range) >= size);
  mvff->free -= RangeSize(&range);

  *baseReturn = RangeBase(&range);
  *limitReturn = RangeLimit(&range);
  return ResOK;