Eigen::VectorXd LayerAdapter::gradient(std::vector<int>::const_iterator startN,
                                       std::vector<int>::const_iterator endN)
  // Assumes that we want to comput the gradient of the whole training set
  OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(endN-startN, input.rows());
  Eigen::MatrixXd* output;
  layer.forwardPropagate(&input, output, false);
  Eigen::MatrixXd diff = *output - desired;
  Eigen::MatrixXd* e = &diff;
  layer.backpropagate(e, e);
  Eigen::VectorXd derivs(dimension());
  std::vector<double*>::const_iterator it = derivatives.begin();
  for(int i = 0; i < dimension(); i++, it++)
    derivs(i) = **it;
  return derivs;
void Subsampling::forwardPropagate(Eigen::MatrixXd* x, Eigen::MatrixXd*& y,
                                   bool dropout, double* error)
  const int N = x->rows();
  this->a.conservativeResize(N, Eigen::NoChange);
  this->y.conservativeResize(N, Eigen::NoChange);
  this->x = x;

  OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(x->cols(), fm * inRows * inCols);
  OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(this->y.cols(), fm * outRows * outCols);

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for(int n = 0; n < N; n++)
    int outputIdx = 0;
    for(int fmo = 0; fmo < fm; fmo++)
      for(int ri = 0, ro = 0; ri < maxRow; ri += kernelRows, ro++)
        int rowBase = fmo * fmInSize + ri * inCols;
        for(int ci = 0, co = 0; ci < maxCol; ci += kernelCols, co++, outputIdx++)
          for(int kr = 0; kr < kernelRows; kr++)
            for(int kc = 0, inputIdx = rowBase + ci; kc < kernelCols; kc++)
              a(n, outputIdx) += (*x)(n, inputIdx++) * W[fmo](ro, co);
            a(n, outputIdx) += Wb[fmo](ro, co);

  activationFunction(act, a, this->y);

  if(error && regularization.l1Penalty > 0.0)
    for(int fmo = 0; fmo < fm; fmo++)
      *error += regularization.l1Penalty * W[fmo].array().abs().sum();
  if(error && regularization.l2Penalty > 0.0)
    for(int fmo = 0; fmo < fm; fmo++)
      *error += regularization.l2Penalty * W[fmo].array().square().sum() / 2.0;

  y = &(this->y);
Exemple #3
void save(const Eigen::MatrixXd& in, const Eigen::MatrixXd& out, std::ostream& stream)
  OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(in.rows(), out.rows());

  int N = in.rows();
  int D = in.cols();
  int F = out.cols();

  stream << N << " " << D << " " << F << std::endl;
  for(int n = 0; n < N; n++)
    stream << in.row(n) << std::endl;
    stream << out.row(n) << std::endl;
Exemple #4
void MaxPooling::forwardPropagate(Eigen::MatrixXd* x, Eigen::MatrixXd*& y,
                                  bool dropout)
    const int N = x->rows();
    this->y.conservativeResize(N, Eigen::NoChange);
    this->x = x;

    OPENANN_CHECK(x->cols() == fm * inRows * inRows);
    OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(this->y.cols(), fm * outRows * outCols);

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int n = 0; n < N; n++)
        int outputIdx = 0;
        int inputIdx = 0;
        for(int fmo = 0; fmo < fm; fmo++)
            for(int ri = 0, ro = 0; ri < maxRow; ri += kernelRows, ro++)
                int rowBase = fmo * fmInSize + ri * inCols;
                for(int ci = 0, co = 0; ci < maxCol; ci += kernelCols, co++, outputIdx++)
                    double m = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
                    for(int kr = 0; kr < kernelRows; kr++)
                        inputIdx = rowBase + ci;
                        for(int kc = 0; kc < kernelCols; kc++, inputIdx++)
                            m = std::max(m, (*x)(n, inputIdx));
                    this->y(n, outputIdx) = m;

    y = &(this->y);
Exemple #5
void save(const Eigen::MatrixXd& in, const Eigen::MatrixXd& out, std::ostream& stream)
  OPENANN_CHECK_EQUALS(in.rows(), out.rows());

  for(int i = 0; i < in.rows(); ++i)
    if(out.cols() > 1)
      int index;
      stream << static_cast<int>(index);
      stream << out(i, 0);

    for(int j = 0; j < in.cols(); ++j)
      if(std::fabs(in(i, j)) > 0.0e-20)
        stream << " " << j + 1 << ":" << in(i, j);

    stream << std::endl;