Exemple #1
 * Add another component temp file.
static void
extendBufFile(BufFile *file)
	File		pfile;
	ResourceOwner oldowner;

	/* Be sure to associate the file with the BufFile's resource owner */
	oldowner = CurrentResourceOwner;
	CurrentResourceOwner = file->resowner;

	if (file->fileset == NULL)
		pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(file->isInterXact);
		pfile = MakeNewSharedSegment(file, file->numFiles);

	Assert(pfile >= 0);

	CurrentResourceOwner = oldowner;

	file->files = (File *) repalloc(file->files,
									(file->numFiles + 1) * sizeof(File));
	file->offsets = (off_t *) repalloc(file->offsets,
									   (file->numFiles + 1) * sizeof(off_t));
	file->files[file->numFiles] = pfile;
	file->offsets[file->numFiles] = 0L;
Exemple #2
 * Create a BufFile for a new temporary file (which will expand to become
 * multiple temporary files if more than MAX_PHYSICAL_FILESIZE bytes are
 * written to it).
 * If interXact is true, the temp file will not be automatically deleted
 * at end of transaction.
 * Note: if interXact is true, the caller had better be calling us in a
 * memory context that will survive across transaction boundaries.
BufFile *
BufFileCreateTemp(bool interXact)
	BufFile    *file;
	File		pfile;

	pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(interXact);
	Assert(pfile >= 0);

	file = makeBufFile(pfile);
	file->isTemp = true;
	file->isInterXact = interXact;

	 * add by cywang
	 * to record the time of read data from disk
	file->instr_fileload = InstrAlloc(1,1);
	file->fileLoadNum = 0;
	file->instr_filedump = InstrAlloc(1,1);
	file->fileDumpNum = 0;

	return file;
Exemple #3
 * Create a BufFile for a new temporary file (which will expand to become
 * multiple temporary files if more than MAX_PHYSICAL_FILESIZE bytes are
 * written to it).
 * If interXact is true, the temp file will not be automatically deleted
 * at end of transaction.
 * Note: if interXact is true, the caller had better be calling us in a
 * memory context, and with a resource owner, that will survive across
 * transaction boundaries.
BufFile *
BufFileCreateTemp(bool interXact)
	BufFile    *file;
	File		pfile;

	pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(interXact);
	Assert(pfile >= 0);

	file = makeBufFile(pfile);
	file->isInterXact = interXact;

	return file;
Exemple #4
 * Add another component temp file.
static void
extendBufFile(BufFile *file)
	File		pfile;

	pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(file->isInterXact);
	Assert(pfile >= 0);

	file->files = (File *) repalloc(file->files,
									(file->numFiles + 1) * sizeof(File));
	file->offsets = (off_t *) repalloc(file->offsets,
									   (file->numFiles + 1) * sizeof(off_t));
	file->files[file->numFiles] = pfile;
	file->offsets[file->numFiles] = 0L;
Exemple #5
 * Create a BufFile for a new temporary file.
 * Adds the pgsql_tmp/ prefix to the file path before creating.
 * Note: if interXact is true, the caller had better be calling us in a
 * memory context that will survive across transaction boundaries.
BufFile *
BufFileCreateTemp(const char *filePrefix, bool interXact)
	BufFile	   *file;
	File		pfile;
	bool		closeAtEOXact = !interXact;

	pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(filePrefix,
							  true, /* makenameunique */
							  true, /* create */
							  true, /* delOnClose */
							  closeAtEOXact); /* closeAtEOXact */
	Assert(pfile >= 0);

	file = makeBufFile(pfile);
	file->isTemp = true;

	return file;
Exemple #6
 * Create a BufFile for a new temporary file used for writer-reader exchange.
 * Adds the pgsql_tmp/ prefix to the file path before creating.
BufFile *
BufFileCreateTemp_ReaderWriter(const char *filePrefix, bool isWriter,
							   bool interXact)
	bool closeAtEOXact = !interXact;
	File pfile = OpenTemporaryFile(filePrefix,
								   false, /* makenameunique */
								   isWriter, /* create */
								   isWriter, /* delOnClose */
								   closeAtEOXact); /* closeAtEOXact */
	if (pfile < 0)
		elog(ERROR, "could not open temporary file \"%s\": %m", filePrefix);

	BufFile *file = makeBufFile(pfile);
	file->isTemp = true;

	return file;
int main(void)
    const char * const MESSAGE =
        "Error in WriteStructures or ReadStructures or both:\n";
    UChar *cp;
    int elemNo;
    size_t byteNo;
    FILE *temporaryFile;
    int gotError = 0;

    struct Test x[] =                      /* an array of structures */
    {   /* declare and initialize */
        {23.6F, -425e-6, (void *)0x2345},   /* structure 0 */
        {2, 1, 0},                          /* structure 1 */
        {-6, 3.3, NULL}                     /* structure 2 */

    struct Test y[Elements(x)] =           /* an array of structures */
        {123.456F, 789.12, (void *)0x9876}, /* structure 0 */
        {69.0F, 24, (void *)0x1928A},       /* structure 1 */
        {-59.2F, 89.48e-16, (void *)0xABC}  /* structure 2 */

    /* file for unaltered structures */
    temporaryFile = OpenTemporaryFile();
    /* write multiple structures */
    WriteStructures(x, Elements(x), temporaryFile);
    /* back to beginning */
    /* read multiple structures */
    ReadStructures(y, Elements(y), temporaryFile);

    /* Structure member values before and after write/read. */
    for (elemNo = 0; elemNo < (int)Elements(x); ++elemNo)
        if (y[elemNo].flt != x[elemNo].flt)
            printf("Original structure[%d].flt: %g\n", elemNo, x[elemNo].flt);
            printf("Readback structure[%d].flt: %g\n\n", elemNo, y[elemNo].flt);
            gotError = 1;
        if (y[elemNo].dbl != x[elemNo].dbl)
            printf("Original structure[%d].dbl: %g\n", elemNo, x[elemNo].dbl);
            printf("Readback structure[%d].dbl: %g\n\n", elemNo, y[elemNo].dbl);
            gotError = 1;
        if (y[elemNo].vp != x[elemNo].vp)
            printf("Original structure[%d].vp: %p\n", elemNo, x[elemNo].vp);
            printf("Readback structure[%d].vp: %p\n\n", elemNo, y[elemNo].vp);
            gotError = 1;

    if (gotError)
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    /* Print bytes in structures before & after reversal. */
    printf("Structure bytes before (1st line) & after (2nd line) reversal:\n\n");
    for (elemNo = 0; elemNo < (int)Elements(x); ++elemNo, putchar('\n'))
        y[elemNo] = x[elemNo];
        printf("Element %d:\n", elemNo);
        printf("  ");
        cp = (UChar *)&x[elemNo];
        for (byteNo = 0; byteNo < sizeof(*x); ++byteNo)
            printf(" %02x", cp[byteNo]);
        printf("\n  ");
        cp = (UChar *)&y[elemNo];
        for (byteNo = 0; byteNo < sizeof(*y); ++byteNo)
            printf(" %02x", cp[byteNo]);
           "   1. Were the results you got correct for your implemenation?\n"
           "   2. How many padding bytes were in your structure?\n\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;