Exemple #1
// whoever calling this function should NOT get latch
int pmdEDUMgr::_createNewEDU ( EDU_TYPES type, void* arg, EDUID *eduid)
   int rc               = EDB_OK ;
   unsigned int probe   = 0 ;
   pmdEDUCB *cb         = NULL ;
   EDUID myEDUID        = 0 ;
   if ( isQuiesced () )
      rc = EDB_QUIESCED ;
      goto done ;

   if ( !getEntryFuncByType ( type ) )
      PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "The edu[type:%d] not exist or function is null", type ) ;
      rc = EDB_INVALIDARG ;
      probe = 30 ;
      goto error ;

   cb = new(std::nothrow) pmdEDUCB ( this, type ) ;
            "Out of memory to create agent control block" )
   // set to creating status
   cb->setStatus ( PMD_EDU_CREATING ) ;

   /***********CRITICAL SECTION*********************/
   _mutex.get () ;
   // if the EDU exist in runqueue
   if ( _runQueue.end() != _runQueue.find ( _EDUID )  )
      _mutex.release () ;
      rc = EDB_SYS ;
      probe = 10 ;
      goto error ;
   // if the EDU exist in idle queue
   if ( _idleQueue.end() != _idleQueue.find ( _EDUID )  )
      _mutex.release () ;
      rc = EDB_SYS ;
      probe = 15 ;
      goto error ;
   // assign EDU id and increment global EDUID
   cb->setID ( _EDUID ) ;
   if ( eduid )
      *eduid = _EDUID ;
   // place cb into runqueue
   _runQueue [ _EDUID ] = ( pmdEDUCB* ) cb ;
   myEDUID = _EDUID ;
   ++_EDUID ;
   _mutex.release () ;
   /***********END CRITICAL SECTION****************/

   // create a new thread here, pass agent CB and other arguments
      boost::thread agentThread ( pmdEDUEntryPoint,
                                  type, cb, arg ) ;
      // detach the agent so that he's all on his own
      // we only track based on CB
      agentThread.detach () ;
   catch ( std::exception e )
      // if we failed to create thread, make sure to clean runqueue
      _runQueue.erase ( myEDUID ) ;
      rc = EDB_SYS ;
      probe = 20 ;
      goto error ;

   //The edu is create, need post a resum event
   cb->postEvent( pmdEDUEvent( PMD_EDU_EVENT_RESUME, false, arg ) ) ;
done :
   return rc ;
error :
   // clean out memory if it's allocated
   if ( cb )
      delete cb ;
   PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to create new agent, probe = %d", probe ) ;
   goto done ;
   //PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( COORD_OPERATORDEL_EXE, "_coordDeleteOperator::execute" )
   INT32 _coordDeleteOperator::execute( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                        pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                        INT64 &contextID,
                                        rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 rcTmp = SDB_OK ;

      coordSendOptions sendOpt( TRUE ) ;
      coordSendMsgIn inMsg( pMsg ) ;
      coordProcessResult result ;
      ROUTE_RC_MAP nokRC ;
      result._pNokRC = &nokRC ;

      coordCataSel cataSel ;
      MsgRouteID errNodeID ;

      BSONObj boDeletor ;

      MsgOpDelete *pDelMsg             = (MsgOpDelete *)pMsg ;
      INT32 oldFlag                    = pDelMsg->flags ;
      pDelMsg->flags                  |= FLG_DELETE_RETURNNUM ;
      contextID                        = -1 ;

      INT32 flag = 0;
      CHAR *pCollectionName = NULL ;
      CHAR *pDeletor = NULL ;
      CHAR *pHint = NULL ;
      rc = msgExtractDelete( (CHAR*)pMsg, &flag, &pCollectionName,
                             &pDeletor, &pHint ) ;
      if( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR,"Failed to parse delete request, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         pCollectionName = NULL ;
         goto error ;

         boDeletor = BSONObj( pDeletor ) ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
                      "Delete failed, received unexpected error: %s",
                      e.what() ) ;

      MON_SAVE_OP_DETAIL( cb->getMonAppCB(), pMsg->opCode,
                          "Collection:%s, Deletor:%s, Hint:%s, "
                          oldFlag, oldFlag ) ;

      rc = cataSel.bind( _pResource, pCollectionName, cb, FALSE, TRUE ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Get or update collection[%s]'s catalog info "
                 "failed, rc: %d", pCollectionName, rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      pDelMsg->version = cataSel.getCataPtr()->getVersion() ;
      pDelMsg->w = 0 ;
      rcTmp = doOpOnCL( cataSel, boDeletor, inMsg, sendOpt, cb, result ) ;

      if ( SDB_OK == rcTmp && nokRC.empty() )
         goto done ;
      else if ( checkRetryForCLOpr( rcTmp, &nokRC, cataSel, inMsg.msg(),
                                    cb, rc, &errNodeID, TRUE ) )
         nokRC.clear() ;
         _groupSession.getGroupCtrl()->incRetry() ;
         goto retry ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Delete failed on node[%s], rc: %d",
                 routeID2String( errNodeID ).c_str(), rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( oldFlag & FLG_DELETE_RETURNNUM )
         contextID = _recvNum ;
      if ( pCollectionName )
                      pCollectionName, rc,
                      "DeletedNum:%u, Deletor:%s, Hint:%s, Flag:0x%08x(%u)",
                      _recvNum, boDeletor.toString().c_str(),
                      BSONObj(pHint).toString().c_str(), oldFlag, oldFlag ) ;
      return rc ;
      if ( buf && nokRC.size() > 0 )
         *buf = rtnContextBuf( coordBuildErrorObj( _pResource, rc,
                                                   cb, &nokRC ) ) ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #3
   INT32 rtnQuery ( const CHAR *pCollectionName,
                    const BSONObj &selector,
                    const BSONObj &matcher,
                    const BSONObj &orderBy,
                    const BSONObj &hint,
                    SINT32 flags,
                    pmdEDUCB *cb,
                    SINT64 numToSkip,
                    SINT64 numToReturn,
                    SDB_DMSCB *dmsCB,
                    SDB_RTNCB *rtnCB,
                    SINT64 &contextID,
                    rtnContextBase **ppContext,
                    BOOLEAN enablePrefetch )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      dmsStorageUnitID suID = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      contextID             = -1 ;

      SDB_ASSERT ( pCollectionName, "collection name can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( cb, "educb can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( dmsCB, "dmsCB can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( rtnCB, "rtnCB can't be NULL" ) ;

      dmsStorageUnit *su = NULL ;
      dmsMBContext *mbContext = NULL ;
      rtnContextData *dataContext = NULL ;
      const CHAR *pCollectionShortName = NULL ;
      rtnAccessPlanManager *apm = NULL ;
      optAccessPlan *plan = NULL ;

      BSONObj hintTmp = hint ;
      BSONObj blockObj ;
      BSONObj *pBlockObj = NULL ;
      const CHAR *indexName = NULL ;
      const CHAR *scanType  = NULL ;
      INT32 direction = 0 ;

      if ( FLG_QUERY_EXPLAIN & flags )
         rc = rtnExplain( pCollectionName,
                          flags, numToSkip,
                          cb, dmsCB, rtnCB,
                          ppContext ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to explain query:%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;
            goto done ;

      rc = rtnResolveCollectionNameAndLock ( pCollectionName, dmsCB, &su,
                                             &pCollectionShortName, suID ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to resolve collection name %s",
                   pCollectionName ) ;

      rc = su->data()->getMBContext( &mbContext, pCollectionShortName, -1 ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get dms mb context, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = rtnCB->contextNew ( ( flags & FLG_QUERY_PARALLED ) ?
                               RTN_CONTEXT_PARADATA : RTN_CONTEXT_DATA,
                               contextID, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to create new data context" ) ;

      if ( Object == hint.getField( FIELD_NAME_META ).type() )
         BSONObjBuilder build ;
         rc = _rtnParseQueryMeta( hint.getField( FIELD_NAME_META ).embeddedObject(),
                                  scanType, indexName, indexLID, direction,
                                  blockObj ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to parase query meta[%s], rc: %d",
                      hint.toString().c_str(), rc ) ;

         pBlockObj = &blockObj ;

         if ( indexName )
            build.append( "", indexName ) ;
            build.appendNull( "" ) ;
         hintTmp = build.obj () ;

      apm = su->getAPM() ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( apm, "apm shouldn't be NULL" ) ;

      rc = apm->getPlan ( matcher,
                          orderBy, // orderBy
                          hintTmp, // hint
                          &plan ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to get access plan for %s, context %lld, "
                  "rc: %d", pCollectionName, contextID, rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( ( flags & FLG_QUERY_FORCE_HINT ) && !hintTmp.isEmpty() &&
                plan->isHintFailed() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Query used force hint[%s] failed",
                 hintTmp.toString().c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_RTN_INVALID_HINT ;
         goto error ;

      if ( pBlockObj )
         if ( !indexName && TBSCAN != plan->getScanType() )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Scan type[%d] must be TBSCAN",
                    plan->getScanType() ) ;
            rc = SDB_SYS ;
            goto error ;
         else if ( indexName && ( IXSCAN != plan->getScanType() ||
                   indexLID != plan->getIndexLID() ) )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Scan type[%d] error or indexLID[%d] is the "
                    "same with [%d]", plan->getScanType(),
                    plan->getIndexLID(), indexLID ) ;
            rc = SDB_IXM_NOTEXIST ;
            goto error ;

      if ( flags & FLG_QUERY_STRINGOUT )
         dataContext->getSelector().setStringOutput( TRUE ) ;

      rc = dataContext->open( su, mbContext, plan, cb, selector,
                              plan->sortRequired() ? -1 : numToReturn,
                              plan->sortRequired() ? 0 : numToSkip,
                              pBlockObj, direction ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Open data context failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      suID = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      plan = NULL ;
      mbContext = NULL ;

      if ( cb->getMonConfigCB()->timestampON )
         dataContext->getMonCB()->recordStartTimestamp() ;

      if ( dataContext->getPlan()->sortRequired() )
         rc = rtnSort ( (rtnContext**)&dataContext, orderBy, cb, numToSkip,
                        numToReturn, rtnCB, contextID ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to sort, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      if ( ppContext )
         *ppContext = dataContext ;
      if ( enablePrefetch )
         dataContext->enablePrefetch ( cb ) ;

   done :
      return rc ;
   error :
      if ( su && mbContext )
         su->data()->releaseMBContext( mbContext ) ;
      if ( plan )
         plan->release() ;
      if ( DMS_INVALID_CS != suID )
         dmsCB->suUnlock( suID ) ;
      if ( -1 != contextID )
         rtnCB->contextDelete ( contextID, cb ) ;
         contextID = -1 ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #4
   INT32 migWorker::_getBsonFromQueue( pmdEDUCB *eduCB, BSONObj &obj )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 tempRc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT32 offset = 0 ;
      UINT32 size   = 0 ;
      UINT32 line   = 0 ;
      UINT32 column = 0 ;
      UINT32 startBlock = 0 ;
      UINT32 endBlock   = 0 ;
      //CHAR  *pJsonBuffer = NULL ;

      _master->popFromQueue ( eduCB,
                              offset, size,
                              line, column ) ;
      if ( 0 == offset && 0 == size &&
           0 == line && 0 == column )
         rc = SDB_MIG_END_OF_QUEUE ;
         goto done ;

      if ( MIG_PARSER_JSON == _master->_fileType )
         tempRc = fromjson ( _master->getBuffer() + offset, obj ) ;
      else if ( MIG_PARSER_CSV == _master->_fileType )
         rc = _csvParser.csv2bson( _master->getBuffer() + offset,
                                   size, &obj ) ;
         if ( rc )
            rc = SDB_UTIL_PARSE_JSON_INVALID ;
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to convert Bson, rc=%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;
         rc = SDB_MIG_UNKNOW_FILE_TYPE ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "unknow file type" ) ;
         goto error ;
      if ( tempRc )
         //PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to json convert bson, json: %s , rc=%d",
         //         _pJsonBuffer, tempRc ) ;
         _master->sendMsgToClient ( "Error: error "
                                    "in json format, line %u, column %u",
                                    line, column ) ;
      rc = _master->getBlockFromPointer ( offset, size,
                                          startBlock, endBlock ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to get block from pointer, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      for ( UINT32 i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; ++i )
         _master->bucketDec( i ) ;
      if ( tempRc )
         rc = tempRc ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
   INT32 _omTaskStrategyInfo::fromBSON( const BSONObj &obj )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONElement beField ;
      BSONObj ipsObj ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_RULE_ID ) ;
      if ( !beField.isNumber() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be number",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      setID( beField.numberLong() ) ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_TASK_ID ) ;
      if ( !beField.isNumber() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be number",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      setTaskID( beField.numberLong() ) ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_TASK_NAME ) ;
      if ( String != beField.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be string",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      setTaskName( beField.str() ) ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_NICE ) ;
      if ( !beField.isNumber() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be number",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      setNice( beField.numberInt() ) ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_USER_NAME ) ;
      if ( String != beField.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be string",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      setUserName( beField.str() ) ;

      beField = obj.getField( OM_REST_FIELD_IPS ) ;
      if ( Array != beField.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be string array",
                 beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
         clearIPSet() ;

         string tmpStr ;
         BSONElement e ;
         BSONObjIterator itr( beField.embeddedObject() ) ;
         while( itr.more() )
            e = itr.next() ;
            if ( String != beField.type() )
               PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Field[%s] must be string array",
                       beField.toString( TRUE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
               rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
               goto error ;
            tmpStr = e.str() ;

            if ( !tmpStr.empty() )
               addIP( tmpStr ) ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #6
   INT32 utilWriteConfigFile( const CHAR * pFile, const CHAR * pData,
                              BOOLEAN createOnly )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      std::string tmpFile = pFile ;
      tmpFile += ".tmp" ;
      OSSFILE file ;
      BOOLEAN isOpen = FALSE ;
      BOOLEAN isBak = FALSE ;

      if ( SDB_OK == ossAccess( tmpFile.c_str() ) )
         ossDelete( tmpFile.c_str() ) ;

      if ( SDB_OK == ossAccess( pFile ) )
         if ( createOnly )
            rc = SDB_FE ;
            goto error ;
         if ( SDB_OK == ossRenamePath( pFile, tmpFile.c_str() ) )
            isBak = TRUE ;

                     OSS_RWXU, file ) ;
      if ( rc )
         goto error ;
      isOpen = TRUE ;

         SINT64 written = 0 ;
         SINT64 len = ossStrlen( pData ) ;
         while ( 0 < len )
            SINT64 tmpWritten = 0 ;
            rc = ossWrite( &file, pData + written , len, &tmpWritten ) ;
            if ( rc && SDB_INTERRUPT != rc )
               PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to write file[%s]:%d", pFile, rc ) ;
               goto error ;
            written += tmpWritten ;
            len -= tmpWritten ;
            rc = SDB_OK ;

      if ( SDB_OK == ossAccess( tmpFile.c_str() ) )
         ossDelete( tmpFile.c_str() ) ;

      if ( isOpen )
         ossClose( file ) ;
      return rc ;
      if ( isBak )
         if ( isOpen )
            ossClose( file ) ;
            isOpen = FALSE ;
            ossDelete( pFile ) ;
         ossRenamePath( tmpFile.c_str(), pFile ) ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #7
   INT32 migMaster::_checkErrAndRollback  ( pmdEDUCB *eduCB,
                                            dmsStorageLoadOp* loadOp,
                                            dmsMBContext *mbContext,
                                            UINT32 &success,
                                            UINT32 &failure )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      pmdEDUEvent    event ;

      // if we receive any post, that means worker got something wrong and we
      // should handle it respectively
      /*isGetEven = eduCB->waitEvent ( event, 0 ) ;
      if ( isGetEven )
         // if we receive anything, let's count the success and failure and
         // goon, note it means something wrong happened at worker
         workerRe = (_workerReturn *)event._Data ;
         success += workerRe->success ;
         failure += workerRe->failure ;
         --_workerNum ;
      // if something wrong happened at worker, or the connection is gone,
      // let's rollback
      //if ( isGetEven || !_sock->isConnected() )
      if ( !_exitSignal )
         _exitSignal = !_sock->isConnected() ;
         if ( !_exitSignal )
            _exitSignal = eduCB->isForced() ;
      if ( _exitSignal )
         // print the error in log
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "rollback all data" ) ;
         // send error to user side, note we don't need to check rc since we
         // can't do anything if it's not success, anyway
         sendMsgToClient ( "Error: rollback all data" ) ;

         rc = _stopAndWaitWorker ( eduCB, success, failure ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR,
                       "Failed to call _stopAndWaitWorker, rc=%d", rc ) ;

         //roll back
         rc = loadOp->loadRollbackPhase ( mbContext ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to rollback, rc=%d", rc ) ;
            sendMsgToClient ( "Error: Failed to rollback, rc = %d",
                              rc ) ;
            goto error ;
         rc = SDB_LOAD_ROLLBACK ;
         goto error ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #8
static INT32 _ossEnumFiles( const string &dirPath,
                            map<string, string> &mapFiles,
                            const CHAR *filter, UINT32 filterLen,
                            OSS_MATCH_TYPE type, UINT32 deep )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   const CHAR *pFind = NULL ;

      fs::path dbDir ( dirPath ) ;
      fs::directory_iterator end_iter ;

      if ( 0 == deep )
         goto done ;

      if ( fs::exists ( dbDir ) && fs::is_directory ( dbDir ) )
         for ( fs::directory_iterator dir_iter ( dbDir );
               dir_iter != end_iter; ++dir_iter )
               if ( fs::is_regular_file ( dir_iter->status() ) )
                  const std::string fileName =
                     dir_iter->path().filename().string() ;

                  if ( ( OSS_MATCH_NULL == type ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_LEFT == type &&
                         0 == ossStrncmp( fileName.c_str(), filter,
                                          filterLen ) ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_MID == type &&
                         ossStrstr( fileName.c_str(), filter ) ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_RIGHT == type &&
                         ( pFind = ossStrstr( fileName.c_str(), filter ) ) &&
                         pFind[filterLen] == 0 ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_ALL == type &&
                         0 == ossStrcmp( fileName.c_str(), filter ) )
                     mapFiles[ fileName ] = dir_iter->path().string() ;
               else if ( fs::is_directory( dir_iter->path() ) && deep > 1 )
                  _ossEnumFiles( dir_iter->path().string(), mapFiles,
                                 filter, filterLen, type, deep - 1 ) ;
            catch( std::exception &e )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "File or dir[%s] occur exception: %s",
                       e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
   catch( std::exception &e )
      PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Occur exception: %s", e.what() ) ;
      rc = SDB_SYS ;
      goto error ;

   return rc ;
   goto done ;
Exemple #9
static INT32 _ossEnumSubDirs( const string &dirPath,
                              const string &parentSubDir,
                              vector< string > &subDirs,
                              UINT32 deep )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;

      fs::path dbDir ( dirPath ) ;
      fs::directory_iterator end_iter ;

      string subDir ;

      if ( 0 == deep )
         goto done ;

      if ( fs::exists ( dbDir ) && fs::is_directory ( dbDir ) )
         for ( fs::directory_iterator dir_iter ( dbDir );
               dir_iter != end_iter; ++dir_iter )
               if ( fs::is_directory( dir_iter->path() ) )
                  if ( parentSubDir.empty() )
                     subDir = dir_iter->path().leaf().string() ;
                     string subDir = parentSubDir ;
                     subDir += OSS_FILE_SEP ;
                     subDir += dir_iter->path().leaf().string() ;
                  subDirs.push_back( subDir ) ;

                  if ( deep > 1 )
                     _ossEnumSubDirs( dir_iter->path().string(), subDir,
                                      subDirs,deep - 1 ) ;
            catch( std::exception &e )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "File or dir[%s] occur exception: %s",
                       dir_iter->path().string().c_str(), e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
   catch( std::exception &e )
      PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Occur exception: %s", e.what() ) ;
      rc = SDB_SYS ;
      goto error ;

   return rc ;
   goto done ;
Exemple #10
   INT32 _sptInvoker::_callbackDone( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
                                     _sptReturnVal &rval,
                                     const bson::BSONObj &detail,
                                     jsval *rvp )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      const sptProperty &rpro = rval.getVal() ;
      jsval val = JSVAL_VOID ;

      if ( EOO == rpro.getType() )
         *rvp = JSVAL_VOID ;
         goto done ;
      else if ( Object == rpro.getType() )
         JSObject *jsObj = JS_NewObject ( cx, (JSClass *)(rval.getClassDef()),
                                          0 , 0 ) ;
         if ( NULL == jsObj )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "faile to new js object" ) ;
            rc = SDB_OOM ;
            rval.releaseObj() ;
            goto error ;

         JS_SetPrivate( cx, jsObj, rpro.getValue() ) ;

         if ( !rval.getValProperties().empty() )
            rc = _sptInvoker::setProperty( cx, jsObj,
                                           rval.getValProperties() ) ;
            if ( SDB_OK != rc )
               goto error ;

         val = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( jsObj ) ;
         rc = _getValFromProperty( cx, rpro, val ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

      if ( !rpro.getName().empty() && NULL != obj )
         if ( !JS_SetProperty( cx, obj,
                               &val ))
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to set obj to parent obj" ) ;
            rc = SDB_SYS ;
            goto error ;

      *rvp = val ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #11
      _sptInvoker implement
   INT32 _sptInvoker::_getValFromProperty( JSContext *cx,
                                           const sptProperty &pro,
                                           jsval &val )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      if ( String == pro.getType() )
         JSString *jsstr = JS_NewStringCopyN( cx, pro.getString(),
                                              ossStrlen( pro.getString() ) ) ;
         if ( NULL == jsstr )
            ossPrintf( "%s\n", pro.getString() ) ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to create a js string" ) ;
            rc = SDB_SYS ;
            goto error ;

         val = STRING_TO_JSVAL( jsstr ) ;
      else if ( Bool == pro.getType() )
         BOOLEAN v = TRUE ;
         rc = pro.getNative( Bool, &v ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

         val = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL( v ) ;
      else if ( NumberInt == pro.getType() )
         INT32 v = 0 ;
         rc = pro.getNative( NumberInt, &v ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

         val = INT_TO_JSVAL( v ) ;
      else if ( NumberDouble == pro.getType() )
         FLOAT64 v = 0 ;
         rc = pro.getNative( NumberDouble, &v ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;
         val = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL( v ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "the type %d is not surpported yet.",
                 pro.getType() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #12
   // initialize a log file, file size max 4GB
   INT32 _dpsLogFile::init( const CHAR *path, UINT32 size, UINT32 fileNum )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BOOLEAN created = FALSE ;

      SDB_ASSERT ( 0 == ( _fileSize % DPS_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE ),
                   "Size must be multiple of DPS_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE bytes" ) ;

      _fileSize = size ;
      _fileNum  = fileNum ;
      _idleSize = _fileSize ;

      // allocate OSS_FILE, free in destructor
      _file = SDB_OSS_NEW _OSS_FILE();
      if ( !_file )
         rc = SDB_OOM;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "new _OSS_FILE failed!" );
         goto error;

      // if the file exist, restore
      if ( SDB_OK == ossAccess( path ) )
         rc = ossOpen ( path, OSS_READWRITE|OSS_SHAREWRITE, OSS_RWXU, *_file ) ;
         if ( rc == SDB_OK )
            rc = _restore () ;
            if ( rc == SDB_OK )
               UINT32 startOffset = 0 ;
               if ( DPS_INVALID_LSN_OFFSET != _logHeader._firstLSN.offset )
                  startOffset = (UINT32)( _logHeader._firstLSN.offset %
                                          _fileSize ) ;
               PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "Restore dps log file[%s] succeed, "
                        "firstLsn[%lld], idle space: %u, start offset: %d",
                        path, getFirstLSN().offset, getIdleSize(),
                        startOffset ) ;
               goto done ;
               close () ;
               PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "Restore dps log file[%s] failed[rc:%d]",
                        path, rc ) ;
               goto error ;

      if ( SDB_OK == ossAccess( path ) )
         rc = ossDelete ( path );
         if ( SDB_IO == rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to delete file at %s", path ) ;
            goto error;

      // open the file with "create only" and "read write" mode, for rx-r-----
                    OSS_RWXU, *_file );

      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to open log file %s, rc = %d", path, rc ) ;
         goto error;

      created = TRUE ;

      // increase the file size to the given size plus log file header
      rc = ossExtendFile( _file, (SINT64)_fileSize + DPS_LOG_HEAD_LEN );
      if ( rc )
         close() ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to extend log file size to %d, rc = %d",
                 size + DPS_LOG_HEAD_LEN, rc ) ;
         goto error;

      _initHead ( DPS_INVALID_LOG_FILE_ID ) ;
      rc = _flushHeader () ;
      if ( rc )
         close () ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to flush header, rc = %d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      // Currently let's just skip head
      rc = ossSeek ( _file, DPS_LOG_HEAD_LEN, OSS_SEEK_SET ) ;
      if ( rc )
         close() ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to seek to %d offset in log file, rc = %d",
                 DPS_LOG_HEAD_LEN, rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      return rc;
      if ( NULL != _file )
         SDB_OSS_DEL _file;
         _file = NULL ;
      if ( created )
         INT32 rcTmp = SDB_OK ;
         rcTmp = ossDelete( path ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rcTmp )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to remove new file[%s], rc:%d",
                    path, rc ) ;
      goto done;
Exemple #13
   INT32 _dpsLogFile::_restore ()
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT64 fileSize = 0 ;
      UINT64 offSet = 0 ;
      UINT64 baseOffset = 0 ;
      dpsLogRecordHeader lsnHeader ;
      CHAR *lastRecord = NULL ;
      UINT64 lastOffset = 0 ;
      UINT32 lastLen = 0 ;

      _inRestore = TRUE ;

      //Judge the length is right
      rc = ossGetFileSize( _file, &fileSize ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         goto error ;

      if ( fileSize < (INT64)( _fileSize + sizeof(dpsLogHeader) ) )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "DPS file size[%d] is smaller than config[%d]",
                  fileSize - sizeof(dpsLogHeader), _fileSize ) ;
         rc = SDB_DPS_FILE_SIZE_NOT_SAME ;
         goto error ;

      //Init header
      rc = _readHeader() ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Fail to read dps file header[rc:%d]", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      // check header info
      if ( ossStrncmp( _logHeader._eyeCatcher, DPS_LOG_HEADER_EYECATCHER,
                       sizeof( _logHeader._eyeCatcher ) ) != 0 )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "DPS file eye catcher error" ) ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( _logHeader._fileSize != 0 &&
                _logHeader._fileSize != _fileSize )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "DPS file's meta size[%d] is not the same with "
                 "config[%d]", _logHeader._fileSize, _fileSize ) ;
         rc = SDB_DPS_FILE_SIZE_NOT_SAME ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( _logHeader._fileNum != 0 &&
                _logHeader._fileNum != _fileNum )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "DPS file's meta file num[%d] is not the same with "
                 "config[%d]", _logHeader._fileNum, _fileNum ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      // check the real size
      if ( fileSize > (INT64)( _fileSize + sizeof(dpsLogHeader) ) )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "DPS file real size[%d] is not the same with "
                 "config[%d]", fileSize - sizeof(dpsLogHeader),
                 _fileSize ) ;
         // start up from crash
         if ( !pmdGetStartup().isOK() )
            rc = ossTruncateFile( _file, _fileSize + sizeof(dpsLogHeader) ) ;
            if ( rc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Tuncate dps file to config size failed, "
                       "rc: %d", rc ) ;
               goto error ;
            PD_LOG( PDEVENT, "Tuncate dps file to config size[%d]",
                    _fileSize ) ;
            goto error ;

      PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "Header info[first lsn:%d.%lld, logID:%d]",
               _logHeader._firstLSN.version, _logHeader._firstLSN.offset,
               _logHeader._logID ) ;

      // upgrade the header
      if ( _logHeader._version != DPS_LOG_FILE_VERSION1 )
         _logHeader._version = DPS_LOG_FILE_VERSION1 ;
         _logHeader._fileSize = _fileSize ;
         _logHeader._fileNum  = _fileNum ;

         rc = _flushHeader() ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to flush header, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      if ( _logHeader._logID == DPS_INVALID_LOG_FILE_ID ||
           _logHeader._firstLSN.invalid() )
         _logHeader._firstLSN.version = DPS_INVALID_LSN_VERSION ;
         _logHeader._firstLSN.offset = DPS_INVALID_LSN_OFFSET ;
         goto done ;

      offSet = _logHeader._firstLSN.offset % _fileSize ;
      baseOffset = _logHeader._firstLSN.offset - offSet ;

      //analysis the file
      while ( offSet < _fileSize )
         rc = read ( offSet + baseOffset , sizeof (dpsLogRecordHeader),
                     (CHAR*)&lsnHeader ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to read lsn header[offset:%lld,rc:%d]",
                     offSet, rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         if ( lsnHeader._lsn != offSet + baseOffset )
            PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "LSN is not the same[%lld!=%lld]",
                     lsnHeader._lsn, offSet + baseOffset ) ;
            break ;
         else if ( offSet + lsnHeader._length > _fileSize )
            PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "LSN length[%d] is over the file "
                     "size[offSet:%lld]", lsnHeader._length, offSet ) ;
            break ;
         else if ( lsnHeader._length < sizeof (dpsLogRecordHeader) )
            PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "LSN length[%d] less than min[%d], invalid LSN",
                     lsnHeader._length, sizeof (dpsLogRecordHeader) ) ;
            break ;

         offSet += lsnHeader._length ;
         lastOffset = offSet ;
         lastLen = lsnHeader._length ;

      /// ensure that the last record is valid.
      if ( 0 < lastLen && 0 < lastOffset )
         _dpsLogRecord lr ;
         lastRecord = ( CHAR * )SDB_OSS_MALLOC( lastLen ) ;
         if ( NULL == lastRecord )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to allocate mem.") ;
            rc = SDB_OOM ;
            goto error ;

         rc = read( lastOffset + baseOffset - lastLen,
                    lastRecord ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to read dps record[%lld, rc:%d]",
                    offSet, rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         rc = lr.load( lastRecord ) ;
         if ( SDB_DPS_CORRUPTED_LOG == rc )
            /// the last record is corrupted. move to pre one.
            offSet -= lastLen ;
            rc = SDB_OK ;
            const dpsLogRecordHeader *corruptedHeader =
                           ( const dpsLogRecordHeader * )lastRecord ;
            PD_LOG( PDEVENT, "last log record(lsn:%lld) is corrupted.",
                    corruptedHeader->_lsn ) ;

            /// only one corrupted log in this file.
            if ( 0 == offSet )
               _logHeader._firstLSN.offset = DPS_INVALID_LSN_OFFSET ;
               _logHeader._firstLSN.version = DPS_INVALID_LSN_VERSION ;
         else if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to load record log:%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;

      _idleSize = _fileSize - offSet ;

      _inRestore = FALSE ;
      SAFE_OSS_FREE( lastRecord ) ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #14
   INT32 rtnInsert ( const CHAR *pCollectionName, BSONObj &objs, INT32 objNum,
                     INT32 flags, pmdEDUCB *cb, SDB_DMSCB *dmsCB,
                     SDB_DPSCB *dpsCB, INT16 w )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( pCollectionName, "collection name can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( cb, "educb can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( dmsCB, "dmsCB can't be NULL" ) ;
      dmsStorageUnit *su = NULL ;
      dmsStorageUnitID suID = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      const CHAR *pCollectionShortName = NULL ;
      UINT32 insertCount = 0 ;
      BOOLEAN writable = FALSE ;

      ossValuePtr pDataPos = 0 ;
      rc = dmsCB->writable( cb ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Database is not writable, rc = %d", rc ) ;
         goto error;
      writable = TRUE;

      rc = rtnResolveCollectionNameAndLock ( pCollectionName, dmsCB, &su,
                                             &pCollectionShortName, suID ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to resolve collection name %s",
                  pCollectionName ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( objs.isEmpty () )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Insert record can't be empty" ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      pDataPos = (ossValuePtr)objs.objdata() ;
      for ( INT32 i = 0 ; i < objNum ; ++i )
         if ( ++insertCount > RTN_INSERT_ONCE_NUM )
            insertCount = 0 ;
            if ( cb->isInterrupted() )
               rc = SDB_APP_INTERRUPT ;
               goto error ;

            BSONObj record ( (const CHAR*)pDataPos ) ;
            rc = su->insertRecord ( pCollectionShortName, record, cb, dpsCB ) ;
            if ( rc )
               if ( ( SDB_IXM_DUP_KEY == rc ) &&
                    ( FLG_INSERT_CONTONDUP & flags ) )
                  rc = SDB_OK ;
                  PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to insert record %s into "
                           "collection: %s, rc: %d", record.toString().c_str(),
                           pCollectionName, rc ) ;
                  goto error ;
            pDataPos += ossAlignX ( (ossValuePtr)record.objsize(), 4 ) ;
         catch ( std::exception &e )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to convert to BSON and insert to "
                     "collection: %s", e.what() ) ;
            rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
            goto error ;

   done :
      if ( DMS_INVALID_CS != suID )
         dmsCB->suUnlock ( suID ) ;
      if ( writable )
         dmsCB->writeDown( cb );
      if ( cb )
         if ( SDB_OK == rc && dpsCB )
            rc = dpsCB->completeOpr( cb, w ) ;
      return rc ;
   error :
      goto done ;
Exemple #15
 INT32 _dmsReorgUnit::_init ( BOOLEAN createNew )
    INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
    class _reorgUnitHead *unitHead = NULL ;
    INT32 bufSize = ossRoundUpToMultipleX (
                          sizeof ( class _reorgUnitHead ),
                          DMS_REORG_UNIT_HEAD_SIZE_UNIT ) ;
    INT32 restSize = bufSize ;
    _headSize = bufSize ;
    CHAR *pBuffer = (CHAR*)SDB_OSS_MALLOC (bufSize) ;
    if ( !pBuffer )
       PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to allocate %d bytes of memory", bufSize ) ;
       rc = SDB_OOM ;
       goto error ;
    unitHead = (class _reorgUnitHead*)pBuffer ;
    ossMemset ( unitHead, 0, bufSize ) ;
    if ( createNew )
       SINT64 writeSize = 0 ;
       _readOnly = FALSE ;
       ossMemcpy ( unitHead->_eyeCatcher, DMS_REORG_UNIT_EYECATCHER,
                   DMS_REORG_UNIT_EYECATCHER_LEN ) ;
       unitHead->_headerSize = bufSize ;
       ossMemcpy ( unitHead->_fileName, _fileName, OSS_MAX_PATHSIZE ) ;
       unitHead->_pageSize = _pageSize ;
       while ( restSize != 0 )
          rc = ossWrite ( &_file, &pBuffer[bufSize-restSize], restSize,
                          &writeSize ) ;
          if ( rc && SDB_INTERRUPT != rc )
             PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to write into file: %s, rc = %d",
                      _fileName, rc ) ;
             goto error ;
          restSize -= writeSize ;
          rc = SDB_OK ;
       SINT64 readSize = 0 ;
       _readOnly = TRUE ;
       while ( restSize > 0 )
          rc = ossRead ( &_file, &pBuffer[bufSize-restSize], restSize, &readSize ) ;
          if ( rc && SDB_INTERRUPT != rc )
             PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to read from file: %s, rc = %d",
                      _fileName, rc ) ;
             goto error ;
          restSize -= readSize ;
          rc = SDB_OK ;
       if ( ossMemcmp ( unitHead->_eyeCatcher, DMS_REORG_UNIT_EYECATCHER,
                        DMS_REORG_UNIT_EYECATCHER_LEN ) ||
            unitHead->_headerSize != bufSize )
          PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Invalid reorg file is detected" ) ;
          goto error ;
 done :
    if ( pBuffer )
       SDB_OSS_FREE ( pBuffer ) ;
    return rc ;
 error :
    goto done ;
Exemple #16
INT32 _ossModuleHandle::init ()
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   CHAR  strPath [ 2*OSS_MAX_PATHSIZE + 1 ] = {0} ;
   CHAR  strModule [ OSS_MAX_PATHSIZE + 1 ] = {0} ;
   OSS_MHANDLE handle = 0 ;
   CHAR *p = NULL ;
#if defined (_WINDOWS)
   UINT32 errorMode ;
   if ( _moduleName[0] == '\0' )
      PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Module name can't be empty" ) ;
      rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
      goto error ;
               PD_PACK_STRING(_libPath), PD_PACK_UINT(_flags) ) ;
   ossStrncpy ( strModule, _moduleName, sizeof(strModule) ) ;
   p = ossStrchr ( strModule, '(' ) ;
   if ( p )
      *p = '\0' ;
   rc = patchModuleName( strModule, _moduleName, sizeof(_moduleName) );
   PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to patch module name, rc = %d", rc ) ;
   if ( _libPath[0] )
      INT32 pathLen = 0 ;
      rc = ossAccess ( _libPath,
#if defined (_LINUX)
#elif defined (_WINDOWS)
      ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to access path %s, rc = %d",
                    _libPath, rc ) ;
      ossStrncat ( strPath, _libPath, sizeof(strPath) ) ;
      pathLen = ossStrlen ( strPath ) ;
      if ( strPath[pathLen-1] != OSS_FILE_SEP_CHAR )
         if ( pathLen >= OSS_MAX_PATHSIZE )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "library path is too long: %s",
                     _libPath ) ;
            rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
            goto error ;
         strPath[pathLen-1] = OSS_FILE_SEP_CHAR ;
         strPath[pathLen]   = '\0' ;
   if ( ossStrlen ( strPath ) + ossStrlen ( _moduleName ) >= sizeof(strPath) )
      PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "path + module name is too long: %s:%s",
               strPath, _moduleName ) ;
      rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
      goto error ;
   ossStrncat ( strPath, _moduleName, OSS_MAX_PATHSIZE ) ;
#if defined (_LINUX)
   handle = dlopen ( strPath, _flags | RTLD_NOW ) ;
   if ( !handle )
      PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to load module %s, error = %s",
               strPath, dlerror() ) ;
      rc = SDB_SYS ;
      goto error ;
   _isInitialized = TRUE ;
   _moduleHandle = handle ;
   dlerror() ;
#elif defined (_WINDOWS)
   errorMode = SetErrorMode ( SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX |
                              SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ) ;
   _moduleHandle = LoadLibrary ( (LPCTSTR)strPath ) ;
   SetErrorMode ( errorMode ) ;
   if ( NULL == _moduleHandle )
      rc = ossGetLastError () ;
      PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to load module %s, error = %d",
               _moduleName, rc ) ;
      goto error ;
done :
   return rc ;
error :
   _isInitialized = FALSE ;
   _moduleHandle = OSS_MINVALIDHANDLE ;
   goto done ;
Exemple #17
int pmdEDUMgr::_createNewEDU(EDU_TYPES type, void* arg, EDUID *eduid)
	int rc = EDB_OK;
	unsigned int probe	= 0;
	pmdEDUCB *cb		= NULL;
	EDUID myEDUID		= 0;
	if (isQuiesced()) {
		goto done;	

	if (!getEntryFuncByType(type)) {
		PD_LOG(PDERROR, "The edu[type:%d] not exist or function is null", type);
		probe = 30;
		goto error;	

	cb = new(std::nothrow) pmdEDUCB(this, type);
	EDB_VALIDATE_GOTOERROR(cb, EDB_OOM, "Out of memery to create agent control block");

	if (_runQueue.end() != _runQueue.find(_EDUID)) {
		rc = EDB_SYS;
		probe = 10;
		goto error;	

	if (_idleQueue.end() != _idleQueue.find(_EDUID)) {
		rc = EDB_SYS;
		probe = 15;
		goto error;	

	if (eduid) {
		*eduid = _EDUID;	

	_runQueue[_EDUID] = (pmdEDUCB*) cb;

	try {
		boost::thread agentThread(pmdEDUEntryPoint, type, cb, arg);
	} catch (std::exception e) {
		rc = EDB_SYS;
		probe = 20;
		goto error;

	cb->postEvent(pmdEDUEvent(PMD_EDU_EVENT_RESUME, false, arg));

	return rc;
	if (cb) {
		delete cb;	
	PD_LOG(PDERROR, "Failed to create new agent, probe = %d", probe);
	goto done;
Exemple #18
   INT32 omRemoveBusinessCommand::doCommand()
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT64 taskID = 0 ;
      BSONObj buzInfo ;
      BSONObj taskConfig ;
      BSONArray resultInfo ;
      omArgOptions option( _restAdaptor, _restSession ) ;
      omRestTool restTool( _restAdaptor, _restSession ) ;

      _setFileLanguageSep() ;

      pmdGetThreadEDUCB()->resetInfo( EDU_INFO_ERROR ) ;

      rc = option.parseRestArg( "s",
                                OM_REST_FIELD_BUSINESS_NAME, &_businessName ) ;
      if ( rc )
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, option.getErrorMsg() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to parse rest arg: rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _check( buzInfo ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to check: rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _generateRequest( buzInfo, taskConfig, resultInfo ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to generate task request: rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _createTask( taskConfig, resultInfo, taskID ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to create task: rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

         BSONObj result = BSON( OM_BSON_TASKID << taskID ) ;

         rc = restTool.appendResponeContent( result ) ;
         if ( rc )
            _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "failed to append respone content: rc=%d",
                                rc ) ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
            goto error ;

      restTool.sendOkRespone() ;

      return rc ;
      restTool.sendRespone( rc, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #19
   INT32 migMaster::initialize ( setParameters *pParameters )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      _utilParserParamet parserPara ;
      UINT32  startOffset = 0 ;
      UINT32  fieldsSize  = 0 ;

      _pParameters = pParameters ;
      _sock = _pParameters->clientSock ;
      _fileType = _pParameters->fileType ;
      _blockSize = _pParameters->bufferSize/_pParameters->bucketNum ;
      _exitSignal = FALSE ;

      if ( MIG_PARSER_JSON == _pParameters->fileType )
         _parser = SDB_OSS_NEW _utilJSONParser() ;
      else if ( MIG_PARSER_CSV == _pParameters->fileType )
         _parser = SDB_OSS_NEW _utilCSVParser() ;
         rc = SDB_MIG_UNKNOW_FILE_TYPE ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Unknow file type" ) ;
         goto error ;
      PD_CHECK ( _parser, SDB_OOM, error, PDERROR,
                 "Failed to new _parser" ) ;
      _ppBucket = (_bucket**)SDB_OSS_MALLOC ( sizeof(_bucket*) *
                                              _pParameters->bucketNum ) ;
      PD_CHECK ( _ppBucket, SDB_OOM, error, PDERROR,
                 "Failed to allocate bucket pointer array" ) ;
      ossMemset ( _ppBucket, 0, sizeof(_bucket*) * _pParameters->bucketNum ) ;
      for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < _pParameters->bucketNum; ++i )
         _ppBucket[i] = SDB_OSS_NEW _bucket() ;
         PD_CHECK ( _ppBucket[i], SDB_OOM, error, PDERROR,
                    "Failed to allocate bucket pointer array" ) ;

      _parser->setDel ( _pParameters->delCFR[0],
                        _pParameters->delCFR[2] ) ;

      parserPara.fileName = _pParameters->pFileName ;
      parserPara.bufferSize = _pParameters->bufferSize ;
      parserPara.blockNum = _pParameters->bucketNum ;

      rc = _parser->initialize( &parserPara ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to init utilParseJSONs, rc = %d", rc ) ;
         if ( SDB_IO == rc || SDB_FNE == rc )
            sendMsgToClient ( "Failed to open file %s, rc=%d",
                              _pParameters->pFileName, rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      _buffer = _parser->getBuffer() ;

      _delChar   = _pParameters->delCFR[0] ;
      _delField  = _pParameters->delCFR[1] ;
      _delRecord = _pParameters->delCFR[2] ;
      _autoAddField   = TRUE ;
      _autoCompletion = FALSE ;
      _isHeaderline   = _pParameters->headerline ;

      if ( _isHeaderline )
         rc = _parser->getNextRecord ( startOffset, fieldsSize ) ;
         if ( rc )
            if ( rc == SDB_EOF )
               if ( 0 == fieldsSize )
                  goto done ;
               PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to _parser getNextRecord, rc=%d", rc ) ;
               goto error ;
      if ( _pParameters->pFieldArray )
         _pFields = _pParameters->pFieldArray ;
         _fieldsSize = ossStrlen( _pFields ) ;
         _pFields = _buffer + startOffset ;
         _fieldsSize = fieldsSize ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #20
   INT32 omRemoveBusinessCommand::_check( BSONObj &buzInfo )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT64 taskID = -1 ;
      omDatabaseTool dbTool( _cb ) ;

      if ( FALSE == dbTool.isBusinessExist( _businessName ) )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "business does not exist: name=%s",
                             _businessName.c_str() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( TRUE == dbTool.isRelationshipExistByBusiness( _businessName ) )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "business has relationship: name=%s",
                             _businessName.c_str() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      taskID = dbTool.getTaskIdOfRunningBuz( _businessName ) ;
      if( 0 <= taskID )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "business[%s] is exist "
                             "in task["OSS_LL_PRINT_FORMAT"]",
                             _businessName.c_str(), taskID ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = dbTool.getOneBusinessInfo( _businessName, buzInfo ) ;
      if ( rc )
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "failed to get business info: rc=%d", rc ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( TRUE == _isDiscoveredBusiness( buzInfo ) )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "discovered business could not be removed: "
                             _businessName.c_str() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      _clusterName  = buzInfo.getStringField( OM_BUSINESS_FIELD_CLUSTERNAME ) ;
      _businessType = buzInfo.getStringField( OM_BUSINESS_FIELD_TYPE ) ;
      _deployMod    = buzInfo.getStringField( OM_BUSINESS_FIELD_DEPLOYMOD ) ;

      if ( OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIADB != _businessType &&
           OM_BUSINESS_ZOOKEEPER != _businessType &&
           OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIASQL_OLAP != _businessType &&
           OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIASQL_OLTP != _businessType )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "Unsupported business type: type=%s",
                             _businessType.c_str() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #21
   INT32 migMaster::run()
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT32      startOffset   = 0 ;
      UINT32      size          = 0 ;
      UINT32      startBlock    = 0 ;
      UINT32      endBlock      = 0 ;
      pmdKRCB    *krcb          = pmdGetKRCB () ;
      pmdEDUMgr  *eduMgr        = krcb->getEDUMgr () ;
      SDB_DMSCB  *dmsCB         = krcb->getDMSCB () ;
      pmdEDUCB   *eduCB         = eduMgr->getEDU() ;
      EDUID       agentEDU      = PMD_INVALID_EDUID ;
      BOOLEAN     writable      = FALSE ;
      BOOLEAN     noClearFlag   = FALSE ;
      dmsMBContext *mbContext   = NULL ;
      UINT32      line          = 0 ;
      UINT32      column        = 0 ;
      UINT32      success       = 0 ;
      UINT32      failure       = 0 ;
      UINT16      clFlag        = 0 ;
      dmsStorageUnitID  suID     = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      dmsStorageUnit   *su       = NULL ;
      initWorker  dataWorker ;
      pmdEDUEvent event ;
      dmsStorageLoadOp dmsLoadExtent ;

      sendMsgToClient ( "Load start" ) ;

      rc = rtnCollectionSpaceLock ( _pParameters->pCollectionSpaceName,
                                    suID ) ;
      if ( rc )
         if ( SDB_DMS_CS_NOTEXIST == rc )
            sendMsgToClient ( "Error: collection space not exist" ) ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to lock collection space, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      dmsLoadExtent.init ( su ) ;

      rc = su->data()->getMBContext( &mbContext, _pParameters->pCollectionName,
                                     EXCLUSIVE ) ;
      if ( rc )
         if ( SDB_DMS_NOTEXIST == rc )
            sendMsgToClient ( "Error: collection not exist" ) ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to lock collection, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      clFlag = mbContext->mb()->_flag ;

      if ( DMS_IS_MB_DROPPED( clFlag ) )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Collection is droped" ) ;
         rc = SDB_COLLECTION_LOAD ;
         sendMsgToClient ( "Collection is droped" ) ;
         goto error ;
      else if ( DMS_IS_MB_LOAD ( clFlag ) )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Collection is loading" ) ;
         rc = SDB_COLLECTION_LOAD ;
         sendMsgToClient ( "Collection is loading" ) ;
         // we set noClearFlag to true, so that we'll convert the collection
         // flag to NORMAL in done
         noClearFlag = TRUE ;
         goto error ;

      dmsLoadExtent.setFlagLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) ;
      dmsLoadExtent.setFlagLoadLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) ;

      // unlock
      mbContext->mbUnlock() ;

      rc = dmsCB->writable( eduCB ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Database is not writable, rc = %d", rc ) ;
         goto error;
      writable = TRUE;

      dataWorker.pMaster = this ;
      dataWorker.masterEDUID = eduCB->getID() ;
      dataWorker.pSu = su ;
      dataWorker.clLID = mbContext->clLID() ;
      dataWorker.collectionID = mbContext->mbID() ;

      for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < _pParameters->workerNum; ++i )
         eduMgr->startEDU ( EDU_TYPE_LOADWORKER, &dataWorker, &agentEDU ) ;

      while ( TRUE )
         rc = _checkErrAndRollback ( eduCB, &dmsLoadExtent,
                                     mbContext, success, failure ) ;
         if ( SDB_TIMEOUT != rc &&
              rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR,
                     "Failed to call _checkErrAndRollback, rc=%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         // fetch one record
         rc = _parser->getNextRecord ( startOffset, size,
                                       &line, &column, _ppBucket ) ;
         if ( rc )
            // special handle for end of file
            if ( rc == SDB_EOF )
               // when we hit end of file, let's push 0 to all worker threads,
               // with num of workers ( so each worker will dispatch one 0, and
               // exit )
               rc = _stopAndWaitWorker ( eduCB, success, failure ) ;
               PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR,
                             "Failed to call _stopAndWaitWorker, rc=%d", rc ) ;
               break ;
            sendMsgToClient ( "Error: Parse Json error in line: %u,"
                              " column: %u", line, column ) ;
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to parseJSONs getNextRecord,rc=%d", rc ) ;
            goto error1 ;
         // calculate the blocks to be locked, based on the length of our record
         rc = getBlockFromPointer ( startOffset, size,
                                    startBlock, endBlock ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to get block from pointer, rc=%d", rc ) ;
            goto error1 ;
         // lock them
         for ( UINT32 i = startBlock; i <= endBlock; ++i )
            _ppBucket[i]->inc() ;
         // push the record to queue
         pushToQueue ( startOffset, size, line, column ) ;
      } // while ( !eduCB->isForced() )

      // when all workers are finish, let's start build phase to rebuild all
      // indexes
      sendMsgToClient ( "build index" ) ;
      rc = dmsLoadExtent.loadBuildPhase ( mbContext, eduCB, _pParameters->isAsynchronous,
                                          this, &success, &failure ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to load data, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      // we only lock and clear flag if we switched to load
      if ( su && mbContext && !noClearFlag )
         rc = mbContext->mbLock( EXCLUSIVE ) ;
         // we should log failure information
         if ( SDB_OK == rc )
            if ( dmsLoadExtent.isFlagLoadLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) )
               dmsLoadExtent.clearFlagLoadLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) ;
            if ( dmsLoadExtent.isFlagLoadBuild ( mbContext->mb() ) )
               dmsLoadExtent.clearFlagLoadBuild ( mbContext->mb() ) ;
            if ( dmsLoadExtent.isFlagLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) )
               dmsLoadExtent.clearFlagLoad ( mbContext->mb() ) ;
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to lock collection, rc=%d", rc ) ;

      // send the success message to client
      sendMsgToClient ( "success json: %u, failure json: %u",
                        success, failure ) ;
      sendMsgToClient ( "Load end" ) ;

      if ( su && mbContext )
         su->data()->releaseMBContext( mbContext ) ;
      if ( DMS_INVALID_CS != suID )
         dmsCB->suUnlock ( suID ) ;
      // count down
      if ( writable )
         dmsCB->writeDown( eduCB );
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
      _stopAndWaitWorker ( eduCB, success, failure ) ;
      sendMsgToClient ( "Error: rollback all data" ) ;
      failure += success ;
      success = 0 ;
      rc = dmsLoadExtent.loadRollbackPhase ( mbContext ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to rollback, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         sendMsgToClient ( "Error: Failed to rollback, rc = %d",
                           rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #22
   INT32 omRemoveBusinessCommand::_generateTaskConfig(
                                                      list<BSONObj> &configList,
                                                      BSONObj &taskConfig )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONObj filter ;
      BSONObjBuilder taskConfigBuilder ;
      BSONArrayBuilder configBuilder ;
      list<BSONObj>::iterator iter ;
      omDatabaseTool dbTool( _cb ) ;

      filter = BSON( OM_HOST_FIELD_NAME << "" <<
                     OM_HOST_FIELD_IP   << "" <<
                     OM_HOST_FIELD_CLUSTERNAME << "" <<
                     OM_HOST_FIELD_USER << "" <<
                     OM_HOST_FIELD_PASSWD << "" <<
                     OM_HOST_FIELD_SSHPORT << "" ) ;

      taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_BSON_CLUSTER_NAME, _clusterName ) ;
      taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_BSON_BUSINESS_TYPE, _businessType ) ;
      taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_BSON_BUSINESS_NAME, _businessName ) ;
      taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_BSON_DEPLOY_MOD, _deployMod ) ;

      if ( OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIADB == _businessType )
         string authUser ;
         string authPasswd ;

         rc = dbTool.getAuth( _businessName, authUser, authPasswd ) ;
         if ( rc )
            _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "failed to get business auth: "
                                      "name=%s, rc=%d",
                                _businessName.c_str(), rc ) ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
            goto error ;

         taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_AUTH_USER, authUser ) ;
         taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_AUTH_PASSWD, authPasswd ) ;
      else if ( OM_BUSINESS_ZOOKEEPER == _businessType ||
                OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIASQL_OLAP == _businessType )
         string sdbUser ;
         string sdbPasswd ;
         string sdbUserGroup ;
         BSONObj clusterInfo ;

         rc = dbTool.getClusterInfo( _clusterName, clusterInfo ) ;
         if ( rc )
            _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "failed to get cluster info: "
                                      "name=%s, rc=%d",
                                _clusterName.c_str(), rc ) ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
            goto error ;

         sdbUser      = clusterInfo.getStringField( OM_CLUSTER_FIELD_SDBUSER ) ;
         sdbPasswd    = clusterInfo.getStringField(
                                            OM_CLUSTER_FIELD_SDBPASSWD ) ;
         sdbUserGroup = clusterInfo.getStringField(
                                            OM_CLUSTER_FIELD_SDBUSERGROUP ) ;

         taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_SDBUSER, sdbUser ) ;
         taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_SDBPASSWD, sdbPasswd ) ;
         taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_SDBUSERGROUP,
                                   sdbUserGroup ) ;
      else if( OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIASQL_OLTP == _businessType )

      for ( iter = configList.begin(); iter != configList.end(); ++iter )
         string hostName ;
         string installPath ;
         BSONObj hostInfo ;
         BSONObj tmpHostInfo ;
         BSONObj configInfo ;
         BSONObj packages ;

         hostName = iter->getStringField( OM_CONFIGURE_FIELD_HOSTNAME ) ;
         configInfo = iter->getObjectField( OM_CONFIGURE_FIELD_CONFIG ) ;

         rc = dbTool.getHostInfoByAddress( hostName, tmpHostInfo ) ;
         if ( rc )
            _errorMsg.setError( TRUE, "failed to get host info: name=%s, rc=%d",
                                hostName.c_str(), rc ) ;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, _errorMsg.getError() ) ;
            goto error ;

         hostInfo = tmpHostInfo.filterFieldsUndotted( filter, TRUE ) ;

         packages = tmpHostInfo.getObjectField( OM_HOST_FIELD_PACKAGES ) ;
            BSONObjIterator pkgIter( packages ) ;

            while ( pkgIter.more() )
               BSONElement ele = pkgIter.next() ;
               BSONObj pkgInfo = ele.embeddedObject() ;
               string pkgName = pkgInfo.getStringField(
                                                   OM_HOST_FIELD_PACKAGENAME ) ;

               if ( pkgName == _businessType )
                  installPath = pkgInfo.getStringField(
                                                   OM_HOST_FIELD_INSTALLPATH ) ;
                  break ;

            BSONObjIterator configIter( configInfo ) ;

            while ( configIter.more() )
               BSONObjBuilder configInfoBuilder ;
               BSONElement ele = configIter.next() ;
               BSONObj nodeInfo = ele.embeddedObject() ;

               if ( OM_BUSINESS_SEQUOIADB == _businessType &&
                    0 == ossStrlen( nodeInfo.getStringField(
                                                   OM_CONF_DETAIL_CATANAME ) ) )
                  CHAR catName[ OM_INT32_LENGTH + 1 ] = { 0 } ;
                  string svcName = nodeInfo.getStringField(
                                                      OM_CONF_DETAIL_SVCNAME ) ;
                  INT32 iSvcName = ossAtoi( svcName.c_str() ) ;
                  INT32 iCatName = iSvcName + MSG_ROUTE_CAT_SERVICE ;

                  ossItoa( iCatName, catName, OM_INT32_LENGTH ) ;
                  configInfoBuilder.append( OM_CONF_DETAIL_CATANAME, catName ) ;

               configInfoBuilder.appendElements( nodeInfo ) ;
               configInfoBuilder.appendElements( hostInfo ) ;
               configInfoBuilder.append( OM_BSON_INSTALL_PATH, installPath ) ;

               configBuilder.append( configInfoBuilder.obj() ) ;

      taskConfigBuilder.append( OM_TASKINFO_FIELD_CONFIG,
                                configBuilder.arr() ) ;

      taskConfig = taskConfigBuilder.obj() ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #23
   INT32 migWorker::importData ( EDUID masterEDUID,
                                 dmsStorageUnit *su,
                                 UINT16 collectionID,
                                 UINT32 clLID,
                                 BOOLEAN isAsynchr )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      pmdKRCB     *krcb           = pmdGetKRCB () ;
      pmdEDUMgr   *eduMgr         = krcb->getEDUMgr () ;
      pmdEDUCB    *eduCB          = eduMgr->getEDU() ;
      BOOLEAN      isLast         = FALSE ;
      BOOLEAN      isFirst        = TRUE ;
      BSONObj      record ;
      dmsStorageLoadOp dmsLoadExtent ;
      _workerReturn *workRe = NULL ;
      _dmsMBContext *mbContext = NULL ;

      SDB_ASSERT ( su, "su is NULL" ) ;

      dmsLoadExtent.init ( su ) ;
      workRe = SDB_OSS_NEW _workerReturn() ;
      if ( !workRe )
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "memory error" ) ;
         goto error ;
      rc = su->data()->getMBContext( &mbContext, collectionID, clLID, -1 ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get dms mb context, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;
      workRe->success = 0 ;
      workRe->failure = 0 ;
      workRe->rc      = 0 ;

      rc = _csvParser.init( _master->_autoAddField,
                            _master->_delRecord ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to csv parser initialize, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _csvParser.parseHeader( _master->_pFields, _master->_fieldsSize ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to parse csv header, rc=%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      while ( !_master->_exitSignal &&
              !eduCB->isInterrupted() &&
              !eduCB->isDisconnected() )
         rc = _getBsonFromQueue ( eduCB, record ) ;
         if ( rc )
            if ( SDB_MIG_END_OF_QUEUE == rc )
               isLast = TRUE ;
               rc = SDB_OK ;
               if ( isFirst )
                  goto done ;
            else if ( SDB_INVALIDARG == rc )
               ++workRe->failure ;
               continue ;
               PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to get bson from queue, rc=%d", rc ) ;
               goto error ;
         rc = dmsLoadExtent.pushToTempDataBlock( mbContext,
                                                 isAsynchr ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to import to block, rc=%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;
         if ( isLast )
            goto done ;
         ++workRe->success ;
         isFirst = FALSE ;
      goto error ;
      if ( su && mbContext )
         su->data()->releaseMBContext( mbContext ) ;
      workRe->rc = rc ;
      rc = eduMgr->postEDUPost ( masterEDUID, PMD_EDU_EVENT_MSG,
                                 PMD_EDU_MEM_ALLOC, workRe ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to postEDUPost, rc=%d", rc ) ;
      return rc ;
      _master->_exitSignal = TRUE ;
      if ( workRe )
         workRe->failure += workRe->success ;
         workRe->success = 0 ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #24
   INT32 dmsUncompress ( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsCompressorEntry *compressorEntry,
                         const CHAR *pInputData, INT32 inputSize,
                         const CHAR **ppData, INT32 *pDataSize )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      CHAR *pBuff = NULL ;
      UINT32 uncompressedLen = 0 ;

      SDB_ASSERT ( pInputData && ppData && pDataSize,
                   "Data pointer and size pointer can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT( compressorEntry,
                  "Compressor entry pointer can't be NULL" ) ;

      _utilCompressor *compressor = compressorEntry->getCompressor() ;
      SDB_ASSERT( compressor, "Compressor pointer can't be NULL" ) ;
      if ( !compressor )
         compressor = getCompressorByType( UTIL_COMPRESSOR_SNAPPY ) ;

      if ( !compressor )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Occur serious error: "
                 "The compressor handle is NULL" ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      rc = compressor->getUncompressedLen( pInputData, inputSize,
                                           uncompressedLen ) ;
                   "Failed to get uncompressed length, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      pBuff = cb->getUncompressBuff( uncompressedLen ) ;
      if ( !pBuff )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to allocate decompression buff, size: %d",
                 uncompressedLen ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      rc = compressor->decompress( pInputData, inputSize, pBuff,
                                   compressorEntry->getDictionary() ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to decompress data, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      if ( ppData )
         *ppData = pBuff ;
      if ( pDataSize )
         *pDataSize = uncompressedLen ;

   done :
      return rc ;
   error :
      goto done ;
   INT32 _coordDeleteOperator::_prepareMainCLOp( coordCataSel &cataSel,
                                                 coordSendMsgIn &inMsg,
                                                 coordSendOptions &options,
                                                 pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                                 coordProcessResult &result )
      INT32 rc                = SDB_OK ;
      MsgOpDelete *pDelMsg    = ( MsgOpDelete* )inMsg.msg() ;

      INT32 flag              = 0 ;
      CHAR *pCollectionName   = NULL;
      CHAR *pDeletor          = NULL;
      CHAR *pHint             = NULL;

      CoordGroupSubCLMap &grpSubCl = cataSel.getGroup2SubsMap() ;
      CoordGroupSubCLMap::iterator it ;

      inMsg.data()->clear() ;

      rc = msgExtractDelete( (CHAR*)inMsg.msg(), &flag, &pCollectionName,
                             &pDeletor, &pHint ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to parse delete request, rc: %d",
                   rc ) ;

         BSONObj boDeletor( pDeletor ) ;
         BSONObj boHint( pHint ) ;
         BSONObj boNew ;

         CHAR *pBuff             = NULL ;
         UINT32 buffLen          = 0 ;
         UINT32 buffPos          = 0 ;

         it = grpSubCl.begin() ;
         while( it != grpSubCl.end() )
            CoordSubCLlist &subCLLst = it->second ;

            netIOVec &iovec = inMsg._datas[ it->first ] ;
            netIOV ioItem ;

            ioItem.iovBase = (const CHAR*)inMsg.msg() + sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
            ioItem.iovLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX ( offsetof(MsgOpDelete, name) +
                                                    pDelMsg->nameLength + 1, 4 ) -
                            sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

            boNew = _buildNewDeletor( boDeletor, subCLLst ) ;
            UINT32 roundLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( boNew.objsize(), 4 ) ;
            if ( buffPos + roundLen > buffLen )
               UINT32 alignLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( roundLen,
                                                        DMS_PAGE_SIZE4K ) ;
               rc = cb->allocBuff( alignLen, &pBuff, &buffLen ) ;
               PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Alloc buff[%u] failed, rc: %d",
                            alignLen, rc ) ;
               _vecBlock.push_back( pBuff ) ;
               buffPos = 0 ;
            ossMemcpy( &pBuff[ buffPos ], boNew.objdata(), boNew.objsize() ) ;
            ioItem.iovBase = &pBuff[ buffPos ] ;
            ioItem.iovLen = roundLen ;
            buffPos += roundLen ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

            ioItem.iovBase = boHint.objdata() ;
            ioItem.iovLen = boHint.objsize() ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;         

            ++it ;
      catch( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Parse delete message occur exception: %s",
                 e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      _clearBlock( cb ) ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #26
   INT32 dmsCompress ( _pmdEDUCB *cb, _dmsCompressorEntry *compressorEntry,
                       const CHAR *pInputData, INT32 inputSize,
                       const CHAR **ppData, INT32 *pDataSize,
                       UINT8 &ratio )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      CHAR *pBuff = NULL ;
      UINT32 compressedLen = 0 ;

      SDB_ASSERT ( pInputData && ppData && pDataSize,
                   "Data pointer and size pointer can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT( compressorEntry,
                  "Compressor entry pointer can't be NULL" ) ;

      _utilCompressor *compressor = compressorEntry->getCompressor() ;
      const utilDictHandle dictionary = compressorEntry->getDictionary() ;
      SDB_ASSERT( compressor, "Compressor pointer can't be NULL" ) ;
      if ( !compressor )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Occur serious error: "
                 "The compressor handle is NULL" ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      rc = compressor->compressBound( inputSize, compressedLen,
                                      dictionary ) ;
                   "Failed to get max compressed length, rc: %d", rc ) ;
      pBuff = cb->getCompressBuff( compressedLen ) ;
      if ( !pBuff )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to alloc compress buff, size: %d",
                 compressedLen ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      rc = compressor->compress( pInputData, inputSize, pBuff,
                                 compressedLen, dictionary ) ;
      if ( rc )
                   "Failed to compress data, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( ppData )
         *ppData = pBuff ;
      if ( pDataSize )
         *pDataSize = (INT32)compressedLen ;
      ratio = (UINT8)( (*pDataSize) * 100 / inputSize ) ;

   done :
      return rc ;
   error :
      goto done ;
Exemple #27
   INT32 _mthSelector::_buildCSV( const bson::BSONObj &obj,
                                  bson::BSONObj &csv )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BOOLEAN result = FALSE ;
      INT32 stringLength = 0 ;

      // in the first round, let's allocate memory
      if ( 0 == _stringOutputBufferSize )
         rc = mthDoubleBufferSize ( &_stringOutputBuffer,
                                     _stringOutputBufferSize ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR,
                       "Failed to append string, rc = %d", rc ) ;
      _stringOutputBuffer[FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS-6] = String ;
      _stringOutputBuffer[FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS-5] = '\0' ;

      while ( _stringOutputBufferSize < MAX_SELECTOR_BUFFER_THRESHOLD )
         result = rawbson2csv ( obj.objdata(),
                _stringOutputBufferSize-FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS ) ;
         if ( result )
            break ;
            rc = mthDoubleBufferSize ( &_stringOutputBuffer,
                                       _stringOutputBufferSize ) ;
            PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR,
                          "Failed to double buffer, rc = %d", rc ) ;

      if ( _stringOutputBufferSize >= MAX_SELECTOR_BUFFER_THRESHOLD )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR,
                  "string output buffer size is greater than threshold" ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      stringLength =
               ossStrlen ( &_stringOutputBuffer[FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS] ) ;
      // assign object length, 1 for 0 at the end, 1 for the eoo
      *(INT32*)_stringOutputBuffer = FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS + 2 +
                                        stringLength ;
      _stringOutputBuffer[ *(INT32*)_stringOutputBuffer -1 ] = EOO ;
      // assign string length, 1 for 0 at the end
      *(INT32*)(&_stringOutputBuffer[FIRST_ELEMENT_STARTING_POS-4]) =
               stringLength + 1 ;
      // it should not cause memory leak even if there's previous owned
      // buffer because _stringOutputBuffer is owned by context, and we don't
      // touch holder in BSONObj, so smart pointer should still holding the
      // original buffer it owns
      csv.init ( _stringOutputBuffer ) ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Exemple #28
   // PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB__DMSROUNIT_INSRCD, "_dmsReorgUnit::insertRecord" )
   INT32 _dmsReorgUnit::insertRecord ( BSONObj &obj,
                                       _pmdEDUCB *cb, UINT32 attributes )
      INT32 rc                     = SDB_OK ;
      UINT32 dmsrecordSize         = 0 ;
      ossValuePtr recordPtr        = 0 ;
      ossValuePtr prevPtr          = 0 ;
      dmsOffset offset             = DMS_INVALID_OFFSET ;
      dmsOffset recordOffset       = DMS_INVALID_OFFSET ;
      dmsExtent *currentExtent     = (dmsExtent*)_pCurrentExtent ;
      BOOLEAN isCompressed         = FALSE ;
      const CHAR *compressedData   = NULL ;
      INT32 compressedDataSize     = 0 ;

      if ( obj.objsize() + DMS_RECORD_METADATA_SZ >
           DMS_RECORD_MAX_SZ )
         rc = SDB_CORRUPTED_RECORD ;
         goto error ;

      if ( OSS_BIT_TEST ( attributes, DMS_MB_ATTR_COMPRESSED ) )
         rc = dmsCompress ( cb, obj, NULL, 0, &compressedData,
                            &compressedDataSize ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR,
                       "Failed to compress record, rc = %d: %s",
                       rc, obj.toString().c_str() ) ;
         dmsrecordSize = compressedDataSize + sizeof(INT32) ;
         if ( dmsrecordSize > (UINT32)(obj.objsize()) )
            dmsrecordSize = obj.objsize() ;
            isCompressed = TRUE ;
         dmsrecordSize = obj.objsize() ;
      dmsrecordSize += DMS_RECORD_METADATA_SZ ;
      dmsrecordSize *= DMS_RECORD_OVERFLOW_RATIO ;
      dmsrecordSize = OSS_MIN(DMS_RECORD_MAX_SZ, ossAlignX(dmsrecordSize,4)) ;
      if ( !_pCurrentExtent )
         rc = _allocateExtent ( dmsrecordSize <<
                                DMS_RECORDS_PER_EXTENT_SQUARE ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to allocate new extent in reorg file, "
                     "rc = %d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;
         currentExtent = (dmsExtent*)_pCurrentExtent ;
      if ( dmsrecordSize > (UINT32)currentExtent->_freeSpace )
         rc = _flushExtent () ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to flush extent, rc = %d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;
         goto alloc ;
      recordOffset = _currentExtentSize - currentExtent->_freeSpace ;
      recordPtr = ((ossValuePtr)currentExtent) + recordOffset ;
      if ( currentExtent->_freeSpace - (INT32)dmsrecordSize <
           (INT32)DMS_MIN_RECORD_SZ &&
           currentExtent->_freeSpace <= (INT32)DMS_RECORD_MAX_SZ )
         dmsrecordSize = (UINT32)currentExtent->_freeSpace ;

      DMS_RECORD_RESETATTR ( recordPtr ) ;
      DMS_RECORD_SETMYOFFSET ( recordPtr, recordOffset ) ;
      DMS_RECORD_SETSIZE ( recordPtr, dmsrecordSize ) ;
      if ( isCompressed )
         DMS_RECORD_SETDATA ( recordPtr, compressedData, compressedDataSize ) ;
         DMS_RECORD_SETDATA ( recordPtr, obj.objdata(), obj.objsize() ) ;
      currentExtent->_recCount ++ ;
      currentExtent->_freeSpace -= dmsrecordSize ;
      offset = currentExtent->_lastRecordOffset ;
      if ( DMS_INVALID_OFFSET != offset )
         prevPtr = ((ossValuePtr)currentExtent) + offset ;
         DMS_RECORD_SETNEXTOFFSET ( prevPtr, recordOffset ) ;
         DMS_RECORD_SETPREVOFFSET ( recordPtr, offset ) ;
      currentExtent->_lastRecordOffset = recordOffset ;
      offset = currentExtent->_firstRecordOffset ;
      if ( DMS_INVALID_OFFSET == offset )
         currentExtent->_firstRecordOffset = recordOffset ;
   done :
      return rc ;
   error :
      goto done ;
Exemple #29
   INT32 rtnTraversalQuery ( const CHAR *pCollectionName,
                             const BSONObj &key,
                             const CHAR *pIndexName,
                             INT32 dir,
                             pmdEDUCB *cb,
                             SDB_DMSCB *dmsCB,
                             SDB_RTNCB *rtnCB,
                             SINT64 &contextID,
                             rtnContextData **ppContext,
                             BOOLEAN enablePrefetch )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( pCollectionName, "collection name can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( pIndexName, "index name can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( cb, "cb can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( dmsCB, "dmsCB can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( rtnCB, "rtnCB can't be NULL" ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( dir == 1 || dir == -1, "dir must be 1 or -1" ) ;

      dmsStorageUnitID      suID                 = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      dmsStorageUnit       *su                   = NULL ;
      rtnContextData       *context              = NULL ;
      const CHAR           *pCollectionShortName = NULL ;
      optAccessPlan        *plan                 = NULL ;
      dmsMBContext         *mbContext            = NULL ;
      rtnPredicateList     *predList             = NULL ;
      rtnIXScanner         *scanner              = NULL ;

      BSONObj hint ;
      BSONObj dummy ;

      rc = rtnResolveCollectionNameAndLock ( pCollectionName, dmsCB, &su,
                                             &pCollectionShortName, suID ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to resolve collection name %s",
                    pCollectionName ) ;

      rc = su->data()->getMBContext( &mbContext, pCollectionShortName, -1 ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get dms mb context, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = rtnCB->contextNew ( RTN_CONTEXT_DATA, (rtnContext**)&context,
                               contextID, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to create new context, %d", rc ) ;
      SDB_ASSERT ( context, "context can't be NULL" ) ;

         hint = BSON( "" << pIndexName ) ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         PD_RC_CHECK ( SDB_SYS, PDERROR, "Failed to construct hint object: %s",
                       e.what() ) ;

      plan = SDB_OSS_NEW optAccessPlan( su, pCollectionShortName, dummy,
                                        dummy, hint ) ;
      if ( !plan )
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;
      rc = plan->optimize() ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Plan optimize failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
      PD_CHECK ( plan->getScanType() == IXSCAN && !plan->isAutoGen(),
                 SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                 "Unable to generate access plan by index %s",
                 pIndexName ) ;

      rc = mbContext->mbLock( SHARED ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "dms mb context lock failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         dmsRecordID rid ;
         if ( -1 == dir )
            rid.resetMax() ;
            rid.resetMin () ;
         ixmIndexCB indexCB ( plan->getIndexCBExtent(), su->index(), NULL ) ;
         PD_CHECK ( indexCB.isInitialized(), SDB_SYS, error, PDERROR,
                    "unable to get proper index control block" ) ;
         if ( indexCB.getLogicalID() != plan->getIndexLID() )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Index[extent id: %d] logical id[%d] is not "
                    "expected[%d]", plan->getIndexCBExtent(),
                    indexCB.getLogicalID(), plan->getIndexLID() ) ;
            rc = SDB_IXM_NOTEXIST ;
            goto error ;
         predList = plan->getPredList() ;
         SDB_ASSERT ( predList, "predList can't be NULL" ) ;
         predList->setDirection ( dir ) ;

         scanner = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnIXScanner ( &indexCB, predList, su, cb ) ;
         PD_CHECK ( scanner, SDB_OOM, error, PDERROR,
                    "Unable to allocate memory for scanner" ) ;

         rc = scanner->relocateRID ( key, rid ) ;
         PD_CHECK ( SDB_OK == rc, rc, error, PDERROR,
                    "Failed to relocate key to the specified location: %s, "
                    "rc = %d", key.toString().c_str(), rc ) ;
      mbContext->mbUnlock() ;

      rc = context->openTraversal( su, mbContext, plan, scanner, cb,
                                   dummy, -1, 0 ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Open context traversal faield, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      mbContext = NULL ;
      plan = NULL ;
      suID = DMS_INVALID_CS ;
      scanner = NULL ;
      su = NULL ;

      if ( cb->getMonConfigCB()->timestampON )
         context->getMonCB()->recordStartTimestamp() ;

      if ( ppContext )
         *ppContext = context ;
      if ( enablePrefetch )
         context->enablePrefetch ( cb ) ;

   done :
      return rc ;
   error :
      if ( su && mbContext )
         su->data()->releaseMBContext( mbContext ) ;
      if ( plan )
         plan->release() ;
      if ( scanner )
         SDB_OSS_DEL scanner ;
      if ( DMS_INVALID_CS != suID )
         dmsCB->suUnlock( suID ) ;
      if ( -1 != contextID )
         rtnCB->contextDelete ( contextID, cb ) ;
         contextID = -1 ;
      goto done ;
   INT32 _omaAddHostSubTask::doit()
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 tmpRc = SDB_OK ;

      _pTask->setSubTaskStatus( _taskName, OMA_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING ) ;
      while( TRUE )
         AddHostInfo *pInfo           = NULL ;
         AddHostResultInfo resultInfo = { "", "", OMA_TASK_STATUS_INIT,
                                          SDB_OK, "" } ;
         CHAR flow[OMA_BUFF_SIZE + 1] = { 0 } ;
         const CHAR *pDetail          = NULL ;
         const CHAR *pIP              = NULL ;
         const CHAR *pHostName        = NULL ;
         INT32 errNum                 = 0 ;
         BSONObj retObj ;

         pInfo = _pTask->getAddHostItem() ;
         if ( NULL == pInfo )
            PD_LOG( PDEVENT, "No hosts need to add now, sub task[%s] exits",
                    _taskName.c_str() ) ;
            goto done ;

         pIP                  = pInfo->_item._ip.c_str() ;
         pHostName            = pInfo->_item._hostName.c_str() ;
         resultInfo._ip       = pIP ;
         resultInfo._hostName = pHostName ;

         ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Adding host[%s]", pIP ) ;
         resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING ;
         resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING ) ;
         resultInfo._errno      = SDB_OK ;
         resultInfo._detail     = "" ;
         resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
         tmpRc = _pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
         if ( tmpRc )
            PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                    "rc = %d", pIP, tmpRc ) ;

         _omaAddHost runCmd( *pInfo ) ;
         rc = runCmd.init( NULL ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to init for adding "
                    "host[%s], rc = %d", pIP, rc ) ;
            pDetail = pmdGetThreadEDUCB()->getInfo( EDU_INFO_ERROR ) ;
            if ( NULL == pDetail || 0 == *pDetail )
               pDetail = "Failed to init for adding host " ;
            ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Failed to add host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ;
            resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
            resultInfo._errno      = rc ;
            resultInfo._detail     = pDetail ;
            resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
            rc = _pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
            if ( rc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                       "rc = %d", pIP, rc ) ;
            continue ;
         rc = runCmd.doit( retObj ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to do adding host[%s], rc = %d", pIP, rc ) ;
            tmpRc = omaGetStringElement ( retObj, OMA_FIELD_DETAIL, &pDetail ) ;
            if ( SDB_OK != tmpRc )
               pDetail = pmdGetThreadEDUCB()->getInfo( EDU_INFO_ERROR ) ;
               if ( NULL == pDetail || 0 == *pDetail )
                  pDetail = "Not exeute js file yet" ;
            ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Failed to add host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ;
            resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
            resultInfo._errno      = rc ;
            resultInfo._detail     = pDetail ;
            resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
            tmpRc = _pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
            if ( tmpRc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                       "rc = %d", pIP, tmpRc ) ;
            continue ;
         rc = omaGetIntElement ( retObj, OMA_FIELD_ERRNO, errNum ) ;
         if ( rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get errno from js after "
                    "adding host[%s], rc = %d", pIP, rc ) ;
            pDetail = pmdGetThreadEDUCB()->getInfo( EDU_INFO_ERROR ) ;
            if ( NULL == pDetail || 0 == *pDetail )
               pDetail = "Failed to get errno from js after adding host" ;
            ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Failed to add host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ;
            resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
            resultInfo._errno      = rc ;
            resultInfo._detail     = pDetail ;
            resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
            tmpRc =_pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
            if ( tmpRc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                       "rc = %d", pIP, tmpRc ) ;
            continue ;
         if ( SDB_OK != errNum )
            rc = omaGetStringElement ( retObj, OMA_FIELD_DETAIL, &pDetail ) ;
            if ( SDB_OK != rc )
               PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get error detail from js after "
                       "adding host[%s], rc = %d", pIP, rc ) ;
               pDetail = pmdGetThreadEDUCB()->getInfo( EDU_INFO_ERROR ) ;
               if ( NULL == pDetail || 0 == *pDetail )
                  pDetail = "Failed to get error detail from js after adding host" ;
            ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Failed to add host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ;
            resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
            resultInfo._errno      = errNum ;
            resultInfo._detail     = pDetail ;
            resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
            tmpRc = _pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
            if ( tmpRc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                       "rc = %d", pIP, tmpRc ) ;
            continue ;
            ossSnprintf( flow, OMA_BUFF_SIZE, "Finish adding host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            PD_LOG ( PDEVENT, "Success to add host[%s]", pIP ) ;
            resultInfo._status     = OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ;
            resultInfo._statusDesc = getTaskStatusDesc( OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
            resultInfo._flow.push_back( flow ) ;
            tmpRc = _pTask->updateProgressToTask( pInfo->_serialNum, resultInfo ) ;
            if ( tmpRc )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Failed to update add host[%s]'s progress, "
                       "rc = %d", pIP, tmpRc ) ;

      _pTask->setSubTaskStatus( _taskName, OMA_TASK_STATUS_FINISH ) ;
      _pTask->notifyUpdateProgress() ;
      return SDB_OK ;