Exemple #1
/* Sets the location in memory where a frame should be stored.  This value is written into a software register
 * in the vision core and then incremented as bursting takes place.  Because this value is used during a 
 * frame capture, it SHOULD NOT be changed while the core is in operation.
 * @param frame_id int type of frame address to be set.  Currently we only capture one frame, so there is only
                       one choice, VISION_FRAME_RGB565, but more frame types can be added here so multiple images
							  can be saved for each frame
 * @param frameAddr int memory address where this frame type should be saved.  Make sure this memory address
                        has been properly malloc'ed before passing it to the core.
void SetFrameAddress(Xuint32 frame_id, Xuint32 frameAddr)
	int offset = 0x0;
		/*case VISION_FRAME_GRAYSCALE8: //this is just an example, this fifo is not built into hardware
	*PTR(BASEADDR + offset) = frameAddr;
Exemple #2
/* Optimized naHash_get for looking up local variables (OP_LOCAL is by
 * far the most common opcode and deserves some special case
 * optimization).  Assumes that the key is an interned symbol
 * (i.e. the hash code is precomputed, and we only need to test for
 * pointer identity). */
int naiHash_sym(struct naHash* hash, struct naStr* sym, naRef* out)
    HashRec* hr = hash->rec;
    if(hr) {
        int* tab = TAB(hr);
        HashEnt* ents = ENTS(hr);
        unsigned int hc = sym->hashcode;
        int cell, mask = POW2(hr->lgsz+1) - 1, step = (2*hc+1) & mask;
        for(cell=HBITS(hr,hc); tab[cell] != ENT_EMPTY; cell=(cell+step)&mask)
            if(tab[cell]!=ENT_DELETED && sym==PTR(ents[tab[cell]].key).str) {
                *out = ents[tab[cell]].val;
                return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #3
/* Create a fake mpz consisting of just a single 1 bit, with totbits being
   the total number of bits, inclusive of that 1 bit.  */
mpz_fake_bits (mpz_ptr z, unsigned long totbits)
  static mp_limb_t  n;
  unsigned long     zero_bits, zero_limbs;

  zero_bits = totbits - 1;
  zero_limbs = zero_bits / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
  zero_bits %= GMP_NUMB_BITS;

  SIZ(z) = zero_limbs + 1;
  PTR(z) = (&n) - (SIZ(z) - 1);
  n = CNST_LIMB(1) << zero_bits;

  ASSERT_ALWAYS (mpz_sizeinbase (z, 2) == totbits);
Exemple #4
mpz_array_init (mpz_ptr arr, mp_size_t arr_size, mp_size_t nbits)
  mp_ptr p;
  mp_size_t i;
  mp_size_t nlimbs;

  nlimbs = nbits / GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1;
  p = __GMP_ALLOCATE_FUNC_LIMBS (arr_size * nlimbs);

  for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
      ALLOC (&arr[i]) = nlimbs + 1; /* Yes, lie a little... */
      SIZ (&arr[i]) = 0;
      PTR (&arr[i]) = p + i * nlimbs;
/* this function is useful in debug mode to print residues */
static void
mpres_print (mpres_t x, char* name, mpmod_t n)
  mp_size_t m, xn;
  mpres_t t;
  mpres_init(t, n);
  mpz_set_ui(t, 1);
  mpres_mul (t, x, t, n);

  xn = SIZ(t);
  m = ABSIZ(t);
  SIZ(t) = xn >= 0 ? m : -m;
  gmp_printf ("%s=%Zd\n", name, t);
  SIZ(t) = xn;
  mpres_clear (t, n);
Exemple #6
/* generate nbits random bits into mp[], assuming mp was allocated to contain
   a sufficient number of limbs */
mpfr_rand_raw (mpfr_limb_ptr mp, gmp_randstate_t rstate,
               mpfr_prec_t nbits)
  mpz_t z;

  MPFR_ASSERTN (nbits >= 1);
  /* To be sure to avoid the potential allocation of mpz_urandomb */
  ALLOC(z) = SIZ(z) = MPFR_PREC2LIMBS (nbits);
  PTR(z)   = mp;
#if __MPFR_GMP(5,0,0)
  /* Check for integer overflow (unless mp_bitcnt_t is signed,
     but according to the GMP manual, this shouldn't happen).
     Note: mp_bitcnt_t has been introduced in GMP 5.0.0. */
  MPFR_ASSERTN ((mp_bitcnt_t) -1 < 0 || nbits <= (mp_bitcnt_t) -1);
  mpz_urandomb (z, rstate, nbits);
Exemple #7
/* Whether the absolute value of z is a power of 2. */
mpz_pow2abs_p (mpz_srcptr z)
  mp_size_t  size, i;
  mp_srcptr  ptr;

  size = SIZ (z);
  if (size == 0)
    return 0;  /* zero is not a power of 2 */
  size = ABS (size);

  ptr = PTR (z);
  for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
    if (ptr[i] != 0)
      return 0;  /* non-zero low limb means not a power of 2 */

  return POW2_P (ptr[i]);  /* high limb power of 2 */
Exemple #8
mpz_invert (mpz_ptr inverse, mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr n)
  mpz_t gcd, tmp;
  mp_size_t xsize, nsize, size;

  xsize = ABSIZ (x);
  nsize = ABSIZ (n);

  /* No inverse exists if the leftside operand is 0.  Likewise, no
     inverse exists if the mod operand is 1.  */
  if (xsize == 0 || (nsize == 1 && (PTR (n))[0] == 1))
    return 0;

  size = MAX (xsize, nsize) + 1;

  MPZ_TMP_INIT (gcd, size);
  MPZ_TMP_INIT (tmp, size);
  mpz_gcdext (gcd, tmp, (mpz_ptr) 0, x, n);

  /* If no inverse existed, return with an indication of that.  */
  if (!MPZ_EQUAL_1_P (gcd))
      return 0;

  /* Make sure we return a positive inverse.  */
  if (SIZ (tmp) < 0)
      if (SIZ (n) < 0)
	mpz_sub (inverse, tmp, n);
	mpz_add (inverse, tmp, n);
    mpz_set (inverse, tmp);

  return 1;
Exemple #9
/* As above, a special naHash_set for setting local variables.
 * Assumes that the key is interned, and also that it isn't already
 * present in the hash. */
void naiHash_newsym(struct naHash* hash, naRef* sym, naRef* val)
    HashRec* hr = hash->rec;
    int mask, step, cell, ent;
    struct naStr *s = PTR(*sym).str;
    if(!hr || hr->next >= POW2(hr->lgsz))
        hr = resize(hash);
    mask = POW2(hr->lgsz+1) - 1;
    step = (2*s->hashcode+1) & mask;
    cell = HBITS(hr, s->hashcode);
    while(TAB(hr)[cell] != ENT_EMPTY)
        cell = (cell + step) & mask;
    ent = hr->next++;
    if(ent >= NCELLS(hr)) return; /* race protection, don't overrun */
    TAB(hr)[cell] = ent;
    ENTS(hr)[TAB(hr)[cell]].key = *sym;
    ENTS(hr)[TAB(hr)[cell]].val = *val;
Exemple #10
mpz_ui_sub (mpz_ptr w, unsigned long int uval, mpz_srcptr v)
  mp_ptr vp, wp;
  mp_size_t vn, wn;
  mp_limb_t cy;

#if GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0
  if (uval > GMP_NUMB_MAX)
      mpz_t u;
      mp_limb_t ul[2];
      PTR(u) = ul;
      ul[0] = uval & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
      ul[1] = uval >> GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      SIZ(u) = 2;
      mpz_sub (w, u, v);
Exemple #11
unsigned long int
mpz_tdiv_ui (mpz_srcptr dividend, unsigned long int divisor)
  mp_size_t ns, nn;
  mp_ptr np;
  mp_limb_t rl;

  if (divisor == 0)

  ns = SIZ(dividend);
  if (ns == 0)
      return 0;

  nn = ABS(ns);
  np = PTR(dividend);

#if BITS_PER_ULONG > GMP_NUMB_BITS  /* avoid warnings about shift amount */
  if (divisor > GMP_NUMB_MAX)
      mp_limb_t dp[2], rp[2];
      mp_ptr qp;
      mp_size_t rn;

      if (nn == 1)		/* tdiv_qr requirements; tested above for 0 */
	  rl = np[0];
	  return rl;

      dp[0] = divisor & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
      dp[1] = divisor >> GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      qp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (nn - 2 + 1);
      mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, rp, (mp_size_t) 0, np, nn, dp, (mp_size_t) 2);
      rl = rp[0] + (rp[1] << GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      rn = 2 - (rp[1] == 0);  rn -= (rp[rn - 1] == 0);
Exemple #12
_mpz_cmp_si (mpz_srcptr u, signed long int v_digit)
  mp_size_t usize = u->_mp_size;
  mp_size_t vsize;
  mp_limb_t u_digit;

#if GMP_NAIL_BITS != 0
  /* FIXME.  This isn't very pretty.  */
  mpz_t tmp;
  mp_limb_t tt[2];
  PTR(tmp) = tt;
  ALLOC(tmp) = 2;
  mpz_set_si (tmp, v_digit);
  return mpz_cmp (u, tmp);

  vsize = 0;
  if (v_digit > 0)
    vsize = 1;
  else if (v_digit < 0)
      vsize = -1;
      v_digit = -v_digit;

  if (usize != vsize)
    return usize - vsize;

  if (usize == 0)
    return 0;

  u_digit = u->_mp_d[0];

  if (u_digit == (mp_limb_t) (unsigned long) v_digit)
    return 0;

  if (u_digit > (mp_limb_t) (unsigned long) v_digit)
    return usize;
    return -usize;
Exemple #13
// reading and writing through a pointer field
int main(void) {
    struct st *p;
    p = __VERIFIER_nondet_st();

    assume(p > 0);

    if (p->x == 42) {
        if (p->next != 0) {
            PTR(p->next, sizeof(struct st));
            p->next->y = 474;
            if (p->next->x == 526) {
                if (p->next->x + p->next->y == 1000) {
    return 0;
Exemple #14
unsigned long int
mpz_gcd_ui (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr u, unsigned long int v)
  mp_size_t un;
  mp_limb_t res;

#if BITS_PER_ULONG > GMP_NUMB_BITS  /* avoid warnings about shift amount */
  if (v > GMP_NUMB_MAX)
      mpz_t vz;
      mp_limb_t vlimbs[2];
      vlimbs[0] = v & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
      vlimbs[1] = v >> GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      PTR(vz) = vlimbs;
      SIZ(vz) = 2;
      mpz_gcd (w, u, vz);
      /* because v!=0 we will have w<=v hence fitting a ulong */
      ASSERT (mpz_fits_ulong_p (w));
      return mpz_get_ui (w);
Exemple #15
mpz_lcm_ui (mpz_ptr r, mpz_srcptr u, mpir_ui v)
  mp_size_t      usize;
  mp_srcptr      up;
  mp_ptr         rp;
  mpir_ui         g;
  mp_limb_t      c;

#if BITS_PER_UI > GMP_NUMB_BITS  /* avoid warnings about shift amount */
  if (v > GMP_NUMB_MAX)
      mpz_t vz;
      mp_limb_t vlimbs[2];
      vlimbs[0] = v & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
      vlimbs[1] = v >> GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      PTR(vz) = vlimbs;
      SIZ(vz) = 2;
      mpz_lcm (r, u, vz);
Exemple #16
mpf_set_d (mpf_ptr r, double d)
  int negative;

                         __gmp_invalid_operation (),
                         __gmp_invalid_operation ());

  if (UNLIKELY (d == 0))
      SIZ(r) = 0;
      EXP(r) = 0;
  negative = d < 0;
  d = ABS (d);

  EXP(r) = __gmp_extract_double (PTR(r), d);
Exemple #17
static void
refmpz_mul (mpz_t w, const mpz_t u, const mpz_t v)
  mp_size_t usize = u->_mp_size;
  mp_size_t vsize = v->_mp_size;
  mp_size_t wsize;
  mp_size_t sign_product;
  mp_ptr up, vp;
  mp_ptr wp;
  mp_size_t talloc;

  sign_product = usize ^ vsize;
  usize = ABS (usize);
  vsize = ABS (vsize);

  if (usize == 0 || vsize == 0)
      SIZ (w) = 0;

  talloc = usize + vsize;

  up = u->_mp_d;
  vp = v->_mp_d;

  wp = __GMP_ALLOCATE_FUNC_LIMBS (talloc);

  if (usize > vsize)
    refmpn_mul (wp, up, usize, vp, vsize);
    refmpn_mul (wp, vp, vsize, up, usize);
  wsize = usize + vsize;
  wsize -= wp[wsize - 1] == 0;
  MPZ_REALLOC (w, wsize);
  MPN_COPY (PTR(w), wp, wsize);

  SIZ(w) = sign_product < 0 ? -wsize : wsize;
  __GMP_FREE_FUNC_LIMBS (wp, talloc);
Exemple #18
// Recursive print function - updates buf_index as appropriate
// during its traversal of c
static int print(cell c) {
    switch (TYPE(c)) {
    case PAIR:
        if (TYPE(car(c)) == PAIR) {
        } else
        if (!cdr(c)) return 0;

        catf(" ");
        if (TYPE(cdr(c)) != PAIR) catf(". ");
        return print(cdr(c));
    case S64:
    case S32:
        return catf("%ld", INT_VAL(c));
    case SYMBOL:
        return catf("%s", SYM_STR(c));
    case NATIVE_FN:
    case NATIVE_FN_TCO:
    case NATIVE_MACRO:
        return catf("NATIVE_FUNCTION<%p>", PTR(c));
    case FFI_SYM:
        return catf("FFI_SYM<%p>", PTR(c));
    case FFI_FN:
        return catf("FFI_FN<%p>", PTR(c));
    case FFI_LIBRARY:
        return catf("FFI_LIBRARY<%p>", PTR(c));
    case MACRO:
        catf("(macro (");
        goto print_args_body;
    case FN:
        catf("(lambda (");
        catf(") ");
        return catf(")");
    case CONS:
        return catf("CONS");
    case NIL:
        return catf("()");
        return catf("UNKNOWN<%p>", c);
Exemple #19
alloc_string(const char *str)
    int k;
    int len = strlen(str);
    lispobj result = alloc_vector(type_SimpleString, len + 1, 16);
    struct vector *vec = (struct vector *) PTR(result);
    unsigned short int *wide_char_data;

    vec->length = make_fixnum(len);
    wide_char_data = (unsigned short int*) vec->data;
    for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
        wide_char_data[k] = str[k] & 0xff;

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr, "alloc-string: 0x%lx %d -> `%s'\n",
            result, len, str);
    return result;
Exemple #20
mpz_neg (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr u)
  mp_ptr wp;
  mp_srcptr up;
  mp_size_t usize, size;

  usize = SIZ (u);

  if (u != w)
      size = ABS (usize);

      wp = MPZ_NEWALLOC (w, size);

      up = PTR (u);

      MPN_COPY (wp, up, size);

  SIZ (w) = -usize;
Exemple #21
unsigned long int
mpz_tdiv_q_ui (mpz_ptr quot, mpz_srcptr dividend, unsigned long int divisor)
  mp_size_t ns, nn, qn;
  mp_ptr np, qp;
  mp_limb_t rl;

  if (UNLIKELY (divisor == 0))

  ns = SIZ(dividend);
  if (ns == 0)
      SIZ(quot) = 0;
      return 0;

  nn = ABS(ns);
  qp = MPZ_REALLOC (quot, nn);
  np = PTR(dividend);

#if BITS_PER_ULONG > GMP_NUMB_BITS  /* avoid warnings about shift amount */
  if (divisor > GMP_NUMB_MAX)
      mp_limb_t dp[2], rp[2];

      if (nn == 1)		/* tdiv_qr requirements; tested above for 0 */
	  SIZ(quot) = 0;
	  rl = np[0];
	  return rl;

      dp[0] = divisor & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
      dp[1] = divisor >> GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, rp, (mp_size_t) 0, np, nn, dp, (mp_size_t) 2);
      rl = rp[0] + (rp[1] << GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      qn = nn - 2 + 1; qn -= qp[qn - 1] == 0; qn -= qn != 0 && qp[qn - 1] == 0;
Exemple #22
mpz_get_d_2exp (mpir_si *exp2, mpz_srcptr src)
  mp_size_t size, abs_size;
  mp_srcptr ptr;
  int cnt;
  mpir_si exp;

  size = SIZ(src);
  if (UNLIKELY (size == 0))
      *exp2 = 0;
      return 0.0;

  ptr = PTR(src);
  abs_size = ABS(size);
  count_leading_zeros (cnt, ptr[abs_size - 1]);
  exp = abs_size * GMP_NUMB_BITS - (cnt - GMP_NAIL_BITS);
  *exp2 = exp;
  return mpn_get_d (ptr, abs_size, size, -exp);
Exemple #23
mpz_set_f (mpz_ptr w, mpf_srcptr u)
  mp_ptr    wp, up;
  mp_size_t size;
  mp_exp_t  exp;

  /* abs(u)<1 truncates to zero */
  exp = EXP (u);
  if (exp <= 0)
      SIZ(w) = 0;

  wp = MPZ_REALLOC (w, exp);
  up = PTR(u);

  size = SIZ (u);
  SIZ(w) = (size >= 0 ? exp : -exp);
  size = ABS (size);

  if (exp > size)
      /* pad with low zeros to get a total "exp" many limbs */
      mp_size_t  zeros = exp - size;
      MPN_ZERO (wp, zeros);
      wp += zeros;
      /* exp<=size, trucate to the high "exp" many limbs */
      up += (size - exp);
      size = exp;

  MPN_COPY (wp, up, size);
Exemple #24
unsigned long
refmpz_popcount (mpz_t arg)
  mp_size_t n, i;
  unsigned long cnt;
  mp_limb_t x;

  n = SIZ(arg);
  if (n < 0)
    return ~(unsigned long) 0;

  cnt = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      x = PTR(arg)[i];
      while (x != 0)
	  cnt += (x & 1);
	  x >>= 1;
  return cnt;
/* Print "name=value\n" to stdout for an mpz_t value.  */
mpz_trace (const char *name, mpz_srcptr z)
  mpq_t      q;
  mp_limb_t  one;

  if (z == NULL)
      mpq_trace (name, NULL);

  q->_mp_num._mp_alloc = ALLOC(z);
  q->_mp_num._mp_size = SIZ(z);
  q->_mp_num._mp_d = PTR(z);

  one = 1;
  q->_mp_den._mp_alloc = 1;
  q->_mp_den._mp_size = 1;
  q->_mp_den._mp_d = &one;

  mpq_trace(name, q);
Exemple #26
 * Draw one plane of a DMD frame.
 * ID identifies the source of the frame data.
 * The output is always drawn to the low-mapped buffer.
void frame_draw_plane (U16 id)
	/* Lookup the image number in the global table.
	 * For real ROMs, this is located at a fixed address.
	 * In native mode, the images are kept in a separate file.
	U8 type;
	struct frame_pointer *p;
	U8 *data;

	page_push (IMAGEMAP_PAGE);
	p = (struct frame_pointer *)IMAGEMAP_BASE + id;
	data = PTR(p);

	/* Switch to the page containing the image data.
	 * Pull the type byte out, then decode the remaining bytes
	 * to the display buffer. */
	pinio_set_bank (PINIO_BANK_ROM, p->page);
	type = data[0];
	frame_decode (data + 1, type & ~0x1);

	page_pop ();
Exemple #27
/* convert mpzvi to CRT representation, naive version */
static void
mpzspv_from_mpzv_slow (mpzspv_t x, const spv_size_t offset, mpz_t mpzvi,
                       mpzspm_t mpzspm)
  const unsigned int sp_num = mpzspm->sp_num;
  unsigned int j;
  mp_size_t n = mpz_size (mpzspm->modulus);

  /* GMP's comments on mpn_preinv_mod_1:
   * "This function used to be documented, but is now considered obsolete.  It
   * continues to exist for binary compatibility, even when not required
   * internally."
   * It doesn't accept 0 as the dividend so we have to treat this case
   * separately */

  /* Note: we can't use the mul_c field for mpn_preinv_mod_1, since on 64-bit
     it is floor(2^125/sp) where sp has 62 bits, and mpn_preinv_mod_1 needs
     floor(2^128/(4*sp))-2^64 = floor(2^126/sp)-2^64.
     On 32-bit it is floor(2^62/sp) where sp has 31 bits, and mpn_preinv_mod_1
     needs floor(2^64/(2*sp))-2^32 = floor(2^63/sp)-2^32. */

  /* Note: we could improve this as follows. Assume the number N to factor has
     n limbs. Instead of computing v mod p by reducing v by the high limbs,
     we first compute v/B^(n-1) mod p by reducing v by the low limbs, then
     deduce v mod p using a precomputed value of B^(n-1) mod p.
     The reduction v/B is done by using a precomputed k = 1/B mod p,
     thus v1*B+v0 = (v1+k*v0)*B and so on. */
  for (j = 0; j < sp_num; j++)
    x[j][offset] = ecm_mod_1 (PTR(mpzvi), SIZ(mpzvi),
                              (mp_limb_t) mpzspm->spm[j]->sp, n,
                              mpzspm->spm[j]->invm, mpzspm->spm[j]->Bpow);
  /* The typecast to mp_limb_t assumes that mp_limb_t is at least
     as wide as sp_t */
Exemple #28
static bool bch_extent_merge(struct btree_keys *bk, struct bkey *l, struct bkey *r)
	struct btree *b = container_of(bk, struct btree, keys);
	unsigned i;

	if (key_merging_disabled(b->c))
		return false;

	for (i = 0; i < KEY_PTRS(l); i++)
		if (l->ptr[i] + PTR(0, KEY_SIZE(l), 0) != r->ptr[i] ||
		    PTR_BUCKET_NR(b->c, l, i) != PTR_BUCKET_NR(b->c, r, i))
			return false;

	/* Keys with no pointers aren't restricted to one bucket and could
	 * overflow KEY_SIZE
	if (KEY_SIZE(l) + KEY_SIZE(r) > USHRT_MAX) {

		bch_cut_front(l, r);
		return false;

	if (KEY_CSUM(l)) {
		if (KEY_CSUM(r))
			l->ptr[KEY_PTRS(l)] = merge_chksums(l, r);
			SET_KEY_CSUM(l, 0);


	return true;
Exemple #29
mpf_integer_p (mpf_srcptr f)
  mp_srcptr ptr;
  mp_exp_t exp;
  mp_size_t size, frac, i;

  size = SIZ (f);
  if (size == 0)
    return 1;  /* zero is an integer */

  exp = EXP (f);
  if (exp <= 0)
    return 0;  /* has only fraction limbs */

  /* any fraction limbs must be zero */
  frac = ABS (size) - exp;
  ptr = PTR (f);
  for (i = 0; i < frac; i++)
    if (ptr[i] != 0)
      return 0;

  return 1;
Exemple #30
/* convert mpzvi to CRT representation, fast version, assumes
   mpzspm->T has been precomputed (see mpzspm.c) */
static void
mpzspv_from_mpzv_fast (mpzspv_t x, const spv_size_t offset, mpz_t mpzvi,
                       mpzspm_t mpzspm)
  const unsigned int sp_num = mpzspm->sp_num;
  unsigned int i, j, k, i0 = I0_THRESHOLD, I0;
  mpzv_t *T = mpzspm->T;
  unsigned int d = mpzspm->d, ni;

  ASSERT (d > i0);

  /* T[0] serves as vector of temporary mpz_t's, since it contains the small
     primes, which are also in mpzspm->spm[j]->sp */
  /* initially we split mpzvi in two */
  ni = 1 << (d - 1);
  mpz_mod (T[0][0], mpzvi, T[d-1][0]);
  mpz_mod (T[0][ni], mpzvi, T[d-1][1]);
  for (i = d-1; i-- > i0;)
    { /* goes down from depth i+1 to i */
      ni = 1 << i;
      for (j = k = 0; j + ni < sp_num; j += 2*ni, k += 2)
          mpz_mod (T[0][j+ni], T[0][j], T[i][k+1]);
          mpz_mod (T[0][j], T[0][j], T[i][k]);
      /* for the last entry T[0][j] if j < sp_num, there is nothing to do */
  /* last steps */
  I0 = 1 << i0;
  for (j = 0; j < sp_num; j += I0)
    for (k = j; k < j + I0 && k < sp_num; k++)
      x[k][offset] = mpn_mod_1 (PTR(T[0][j]), SIZ(T[0][j]),
                                (mp_limb_t) mpzspm->spm[k]->sp);
  /* The typecast to mp_limb_t assumes that mp_limb_t is at least
     as wide as sp_t */