Exemple #1
ResultType Clipboard::Set(LPCTSTR aBuf, UINT_PTR aLength)
// Returns OK or FAIL.
	// It was already open for writing from a prior call.  Return failure because callers that do this
	// are probably handling things wrong:
	if (IsReadyForWrite()) return FAIL;

	if (!aBuf)
		aBuf = _T("");
		aLength = 0;
		if (aLength == UINT_MAX) // Caller wants us to determine the length.
			aLength = (UINT)_tcslen(aBuf);

	if (aLength)
		if (!PrepareForWrite(aLength + 1))
			return FAIL;  // It already displayed the error.
		tcslcpy(mClipMemNewLocked, aBuf, aLength + 1);  // Copy only a substring, if aLength specifies such.
	// else just do the below to empty the clipboard, which is different than setting
	// the clipboard equal to the empty string: it's not truly empty then, as reported
	// by IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) -- and we want to be able to make it truly
	// empty for use with functions such as ClipWait:
	return Commit();  // It will display any errors.
Exemple #2
PathBuilderCairo::LineTo(const Point &aPoint)
  CairoTempMatrix tempMatrix(*mPathContext, mTransform);
  cairo_line_to(*mPathContext, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
Exemple #3
ResultType Clipboard::Set(LPCTSTR aBuf, UINT_PTR aLength) //, bool aTrimIt)
// Returns OK or FAIL.
	// It was already open for writing from a prior call.  Return failure because callers that do this
	// are probably handling things wrong:
	if (IsReadyForWrite()) return FAIL;

	if (!aBuf)
		aBuf = _T("");
		aLength = 0;
		if (aLength == UINT_MAX) // Caller wants us to determine the length.
			aLength = (UINT)_tcslen(aBuf);

	if (aLength)
		if (!PrepareForWrite(aLength + 1))
			return FAIL;  // It already displayed the error.
		tcslcpy(mClipMemNewLocked, aBuf, aLength + 1);  // Copy only a substring, if aLength specifies such.
		// Only trim when the caller told us to, rather than always if g_script.mIsAutoIt2
		// is true, since AutoIt2 doesn't always trim things (e.g. FileReadLine probably
		// does not trim the line that was read into its output var).  UPDATE: This is
		// no longer needed because I think AutoIt2 only auto-trims when SetEnv is used:
		//if (aTrimIt)
		//	trim(mClipMemNewLocked);
	// else just do the below to empty the clipboard, which is different than setting
	// the clipboard equal to the empty string: it's not truly empty then, as reported
	// by IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) -- and we want to be able to make it truly
	// empty for use with functions such as ClipWait:
	return Commit();  // It will display any errors.
Exemple #4
PathBuilderCairo::BezierTo(const Point &aCP1,
                           const Point &aCP2,
                           const Point &aCP3)
  CairoTempMatrix tempMatrix(*mPathContext, mTransform);
  cairo_curve_to(*mPathContext, aCP1.x, aCP1.y, aCP2.x, aCP2.y, aCP3.x, aCP3.y);
void ResourceStream::WriteBytesDirectly( const void* source, int numBytesToWrite )
	// DEBUGGING - { int q = 5; } //ConsolePrintf( "WriteBytesDirectly: Writing %d bytes at offset %d\n", numBytesToWrite, m_dataBytesAvailable );
	PrepareForWrite( numBytesToWrite );
	unsigned char* writePosition = m_startOfData + m_dataBytesAvailable;
	memcpy( writePosition, source, numBytesToWrite );
	m_dataBytesAvailable += numBytesToWrite;
	m_consecutiveNewLineCount = 0;
	m_justWroteBlockBegin = false;
	m_justWroteBlockEnd = false;
Exemple #6
PathBuilderCairo::QuadraticBezierTo(const Point &aCP1,
                                    const Point &aCP2)
  CairoTempMatrix tempMatrix(*mPathContext, mTransform);

  // We need to elevate the degree of this quadratic Bézier to cubic, so we're
  // going to add an intermediate control point, and recompute control point 1.
  // The first and last control points remain the same.
  // This formula can be found on http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/bezier.html
  Point CP0 = CurrentPoint();
  Point CP1 = (CP0 + aCP1 * 2.0) / 3.0;
  Point CP2 = (aCP2 + aCP1 * 2.0) / 3.0;
  Point CP3 = aCP2;

  cairo_curve_to(*mPathContext, CP1.x, CP1.y, CP2.x, CP2.y, CP3.x, CP3.y);
// ==========================================================================
// METHOD:  Destructor
// DESIGN:  
// ==========================================================================
EXPORT_C RDebugLog::~RDebugLog()
    if( iLogFileHandler )
        // Error!  This means that Open was called, but not Close.        
        if( PrepareForWrite() )
            _LIT8( KDummyFuncName, "***" );
            _LIT8( KErrorText, "DEBUG LOG NOT CLOSED!" );
        	iLogFileHandler->Write( iClassName8, KDummyFuncName, KErrorText );
            } // end if
    } // END Destructor
Exemple #8