// GetSettingsPreference
//    Returns a preference for a specified key as QuickTime UserData
// It is your responsibility to dispose of the returned UserData
OSErr GetSettingsPreference(CFStringRef inKey, UserData *outUserData)
  CFPropertyListRef theCFSettings;
  Handle            theHandle = NULL;
  UserData          theUserData = NULL;
  OSErr             err = paramErr;

  // read the new setttings from our preferences
  theCFSettings = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(inKey,
  if (theCFSettings) {
    err = PtrToHand(CFDataGetBytePtr((CFDataRef)theCFSettings), &theHandle,

    if (theHandle) {
      err = NewUserDataFromHandle(theHandle, &theUserData);
      if (theUserData) {
        *outUserData = theUserData;

  return err;
Exemple #2
void write_setting_i(void *handle, char const *key, int value) {
    int fd = *(int *)handle;
    Handle h;
    int id;
    OSErr error;
    Str255 pkey;

    if (ResError() != noErr)
        fatalbox("Failed to open saved session (%d)", ResError());

    /* XXX assume all systems have the same "int" format */
    error = PtrToHand(&value, &h, sizeof(int));
    if (error != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to allocate memory (%d)", error);

    /* Put the data in a resource. */
    id = Unique1ID(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Int '));
    if (ResError() != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to get ID for resource %s (%d)", key, ResError());
    c2pstrcpy(pkey, key);
    AddResource(h, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Int '), id, pkey);
    if (ResError() != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to add resource %s (%d)", key, ResError());
Exemple #3
static pascal OSErr CoercePSNToType (DescType typecode, Ptr dataptr, Size datasize, DescType totype, long refcon, AEDesc *result) {
	#pragma unused (typecode, datasize, totype, refcon)
	ProcessInfoRec info;
	OSErr ec;
	info.processInfoLength = (long) sizeof (info);
	info.processName = nil;
	info.processAppSpec = nil;
	//Code check by Timothy Paustian Tuesday, April 25, 2000 10:22:33 PM
	//somewhat of a dangerous call, This routine assumed the dataptr coming in
	//is a ProcessSerialNumber, only accesses the signature so OK.
	ec = GetProcessInformation ((ProcessSerialNumber *) dataptr, &info);
	if (ec != noErr)
		return (ec);
	(*result).descriptorType = typeType;
	#if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON == 1 /*PBS 03/14/02: AE OS X fix.*/
		return (putdescdatapointer (result, typeType, &info.processSignature, 4));
		return (PtrToHand (&info.processSignature, &(*result).dataHandle, 4));
	} /*CoercePSNToType*/
	static PGPError
	PFLFileSpecRef		ref,
	PGPByte const *		data,
	PGPSize				dataSize )
	const ExportedFileSpec *	exportedData;
	MyData *					newData	= NULL;
	PGPError					err	= kPGPError_NoErr;

	(void) dataSize;
	exportedData	= (const ExportedFileSpec *)data;
	newData			= GetMyData( ref );
	err	= PGPReallocData( ref->memoryMgr,
			&newData, sizeof( *newData ), 0 );
	if ( IsntPGPError( err ) )
		MyData *		myData	= (MyData *)newData;
		ref->data		= (PGPByte *)newData;
		ref->dataSize	= sizeof( *newData );
		myData->specIsValid 	= FALSE;
		CopyPString( exportedData->name, myData->spec.name );
		if( exportedData->aliasDataSize != 0 )
			AliasHandle	alias;
			if( PtrToHand( &exportedData->aliasData[0], (Handle *) &alias,
						exportedData->aliasDataSize ) == noErr )
				FSSpec	spec;
				short	aliasCount = 1;
				Boolean	needsUpdate;
				if( MatchAlias( NULL, kARMNoUI | kARMSearch,
						alias, &aliasCount, &spec, &needsUpdate, NULL, NULL ) == noErr )
					CInfoPBRec	cpb;
					if( FSpGetCatInfo( &spec, &cpb ) == noErr )
						myData->specIsValid = TRUE;
						myData->spec.vRefNum 	= spec.vRefNum;
						myData->spec.parID 		= cpb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID;
				DisposeHandle( (Handle) alias );
	return( err );
Exemple #5
static pascal ComponentResult myDataHGetFileTypeOrdering ( DataHandler dh,
                           DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle *orderingListHandle)
    OSType orderlist[1] = {kDataHFileTypeExtension};
    PtrToHand( &orderlist, (Handle*)orderingListHandle, sizeof(OSType));
    return noErr;
Exemple #6
Handle MacCreateDataReferenceHandle(Handle theDataHandle)
    Handle  dataRef = NULL;
    OSErr   err     = noErr;

    // Create a data reference handle for our data.
    err = PtrToHand( &theDataHandle, &dataRef, sizeof(Handle));

    return dataRef;
OSErr QTUtils_SetMovieTargetID (Movie theMovie, long theTargetID)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	long			myID = 0;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	Str255	 		myPString;
	char 			*myCString = NULL;
	Handle			myHandle = NULL;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;

	// make sure we've got a movie
	if (theMovie == NULL)
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)

	// remove any existing movie target ID
	while (QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieIDPrefix) != 0)
		RemoveUserData(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieIDPrefix));

	// convert the ID into a string
	NumToString(theTargetID, myPString);
	myCString = QTUtils_ConvertPascalToCString(myPString);
	if (myCString == NULL)
	// create the user data item data
	myString = malloc(strlen(kMovieIDPrefix) + strlen(myCString) + 2 + 1);	// 2 + 1 == '\"' + '\"' + '\0'
	if (myString != NULL) {
		myString[0] = '\0';
		strcat(myString, kMovieIDPrefix);
		strcat(myString, "\"");
		strcat(myString, myCString);
		strcat(myString, "\"");

		// add in a new user data item
		PtrToHand(myString, &myHandle, strlen(myString));
		if (myHandle != NULL)
			myErr = AddUserData(myUserData, myHandle, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'));

	} else {
		myErr = memFullErr;
	if (myHandle != NULL)
Exemple #8
Handle getPtrDataRef(unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, const std::string &filename)
     // Load Data Reference
     Handle dataRef;
     Handle fileNameHandle;
     PointerDataRefRecord ptrDataRefRec;
     ComponentInstance dataRefHandler;
     unsigned char pstr[255];
     ptrDataRefRec.data = data;
     ptrDataRefRec.dataLength = size;
     /*err = */PtrToHand(&ptrDataRefRec, &dataRef, sizeof(PointerDataRefRecord));
     // Open a Data Handler for the Data Reference
     /*err = */OpenADataHandler(dataRef, PointerDataHandlerSubType, NULL,
         (OSType)0, NULL, kDataHCanRead, &dataRefHandler);
     // Convert From CString in filename to a PascalString in pstr
     if (filename.length() > 255) {
         //hmm...not good, pascal string limit is 255!
         //do some error handling maybe?!
         throw QTImportExportException(0, "filename length limit exceeded");
     CopyCStringToPascal(filename.c_str(), pstr);
    // Add filename extension
     /*err = */PtrToHand(pstr, &fileNameHandle, filename.length() + 1);
     /*err = */DataHSetDataRefExtension(dataRefHandler, fileNameHandle,
     // Release old handler which does not have the extensions
     // Grab the SAFE_NEW version of the data ref from the data handler
     /*err = */ DataHGetDataRef(dataRefHandler, &dataRef);
     return dataRef;
Exemple #9
static pascal ComponentResult myComponentOpen(ComponentInstance ci, ComponentInstance self)
    DHData myData;
    Handle storage;

    PtrToHand( &myData, &storage, sizeof(DHData));

    return noErr;
Exemple #10
static OSErr QT_GetCodecSettingsFromScene(RenderData *rd, ReportList *reports)
	Handle           myHandle = NULL;
	ComponentResult  myErr = noErr;

	QuicktimeCodecData *qcd = rd->qtcodecdata;

	/* if there is codecdata in the blendfile, convert it to a Quicktime handle */
	if (qcd) {
		myHandle = NewHandle(qcd->cdSize);
		PtrToHand(qcd->cdParms, &myHandle, qcd->cdSize);
	/* restore codecsettings to the quicktime component */
	if (qcd->cdParms && qcd->cdSize) {
		myErr = SCSetSettingsFromAtomContainer((GraphicsExportComponent)qtdata->theComponent, (QTAtomContainer)myHandle);
		if (myErr != noErr) {
			BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Quicktime: SCSetSettingsFromAtomContainer failed");
			goto bail;

		/* update runtime codecsettings for use with the codec dialog */
		SCGetInfo(qtdata->theComponent, scDataRateSettingsType, &qtdata->aDataRateSetting);
		SCGetInfo(qtdata->theComponent, scSpatialSettingsType,  &qtdata->gSpatialSettings);
		SCGetInfo(qtdata->theComponent, scTemporalSettingsType, &qtdata->gTemporalSettings);

		/* Fill the render QuicktimeCodecSettigns struct */
		rd->qtcodecsettings.codecTemporalQuality = (qtdata->gTemporalSettings.temporalQuality * 100) / codecLosslessQuality;
		/* Do not override scene frame rate (qtdata->gTemporalSettings.framerate) */
		rd->qtcodecsettings.keyFrameRate = qtdata->gTemporalSettings.keyFrameRate;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.codecType = qtdata->gSpatialSettings.codecType;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.codec = (int)qtdata->gSpatialSettings.codec;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.colorDepth = qtdata->gSpatialSettings.depth;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.codecSpatialQuality = (qtdata->gSpatialSettings.spatialQuality * 100) / codecLosslessQuality;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.bitRate = qtdata->aDataRateSetting.dataRate;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.minSpatialQuality = (qtdata->aDataRateSetting.minSpatialQuality * 100) / codecLosslessQuality;
		rd->qtcodecsettings.minTemporalQuality = (qtdata->aDataRateSetting.minTemporalQuality * 100) / codecLosslessQuality;
		/* Frame duration is already known (qtdata->aDataRateSetting.frameDuration) */
	else {
		BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Quicktime: QT_GetCodecSettingsFromScene failed");
	if (myHandle != NULL)
OSErr QTUtils_SetMovieTargetName (Movie theMovie, char *theTargetName)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	Handle			myHandle = NULL;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;

	// make sure we've got a movie and a name
	if ((theMovie == NULL) || (theTargetName == NULL))
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)

	// remove any existing movie target name
	while (QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieNamePrefix) != 0)
		RemoveUserData(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieNamePrefix));

	// create the user data item data
	myString = malloc(strlen(kMovieNamePrefix) + strlen(theTargetName) + 2 + 1);	// 2 + 1 == '\"' + '\"' + '\0'
	if (myString != NULL) {
		myString[0] = '\0';
		strcat(myString, kMovieNamePrefix);
		strcat(myString, "\"");
		strcat(myString, theTargetName);
		strcat(myString, "\"");

		// add in a new user data item
		PtrToHand(myString, &myHandle, strlen(myString));
		if (myHandle != NULL)
			myErr = AddUserData(myUserData, myHandle, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'));
	} else {
		myErr = memFullErr;
	if (myHandle != NULL)

void add_finishing_touches_to_save_file(FileSpecifier &File)
// 	FileDesc *file)
    short refnum;
    unsigned char name[64+1];
    OSErr err;

    FSSpec *SpecPtr = &File.GetSpec();

    FInfo finder_info;
    err = FSpGetFInfo((FSSpec *)SpecPtr, &finder_info);
    if (err != noErr) return;

    FSpCreateResFile(SpecPtr,  finder_info.fdCreator, finder_info.fdType, smSystemScript);
    if (ResError() != noErr) return;

    /* Save the STR resource that tells us what our application name is. */
    refnum= FSpOpenResFile(&File.GetSpec(), fsWrPerm);
    // resource_file_ref= FSpOpenResFile((FSSpec *) file, fsWrPerm);
    if (refnum < 0) return;

    Handle resource;

    /* Add in the overhead thumbnail. */

    /* Add the application name resource.. */
    getpstr(name, strFILENAMES, filenameMARATHON_NAME);
    // add_application_name_to_fsspec((FileDesc *) file, name);

    // LP: copied out of files_macintosh.c -- add_application_name_to_fsspec();
    // this is the only place that uses this code

    /* Add in the application name */
    err= PtrToHand(name, &resource, name[0]+1);
    assert(!err && resource);

    AddResource(resource, 'STR ', -16396, "\p");

    // End copying
Exemple #13
static HRESULT WINAPI IcnsFrameEncode_Commit(IWICBitmapFrameEncode *iface)
    IcnsFrameEncode *This = impl_from_IWICBitmapFrameEncode(iface);
    Handle handle;
    OSErr ret;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    TRACE("(%p)\n", iface);


    if (!This->icns_image || This->lines_written != This->size || This->committed)
        goto end;

    ret = PtrToHand(This->icns_image, &handle, This->size * This->size * 4);
    if (ret != noErr || !handle)
        WARN("PtrToHand failed with error %d\n", ret);
        hr = E_FAIL;
        goto end;

    ret = SetIconFamilyData(This->encoder->icns_family, This->icns_type, handle);

    if (ret != noErr)
        WARN("SetIconFamilyData failed for image with error %d\n", ret);
        hr = E_FAIL;
        goto end;

    This->committed = TRUE;
    This->encoder->any_frame_committed = TRUE;

    return hr;
Exemple #14
void write_setting_s(void *handle, char const *key, char const *value) {
    int fd = *(int *)handle;
    Handle h;
    int id;
    OSErr error;
    Str255 pkey;

    if (ResError() != noErr)
        fatalbox("Failed to open saved session (%d)", ResError());

    error = PtrToHand(value, &h, strlen(value));
    if (error != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to allocate memory");
    /* Put the data in a resource. */
    id = Unique1ID(FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'));
    if (ResError() != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to get ID for resource %s (%d)", key, ResError());
    c2pstrcpy(pkey, key);
    AddResource(h, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), id, pkey);
    if (ResError() != noErr)
	fatalbox("Failed to add resource %s (%d)", key, ResError());
Exemple #15
OSErr CreateToolNameRes(StringPtr toolName) {
	short			ref;
	FSSpec		prefs;
	OSErr			error;
	Handle		theStrings;

	//	build the 'STR ' resource

	error = FindPrefs(&prefs);
	if (error == noErr) {
		ref = FSpOpenResFile(&prefs, fsRdWrPerm);
		if (ref != -1) {
			theStrings = Get1Resource('STR ',kToolNameRes);
			if (theStrings != nil) {
				error = ResError();

			error = PtrToHand(toolName, &theStrings, toolName[0] + 1);

			AddResource(theStrings, 'STR ', kToolNameRes, "\ptoolName");
			error = ResError();

			error = ResError();

			error = ResError();

			//ReleaseResource(theStrings);		// Release the resource from memory.
			//error = ResError();
			UpdateResFile(ref);						// No screwing around; write that resource!
			error = ResError();
			FlushVol(nil, prefs.vRefNum);

		} else {
boolean filegetdiskicon (short vnum, Handle *hdiskicon) {

	HParamBlockRec pb;
	ParamBlockRec cpb;
	OSErr ec;

	clearbytes (&pb, longsizeof (pb));
	pb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = vnum;
	ec = PBHGetVInfoSync (&pb);
	if (fileerror (nil, ec))
		return (false);
	cpb.cntrlParam.ioCRefNum = pb.volumeParam.ioVDRefNum;
	cpb.cntrlParam.ioVRefNum = pb.volumeParam.ioVDrvInfo;

	cpb.cntrlParam.csCode = 22;
	ec = PBControlSync (&cpb);

	if (ec != noErr) {
		cpb.cntrlParam.csCode = 21;
		ec = PBControlSync (&cpb);
	if (fileerror (nil, ec))
    	return (false);

	ec = PtrToHand (*(Ptr*) &cpb.cntrlParam.csParam, hdiskicon, kLargeIconSize);
	return (!fileerror (nil, ec));
	} /*filegetdiskicon*/
Exemple #17
pascal	OSErr	FSpGetFullPath(const FSSpec *spec,
							   short *fullPathLength,
							   Handle *fullPath)
	OSErr		result;
	OSErr		realResult;
	FSSpec		tempSpec;
	CInfoPBRec	pb;

	*fullPathLength = 0;
	*fullPath = NULL;

	// Default to noErr
	realResult = noErr;

	/* Make a copy of the input FSSpec that can be modified */
	BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));

	if ( tempSpec.parID == fsRtParID )
		/* The object is a volume */

		/* Add a colon to make it a full pathname */
		tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';

		/* We are done */
		result = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
		/* The object is NOT a volume */

		/* Is the object a file or a directory? */
		pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
		pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
		pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = tempSpec.parID;
		pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
		result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
		/* Allow file/directory name at end of path to not exist. */
		realResult = result;
		if ( (result == noErr) || (result == fnfErr) )
			/* if the object is a directory, append a colon so full pathname ends with colon */
			if ( (result == noErr) && (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0 )
				tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';

			/* Put the object name in first */
			result = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
			if ( result == noErr )
				/* Get the ancestor directory names */
				pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
				pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
				pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID = tempSpec.parID;
				do	/* loop until we have an error or find the root directory */
					pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1;
					pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
					result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
					if ( result == noErr )
						/* Append colon to directory name */
						tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';

						/* Add directory name to beginning of fullPath */
						(void) Munger(*fullPath, 0, NULL, 0, &tempSpec.name[1], tempSpec.name[0]);
						result = MemError();
				} while ( (result == noErr) && (pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID != fsRtDirID) );
	if ( result == noErr )
		/* Return the length */
		*fullPathLength = InlineGetHandleSize(*fullPath);
		result = realResult;	// return realResult in case it was fnfErr
		/* Dispose of the handle and return NULL and zero length */
		if ( *fullPath != NULL )
		*fullPath = NULL;
		*fullPathLength = 0;

	return ( result );
Exemple #18
    FSSpec *spec,		/* The location we want a path for. */
    int *length,		/* Length of the resulting path. */
    Handle *fullPath)		/* Handle to path. */
    OSErr err;
    FSSpec tempSpec;
    CInfoPBRec pb;
    *fullPath = NULL;
     * Make a copy of the input FSSpec that can be modified.
    BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
    if (tempSpec.parID == fsRtParID) {
	 * The object is a volume.  Add a colon to make it a full 
	 * pathname.  Allocate a handle for it and we are done.
	tempSpec.name[0] += 2;
	tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0] - 1] = ':';
	tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = '\0';
	err = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
    } else {
	 * The object isn't a volume.  Is the object a file or a directory? 
	pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
	pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
	pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = tempSpec.parID;
	pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
	err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);

	if ((err == noErr) || (err == fnfErr)) {
	     * If the file doesn't currently exist we start over.  If the
	     * directory exists everything will work just fine.  Otherwise we
	     * will just fail later.  If the object is a directory, append a
	     * colon so full pathname ends with colon, but only if the name is
	     * not empty.  NavServices returns FSSpec's with the parent ID set,
	     * but the name empty...
	    if (err == fnfErr) {
		BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
	    } else if ( (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0 ) {
	        if (tempSpec.name[0] > 0) {
		    tempSpec.name[0] += 1;
		    tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
	     * Create a new Handle for the object - make it a C string.
	    tempSpec.name[0] += 1;
	    tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = '\0';
	    err = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
	    if (err == noErr) {
		 * Get the ancestor directory names - loop until we have an 
		 * error or find the root directory.
		pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
		pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
		pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID = tempSpec.parID;
		do {
		    pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1;
		    pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
		    err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
		    if (err == noErr) {
			 * Append colon to directory name and add 
			 * directory name to beginning of fullPath.
			tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
			(void) Munger(*fullPath, 0, NULL, 0, &tempSpec.name[1],
			err = MemError();
		} while ( (err == noErr) &&
			(pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID != fsRtDirID) );
     * On error Dispose the handle, set it to NULL & return the err.
     * Otherwise, set the length & return.
    if (err == noErr) {
	*length = GetHandleSize(*fullPath) - 1;
    } else {
	if ( *fullPath != NULL ) {
	*fullPath = NULL;
	*length = 0;

    return err;
Exemple #19
static OSErr	FSpGetFullPath(const FSSpec *spec,
							   short *fullPathLength,
							   Handle *fullPath)
	OSErr		result;
	OSErr		realResult;
	FSSpec		tempSpec;
	CInfoPBRec	pb;
	*fullPathLength = 0;
	*fullPath = nil;
	/* Default to noErr */
	realResult = result = noErr;
	result = FSMakeFSSpecCompat(spec->vRefNum, spec->parID, spec->name, &tempSpec);

	if ( result == noErr )
		if ( tempSpec.parID == fsRtParID )
			/* The object is a volume */
			/* Add a colon to make it a full pathname */
			tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
			/* We're done */
			result = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
			*fullPathLength = tempSpec.name[0];
			/* The object isn't a volume */
			/* Is the object a file or a directory? */
			pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
			pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
			pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = tempSpec.parID;
			pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
			result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
			// Allow file/directory name at end of path to not exist.
			realResult = result;
			if ( (result == noErr) || (result == fnfErr) )
				/* if the object is a directory, append a colon so full pathname ends with colon */
				if ( (result == noErr) && (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & kioFlAttribDirMask) != 0 )
					tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
				/* Put the object name in first */
				result = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
				*fullPathLength = tempSpec.name[0];
				if ( result == noErr )
					/* Get the ancestor directory names */
					pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
					pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
					pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID = tempSpec.parID;
					do	/* loop until we have an error or find the root directory */
						pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1;
						pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
						result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
						if ( result == noErr )
							/* Append colon to directory name */
							tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
							/* Add directory name to beginning of fullPath */
							(void) Munger(*fullPath, 0, nil, 0, &tempSpec.name[1], tempSpec.name[0]);
							*fullPathLength += tempSpec.name[0];
							result = MemError();
					} while ( (result == noErr) && (pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID != fsRtDirID) );
	if ( result == noErr )
		/* Return the length */
///		*fullPathLength = GetHandleSize(*fullPath);
		result = realResult;	// return realResult in case it was fnfErr
		/* Dispose of the handle and return nil and zero length */
		if ( *fullPath != nil )
		*fullPath = nil;
		*fullPathLength = 0;
	return ( result );
Exemple #20
bool wxSound::DoPlay(unsigned flags) const

    Movie movie;

    case wxSound_MEMORY:
            if (!wxInitQT())
                return false;
            Handle myHandle, dataRef = nil;
            MovieImportComponent miComponent;
            Track targetTrack = nil;
            TimeValue addedDuration = 0;
            long outFlags = 0;
            OSErr err;
            ComponentResult result;

            myHandle = NewHandleClear((Size)m_waveLength);

            BlockMove(m_hSnd, *myHandle, m_waveLength);

            err = PtrToHand(&myHandle, &dataRef, sizeof(Handle));

            if (memcmp(&m_hSnd[8], "WAVE", 4) == 0)
                miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeWave);
            else if (memcmp(&m_hSnd[8], "AIFF", 4) == 0)
                miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeAIFF);
            else if (memcmp(&m_hSnd[8], "AIFC", 4) == 0)
                miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeAIFC);
                wxLogSysError(wxT("wxSound - Location in memory does not contain valid data"));
                return false;

            movie = NewMovie(0);

            result = MovieImportDataRef(miComponent,                dataRef,
                                        HandleDataHandlerSubType,   movie,
                                        nil,                        &targetTrack,
                                        nil,                        &addedDuration,
                                        movieImportCreateTrack,     &outFlags);

            if (result != noErr)
                wxLogSysError(wxString::Format(wxT("Couldn't import movie data\nError:%i"), (int)result));

            SetMovieVolume(movie, kFullVolume);

    case wxSound_RESOURCE:
            SoundComponentData data;
            unsigned long numframes, offset;

            ParseSndHeader((SndListHandle)m_hSnd, &data, &numframes, &offset);
            //m_waveLength = numFrames * data.numChannels;

            SndChannelPtr pSndChannel;
            SndNewChannel(&pSndChannel, sampledSynth,
                + (data.numChannels == 1 ? initMono : initStereo), NULL);

            if(SndPlay(pSndChannel, (SndListHandle) m_hSnd, flags & wxSOUND_ASYNC ? 1 : 0) != noErr)
                return false;

            if (flags & wxSOUND_ASYNC)
                lastSoundTimer = ((wxSMTimer*&)m_pTimer)
                    = new wxSMTimer(pSndChannel, m_hSnd, flags & wxSOUND_LOOP ? 1 : 0,
                lastSoundIsPlaying = true;

                ((wxTimer*)m_pTimer)->Start(MOVIE_DELAY, wxTIMER_CONTINUOUS);
                SndDisposeChannel(pSndChannel, TRUE);

            return true;
    case wxSound_FILE:
            if (!wxInitQT())
                return false;

            OSErr err = noErr ;

            Handle dataRef = NULL;
            OSType dataRefType;

            err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(wxMacCFStringHolder(m_sndname,wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()),
                (UInt32)kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);

            wxASSERT(err == noErr);

            if (NULL != dataRef || err != noErr)
                err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &movie, newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs , NULL, dataRef, dataRefType );
                wxASSERT(err == noErr);

            if (err != noErr)
                    wxString::Format(wxT("wxSound - Could not open file: %s\nError:%i"), m_sndname.c_str(), err )
                return false;
        return false;
    }//end switch(m_type)

    //Start the movie!

    if (flags & wxSOUND_ASYNC)
        //Start timer and play movie asyncronously
        lastSoundTimer = ((wxQTTimer*&)m_pTimer) =
            new wxQTTimer(movie, flags & wxSOUND_LOOP ? 1 : 0,
        lastSoundIsPlaying = true;
        ((wxQTTimer*)m_pTimer)->Start(MOVIE_DELAY, wxTIMER_CONTINUOUS);
        wxASSERT_MSG(!(flags & wxSOUND_LOOP), wxT("Can't loop and play syncronously at the same time"));

        //Play movie until it ends, then exit
        //Note that due to quicktime caching this may not always
        //work 100% correctly
        while (!IsMovieDone(movie))
            MoviesTask(movie, 1);


    return true;
Exemple #21
void TLevelWriter3gp::save(const TImageP &img, int frameIndex)
	if (m_cancelled)

	TRasterImageP image(img);
	int lx = image->getRaster()->getLx();
	int ly = image->getRaster()->getLy();
	//void *buffer = image->getRaster()->getRawData();
	int pixSize = image->getRaster()->getPixelSize();
	if (pixSize != 4)
		throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "Unsupported pixel type");

	QMutexLocker sl(&m_mutex);

	if (!m_properties)
		m_properties = new Tiio::MovWriterProperties();

	Tiio::MovWriterProperties *prop = (Tiio::MovWriterProperties *)(m_properties);

	//CodecType compression = StandardCompressionType;  prop->getCurrentCodec();
	//CodecQ quality = StandardQualityType;  prop->getCurrentQuality();

	if (!m_initDone) {
		//FSSpec fspec;
		Rect frame;
		long max_compressed_size;
		QDErr err;

		m_videoTrack = NewMovieTrack(m_movie, FixRatio((short)lx, 1), FixRatio((short)ly, 1), kNoVolume);

		if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create video track");

		m_dataRef = nil;
		m_hMovieData = NewHandle(0);

		// Construct the Handle data reference
		err = PtrToHand(&m_hMovieData, &m_dataRef, sizeof(Handle));

		if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create Data Ref");

		m_videoMedia = NewTrackMedia(m_videoTrack, VideoMediaType, (TINT32)m_frameRate, m_dataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType);

		OpenADefaultComponent(MovieExportType, '3gpp', &m_myExporter);

		//  err = (short)MovieExportDoUserDialog(m_myExporter, m_movie, 0, 0, 0, &m_cancelled);

		//  if (m_cancelled)
		//	  throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "User abort of 3GP render");
		if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create video media");
		if ((err = BeginMediaEdits(m_videoMedia)) != noErr)
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't begin edit video media");
		frame.left = 0;
		frame.top = 0;
		frame.right = lx;
		frame.bottom = ly;

#if 0
  if ((err = NewGWorld(&(m_gworld), pixSize * 8, &frame, 0, 0, 0))!=noErr)
#else /* Mac OSX 10.7 later */
		if ((err = QTNewGWorld(&(m_gworld), pixSize * 8, &frame, 0, 0, 0)) != noErr)
		throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create movie buffer");
#ifdef WIN32
		if ((err = GetMaxCompressionSize(m_gworld->portPixMap, &frame, 0,
										 quality, compression, anyCodec,
										 &max_compressed_size)) != noErr)
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't get max compression size");


#if 0
  PixMapHandle pixmapH = GetPortPixMap (m_gworld);
		PixMapHandle pixmapH = NULL;
		max_compressed_size = lx * ly * 4 * 20;

/*if ((err = GetMaxCompressionSize(pixmapH, &frame, 0, 
                                quality,  compression,anyCodec, 
    throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't get max compression size");*/

		m_compressedData = NewHandle(max_compressed_size);

		if ((err = MemError()) != noErr)
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't allocate compressed data for movie");

		if ((err = MemError()) != noErr)
			throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't allocate img handle");

#if 0
  m_pixmap = GetGWorldPixMap(m_gworld);
  if (!LockPixels(m_pixmap))
    throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't lock pixels");

  buf    = (PixelXRGB*) GetPixBaseAddr(m_pixmap);
		m_pixmap = NULL;
		buf = NULL;
		buf_lx = lx;
		buf_ly = ly;

		m_initDone = true;

	unsigned short rowBytes = (unsigned short)(((short)(*(m_pixmap))->rowBytes & ~(3 << 14)));

	Rect frame;
	ImageDescriptionHandle img_descr;
	Ptr compressed_data_ptr;
	QDErr err;

	frame.left = 0;
	frame.top = 0;
	frame.right = lx;
	frame.bottom = ly;

	TRasterP ras = image->getRaster();
#ifdef WIN32
	compressed_data_ptr = StripAddress(*(m_compressedData));
	copy(ras, buf, buf_lx, buf_ly);
	compressed_data_ptr = *m_compressedData;
	copy(ras, buf, buf_lx, buf_ly, rowBytes);
	img_descr = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(4);

#ifdef WIN32
	if ((err = CompressImage(m_gworld->portPixMap,
							 quality, compression,
							 img_descr, compressed_data_ptr)) != noErr)
		throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't compress image");

#if 0
 PixMapHandle pixmapH = GetPortPixMap (m_gworld);
 if ((err = CompressImage(pixmapH, 
  			 codecNormalQuality, kJPEGCodecType,
			 img_descr, compressed_data_ptr))!=noErr)
  throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't compress image");

	if ((err = AddMediaSample(m_videoMedia, m_compressedData, 0,
							  (*img_descr)->dataSize, 1,
							  1, 0, 0)) != noErr)
		throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't add image to movie media");

Exemple #22
static pascal OSErr CoerceTargetIDToType (DescType typecode, Ptr dataptr, Size datasize, DescType totype, long refcon, AEDesc *result) {
	#pragma unused (typecode, datasize, totype)
	TargetID target;
	Ptr addressoftype;
	ProcessSerialNumber psn;
	ProcessInfoRec info;
	OSErr ec;
	BlockMove (dataptr, &target, sizeof (target));
	//Code change by Timothy Paustian Sunday, June 25, 2000 10:08:45 PM
	//This is a bit of a hack but should work. We will just get stuff directly out of
	//the target rec. I hope this works. Maybe this never gets called in carbon.
	if (target.location.locationKindSelector == ppcNoLocation) { /*local program*/
		ec = GetProcessSerialNumberFromPortName (&target.name, &psn);
		if (ec != noErr)
			return (ec);
		info.processInfoLength = (long) sizeof (info);
		info.processName = nil;
		info.processAppSpec = nil;
		//Code check by Timothy Paustian Tuesday, April 25, 2000 10:20:35 PM
		//I think this call is OK, but not sure.
		ec = GetProcessInformation (&psn, &info);
		if (ec != noErr)
			return (ec);
		addressoftype = (Ptr) &info.processSignature;
	else { /*not a local program*/
		if (target.name.portKindSelector == ppcByCreatorAndType)
			addressoftype = (Ptr) &target.name.u.port.portCreator;
			addressoftype = ((Ptr) &target.name.u.portTypeStr) + 1; /*kloooge*/

	(*result).descriptorType = typeType;
	#if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON == 1 /*PBS 03/14/02: AE OS X fix.*/
		return (putdescdatapointer (result, typeType, addressoftype, 4));
		return (PtrToHand (addressoftype, &(*result).dataHandle, 4));
	} /*CoerceTargetIDToType*/
Exemple #23
void TLevelWriter3gp::saveSoundTrack(TSoundTrack *st)
	Track theTrack;
	OSErr myErr = noErr;
	SoundDescriptionV1Handle mySampleDesc;
	Media myMedia;
	Handle myDestHandle;
	SoundComponentData sourceInfo;
	SoundComponentData destInfo;
	SoundConverter converter;
	CompressionInfo compressionInfo;
	int err;

	if (!st)
		throw TException("null reference to soundtrack");

	if (st->getBitPerSample() != 16) {
		throw TImageException(m_path, "Only 16 bits per sample is supported");

	theTrack = NewMovieTrack(m_movie, 0, 0, kFullVolume);
	myErr = GetMoviesError();
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error creating audio track");

	FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);

	myDestHandle = NewHandle(0);

	FailWithAction(myDestHandle == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoDest);

	*myDestHandle = (char *)st->getRawData();

	// create a media for the track passed in

	// set new track to be a sound track
	m_soundDataRef = nil;
	m_hSoundMovieData = NewHandle(0);

	// Construct the Handle data reference
	err = PtrToHand(&m_hSoundMovieData, &m_soundDataRef, sizeof(Handle));

	if ((err = GetMoviesError() != noErr))
		throw TImageException(getFilePath(), "can't create Data Ref");

	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(theTrack, SoundMediaType, st->getSampleRate(), m_soundDataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType); //track->rate >> 16

	myErr = GetMoviesError();
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error setting audio track");
	FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);

	// start a media editing session
	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error beginning edit audio track");

	FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);

	sourceInfo.flags = 0x0;
	sourceInfo.format = kSoundNotCompressed;
	sourceInfo.numChannels = st->getChannelCount();
	sourceInfo.sampleSize = st->getBitPerSample();
	sourceInfo.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate();
	sourceInfo.sampleCount = st->getSampleCount();
	sourceInfo.buffer = (unsigned char *)st->getRawData();
	sourceInfo.reserved = 0x0;

	destInfo.flags = kNoSampleRateConversion | kNoSampleSizeConversion |
					 kNoSampleFormatConversion | kNoChannelConversion |
					 kNoDecompression | kNoVolumeConversion |

	destInfo.format = k16BitNativeEndianFormat;

	destInfo.numChannels = st->getChannelCount();
	destInfo.sampleSize = st->getBitPerSample();
	destInfo.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate();
	destInfo.sampleCount = st->getSampleCount();
	destInfo.buffer = (unsigned char *)st->getRawData();
	destInfo.reserved = 0x0;

	SoundConverterOpen(&sourceInfo, &destInfo, &converter);

	myErr = SoundConverterGetInfo(converter, siCompressionFactor, &compressionInfo);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error getting audio converter info");

	myErr = GetCompressionInfo(fixedCompression, sourceInfo.format, sourceInfo.numChannels, sourceInfo.sampleSize, &compressionInfo);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error getting audio compression info");
	FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);

	compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame = compressionInfo.bytesPerPacket * destInfo.numChannels;

	// create a sound sample description

	// use the SoundDescription format 1 because it adds fields for data size information
	// and is required by AddSoundDescriptionExtension if an extension is required for the compression format

	mySampleDesc = (SoundDescriptionV1Handle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SoundDescriptionV1));
	FailWithAction(myErr != noErr, myErr = MemError(), Exit);

	(**mySampleDesc).desc.descSize = sizeof(SoundDescriptionV1);
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.dataFormat = destInfo.format;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd1 = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd2 = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.dataRefIndex = 1;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.version = 1;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.revlevel = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.vendor = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.numChannels = destInfo.numChannels;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleSize = destInfo.sampleSize;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.compressionID = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.packetSize = 0;
	(**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleRate = st->getSampleRate() << 16;
	(**mySampleDesc).samplesPerPacket = compressionInfo.samplesPerPacket;
	(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerPacket = compressionInfo.bytesPerPacket;
	(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerFrame = compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame;
	(**mySampleDesc).bytesPerSample = compressionInfo.bytesPerSample;

	// add samples to the media

	myErr = AddMediaSample(myMedia, myDestHandle,
						   destInfo.sampleCount * compressionInfo.bytesPerFrame,
						   destInfo.sampleCount * compressionInfo.samplesPerPacket,

	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error adding audio samples");

	FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);

	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error ending audio edit");

	FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);

	// insert the media into the track

	myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(theTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error inserting audio track");

	FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
	goto Done;



	if (mySampleDesc != NULL)

	if (converter)

	if (myErr != noErr)
		throw TImageException(m_path, "error saving audio track");
Exemple #24
static IconRef CreateIconRefFromImage (CGImageRef srcImage, CGRect srcRect)
	OSStatus			err;
	CGContextRef		cctx, actx;
	CGColorSpaceRef		color;
	CGRect				dstRect;
	IconRef				iconRef;
	IconFamilyHandle	icns;
	Handle				hdl;
	SInt32				size;
	UInt32				rgb[kIconSize * kIconSize];
	UInt8				alp[kIconSize * kIconSize];

	srcRect.origin.y = CGImageGetHeight(srcImage) - srcRect.origin.y - kIconSize;

	color = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
	if (color)
		cctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(rgb, kIconSize, kIconSize, 8, kIconSize * 4, color, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst);
		if (cctx)
			dstRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, kIconSize, kIconSize);
			DrawSubCGImage(cctx, srcImage, srcRect, dstRect);

			actx = CGBitmapContextCreate(alp, kIconSize, kIconSize, 8, kIconSize, NULL, kCGImageAlphaOnly);
			if (actx)
				DrawSubCGImage(actx, srcImage, srcRect, dstRect);



	iconRef = NULL;

	size = sizeof(OSType) + sizeof(SInt32);
	icns = (IconFamilyHandle) NewHandle(size);
	if (icns)
		// Big-endian: Panther is for PowerPC only
		(*icns)->resourceType = kIconFamilyType;
		(*icns)->resourceSize = size;

		err = PtrToHand(rgb, &hdl, sizeof(rgb));
		if (err == noErr)
			err = SetIconFamilyData(icns, kSmall32BitData, hdl);

			if (err == noErr)
				err = PtrToHand(alp, &hdl, sizeof(alp));
				if (err == noErr)
					err = SetIconFamilyData(icns, kSmall8BitMask, hdl);

		if (err == noErr)
			err = GetIconRefFromIconFamilyPtr(*icns, GetHandleSize((Handle) icns), &iconRef);

		DisposeHandle((Handle) icns);

	return (iconRef);
Exemple #25
static HRESULT QT_Process_Movie(QTSplitter* filter)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    OSErr err;
    WineDataRefRecord ptrDataRefRec;
    Handle dataRef = NULL;
    Track trk;
    short id = 0;
    DWORD tid;
    LONGLONG time;

    TRACE("Trying movie connect\n");

    ptrDataRefRec.pReader = filter->pInputPin.pReader;
    ptrDataRefRec.streamSubtype = filter->pInputPin.subType;
    PtrToHand( &ptrDataRefRec, &dataRef, sizeof(WineDataRefRecord));

    err = NewMovieFromDataRef(&filter->pQTMovie, newMovieActive|newMovieDontInteractWithUser|newMovieDontAutoUpdateClock|newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs|newMovieAsyncOK, &id, dataRef, 'WINE');


    if (err != noErr)
        FIXME("QuickTime cannot handle media type(%i)\n",err);
        return VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED;

    PrePrerollMovie(filter->pQTMovie, 0, fixed1, NULL, NULL);
    PrerollMovie(filter->pQTMovie, 0, fixed1);

    if (GetMovieLoadState(filter->pQTMovie) < kMovieLoadStateLoaded)

    trk = GetMovieIndTrackType(filter->pQTMovie, 1, VisualMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    TRACE("%p is a video track\n",trk);
    if (trk)
       hr = QT_Process_Video_Track(filter, trk);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    trk = GetMovieIndTrackType(filter->pQTMovie, 1, AudioMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    TRACE("%p is a audio track\n",trk);
    if (trk)
        hr = QT_Process_Audio_Track(filter, trk);

    time = GetMovieDuration(filter->pQTMovie);
    filter->movie_scale = GetMovieTimeScale(filter->pQTMovie);
    filter->sourceSeeking.llDuration = ((double)time / filter->movie_scale) * 10000000;
    filter->sourceSeeking.llStop = filter->sourceSeeking.llDuration;

    TRACE("Movie duration is %s\n",wine_dbgstr_longlong(filter->sourceSeeking.llDuration));

    filter->loaderThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, QTSplitter_loading_thread, filter, 0, &tid);
    if (filter->loaderThread)
        TRACE("Created loading thread 0x%08x\n", tid);
    filter->splitterThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, QTSplitter_thread, filter, 0, &tid);
    if (filter->splitterThread)
        TRACE("Created processing thread 0x%08x\n", tid);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());

    return hr;
Exemple #26
int DoHostListDialog()
		short itemHit,okay=FALSE,keepGoing=TRUE;
		DialogPtr dlog=NIL; GrafPtr oldPort;
		ModalFilterUPP MyFilterUPP;


		/* On PowerPC, need a RoutineDescriptor from heap; on 68K, no allocation */
		MyFilterUPP = NewModalFilterProc(MyFilterHD);
		if (MyFilterUPP == NIL) goto cleanUp;

		/* Build dialog window and install its item values */
		dlog = OpenThisDialog();
		if (dlog == NIL) goto cleanUp;

		/* Entertain filtered user events until dialog is dismissed */
		while (keepGoing) {
			keepGoing = DoDialogItem(dlog,itemHit);
		 *	Do final processing of item values, such as exporting them to caller.
		 *	DoDialogItem() has already called AnyBadValues().
		if (itemHit == OK_ITEM) {
			Point	theCell;
			short	dataLen;
			OSErr	anErr;
			Handle	aHand;
			//	get the current selection and store it in a global which can be accessed
			//	from the application
			theCell.h = 0;
			theCell.v = list4.currentRow;
			dataLen = 255;
			LGetCell(&gSavedSelection[1], &dataLen, theCell, list4.hndl);
			gSavedSelection[0] = dataLen;

			//	we save the current selection for the next time we use this transport
			//	remove the current resource
			aHand = Get1Resource('mw2H', 1000);
			if (aHand != nil) {
				aHand = nil;
			//	create a handle and add this resource to the resource file
			anErr = PtrToHand(&gSavedSelection[0], &aHand, gSavedSelection[0] + 1);		//	name and length byte
			if ( (anErr == noErr) && (aHand != nil) ) {
				AddResource(aHand, 'mw2H', 1000, "\pDefault Host");
Exemple #27
bool wxOSXQuickTimeSoundData::Play(unsigned flags)
    if ( m_movie )

    m_flags = flags;

    if (!wxInitQT())
        return false;

    if( m_soundHandle )
        Handle dataRef = nil;
        MovieImportComponent miComponent;
        Track targetTrack = nil;
        TimeValue addedDuration = 0;
        long outFlags = 0;
        OSErr err;
        ComponentResult result;

        err = PtrToHand(&m_soundHandle, &dataRef, sizeof(Handle));

        if (memcmp(&(*m_soundHandle)[8], "WAVE", 4) == 0)
            miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeWave);
        else if (memcmp(&(*m_soundHandle)[8], "AIFF", 4) == 0)
            miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeAIFF);
        else if (memcmp(&(*m_soundHandle)[8], "AIFC", 4) == 0)
            miComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieImportType, kQTFileTypeAIFC);
            wxLogSysError(wxT("wxSound - Location in memory does not contain valid data"));
            return false;

        m_movie = NewMovie(0);

        result = MovieImportDataRef(miComponent,                dataRef,
                                    HandleDataHandlerSubType,   m_movie,
                                    nil,                        &targetTrack,
                                    nil,                        &addedDuration,
                                    movieImportCreateTrack,     &outFlags);

        if (result != noErr)
            wxLogSysError(wxString::Format(wxT("Couldn't import movie data\nError:%i"), (int)result));

        SetMovieVolume(m_movie, kFullVolume);
        OSErr err = noErr ;

        Handle dataRef = NULL;
        OSType dataRefType;

        err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(wxCFStringRef(m_sndname,wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()),
                                                     (UInt32)kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType);

        wxASSERT(err == noErr);

        if (NULL != dataRef || err != noErr)
            err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &m_movie, newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs , NULL, dataRef, dataRefType );
            wxASSERT(err == noErr);

        if (err != noErr)
                          wxString::Format(wxT("wxSound - Could not open file: %s\nError:%i"), m_sndname.c_str(), err )
            return false;

    //Start the m_movie!

    if (flags & wxSOUND_ASYNC)
        wxASSERT_MSG(!(flags & wxSOUND_LOOP), wxT("Can't loop and play syncronously at the same time"));

        //Play movie until it ends, then exit
        //Note that due to quicktime caching this may not always
        //work 100% correctly
        while (!IsMovieDone(m_movie))
            MoviesTask(m_movie, 1);


    return true;