Exemple #1
static void scientific(double *x, int *sgn, int *kpower, int *nsig)
    /* for a number x , determine
     *	sgn    = 1_{x < 0}  {0/1}
     *	kpower = Exponent of 10;
     *	nsig   = min(R_print.digits, #{significant digits of alpha})
     * where  |x| = alpha * 10^kpower	and	 1 <= alpha < 10
    register double alpha;
    register double r;
    register int kp;
    int j;

    if (*x == 0.0) {
	*kpower = 0;
	*nsig = 1;
	*sgn = 0;
    } else {
	if(*x < 0.0) {
	    *sgn = 1; r = -*x;
	} else {
	    *sgn = 0; r = *x;
        if (R_print.digits >= DBL_DIG + 1) {
            format_via_sprintf(r, R_print.digits, kpower, nsig);
        kp = (int) floor(log10(r)) - R_print.digits + 1;/* r = |x|; 10^(kp + digits - 1) <= r */
        long double r_prec = r;
        /* use exact scaling factor in long double precision, if possible */
        if (abs(kp) <= 27) {
            if (kp > 0) r_prec /= tbl[kp]; else if (kp < 0) r_prec *= tbl[ -kp];
#ifdef HAVE_POWL
            r_prec /= powl(10.0, (long double) kp);
        else if (kp <= R_dec_min_exponent)
            r_prec = (r_prec * 1e+303)/pow(10.0, (double)(kp+303));
            r_prec /= pow(10.0, (double) kp);
        if (r_prec < tbl[R_print.digits - 1]) {
            r_prec *= 10.0;
        /* round alpha to integer, 10^(digits-1) <= alpha <= 10^digits
	   accuracy limited by double rounding problem,
	   alpha already rounded to 64 bits */
        alpha = (double) R_nearbyintl(r_prec);
        /* use exact scaling factor in double precision, if possible */
        if (abs(kp) <= 22) {
            if (kp >= 0) r /= tbl[kp]; else r *= tbl[ -kp];
        /* on IEEE 1e-308 is not representable except by gradual underflow.
           Shifting by 303 allows for any potential denormalized numbers x,
           and makes the reasonable assumption that R_dec_min_exponent+303
           is in range. Representation of 1e+303 has low error.
        else if (kp <= R_dec_min_exponent)
            r = (r * 1e+303)/pow(10.0, (double)(kp+303));
            r /= pow(10.0, (double)kp);
        if (r < tbl[R_print.digits - 1]) {
            r *= 10.0;
        /* round alpha to integer, 10^(digits-1) <= alpha <= 10^digits */
        /* accuracy limited by double rounding problem, alpha already rounded to 53 bits */
        alpha = R_nearbyint(r);
        *nsig = R_print.digits;
        for (j = 1; j <= R_print.digits; j++) {
            alpha /= 10.0;
            if (alpha == floor(alpha)) {
            } else {
        if (*nsig == 0) {
            *nsig = 1;
            kp += 1;
        *kpower = kp + R_print.digits - 1;
Exemple #2
static void 
scientific(double *x, int *sgn, int *kpower, int *nsig, int *roundingwidens)
    /* for a number x , determine
     *	sgn    = 1_{x < 0}  {0/1}
     *	kpower = Exponent of 10;
     *	nsig   = min(R_print.digits, #{significant digits of alpha})
     *  roundingwidens = 1 if rounding causes x to increase in width, 0 otherwise
     * where  |x| = alpha * 10^kpower	and	 1 <= alpha < 10
    register double alpha;
    register double r;
    register int kp;
    int j;

    if (*x == 0.0) {
	*kpower = 0;
	*nsig = 1;
	*sgn = 0;
	*roundingwidens = 0;
    } else {
	if(*x < 0.0) {
	    *sgn = 1; r = -*x;
	} else {
	    *sgn = 0; r = *x;
        if (R_print.digits >= DBL_DIG + 1) {
            format_via_sprintf(r, R_print.digits, kpower, nsig);
	    *roundingwidens = 0;
        kp = (int) floor(log10(r)) - R_print.digits + 1;/* r = |x|; 10^(kp + digits - 1) <= r */
        long double r_prec = r;
        /* use exact scaling factor in long double precision, if possible */
        if (abs(kp) <= 27) {
            if (kp > 0) r_prec /= tbl[kp+1]; else if (kp < 0) r_prec *= tbl[ -kp+1];
#ifdef HAVE_POWL
            r_prec /= powl(10.0, (long double) kp);
        else if (kp <= R_dec_min_exponent)
            r_prec = (r_prec * 1e+303)/pow(10.0, (double)(kp+303));
            r_prec /= pow(10.0, (double) kp);
        if (r_prec < tbl[R_print.digits]) {
            r_prec *= 10.0;
        /* round alpha to integer, 10^(digits-1) <= alpha <= 10^digits
	   accuracy limited by double rounding problem,
	   alpha already rounded to 64 bits */
        alpha = (double) R_nearbyintl(r_prec);
	double r_prec = r;
        /* use exact scaling factor in double precision, if possible */
        if (abs(kp) <= 22) {
            if (kp >= 0) r_prec /= tbl[kp+1]; else r_prec *= tbl[ -kp+1];
        /* on IEEE 1e-308 is not representable except by gradual underflow.
           Shifting by 303 allows for any potential denormalized numbers x,
           and makes the reasonable assumption that R_dec_min_exponent+303
           is in range. Representation of 1e+303 has low error.
        else if (kp <= R_dec_min_exponent)
            r_prec = (r_prec * 1e+303)/pow(10.0, (double)(kp+303));
            r_prec /= pow(10.0, (double)kp);
        if (r_prec < tbl[R_print.digits]) {
            r_prec *= 10.0;
        /* round alpha to integer, 10^(digits-1) <= alpha <= 10^digits */
        /* accuracy limited by double rounding problem, 
	   alpha already rounded to 53 bits */
        alpha = R_nearbyint(r_prec);
        *nsig = R_print.digits;
        for (j = 1; j <= R_print.digits; j++) {
            alpha /= 10.0;
            if (alpha == floor(alpha)) {
            } else {
        if (*nsig == 0 && R_print.digits > 0) {
            *nsig = 1;
            kp += 1;
        *kpower = kp + R_print.digits - 1;

	/* Scientific format may do more rounding than fixed format, e.g.
	   9996 with 3 digits is 1e+04 in scientific, but 9996 in fixed.
	   This happens when the true value r is less than 10^(kpower+1)
	   and would not round up to it in fixed format.
	   Here rgt is the decimal place that will be cut off by rounding */
	int rgt = R_print.digits - *kpower;
	/* bound rgt by 0 and KP_MAX */
	rgt = rgt < 0 ? 0 : rgt > KP_MAX ? KP_MAX : rgt;
	double fuzz = 0.5/(double)tbl[1 + rgt];
	// kpower can be bigger than the table.	
	*roundingwidens = *kpower > 0 && *kpower <= KP_MAX && r < tbl[*kpower + 1] - fuzz;