Exemple #1
static int
    pointer value,
    XID id)
    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr)value;
    unsigned short name_len, data_len;
    char *name, *data;
    int status;
    int i;
    OtherClientsPtr pEventClient;

    /* Remove the auth using the os layer auth manager */

    status = AuthorizationFromID(pAuth->id, &name_len, &name,
				 &data_len, &data);
    status = RemoveAuthorization(name_len, name, data_len, data);

    /* free the auth timer if there is one */

    if (pAuth->timer) TimerFree(pAuth->timer);

    /* send revoke events */

    while ((pEventClient = pAuth->eventClients))
	/* send revocation event event */
	ClientPtr client = rClient(pEventClient);

	if (!client->clientGone)
	    xSecurityAuthorizationRevokedEvent are;
	    are.type = SecurityEventBase + XSecurityAuthorizationRevoked;
	    are.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
	    are.authId = pAuth->id;
	    WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *)&are);
	FreeResource(pEventClient->resource, RT_NONE);

    /* kill all clients using this auth */

    for (i = 1; i<currentMaxClients; i++)
	if (clients[i]) {
	    SecurityStateRec *state;
	    state = dixLookupPrivate(&clients[i]->devPrivates, stateKey);
	    if (state->haveState && state->authId == pAuth->id)

    SecurityAudit("revoked authorization ID %d\n", pAuth->id);
    return Success;

} /* SecurityDeleteAuthorization */
Exemple #2
static int
SecurityDeleteAuthorization(void *value, XID id)
    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr) value;
    unsigned short name_len, data_len;
    const char *name;
    char *data;
    int status;
    int i;
    OtherClientsPtr pEventClient;

    /* Remove the auth using the os layer auth manager */

    status = AuthorizationFromID(pAuth->id, &name_len, &name, &data_len, &data);
    status = RemoveAuthorization(name_len, name, data_len, data);
    (void) status;

    /* free the auth timer if there is one */

    if (pAuth->timer)

    /* send revoke events */

    while ((pEventClient = pAuth->eventClients)) {
        /* send revocation event event */
        xSecurityAuthorizationRevokedEvent are = {
            .type = SecurityEventBase + XSecurityAuthorizationRevoked,
            .authId = pAuth->id
        WriteEventsToClient(rClient(pEventClient), 1, (xEvent *) &are);
        FreeResource(pEventClient->resource, RT_NONE);

    /* kill all clients using this auth */

    for (i = 1; i < currentMaxClients; i++)
        if (clients[i]) {
            SecurityStateRec *state;

            state = dixLookupPrivate(&clients[i]->devPrivates, stateKey);
            if (state->haveState && state->authId == pAuth->id)

    SecurityAudit("revoked authorization ID %lu\n", (unsigned long)pAuth->id);
    return Success;

}                               /* SecurityDeleteAuthorization */

/* resource delete function for RTEventClient */
static int
SecurityDeleteAuthorizationEventClient(void *value, XID id)
    OtherClientsPtr pEventClient, prev = NULL;
    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr) value;

    for (pEventClient = pAuth->eventClients;
         pEventClient; pEventClient = pEventClient->next) {
        if (pEventClient->resource == id) {
            if (prev)
                prev->next = pEventClient->next;
                pAuth->eventClients = pEventClient->next;
            return Success;
        prev = pEventClient;
     /*NOTREACHED*/ return -1;  /* make compiler happy */
}                               /* SecurityDeleteAuthorizationEventClient */
static int
    ClientPtr client)
    int len;			/* request length in CARD32s*/
    Bool removeAuth = FALSE;	/* if bailout, call RemoveAuthorization? */
    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth = NULL;  /* auth we are creating */
    int err;			/* error to return from this function */
    XID authId;			/* authorization ID assigned by os layer */
    xSecurityGenerateAuthorizationReply rep; /* reply struct */
    unsigned int trustLevel;    /* trust level of new auth */
    XID group;			/* group of new auth */
    CARD32 timeout;		/* timeout of new auth */
    CARD32 *values;		/* list of supplied attributes */
    char *protoname;		/* auth proto name sent in request */
    char *protodata;		/* auth proto data sent in request */
    unsigned int authdata_len;  /* # bytes of generated auth data */
    char *pAuthdata;		/* generated auth data */
    Mask eventMask;		/* what events on this auth does client want */

    /* check request length */

    len = bytes_to_int32(SIZEOF(xSecurityGenerateAuthorizationReq));
    len += bytes_to_int32(stuff->nbytesAuthProto);
    len += bytes_to_int32(stuff->nbytesAuthData);
    values = ((CARD32 *)stuff) + len;
    len += Ones(stuff->valueMask);
    if (client->req_len != len)
	return BadLength;

    /* check valuemask */
    if (stuff->valueMask & ~XSecurityAllAuthorizationAttributes)
	client->errorValue = stuff->valueMask;
	return BadValue;

    /* check timeout */
    timeout = 60;
    if (stuff->valueMask & XSecurityTimeout)
	timeout = *values++;

    /* check trustLevel */
    trustLevel = XSecurityClientUntrusted;
    if (stuff->valueMask & XSecurityTrustLevel)
	trustLevel = *values++;
	if (trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted &&
	    trustLevel != XSecurityClientUntrusted)
	    client->errorValue = trustLevel;
	    return BadValue;

    /* check group */
    group = None;
    if (stuff->valueMask & XSecurityGroup)
	group = *values++;
	if (SecurityValidateGroupCallback)
	    SecurityValidateGroupInfoRec vgi;
	    vgi.group = group;
	    vgi.valid = FALSE;
	    CallCallbacks(&SecurityValidateGroupCallback, (pointer)&vgi);

	    /* if nobody said they recognized it, it's an error */

	    if (!vgi.valid)
		client->errorValue = group;
		return BadValue;

    /* check event mask */
    eventMask = 0;
    if (stuff->valueMask & XSecurityEventMask)
	eventMask = *values++;
	if (eventMask & ~XSecurityAllEventMasks)
	    client->errorValue = eventMask;
	    return BadValue;

    protoname = (char *)&stuff[1];
    protodata = protoname + bytes_to_int32(stuff->nbytesAuthProto);

    /* call os layer to generate the authorization */

    authId = GenerateAuthorization(stuff->nbytesAuthProto, protoname,
				   stuff->nbytesAuthData,  protodata,
				   &authdata_len, &pAuthdata);
    if ((XID) ~0L == authId)
	err = SecurityErrorBase + XSecurityBadAuthorizationProtocol;
	goto bailout;

    /* now that we've added the auth, remember to remove it if we have to
     * abort the request for some reason (like allocation failure)
    removeAuth = TRUE;

    /* associate additional information with this auth ID */

    pAuth = malloc(sizeof(SecurityAuthorizationRec));
    if (!pAuth)
	err = BadAlloc;
	goto bailout;

    /* fill in the auth fields */

    pAuth->id = authId;
    pAuth->timeout = timeout;
    pAuth->group = group;
    pAuth->trustLevel = trustLevel;
    pAuth->refcnt = 0;	/* the auth was just created; nobody's using it yet */
    pAuth->secondsRemaining = 0;
    pAuth->timer = NULL;
    pAuth->eventClients = NULL;

    /* handle event selection */
    if (eventMask)
	err = SecurityEventSelectForAuthorization(pAuth, client, eventMask);
	if (err != Success)
	    goto bailout;

    if (!AddResource(authId, SecurityAuthorizationResType, pAuth))
	err = BadAlloc;
	goto bailout;

    /* start the timer ticking */

    if (pAuth->timeout != 0)

    /* tell client the auth id and data */

    rep.type = X_Reply;
    rep.length = bytes_to_int32(authdata_len);
    rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
    rep.authId = authId;
    rep.dataLength = authdata_len;

    if (client->swapped)
	char n;
    	swapl(&rep.length, n);
    	swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
    	swapl(&rep.authId, n);
    	swaps(&rep.dataLength, n);

    WriteToClient(client, SIZEOF(xSecurityGenerateAuthorizationReply),
		  (char *)&rep);
    WriteToClient(client, authdata_len, pAuthdata);

    SecurityAudit("client %d generated authorization %d trust %d timeout %d group %d events %d\n",
		  client->index, pAuth->id, pAuth->trustLevel, pAuth->timeout,
		  pAuth->group, eventMask);

    /* the request succeeded; don't call RemoveAuthorization or free pAuth */
    return Success;

    if (removeAuth)
	RemoveAuthorization(stuff->nbytesAuthProto, protoname,
			    authdata_len, pAuthdata);
    return err;

} /* ProcSecurityGenerateAuthorization */