Exemple #1
static void
determineOutputTupleType(BaseTupletype const baseTupletype,
                         bool          const underlayHaveOpacity,
                         char *        const tupleType,
                         size_t        const size) {

    char buffer[80];

    switch (baseTupletype) {
        STRSCPY(buffer, "RGB");
    case TT_GRAYSCALE:
        STRSCPY(buffer, "GRAYSCALE");
    case TT_RGB:
        STRSCPY(buffer, "RGB");

    if (underlayHaveOpacity)
        STRSCAT(buffer, "_ALPHA");

    strncpy(tupleType, buffer, size);
Exemple #2
static void
getline(char * const line,
        size_t const size,
        FILE * const stream) {
   Read the next line from the input file 'stream', through the one-line
   buffer lastInputLine[].

   If 'backup' is true, the "next line" is the previously read line, i.e.
   the one in that one-line buffer.  Otherwise, the "next line" is the next
   line from the real file.  After reading the backed up line, we reset 
   'backup' to false.

   Return the line as a null terminated string in *line, which is an
   array of 'size' bytes.

   Exit program if the line doesn't fit in the buffer.
    if (size > sizeof(lastInputLine))
        pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: getline() received 'size' parameter "
                 "which is out of bounds");

    if (backup) {
        strncpy(line, lastInputLine, size); 
        backup = FALSE;
    } else {
        if (fgets(line, size, stream) == NULL)
            pm_error("EOF or read error on input file");
        if (strlen(line) == size - 1)
            pm_error("Input file has line that is too long (longer than "
                     "%u bytes).", (unsigned)size - 1);
        STRSCPY(lastInputLine, line);
static void
colormapToImage(int                const format,
                const struct pam * const colormapPamP,
                tupletable2        const colormap,
                bool               const sort,
                bool               const square,
                struct pam *       const outpamP, 
                tuple ***          const outputRasterP) {
   Create a tuple array and pam structure for an image which includes
   one pixel of each of the colors in the colormap 'colormap'.

   May rearrange the contents of 'colormap'.
    outpamP->size             = sizeof(*outpamP);
    outpamP->len              = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
    outpamP->format           = format,
    outpamP->plainformat      = FALSE;
    outpamP->depth            = colormapPamP->depth;
    outpamP->maxval           = colormapPamP->maxval;
    outpamP->bytes_per_sample = pnm_bytespersample(outpamP->maxval);
    STRSCPY(outpamP->tuple_type, colormapPamP->tuple_type);

    if (sort)
        sortColormap(colormap, outpamP->depth);

    if (square) 
        colormapToSquare(outpamP, colormap, outputRasterP);
        colormapToSingleRow(outpamP, colormap, outputRasterP);
Exemple #4
static void
formatPeerInfoInet6(const struct sockaddr_in6 * const sockaddrIn6P,
                    socklen_t                   const sockaddrLen,
                    const char **               const peerStringP) {

    if (sockaddrLen < sizeof(*sockaddrIn6P))
        xmlrpc_asprintf(peerStringP, "??? getpeername() returned "
                        "the wrong size");
    else {
        /* Gcc on Debian 6 gives a bewildering error message about aliasing
           if we try to dereference sockaddrIn6P in various ways, regardless
           of casts to void * or anything else.  So we copy the data structure
           as raw memory contents and then access the copy.  12.02.05.
        struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr;

        MEMSCPY(&sockaddr, sockaddrIn6P);

            char buffer[256];
            const char * rc;

            rc = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sockaddr.sin6_addr,
                           buffer, sizeof(buffer));

            /* Punt the supposedly impossible error */
            if (rc == NULL)
                STRSCPY(buffer, "???");

            xmlrpc_asprintf(peerStringP, "[%s]:%hu",
                            buffer, sockaddr.sin6_port);
main(int           argc,
     const char ** argv) {

    struct cmdlineInfo cmdline;
    FILE * ifP;
    tuple ** outTuples;        /* Output image */
    scaler * scalerP;
    struct pam inpam;
    struct pam outpam;

    pm_proginit(&argc, argv);

    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);

    ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName);

    pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(allocation_depth));

    pnm_setminallocationdepth(&inpam, 3);
    outpam.size               = sizeof(outpam);
    outpam.len                = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
    outpam.file               = stdout;
    outpam.width              = inpam.width;
    outpam.height             = inpam.height;
    outpam.depth              = 3;
    outpam.maxval             =
    outpam.bytes_per_sample   = inpam.bytes_per_sample;
    STRSCPY(outpam.tuple_type, "RGB");
    outpam.format             = RPPM_FORMAT;
    outpam.plainformat        = false;

    scaler_create(outpam.maxval, cmdline.colorRes, &scalerP);

    ditherImage(&inpam, scalerP, cmdline.dim, cmdline.colorRes,
                &outpam, &outTuples);

    pnm_writepam(&outpam, outTuples);


    pnm_freepamarray(outTuples, &outpam);


    return 0;
static void
computeHistogram(FILE *         const ifP,
                 int *          const formatP,
                 struct pam *   const freqPamP,
                 tupletable2 *  const colorfreqtableP) {
  Make a histogram of the colors in the image stream in the file '*ifP'.
  Return as *freqPamP a description of the tuple values in the histogram.
  Only the fields of *freqPamP that describe individual tuples are
  meaningful (depth, maxval, tuple type);

  As a fringe benefit, also return the format of the input file as
    unsigned int imageSeq;
    struct pam firstPam;
    tuplehash tuplehash;
    unsigned int colorCount;
    int eof;
    pm_message("making histogram...");

    tuplehash = pnm_createtuplehash();
    colorCount = 0;

    eof = FALSE;

    for (imageSeq = 0; !eof; ++imageSeq) {
        struct pam inpam;
        pm_message("Scanning image %u", imageSeq);

        pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inpam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type));

        if (imageSeq == 0)
            firstPam = inpam;
            validateCompatibleImage(&inpam, &firstPam, imageSeq);
        addImageColorsToHash(&inpam, tuplehash, &colorCount);

        pm_message("%u colors so far", colorCount);

        pnm_nextimage(ifP, &eof);
    colorfreqtableP->table =
        pnm_tuplehashtotable(&firstPam, tuplehash, colorCount);
    colorfreqtableP->size = colorCount;


    pm_message("%u colors found", colorfreqtableP->size);
    freqPamP->size   = sizeof(*freqPamP);
    freqPamP->len    = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
    freqPamP->maxval = firstPam.maxval;
    freqPamP->bytes_per_sample = pnm_bytespersample(freqPamP->maxval);
    freqPamP->depth  = firstPam.depth;
    STRSCPY(freqPamP->tuple_type, firstPam.tuple_type);
    *formatP = firstPam.format;
static void
parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv,
                 struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) {
   Note that the file spec array we return is stored in the storage that
   was passed to us as the argv array.
    optEntry *option_def;
        /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options.
    optStruct3 opt;

    unsigned int option_def_index;
    const char * nameOpt;
    unsigned int nameSpec;

    MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100);

    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENTRY */
    OPTENT3(0,   "alphamask",   OPT_STRING, &cmdlineP->alpha_filename, 
            NULL, 0);
    OPTENT3(0,   "name",        OPT_STRING, &nameOpt,                   
            &nameSpec, 0);
    OPTENT3(0,   "rgb",         OPT_STRING, &cmdlineP->rgb,            
            NULL, 0);
    OPTENT3(0,   "hexonly",     OPT_FLAG, NULL,
            &cmdlineP->hexonly, 0);
    OPTENT3(0,   "verbose",     OPT_FLAG, NULL,
            &cmdlineP->verbose, 0);

    /* Set the defaults */
    cmdlineP->alpha_filename = NULL;  /* no transparency */
    cmdlineP->rgb = NULL;      /* no rgb file specified */

    opt.opt_table = option_def;
    opt.short_allowed = FALSE;  /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */
    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;  /* We may have parms that are negative numbers */

    pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
        /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */

    if (argc-1 == 0) 
        cmdlineP->inputFilename = "-";
    else if (argc-1 != 1)
        pm_error("Program takes zero or one argument (filename).  You "
                 "specified %d", argc-1);
        cmdlineP->inputFilename = argv[1];

    /* If output filename not specified, use input filename as default. */
    if (nameSpec)
        cmdlineP->name = nameOpt;
    else if (streq(cmdlineP->inputFilename, "-"))
        cmdlineP->name = "noname";
    else {
        static char name[80+1];
        char *cp;

        STRSCPY(name, cmdlineP->inputFilename);
        cp = strchr(name, '.');
        if (cp)
            *cp = '\0';     /* remove extension */
        cmdlineP->name = name;